The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 29, 1911, Image 1

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NO 51
ft "
Humors of a Hold-up at the Big Cut, Near the Burlington Bridge
Causes Great Excitment, and About One Thousand 'People
Go Down to Get "Hoboes"
Latjt Saturday evening Platts
mputh citizens witnessed one of
the most thrilling shoutft sis and
Hham battles every . pulled olT
since the pioneer days. The
only wonder is that in an engage- i
ment, in which so many troops!
were deployed, all carrying guns, j
that there were no fatalities, al
though many minor losses and
narrow, escapes were experienced.
. About 4:45 Chief Hainey re
ceived a 'phone message from the
bridge from the train crew of No.
79 that about forty "hoboes" bad
taken possession of an empty!
boxcar in the train and declined
to get off when ordered to do so,
and the chief was asked to come
down to the station and route
them out. It was also reported
that a drawbar had been pulled
and the freight stood on the big
bridge for some time, so that No. i
ILwas'laid out in the Plaltsmouth ,
yards for some minutes. j
The chief and his men and,
Sheriff Quinton hurried to the cut, '
and when the car was reached be-1
Ran shooting holes into the blue'
Rky, whereat the "wearies" began '
to unload on the opposite side of .
thfl train from the officers. Sheriff,
Quinton then observing" the num-i
bers, hurried back to town for!
more men and ammunition. j
In the meantime Deputy Sheriff j
Manspeaker got together a few)
rlriuliln-linfnoluH e Vint mine on1!
boxes of loaded shells and "draft
ed" II. M. Soennichsen's delivery
wagrm wittr the? driVrrTEd Krtiger,
and hurried to the scene , of the
trouble. '
Rumors spread over 4 the cily
like wild fire. One group of men
beard that the sheriff and chief
of police had been cornered and
were being shot all to pieces. An
other story was 1 hat No. 2 had
been held up in the tut and had
to bark to (he slalion. A third
story was that the "hoboes" had
held up a freight and had taken
possesion and were coming I his
way to take the town. The result
was that (he saloons and other
places where men congregate
were soon without a man except
the proprietor, all having gone
l the scene of the hold-up. -
Colonel II. C. McMaken heard
the news and loaded some of his
best g"uns and ammunition into
his light wagon and flew to the
fronl, and it was no doubt due to
his firm stand and quick action
that the whole "cabuudle" was
finally trapped.
Ed Kruger was given a double
barreled shotgun by the sheriff's
office and instructed huw to load
and fire the implement of war.
Ed was told to fire low and save
his ammunition, as the bill would
have to be passed on by the com
missioners, and I hey would stand
for no unnecessary expenditure
of powder and shot. Fd grabbed
his gun and box of shells and
started after the bunch, which by
this time were lining the hills and
small timber south of (he big cut.
He made a good chase, running
two or three within a short dis
tance of Union, when they were
lost behind an usage fence. Ed
got back in time to bring the rear
Object to Our Remarks.
Alter a thorough investigation
of the condition (he water works
system of this cily has been in
for the past week, the manage
ment has not been in the least to
blame, according to reports. And
we are satisfied that water users
will think the same as we doJ
when they understand that the
employes of tho water company
have been enjoying considerable
grief in righting matters at the
works above town. "Workmen
were up for two whole nights
righting matters, and the man
agement feels that there will be
no further cause for complaint.;
Of course such misfortunes as!
pipes bursting and the machinery
gelling out of order cannot be
helped, and wo know that Mr.
Claybaugh has used every effort
" 111 puns
guard into camp.
At the big bridge Colonel Mc
Maken turned the tide of battle.
When ho arrived there one of the
"wearies" was arguing with the
bridge man about getting back to
the Iowa side, when Colonel Mc
Maken drove up, unlimbered one
of the large repeaters and called
to the tramp to "throw up his
hands," while at the same time he
produced a loaded shell and pro
ceeded to place it in the gun. His
trampship did not wait longer,
but "right-about faced" and made
for the interior of the cut with
the speed of a deer. He was not
seen again until the entire drove
were surrounded and brought to
the jail.
