f. ' ...... m 11 ,o"3 ALCOHOL. 3 PfcK CENT. AVegclaWe Preparalion for As similaiiiiJiiicFoodandRrijuIa I incite Storaaclis amUJowelsof Promotes DigcslionfkftW ness and RestontaIns neiito Opium.Morplune nor Mineral NOT NARCOTIC. J?nyt0J 0SV4UmMA Il'in SreJ JbMltUtt form Sfftm ftant. Ill IB lill For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Ancrfprl Remedy forConstipi Hon . Sour StomaclUllarrtoea Worms jConvulswus.revcriyi ncs3 and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. AW If vir Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. 111 THI CIHTAUS OMMNT, CtTV. LOCAL NEWS KING GEORGE IS CROWNED Eighth ol House of Hanover Con secrates Life to Country, ANCIENT CEREMONY IS USED. 8ervice la Like AN Previous Events for Twelve Hundred Years Crown Is Placed Upon King's Head by Archbishop ef Canterbury. London, June 23. King George V., eighth of the house of Hanover, was consecrated to the service of the Brit ish empire and in turn received the public homage of his world-wide sub Jeets. With hif conHort, Queen Mary, his majesty was crowned in the abbey of West minuter with all the wealth and religious rites and royal ceremonial prescribed by historic custom. The picture within the gray walled abbey was one of medieval splendor. The coronation services, solemn and Imposing, were those handed down from the earlier centuries and the act ors In the principal and secondary roles of the treat function were garbed In reproductions of the multl colored, gold embroidered trappings sib mm OSLER. Famous Surgeon Who Is Among Barcns'.s Created by George V. G. W. IIINMAN IS FIRST WITNESS From Friday's DaMjr. Councilman George Dovey was called to Omaha on business this morning. Mr, Holman went to Omaha on the morning train today to have bis eyes treated hy a specialist. Miss Kthcl llallaneo departed last evening for Peru, where she will visit school friends for a short time. Mr. L. A. Meisingcr of near Cedar Creek was looking after business matters in IMatlsmouth yesterday afternoon. John Hall lias moved into the William Miller residence prop erty in I ho Second ward and has begun housekeeping. Mrs. C. L. Piltuian and babe, of Omaha arrived last evening and will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kauka, for a time. Mr. Trimpe has rented and moved into the Windham resi dence in the Second ward and will be a neighbor of John Snead. Mr. II. K. Pankonin of Louis ville was in the county seat look ing after business mailers for a few hours today. Grandpa Gravett departed for Watson, Misouri, on the early train today, where bo will visit relatives for a time. Mr. D. Tourtelot of Lincoln ar rived last evening and will visit his daughter, Mrs. William Baird and family for a time. Mrs. Charles Martin and son, Hill, departed for Lincoln yes terday afternoon, where they will visit relatives for a time. Messrs. Philip and Louie Horn were Plattsmouth visitors yester day afternoon, having come in to do some shopping at the stores. Mr. J. K. Tuey, (he Sixth street merchant, was called to Glen- wood on the morning train today to look after some business mat lers. Charles Kunsmann and Henry liess departed for Aurora and Chicago today, where they will look after business mailers for a lime. Mr. W. Schwalen and wife and son, F.lsworlh, of Denver, arrived this morning and will visit Mr. and Mrs. (leorge Schoeman for a time. Hon II. H. Windham was a pas senger to Omaha on the morning train today. His daughter, Miss Katheryn, accompanied her father, ami expected to go on to Hardy for a visit with friends for a few days. Clerk of lint District Court James M. Ilohertson and wife, and daughters, Binoche and Marie, and Zeta Gilliland of Fremont, who is a guest of the Robertson home, went lo Louisvilltj this morning to spend the day. Dick Heck, John Raird, V. Raker and William Delle Dernier of Llmwood motored to Plalls- moulh tody. Rosey stated as he boarded the fast mail for Omaha that he was awful sorry that ho was called away this aft ernoon, as ho knew well the cap acity of the Klmwood parly to take refreshments. Miss Villa Gapcn of Murray was a visitor in the city today and a pleasant caller at this office. Mrs. D. P. Jackson departed for Pueblo, Colorado, this afternoon, where she will visit friends for a lime. Mrs. Harry Hat hold and daugh ter, Muriel, were Omaha pas sengers on the morning train to day. Anton Nilka is reported much belter today, lie has been able to get some sleep and the doctor .now thinks he may recover. 