The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 10, 1911, Image 5

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The Great Conservation
Copyright. 19 10. ky Hamlin GtrUnd
W T breakfast next morning Cava-
nagh 8a Id: "1 must ride back
TA Bld take some breud to the
dog. I can't go away and
leave him there without saying hello."
"Let me do that," suggested Wether-
ford. "I'm afraid to go down to the
Fork. 1 reckon I'd better go back and
tend the sheep till Gregg sends some
one up to take my place."
"That might be too late to see Lize.
Lee's voice showed great anxiety. She
may be on her deathbed. No; you'd
better go down with me today," he
urged. And at lust the old man con
sented. Tutting some bread iu his pockets,
Rosa rode off up the trail to see how
the dog and his flock were faring. lie
had not gone fur when he heard the
tinkle of the bells and the murmur of
the lambs, and a few moments later
the collie came toward hitn with the
air of a boy who. having assumed to
disregard the orders of his master, ex
pects a scolding. He plainly said:
"I've brought my sheep to you because
I was lonesome. Please forgive uie."
Cavanagh called to him cheerily and
tossed him a piece of bread, which he
caught In his teeth, but did not swul
low. On the contrary, he held it while
leaping for joy of the praise he heard
In his new found master's voice.
Turning the flock upward toward the
higher peaks, the ranger commanded
the collie to their heels and so, having
redeemed his promise, rode back to the
cabin, where he found Wetherford sad
dled and ready for his momentous trip
to the valley. He had shaved away
his gray beard, and hud Ross been un
prepared for these changes he would
have been puzzled to account for this
decidedly military figure sitting statu
esquely on his pony before the door.
"You can prove an alibi," he called
as he drew near. "Gregg himself would
never recognize you now."
. Wetherford was In no mood for Jok
ing. "Llze will. I wore a mustache in
the old days, and there's a scar on my
As he rode be confided this strange
thing to Cavanagh. "I know," said he,
"that Lize Is old and wrinkled, for I've
seen her, but all the same I can't re
alize it. That heavy set woman down
there Is not Llze. My Llze Is slim and
struight. This woman whom you know
has stolen her name and fuce, that's
all. I can't explain exactly what I
feel, but Lee Virginia means more to
me now than Lize."
"I think I understand you," said
Cavanagh, with sympathy in his voice.
The nearer Wetherford came to the
actual meeting with his wife the more
he shook. At last he stopped In the
road. "I don't believe I can do It,"
he declared. "I'll bo like a ghost to
her. What's the use of It? She'll only
be worried by my story. I reckon I'd
better keep dark to everybody. Let me
go back. I'm plum scared cold."
While still he argued two men on
horseback rounded a sharp turn In
the trail and came face to face with
the ranger. Wetherford's face went
suddenly gray. "There's the deputy!"
"Keep quiet. I'll do the talking,"
commanded Cavnnagli, who was in
stant iu his determination to shield the
man. "Good morning, gentlemen," he
called cheerily. "You're abroad early!"
The man in front was the deputy
sheriff of the county; his companion
was a stranger.
"That was a horrible mess you stum
bled on over on Deer creek," the dep
uty remarked.
"It certainly was. Have any arrests
been made?"
"Not yet. but we're on a clew. This
Is Marshal Haines of Dallas. Mr. Cav
anagh." pursued the deputy. The two
men nodded in token of the introduc
tion, and the deputy went on, "You
remember that old cuss that used to
work for Gregg?"
Again Cavumigh nodded.
"Well, that chup Is wanted by the
Texas authorities. Mr. Haines her
wants' to see hi in mighty bad. He's
an escaped convict with a bad record."
"Is thnt so?" exclaimed Cavanagh.
"1 thought he Beemed a bit gun shy."
"The last seen of him was when Sum
Gregg sent him up to herd sheep. I
think he was mixed up in thnt killing
myself him and Ballard and we're
Hotng up to get some track of him.
Didn't turu up at your station, did
"Yes; be came by some days ago, on
his wny. so he said, to relieve that
sick Basque, Ambro. I went up a
couple of days ago and foupd the
Basque dead and the old man gone. I
burled the herder the best 1 could, and
I'm on my way down to report the
The deputy mused: "He may be
hanging round some of the lumber
camps. I reckon we hud better go up
and look the ground over anyhow. Wo
might Just chance to overhaul him."