John Hatt, jr., and fl. A. Hates
of the Journal had ono of the
narrow escapes. Mr. Hatt was
going to the front with all speed
in his auto and Mr. Bates, as war
correspondent for the Journal,
accompanied him. When near
the big spring Mr. Halt observed
the "hoboes," turned by Colonel
McMaken, coming toward him on
double quick time. Quick as a
flash he reversed his auto and be
gan to -back up info the canyon,
when one of the rear wheels
struck a stone and over went the
auto, turning tuurtle right at a
time when it should have been
speeding the occupants out of tho
danger zone. To right the ma
chine was but the work of an
instant, and as none of the oc
cupants were, fatally injured, all
could lend a hand o right the
It is reported that twenty-two
men were arrested by theforce
which went out with the olllcer.s
of the law. The strangers were
marched to the county jail, where
the cells were empfied of the time
men and given up to the visitors
from Iowa. In the crowd was one
colored man, who exclaimed, as
he looked through the bars, "Yas,
sah, it is jes like it is in Kansas
give a man lebhen months and
twenty-nine days for vagrancy."
The bunch was detained over
night and given (heir breakfast
early Sunday morning and then
escorted to the river and placed
on the ferry boat and invited to
depart from the slate. The men
staled that they were only one
lb ird of the number which had
collected in Pacific Junction Sat
urday, as more went up on the
other side of the river than at
tempted to cross with the Bur
lington freight. Three of the fel
lows were allowed to stay in town,
as they appeared to be hunting
Sheriff Quinlon's party, six
broken suspenders, many ex
ploded shells.
Alex Binand, sore scalp from
muscular action hair rising, etc.
John Hatt. badly frightened
auto, equilebrium lost.
Ed Kruger, yard and a half
cuticle lost in jumping hedges
and other obstruction.
J. T. Melburn, badly sprained
shoulder, supposed to have oc
curred in getting his "hands up."
Doc Young, collar button brok
en and wind exhausted.
in his power to give the people
good water. The stem-pipe has
been thoroughly cleansed, and in
doing all the work that lias been
done the water naturally would
become a little muddy. There
will he no further trouble in get
ting good water, at least fur some
I ime.
Funeral Hickson Babe.
From MomlAy's pally.
The funeral service over the re
mains of Elson Hickson, infant
son of Mr. ami Mrs. Harry Kick
sun, aged C months and 1 S days,
was held yesterday afternoon at
I heir country hum,. at 5 o'clock
just after services at the Masonic
home. Canon Hurgess conducted
the service.
Subscribe for the Dally Journal.
Op Has Henry Changed to Be a
Republican Since Leaving
Cass County?
Our excellent friend, William
Hummel, was in the city last Sat
urday and made the Journal office
a brief call, and before taking his
departure left in our possesison
a copy of the IMainview (Neb.)
News, from which we lake the
following, referring to our former
citizen, Mr. Henry Hoffart:
Henry Hoffart, who has
been mentioned in connec
tion with the republican
nomination for county treas
urer this fall, was a pleas
ant caller at this sanctum
Wednesday. Henry says that
he has concluded not to be a
candidate for the ollice, al
though many of his friends
and neighbors have asked
him to heroine a candidate.
While he feels pleased that
they have the confidence in
his honesty and ability that
they evidently have, yet he
feels that he could not afford
to leave his farm, if elected,
and move to the county seat
to look after the duties of
the office. He has a section
of the best land in the
famous Eden Valley country,
and such a place needs his
attention to make it "blos
som as the rose" and bring
forth large crops as it has
been doing for years past.
There is nothing better than
a good, productive farm, and
he realizes if as well as
Now, what puzzles our friend,
Rummel, is the fact that Mr.
Hoffart came very near being a
candidate for the ofllce of county
treasurer on the republican ticket.
When Mr. Hoffart resided in Cass
county he was considered almost
as strong a democrat as Mr. Hum
mel, and both gentlemen being
brothers-in-law, they pulled in
fhe democratic harness in har
mony. Now, that Mr. Hoffart
came very near securing the nom
ination on the republican ticket,
it 'puzzles Mr. Rummel to know
just the sort of doctrine those
IMainview republicans have been
giving him. Mr. Rummel Is
rnlher inclined to believe they
have the wrong man and I he
whole thing is a mistake.
