The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 03, 1911, Image 7

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Items of Interest to Journal Readers
Charles Hardnock's children are
on the sick list.
Charles Trumble of Eagle was
in town Saturday.
Miss Alt a Linch was a Lincoln
visitor Thursday.
Will Boyles returned to his
home at Lincoln Wednesday
Mr and Mrs. Willis Whitney
did trading in Omaha Saturday.
E. M. Stone was in Lincoln on
business between trains Wednes
day. W. R. Nutler of Raymond, for
merly a resident of this place, is
looking for a location om a terra
Mrs. T. W. Barry and son,
Emile, were shopping in Omaha
The Misses Mabelle Stout and
Elsie Stout were trading in Lin
coln Friday.
John Yaeger came in from
Omaha Saturday evening to visit
his folks a few days.
Mrs. Thomas Stout and daugh
ter, Mrs. A. II. Klyver, were shop
ping in Lincoln Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dreamer and
children were Lincoln and Uni
versity Place visitors Friday.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Simon
Johnson, on Friday, June 30, 1911,
a twelve and one-half-pound boy.
Miss Marie Strocmcr came in
.from Lincoln on No. 14 Saturday.
Valentine Trumble was trans
acting business in Lincoln Thurs
day. Mrs. George Hall and daughter
were passengers for Omaha Sat
urday morning, returning on
No. 17.
Mrs. Rasp accompanied her
husband to the hospital at Lin
coln Wednesday. They returned
home Thursday.
Sam Jordan took Fred Leidig to
Lincoln Wednesday evening in
the auto to get repairs for Mr.
Leidig's threasher.
Rev. Bliss and bride came in on
No. 14 Friday. The M. E. church
members tendered them a recep
tion at the church Friday evening.
J. A. Shaffer had an attack of
rheumatism in his right foot the
latter part of the week, being un
able to attend to the store Satur
day afternoon.
Mrs. Ed Stromer and children
accompanied her sister, Miss
fs Kill SACRIFICE foo
I Wf Is drens bummer Low uuts at less J
ity" Footwear, and are not "Fake Sale" or misleading representations, and
very pair sold with the same recommendation and reliability as in the past.
Keep Kool and attend our "More Than Your Monies Worth
Sacrifice Shoe Sale!
20 pairs Ladies' Red Cross Pumps, was $4.00, sale price. $2.50
25 Oxfords, " 4.00, " " ,
24 " " Julia Marlow Cameo Ties, was $3.50, sale price
12 " " Patent Pumps, " 3.00, "
25 " 44 Patent Pumps, 44 2.50, 44
50 4 4 44 Tan Oxfords, 44 3.50, 44
24 44 44 Patent Oxfords, 44 2.50, 44
36 44 44 Chocolate Oxfords, ' 44 3.00, 44
12- Pumps, 44 2.00, 44
20 44 44 Tan Button Oxford, 44 4.00, 44
25 44 Men's Patent Oxfords, 44 3.50, 44
50 44 Boy's Calf Shoes, 44 2.00, 44
150 44 Misses' and Children's Slippers and Oxfords special reduction.
200 44 of "Pick up Items" to lengthy to classify.
Repairing; Done Right.
i i
Will Be Received at the Drug Store.
Zelma Cumings, to the latter's
home at Clarinda, Iowa, Saturday !
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner of
niV'OPCl U DIlOA r r n. J. ...... '
x. a.IC Uuu m,lo tlu , ,n0eting
...... aulo cuneuay evening
and took supper with their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner
E. M. Stone, P. J. Linch and F.
M. Muenchan were in Omaha Fri
day, where Mr. Muenchan pur
chased an "Oakland" automobile
through the firm of Linch &
S. C. Boyles, son,
Harry Parsell autoed to Lincoln
Thursday, where Mr. Parsell pur
chased a new belt for his thresher.
Miss Mable Carlyle of Omaha,
a neice of Uncle George Cook, who
visited at Frank Cook's the past
several days, went to Lincoln
Mr. Benton of Ceresso came in
Thursday to accompany his
daughter, Mrs. A. N. Myers and
children, to Cercsco to visit until
after July 4th.
