GO!) IN THE HOME THE WORLD'S NEED A Gcdless World of Godless Homes a Growing Danger, OPPORTUNITY FREE TO ALL Paetor Ruttall Say Nothing That the World Can Do Can Intarfar With th Divin Plan All Mankind Will Hav Full Opportunity For Lift or Daath Etarnal, Baoauao Chrlat Diad For tha Ungodly. Klinlrn. N. T., July Zl. I'liHtor UiimncII delivered tWO lldllrcSSOH llTU today to crowded mnl attentive mi dlonce. Wo re- i 1 In Tho Home." from tlio text. "An for nit! and my ll (1 u m o, we will servo (ho Lord'' (Joshua xlv, I.). Tlio 1'iiHlor said: - lo not u ii d r tnnd mo In tench Hint I lie world's op liorliiiiliy for life evcrhiNiliiK or tloiiih everlasting Ik now. "tied lint It ap pointed ii Pity In which llo will Judge tlio world," grunt tin' world h Judg ment or Irlnl or tent. T lint great Imy 1 future, It Is Hie Ihty of Christ, u tliollNiiud .VenrH long. It will lie u glo rious oiMirtunily. Present right doing and right thinking, or wrong doing nud wnniK thinking will have much to do with tlm condition of every mini nnd woinnii nt Hint lime, lie or sho will tnter upon tlmt lny of blessing nnd (iKrlunlt.v either from n higher or n lower standpoint proportionately as hit or she linn acted w isely and eonm leu Ihuisly la the present Unto. Rut nothing that tlio world run do cmi Interfere with Clod's great proposl tlon, tlmt h full opportunity for life or death eternal shall then foiiin to ev try menilier of the nice because Christ died for tlio ungodly. Tho only class to whom present life menu life or denth eternal I tho Church. And by tlm (.'lino Ii I menu, not chit nil at tondauts nor oiitwnrd professor-, hut those who hit ve entered Into n cove limit with Und through Christ nud who have lieen made partaker of the Holy Spirit, tasting of tho good Word f God nnd tho powers or" the Age to ""(.Ohio. If these should full awny, tho Aposjlo fore wn rim lit. It would ho Im hinsi1o to renew them n km lit unto re ctitnnco. And there will he no Impo for them with the world. In the worlds trial I lay, bemuse they already hin t enjoyed their share of the merit of Christ's death. When, tloreforo, I speak of Cod nud tho home, I am not having In mind n family rompot-cd exclusively of Kiilnts, who dully and hourly are following their great lledeetncr's footsteps III nelf denial, lu sai rltlco, In the "narrow way" which leads to "glory, honor nud Inimottnlit.v" and association w lilt the Itedeeiuer In Ills glorious Klnn doin whl. Ii Is to hie s tho world for a thont.iiid year. My thought Is that tho ltlblo teat lies thai there are many people of tho W orld, wh i are reverent In I, kind, gen tle Mud .lint to it very considerable device, w ho are not saints; who have n.it presented their Imdles living sac rllhes to t'.od; who havo net been he golteu of Ills Holy Spirit, who are Hot, therefore, mouther of that excln Mve "little llo k" to whom It Is the lather's good pleasure to glvo tho Klugdiini - In joint heirship w ith their Lord and luvleeuier and Head. To this hitter (hiss our Master evidently referred w hen llo hald to Ills footstep follow ims, "let your light so shine lefore men that they may see your Koist woiks ami clortfv vmir I 'at her whhh Is lu heaven" (Matthew v, Jill. To live i luhteously, soberly and god IV In this present Wolld lo the extent T ones al'il'ty is whit everyone should do no les To live a life of aaritu e to l.iy oown our P es for ,it i.reunvii. r. r tno uuiti, in me s -i vteo f tho Lord. Is another matter, whhh JtvittiO does not reotiltv ind w hii h the lUMe nowhere eulo'iis tipim mar.kl'id It Is p. ialed out -is a jiiiii'tnr to i'mso who desiiv l. nud s'ory. honor and lut ttiol'trtllty mi the spirit plane Is tho IV whim an.i. tied to tins invtiHtMu or Hlj.lt V'nlU'c tt Is the seNstloil vt th's spe !.il (hiss of eonsis rated one that Is the paitieular order of tho 1I lne prov im at ttti present tlmt. S"M tt-i Smnr lntrtd. nsvlni: ele-trly ilotlned what wo do n t mean to leaeh. let nie now nvsett tn.it, not oi .n-tesn. every anllito man mid tvo'inm. ?ltitly or not, must f,vl