The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 10, 1911, Image 7

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Item of lnteret to Journal Rader Will Be Received at the Dru Store
mnnnru irn nrnnin
4 New subscriptions and 4
4' renewals to the Journal will
4- be recived by J. A. Shaffer 4
4 at the drug store. Local fc
4- news, advertising matter 4
J and all business ptrtaining 4
4" to this department may be
J transacted. Mr. and Mrs.
4 Shaffer are instructed to re- J
ceived and receipt for all
4 money. Ed. J
was in
went to
Charles Bucknell went to Union
V. II. Higgins returned from
Lincoln Sunday.
George Bobbilt did business in
Lincoln Thursday.
Al Hood of Lincoln was in town
Tuesday on business.
Mr. Swartz of Eagle
town Tuesday morning.
George I Foreman
Deuel county last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Curyea
were in Lincoln last week.
Verl Linen went to Lincoln
Saturday, returning Monday.
Morgan Curyea returned from
Lincoln Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. Charles lUiekncll went to
Lincoln last Friday to attend the
Mr. and Mrs. Kinceley of Lin
coln visited Sunday with Dr. and
Mrs. L. Muir.
County Clerk D. C. Morgan was
in town Tuesday delivering elec
tion notices.
Miss Grayce Bailey was a pas
senger for Lincoln Tuesday morn
Mrs. Bentley Davis of Syracuse
is visiting relatives here this
Arthur Bird and family spent
Sunday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Bird.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner
visited Sunday at Mr. and Mrs
W. S. Jordan's.
Mrs. E. M. Stone and son, La-
Verne, spent Sunday in Weeping
Water with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Ward of
Elmwood are visiting at the home
of L. B. Appleman.
.,.Mi.iS Bessie Suders returned to
Clatonia Sunday, after visiting a
couple of weeks here.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Linch re
turned Tuesday from the Epworlh
Assembly at Lincoln
Mrs. "John Mullin returned
Tuesday from a visit with her
brother at Cambridge, Neb.
Miss Orpha Mullen went to Lin
coln Tuesday to attend the
Epworth Assembly a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner of
University Plae.e spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jordan.
Mr. and Mrs. George, Bobbitt
and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Nickel
attended the assembly at Lincoln
Miss Marie Stroemer and Mrs
Arzilla Foreman went to Lincoln
Wednesday to attend the Epworth
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cole of Have-
lock visited Saturday and Sunday
with Mrs. Cole's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Foreman.
W. Kelly Fox, democratic can
didate for county treasurer, and
D. C. Hhoden, democratic can
didate for sheriff, were in town
Mr. and Mrs. John Woods went
to Nuckols county Monday by
the auto route. They will visit
at Cambridge, Neb., before re
Mrs. George Sutton, who is
quite ill, was taken to Lincoln last
week to the hospital, but being
too weak to stand an operation
returned home.
The Misses Ella and Lillian
Bates of Weeping Water have
been visiting their sister, Mrs
Wesley Bird and other relatives
the past week.
L. B. Appleman and daughter
Miss Gladys, and son, Clifford
went to Omaha Tuesday morning
Mr. Appleman returned on No. 17
Tuesday evening.
Fellow Carried a Big Stick and He
Was Extremely Rude in
Hia Language.
That exceedingly fresh begger
that made this town yesterday
was given one hour to leave town
this morning by Judge Archer,
after Chief Hainey had brought
the fellow before the judge. The
begger was a big fellow, who car
ried a very heavy cane. If he was
turned out he became a little
stronger in his reqeusts, usually
ending up with something smart,
or even an insult. Several com
plaints were made to the police
about him.
A good place for such a man
is on a rock pile. The fellow's
only affliction was a wooden leg
beneath his trousers, which he
usually hit a good, strong lick
with the cane to prove that it was
wood and not flesh and bone. As
the sound was something like that
of hitting a post with a club, the
leg was probably wood all right
From Monday's Pally. 1
William Kaufman returned
from Hasclock yesterday afler-
J. I. Miller of Weeping Water
was a visitor in the citv today,
looking after various business
matters and calling at this office
and renewing his subscription to
this paper for another year.