Miss Agnes Lackey of Scotts
Bluff, Neb., visited Saturday and
Sunday with Mrs. Emma Cashner.
Mr. and Mrs. Forsyth of Lincoln
came down Saturday to spend a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. Cam
At the Air Dome Last Night.
from Saturday's Dally.
The amateur contest at the air
dome last night was well received
and excited much interest, there
being three contestants, who re
cited, sang and played. The win
ners were little Miss Denson and
little Miss Stenner, who shared
equal honors for first place. There
will be another amateur night
next Friday.
Mr. Dave Wallengren visited
the metropolis this morning,
where he was called on business
for a few hours.
Mr. T. T. Wilkinson spent the
day in the metropolis, going on
the early train this morning.
- For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bo'ighl
Bears the
Signature of
450 pairs of Ladies' and Chil
dren's Summer Low Cuts at less
than reliable manufacturer's prices.
A large part of these goods are
"Factory Samplcs"and our reg
ular bought, "Keep Up the Qual
i Courier. J
Mrs. Jack Shatter and children
'arRerete Ueichart
uu.,r Tl l'"ro,h' ",WB- w
M?U IUU11M 3,
James Slander went to Ne-
of the
Kiwurlh league.
Ir. E. II. Worthinan left
Thursday for a ten days' vaca
tion in Colorado. Dr. Polk will
look after his practice during his
Mrs. Ed Ingrim, who has been
taking treatment in an Omaha
I hospital, was brought home this
Dale, andw,ck. n' is said to be resting
somewhat easier.
Mrs. W. F. Schlefert went to
Omaha Wednesday and from
there, accompanied by her broth
er, Ed Dehning, to Chicago to
visit relatives and frfends. She
will be absent about ten days.
Harry Green of the news de
partment of the Lincoln State
Journal was in Louisville Thurs
day, accompanied by Mrs. Green
and Ed Schuloff of Plattsmouth.
They came up in the latler's
Colonel J. B. Lambert of Dead
wood, South Dakota, stopped here
lino (Inv last, wonk ttt n.nv n uhnrl
visi, io hi, sislpP. Mra. t. n.
He was on his way home from
Fort Leavenworth, where he had
taken twelve army prisoners.
Barak Teodorski returned from
Omaha Wednesday, after being
confined to his bed for more than
two weeks. We may look for
work on the town hall to take on
new life and be pushed to com
pletion, now that he is again at
the head of affairs.
W. J. Conners, father of Walt
Conners, the baseball pitcher,
'died at the, home of his son in
Cedar Creek Saturday night. The
funeral occured Monday after
noon at 2 o'clock from the M. E.
church in Cedar Creek, being
conducted by Rev. I. L. Lowe of
this city. Interment was at the
Glendalo cemetery.
Jacob Group of Dausman, Wis.,
is here visiting with hi sbrother,
John Group. Mr. Group left
Louisville twenty years ago and
took a homestead in western
Nebraska, but later sold his claim
and moved back to Wisconsin.
This was his first visit here since
leaving twenty years ago, and he
was very much surprised at. the
change in the town and the
country as well.
Was $.300
sale price
4 News. J-
Mrs. Kirkpatrick was on the
sick list for a few days last week.
Twenty-five men arrived from
Omaha yesterday to work in the
quarry west of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Ruffner of
PIMattsinouth are spending the
week at the Kirkpatrick home.
Several threshing machines are
at work in this vicinity. Although
the straw is short the grain is of
a good quality.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Hastings of
Union, accompanied by George
Hastings of Spearflsh. S. D., are
visiting at the home of Rev. and
Mrs. Van Hurcn.
G. J. spohn and wife of Su
perior, who were here for the
Kropp funeral, went to Weeping
Water Tuesday, where they will
visit a few days before going
Mrs. O. T. Rockwell left on the
noon train yesterday for Del
Norte, California, where she ex
pects to visit during the summer
with her sister, Mrs. C. S. Stone,
and other relatives.