deep tnient tn tho welfaro nnd moral pio;i,ms of tho human family 'f whhh he forms it part All. then foio, should re'.ih-o tn every move mem linn enoe.ivor woikinij lo even temimrnry enUthtenuieul, Mossing and tipllft aiiuuiiist mankind Tho niaiiT Veuetolei'.t ttistltutlons of the vivllluM World attest this general thoiuht. My only comliet wl'h these tunnanlt.trl.ut fff.Mts Is licit they do ot pj roaeh tho stili'eot of human tvCortneni from what I consider ti he the rUht stand I'olut. With tie'ii'iy all of these ofTeits, luoio or less ilUtln.'t!y t Hist. nry thne divl illsh.iiioi lag and lot o oppos ing Inttni uhis of an alternative of loiment. either fiuvnto'i il or eieuial This Is tho neat MU-ht w M. h h;i Woikiit ii ml U viM'klng li'calemal'. bnrm-drlvln(t IntoCI'ent minds Into opposition to the tine find And the Ki le, whl- h Is I ho rcU'lnllori of His Win tun. Jiisllee. Iive iimI Tower. The I'.ll'lo freely tells us that many entiires of the IMvluo plan are now hidden 111 inyMiory, hu: tho last hook of tho Wide, which prophetically pic tures the future, iinhiiich ns that In iod's due lime "The mystery shall ln (Inlxhed. which He hath declared to Ills servants, the prophets" (Itovela tlon x, 7i Tho same hook nssureH us that In (iod's duo time, when tho mys tery Is cleared, "All tuition shall conio nnd worship hefore Thee, for Thy righteous nets have, hcon miide mani fest" (Itcvclatlon iv. 4i. We nre now living In tin time when the "mystery" Is eliding nnd the righteous dealings of dud, from the Hcrlptiiml standpoint. may he clearly seen. Hut these revelations lire not meant for the world lu generiil now. hut merely for "tho elect," the "sn notified In Christ .lesus." "To you It is given to know tlio mysteries;" to outsiders these things lire spoken tn pa rallies nnd dark Hayings (Matthew x 111. 11, l.'l). Hut not until tho elect shall he glori fied nnd the Messianic Kingdom es tnhllslieil will tho "mystery" ho iniido fully known to the world nnd every knee how nnd every tongue confess. Hence, only those of it contrite heart may now see, now understand, the real character of (!od. Ills real purposes to ward man. etc. Thus our Lord de clares, "This Is llfo eternal that they should know Thee, the only (rue (hd. nnd Jesus ChrM wi i Thou hast sent" (John xvll. H). In n darker day than ours the theory, to (lotilil Is to he damned." held such n power over many tlmt tney (tarou inn UNO their reason. And thus ii certain reverence for Cud was maintained In many homes -n reverence, however. which surely would not lie ns highly appreciated by the (.'rent or nor have ns deep mi Influence upon the r rent tiro ns would n faith moved by love nnd an Intelligent appreciation of the Di vine character, based upon nil under- standing of tho IHvine linn of the Ages. An Inundation of Unbaliaf. In our day the shackles of Iguornneo and superstition are breaking. Men, women ii ml children nre beginning to think for themselves. They no longer believe the fairy tales of other days; the dreadful hobgoblins nud night mares of the park Ages respecting purgatory nnd eternal torture nre doubted by nil, nnd by the great ma totally disbelieved. What have they now to attach them to tho Almighty, since they have never boon taught the love of Cod-tho lengths nud breadths nnd heights nud depths passing nil hu man understanding? This Is the world's Rrent need-to know (Jnd as. Ho really Is, n Put her. n Friend, a Oml of love! And to thus know Him the people need to be taught li'ivv serious ly they were miMnught In the past along (ho lines of hell nnd purgatory. How could they ever truly love and worship n Cod of Injustice and of hate -One Inferior to themselvws - One who knew, foreordained ami prepared for their torture, before they were born They must nee that these thlttgs, taught by the creeds of the park Aires, are wholly at variance with the lWble. else they w ill net or come back lo the HI ble nor I e able to see Its teachings In their true lltht They must be taught that the sin and death, sorrow inul trouble nil