The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 29, 1911, Image 6

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    Murray Department
If any of the readers of the Journal knew of a social event or an item of interest in this vicinity and will mail savte to this office U wxll appear urwfcr this htaiin
Fe want all items of Merest. Edits Jm 'Ml '.
hlon. J. T. Miles, of Missouri, Has Been Secured as Orator for
the Occasion Fine Program Arranged by Committee.
w nn rMMiA
n uurrav stent;
Bank n
Capital and
We Solicit Your Danking
Dr. Newell, tlie dontleat, In Murray
every Tiiemlay.
A. L. Baker whs m PlallHmoulh
visitor Tuesday evening.
Ice cream, fruit sundaeB and
cones at A. L. Raker's.
Frank Gobolman, painter and
paper hanger. Plattsmouth.
Ilring your produce to A. Haul's
store and gel highest market
Alva Long was in Omaha Tues
day to spend the day with Mrs.
Long at the hospital.
Dr. V. K. Lnughrldge of Lin
coln was in Murray last Sunday
for a short visit with his mother
nnd brother. '' '
You know when A. Hast adver
tises bargains he makes thein.
Read his ad this week and sec if
it is in the lino you are needing.
James Hatched, was looking
after some business matters in
the county seat lust Saturday
evening, and called at the. Jour
nal otllee to renew his suhscrip
K. T. Huston of South Omaha
is the new stockman in Murray,
arriving here this week, and in a
few days will be ready to offer the
top price for all (he slock in this
community. He is busy this week
placing in new yards and scales
and arranging everything in shape
for business. Mr. Host on is n
mighty tine fellow, comes to Mur
ray very highly recommended,
and no doubt will meet with suc-
. Mrs. William Sporer went to
Omaha Thursday morning to
spend the day wit h her sister, Mrs
Aha Long.
John Jenkius, who lias been
living wilu Ray Dill up near
Rosile, Neb., for the past few
months, returned home Tuesday
We have just received a com
plete line of the world famous J
Heinze's grocery specialties, and
invite you to try them. 'At A
Hast's store.
Miss Verna Tracy of South
Omaha arrived in Murray Wed
nesday morning for a few days
Visit with her friend. Miss Isabelle
Young. :'. ,
Mr. and Mrs. George Mutz of
Omaha came down Wednesday
morning for a few days' visit at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mulz and Mr. and Mrs. (I. M. Min
ford. 1
Mrs. Jake Mason of Plaits-
mouth came down Wednesday
morning for a few days' visit with
her daughter, Mis. Robert Filch,
cast of Murray.
. Mesdames F. M. Young and Lloyd
(lapen returned home from Plain-
view Tuesday evening, where they
have been for the past two weeks
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. War
ren Wiley and numerous other
Mass county people in that
locality. Mr. Young was up there
also, but he returned home lasl
Friday. They made brief visits
with Wade Porter and wife, Wil
liam Hoval and wife, Jake Taylor
Mrs. Charles L. Creamer was an
Omaha visitor Wednesday.
Troy Davis of Weeping Water
was in Murray a few hours Wednesday.
B. F. Brendel made a profes
sional trip to Union Wednesday
Some of the best local talent
will entertain at Mrs. Boedeker's
on July 12.
Make arrangements to attend
the musical at Mrs. Boedeker's
on July 12.
Mrs. Olga Campbell has been
numbered with the sick for the
past few. days.
Mrs. II. L. Oldham entertained
Mrs. E. A. Burton at supper Wed
nesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Todd, resid
ing west of Murray,' were in
Plaltsmouth Tuesday.
James Stephens has been suf
fering with a severe attack of
rheumatism for the past few days.
James and Troy Holmes, W. C.
Brown and W. S. Smith went down
to King Hill Tuesday to spend the
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Arnold, on June 28, a boy. Both
mother and little one are doing
Mrs. J. W. Edmunds visited
with her daughter. Mrs. Alva
Pitman, James Loughridge, Mis
ses Margie Walker, Lena Young,
Isabella Y'oung, Mattte Minniear,
Pauline and Fay Oldham.
Mrs. O. H. Gilmore entertained
Mrs. H. E. Snyder and children of
Fairfield, Iowa, at dinner on
Saturday of last week.
Mrs. Lora Moore, Mrs. H. E.
Snyder and children and George
Oldham of Plaltsmouth spent a
few days at the Oldham home in
Murray this week.
Mrs. W. M. Queen and Mrs. Al
bert Wilson arrived last Saturday
from Deep Water, . Mo., and are
visiting their brother and sister,
Mr. E. R. Queen, and Mrs. Frank
We have Just received our last
shipment of old potatoes for this
season. Please let us have your
order now. as we will have no
more when these are gone.
