THE "WHY" OF RATES A railroad may haul a carload of flour at a cheaper cost per sack than if only one-tenth as much were ship ped, but it costs us d great deal more per telephone to operate an exchange of 5,000 subscribers than one of only a thousand. In an exchange of 5,000 subscribers, every tele , phone uses is given an opportunity to use his telephone ten times as much as in an exchange of a thousand subscribers. This condition would make the operating expense and maintenance cost of every telephone and line in the larger exchange much higher than in the smaller one. Then, too, in the larger exchange, telephones ever age farther from the central office, necessitating more wire per telephone. Also, as more telepeones are added to an exchange, the uniting of every telephone with every other one in creases the individual cost enormously.' But the service of the larger exchange is worth a great deal more. Nebraska Telephone Company M. E. I1RANTNER, Plallsmouth Manager ALVO DEPARTMENT Items of lnUrt to Journal Radr 4 New subscriptions and 4 renewals to the Journal will 4 be recived by J. A. Shaffer j at the drug store. Local 4 news, advertising: matter j and all business pertaining 4 4 to this department may bo 4 4 transacted. Mr. and Mrs. 4 4 Shaffer are instructed to re- 4 4 ceived and receipt for all 4 4" money. Ed. , 4 4 4441 4iIl. l"l""HIl 4,,l,I"l Mrs. Godhy Bulurday. went to Lincoln Mrs. Chris Keefer went to Lin-j coin Friday. Mrs. Henry Thomas was in Lin coln Wednesday. Miss Belle Miller of Lincoln came in Thursday. Ed Carr of Eagle was over Saturday in his atilo. Harry Parsell was in Lincoln on business Saturday. I, rander Friend was in Lincoln on business Saturday. W. O. lloyles returned lo Lin coln Saturday evening. Carlton (tuition came over from Eagle to spend Sunday. Mrs. Harry Appleman came down from Lincoln Friday. J. Herman Slroemer went to O nana on No. 18 Sunday. I 'i. Moore of Murdock was in town on business Thursday. Sam Jarvis came down from Lincoln Saturday on business. Oris Foreman ami family auto ed down from Valparaiso Sunday. Miss Esther Letter of Lincoln Visited Mrs. J. A. Shaffer Satur day. Mrs. Itina Kitzcl returned Fri day from camp meeting at' Lin coln. I'aul Frolilich came down Fri day from Lincoln to visit rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cpplo went to Wabash Sunday to visit rela tives. Hay Linen of Omaha was in Alvo on business between trains Friday. Mrs. Clarence Curyea and daughter, Lillian, went to Lincoln Thursday. Floyd Sheeseley and Clifford Applenian went to Lincoln Satur day evening. Mr. Mavin of Palmyra was in own Thursday to meet, some passengers. John Walker and wife of Lin coln are visiting at tho home of John Weichel. Albert Foreman came down from Lincoln Wednesday, return ing Friday evening. Elmer Boyle of Elmwood auto ed over Saturday to visit his brother, S. C. and family. Mrs. Joe Prouty mid little daughters went In University Place Saturday evening. Mrs. P.. A. Slono and children Telephone Talks! Uo. 9 Will Bo Rocolvod at tho Druf Storo. and Mrs. G. P.. Jordan went to Lincoln Thursday on No. 331. Miss Pearl Keefer was in Lin coln Monday. Art Trimble and wife and George Ileiter, Jr., of Eagle were calling on their Alvo friends Wed nesday evening. Mrs. Andy Sutton and daughter, Kate, returned from Lincoln' Fri day, where they had been attend ing camp meeting. Mrs. D. P. Ellis returned to Lincoln Friday, after spending the past week with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Sfrong. C. R. Jordan and son, Sam, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis autoed to Lincoln Friday and brought Mr. I)avis' aged mother home with them. Chris Keefer had the misfor to have his arm wrenched last, Thursday by getting tangled with a rope while unloading hay and was thrown lo the ground. Joe Prouty came Wednesday from lies Moines, Fowa, and went to University Place Friday even ing, where he shipped his house hold goods and will make his home. flev. W. M. Hliss was married Wednesday, June 2t, 1011, lo Miss Lucy E. McCartney at her home in University Place. Their many friends extend congratula tions. There were 0 or 10 automobiles in town Monday from Elmwood nnd Eagle advertising the celebra tion lo be held at Elmwood the Fourth of July. The band played a couple of pieces of music. