HEW LIGHT FOR BIBLE STUDENTS ' Two Breal BaMons and Two ihu viuui uuwjiuu uitu inw Great Captivities. THE MYSTIC AND THE LITERAL Paator Ruatell Seat Type and Antityp the prophecies speak of the end of this Between Babylon of Old and Myatl Age and of world-wide calamities in Babylon and Between th. Captivity cldentai to the overthrow of every in- f ri..hly l.ra.l and th. Captivity of ai. i . a, t 4 1 1 1 . 1 T" -w. - Seattle, Wash., July 2.-Bible Stu dents and the pub lic In great num bers heard Pastor Russell here today, and Jerenilh 1, 3S, with Revelation ' We report one of , xvi, 12, nnd the 4tith verse with Reve hls discourses on latlon xvlil, D. Compare also Jeremiah the "Two Baby Ions" one Literal and the other Mys tical. He took no specific text, bt relied wholly upon Bible testimony, quoting the same frequently, lie said in part: For centuries Bible Students have observed that many of the strong ex pressions of the Old Testament re specting Babylon found their parallels In the New Testament, used in respect to Mystic Babylon. Many of these statements of the Old Testament seem far too vivid and too strong to be ap plied to Literal Babylon. Hence It was surmised that Mystic Babylon was more particularly referred to than the Literal. It was noticed also that as Israel and Judah went into captivity to Literal Babylon, so apparently the Book of Revelation teaches that Spir itual Israel would have drastic experi ences In a captivity to Mystic or Sym bolic "Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots" (Revelation xvii, 5). Within the past fifty years, under the blighting Influence of the Evolu tion theory and the destructive Higher Criticism iif the Bible, these parallels have been lost sight of. Indeed, aside from International Sunday School les sons, Bible study has been very large ly neglected, even in theological semi naries. And the Sunday School les sons, under the guidance of worldly wisdom, have sought to avoid every thing except the "milk of the Word" (the simple doctrines) to avoid contro versies. Only very recently is true Bible study being revived In conjunction with the International Bible Students Associa tion, a branch of which I have the honor to address today. We may well congratulate each other, dear friends, that in God's providence we have es-1 caped the faith-destroying influence of Higher Criticism and Evolution. We may well congratulate ourselves also on the degree of liberty we have at tained In the study of God's Word freedom from the confusing creeds manufactured for us in a darker nge freedom from some of the rank super stitions and false theories which, for a time, fettered our reason and made the Divine Plan to appear ignoble un worthy of a Just and loving man, much more of an All-Wise, Just and Loving Creator. Great Bab'ylon of Old. Briefly we remind you that ancient Babylon was built on the river Eu phrates; that she had impregnable walls; thnt the river ran through the midst of the city, and tho great gates of brass spanned the river as a pro tection against assaults of an enemy from that quarter. The name of the city was attached to a large area of country outside of It, for which It served as the capital. Indeed, at Its cenlth Babylon was mistress of the then civilized world the first Uni versal Empire. We remind you of the captivity, first of the ten tribes of Israel, and later on of the remaining two tribes or king dom called Judah. The method of Babylon was to scatter the Israelites amongst the Babylonians, and through their earthly Interests to amnlgamnte them as part and parcel of Babylonia. This condition of things lasted until the fall of Babylon before its con queror, Cyrus. The General gained his victory In remarknble manner, while the Baby lonians, assured of their security, wore revelling at a banquet. Although the crisis came suddenly, the preparation had been long In progress. The sol diers of Cyrus, under his direction, hnd disced a canal of considerable depth ready to drain off the water of the river as soon ns the necessary con nection was made. When the canal wns in readiness the connection with the river was speedily made and the water flowed rapidly into the new channel, leaving the bed of the river under the great brazen gates, ou both tides of the city, nn open roadway, through which marched the army of Cyrus. Suddenly, nt an unexpected moment, the boastful city, the proud Babylon, was captured. Then It was thnt Cyrus, the victo rious genernl, gave the command which granted liberty to every Israelite car ried