Here From Plalnvlew.
From Monday ' Daily. -
Fred Khinger and daughter,
Miss Louise, accompanied by Miss
Edith Schaffer, who ' makes her
home with Mr. and Mrs. Ebinger
in Plainview, arrived in the city
last evening about 11 o'clock. The
trip was made from Plainview in
I hey auto, and they were met in
Omaha by Mrs. Khinger and Miss
Anna Weidman, who returned to
Plaltsmouth with them.
Hans (loose came as far as
Omaha with 'Mr. Ebinger and
came on to Plaltsmouth over the
H. & M. for a short visit, with rela
tives and friends at the old home,
Mr. (inns is in I he general mer
chandising business in Plainview
and is doing nicely.
Mr. Ebinger reports a very
pleasant trip from Plainview down
to Fremont, where he entered into
the sixteen mile strip Hint was
visited by a heavy rain Saturday
night, and traveling by the auto
route was very poor. He consum
ed about four hours in coming the
sixteen miles, the mud being so
deep. Fred will remain a day or
two and return with Mrs. Ebinger
and Freddie Weidman.
A Pleasant Time.
The T. J. Sokol dance, given at
their hall last Saturday evening,
proved a very pleasant occasion,
even though the very warm
wealh did keep a great many
away. The attendance was ipiile
large ami excellent music, fur
nished by the M. W. A. orchestra,
was. as usual, the featfire of (ho
evening. The T. J. Sokols are
noted for their pleasant dance
events, ami are always gi led by
a large attendance.
Mr. Waller .Mann of Lincoln,
connected with Hie engraving de
partment of the Slate Journal,
spent Sunday in this city, Hie
guest of his cousin, George Mann.
For the First Time.
From Monday's Dally.
W. H. Newell has been getting
along so nicely that for the past
week he has been able to walk
about the Newell premises with
the aid of a cane. Yesterday he
was entertained at the home Of
his daughter, Mrs. F. H. Shopp, at
dinner and was able to walk back
(o his home. Mr. Newell was able
0 come down town this morning
for the first time since the ac
cident, which has many friends
will be very much pleased to
learn. It is just nine weeks to
day since Mr. Newell met with
(his distressing accident.
i . -
Dealers Must Confine Sales to
Those Articles Mentioned
In the Law.
The indications are that the
people of Nebraska will enjoy a
saTe and sane Fourth of July, if
tho dealers confine themselves lo
the law. And woe be lo he who
does not. Below we give the sec
tion of the law in reference to the
sale of explosives, that he who
rnn9 may fake note. Section
2337 of the statute reads as fol
lows:. .
5 "No person shall use, sell,
offer , for sale within this state
any toy revolvers, shooting blank
cartridges, blank cartridges for
toy revolvers, or firecrackers
more than five inches in length
and more than three-fourths of
an inch , in diameter; provided
raps containing dynamite may be
used, kept fur sale or sold when
needed fur mining purposes, or
for danger signals, or for other
necessary uses.
"The fine for violation of this
law s not, more than $100 nnd
Imprisonment in jaill not lo ex
0Cfd thirty days.",
'Mayors of many cities and
towns are issuing proclamations
calling fhe attention of dealers lo
this section of (he law, so that
dealers may save themselves from
any trouble thai may arise.
Young Man Whose Foot Was
Nearly Severed by Binder Cycle
Getting Along Nicely.
From Monday'! Dally.
Joe West, (he young man who
was so seriously injured by being
cut on a binder sickle, was taken
to the farm of Mr. Hert Jameson
yesterday morning. The lad suf
fered a great deal Saturday night,
but he wanted to go hack lo the
farm Sunday morning. He has
worked for Mr. Jameson. for the
past two years and it Is the place
that seems like home fo him.
While the accident only hap
pened Saturday morning it may
seem ralher early to move him
so far, but the al tending physi
cians I bought it would he much
cooler for him on the farm than
in town, and consented to the
boy's wishes. Mr. Jameson and
Dr. (lilmore were with hlin and
he was taken home in the auto.