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Jordan, son, Sam, and daughters, Miss Ena Jordan and Mrs. Joe Vickers and children, autoed to Cairo Satur day to visit their daughter, Mrs. John McDowell and family, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Garcia and son, Robert, of Clalonia came in Wednesday to visit her. sister, Mrs. Dan Williams and family and her grandparents, Mr. anil Mrs. Henry Thomas, remaining until Friday. Andy Christiansen was out driving Sunday with his family, and while going down hill some part of the harness broke, let ting the buggy run onto the horse, which began kicking, striking Mr. Christiansen on the nose. The horse was soon slopped with no injury to the family. Ned Shaffer of Denver, Colo., cuiie in Thursday to visit his brother, J. A. Shaffer and wife, remaining until Friday. Ho re turned via Omaha over tho Union I'a.Jiltc railroad, of which he is assistant cashier in the office of the treiRht department at Denver. Mrs. Hollo Keefer and Miss filadys Apploman, while driving home Friday evening, had an nc ' itlenl, caused by the burr coin ing oil of tho front wheel of their Ui-my, lolling Ihe wheel off. They jumped and were dragged a short distance, quite severely hurling Mrs. Keefer's ankle, while Miss (iladvs escaped unhurt. Dr. Muir was called and dressed the injuries. Miss Vera Prouty was in Lin coln Tuesday. Will Sutton came in on No. 17 Monday evening. Charles Strong had business in Lincoln Monday. Mrs. Ed Casey was in Lincoln between trains .Tuesday. Mrs. Minnie Gullion and son went to Lincoln Sunday evening. Mrs. Charles Strong went to Lincoln Tuesday evening on No. 17. Paul Frohlich and grand daughter, Jessie Bucknell, went to Lincoln Tuesday evening. Harry Parsell purchased a new water tank for his threshing out fit Saturday while in Lincoln. Sam lams of Lincoln Tias gone to Toledo, Ohio, on legal busi ness, to be gone about a week. Mrs. J. B. Shields and two chil dren of Manhattan, Kansas, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. George Sutton. She reports crop9 a total failure in that part of Kansas. J. E. Parsell threshed his wheat Tuesday. It went 30 bushels to the acre and test 63 pounds to the bushel. Harry Parsell's threshing outfit did the work. Mrs. Joe Parsell was called to the home of her son, Ray Parsell, Monday, whose baby was very sick, also Mrs. Parsell's sister, who is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parsell. Oscar Kitzel, while leaving town Tuesday evening, dropped the pitchfork off of the hayrack, and while he wa9 getting it his team began to run. He got hold of th em, but they dragged him some distance, bruising him and de molishing the rack and wagon. Mrs. Sidney Smith and daugn afternoon to purchase a new rub who spent the past week with her sister-in-law, Mrs. George Cur yea, went to Lincoln Sunday even ing to visit her mother, Mrs. Harriet Hoxie. Mr. and Mrs. Curyea also entertained Mr. and Mrs. Will Lewis and Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Curyea at dinner Sunday. Exhausted. You certainly noticed that, dur ing this time of the year, you al ways feel tired and even exhaust ed. It is evident that you need some kind of a stimulant or'tonte to make you able to work. We offer such a remedy In Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine. It stimulates the digestive organs to an increased activity, strength ening them at the same lime and giving them endurance. We can recommend this remedy in dis eases of the stomach and Ihe in testines as also in diseases of the blood and the nerves nnd in all disturbances of the general health combined with loss of appetite flnd bodily strength, with lack of energy and exhaustion. We can further recommend it in diseases of the liver and the kidneys, in rheumatism and some forms of headache, where it becomes necessary lo thoroughly clean out the whole system. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 1333-1339 So. Ash land Ave., Chicago, 111. Hay for Sale. Clover, Timothy and Alfalfa. Call 'Phone 10 F, or J. M. Rob erts, at Plattsmouth State Bank. C-22-d&w. It is worse than useless to lake any medicine internally for muscular or chronic rheumatism. All that is needed is a freo ap plication of Chamberlain's Lini ment. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. II II III UUIH OF ALVO. NEB., ED. STROEMER, Manager DEALERS IN LUMBER, LIME, GOAL ERIAL We are also buying nil kinds of live stock, nnd will receive t hp s.ime every day in the week. The highest market price paid. SHIER LUMBER Ai GUI COMPANY AfiD BRICK BUILDING MAI GRAIN HOW A RELIANCE POLICY WORKS Great Feature of the Policies Is ued by the Reliance Life In-. surance Co. of Pittsburg. John M. Patterson, a railroad .conductor, of Sedalia, Missouri, took a policy with the Reliance for 12,000 on the 15-Year Endow ment Plan, April 13, 1907. A note by the inspector received at the time says: "Mr. Patterson has a family; he is a healthy, stout man." In September, 1907, Mr. Pat terson had a stroke of paralysis. which totally disabled him. Sub sequently his Reliance Policy was either destroyed or lost, as it was considered of no value. Recently Mr. W. L. Phinps. of the Renew ing Division, while in Sedalia, dis covered this situation. The at tention of Mrs. Patterson was called to the fact that her hus band's policy had not lapsed, but was still in force under the Total and Permanent Disability Clause. Her own letter is more eloquent praise of the Reliance policy than anything else can be. It says: "Sedalia, Mo. "Mr. Scott Dear Sir: Mr. Patterson is unable to write. He was running out of Jefferson City at Ihe time he took out the policy, and I did not know any thing about it. The policy is either lost or misplaced. I feel sure Mr. Patterson will never be able to work again. He has been under the doctor's care nearly all the time since September, 1907. It will surely be a great benefit to me and the children. Please advise me what to do. We, neither of us, knew of the Dis ability Clause. It Is very kind of you to look us up and tell us of It, and I surely appreciate it. This has been a trying ordeal to me to see my husband fighting so hard to regain his health. Thanking you again for your kindness. Re spectfully yours, "Mrs. J. M. Patterson, "305 W. 5th St., Sedalia, Mo." The company, upon receipt of affidavit that policy had been lost, Issued a duplicate endorsed fully paid up. A Reliance Policy may be lost, destroyed or forsrotten. It works just the same, BECAUSE it is the policy of the Reliance Life In surance Company to see that it does. The Reliance Life Insurance Company of PittsburEr is renre- sented in Plattsmouth and south eastern Nebraska . bv General Agent W. J. Thomas. They refer, by permission, to H. N. Dovey, Cashier of the First National Dank of Plattsmouth. Many a Plattsmouth Citizen Knows How Sure They Are. Nothing uncertain about the work of Doan's Kidney Pills in Plattsmouth. There is plenty of positive proof of this in the testi mony of citizens. Such evidence should convince tho most skepti cal doubter. Read the following etatement: Mrs. James Hodgert, 1102 Main St., Plattsmouth, Neb., says: "I suffered a great deal from dull, heavy pains across the small of my back, especially severe when I stooped or brought any strain on the muscles of my loins. About two years ago I learned of Doan's Kidney Pills and they brought me such prompt and positive relief that I have since used them when ever I have felt in need of a kid ney remedy. I procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Rynott & Co.'s Drug Store and do not hesitate to recommend them." Tho above statement was given in June, 1900, and on December 30, 1008, Mrs. Hodgert said: "I still hold a high opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills. I am glad to confirm all I have previously said about this remedy." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, solo agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Another Barn Dance. There will bo another one of those pleasant barn dances given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Puis next Saturday evening, July 1st. Those who attended the last dance given by Mr. Puis know that this means a good time for all. You are invited to attend. Good music and a pleasant lime assured. Subscribe for the Dally Journal. CERTAIN RESULTS I MRS . J. II. WISE CELEBRATES HER SIXTY FIFTH BIRTHDAY AUIIIHW About Fifteen Lady Friends Attend the Happy Event, and the Ho vie isTaitily Decorated fcr Ike Occaticn. From Wednesday's laily. Mrs. J. N. Wise entertained about fifteen of her lady friends at her charming home during the afternoon hours yesterday in a most delightful manner. This oc casion was in honor of her 65th birthday anniversary, and for this happy event the pretty rooms of the Wise home had been hand somely 'decorated in a color scheme of green and white, a number of the gifts received by the hostess being of the green and white color, also. Mrs. Wise was assisted in eclebratinsr her birthday anniversary by her daughter, Mrs. J. L. Root, and lit tle Flora Root of Lincoln, and' they also assisted her in enter taining her guests yesterday aft ernoon. The time was very pleasantly spent in amusements, which the hostess had planned for the oc casion. These amusements were interspersed with various games and social conversation, all of which made the afternoon's enter-1 1H"H-H-I"1-HI..1"I..!..1..HI. MURDOCK. 