captive thither, to return to his own land. Additionally, assistance was rendered to all who desired to return. and the goldeti vessels pertaining- to the worship of God In the tempi were sent back. But strange to say, out of all the millions who had constituted Isran) nnd Judah before the captivity. only about flfty-thre thousand of all the tribes were amicus to avail them selves of the privilege of returning to the Land of Promise. Antitypical or Mystie Babylon. The Book of Revelation, the book of tiuImiIh, the last lusMne of our ai- tended Redeemer to His Church through the Apoatle John, was written ,on centurles after literal Bubylou perl!jheJ Ita referenc. to Babylon. I therefore, can be viewed only in the light of symbolism. As already sug gested, many of the prophetic utter ances seem far too strong to be ap plied to literal Babylon and her fall. Indeed, while speaking directly of Babylon and her fall at the hands of the Medes and Persians under Cyrus, "tltutlon contrary to the Divine will. IJl CHOI Bivl v iur luauikuiw vawu wi to Messiah's Kingdom. I request that at your convenience you read Isaiah xlil, 1-19, in confirma tion of what I have said. I recom mend further that you compare Jere- mlah I, 15, 29, with Revelation xvlil, tt, 11, C-9, with Revelation xvlil, 4; and verse 13 of Jeremiah 11 with Revela tion xvii, 1-15; and verses 37, C3. 64 with Revelation xvlil. 2. 4. 21. No one can make these comparisons, I believe, and not feel fully convinced that the noly Spirit dictating through Isaiah and Jeremiah was the same Holy Spirit which guided St. John throueh the ADOcalvntlc vision. Nor can such students escape the conclu slon that the force of the prophecies apply specially to Mystic . Babylon rather than to the literal city and country. As one section of literal Babvlon fell before another, so Reve lation predicts it will be with Mystic Babylon. As Literal Babylon ruled over the whole world, so Mystic Baby Ion Is represented as ruling the civiliz ed world, and hence the entire world. As the lords of Babylon were made drunk by wine which they drank from the golden vessels captured from the temple at Jerusalem, so Mystic Baby Ion, represented by a woman, is said to make all nntlous drunk with the wine, or doctrine, which she gives them out of the goldei; cup which she holds in her band. As Literal Babylon fell by the drying up f the waters of the Euphrates, so Revelation tells us that Mystic Babylon sits upon the sym bollc Euphrates, and that the way of the kings of the East shall be prepared by the drying up of those waters (Revelation xvi, 12). Similarly, we are assured, Mystic Babylon's end shall come suddenly, "In one hour." Like a great millstone she shall be cast into the sea to rise no more. As the literal Israelites were In Tlted to leave Babylon tho literal, and were helped so to do, but only a few responded, so spiritual Israelites are urged to leave Mystic Babylon lu which they have been In captivity, but only a comparatively small number have a sufficiency of courage, love and xeal to respond nt the first others will be delivered after her collapse. Now, however, the message is, "Babylon is fallen, Is fallen sentenced to fall. Come out of her, my people, thnt ye be not partakers of her sins, nnd that ye receive not of her plagues" (Revela tion xvlil, 2-5). Where It Myttio Babylon? No student can examine the records without astonishment and a realization that Mystic Babylon must be some great, influential system of great power in the world during this Gospel Age, and especially at Its close. The very prominence given to Babylon, both in prophecy and In Revelation, warns God's people thnt If they have not yet found Babylon they should seek for her. For bo great an institution as made all nations drunk with her false doctrine must be very prominent, In deed, to those who were made so un der the influence of the stupefying draft from her cup. Indeed, the Intimation Is that the whole civilized world will be so intoxi cated with the false teaching of Baby lon as to be completely under her influ ence. And when she falls It is particu larly explained that all the great, the rich, the mighty, the influential of earth will mourn the catastrophe of her fall. Only the saintly few will recognize Its true import and rejoice; as we read, "Alas! that great city that was clothed In fine linen and purple and scarlet, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls! For in one hour so crunf rlehoa In crime to nnnirht. What city Is like unto this great cityl And