Prof and Mrs. N. C. Abbott are
spending two weeks in Omaha,
having a residence at 3221 Pa
cific street. Prof. Abbott came
down last night for the board
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gapin and
Miss Isabella Young were up from
Murray yesterday afternoon, ar
ranging for the funeral of the late
F. M. Young, the father of Mrs.
Gapin and Miss Young, which will
occur Wednesday at 2 o'clock
p. m.
A lazy liver leads io chronic
dyspepsia and constipation
weakens the whole system. Doan's
Hegulets (25 cents per box) cor
rect the liver, tone the stomach,
cure constipation.
1 O'Clock the Mercury Stood
at 102, With Prospects of
Going Higher.
Oscar II. Snavely, born in Mc
Lean county, Illinois, December
22, 1873. With his parents he
came to Nebraska in 1885. Was
married in 1899 to Miss Cora
Roelfsy. There were four chil
dren born to the union. Seven or
eight years ago they moved to
Lincoln, where he died August 1,
1911, of a complication of dis
eases. The remains were brought
to Alvo Wednesday, August 2, and
laid to rest in Brethern cemetery,
one mile south of town. The
funeral services were held in the
Brethern church and were con
ducted by S. G. Thompson of Lin
coln. He leaves a wife, two sons
and two daughters, his parents,
two brothers and one sister to
mourn for him.
Good old August weather is
certainly here, the kind that sug
gests electric fans and Canadian
summering places. It came yes
terday and is staying witn us
awhile, apparently. The ther
mometer passed the 100 mark
yesterday, and today at the Bur
lington depot, where the ther
mometer is placed like those of
the federal weather bureau, the
temperature stood at 102 at
o'clock, with every prospect of go
ing higher. It was 80 at 8 o'clock
this morning.
At Kansas City yesterday the
mercury reached 103. The heat
wave is general over the west.
Relief is promised by today's forecast.
Commissioners of Sarpy County
Agree to Construct Good High
way From La Platte.
T. H. Pollock returned from
Papillion yesterday, where he
went to consult with the Sarpy
county commissioners concerning
the laying out of a road from La
Platte to the north terminus of
the new toll bridge that will be
built this summer and fall across
the. Platte river.
The commisisoncrs agreed to
put in a good road from La Platte
to the river. It will be approxi
mately three-fourth of a mile
long. It includes a 200-foot
bridge across Spring Creek. The
road begins about 1,000 feet south
of the pumping station at La
Platte, crosses the Misouri Pa
cific and Burlington tracks just
north of their bridges over the
slough. The road will then follow
the east side of the Burlington
right-of-way to the north bank of
the river, where it will meet the
bridge at a point ISO feet east of
Ihe Burlington bridge.
The commissioners have agreed
to grade the road up two feet, and
then add a foot of clay, which w ill
make a very good road. About
fifteen cars of material for Ihe
bridge are on the ground and the
construction force is expected to
begin work today.
A Juvenile Band.
Having talked with the parents
of a number of musically-inclined
boys between the ages of 12 and
10 years about the organization
of a juvenile band, I believe that
there is a demand for such an or
ganization, and I will be glad to
call on parents who are interested
in having their boys in the band
if it is organized. Call me up and
I will talk matters over with you
E. II. Schulhof,
Director Plaltsmouth Band.
Cut the Weeds in No. 27.
Notice is hereby given to al
land owners in Road District No
27 that the weeds must be cut by
the 15lh of the present month or
the same will be done by the road
overseer and taxed against the
property. The law says the weeds
must be cut, so let us sec that the
same is done at once.
TV f T T7 n n 1 r
Road Overseer
H. C. McMaken Out.
H. C. McMaken. who has been ill
for some time, was out today for
he first time since he was taken
down with sickness. He was down
town for a while.