iiroiind us are the wage or penalty of father Adam' disobedience. I hoy must learn that Cod proposes it essiiiL linn upiiiiing which win ii' as world wide as Is tlio curse, l ney must learn thai the foundation for this work was effected by the death of Jesus, the Jit for the unjust. They must learn that Cod Is now selecting il saintly class to be itssoclates with the Kisleemer In the work of uplifting nnd blessing Adam nnd his r.tee; nnd that each will Isi held responsible and receive stripe lu proportion to his knowledge and wilful disobedience; nnd that the persistently rebellious will ls detiovet" "like natural brute beasts." In the Second IVath. "I Hava Lout My Cod." Not long since. In conversation with a young Imiy. sue sal.J wit it great con cent. "I fear that I havo lost my Cod." As a child of religious parent she had had helpful ttitlneitces in her homo, lutl In s. -In ml she had come In contact with the general spirit of skepticism, which. Instead of ropudlat lug the r.lble. ns did Ingersoll, Talne and Voltaire, merely sml es nt any ref erence to a IMvhte revolution, a faith In Cod and a respect for His wilk These torn tier are as honest, w e tv- lleve, ns were IngorsoU. Paine ami Voltaire; nor can wo deny that they have the same tight to their disbelief that we claim for our tsilef. Wo can. however, si.y with all slni-erlty that It Is a givat pity that the learned men of Christendom nre Hourly all tnrldel. In tho sense of not believing In the Hlhle as a IMvIno revelation. Many of them even deny that there is a Tsiiial Cod atul ascribe every thing to-u greo! Nothing, which they designate Nature-god. Is It snriMis Ing. In view of the fact that these tombing nre Mug promulgated In the universities and college and theo logUal seminaries. In the high schools, and even to some extent tn the com non vh,vi-l It ney wonder that the rising trvtioratlon I losing Its Cod? If it i veil ls ilaltned that a bad th'.iii; Is letter lot than kept. e must ds . ii frvm Ihi '.t io',;ise We must claim that the mis.vueepOon of Cod can be (losirvMisl only by the Intr.sl.ict'on to the lent a it. I m'.'id of the true Cod. nli tl.uious aMvl'eites of Ji.tlce. VVi,i ,. ..,ve aid Tower will take the p'a e if tl,e malevolent UiNcon rc i ions ..f V Park Age. AWi'c! Ps'rtsl Rf ronbil ty. It t- ili i'i ihnt parents rvail:e the true Fltunton-lt Is almost tro late nmr. The seeds of unbelief, already sowii III tho mlmls of the rising gen eration, lire being watered cunt liu.illy itnd nre growing. All who love their families, all who love mankind lu gen oral, should iiwiikcti to the fact that a world that has lost Its Cud must of necessity be mi unhappy world lia tonic phlloHophy may for time serve the purpose of the few, but surely cuuiiot serve the musses of our race A godless world will ere long mean a discontented world, an unhappy world and. bye nnd bye. n world of nnarchy and strife. This is what our world wide education is leading to. I'ew of our nice enn stand an education which recognizes no Cod. no revolution of Him, no responsibility to Him. and no hope of a future life whhh will be effected by the conduct of the pres ent God In tha Horns. We are not pleading for cant and rant. We nre urging that In every home Cod be recognized to the extent of the opportunities nnd Influence we enjoy. I'liient huve a special respon sibility. Every father, in particular. its the head of his family, should rec ognize the Almighty Creator, and hold Him up to hi fiunlly-"Cod IMrst!" We need not urge upon Cod's conse crated people the privileges of pray er nnd the blessed Intlueiice which comes through pinyer to the younger members of the family. This Is one way of putting "Cod I'irst." "In all thy ways acknowledge lliin." or. as Joshua said: "As for me ami my house, we will serve the Lord." Let us now step Into your home and measure thing there by the Cohlen Utile. As husband, how do you treat your wives? As wives, how do you treat your husbands? Can you apply the Cohlen Unit to your words, to your conduct, lo your demands