A. Hast.
Rev. W. A. Taylor of Union will
hold services at the Kenosha
Christian church Sunday, July 2,
at 3 p. in. Everybody cordially
invited to attend. Sunday school
every Sunday, and the K. N. K.
meets every Thursday afternoon
A Pleasant Reunion
, Mrs. Mira McDonald entertain
ed at dinner last Sunday Mr. and
Mna Tnlin rav arA A :i 11 oh I ot
Long, a the hosp.tal in Omaha .VaomU of Stephenson, Washing-
Mrs. J. W. Berger and Mrs.
James Brown were in Plattsmouth
ton; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McDon-
'ald and daughter, Marguerite, of
'Murdock; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Tuesday, the trip being made with Moore and daughter, Francis, of
H. .. J odd m the auto. Murray. Messrs. Gray and McDon
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Brown en- aid were schoolmats when chil-
tertained Mr. and Mrs. James dren, and not met for the past
Holmes and Troy Holmes of Chi- nineteen years that was at the
cago at dinner Wednesday. docks at Stephenson, on the
W. W. Hamilton and staff of Columbia river. Mrs. Gray has
carpenters are doing the finishing ,"'Pn employed as teacher in the
work on the addition to Mr. High schools for a number of
la's residence this week.
The infant child of Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Reike, also their
daughter, Miss Minnie, have been
on the sick list for the past few
days. i ': " '. ' r
Mrs. C. Benger, jr., has been
years, which position she takes
up on her return to Stephenson
Mhis fall. Mr. Moorp, being an
uncle to Mr. Gray, the day was
very pleasantly spent. On their
return west Mr. and Mrs. Gray
will visit friends in Merrick and
Custer counties of this slate, also
quite sick for the past few days, with an uncle, Charles Moore, at
Mrs. C. C. Koke was visiting a Fruita, Colorado.
few days with her sister, Mrs.
cess in the stock line. He will be am) wife, all of whom are hannv
ready to at any and all times buy and prosperous. Crops in that
locality are looking well.
one animal or a thousand.
Robert Filch, east of Murray.
Mrs. Edmunds, Mrs. Dull, Mrs.
Davis and Mrs. Cook will enter
tain the Thimble Guild at the
home of Mrs. Edmunds on Friday
afternoon. Everyone invited.
Glassware, queensware and
r rocker) ware are going at a bar
gain this week at the store of A.
Hast. If you are needing anv-
July Fourth will be a red letter
day for Plattsmouth. Mr. J. C.
Y'ork, as chairman of the arrange
ments committee, and his able
corps of assistants, are working
like beavers to complete the de
tails for one of the greatest cele
brations the city has ever wit
nessed. The committee is in com
munication with Hon. J. T. Miles
of Missouri, one of the finest
orators in northwest Misouri, and
fully expect to procure his serv
ices, for the oration of the morn
ing. There will be first-class
entertainment for the visitors
from the time the program opens
at 10:30 until the last rocket
ascends at night.
The committee received a com
munication from the management
of the Regimental band this
morning, stating that the band
would be on hand, but that it
would be delayed until the arrival
of No. 4, which arrives at the
Plattsmouth station at 10 o'clock.
As the program does not begin
until half an hour later, this will
not disarrange the program. ''
The afternoon sports have al!
been arranged and there promises
to be many entries in all of the
contests, so that a very exciting:
and spectacular racing contest
w ill be in evidence. It is expected
that a large crowd will be in at
tendance and the committee will
expect every order-loving citizen
to exert himself to aid the com
mittee and the officers of the city,
in upholding the law in all ways
conducing to the enjoyment of the
occasion by the visitors in the
A few extra special police .will
be provided and every precaution
taken to insure a sane and enjoy
able celebration. The orator of
the day is one of the ablest which
could be procured and has a
strong voice and personality, and
by many is considered an orator
equal to Bryan.
The Aid Society.
Mrs. J, W. Berger and Mrs. J. H.
Brown entertained the Aid society
Wednesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. J. W. Berger. The after
noon was spent in needle work and
a most pleasant social time. At
five o'clock a two course luncheon
was served. Some excellent music
was qiute large and a most en
joyable time was had. Those
present were: Mesdames I. S.
White, F. M. Y'oung, Frank Moore,
Mira McDonald, II. C. Long, Lloyd
Gapen, Charles Creamer, Will
Rice, Lucile Young, M. G.