they cast dust, on their beads and cried, weeping and walling, saying, Alas, alas, that great city!" (Revela tion xvlil, 10 19). But, on the contrary, another class rejoices, as we read: "Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye Holy Apostles and Prophets; for God hath avenged you on her. And I heard a voice of much people in heav en, snylng, Alleluia! Salvation, and glory, and honor, and power, unto the Lord our 0d; for true and righteous are His Judgments; for He hnth Judged the great Harlot which did corrupt the earth with her forni ntlon, and hath avenged the blood of His serv ants at her hand" (Revelation xvlil, 20, and xlx, 1, 2). it seems very clear, ruy dear breth ren, that many of us were once part and parcel of this great Babylon this great system of confusion by which the Divine character has been so tra duced through misinterpretations of the Divine Word. I am aware thnt Catholics declari? that Protestants are this Babylon system; and I am aware that Protestants claim that Catholics are this Babylon system. To my understanding of the Divine Word, both are right! Babylon Is the Mother system and the various sects of Protestantism are the daughters. and the name Babylon la a family name. It belongs to the mother sys tem first, and to all the daughters of the system now, as well. Improjer as sociation with the world, its govern ments aud systems, Is a crime to which they are parties. The "daughters" have followed the example of the "mother," and more or less are coming back Into sympathy with her in all particulars. None of them have main tained the proper attitude of virginity and separateness from the world. "I Speak Net Unkindly." Do not misunderstand me. Mtevt that then art true taintt of Ood in all the various parts of Christendom- mother and daughters. I do not even charge nor believe that those who have upheld and are upholding the various sections of Babylon have an evil In tention; I believe that they are thor oughly "drunk," Intoxicated with their own erroneous theories. The fall of their present institutions will be a startling blow to them, for they verily believe them to be Christ's Kingdom and style them such Christendom. The fall of Babylon will astonish the entire world, so complete Is the Illusion thnt Christendom represents the throne and government of Messiah amongst men. And, be It remembered, the vast majority In all the various sects and denominations of Christendom are worldly people who have no concep tion whatever of the true Church and her cause. Their ambition is to ap proximate rlghteousuess and a form of godliness, but no more than this seems to them necessary; more would be Irrational, unreasonable, since they have not been begotten of tho Holy Spirit and therefore canuot appreciate things from the Divine standpoint. To them the fall of Babylon at first Is astounding, a perplexity, but will work uo real Injury, because the reign of Babylon over the earth will be superseded by tho reign of the New Jerusalem the Kingdom of God's dear Son, The most saintly of God's people will hear the voice of Divine com mand, "Couio out of her, My people," and will obey It before the fall comes; but a large number, even of the Lord's people, lacking courage, will share with Babylon the troubles of that hour. Subsequently, however, they will rejoice and be glnd when they realize the Justice of the Divine execution against Babylon, and to them will come, as an inferior company, an In vitation to attend the "marrage supper of the Lamb." Their honorable posi tion will be that of bridesmaids to the still more faithful and courageous "little flock," who will be accounted worthy to be tho Bride class and to sit with the Redeemer in His throne. Then speedily will follow the long promised Times of Restitution to the world of mankind, for which we pray, "Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it Is done In heaven." "Thy Kingdom Coma." As God nnd Ills glory and honor are to be -first in the minds of His children, so their next thought should be for the glorious Kingdom, which He has prom ised shall bless the world. However much our own personal Interests nnd affairs may be pressing upon us, aud however much we may desire to have the Lord's blessing and guidance in them, they nro not to outrank our ap preciation of His beneficent arrange ments which He has so clearly prom ised In His Word. We are to remem ber that the Kingdom, when it shall come, will be a panacea for every III and every trouble, not only for us. but for the whole world