While Mr. Jameson was in no
way responsible for the accident,
he felt it quite keenly and will do
everything in his power lo make
the lad comfortable during the
lime he will be unable lo work,
no mailer how long. The physi
cians have every reason lo believe
that the young man will recover
rapidly, and will regain complete
control of fhe injured limb.
File for Road Overseer.
From Monday's Dally.
Mike Lulz filed this morning as
candidate on the republican ticket
for Plaltsmouth precinct and Ren
Berkman filed as candidate on Ihe
democratic ticket for West Muffs
precinct. Both men desire fo fill
Ihe ofllce of road overseer in their
respective precincts and will lie
voted upon at Ihe primary on
August 15.
I hereby announce, myseir as a
candidate for rh nomination of the
offlro of sheriff, subject to the de
clnlon of the voters at tho coming
primary. I ask them to place mo In
nomination on tL democratic ticket.
D. C. Rboden.
Nebraska Construction Co. of Lin
coln the Lowest Bidders and
Get the Contract.
Krom Tuesday's Ully.
The Plaltsmouth Wagon Bridge
company yesterday opened and
considered the bids for the con
strutcion of the bridge, there be
ing eight different companies bid
ding for Ihe job. The following
named firms were represented by
the gentlemen named: The West
ern llridge and Construction com
pany of Omaha, T. J. Hirss and
H. W. Andreson; Western Con
struction Supply company of
Omaha,' Husscli s. Harris; Stan
dard llridge company of Omaha,
O. M. Stonehraker; Empire llridge
company of Falls City, H. P.
Thomas and I. N. Lyon, jr.; Can
ton Bridge company of Kansas
City, (ieorge 0. Pembleton, L. C.
Peters and W. E. Forebe; Ne
braska Construction company of
Lincoln, Olen H. Smith; Nebraska
Bridge Supply company of Oma
ha, Ceorge Hasmussen; Omaha
Structural Steel Works of Oma
ha, Ed M. Flanagan.
It was found on invest igating
the bids that the Nebraska Con
struction company of Lincoln had
placed the lowest bid, and Mr.
Smith's company was awarded the
contract. A bond of if 15,000 was
required by the company. Mr.
Smith ordered the material this
morning and Ihe work will be
commenced within the next six
Many of the more substantial
business men of Ihe cily are of
the opinion that. Ihe completion of
Ihe bride will be one of Ihe best
enterprises for this cily which
has been contemplated for some
time. It will mean a new wagon
route from Omaha. to Kansas Cily
and the automobile (raffle will bo
large during Ihe summer season.
Does the Present Law in Nebraska
Give the Boy a Chance to Dis
play His Patriotism?
If we are In have a regenerated
Fourth of July it is necessary to
give Ihe American boy some
positive Held for red-blooded
activity in order to charm his at
tention from the beloved dynamite
firecracker and deadly toy pislol.
Simply prohibiting certain kinds
of fireworks is merely challeng
ing the ingenuity of our resource
ful youlh, who outnumber lhe
police 50 to 1, and are as easily
to he rounded up and put lo bed
at I) p. m. as a colony of little
It is one of the traditions of
our race, dating back beyond the
dawning of history, lo have some
day of public frolic and merry
making, when Ihe ordinary rules
of sober go-to-meeting citizen
ship are discarded. Young
America seized on July 4lh as
offering an outlet for this in
stinctive habit. But if you can
beguile him with hall games and
running races that morning be
w ill keep himself in I raining by
peaceful snoozing the night be
fore. Candidate for Governor.
The Aurora Sun, one of the
lending democratic papers of Ihe
slate, in reference lo Pool's can
didacy, says: "We sincerely I rust
thai Charley pool will not try to
become a candidate for Ihe gov
rrnor's ofllce that is, nol on Ihe
fusion ticket. If he dues make
the (rial, and if he wins, we are
strongly of Ihe opinion that ho
would defeat the party. Editors
who secretly believe ho is unfit
ted for Ibis ofllce should say so in
open meeting, that we may not
have a repeilion of Ihe guber
nalorial campaign of 1910."