Churchill, A. J. Graves, William
Sporer, A. L. Baker, Margaret
Brendel, Charles Carroll, Steve
Oopenhavcr, James Hatchett,
Mary McDaniel, Joe Burton, J. A.
Walker, John Farris, Nick Fried
rich, Dave Lloyd, D. C. Rhoden,
George Lloyd, J. C. Snavely, W. A
Brown, Minnie Wood and chil
dren, Velma and Leland, of Lin
coln; Edward Steiner of Lincoln,
.Miss Hiatt'Of Murdock, Misses
Margie Walker, Isabelle Young,
The Unfortunate Man Reared to
Manhood in Platts
mouth. The following from the Tccum
seh Journal-Tribunal gives a full
er account of the misfortune that
befell Dr. Barnes last week than
recently appeared in this paper:
Those of our readers who have
been bothered by rats will do well
to heed what befell Dr. C. D.
Barnes last Thursday evening be
fore taking harsh measures to
ward exterminating the varmints.
A big fat rodent was playing upon
the lawn in the rear of the Barnes
dwelling at about 7:30 in the
evening, and Dr. Barnes con
cluded to shoot it. He secured a
shotgun and started out of the
Gertrude LongMrs. Brown and" 7
Getting Along Nicely.
Mrs. Alva Long, who was taken
to the hospital in Omaha last
Saturday and submitted to
surgical operation on Monday, is;
getting along as well as could be
expected under the circum
stances. The operation was verv
serious and the patient passed
through the critical time with a
Mrs. Berger.
(This article should have ap
peared in last week's Journal, but
was left out from an oversiglfl
I of a small nail was protruding
from the screen door and caught
the cuff on his right arm, causing
II Ull Ull lCllhlH a . i i 1 ii
pf the editor, on account of the ,u u,
lira nf cihol nnlfii'ino I ha loft
i 1 1 v ii'i4 i-iinu mi i iiifi tuvy i(.'iv
thing in this line it will pay you p,'PtU ,,,,al nf sfrenglh nl she is
to call right now.
Mr. and Mrs. James Holmes,
Iroy and Ralph, will depart Fri
day of this week for a few days'
visit with relatives in Davenport,
Tvehraska, where they have a sis
ter. The trip will be made in the
gaining now with all chances for
permanent recovery. Dr. B. F.
Brendel and J. W. Edmunds were
present at the time of the opera
tion. With Mrs. Homer Shrader
in the same hospital receiving
treatment, gives Murray three
patients in the same room, Mrs!
Galen Rhoden hems the other.
1 roy Holmes or Chicago, who Mrs TTo
I. .. . i i . . . . .1 .................... V.,.
.... ihm-ii empio.veo ior uio past Monday. They are all getting
lew j ears as Cliaillleur for Mr. nlnnir nieelv
H.varson, the lug steel man, is
visiting home folks this week, a
guest at the home of his brother,
James Holmes, in Murray
We want to close out the balance of our Shirts we had in the
the discount sale at 69c each. So next Saturday they go
on nt your choice for just rOG
uTThey are values up to $1.23. Be sure to look them over.
We are going to make it an object for you to help us reduce
our big stock of crockery. We are shelving one side of our room,
and will put on sale pieces of Glassware and Fancy Dishes at less
than Jj their regular value. We also have several specials that
we are putting out. nnd we want to say right now, that next Satur
day will lie a day of unusual bargains at our store. Come and see.
The Blues Lose. -
Some time ago the Sunday
M....1, t.'.. . -1 rn.. . i i . . I .......
m.,..v i, ,,,.. oi mine, IIKU1.. phiirrli worn nrtrnni...! inln Ivvr,
is in Murray this week visiting L0Pl ions, for the purpose of a new
with Ins brother, Lee and John, meml.ersl. in pnmnnitrn Tn
Mi. l.v.,..:., i . ... . .. I ?"
..... i mi m-mer ny iraae ,i,aiiTnni ih Hiiri.nnni .
.... ,, ,uuPs , ,,Kianoma nam0)1 Ul0 mM anii ln, U(1(ls and
nni'A twit h..iaIAi..I.. I.
