The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 10, 1911, Image 4

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Plattsmouth - Journal
Published Seml-WeeUj it PUttsmouth, Hebnski
R. A. DATES, Publisher.
Mntcred at tho I'ostollkc; at riattsmouth, Nobranka, as second-class
Iho lly at every n'P"i'-
(lamlidates have only a few
more days in which Id
:o :
Tli' droulli has Immmi broken,
nnd (lass oounly at largo lias re
ceived a good rain.
. :o :
What lias become of tho Folk
latolil for president? II 80CIII8 lo
litivn gone glimmering among the
tliinnn that were.
San Francisco bus hail another
enrlhiniuke, but Ihe warning was
evidently fruitless, as church al
loiwlanoo was reported tn) larger.
Tho prosidonl talked to 100.000
people at l'rov ideneo, ll. 1. Almost
it many a would have turned ont
lo see a Newport divorcee go by
w ilh tier lap dog.
The demoeralie nomination for
president next year is between
(lovernor WiUon of New Jersey
nnd (inventor Harmon of Ohio,
Fit her one w ill suit us.
Fremont is preparing lo enter
tain the demoeralie slate conven
tion in good shape. Fremont ts
Vnown for its hospitality nnd al
ways does the proper thing.
:o :
.That bead-on locomotive col
lision nt Indianapolis must have
reminded Mr. Taft of what hap
pens when an insurgent meets n
. ;o:
Th democrats will have no
trouble to select three good and
competent candidates for su
premo judges. The stale of NV
braska is full of able democratic
John I Sullivan la to retire
from the slago, but if ho keeps
on contributing bis classic no-ins
of F.nglish prose to tho news
papers the cause of literature is
Mill safe.
Hanker Morse in now trying to
net out of Jail by a habaos corpus
writ, lit spile of tho son loo ho
could do bis country by keeping
calm and attending strictly to the
creation of cano seat chairs.
s the packer won't bo tried
until November 20, too early to
assure us cheap lllling for this
summer's picnic sandwiches,
some of us will have to keep on
using leltuee leaves from the
kitchen garden.
Wo waul to sec the democrats
of Nebraska (brow aside all past
differences and un to the Fremont
convention with smiling faces and
happy thoughts, determined to do
their best for harmony and vic
tory. That is the only road lo
unnounct'd that ho will be a can
didate for tho democratic nomina
tion for governor at the primary
Heel ion next year. Wn have
known Charlie for thirty years,
and he has made good with every
thing lie has ever undertaken with
the possible exception of losing
the oflloe of secretary of stale last
fall by ninety votes. There will
bo oilier candidates for the
nomination for governor, and re
gardless of who wins tho nomina
tion, thoro will bo no belter man
than Charlie Pool."
The only Juno rise perceplable
Ibis year wa$ Iho rise In tho tem
porature. :o:
Now that tho Fourth is over
what is the next act, carnival and
slook show?
Tbo wire trust seems to bo in a
fair way to bo lacerated by its
own hands.
It is said James J. Jeffries was
among the number who passed a
safe and sane Fourth this year.
Willi the Fourth safely out of
the way it may be well lo think
about doing your Christmas shop
ping early.
It is strange bow some people
who almost get sunstroke in
shady otVice can play baseball,
tennis or golf in a hot sun and
never mind it.
There will be nl least a dozen
candidates for Hie republican
nomination for supremo judges,
and only three to nominate. We
believe Judge Hoot is the one of
the present incumbents that has a
show for the nomination and we
believe be will bo successful.
:o :
heaths from sunstroke on the
Fourth were xery great in the
large cities. While only two oc
curred in Omaha thoro wore
twettlv-six m Chicago, about forty
in New ork. an. I St.jl.onis and
Kansas Citv had about nine each.
:o :
Keep your swatter working
daily, start it out at early dawn
For every lly I hat goes unswatlci
means a million later on.
:o : .
Now comes the report that
"Spain didn't sink the Maine.
Well, who did? The American
people would like to know.
There is a controversy over tho
job of catering for congress. Wo
move that they be given no pie on
days when they do nothing.
:o :
The peoples' independent party
slate convention will meet in Lin
coln Tuesday, July 25, at 2:30 p
in . Cass county is entitled to six
J delegates. Maybe they thought
Fremont is not big enough to pro
xido for both conventions.
Representative Hroussard of
Mr. Taft wants the senate lo
vote on reciprocity, and after a
full line of speeches has been
mailed to every xoler, they may
consent lo do so.
The fal men are in convention
in HnMon, and let us hope thai
bridges, railroad trestles and
Monmsh-p wharves have been
carefully inspected.