Marriage License.
A rnarriiice license was issuei
today for Henry C. Giu-bel nnd
Dora L. Slohlmann. I t li of Louisville.
Scratch I
scratch the worse
Doan's Ointment,
eczema, any skin
druggists sell it.
Itch I Itch! Scratch 1
Scratch! The more you
the itch. Try
It cures piles,
itching. All
From Tuesday's Pally.
Mrs. K. Tritsch and daughter
went to Omaha todav.
G. P. Mcisingcr of Cedar Creek
spent Saturday in Plattsniouth.
Miss Annie Gauer went to Cedar
Creek Saturday to stay over Sun
day with her parents.
William Kaufman left Saturday
afternoon to spend a few days in
Lincoln and llaveloek.
Miss lternelta Hector returned
to Chicago Saturday evening, after
visiting W. 11. Heil and family of
Eight Mile Grove.
A. W. Smith returned from
Omaha last evening, where he at
tended a convention of Nebraska
fire insurance men.
Mrs. A. F. Seybert of Collum
spent Saturday in Plaltsmouth.
Her little nephew, Will Keil, of
Cedar Creek, accompanied her
Mrs. A. L. Baker and daughter,
Opha, of Murray, came up on the
early train this morning to look
after some business matters, re
turning on the 10:07 train.
Henry Theirolf of Cedar Creek
was in the city (Vday looking after
some business matters, and gave
the Journal a pleasant call. Mr.
Theirolf, who runs a thresher,
says he has just finished all the
shock threshing in his territory
and the wehat yield is good and
in some places better than expect
ed. County Clerk Morgan started
out th.s morning by automobile to
delivtr election ballots and elec
tion supplies to the various pre
cincts of the county. He was ac
companied by W. K. Fox. who
interviewed the dear voter on the
side in reference to his candidacy
for treasurer.
Louisille vesterday afternoon to
visit there a couple of days.
Judge A. J. lteeson went to
Louisxille yesterday afternoon on
hi way to Fa fie tn attend the)
picnic there.
Thu Burlington is doing a little
painting around ils depot, giving
pecial attention to the block
signal apparatus.
Mrs. J. K. Johnson and family
returned to Lincoln yesterday
afternoon after visiting J. W.
Johnson and familv.
W. E. Rosencrans. the rustling
real estate man of this city, made
a business trip to Columbus, Ne
braska, this afternoon.
Father William Higgins of
Mauley, who has been visiiting in
the city with Father Shine, re
turned home this afternoon.
Mrs. Floyd Harvey of Lincoln
departed this afternoon for New
man Grove, Neb., after a few days'
visit in this city with her mother,
Mrs. Clara Frye.
In the party that arrived from
Louisville this morning to attend
the funeral of Carey A. Manker
were F. S. Nichols, E. C. Twiss,
C. M. Seybert, E. Palmer and A.
II. Peterson.
George Manker of Bedford
Iowa, and H. E. Manker of Elliott,
Iowa, arrived here this mtn'mug to
attend the funeral of their broth
er, Carey A. Manker.
Hon. Wiilliam Delles Dernier,
republican candidate for county
judge, was in the city over night
looking after some business mat
ters, and departed for his home
in Elmwood on the 10:07 M. 1
train this morning.
G. S. Upton, democratic can
didale for railroad commissioner,
was in the city over night, having
come down from Omaha las
night, where he spent several days
in the interest of his candidacy
Sim is getting around among
them, and as he is the only can
didale on the democratic side of
the house in eastern Nebraska, lie
should have every vote in Cass
Statement of the Condition
Flint mortgage loans 1 9fl.lViO tt
Stn-k Uwim .... H..T4 ho
am liLMOi 5
lcllnloeiit iniercxt, premluma and
Hues j..'E 56
imirance anil taxes paid and ad-
vtlhVil 1.573 Kl
Ki'ttl estate contract 3,rs!l 77
Kent account, 7V til
Capital Stock paid up $ W.5I8 0l
Kescrve fund 5,KJ ,H
Dividends declared ftl.Tti (17
Total $1:K,4I7
Total $1E.4I7
F.NDINO JllNB'tl, ID11.