"He may have pulled out over the
range." suggested the ranger. "Any
how, it's a long way up there, and
you'll probably have to camp at my
place tonight. You'll find the key
banging over the door. Go lo and
make yourself comfortable."
The deputy thanked him and was
about to ride on when Cavanagh add
ed: "I burned that Basque's tent and
beddlug for fear of contagion. lib
outfit was worthless anyhow. You'll
find the sheep Just above my cabin
and the horse In my corral."
"The old mau didn't take the horse,
eh? Well, that settles it; he's sure at
one of the camps. Much obliged. Good
As the two officers rode away Weth
erford leaned heavily on bis pommel
and stared at the ranger with wide
eyes, nis face was drawn and his
lips dry. "They'll get me! They'll get
me!" he said.
"Oh. no, they won't," rejoined Cava
nagh. "You're all right yet. They
suspect nothing. How could they.
with you la uniform and In my com
pany ?"
"All the same, I'm scared. That
man nalnes had his eyes on me every
minute. He saw right through me,
They'll get me. and they'll charge me
up with that killing."
"No, they won't, I tell you." Insisted
the ranger. "Ilalntw suspected nothing
I had his eye. He never saw you be
fore and bus uothing but a descrip
tion to go by, so chew up. Your uul
form and your osltlon with me will
make you safe perfectly safe. They'll
find the Basque's camp burned and
the sheep in charge of the dog. and
they'll fancy that you have skipped
across the range. But see here, old
man," and he turned on him sharply,
"you didu't tell me the whole truth
You said you were out on parole."
"I couldn't tell you the whole truth."
replied the fugitive. "But 1 will now
I was In for a life sentence. I was
desperate for the open air and home
sick for the mouutalus, and I struck
down one of the'guards. I was will
ing to do anything to get out. 1
thought if I could get back to this
country and my wife and child I'd be
safe. I said I'd be willing to go back
to the pen if necessary, but I'm not.
I cau't do It. I'd die there. You must
save me for my girl's sake."
Ills voice and eyes were wild with a
kind of desperate fury of fear, and
Cavanagh, moved to pity, assured him
of his aid. "Now, listen," be said
"I'm going to shield you on account
of your work for that poor shepherd
and for your daughter's sake. It's my
duty to apprehend you, of course, but
I'm going to protect you. The safest
thing for you to do Is to go back to
my cabin. Ride slow, so as not to get
there till they're gone. They'll ride
over to the sawmill without doubt. If
they come back this way remember
that the deputy saw you only as a
ragged old man with a long beard and
that Haines has nothing but a printed
description to go by. There's no use
trying to flee. You are a marked
man In that uniform, and you are
safer right here with me than any
where else this side of Chicago.
Haines is likely to cross the divide in
the belief that you have goue that
way, and if he does you have no one
but the deputy to deal with."
He succeeded at last iu completely
rousing the older man's courage.
Wetherford rose to meet his opportu
nity. "I'll do it," he said firmly.
"That's the talk!" exclaimed Cav
anagh to eucourage him. "You can
throw them off the track this time, and
when I come back tomorrow I'll bring
some other clothing for you, and then
we'll plau some kind of scheme that
will get you out of the country. I'll
not let them make a scapegoat of you."
The ranger watched the fugitive as
he started back over the trail in this
desperate defiance of bis pursuers with
fur less conlldence In the outcome than
he had put Into words.
"All depends on Wetherford himself,
If bis nerve does not fall him. If they
take the uniform for granted and do
not carry the mutter to the supervisor,
we will pull the plau through." And
In this hope he rode away down tht
trull with bent head, for all this bore
heavily upon his relationship .to the
girl waiting for him in tho valley. He
had thought Llze a burden, a social
disability, but a convict father now
made the mother's faults of small ac
count. The nearer he drew to the meeting
with Lee Virginia the more Important
that meeting became. Cavanagh had
seen Virginia hardly more than a scors
of times, and yet she filled his thought,
confused his plans, making of his brain
a place of doubt and hesitation. For
her sake he had entered upon a plan
to shield a criminal, to harbor an es
caped convict. It was of no avail to
argue that be was moved to shield
Wetherford because of his heroic ac
tion on the peak. He knew perfectlj
well that It was because he could not
see that fair, brave girl further dls
graced by the dlseoverjuif her father!
