The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 06, 1911, Image 4

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    The- Plattsmouth - Journal
r Published Semi-Weekly, it Piitlsssaln, Nebraska CZZD
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Postoffice. at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class
refund to intercede.
What about Congressman Lai I a
for governor? He would fill tlie
We should get rain pretty soon,
the Chautauqua season has open
ed up.
' :o;
Cass rounly is entitled to six
teen!, delegates to the democratic
state, convention &t Fremont.
Hon. John Morehead of Falls
iCty is favored by the leading
democrats of Lincoln for gover
nor, He has many friends all
over the slate.
The people of Nebraska City
are happy in knowing that their
new Iturlingtnn depot is a sure
thing. The Lord knows they have
needed it long enough.
The true wav to lest the fervor
of a boy's patriotism is to see if
he is willing to go out of town a
mile from any house and dis
charge his firecrackers in honor
of the nation's birthday.
Champ Clark says he is not go-
ing to run around the country
chasing the presidential nomina
tion. The fact that he has quit
Hie chaulauqua platform in
dicales also that he has decided
it is unreasonable to expect the
presidential nomination to chase
all over the country looking for
The reciprocity bill seems cer
tain to pass without amendment,
although the impulse to fill it full
of jokers is too strong for some
of the senators to resist.
Some- people favor substituting
ice cream for explosives July
Fourth, and stomache really
seems more desirable than lock
jaw. :o;
The queen naturally wept dur
ing the cornalion, as iter careful
ly prepared dinner must have got
very' cold durhifr an eight-hour
Judging by the chorus of "How
dry I am's" from the troops re
turning' from Texas,' we judge
they walked all the way and that
1he roads wee dusly.
:o :
Strange to say, the senators
who used to wear the sugar trust
tag in place of a boulonniere,
have got to the point where they
keep it inside their coats.
It is a fortunate circumstance
for the ofllcers of the weather
bureau these days that the init
ative, referendum and recall can
not be invoked in their case.
John Kuhl, speaker of the
house, was in Omaha the other
day, probably to start a boom for
him for governor. John is like
several others too light in the
tipper story.
:o: .
Hiram Maxwell has invented a
noiseless cannon, nut n w in never
be popular for Fourth of Julv
"Harmony" should be the
watchword of all good democrats.
Nothing can be gained by pander
ing over the differences of the
last campaign. Democrats al
ways have a hard fight in Ne
braska, to say the least, and they
must get ready to march in one
solid phalanx if they expect sue
cess. We have a great chance to
win in the election this fall by
slaying right together and throw
ing aside all ill-feeling engender'
ed in the last campaign .
The Journal editor has received
a letler from Hon. C. V. Pool, ex
speaker of the house of rep
resentatives, in which he says it
is too early to begin a campaign
for governor, notwithstanding
his name has been very frequent
ly mentioned for the position. If
the race he made for secretary of
state a year ago is any indication
as to Charley's popularity, he w ill
certainly prove a popular can
didate for governor. He ran so
close to the successful candidate
for secretary of state that we
shall always think there was skul
dugery in counling in the other
Democrats, get together and
Met bygones be bygones." Let us
heal all the old sores. That is the
way to do if we possess the true
spirit of democracy.
Fourteen lumber trust men are
presented with indictments, which
papers it is now fashionable to
frame and hang by the side of
your college degree.
The arbitration treaty with
England is nearly ready, but the
senate will observo its rights to
deposit chestnut burrs beneath
the British lion's tail.
If Queen Mary is the raging
beauty the correspondents at the
coronation represent her to be,
why is it that none of her photo
graphs reveal the fact?
Does the signal service know
any more about the weather than
anyone else? It doesn't look that
way. i tie rains uo not come as
predicted by that department.
Many college students are now-
getting trips to Europe by feeding
cattle on the freight boats. This
is much preferable to serving
course dinners lo the smart set as
summer hotel waiters.
Chancellor Day says the laws
are made by ignorant people. The
chancellor is slightly mistaken
On the contrary, the laws are
largely made by shrewd persons
who know exactly what they want.
The man who invented confetta
should have a life sentence and
the man who bbrings it to town
should be ducked in the Missouri
river. It Is altogether unneces
sary and makes the streets of a
town look bad.
(ieorge P. Harton, democratic
candidate for sheriff, spent the
Fourth in Plattsmouth, and made
a good impression w ith many peo
all the express companies in the
United Slates, ordered by the
interstate commerce commission,
seems to verify the worst fears of
the common carriers that the fool
commission reany intend to
make itself useful.
That man Shotwell is now hav
ing the time of his life explain
ing that interview in Washington.
Pome people are so mean as to
say that he wrote the 'interviews
himself at the dictation of Vic
Rosewater. Now ain't that awful.