Ern Young unloaded a big
Reeves engine and threshing out
fit Wednesday, which was ship
ped to him from Lincoln, and will
take care of his part of the
threshing around here.
M. G. Kinie has just, finished
some extensive improvements to
his residence. Among other things
ho has had a couple of fine
cement porches laid. Jim Miller
done tho work.
Dob Bates of the Plattsmouth
Journal pulled our latch string
last Friday and swapped opinions
.with us on the boll weevil, pip,
delinquent subscribers and other
evils that beset a Christian and
make his cross heavy.
The contract has been let to
tho Nebraska Construction com
pany of Lincoln for the erection
of a wagon bridge across the
Platte river at Plattsmouth. This
is the bridge that has been
agitated for a long time and will
mean a big thing to people in this
vicinity who own automobiles and
who occasionally drive to Omaha.
It will make a direct Omaha to
Kansas City route and will short
en tho distance for all travel of
that description to and from the
river towns, as heretofore it was
.necessary to go west to Louisville
in order to cross.
I Deacon. J
Raymond Kcltlelnil is under the
doctor's care on account of step
ping on a rusty nail.
Will Chiistophersoii pot, his
feet tangled up with thoso of one
of his horses and has to use
crutches to get around.
Mis. Charles Rentier returned
yesterday from Walton, where
hl;e has been slaying with Iht
daughter, who has been very s:ek.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Went worl h
n( Council Muffs, Iowa, visited
hero Sunday with Mrs. Went
v.orlh's aunt, Mrs. M. McKall.
Art Remaley went to Lincoln
Tuesday to return with his wife
and baby, who have been visiting
his parent ihe past week.
Kd Ax is f uperinlendiiiif some
work on tho Crete branch of the
M. P. H.'ut.v Caddy is uitin j as
foreman in Ms absence.
William Royer and wif.v from
Nuckolls county slopped off for a
short visit with Sam Earle and
family Wednesday evening."
' Mrs. Rusk Mick has been very
sick the past week and was oper
ated on Tuesday. At the time of
going to press she was slightly
C. Welcnkamp, sr., was a Lin
coln visitor Monday, going up to
see his grandson, Herbert Crab
tree, who fractured his jaw last
week. Herbert is getting along
Owen Wall and family moved
back from Lincoln the first of the
week into the Ed Williams prop
erly. Owen will assist his father
and brother in running their
threshing outfits, of which they
have threo.
Tho stork paid a visit to the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Peter
son last Friday and letf a pair of
twin girls. When Pete was
brought in to be introduced to
thorn, he said they were real nice
little fellows, but what ho would
like to know was if any got away.
For Sale.
I have several bend of wild
horses nl my place, which I will
sell at reasonable prices. I'n
broko. perry Marsh. Route 1,
Plallsinonlh. Neb. 7-.1-2tv.
Mrs. Heath of Lincoln, who has
been visilinif relatives in this city
for a few days, departed for her
Inline Ibis afternoon.
Lead Cases Used to Protect the Kayo
1 tha Strang Substance.
Radium la such a strange substance
that but few person lu nil tbe world
ate erfectly fumlllur wltb It and Ita
peculiar properties.
It throws off a peculiar ray of light,
and if out protected It will In time ex
hnuRt Itself, going no one knows ex
actly where.
Its emanations are such that there
Is but one known substance through
which it cannot pass, and that Is pure
For some time the problem of com
plete protection against Its own loss
through emanations and the possible
loss by burglars was a puzzle to scien
tists and mechanics, but Anally safe
was constructed In London with an
Inner cell of lend about three inches
In thickness, surrounded . by a specially
prepared outer safe, which Is said te
be a perfect safe for radium.
The strange stuff la stored in those
safes and guarded wltb extreme care,
as it la of great value.
Tbe safe door is round and so ad
Justed aa to make It' possible to dis
close any slight defect that might be
caused by tbe use of the opening, and
In tbe Inner portion of the door are
openings through which tubes con
taining mercury can be placed to col
lect any emanations resulting on the
Interior during the confinement of the
curious substance. Mercury collects
the emanations and prevents loss In
that directlon.-Los Angeles Times.