Identity, f?or In the seaKhlng'TnquTry
which would surely follow bis secret
would develop.
To marry her, knowing the character
of her father and her mother, was
madness, and the voice within him
warned bltn of his folly. "Pure wa
ter cannot be .drawn from corrupt
sources," it Is said. Nevertheless the
thought of having the girl with him
In the wilderness Ailed hlra with di
vine recklessness. While still bo de
bated, alternately flushed with resolve
to be happy and chilled by some
strange dejection, he met Swenson, the
young guard who guurdvd the forest
on tho South Fork.
As ho rode up Cavanagh perceived
In the other man's face something pro
foundly serious. He did not mnlle in
greeting, as wus usual with hlra, and,
toklng some letters from his pocket,
pussed them over In ominous silence.
He had a face of such bitterness that
It Crote through" even The "absorbed i
and selfish meditation Into which Cav
anagh had been thrown.
"What's the matter, Swenson? Tou
look as If you hud lost a friend."
'I have," answered the guard short
ly, "and so have you. The ohlef a
"They've got him!" he exclaimed.
"ne's out."
Cavanagh sprang up. "I don't be
lieve It! For what reason? Why?"
"Don't that letter tell you? The whole
town Is chuckling. Every criminal and
plug ugly In the country la spitting In
our faces this morning. Yes, sir, the
president has fired the chief the man
that built up this forestry service. The
whole works is going to h , that's
what It Is. We'll have all the coal
thieves, water power thieves, poachers
and free grass pirates piling In on us
In mobs. They'll eat up the forest I
see the finish of the whole business.
They'll put some western man In
somebody they can work. Then where
will we be?"
Cavanagb's young heart burned with
Indignation, but he tried to check the
other man's torrent of protest
"I can't believe It. There's some
mistake. Maybe they've made him
the secretary of the department or
"No, they haven't. They've thrown
him out. They've downed him be
cause he tried to head off some thlev
ery of coal mines In Alaska." The
man was ready to weep with chagrin
and indignant sorrow. His voice
choked, and he turned away to con
ceal his emotion.
Cavanagh put the letter back Into
his pocket and mounted his horse,
"Well, go on back to your work.
Swenson. I'm going to town to get
the supervisor on the wire and find
out what It all means."
He was almost as badly stunned by
the significance of Swenson's news as
Sweuuou himself. Could It be possible
that tho man Mho had built up tho
field service of the bureau tho man
whose clenn handed patriotism had
held the boys together, making them
every year more clearly a unit, a lit
tie army of enthusiasts could It be
possible that the originator, the or
ganlzer of this great plan, had been
stricken down Just when his Influence
was of most account? He refused to
believe It of an administration pledged
to the cause of conservation.
As -he entered the town be was
struck Instantly by the change In the
faces turned toward him, in the Jocu
lar greetings burled at him. "Hello,
Mr. Cossack! What do you think of
your chief now?"
"This will put an end to your In
fernal nonsense," said another. "We'll
have a mau in there now who knows
the 'western ways and who's willing
to boom things along. The cork is out
of your forest bottle."
Gregg was most offensive of all
"This rueuus throwing open tho forest
to auybody that wants to use It
means an entire reversal of this fool
"Walt and see," replied Cavanagh.
But his face wus rigid with the ex
pression of the fear and anger he felt.
With hands that trembled he opened
the door to the telephone booth, closed
It carefully behind him and called for
the supervisor's office. As soon as
Redfleld replied he burst forth In
question, "Is It true that the chief is
Red field's voice was husky as he re
plied, "Yes, lad; they've got him."
"Good Lord, what a blow to the serv
ice!" exclaimed Cavanagh with a
groan of sorrow and rage. "What la
uo , V :"ro7 "Ul
the only man who stood for the future
the man who had built up this corps,
who was Its Inspiration?" Then after a
pause he added, with bitter resolution:
"This ends it for me. Here's where 1
get off."
"Don't iny that. boy. We need jroo
now more than ever."
Tin through." Tin dono with Amer
icawith the Ststes. 1 shall write my
resignation at once. Bend down an
other man to take my place."
Redfleld's pleadings were of no avail.