Little Vic is up to many little
tricks, but we can't hardly be
lieve this is true.
The testimony taken at Wash
ington establishes the fact that
beyond contradiction thai the
sugar, trust., and. the Mormon
church were partners and that
support of the republican party
by the church was in payment for
high tariffs on sugar. Other
articles recently printed establish
another fact. The Mormon
church is Smoot, Joseph F. Smith,
Cutler and a few other Mormon
leaders. It is all "business," and
business of the most sordid kind.
The church is in business and in
politics solely for business
In County Court.
State of Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, 88.
In the' Matter of the Estate of
Henry C. Hardnock, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to the
creditors of said deceased that
hearings will be bad upon claims
filed against said estate, before
me, County Judge or cass uoun
ty, Nebraska, at the County Court
room in Plattsmouth, in said
County, on the 15th day of July,
1911, and on the 18lh day of
January, 1912, at 9 o'clock A. M.
each day for examination, adjust
ment and allowance.
All claims must be filed in said
court on or before said last hour
of hearing.
Witness my band and seal of
said County Court, at Plaits
mouth, Nebraska, this 19th day of
June, 1911.
(Seal) Allen J. Beeson,
County Judge
Sheriff o! Dodge and Deputy to
Pay $100 anil Costs Each.
Given Until July 10 to Make Settle
ment With Court "Fainting Ber-
tha" Mut Serve Her Time in Prie-
on Special Quarters for Her.
Lincoln, July 4. Anton Bauman, Jr.,
Bheritf of Dodge county, and W. C.
Condit, his deputy, were brought up
before Federal Judge T. C. Munger of
the court here for contempt of court
In allowing Levi Munson of this city,
sentenced to a thirty-day terra In the
county Jail at Fremont for violating
the federal liquor statutes, great lib
erty in roaming about the streets and
saloons of that place.
The men were fined $100 and costs
apiece, payment to be made by Mon
day. Julv 10. In assessing the fine
against the Fremont men. Judge Hun
ger scathingly arraigned them, assert
Ing that such open and flagrant con
tempt of orders Issued by the federal
court of the land was unheard of
Sheriff Dauman, following the an-
5 Mil w
til Vj$(
Applied Into tb nostrils
ia quickly pbaorkad.
It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects the
diseased membrane resulting from Catarrh
and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly.
Restores the benaes of laste and rimeU.
It is easy to use. Contains no injurious
drugs. No mercury, no eovaiue, no mor
phine. The household remedy. (
1'nce, &u cents at Druggists or by maiL
ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St., Ntw York
Harry Green Prostrated.
Harry Green and wife of near
Weeping Water were in the city
.yesterday celebrating the Fourth,
when Mr. Green became over
heated and was assisted to a
physician's ofllce. Deputy Sheriff
Manspeaker was near the man
when he became prostrated and
nouncemeut of the penalty, declared assisted him to whero he could
that he had recently gone through a , medical treatment. He was
The fellow who thinks that ex
Governor Shallenberger is not in
the race for United States senator
is just a Utile bit olT in his
The sagacious newly married
couple will carefully sweep up
the rice offered by attentive
friend? and oiler it to them in the
form o fa rioe pudding at some
future socinl function.
The next house of represent
atives will contain forty-two more
members than the present con-
press, which will he a revelation
to those who thought congress
was already ns unwieldy as it
could get.
It is gradually dawning on the
American people that the great
majority of them get little or no
benefit from tariff taxes. How
many of our readers can tell of
any benefit that they get from
Artificially raised prices?
If the mention of La Folletto
for president was put out as n
"fel-r" it was singularly suc-
thi. It has resulted in a con
MrafIe display of feeling in the
' itS.iM paper.
Our good friend, II. I). Travis of
I'laltsmoulh, who has been men
tioned favorably as a possible
candidate for the supremo judge
ship this fall, will not lie a can
didate for that position, but bis
friends insist I bat be shall sue
ceed himself ns judge of the sec
ond judicial district, a position be
has aeeptably tilled for several
years. Judge Travis is an able
lawyer, genial companion and
possesses in a marked degree that
turn of mind so necessary for one
occupying the bench that his re
election is assured. Tecuuiuseh
Many well known farmers were
conspicuous by their ah.sbenco on
the Fourth.
Showers are "on their way,"
the forecast says. Sure. Hut on
Tho hottest weather in
years, many people say.
their way where?
The Fourth is passed and many
people aro glad of it, but there is
another coming in about 30 1 days.
What's the list) of getiing hot?
We liavo to tako the weather as
it comes whether we like it or not
:o: r
The federal court order dis
solving the powder trust is not
likely to effect the popularity of
the powder puff.