New Orleans want f 250.000 ap
propriated for importing African
wild animal. As most people
can't look at Teddy's stuffed lions
without trembling, they don't care
lo have the live cnllers around.
Senator Kenyon of Iowa in
timates that there- oucht to be
prosecutions f.r perjury grow
ing out of the I.orimer testimony.
Mr. Kenyon is an insurgent, and it
The wheal crop in Cass county ji becoming more and more ap
is much belter than expected, parent thai the insurgent are tix
Many fields are running as high impulsive to be intrusted with
as forty bushels to the acre, and large public affair.
several crops have yielded fiflv :o:
per acre.
Congressman I.alla ts willing
to make the race for governor
next year. Well, be is a level
headed old fellow and will make
an excellent chief executive of
Nebraska. "!
No more holidavs until Labor
day, and the Nebraska City News
jsi'ggesl that knocker- j.ul in l!ie
intervening lime lo rutting v.. t d.
N i a bad idea.
:o :
Those 20.000 teachers who
have gone to San Francisco lo at
lend Ihe National Teachers' as
sociation want to look out for
The smugglers paid nearly S.t,-
000.000 in fines and forfeitures
to the New York custom houe
the past year. Fncle Sam gets a
handsome income out of the
wickedness of bis children.
Some energetic woman has In
vented a hat for women that
need no hatpins. W on't the men
receive this news with delight?
This is indeed a great stride in
the direction of universal peace.
:o :
The president is away from
bands when invited to wield a fork
in a hay field.
The senate, it is said, will vote
on reciprocity during the month.
The country wants congress to
act, and then lock up the capitol
and bide Iho key until the first
Monday in Iiecember.
-. :o:
"There is no truth in the re
port that I have agreed to sup
port anyone for president in
1912," Buys Colonel Roosevelt.
And yet several gentlemen are
thinking of running if other
things look favorable.
The government closed the
fiscal year with a cash balance of
33,000,000. This large sum will
soon burn a bole in congress
pocket, and it was an awful mis
take to let any of our legislators
know about it.
Well, it will soon bo time for
the Commercial club "to be up
and doing." The hot spell lias
kept the members too busy "keep
ing cool" lo begin movements for
more improvements for Plalts
moulh. :o :
The democrats of Cass county
will hold their convention for the
selection of delegates lo I he. Fre
mont convention on Sat unlay,
July 22. The slate convention
meets on Tuesday of the follow
ing week.
Wouldn't it bo awful if San
Francisco would have one oi
those horrible earthquakes while
the Panama opposition was going
on? There will not be one attend
at San Francisco where ten would
have went to New Orleans.
:o :
I'n paralions are going ruiit
along for the building of the
wagon bridge over the Platte
river. The material has been or-
chanees are it will be elaborated
so that in the future the tiro-
works business will be as un
profitable a line as a man can
pick out. Lincoln News.
Battle-Scarred Veteran of Civil
War Carries Several Wounds
In Evidence of His Bravery.
From Friday's Dally.
Uncle Jimmie Hickson reached
his f7th mile stone today, and is
hale and rugged as a man of 20
years younger would expect to bo.
Mr. Hickson first saw the light in
Lewiston, Pennsylvania, and no
one is prouder of bis native slate
than himself. He grew to young
manhood in his native county and
enlisted in his country's service
as a volunteer soldier May 17,
1862, al that time being slightly
under 18 years of age.
He served in the army of his
country for something over three
years, coming out a bal tie-scarred
veteran, though yet a young man
And tho scars left by the wounds
received while facing rebel guns
are plainly desoerned. The first
wound was in his left forearm,
made by a ball at the battle ofl
Malvern Hill; the second wound
was a ball which struck Mr. Hick
son in tho forehead and it has
left a large lump there as the ef
fect of the wound. This battle oc
curred as Sheridan made bis ad
vance on Richmond; and tho thin
wound and Ihe rebel bullet which
made it, remains in Mr. Hickson's
right leg to this day and was re
ceived in the battle of Mine Run
A braver soldier never fought his
country s Dallies man was our
old friend, and wo hope he may
have many returns of bis birth
How to Prevent Misuse of
Centralized Wealth.
dered and as soon as it can ar
rive on the ground work will be
commenced in earnest. The
bridge will be a great thinir for
ii will be a shame if the voters
of Cass county are compelled to
shove an office upon some fellows
who do not want lo serve always.
from Ihe fourth to ninth term.
It is also a shame that in this big
Icountv of Cass men cannot be
found who are willing to relieve
the responsibility of such fel
lows. There is nol much in it.
onlv the salaries.
ll is inferred that the harvester
trust opposed I.orimer because
it readied ho would be too busy
serving the lumber trust and the
beef trut o give efficient serv
ice to a third master.