Ths Progreit Must Go on, and tho
Misery May Bo Modified.
Many of tbe inventions of civiliza
tion have their unhygienic side. Tbe
Invention of bouses has enabled man
kind to dwell In all parts of the world,
but It Is responsible for tuberculosis,
especially after glass was devised,
which, whUo letting In the light, keeps
out the air. Tbe invention of the al
phabet and printing has made possible
tbe accumulation of knowledge, but it
bas produced eye strain, wltb all Its
attendant evils.
Tbe Invention of chairs has added to
human convenience, but It has led to
spinal curvature and abdominal con
gestion. Tbe device of a division of
labor has added to wealth, but has
destroyed tbe normal balance of men
tal and physical work, recreation and
rest. Similar fault may be found wltb
clothing, especially corsets, shoes and
bats, and wltb nuni-rona other con
trivances. Tet it would be foolish, even If it
were possible, to attempt to "return
to nature" In the sense of abolishing
civilization. We must not go back
ward, but forward. The cure for eye
strain Is not In disregarding the inven
tion of reading, but introducing tbe
Invention of glasses. Tbe cure of tu
berculosis Is not In the destruction of
houses, but In devices for ventilation.
Dr. Irving Fisher In New Vork Chris
tian Advocate.
Scottish Pearls.
A number of people In Scotland
make u livelihood by searching for the
precious stones which are occasionally
to bo found ensconced In the Interior
of fresh water mussels. To a lesser
extent It Is also carried out on some
English and Welsh si renins, but none
of these Is so prollllc In pearl bearing
as the northern rivers. There ore au
thentic records of Scottish pearls be
ing found which rlvnled any tbe
orient bus produced so far as translu
cency and (lawlessness are concerned.
A writer of the eighteenth century
Kates thai '.'0,000 was a moderate es
lluiute of the value of pearls then fish
ed annually from Scottish rivers,
while It is a matter of history that a
German who formed a syndicate of
Ushers in INtlft acquired stones to the
value of 12.000 In that year alona
Ilut the Industry Is not so remunera
tive nowaday a. London Standard.
Feared Burial Alive.
Tbe dread ot premature burial
haunted Harriet Martlueau. who
would certainly not be classed as a
fanciful person, and she bequeathed
10 to her doctor to see that her body
wan decupllated before burial. Ed
mund Yates In his will stipulated that
his jugular vein should be severed
and left '-'0 to pay for the operation.
Lady Rurton took even stronger pre
cautious. 8he enjoined that ber heart
should be pierced with a needle before
auy steps were taken to certify ber
death and that ber body should after
ward le submitted to a postmortem
examination. lxndon Chronicle,
Lucky or Not,
"Eve was really a very lucky wom
an." remarked Mr. Henpeque. "She
didn't have any woman to criticise her
Mrs Henpeque's eyes snapped.
"On the other hand," she retorted,
"she didn't have any woman around to
envy the first gowns a woman ever
had." Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.
Life Is tho finest of the fine arts. It
has to be learned wltb lifelong pa
tience, und the yenrs of our pilgrim
ages are all too short to master It triumphantly.-Druuimond.
Her 8acred Word.
"Not golnu to Allre's luncheon?
you gave your sacred word!"
"So I did. and I'd go In a minute If
Diy dress had come lioiuu." Harper's
We must laugh before we are happy
or else we may die before we ever
laugh at all.-La firuyere.
After Thirteen Years In Havana Har
bor Ruins Are Brought to Light.
The truth as to tbe cause of tbe ex
plosion which wrecked tho battleship
Maine In Havana harbor on Feb. 15,
1SH8. and cost 259 lives is soon to be
known. The work of bringing tb
ruins to light bas progressed to a
point where It is ouly a matter ot
days until tbe spertH cuu explore
When tbe water in the cofferdam em
ployed in baring the wreck hud bee a
lowered t a depth of seven feet a
superficial observation was made pos
sible, and steel ribs bent apart, decks
upheaved and hurled far from their
original position, bulkheads crumpled
like sheets of paper and apparently
Inextricable and hardly Identifiable
masses of construction muterlul proved
that the shattering of the hull of the
battleship was far greater than has
been supposed.