14. Manspeaker, deputy sheriff; C. H. Taylor, county attorney; H. M. Prihble and L. W. Lorcnz were Omaha passengers on the fast mail this afternoon. Some of the patty said that this would be their first ball game this sea son. mm- i if: 7" Hf ,;f'. I' Mr. J. W. Harwick went to Omaha on the afternoon train to day to see his daughter, Mrs. T. M. Julyan, and daughter, Hilda, off to Oklahoma. They depart for Thomas, Oklahoma, this afternoon. For Commissioner. Wo aro authorized lo announce C. M. Seybert of Louisvillo as a candidate for commissioner from the Second district, subject to the will of tho democratic voters al tho primary election in August. Lost. Hetween Manley and Rock RlulTs, an automobile crank. Finder will receive reward by notifying S. 0. Cole, Mynard, Neb. 6-15-3td. 1 1 Mi IS -al i iMil i iMi - Chicago Publisher Testifies in Lorimsr Inyestiation. CLOSE FRIEND OF DEFENDANT. Proprietor of Inter-Ocean Says There Has Been a "Jackpot" at Every Ses sion of Illinois Legislature for Years, Ex-Governor Yates Testifies. Washington, June 23. Gorge W. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In County Court. Stale of Nebraska, Cass Coua ty, ss. In the Matter of the Estate of Henry C. Hardnock, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to the creditors of said deceased that hearings will be had upon claims filed against said estate, before me, County Judge of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska, at the County Court room in Plattsmouth, in said County, on the 15th day of July, 1911, and on the 18lh day of January, 1912, at 9 o'clock A. M. each day for examination, adjust ment and allowance. All claims must be filed in said court on or before said last hour of hearing. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, at Platts- innman eouor ana puousner oi me, moulh Nebraska ihis mh day of Chicago Inter-Ocean, was the first wit i r,lna AQit (Seal) FIFTEEN MILLION III SUNDAY SCHOOLS Secretary Lawrence Makes Re port to Convention. San Francisco, June 23. There are now 14,946,504 .Sunday school pupils In this country, according to the re port of General Secretary Marien Iawrencc, read in the International Sunday School convention here. This, said the secretary, means a gain of 1, 431,00(1 pupils since the last conven tion three years ago. Since the last meeting at Louisville conversions have been made at the rate of over 1,000 a day. Secretary Lawrence thinks the schools are now ready for a ' sys; tcmatlc In gathering" and recommends energies inward Increasing the enroll tnent t SPRING BRINGS SORE FEET : : HERE IS A POSITIVE CURE: WESTMINSTER. ABDEY. worn by their ancestors. The latter made a wonderfully effective setting around the central figures. Multitude Sees Pageant. (Jul side the usually dull streets had been transformed Into a muss of Color The king and queen's progress to the abbey and the return to Buckingham palace wan one unbroken ovation. The routo was hedged with a vast polyglot host with a background of decorated viewing Rtands and windows and roofs, all of which were crammed to thel c-ipaclty. Hundreds of thousands of spectators shouted themselves hoarse at central polntB like the Mall and the entrance to tho udmiralty, where the govern ment Fitaiids held a score of thousands. Trafalgar square was so densely packed with humanity that It would not have been difficult to traverso the square walking on the heads of tho, people. Parliament square and Con stitution hill held their countless thousands. The tumult of thunderous welcome was almost deafening as the king and queen passed on the outward and home lourneys, preceded In the