of mankind. We are not, therefore, to permit our own pe-onal needs to be too prominent, bul are to remember that the whole creation is groaning aud travailing in pain together, waiting for this glo rious Kingdom aud tho blessing upon all the families of the earth, which our neavenly Father has promised shall yet come through the Seed of Abraham. This thought respecting tho King dom, its necessity, aud the blessings that it will bring will keep prominently before our minds our own high calling to jolut-helrshlp with our Lord in this Kingdom. And In proportion ns that hope Is clearly before our minds it will be, as tho Apostle explains, as "an an chor to our souls, sure and stendfnst, entering into thnt which is within the vail." This anchorage of hope in the future, In the Kingdom, will enable us to pnss safely, and with compara tive qnlet, through the trials and storms and difficulties of this present evil world. More than this, our thoughts respecting the Kingdom will remind us that if we are to bo heirs of the Kingdom It will be necessary that we have the appropriate discipline and training. Thy Will Be Dens en Earth, as It Is Dene In Heaven." This petition offered from the heart implies thnt the one offering It has rondo a full consecration of his will, his heart, to the Lord, and that as be hopes for the Kingdom by and by to come and subdue all unrighteousness and to establish the Divine will from sea to sea, and from pole to pole, so now, the petitioner, being thus In ac cord with the Lord's will, and thus wishing thnt it might be universally tn contrd, will seo to It that this will Is ruling In his own heart that in his own nff.ilrs God's will Is done to the best of l is ability tn his earthly con dition, even as ho hopes to have It perfected In the Kingdom. No one can Intelligently and honestly offer this petition and not desire nnd en deavor to hnvo the !rd's will done in himself while on enrth. Thus n blen j ing comes to the one who offers this petition before h hns asked nny sp clal blessing upon himself or othere The mere thought of the Divine rangement brings a blessing, a pe- , a rest, a snnctlflcntlon of heart NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING AS A GUARANTEE TO T E Publlo Feels Certain Degree of Confidence In Merchants Who Advertise. When a business concern in vests a large sum of money in a handsome store and equipment for retail merchandising, the public feels a certain degree of confidence that tho concern has goods worth examining. People argue that unless they had estab lished a reputation for fair deal ing and unless they had goods that they knew filled a need, they would not dare spend so much money. Advertising, likewise, acts as a guarantee of substantial business character. When a firm spends money freely on this necessary form of salesmanship the public concludes that it must have goods back of it that have demonstrated their worth, or the firm would not set apart this sum of money for selling them through tho news papers. A concern that does not ad .vertise impresses tho public as merely an experiment. Tho fact that it may have been in exist ence for many years does not help jt so very much. The public may even look at mere existence for a long term of years as a dis qualification, indicating prefer ence for old-time methods. It takes advertising to prove that you have confidence in vour goods. Relief Agent Skips Out. A special from Brook, Neb., un der dale of June 29, says: "J. W. Johnson, relief agent for the Mis souri Pacific at this point, is mis sing and two diamond rings valu ed at $850 and cash amounting to $800 are missing with him Johnson was checked in on the 10th inst. to relieve J. W. Tee garden, the regular agent, who, with his wife and son, is visiting friends and relatives in Indiana Johnson is described as being 2G years of age, weight about 105, five feet ten inches in height nnd has dark hair and eyes. No trace of him has yet ben found." Mr. Teegarden is a son-m-law of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith of this city, and the family was here only; a few days since visiting nt the Smith home. Mr. Teegarden was oft on n month's vacation and no doubt this state of affairs will hasten his return homo. ASSIAl AIMM'ltOPItlATIO.'V. (ft)' f I'lattumouth. Statement of the appropriation for the City of 1'liittHinoiilli for tho pant flaral year ami an CHtlmate of the prohahle amount of money Decennary for all purpoHea to he mined In aald city ror the lineal year 1911-1912. I.axt car's Appropriation. Mayor 