Cavnnagh went directly from the
booth to the, and there, sur
rounded by Jeering and exultant citi
zens, he penned his resignation and
mailed It Then, with stern and con
temptuous face, he left tho place, mak
ing no repfy to the Jeers of his ene
mies, and, mounting his horse, me
chanically rode a wny out upon tho
plains, seeking the quiet, open places
In order to regnln calmness and de
cision. He did not deliberately ride
away from be Virginia, but as he en
tered upon the open country he knew
that be was leaving her as he was
leaving the forests. He had cut blm
self off from her as he had cat blm
self off from the work he loved. Ills
1 L
heart was swollen big within ids breast
He longed for the return of "the colo
nel" to the White House. "What man
ner of ruler Is this who Is ready to
strike down the man whOie very nam
means conservation and who In a few
years would have made this body of
forest rangers the most effective corya
of its size in the world?" He groaned
again, and his throat ached with the
fury of his ludignation.
"Dismissed for Insubordination," the
report said. "In what way? Only in
making war on greed. In checking
graft, In preserving the heritage of the
The lash that cut deepest was the
open exultation of the very men whose
persistent attempt to appropriate pub
lic property the chief had helped to
thwart. "Redfleld will go next The
influence that got the chief wilt get
Hugh. He's too good a man to escape.
Then, as Sweuson says, , the thieves
will roll In upon us to slash and burn
and corrupt What a country! What
a country!"
As he reached the end of this line of
despairing thought he came back to
the question of tils' remaining personal
obligations. Wetherford must be cared
for, and then and then there was Vlr
ginla waiting for him at this moment
"For her sake, to save her from hu
miliation, I will help her father to free
This brought blm back to the hide
ous tragedy of the heights, and with
that thought the last shred of faith In
the sense of Justice in the state van,
"They will never discover those mur
derers. They will permit this outrage
to pass unpunished, like the others. It
will be merely another 'dramatic Inci
dent' in the history of the range."
Ills pony of Its own accord turned
and by a circuitous route headed at
last for the home canyon as if it kuew
Its master's wavering mind. Cava
nagh observed what he was doing, but
his lax hand did not Intervene. Help
less to rii!ili tiie decision himself,, he
welcomed the interven'ton of the hom
ing Instinct of his horse. With bent
head and brooding face he returned to
the silence of the trail and the Jmell
ne3 of the bills.
(To Be Continued.)
From Friday's Daily.
Miss Henrietta Martin returned
from Omaha last evening, whore
she lias visited friends for a few
Mrs. Ilolschuh was a passenger
to Omaha on the morning train
today, where she visited friends
for a time.
Mrs. Harris of Omaha arrived
this morning and will he u guest
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A.
Fricke, for a time.
Harry Areen of Flmwood came
in last evening and visiied over
night witli friends, returning
home this morning.
Clayt Husenerans was u pas
senger to the metropolis on Hie
morning train today, where he
was called on business.
Mrs. C.owles, who has lieen
spending I wo months in Madison,
Wisconsin, and nearby cities, re
turned to her home in this city
Mrs. 0. K. I'arinele returned
from Klmwood last evening, w here
she had been to visit her brother,
I.. A. Tyson nnd family, over the
Miss Olive Cadwell of Valley
was in the city yesterday looking
after business matters. Miss
Cadwell was formerly a I'eru
Mrs. Aeorge Belong nmi Mrs.
S. A. Belong were passengers to
Omaha on the afternoon train to
day, where they visited friends for
a time.
Joe Hadrnba of the firm of
Weyrich & Hadraha was slightly
indisposed today nnd did not
get down to the store until 10
Aalo Rhoden went to Omaha
this afternoon to accompany Mrs.
Rhoden homo from St. Joseph's
hospital, where she has been for
somo weeks taking treatment
Prof. N. G. Abbott and wife, ac
companied by Miss Newbranch,
Mrs. Abbott's sister, were Omaha
passengers on the morning train
.today, where they spent the day
witli relatives.
Mrs. Judge J. L. Hoot of Lin
coln, who has been visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Wise,
for a few days, departed for her
homo this morning.
Mr. Joseph Felzer, tho shoo
merchant, was called to the me
tropolis this afternoon, where
business matters demanded his
Clifford Moore of Watson, Mis
souri, who has been a guest of
Councilman Dovey's homo over
the Fourth, departed for his homo
this morning.