of each other? Or do you net meanly, scltlsli ly, taking ndviiulng of each other to the limit that the other will for bear? Do yon deal with your children according to the lines of the Cohlen Kule? Are you an Ideal parent, tic cording to your own advanced stand n nl of what n parent's duty should he to his children? lo von remember that you nave a responsibility for their training. t re Hponsihllity so far as your clrciim stances will penult, for their environ incut and happiness ami education ami ireneral nrciuiralloii for usefulness In life? Or nre you Indifferent to their interests, neglectful of your rcsponsl bllltles? Po you recognize that your children have certain rights nnd that these Increase a they near maturity or are you forgetful of these, disposed to keep the children under the re Btrnlnts of childhood, souring their ills positions und making them unhappy, until they resent the Injustice nnd n fnmlly quarrel results? As children, are you thoughtful of your parents, their welfare, their wi -h es, their happiness, ns you worth! like vonr children to be thoughtful of yours? Po you remember the hours and week of feebleness and sickness nnd toll which von cost them In your Infancy, nnd are yon seeking to repay those kindnesses and seeking to makt their last days the happiest of their lives? Are von observlm: the Coh'.eu Kule town t d your parents? I low Is It in your relationship to your brothers nnd sisters? When they Imr row jour things without leave, do you retaliate bv bin rowing Ihc.rs wi, ho.it leave, ri'id thus keep up a co.itii-al fret and vexation or sphit in the fam ily? Or di you practice the Cohlen Utile of Justice and do nothing to your brother and sister, or their I elouuiiu-s that yml won't! not vvi-h them to do to you or your lhlii'.;s? "Lovs Worketh No III." All of the Lord s people are to love Hltn nud the brethren; yea. even tluir enemies. However, let it now stop short of love and merely consider what tho simple Justice of the Co'deti Utile would Imply lu our conduct. How do our dally lives square with this Colden Ullle of absolute Justice, omitting love entirely? If joil nit mi employer, do you treat your employee In harmony with 'this rule and d unto him a you would have Ii, at Uo unto jou. if your posi tion were reversed? If Jou are an employee. Inquire of yourself. "Po I treat mv employer and his business a I would havo him treat luo and m.v business. If our relationship were re versed?"' Po you treat your butcher. vour baker, your grocer, etc., us yon would like to have them treat you. if vol'.r Hsitons were reverse.!! .vre you polite to them and not 11101111111 lo Live litem ttntiis 0 - nry trouble? Po you pay them promptly? Or if you are the tradesman, do yon treat your customer ns vou would wish to have them trvst vou. If condlilon wore re versed? 1K you charge theiu a ren amiable price only? IV you give them proier weight ami measure? Po yon pro-rly represent your good to them, as you would have them represents! to von? Are you a good neighbor? IX you see lo It that your children are not a nuisance to other: that your ehl. kon i are not pernltted to danmce vour neighbor" cardon; tlmt your ibur I no s forovioii one. and that hW bark (V not keep the neighborhood awake? In a wont. d you treat your nelgl.tmr Justly, along the line of the Colden Kule. dolni! unto him only a yon would wls'i him to do to you? He who l ftlthful In ll'tle thi"ir will lx faithful In the greater one He who oraotlcvs the Colden Kule ditrtnc the six day of bis contact with b'i.1 lies vx ill survlv be faithful on the see enth. but faithfulness to the l.oMen Kule on the one dav only will never win PIvImo approval. In no wsy cau we letter honor ami ahow our reverence for CchI thin by following to the best of our a,ii?y Hut, command, which art Just and right eous altogether. SOLDIER SLAIN IN FIGHUNUAREZ Another Kan Fata!! VounCed and Third Shat In Two Places.' DEICMIIC GOUNTY GO E III PITCHED BATTLE Q STREET. 