Depart for Lakes.
Kiniu Tui'Hiliiy's Pally.
Mrs. lliie Patterson and babe,
accompanied by Miss Celia Pol
leek, Mr. and Mrs. Trusdale and
babe, departed this afternoon for
?l:uble Lake, Ojiinry, Michigan,
for a monlh al. the lake. Mrs.
(Ieorge Dovey accompanied the
parly to Omaha.
Enjoy Family Reunion.
From Txisduy's Dully.
Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Schoemaa
returned from Louisville this
morning, where they have visited
relatives for a few days. Sunday
a family reunion was participated
in by the Schoeman family at the
home of Will Hnover, a son-in-law."
There were present: Wil
liam Swalm and wife of Denver,
Sid McCool and wife of Alliance,
John Schoeman and wife, Fred
Krccklow and wife and the
families of each. A fine time was
bad visiting amung the relatives.
Large Attendance and Rev. Gad
Speaks Feelingly of Ordina
tion of Canon Burgess.
In spite of the intense heat yes
terday Ihe services al the Presby
Jerian church were largely at
tended. At the morning service
llev. Cade annuunced the celebra
tion of the fiOth anniversary of
the ordination of Canon II. 11.
Burgess on Thursday of this
week and staled that the mem
bers of SI. Luke's parish extend
ed a most cordial invitation lo tho
members of his church and con
gregation to attend these festivi
ties. Rev. Cade urged his con
gregation to attend I his celebra
tion and extend their congratula
tions to this grand old man, who
had reached the 50th year of his
pastorale. Ilev. Cade also said
that on this day Canon Hurgess
would celebrate Ihe .'18th an
niversary of his pastorale of the
St. Luke's church of this cily and
that being Ihe pastor of the same
church for such a long time was
not like thiship I hat passeth in a
night, but was a pastorale which
would lung be remembered. '
Hev (lade. preached a splendid
discourse, Iho subject of his ser
mon being, "The Only Founda
tion," lo which his congregation
gave Ihe closest attention. The
choir rendered a most excellent
anthem, which assisted in making
Ihe morning service al this
church very interesting.
The evening service, which was
in charge of Ihe Christian En
deavor society, was al tended by a
large number and was fully as in
terest ing. Miss Olive (lass was
the leader and the subject for Hie,
evening was "Missions in China."
On Ihe last Sunday of each month
the Endeavor society has a sub
ject along Ihe line of missions,
and since (lie first, of January
have been laking a trip around
the world and making a study of
the conditions and work being
dune in the mission fields. Miss
Alison Johnston has been con
ducting these missionary meet
ings, ami under her elllcienl lead
ership the Endeavor society havo
studied Ihe conditions and work in
Japan. Korea, India, the Moun
tain Whites of the south, tho
"Negroes, the Indians, the Philip
pines and others. The night
study was "Missions in China,"
as we have slated above, and tho
usual fine program was given.
Prof. H. S. Austin rendered a
splendid vocal selection, which
was very much appreciated by I ho
Endeavors and their friends.
Celebrate Birthday.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The relatives and friends of
Mrs. E. K. Preltig drove to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. ( ieorge llild,
len miles west of Ihe cily, Sunday
(o aid her in Ihe celebration of
her 751 h birthday. A line dinner
ami supper was served, consisting
of nil sorts of palatable dishes so
easily made, by the energetic)
housewife on Ihe farm. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. John
Lulz, Olio Lulz, Henry Lul. and
Helen and Kalherine Lulz, Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Saltier and daugh
ters, Amanda, Katie ami Freda,
and also their son, Johnnie; Miss
Katie York, Mr. ami Mrs. W. H.
Mason ami sun, llalph; Mr. ami
Mrs. Jesse Warga, Mr. Philip
Schaefer, Miss Emma Pappe of
l!n ion Cily, Oklahoma, and oihers.
Nolwilstamling the very warm
day all enjoyed lh" outing and tho
day spent on the farm.
Swan Munso'n, a former Plalts
mouth citizen, but now of Omaha,
was shaking hands with old-tiniu
friends in Plallsinoulh todav.