Miss Muriel Johnson of Ne
braska City arrived last evening
nnd was an over-night guest of
IJie John I.indemann home, de
parting for Olenwood this morn
ing, where she will visit friends
for a few days.
Mrs. L. H. F.genberger and sou,
Henry, visited the wholesale
houses at Omaha today, going on
the morning train.
Mrs. Vallery has removed from
the property recently sold to he
.Masonic home, to tho F. S. White
residence on Sixth street.
H. A. Miner of Lincoln, who has
been visiting friends in Platts-
jnouth for a short time, returned
to his home this morning.
Mrs. Fitch and daughter, Mrs.
Hadden, of near Bartlett, Iowa,
arrived today and will visit Mike
Karnes and family for a time.
Mr. J. A. Silence, W. O. W. field
man, was an Omaha passenger on
the morning train today, where he
looked after business matters.
Mr. Critchfleld, the United
States revenue man, of Omaha,
was in tho city today. Mr.
Critchfleld is a distant relative to
Bird Critchfleld, but which he will
not own if Bird is convicted.
Mr. Atwood of Lincoln arrived
on No. 4 this morning to look af
3er business matters for a few
Jiours. Mr. Atwood reported a
'flue rain in Louisville this morn
ing, water standing in the street
when the train came through.
Miss Zeta Ailliland of Fremont,
who has been a guest of tho A. B
Smith home for a time, departed
for her home this morning. Mr.
Smith and daughter accompanied
their guest to Omaha, going on
the early train.
Mr. Homer Shrader returned
from St. Joseph's hospital at
Omaha this afternoon with his
wife, Mrs. Shrader having been
taking treatment there for som.
I i mo.
1 on C. Rhoden, democratic can
didate for sheriff, was up from
Murray this morning for a few
hours on business and was a
caller at tho Journal oftiee for a
few moments.
Mrs. Adelin Harding of Hebron,
Mrs. W. S. Cleaver of Lincoln and
Mrs. L. M. Hall of South Omaha,
finance, committee of tho Degree
of Honor, were in the city today
looking over the business of the
order in the grand recorder's
olllce and checking up tho books
-of the grand recorder, Mrs. Teresa
Go Out to Swallow Hill, Where
They Have a Big Time and
Fine Picnic Dinner.
From Friday's Pally.
The Jolly Fight club chartered
a carryall yesterday and about 8
o'clock iu the morning, while it
was cool, droveo ut to Swallow
Hill for a day's outing. Mr. Andy
Kroehler and Jesse Warga acted
as properly men, Mr. Kroehler
taking out u load of tackle, food
supplies, hammocks and swings,
and Mr. Warga drove tho carryall
and assisted in swinging the
hammocks, putt ing up I tie swings,
etc. At noon a line picnic dinner
was served, the llsh caught by
the lailn-s were lined ami a line
noonday meal under the shade of
the trees was enjoyed by the club.
More llsh were caught in the
afternoon and the usual sports
and games indulged in on such
occasions were enjoyed. Those
who were thought ful enough to
take their bathing suits along en
joyed a plunge in tho water.
A picnic, supper was spread
about (5 p. in., where more llsh
were disposed of and stories of
the big fish that got away were
told. About 7 p. in. the party re
turned to the city, getting hack in
time to hear the band concert. All
in all, it was one of the most en
joyable days the club has had this
Between Manley and Rock
Bluffs, an automobile crank.
Finder will receive reward by
notifying S. O. Cole, Mynard, Neb.
Highest market price paid for
apples at tho Wetenkamp build
ing, IMaltsmouth, Neb., com
mencing July 10th, 1911.
J. E. Itundle.
KIiIh will be received up to Noon on
Friday, July 14th, A. 1. 1911, at the
office of the County Judge of Chhs
County. In his olllce at riattamouth,
Nehranka, for the cnnntructlon of one
concrete culvert to bo located one mile
cunt ami one-quarter mile north of
Murray; also for one All to he made on
Hcrtlun linn one anil nne-half miles
section line nne-liulf mile north of
I'nlon, Chhh County, Nebraska. Work
to he Oonu out of Inheritance Tax
l'lans and specification on file In
the olllce of the t.'ounty Clerk In
f InttKinouth, Nehraska.