10 SELECT DELEGATES SATURDAY Most Enthusiastic Gathering of Promiment Democrats of the County Delegates Selected From Every Precinct New Committeemen Are Selected, Election of Chairman is Defered Until After the Primary Election. Row Starts From Dispute Between Insurrecto Leader and Street Com miisioner City Police and Insure gents Clash. Juurez, Mex., July 24. One man dead, anothtr fatally wounded and a third shot In two places is the net re sult of a pitched buttle In this city be tween police and liimirgcnt soldiers. The beginning of the fray was the rcHiilt of an argument between Darillo Hernandez and Insurrecto soldiers and Dolores Martinez, street commissioner of Juarez, in front of Martinez' resi dence. When Martinez requested Her I'andez to desist from his argument Hernandez opened fire upon him with pistol. Martinez ran Into his resi dence, secured a rifle and shot Her nandez through the head, killing him. Comrades) of Hernandez nt once climbed to the roof of the garrison building nea'by and opened a hot fire on tho Martinez residence, which was returned by a detachment of police who had appeared on the scene. About fifty shots were fired before General ninnco, who was summoned, was able to quell the disorder. Martinez wits shot in the arm and sustained a scalp wound in the fray, and Palo I.oniel. another Insurrecto soldier, was shot through the stomach nnd will die. The town Is quiet today, but there is much bitter feeling. KILLCLERK, STEAL DIAMONDS Three Armed Men Escape In Auto lr New York City. New York, July 24 Three armed thieves Invaded the heart of the ten derloin at its gayest hour, smashed a Sixth avenue Jeweler's window, shot his clerk dead, seized $3,000 worth of diamond rings nnd escaped in a taxi cab, pursued h scores of persons who had witnessed the murder nnd robbery. A woman, who the police believe Tlie tlemocrats if Uass county asseinlili'd at the lilrict court I'm m in I'iatt.Hiniitil h on Saturday , at 2 o'clock. afternoon, July The meeting was called to order by l)r. J. S. Livingston, chairman of the county central committee. Attorney I. (). Ihvyer was elected temporary chairman of the meet ing and F. K. Schlatcr secretary. These ollicers were inadi' perman ent. l'lie coinmitlee 011 credentials, composed of Ir. J. S. Livingston, John Tighe and J). W. Foster, re ported all precincts represented except Stone Creek, Elmwood and South Ilend, there being 1(58 dele gates present. After which John Tighe of Center precinct present ed the following resolution, which was adopted unanimously: "In order lo express the. con trolling sentiment of the Cass county democrats, in convention assembled Uiis 22ml day of July, 1911, at. Piatt smotith, Nebraska, in the slate convention to be held on the 25t h day of July, 1911, at Fremont, Nebraska; therefore, Be it "Resolved, That the delegates sent to said state convention be, and they are hereby instructed lo vole as a unit, as a majority of such delegates present might de termine on all questions before, said convent ion." There being sixteen delegates lo the stale convention, it was de cided, upon motion of Fd Carr of .Tipton precinct, lhal Hie delegates be selected by commissioner dis Ir.icts, as follows: First district, including I'latlsniouth, six dele gales, and the second and third was n confederate, entered the store (js s jV(. (,acn Whereupon the of Jacob Jacohy a few minutes prior , following delegates were select- Frank. egoiui' were to the shooting and asked Mr. Jacohy to test her eyes for glasses. While the engaged him tho window glass was smashed, and Adolph Stern, a clerk, rushed to the street. A small man, with a re olver stopped him at the door. Ptern tried to brush past hltn to get at a man who had poked his hand through the broken window and grasped a tray of diamond rings. The sniitll man shot twice and Stern fell dead. Passersby f.hw the man at the win dow withdraw the tray of rings, tuck It under ids coat and dart across the street lie disappeared through the open door of a red touring car and 'viis eotie. with half a hundred men pursuing These It soon outdistanced, but