:o :
It ts fortunate that the national
" capital is located in some good,
hot place like Washington. W ere
it on the cod Maine coast vou
For unmitigated sail, the
officers of the steel trust easily
could wear Ihe ribbon. When an
investigation of tho business
methods of this trust was under
way, the attorney for the trust
submitted a list of Questions he
claimed would make the in
vestigation thorough.
Now is not the time to abate
trie general activity in swatlir.c
the fly. They have a case of
could never pet congress to Quit! Asiatic cholera ur. ier quarantine
talking and go home.
at Auburn. N. Y and we bave no
j means of Vnow;r.c at what
Most people make an awful i moment an Auburn y nay be
fuss when the thermometer cots
up to 100, but you never heard a
hover".".; .round the table or
tickling our noe n an earlv
farmer's wife complain evenjdaTi.
though it was ISO in her kitchen.
!n speaku
of Charlie Pool's
Thrse are critical das for the : candidacy for governor, the Kfar-
: It has been
Charlie Pool.
Washington on a triangular trip
to Poverty and Indianapolis, but
be has left the thermometer be
hind to preach industry to con
gress. :o :
The newspapers are aked not
to print suicide news. Yet some
people are rao;e fearful of what
the newspapers would say about
them in this work than of what
would happen to them la the
The weather bureau ser.t out
the news from Washington yes
terday that "rain is much needed
in the great agricultural dis
tricts.' Ar.d yet there are knock
ers throughout the country who
charge that the Wathir.c.:n
bureau never cr.s the r.sht line
:i the weather.
cereal crops, but we notice that , r.ey IVm.vrat say
Vr.fle Sam usually r.akes his announced that
bread in his own lichen ar.J ; publisher of the Johnon County
rarely has to pAtror.ire the Furop. j Journal and speaker of the lower
ean bake carts. house of the !?i? legislatures has
It is strange that these col
lege boys who break thfir back?
tvwir.g an oar in a boat race are
so fearful of MisterTr.e !h-:r
PoMmaster General Hitchcock
at last confesses that the govern
ment has been pay inn the rail
roads S..000.00, more annually
for transporting the mails than
they are entitled to receive.
Under these conditions it is 'no
wonder thai there i annually a1
his deficit in the postal depart-'
mnt. Recently the statement
was made that F.ngland last year
realized a surplus of ?20. 000,000
from her postal service. F.videnl
ly Johnny Pull is more economi
cal than our I'ncle Samuel.
The lessening of 'he toll taken
each year by the Fourth of July
celebration 24 deaths this year
where last year there were 131,
with the injured list cut down 70
per cent indicates that the or
ganized plea for a sane Fourth is
proving xery effective. Just what
there is that is patriotic in blow
ing one's self so that the doctors
cannot prevent tetanus is not at
all apparent. The fact probably
is that careless parents and reck
less youlhs co!lalorate in causing
these casual'.ies. and that it is
merely a question of whether the
remainder of the community
cares enough about the preserva
tion of human life to step in and
prever.t these accident, ll is an
lr.'.erferr nee with personal liherly
that is perfectly justified, how
ever, ard requires no elaborate
arc-umer.t to support ft. The
policy has brought such good re
suits upon f.rst trials that the
Many Turn Out to Listen, All of
Whom Praise the Boys
Very Highly.
Front Friday's Dally.
The Hurlinglon band hoys re
ceived numerous words of praise
for Ihe splendid concert given last
evening at Ihe corner of Fitth ami
Main sl reels. Tho numbers pro
dueed were classical and playo
wilh such precision and ability as
lo evoke much applause at the
close of each selection. Many re
marks were heard on every band
f Iho improvement in the slvle
of playing nnd tho musical
features, of the program.
The players have greatly im
proved in their ability lo render
lino classical selections to meet
the demand of Ihe public. The
second number on the program
of last evening was the favorite,
and the finished manner in which
Mr. Schulhof and his players
brought out the music in Iho
selection met Ihe approval ol the
crowd. A large number of
vehicles, as well as crowds on tho
sidewalks, were out lo enjoy the
tine program.
Substitution of Popular For DeUgatat
Government Suggested as the Solu
tionSteps by Whioh the End May
Be Accomplished.
Discussing means for securing ef
fective legislation pieveutliuj misuse
of centralized wealth, Senator Jona
than Bourne. Jr., 8uld:
The greatest problem before the
country Is to make the peonlo respon
sible for the enactment of laws by
glvng them power to legislate under
the Initiative and to veto under the
referendum In case tho legislat.7
branch of any state fails to truly rep
resent the general welfare of the peo
ple and also to uiaku the people rer
sponsible for the selection of public
servants under efficient primary and
corrupt practices laws, thus making
all public servants directly accounta
ble and responsive to the composite
citizen, Individual unknown. The sub
stitution of populur for delegated gov
ernment is rapidly accomplishing thla
result, thus substituting generul wel
fare for selfish Interest as the motive
power of government and goal of the
public servant
What Trust Decisions Show.