first Instance and followed on the return by a stately, superb cavalcade of emi nent persons, many themselves heirs to thrones, statesmen, diplomats, courtiers, soldiers, sailors and men of all hues, rsces and creeds from the four quarters of the globe. The great ceremonial passed off un- marred by untoward Incidents. Coronation Oath. New Deputy Treasurer. Lincoln, Jane 23. State Treasurer W. A. George announced that he had appointed O. A. Tanielson of Center. Knox county, as deputy state treasurer to Bucceed K. S. Mickey, who resigned some timt ngo. Mr. Daniclson will as sume the duties of the office on July 1. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS if w With th advent of warm weather comes foot troubles to thousands of people. The hu Teased temperature and heaviness of the atmosphere caimeH swelling nud excess perspiration This biings on a series of foot troubles The treatment given below will be wet (onied with Joy by n ar my of sufferers. It act like magic. "Dissolve two tublt'BpiMmfuls of Calnclile compound In a basin ot hot water; soak the feet lu this for full fifteen mln utes. gently muHKiigltiK the sore parts Less time will not give the desired results ) Repeat this each night un til the cure Is permanent.'' All sore nets disappears Immediately. Corns and callouses can be peeled right off Punlons are reduced to normnl and the Inflammation drawn out. Sweaty and smelly feet, tender and swollen feet need but a few treatments. This Calorlds Is a remarkable- drug. For merly used only by doctors but any druggist now has It In stock or will qulrkly get It from his wholesala bovine. A twenty-five rent packsg It claimed to cur the worst Net. The Archbishop of Canterbury ad ministered tho coronation oath, say Ing: "Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern tho people of this United Kingdom and the dominions thereof according to the statutes In parliament agreed on and the respec tive laws and customs of the same?' The king: "I solemnly promise so to do." The crown placed on King George's head was of solid gold studded with precious stones of Inestimable value, Including 3,000 diamonds, 300 pearls and handreds of rubles, emeralds and sapphires. The queen's crown con tained the famous Koh l-Noor diamond with Its legend of bringing good luck Over forty members of royal fam lllos, 2."0 rulers of foreign states, 1,450 ears, dukes, lords and ladles, 300 am bassadors and ministers; 1,500 repre sentatives of the army, navy, judiciary clergy, etc., formed part of the 7,000 guests at Westminster abbey. America was represented nt the coronation by the American amlmssa dor, Whitelaw Held; the American special envoy, John Hays Hammond many Amerlcen wives of English peers, members of the American diplo matic corps and many unofficial Amer leans, liu hiding Charles P. Tait, brother of President Taft. American League. At Detroit: R.H.E. Cleveland 0 0000121 04 8 2 Detroit 000 2 0 0 1 00 3 6 4 West Fisher; Summers Stanage. At Philadelphia: R.H.E. Philadelphia . . .1 0 0 0 0 0 5 2 8 12 1 Washington ....0020 0 0 0 0 35 9 2 Bender-Thomas ; Walker-Alnsmith. At New York: R.H.E. Boston 0 0 00 00 4 3 New York 4 3 0 0 7 9 3 Pape-Kleinow; Warhop-Sweeney. At St. Louis; R.H.E. Chicago 000 00 2 0002 4 1 St. Louis 00000 1 000 1 6 3 Lange-Payne; Powell-Clarke. National League. At Boston: R.H.E Boston 11000060 18 9 6 New York 3000 1 0 0217 11 1 Brown Kling; Marquard Wilson. At Cincinnati: R.H.E. St. Louis 0231 1 2 0 009 15 Cincinnati 0 0101001 03 11 3 Harmon Bllrs; Smith-Clarke. At Brooklyn: R.H.E. Philadelphia 0 2 0 0 0 02 7 Brooklyn 0 00 0 022 6 Burns Mornn; Kuetzer-Bergen. At Chicago: R.H.E Chicago ..... .