Uuliince on hand July 1. 1V10 s.titol 7iV
Hues !I.N4
Interests, premium and tines 9.U74 34
U.ans repaid SUM
Membership lit M !
Heal estate contracts Itti US
Insurance and tuxes paid and ad
vanced HI) 41
Finos law
.oiiiih i UMM (
I' Ms'iiscs IX "U
Stock ivdecincd 2I.41W R'
tush oil hum! lU.Ui.'i l
Matured stock M'-"-
Matured stock Interest 4,::,H in
Insurance and taxes paid and ad
vanced n;i.i4
Kent and repair !
Total T.IW "!
1. Carl U. Filckc. secretary of the alsive
n limed association, do solemnly swear that the
foivgolng statement .of the condition of said as
sociation. In true and correct to I lie Ixwt of my
knowledge) and liellef.
C. U. r KU'KK,
Approved: Secretary.
Wll.MAM IIOT.I.Y. Director.
Subhscrllsnl and sworn to before uie this fcltU
day of July, lino.
Thom Wai.i.ino,
Inral.1 Notary 1'ulillo.
My commlsslou expires February 13, 1913.
Will Advertise Chautauqua and
Fraternal Picnic, Starts Next
Monday Morning.
On Monday morning at 8 o'clock
1'ic boosters leave Weeping Water
for a tour of a large portion of the
county. The itinerary of the trip
calls for S-(J miles and is outlined
as follows:
Town Arrive Leave.
Wabash 8:30 a in 8:45 a in
Elmwood ... .):()() a in 9:30 am
Murdock . ...10:00 a in 10:15 a in
Manley 10:45 a in 11:00 a m
Louisville ..11 :00 a m 11:30 a in
I'lallsmoulh 12:30 p m 2:00 p in
Dinner at. the Hiley Hotel.
Mynanl 2:15pm 2:30 p m
Murray 2:45 pin 3:00 pin
Union 4:00 p m 4:20 p m
Nehawka ... 1:50pm 5:10 pin
voea 5:40 pm
Our good rrieml, I). J. I'liman,
came up from Murray on the early
Irain this morning to look after
some business mailers, returning
on the 10:07 train. While in the
city Mr. Pitman called and re
newed for the tlaily and Ihe copy
of the semi-weekly he is sending
to Albert Stoer, Corydon, Intl. Mr.
I'itman believes in patronizing
the Journal because it is worthy
of support. He pays for several
copies of the Journal which he
sends to distant friends.
Another Local Man Is Successful
in Bids for Work at the
Federal Building.
Dispatches from Washington
slate that Walter J. While of
Plaltsmouth has been awarded the
contract for the approaches and
sub-drainage for the federal
building here. The work includes
the cement walk and a cement
driveway. The bid of While's
was $3,875.
While is the third successful
IMattsmoiilh bidder on work for
Ihe new building. Ilynolt and
Ilummerfleld were awarded con
tracts last week, llynott for fur
nishing the paints and other ma
terials and llummei lleld to do the
From Wednenday't Dally.
Will Seybert of Cedar Creek
in town today.
Ceorge P. Partem of Union was
in town today on business.
Miss Kim ice IJenedicI of Cedar
Creek slopped over here yester
day and visit the family of Andrew
Kaufman. She went, on lo Hast
ings, Iowa, on the 5 o'clock train.
Mrs. K. K. Kal on and her ac
ciimpanisl, Mrs. Lucile Young, of
Murray, went to Creslon this
morning, where they will give a
musical program at the
lna. In the Murray items last week
the Journal had it that O. V.