150.00 City Council 600.00 City Clerk 300.00 City Tieanurer 300.00 City Attorney 250.00 I'ollce JudKe 300.00 Police OMIcerH 1,500.00 Street ComtnlHHltier HOO.OO Hoard of Health 100.00 Printline 150.00 Hoardlnir City PrlNonem 250.00 StreelH and (liaillnn 2,200.00 Miliary fioo.00 Park 100.00 Fire Hydrant Rental 3,510.00 Klre department 225.00 PcfiindliiK Honda Int. and Honda 21 and 22 11,000.00 Street l.lKhtinif 1,500.00 Sinklmr Fund 2,500.00 Kathnate for FUrat Year HIM-IDU. Mayor $ 150.00 City Council 500.00 City Clerk 300.00 City TreaHurer 300.00 City Attorney 850.00 Police JudKe 3B0.00 Police (illlcera 1,500.00 Street Commhoilnpr ,, 400.00 Hoard of Health 100.00 PrintitiK ami Stationery 200.00 Hoarding City Prlxonura 250 00 StreetH and Grading 1,500.00 Mhrary 450.00 Pnrk 250 00 Fire Hydrant Itental 2,000.00 Fire department 175 00 Kefuiidlnir Honda Int. and KondH 23 and 24 lAnr.nnn Street Mirhtlng 1,500 00 Slnklnn Fund 2,500.00 Cemetery Fund 260 00 Therefore, He It reaolved by the Mayor and City Council that the froe-R-olna: atatement and entimate be enter ed at large unon the minutea by the City Clerk and that the same be pub lished for four weeks, aa required by la w Dated thla 29th day of June, 1911. John P. Battler, Mayor. Attest: B. O. Wurl. City Clk. Miss Anna Parkining and her sister, Miss Clara, wero Omaha passengers this afternoon, where they went to spend Sunday with friends. Herman Grecder, Graduate Veterinary Surgeon (Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska State Board Calls Answered Promptly Telephone 378 White. PlattBmouth THE POLITICAL OUTLOOK III NEBRASKA SEEMS TO BE GIB STQRfAY The Democrats Practically United what Divided Into Two Factions Taft and Anti-Taft Sup porters and Brown and Anti-Brown Supporters. That there will be troublous times in Nebraska during the coming year is conceded by all kinds of politicians. The repub licans are going to have more dif ficulties to overcome than the democrats. Senator Norris Brown is going to have a big fight on his hands, and it is probable that George V. Norris will be the man to make the fight. Tho La Follette boomers arc behind Norris' cam paign, and if they fall down in their row, it is likely that Gov ernor Aldrich will bo pushed for ward to make tho race against Senator Brown. State Auditor Barton is being urged to run for congress from tho Fifth district, in event Norris takes up the guago of battle for the senatorship, but Barton will not have things his own way, as there are other republicans who hanker for the job of helping de feat a democrat for congress from that bailiwick. Congressman MeGuire, demo crat, will have no opposition in tho First, district. Paul F. Clark and V. E. Selleck are sounding the business men of Lincoln as to whether they may stand for the republican nomination to succeed MeGuire, and Frank E. Edgerton may come out into the open be LOCAL NEWS From Saturday's Pally. Miss Bertha Nelson was an Omaha passenger on tho morning train today, where she visited friends for the day. Mrs. J. II. C. Gregory and daughter, Pearl, of near Manley were in the city today looking aft er busines smatters. S. Hay Smith nnd wife departed for Denver and the mountains this morning for a ten days' trip, seeking a cooler clime. Mr. P. A. McCrary was a nas- Rongor to the metropolis on the morning train today, where ho! was called on business Mrs. Hall of Greenwood arrived on No. 4 this morning and will visit her daughter, Mrs. Coon Vallery, for a few days. Mr. Jacob Lohnes of Cedar Creek arrived on No. 4 this morning and visited his Plaits mouth friends for the day. Mr. II. B. Hayes went to Omaha this afternoon to meet Mrs. Hayes, who has been visiting her parents at Sac City for a few days. Miss Father Larson returned from Peru this afternoon, where she had been to visit her sister, Miss Mattie Larson, for a few days. John Corey and wife and Mrs. F.d Bralner and daughter, Jaunet, returned last evening from Sac City, fnwa, where they visited friends for a time. Mrs. McIJride and daughter of Hamburg arrived this afternoon to be guests of Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Stewart for a lime. Mrs. Stewart is Mrs. McMride's daugh ter. Mr. G. V. Goodman and wife lelt fur Pender, Nebraska, on the morning train today, where they will visit Mrs. Goodman's sister, Mrs. Henry Beins and family, for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bucacek and children hoarded the early train for Omaha this morning, where they looked after some items of business during the