...... , Mnn, uurneu oui, mie butllo was opened. At the
and there is no work in his line close of the contest the Blues
nil ntn MiMni ii A J i
... ....... .. ..inn. nrir Hnl secure u-nro in lha InoH A nn t on
employment. , PPDnm ,non, ,oa
Mrs. Charles Creamer enter- expense nf which was to be taxed
tamed the Sunshine band at din- up to the losers, and Wednesday
ner last 5-umtay tn honor of Miss afternoon that treat was given,
vera aruley. We believe wo are and it was a mighlv nleasant oc
at I ...
sare in reporting a most pleasant casion for both sides. The young
time, as Mrs. Creamer bears the folks have succeeded in eliciting
reputation of being a most royal greater enthusiasm and interest
entertainer, and ns the Sunshine in the Sunday schools than ever
band are a jolly, happy and good- before, and a great many new
natured organization of young members have been enrolled,
people, banded together for the
cTu??1 fa mly R00! middle Aged and Elderly People
u tt vt .;.i.. i;ii
and permanent results in all cases
of kidney and bladder troubles,
Miss Agnes Kennedy enter
tained a number of friends Tues
day afternoon. Cards were dis
tributed with the slorv nf "A
Flowery Romance" printed there
on, with blank places to be filled
in wilh the names of flowers.
Miss Lena Young displayed the
most romantic disposition and
captured the first prize, a beauti
ful picture. Al 5 o'clock a three
course luncheon was served.
Those present were: Mesdames
W. C. Brown. O. A. Davis, S. O.
rush of work. We trust our
friends will pardon us in our
seeming neglect.)
foot, ami tearing a terrible hole
clear through the foot, taking
parts of the shoe through the
ii'Ann.l fno DnitiAna 1 1 cj rn-l f r
John Lloyd Marired. I ,. , ' 'Vi ,k
'his assistance and then gave the
Invitations have been received ft,ai.m n..8 Fitzsin.mons. Fair-
here announcing the marriage of all and nubelman were earlv on
Miss Margaret Conner to Mr. John (he 8Cpne am1 af(or PonsntaUon
Lloyd, the cermoney to take place riri(1pii m nnU- hnno of snvinir
m Coal Ridge, HI on June 28, at the injur0li man-s if(. wfl9 by
the borne of the brides parents.! ampufainp ,he foo( , in8l
We are informed that the newly Which oporatiun was performed
weuueu roupiH win matte ineir
home in Fairbury, Neb. Mrs. D.
C. Rhoden, aunt of the bride, at
tended the welding Both parties thouftht Dp Barnos wj bft ab)e
are wen and lavoramy Known in lo ,oavo hf bod in (ho cnupge of
and near Murray, the nomc or,a wook pr ,on davR The ?ym
the groom, and the bride has hy of a ,arge crcIe of frjpnds
visited here upon several oc-' vi po out to Dr, narnos jn Ms
casions. The many friends join ,a
in extending nearly congartuia-tions.
at once, and Dr. Barnes has been
steadily improving. If no unfore
seen complications arise it is
Soothes itching skin. Heals
cuts or burns without a scar.
Cures piles, eczema, salt rheum,
any itching. Doan's Ointment.
Your druggist sells it.
Mrs. Rhoden Doing Nicely.
From Monday's Dally.
fialen Rhoden returned home
from Omaha Saturday evening,
where he had been to spend the
day with his wife at the hospital.
He reports her getting along nice
ly and the surgeons give him every
reason lo believe that she Willi
Rhoden's second visit to the hos- Tabor for a vis. her par
itoi i,ih ,,:,,; ,rt' ents. A. J. Grindle and wife, and
I'ltUli VIM II I IMIV illllMlIll I IIIQ IU
rather serious operations, and
To Spend Fourth Here.
Mrs. Frank Sivey, who went to
Tabor, Iowa, Tuesday afternoon,
returned home yesterday after
noon. Mrs. Sivey went over to
to bring the Sivey children,
the many friends hope that this 1 hankie and Helen, who
may be lh last and that she will
regain her former health.
Call for the Wurl Bros, ngars, and
you will not be disappointed.
and for painful and annoying ir
regularities. For sale by F. O.
Fricko & Co.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Hars Always Bo-'ghl
Bears the
Signature o(
The Best Flour in the
Market. Sold by all
Leading Dealers
have been spending the past six
weeks visiting relatives in that,
vicinity, home. Mrs. Sivey was
also accompanied home by her
sister, Miss Lola Orindle, and her
brother .Ellis Orindle, who will
visit at the Sivey home over the
Fourth. Mrs. Sivey's father, A. J.
Orindle, will arrive in this city
tomorrow to spend the Fourth
with his daughter and family.
For Commissioner.
We are authorized to announce
C. M. Sejbert of Louisville as a
candidate for commissioner from
the Second district, subject to the
will of the democratic voters at
the primary election in August.
Mr. J. T. Porter and wife and
children drove up from Murray
this morning and looked after
business matters in the city for a