At tbe time of the explosion the
opinion was general that the Malno
had been sunk by a Spanish mine lu
retaliation for the efforts of the Unit
ed States iu behalf of Cuba, then an
oppressed Spanish possession. Now,
however, the popular belief Is that
Spain had nothing to do with the .dis
aster. Spanish and American commissions
bad divers examine the wreck. The
Spanish commission reported that au
Internal explosion sank tho ship. Tho
American conclusion was that the ship
was destroyed by the explosion ot a
submarine mine, but did not fix the
It took a long while to get congress
to act on the proposition to raise the
wreck, nnd this delay was responsible
for the suggestion that there was
something to conceal lu connection
with the battleship's fate. At length
congress showed that It wasn't afraid,
and the facts so long hidden In Ha
vana's muddy harbor are about to be
come known.
The Bteel foremast of the old battle
ship, which weighs about ten tons,
will be shipped to Governors Island.
The remainder of the wreck will be
given an honorable sea burial.
There are sixty-three bodies still in
the wreck, and the Cuban authorities
have mado preparations to recvlve
them as fast ns recovered. They will
be taken to Cabana fortress, where
they will be placed In coffins, and
later will be removed to the collier
Leonloa for transfer uorth.
Chemist Asserts He Can Tell All About
One's Osculations.
Kdward Ilelf, a Pittsburg research
chemist, declares that he has discov
ered the real kissing germ a microbe
peculiar to persons, particularly to
women, prone to much kissing.
That ho can tell by a microscopic ex
amination of a tiny pol l Ion of saliva
from n woman's lips whether Hie ha
ever been kissed by a man and ap
proximately how often Is the astonish
ing declaration made by Mr. Keif.
This applies equally to men, he says.
Any woman who brings lo Mr. Kelt
a teacup that has touched the lips can
find out If her husband lias been kiss
ing other women.
"The microbes of each person have a
different characteristic," savs Mr, Rclf.
" man who does much kissing has
big microbes, the woman who does
much kissing has big microbes, and
so on."
Mr. Helf. who Is a University ot
Pittsburg graduate, discovered the
strange microbe accidentally. As to
the actual and material results from
Mr. Keif's discovery there Is only omr'
drawback -the cost of examination Is
a bit expensive, about $10.
Roof Playground and Zoo For Child
Two Months Old.
Kussell Hopkins, consul general of
Panama, has purchased a house lu
Fifth avenue. New York, for his baby
son, John Knndolpli Hopkins, who was
born two months ago. Tho baby's
grandmother, Mrs. Lawrence, widow
of Dr. .1. .1. Lawrence, said she would
spend $'J,",(Wi0 In furnishing a suit of
five rooms In the new house for her
Mr. Hopkins wished to purchase Mrs.
William II. Leeds' house and offered
$2.V),M"0 for It. but It was refused.
The mof of the house lll be cover
ed with n steel wire cage and half con
verted Into a playground. The other
half will Ih used ns a small private
Friend of President Lincoln Taking
tho Arts Courss.
Eighty years of age and still enjoy
ing college life, Mrs. Amy D. Wlnsh
of Racine, Wis., will nter the Univer
sity of Wisconsin next fall as the
only octogenarian co-ed In the Untied
States and probably In the world.
Mrs. Wlnshlp. who Is now compVt
Ing her second year lu tho arts ooui
at Ohio State unlvi.Aity, was u c
Bona I fr'end of Abraham Lincoln. Si
Is going to Wis (insln In order to l e
near her home and relatives.
Coronation Carpet,
The grci.t carpel for coronation cciv.
monies In Westminster abbey vl'l
cfMitatn Mm yards, and the roe. t.v--tle,
shamrock and lotus will figure in
the designs The first three will in
resent England. Scotland and Ircl .uil
and the lotus Egypt and India.