day. Mrs. Mary Ilisser of St. Paul, Minnesota, who has been tho guest of Mrs. S. O. Cole for a time, departed this morning for Albia. Iowa, where she will visit relatives lor a few days. Mr. W. L. Thorp and Mr. High field of St. Joseph, Missouri, were in the city looking afler tho pros pect for the apple crop, departing fur Glenwood this morning to In vestigate the situation there. Mr. C. II. Haynie of Misouri Valley, Iowa, who has been visit ing his brother, John, fur a short lime, left for Pacific Junction this morning to visit his old home for a few days. Mr. Carl Weber returned last evening from Chicago, whero he has been altendimr the national convention of electrical supply men. While in the east Mr. Weber visited his parents in Michigan Mr. Iavid Turlelott, who has While Republicans are Some.' fore long as an avowed aspirant for the same place. In the Third district the La Follettes ara, coaching ex-Congressman Mo-.. Cart by to run for the place held by James P. Latta, but the 7,000 majority by which Latta was elected, looks too big for Mc Carthy to tackle. Dan V. Steph ens of Fremont will bo tho demo cratic nominee for congress from the Big Third, unless Mr. Latta. decides he wants tho place again., which is not probable. Steph ens ran Latta's campaign, as well as those for Judge Graves and P. II. McPhillip, and he has the dis trict so organized that he can win the nomination and election hands down. He is saying nothing about tho campaign nt all, and naturally the names of others are being; mentioned for congress in the hopes that something may happen whereby Stephens may decline to run. The Frenionler, however, Is ready for the running as soon as the bell is sounded, but it will not be tolled for some months to come. The republican insurgents are already laying plans to capture the republican convention on July 25, and thejr activity is rousing up the federal guard for Presi dent Taft, been visiting his daughter, Mrs. William Baird, for a short time, departed for Lincoln this morn ing. Mr. Turlelott will leave for Denver and the mountains in a few days, where ho will spend the heated term. Hon. V. II. Puis and wife cam to Platlsmouth this morning, ac companying Miss Gusta Bannlck, Mrs. Puis' sister, to tho station, where she departed for hor home at Coleridge, after visiting the Puis' homo for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Puis went as far as Omaha with Miss Bannick. Little Miss Kopischke, who re cited at the air domo last even- received many w;ords of com mendation, ns sho showed the right sort of metal. At tho next amateur evening she will sing for the entertainment of the audience. Mr. Jacob Gobelman arrived this morning from Miller, South Iakola, where he has visited for three weeks. The drouth, Mr. Gobelman says, is quite severe in that locality, the small grain hav ing been almost a failure. The jrorn crop is threatened now and .unless rain comes within a few days the corn will also be no good. Receives a Fall. While tho storm was on last Sunday night Mr. George Perry had the misfortune to fall down a flight of stairs, Beverly bruising him and giving him a sever shaking up. Mr. Perry had arose to lower the windows to keep oul the storm, when he accidentally took a tumble down the stairs. At II I'm t it wns thought, that his hip was broken and a physician wos consulted early the next day, but it was found that nn bones wero broken. Tho patient has been using n cane since and is re covering from tho effects of the shaking up as rapidly as could be expected. A Word of Thanks. Once more the Journal, which has been so kind to me in this jubilee week, must make room fot a personal word of thanks. You, my dear parishioners and friends, and especially tho Commercial club and tho citizens at large, who in this intense heat laid aside casft to pay mo so great honor by their presence, as well as kindly gifts to "fill tho bag with golden fruits," I feel very grateful. It is a great lesson on the pnrt of our fair city in loyalty to our fellow men. May God bless you all, and I thank you. Canon H. B. Burgess. That Drinking Cup Problem. Tho Chicago Record-Herald says: "It has been decided by tho management of the Burling ton road to abolish tho common drinking cup throughout its sys tem, and to offit" paper cups as a substitute. That drinking water will bo shut off in a largo number of railway stations throughout Illinois as a result of the enforce ment of tho common drinking cup law was tho prediction niado by railroad ofllicals in touch with th situation."