Kvery person who wants to in
crease the price of bis own com
modities seems to regard the
"protracted dry spell as a suf
Orient pretext."
we can stand it if such bolness
don't shve itself upon us for forty
tnoro years. Many of us will not
live to enjoy it.
Great Hritain ought to have
coronation every year or two, to
enable America to confer specia
distinction upon a number of
pecial ambassadors who are rich
and nothing elso.
In an interview with numerous
armors on the Fourth wo failed
to talk to one who said tho corn
was injured by the extreme heat
and if we could bo favored with
rain within ten days tho crop
would be a bumper.
Tho wheat crop can't bo so
awful bad in Kansas if the
following is true: The wheit field
on William Hundke's farm, north
of Atchison, Kansas, a dispatch
says, is producing fifty-one and
one-half bushels an acre.
Is San Francisco the proper
place to hold tho Tanama exposi
tion? The people will 6leer clear
of the city of earthquakes. And
if it is to be a success this matter
should be taken into considera
lion before it is everlastingly too
The harvester trust is being
investigated bby congress and it
is inferred that Senator Lorimer
in view of all tho circumstances,
For Sale.
I have a half section, 320 acres,
in Sandborn county, South Da
kota, one quarter fenced, artesian
well flowing through it. that I will
sell at a reasonable price. Terms
lo suit the purchaser. Address,
A. W. Smith.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
CAM. I'OH nm.
HUIh will lie received up to Noon on
Friday. July 14th, A. It. 1911. at the
olllce of the County Juiltte of Cans
County, In Ills olllce at I'lattsmouth,
Nehranka. for the cnnHtruction 01 one
concrete culvert to he located one mile
punt and one-quarter mile north of
Murray; also for one nil to he made on
section line one and one-half miles
section line one-half mile north of
lTnlon, Cass County. Nebraska. Work
to he done out of Inheritance Tax
Plans and sporlflrn tlons on file In
the olllce of the county Clerk In
l'lattsmouth. Nebraska.
County Commissioners reserve the
rldht to reject any or all bids.
Allen J. Heeson.
County Judie.
PlattHinouth, Neb., June 19th, 1911.
financial crisis and asserted that he
would not ask any of his friends for
the money necessary to redeem the
fines, ending: with the plea to the
Judge that he might as well be com
rultted "right now." Judge Munger
told the prisoners that they would
have the extra time to make their re
mittances to the clerk of the court
Must Serve Her Time In Prison
After going over the report filed by
the state Insanity board relative to
the mental condition of "Fainting Ber
tha" Uebbeke, Governor Aldrlch as
serted that the swooning one would
have to complete her prison sentence
and that If there were not proper
Quarters for her detention at the state
penitentiary provision should be made
for them at once. Meanwhile Bertha
rill be taken to Hastings, where she
will be kept only until the quarters
can be fitted for her at the penlten
tlary. Governor Aldrlch emphasized
the fact that the woman would have to
serve her time out at the state ' pen
and that her removal to Hastings
would only be temporary.
Crashes Into Rear End of Train When
Brakes Fall to Work.
Iiouu City, Neb., July 4. The sec
tion motor car on the Union Pacific
I ranch crashed Into the rear end of a
fi eight train about a mile and one half
east of this town, seriously Injuring
five section hands. The freight had
Just left the depot on its return trip
to St. Paul and the motor, with seven
section hands, was following closely
behind to put out a fire Just a mile
or two out ol town. The freight slack
ened its speed and signaled the motor
tar, but when Foreman Eneveldson
itomnted to ston. the brake would
not work.
All the section hands Jumped before
the collision except one. He was cut
severely about the head, face and
hands. Three others who Jumped
were also badly hurt. The freight
gathered up the Injured men and back
ed In to the depot.
revived and was able to be taken
to his home later in the day.
Card of Thanks.
To the friends and neighbors
who so kindly gave us sympathy
and aid during the illness and
death of our beloved son and
brother, we tender our most
heartfelt and sincere thanks, and
especially are we grateful to the
car-workers for the beautiful
bouquet of flowers sent for the
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Black and
Right in your busiest season
when you have the least time to
spare you are most likely to take
diarrhoea and lose several days'
time, unless you have Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy at hand and take a
dose on the first appearance of
the disease. For sale by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
The democrat io slate convon
lion meets in Fremont Tuesday,
July 25th. Cass county is en
titled to sixteen delegates, and
these want to be selected with a
guarantee that each and every
ono will attend.
The sweeping investigation of
MliKK Of ri(OI0KI 11 K OF
no its. .