The recent decisions of the su
preme court in the Standard Oil and
tobacco cases demonstrate that the
next greatest problem before tbo coun
try Is the enactment of legislation,
which will provide broad, well defined.
legal avenues through which dynamic
mentality with centralized wealth Ca
operate with the greatest efficiency,
but with necessitated recognition of
the general welfare of the people, the
rights of employees and employers.
Insuring to the small stockholders1
their proportionate share of the incre
ment incident to the operation of the
capital In the aggregation of which
they have participated.
"Centralization of people, government
and business is an ecouomic evolution
Incident to our civilization. Mun can
not prevent but can provide legal ave
nues through which these great forces
must operate with the greatest benefit
to the general welfare and the least
Injury to the Individual.
"The legal avenues should be as
broad and well defined as possible, but
barriers should be erected along the
roadways providing for the Imprison
ment of any individual who attempts
to break through them. Ascertain
ment of existing methods and condi
tions should be the first step; collation
of opinions from practical employees,
employers nnd economic students the
second: aunlysls and deduction based
on the ascertainment and collation of
views the third; the enactment of leg
islation embodying conclusions the
fourth; co-operation between lawmak
ers and business Interests on the Hues
of ascertainment of the host legislation
procurable, with resultant protection
of the general welfare of the people
and co-operative rights of employee and
employer, the desideratum; ascertain
ment rather tu.-iu mvestlntiou. prose
cution rather than persecution, the
goal; publicity nud not secrecy o:ie of
the methods; the highest possible re
ward for legitimate efficiency and rig
Id obedience to the law, with rsonal
puuishment to the Individual breaking
the laws, the result."
For Sheriff.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the nomination for
Ihe oflloe of sheriff ofllass county,
Nebraska, subject lo Ihe decision
oi tne voters at llie coming
primary election. I ask the voters
lo place mo in nominal ion on the
lemocrnlio licket.
O. 1 Ttarton. Tnion. Neb.
Taken by Mistake.
Whoever look a coat from tho
Manspeaker livery barn office- on
the night of the Fourth of Julv
will please return same. It was
no doubt taken by mistake. The
party who got it Is known and
this is simply a reminder of the
I nereny announce myseir a a
candidate for th nomination of the
office of aherlff, subject to tho de
cision of the voter at the convtnn
primary. I ak them to place m In
nomination on the demoeralie ticket
I. C. llho.ton.
For Sale.
ltrood sows and male hou for
sate or will trade for fresh cows
Fred Patterson. T-d-lUw
For Infant i and Children,
Hit Rind You Kara Always Bc'i&ti
ltAr the y
SUle.ture,t CsCv'A eWCrY
. a
Critchfirld ard Hall of Lincoln Held
to Federal Court.
Lincoln. July ".Bird Critchfleld
nnd E. K. Hall, former and present
secretaries of the Stato Lumbermen's
association, were bound over to the
federal court for the Eastern division
of the northern Illinois district. The
men were arralsned before Commit
sloner Marlay on Indictments charg
Ing violations of the Sherman anti
trust law. The charge of the federal
grand Jury, mhleh met In Chicago, was
that Ihe Nebraska men were member!
of a lumber association which, it was
Slleged, had been Instrumental in
blacklisting manufacturers who had
made lumber sale nirect to consum
er Hot h men admitted before Com
m'ssloner Msr'ay that they had been
members of this organltation. but as
acted that they had withdrawn In the
year of 1?K Ihe mn were bound
over In the sum of $J.5of each. C. M
Kincald and K. S. Clark signed their
Suit t 9et Aside Housh Law.
Lincoln, July T Judge Walter I.
Smith of Council Hlnffa. recently ap
pointed federal circuit Judge, will s't
with ,1udi!c V. It. and T. C. Manger
In tMs cUv .t'lv 11, mhen the hearing
on the arrlVation e-f William Gold
and others for an Injunction restrain
ing Ihe Hate fvem enforcing the pro
visions of the llouh antlfrc-o gift en
IrrnvWe act will be heard. A recent
enactment h tvnsrtvs provides that
when a ':te law suspension Is the
ipioMton at Wmio eitVr a federal cir
cult er nupivme must sit ith
the Fntted States d. strict Judges In
the matter Seveial retailer fron
over the slate, both for and againt
the measure, will attend the r.eartng