Hailey and his mollier-in-law,
Mrs. Shafer, had purchased prop
erty in Plaltsmouth. It should
have rend, "O. V. Hailey and his
Mr. and Mrs. Charles MuU of
west of Mynard, were in the city
today looking after some business
matters, and while here Mr. Mulz
called and renewed for the Jour
nal. Mr. Mutz is one of our
hiislling young farmers.
Plattsmouth Representation Put
Up Some Good Qames Yes
terday at Omaha.
The tennis tournament at Oma
ha has narrowed down to Winston
of Norfolk, Hayes of Chicago and
Siverd and Ilendell of Pittsburg.
The matches scheduled for today
were Hayes against Ilendell and
Winston against Siverd. Many of
the tlopsters are picking Hayes
and Winston as the winners to
day, and they will go in for the
finals luiuorrow or Saturday and
the winner will be the clay court
In the llrst round of Ihe con
solation singles yeslerday Hadley
of Sioux Cily beat (ieorge Falter
of Plattsmouth, 4-fi, 0-1.
Fuller must, have done some
mighty good work in this contest,
as he took the second set, 0 to 4.
In the second round of the
double, Adoue and Shellon of
Dallas, Texas, defeated Falter and
Morgan of Plallsmout h, 8-0
and 0-1. This shows that the
local boys were there witji both
feet, as the Texas players are
stars. The local boys are out of
it now except in the consolation
doubles. They are scheduled lo
play Poller and Scribner of Oma
ha today .
Miss Kate Miller went to Omaha markot l)rice nail
thiR morning. 1
We nre also buying all kinds of painting
every day in t he week. The highest
Mrs. J. W. Kendis o Omaha was
the guest yesterday of Mrs. L. F.
From Thurmliiy's Pally.
L. II. Kgenberger went to 7'agle
yesterday afternoon.
MLss Lena Fornolf went to
Cedar Creek yeslerday afternoon
Mrs. Ilav Smith went to Omaha
this morning to spend the day
James Slander, from Louisville,
came down this morning to allend
I he. Manker funeral.
Miss Km mil Kaufman went to'
Cures baby's croup. Willie's
tlaily culs and bruises, mamma's
throat, grandma's lameness Dr-
Thomas' Kcleclic, Oil the great
household remedy.
Kveryhody wants to try a snck
of Forest Rose flour. Why? He-
cause they have heard that it is
ono of the best grades of flour
put on tho market. Try a sack and
see if you don't think so.
A well known Des Moines wom
an, after suffering miserably for
two days from bowel complaint,
wps cured by one dose of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy. For sale by F. O.
Fricke Co.
Do you want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, Neb.
Dates made at this oTre or tha
Murray State Bank.
Good Service Reasonable Rate
PKKSKNTfl, That we, the uiiilerHlKtiPJ,
do hereby form and create a corpora
tion under and by tho nme of
The IMattnmouth Auto ami WaKm
llrlrtge 'oniimiiy.
1. The principal place of bUHineHi of
mild corporation ahall be the City of
I'luttHinoulli, County of Cass, Ne-
2. The purpoHe of Raid corporation
hIihII be to cotmtruct, maintain and
operate a bridge acroxa the I'latte river,
at a point on mini rivnr eaei oi mo
brldse thereover of the Chlcaxo, Kur
lltiKton ft qulncy llallroud Company,
between the count lea of Sarpy and I'lma,
of the State of NeliniHku, and to pur
cluine and own land imlllclttnt upon
which to coiiBtruct aald bridge and
hulldliiKH ncccBHHiy to carry on nuld
biitdneaii and to charse and collect tolls
for the uho thereof
3. The capital Htock of anld corpora
tion -hull be llfty thotiKand Uollari,
of which twenty-live tlioiiHiind dollars
rIiiiII be common atock, divided Into one
tlioiiHiind ahaccii of the par value of
twenty-live dollars each, and the
owners thereof shall have the nolo and
excliiHlve power of votinir at all stock-
holdem' meet Iiikh. each owner belnK
entitled to one vote for each Hhare of
mild oommon stock by lilm so owned
and sold stuck only shall be counted
In any vote en at at any stockholders'
nicctlnu; and shall be entitled to all
dividend In excess of the six per cent
K nil in nl ceil to the preferred Htock, and
the Imliuico of sold stock sli.ill lie
known as prefcind stock, snljeet lo
tic power of the ninniu'i sioi k nnd
divided Into one thousand shares of
the pur vnlue of twenty-five dollars
each, and shall be entitled to dividend
of six per cent per milium, pay h klu
annually, and the Hniii'd of Mlrectors
ninv, In Its dlHcrct Inn, order sold
dividends upon the preferred ntuck to
bo paid iiiarterly or seml-unniiiillv, and
for the pavuient of said dividends upon
the preferred slock, the ways, workx,
easements, bridge mid fntnc bines of
this company are hereby pledKed.