Notice Is hereby Riven that the Ash
land Drainage district needs the sum
of seventeen thousands live hundred
Klxty-elKht and 60.100 (I17.5HH.60) dol
lars. and the Hoard of Olrectors there
of ia about to Issue seventeen thousand
five hundred sixty-eight and 60.100
I17.litiX.tiO) dollars of negotiable bonds
of said distlrct, drawing six per cent
Interest per annum. payable In ten
euual annual Installmcnta. with Interest
coupons attached, said bonds to be sola
at not less than par. At any time with
in sixty days after the date of the first
publication of this notice, to-wit: June
8, 1911, any owner of any tract of real
estate In Bald district, or of any ease.
ment therein, may pay to C. Keetle
treasurer of said district, at the Farm
cers and Merchants Hank, Ashland, Ne
braska, the proportionate share of the
principal amount of said bonds charge
able against said tract, and the amount
of bonds Issued will be reduced In the
aggregate amount of said advance
payment so made, and any tract uoon
which auch advance payment Is made
wll Inot be chargeable with payment
of any of said bonds or the Interest
thereon; provided, that If a deficit Is
caused by an appeal from the assess
ment of benefits and a change thereon,
or by reason of any assessment being
uncollectible, or in any other manner
whatsoever, then said deficit shall be
a charge upon all the lands assessed
according to the apportionment of
benelils. the SBme as any other liability
or Jne district.
The proportionate share of the nrln
rlpal amount of said bonds chargeable
against each tract of land In sahl dls
trlct has been determined, levied and
assessed by the board of directors
thereof In dollars and cetns against and
upon each tract thereof on the basis of
the apportionment of tin Its of benefit
and assessment hitherto made at the
rate of rour and forty-five hundredths
dollars (H 45) per unit: reference being
hereby made, for specific Information
as to particular tracts, to the Kesolu
tlon of siild Hoard of Tilrertora relat
Ing thereto on tile In the otllce of A. H
Fuller. Ashland, Nebraska, secretary of
earn nisirict.
Witness the signature of said Ash
land lralnaxe Mstrlct, by the Tresl
dent and Secretary thereof, and th
corporate seal of raid district, this 3d
day or June, ltui.
Ashland lralnage District.
By Nelson ShefTer. President.
A. H. Fuller. Secretary.
File for Nomination.
From Wednesday's Dally.
There were three filings in the
office of the county clerk for
nomination to county ofllces to
day. Oeorge Barton filed for the
ofllce of sheriff, D. C. Morgan for
clerk and Miss Mary Foster for
county superintendent, all on the
democratic ticket, to be voted
upon at the primary occurring
August 15 next.
Qo to Attend Funeral.
Mrs. Archer and Mrs. Harry
Barthold went lo Omaha on tho
morning train today to attend the
funeral of Mrs. LalTerty, which
occurred from Rev. Savidge's
ohiippH thia nirtinin(r nt tft rVlrrlr
Tlie section mu a T,,,W A1, n0 4 u I.
holt slipped down Into the machinery 7 .
of his cr, preventing the brake from
tend the funeral, owing to the
fact that he is suffering from the
effects of the heat.
Temporary Injunction Issued Restrain.
Ing Enforcement July 7.
Lincoln. July 4. The "anti-gift en
terprise" law passed by the last legis
lature cannot be enforced temporarily,
Federal Judge T. C. Munger having Is
sued a temporary Injunction restrain
ing Governor Aldrlch and Attorney
General Martin from enforcing the law William Gold of Lincoln, Sper-
ry & Hutchinson of New York and
the Magazine and Book company of
New York, three plaintiffs who filed
suit last week. The plaintiffs assertod
that the law abrogated contracts and
took their property without due proc
ess of law. A hearing will be held
Julv II for a permanent Injunction.
The law goes into effect July 7. The
law was designed to prevent mer
chants and ethers from offerHig pre
mium Inducements to patrons in order
to got them to buy goods.
Wheat l Turning Out Well in South
east Nebraska.
Auburn, Neb.. July 4. Wheat Is
turning out good, ranging from twen
ty five to forty bushels per acre. James
Iu-kwoot! near Julian threshed thirty
four bushels per acre and weighed
ixty four pounds to the bushel. On
the Codington fnrm, one piece went a
little over forty bushels by weight.
Reports from all parts of the county
show that the wheat Is turning out
hotter than expected and the smallest
yield reported Is twenty-six bushels
per acre.
Corn Is holding its own exceptional
ly well with the hot dry weather. How.
ever, it Is being danngpil some the
lust few day.
For summer diarrhoea In chil
dren always give Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy and castor oil, and a
speedy cure is certain. For sale
by F. O. Fricke A Co.
Do you want an
If you do, get one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, Neb.
Ditei mile at this ofl;j or the
Murray State Bank.
Good Scrvic an Rcasoble Rate
DR .
Herman Grecdcr,
Graduate Veterinary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S. Department
Licensed by Nebraska State
Calls Answered Promptly
Telephone 378 White. Flattsmouth