not until the first three numticrs on the TuiuV.hie had been noticed They were'?37 and constitute the chief clue left lor the police. The man who shot Stern ran in the opposition direction, unseen by anyone hut Jacoby, eluded him and escaped. ed, to-wit : First District Dr. J. S. LNing ston. T. V. Vallery, M. A. Bales, W. D. Wheeler, Andrew J. Snyder, lleorge W. Snyder. Second District J. T. Reynold. II. Massey, James Slander, John Tighe, M. M. Slraub. Third District S. C. Hoyles, (ieorge Foreman, J. I. Corloy, Dietrich Koslcr, Waller I'ailing. The following alternates were selected from the second district Senator V. R Banning, W. II l'uls, Fred Schleiferl, Standee, William Belts. The selection of the for delegates and alternates ratified by the convention. Then came the selection of th county committee by precincts, which resulted as tollows: Tipton Henry Snoko and R1 Carr, Eagle. Salt Creek . Weeping Water Dietrich Rol ler and Ed Moore, Avoca. Center John Tighe, Manley. Avoca Joe Zimmerman and; Henry Behrn, Avoca. ML Pleasant F. M. Mas.Me, Nehawka; P. A. Hild, Mynard. Eight Mile (J rove W. H. S..y .bert and George P. Meisinger, Cedar Creek. Nehawka John Wunderlictv and Mike Kime, Nehawka. Liberty J. T. Reynolds and W B. Banning, Union. Louisville William Ossenkop and Herman Pankonin, Louisville. Rock Bluffs, first W. W. JIamilton, Murray. Rock HlufTs, second A. K. Nickels, Murray, and Mark White, J'latlsmotilh. Piatt sntoulh William Ruin jTtel and deorge W. Snyder. Weeping Water City E. Rat nour, Herman Kleitch and W. A. Davis. Plattsmouth City First, ward. J. P. Falter; Second ward, P. E. Ruffner ami Frank M. Elroy; .Third ward, Peter Vallery amf John Halstront; Fourth ward, Patrick Egan; Fifth ward, Wil liam Shea and Joe Liborshal. On motion of M. A. Bales, the .selection of a chairman of the committee was deferred until af ter the primary election, at, which .time the committee is empowered to select, a chairman. The convention was one of the largest attended for many years, and nearly every section of the county was represented. And beauty of it was I hat. the delibera tions of the convention we. re harmonious throughout, which augers good for the parly. ADVANCE IS DELAYED HOLLAND'S RAILROADS. Are Haitien Insoraenti to the North Awaiting Additional Forces. Port an Prince, Haiti. July 24. The expected aiHame of the revolutionists upon the capital 1ms been delayed, the Insurgents' nt Mlrehallas, eighteen utiles to the north, apparently waiting for additional forces.whU h are on their way from Cape llaitlen All the gov- trntnent troops are concentrated here and comparative quiet reigns, although some shots ue fired (lut ing the night. President Pinion, who. alter his ar rival a few days a so front port uiu rrte, took to a s-ick hid. appears to he much better and attend- d services at tho cathedral. MANIAC -SHOOTS UP" TOWN White Cloud (Kn.) Man Suddenly Goes Insane and Fire at Pedestraini. White Clou t, Kan., July 24 Becom ing suddenly insane here, iioorge Brooks setxed a gun and terrorized the town for several hours. He fired at pedestrains and narrowly missed hitting several. A posse headed by Sheriff Joseph Griffin of Troy and City Marshal War ren Snooks succeeded in taking the maniac after a five hours" chase in the woods. Brooks will he placet! in the state hospital for the insane. South DanMa Get Fine Wetting. Mitchell. S. D.. July . A steady soakins rain fell in this section of tho Hate. The ralu extend. d as far west ns Chamberlain, when in inch and a half of water fell, k rowing lijhtr na It came east. A heavy rain Is report ed n:tv null's non 11, ciMeiniK "ennj every poiiicr of th rtwnty. Coin. Ahirh ha heen iniured lli;ht'y by the warm weather, will b- greatly1 benefited. They Are Operated at a Loss to Aid the Canal Traffic In coutrsxt with the history of Bel glum. Germany. France and Austria. Holland nlotio of nil European coun tries present a situntinii where the railroads require protection from the competition uf the cintals. Holland thus reverses the genernl