4. Said Corporal Ion shnll commence
(InlniC IiiihIiicxs on June lxt, A. I). l'Jll,
and shall terminate on June 1st, A. U.
f. The annual meet Inn shall he held
on the llrst Monday of January of each
H. Sold corporation shall not com
mence dnhiK business until ten per
cent of the capital ntock shall he sub
scribed and paid and the balance shall
be due upon call of the Hoard of
I drectors.
7. The Indebtednrfis or liability of
this corporation hIiiiII at no time ex
ceed two-thirds of the pnld-up capital
H. The olllcers of sold corporatloa
shall be five directors, with power to
piiKS and adopt by-laws, to be elected
at the a n li 1 1 ii I meet Inn: of the stock
holders, and to nerve until their suo
ccHsors lire elected and qualified, and
said Hoard of directors shall, from
their body, elect a Creeldcnt, View
I'reshlent, Secretary ami Treasurer, and
the Inst two olllcers, at tho option of
the Hoard, may be filled by one and
the same person, and the Secretary and
Treasurer may bo removed by said
Hoard of directors nt any time.
undersigned, have hereunto set our
hands this L'7lh day of May, A l tail.
In presence of
I'niil .lessen as to fS and 41
Win, A. Ilohertson as to (1. 2 and 6)
(1) T. II Pollock.
Ci) I. Mil P. Pollock.
CI) Mrs. N. A. luT.
(4) Jt. A. dun.
(f.) .las. K. Pollock.
State of Nebraska. County of otoe, ss.
HIO IT ItKMKMMHItKd. That on this
27th day of May, A. 1. 1911, there ap
peared before me, the undersigned
Notary Public, Mrs. N. A. duff and It.
A. duff, who In my presence slKned
the foregoing certificate of Incorpora
tion and acknowledged the same to be
their free and voluntiir" act .ind dee-"1.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto
set my hand and Notarial Seal the day
and veur above wltten.
(c'eal) Paul Jesseri,
Notary Public.
Stnte of Nebraska. County of Cnss, ss,
UK IT It KM KM 1 1 Ml tK 1 1, That on this
27th day of May, A. d. 1911, there ap
peared before me, the undersigned
Notary Public. T. U. Pollock. I. Mil P.
Pollock and Jus. K. Pollock, each of
whom, In inv presence, signed the
foregoing certificate of Incorporation
and acknowledged their sill. I signatures
to lo their free and vol'in'arv act nnd
In Witness Whereof, I hnve hereunto
set my hand and Notarial Seal the day
and year above written.
Seal) W. A. Robertson,
Notary Public.
(nil for lllda.
Ttlds will be received by the County
Judge of Ciik: County In his olllco at
Pint turnout h, Nebraska, up to noon of
Monilnv. August 14th, 1911. for the fol
lowing grading to be done out of the
Inheritance tax:
A Mil to be inn da on section line be
tween Sections ri and 22, Township 10.
North Itnnge IS Kast, one and one-half
miles west and one-half mile north of
Pnlon, Cass Count v, Nebraska.
Plans nnd snecllleat Ions on tllo In th
olllce of the County ilerk.
Allen J. Ileesnn,
County Judge.