County CommlHHlonera reserve the
rlicht to reject any or all bid.
Allen J. lleeiion.
County Judge.
Plattstnouth, Neb., June 19th, 1911,
In County Court.
State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, ss.
In the Matter of tho Estate of
Henry C. Hardnock, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to the
f reditors of said doceased thai
hearings will bo had upon claims
tiled against said estate, before
nie, County Judge of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, at the County Court
room in Plattsniouth, in said
County, on tho 15th day of July,
1911, and on the 18th day of
January, 1912, at 9 o'clock A. M.
each day for examination, adjust
ment and allowance.
All claims must bo filed in said
court on or beforo said last hour
of hearing.
Witness my hand and seal of
said County Court, at Platts
niouth, Nebraska, this 19th day of
June, 1911.
(Seal) Allen J. Boeson,
County Judge.
Millionaire Wounde j by Two Girls
Testifies at Trial.
He Refused to Pay and Miss Graham
Shot Him hre Wrenched Gun From
Her and Miss Conrad Then Fired,
Hitting Him In Leg.
New York, July 7. There was a dis
play of summer flnery that mmle the
crowd in the Toiuhs police court for
get the hent when Miss Ethel Conrad
and MIhh 1,111 Ian Oraluuu appeared for
examination on the charge of attempt
ing to murder V. 10. 1). Stokes, the
millionaire hotel man. In contrast to
tho blooming defendants, Mr. Stokes
looked pale nnd worn.. Tho girls were
accompanied hy Mrs. John Singleton,
formerly of I-oh AngcleB, Miss Qra,
ham's wealthy sister. Mr. Stokes, a
the first witness, narrated the events
of June 7, when he was shot. He sat
Miss Conrad called hlra on the tele
phone and told him Miss Graham had
gone to Europe and asked him to call
and get letters Miss Graham had left
for him. Miss Conrad "smiled sweet
ly" when she received him at he
apartment, and left him alone a mo
ment, saying she would go for the let
ters. When she returned, said Stokes,
she holted the door behind her and
approached with her hands behind her
"At the name time through the door
Into the hnll I saw Miss Graham creep
ing toward inn with a revolver leveled
at me. Stepping in front of me, she
said; 'Now I linve got you.'"
lhn, continued Stokes, Miss Gra
ham told him he must pay her for
"doing her great moral damage, de
faming her mother and sinter." They
told him. he said, thnt unless he com
plied with their demands they would
kill him nnd "would have no difficulty
getting rid of his body."
"It's death or $25,000," said Miss
Graham, according to the witness.
"I told them," said Stokea, "that It
It were a rare of death or one cent
Id choose death. The Graham girl
raid to ni, 'You will, will you?' and
began firing."
Stokes wrested the revolver from
Mi ha Graham after he had received
two wounds. Then he said the girl
called: "Ethel, you agreed If I didn't
l.lll him you would."
Then Stokes heard another shot
nd n bullet lilt him In the leg.
Western Kansas Aroused by Ravagee
of the Insects.
ToneU, July 7. A war on grasshop-
pers has boon started In western Kan
The ravages of the Insects, especial
ly In the nlfalfn fields, have caused the
Santa Fe railroad to Inaugurate a cam-
paign of extermination along Its line.
II. O. Matsh of tho government hn
renu of entomology Is conducting the
extermination work among the farm
ers and Is helping the railroad. A noU
son composed of bran, white arseulQ.
salt and molasses Is being spread over
all the gram and other vegetation
along the rl?ht (f way. The grasshop
pers are said to eat the preparation
reudlly and It causes death In a tw
One Scott county ranchman has
bought 3'ifl turkeys to war on the
Hlgglns Re'ues to Play In Des Moines
Oiiinba, .Tuly 7 John Higslns has
made Omnhn hendqunrters for the Des
Moines ball tam. Hereafter all the
Des Moines pnines will be played la
Omu'ia. nr.Ws the citizens of Des
Moines give a guaranty thnt a certain
amount wll. J-'-iZ". him.
Fop Sale,
I havo a half section, 320 acres,
in Randborn county, South Da
kota, one quarter fenced, artesian,
well flowing through it, that I will
sell at a reasonable price. Term
to suit the purchaser. Address,
A. W. Smith,
Platlsmouth, Neb.