4 i (Special Correspondence.) Dr. I. D. Jones was in Omaha Saturday. Fred Stock was in Lincoln Mon day. Emil Kuehn was at Lincoln last Monday. M. W. Moore was in Lincoln Saturday. Threshing has commenced in this vicinity. Od Gillespie was in Greenwood Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Al Bauers and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sorick were fishing at bait Creek Sunday. vjini-iv ounuay. Ed Thimgan and family visited llh f n Tr.,,r.iv ft i with Mr. Kuehn last Sundav Miss Mabel Carlisle of Omaha is the guest of the Goehry sisters. Miss Anna Amgwert visited her relatives and friends here Sunday. uuiia mm n iuiius litre ounaay. Paul Goehry and Harold Tool ro in T71 miiTAA,! G. ; i were in Elmwood Sunday evening Mrs. Mary Schewe was in Oma ha last week having some dental work done. ) Mrs. Rosa Waite took dinner with John Amgwert and familv last Sunday. ', Idd Hornbeck went to Lincoln Saturday evening, returning Sun day on No. 18. , Miss Violet Gilmore of Omaha visited with John Gust in and family over Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Gillespie and Miss Verna Bush were shop ping in Omaha last Friday. Dr. and Mrs. Jones and small , . . I "w "vii.ui uuuti ui iwu worm. U daughter Mary Edna, went to your digestion is faulty Chamber Lincoln last Friday by the auto Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets rM . ,..., I will correct it. For sale by F. G. Mr. and Mrs. William Wack of Fricke & Co. FP- gypiiao Tissue Fine Summer Dress Goods, guaranteed not to fade in all the latest colors and designs. 1 Per yard 22?C A large line of Fancy Dress Lawns just re ceived. Big values, at per yard See Our West Window I tainment a most enjoyable one. One of the amusements was a drawing contest, in which the guests were given the title of some I popular song and then drew a picture of it. Mrs. T. H. Pollock captured the first prize, a book, while Mrs. L. A. Moore carried off the second prize, a book. Per sonal conundrums was another amusement introduced by the hostess and was one which pro duced considerable merriment. An elegant three-course birth day luncehon was provided by the hostess, the color scheme of green and white being carried out In the refreshments served. When the guests took their departure all extended their warmest con gratulations, wished Mrs. Wise many more such happy birth days and expressed much pleasure in assisting her in com memorating the event. Mrs. Wise received many pretty gifts in honor of the day, which will be constant reminders of this birth day occasion. Lincoln visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Fred Shewe, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Long and son, Robert, of South Bend ate dinner with A. J. Tool and family Sunday. . Charles Hite, from near Alvo, came over Saturday and pur chased a gasoline engine from William Gehrts. Oscar McDonald, accompanied by his wife and daughter, Mar guerite, visited his mother at Muray Sunday. Mrs. Pankonin, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Jake Goehry. sr.. the flD flf four tirnnlr e i. left Monday for Wisconsin, where t wi lsuuutmi, wnero 8ne wil1 make her home with her IHancrhfnn .daughter. Several from here attended the ball game at Manley on Sunday afternoon, when our boys crossed --" m., uiouiuj uuys. uom ,side8 Put UP a. good game, but f hft CO m onHn i r t f K n - e Dats with the Manley boys. Both the game ended with a score of 9 to 5 in favor of Murdock. Elmwood boosters came over in seven automobiles Monday ad vertising Ihe big Fourth of July celebration to be held at that .place. Among them were several members of their city band, who gave, a few selections on our 'main street. The woman of today who has good health, good temper, good sense, bright eyes and a lovely complexion, the result of correct living and good digestion, wins .2 10c a It fit