rules wblth apply In all other coun tries, llullrond development was re tunrkably slow in Holland. The tlrst Dutch rf-llrouUs were short local lines, while Hie waterway system was ei tensive und strongly Intrenched At length, coioiii'-ed that she could not k'.vp pace wlib other European countiies by her waterway system alone, tlie Hutch covertimeut eon struef'.Ml an miiHtlous Hue of ritilmad conii'ituig with the International lines of I'urope. Tl' rnilrojiiN were built not with any expectation that they would lie proCtalile a Investments, but because they weie considered absolutely neees eary to save the country from Indus trill decadence. Holland Is the only country In the world In which Hie RMte has provided iioth rail sml h tcr highways KUlistnntiiilly free of cup ilal charge. The railroads nre now operated at 11 loss to supplement the triiiervvays. which carry l tcr cent of (be truth.' or Holland. American Kerlevv ul Kevlews. STATK.VKNT OK TIIK CONDITION PLATTSMOUTH LOAN AND ASSOCIATION. BUlLCiSG Of riattsmouth, Nebraska, on tt.e itiltli day of June, Bill. ASSETS: ' KliM nioi't iraife loiuis $.'s.i- stock lonns lie 11 1 t'Matc ( '1e.l1 Iiellimueiit lnieret, rcinliims, lines 11 ml dues Oilier bsmMs .. hi:, i; tv:. no 4i:t M n : in Tot al tae' 10 LIABILITIES! Caellal :lock puld up. Pex'ive fund I'nillvldecl iirnttls Matured slock K."-4 .t . U"e 10 . i-j.::i .v . l.-J'I '!) Total .a'.".' It) RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES for the year cmlimr June 3. lull RECEIPTS Italiuice on liund July 1. HIIO I iic. . . . Interest, premiums and lines Leans repaid I.Y nls l aves ami Insurance reiald Total.. EXPENDITURES (.onus Kmsmiscs Stock redeemed I ( asli on lianil ! Ileal eslatr l aves and Insurance advanced f i.r:.: : . s.,"47 n 4.1 h 4:.v . . $i:,.ey. r. jiti.:w 00 . 2n,U'i -.7 d ii 1 10 00 ir ;i SUi :'. Taft Heeds Wish of Dying Friend. Washington. July 14. In sending to the otrte i':e nomination of Charles S. Klm-h ss p!iMiuter st ljwrenoe. Kin.. Piesident Ta:t complied witU the dvirj request i Representative A. C. MitrfcU of t!.e Second Kras dlsu'ct London' Crystal Palac. The Crystal palace w is a prent pro ducer of nperlatlvi" lu Its enrly days, ays the l.ondou Chronicle. When Queen Victoria wrote of May day. ISM. as "the Kreatesi day In our his lory, the most lieautlful and Imposing nd touching' speeiaele ever seen," she wns referrlm; to the whole Idea suit effect of the exhibition, but "the bean ty of the building nnd the Tiistness of H all" were lnioHiint factors In t!.e marvel which relied umii to astound her unci? Leopold. When the palace moved to the new site Hct-Pert Spencer wrote- l have lieen otn-e nl Sydenhaiit. it surpasses even my e potations, thoi'.li I had een It in progress It U fairyland and a won der surpassing I others" Itukln ald that Mr. I'nleis bus said that there whs tieth'.iu: llk It In fairyland snd addisl Mtter'jr Inat Mr. IHckeus wits tUbt. Total i Statb or Nkiiiiask 4, 4'ASK I'llCNTT. 1 I.T. VI rttet'ii. Secretary of llie alsive named Association. (it aoleiunly soehr Dial the foiecolnir statement of the comlltlonof said association, tstrne and correct to llir W-si of my kno -ledue and U-l't-f T. M. I'AVTL.iMiN, secretary. Approved: .lOHM M. I.EVOA I K. ll. 1 Mm am rlrertor I'. I.its S Snlserlla'l and aworu lo liefer me. this 1 "trv day of July, ISI0. .ktt HHOws-TBinrt. (formerly Zetla llrowr) ISE.M.I Notary VuhUc. Picnic Tuesday. The Melhivdist Sunday seliool will hold u Ronernl pionie next Tuesday, ( which all of tlio Sun day school scholars and their friends are invilcd. Pont forget lo liruiir plenty of Itinoh. Th pupils and friends will nieot at the elm re h at a. in. and proceed to shady irruve, nmth of the ctty, where a (rood time is expecte.l. O 1iHinct 0 Clemen. It vv.-te ii Pesi td.ii we sh.utKI think n I hat Mark I'wmIu, all Be in the Nights" and "Ghetto" on "Wash Days," ; 11 1 macrence or o union : neki..i.u.. . j r... ..... viiiiinivnii liu fciiv Buwvrif, ti.ik.M (u.dutl.l 1 . I lug Irlajestlc Theater "Hot with at Monday night.