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 6 Pittsburg 0 01 2 3 0 4 1 112 15 0 Brown-Archer; Lelfleld Gibson. Western League. At St. Joseph: R.H.E Lincoln 0201 0 0 0003 7 St. Joseph 0000 2 00002 5 3 Wolverton-McGraw; Johnson-Kerns At Sioux City: R.H.E Denver 0 2020310 08 12 Sioux City 0400OO0OO4 8 O'Brlen-McMurray; Sage-Miller. At Is Moines: - R.H.E, Des Moines.. ..1000 1 1 00 14 6 1 Pueblo 0200 1 0 2 4 09 12 1 Benx-L'ltowskl; Jarnlgan-Clemons. At Omaha: R.H.E, Omaha 00102151 10 13 Topoka 00000 0 0 1 1 2 4 9 Rhodes Agnew; Beecher Hawkins. Nebraska State League. At Superior: R.H.E Grand Island ... .0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 15 8 1 Superior 01000000 01 7 1 Clausman Jokeist; Stevens Spollman. At Seward: R.H.E. Kearney 31 20 4 1 00 011 14 3 Seward 52000 2 0 00 9 11 1 Wright Magcrkurtb; Miller-Lucas. At York: RU E. Columbus 20 1 00 00003 6 6 York 01040011 7 10 1 Paul Agnew; Masters Smith. At Hastings: R.H.E. Fremont 0 00000100 01 5 2 Hastings 000000001 12 C 8 Smith Neff; Orth lloernle. ness at the regular session of the sen ate committee to Investigate the elec tion of Senator Loriiner. To Attorney Marble's questions Mr. Hinman said he was a close friend to Senator Lorlmer, but had received no money to be used In his election. The witness was questioned at length in regard to the "Jockpot" funds of the Illinois legislature. Mr. Hinman Baid he had never talked with anyone who said he contributed toka "Jack pot," operated one or received money from one. "But I believe there has been a 'Jackpot' In every legislature of Illi nois since I went there, twelve years ago," he added. The attorney read editorials from the Inter-Ocean, in which the sugges tion was made that prominent persons In Chicago and in Peoria "might be shaken by an investigation Into Illi nois lefTlslature jackpots." "To whom did you refer?" Mr. Mar ble asked. "The liquor Interest." "Did common report connect any other Interests with a Jackpot?" Money Interests Against. "Not that I recall," the witness said, adding that the money interests of Chicago had taken sides against Sena tor Lorlmer. "Do yon mean to say that promi nent persons of Chicago, who looked upon themselves as better than Sena tor Lorimer, did the very things he Is criticized for doing?" asked Kern- "That puts It better than I could express It." The editor was asked if the packing house Interests were opposed to Lorl mer. "I would not say that they were par ticularly friendly," was the reply. The witness declined at first to an swer If he had borrowed money from either Hines, Tllden or Lorimer, be cause it wis a question concerning his private business. "Oh, well, I will answer under pro test," he said, after thinking It over. 'On one occasion I borrowed $4,000 from Mr. Hines." "When?" "Within the last eight or ten weeks." After declaring again that he had never paid or received money to aid in Lovimer's election, Mr. Hinman was excused. Yates Is Second Witness. Richard Yates, governor of Illinois from 1901 to 1905, was the next wit ness. "Did you ever hear of a Jackpot when you were governor?" asked Mr. Healy. "No, sir." He then told the story of the pas sage of the "Mueller bill providing for municipal ownership of street rail ways." He related how, when govern or, Speaker Mueller came to him with an account of two men attempting to bribe him to aid In the passage of the bill and hovr the bill was passed. "Mr. Mueller died shortly afterward, because the house, Instead of Invest! gating the alleged bribery, invest! gated him. his friends told me," said Mr. Yates. Mr. Yates said he believed men had approached Mueller. He also said John L. Lnne, a Chicago Inter-Ocean reporter, told him In 1901 that a cor ruptlon fund existed In the legislature, but Lane could produce no witnesses and the subject was not made a mat ter of formal Investigation. These were the only rumors of cor ruption, he said, that he was able to tell about. Allen J. Beeson, County Judge of of Probate Notice. IN COUNTY COURT. State of Nebraska, County Cass, ss. In the matter of the estate Albert Eugene Lewis, deceased. To All Persons Interested: You are hereby notified that there has been filed in this court a report of the administrator of said estate, together with his peti tion for final settlement thereof. That a hearing will be had up on said report and petition before this court in the County Court Rooms at Plattsmouth, in said County, on the 3rd day of July, 1911, at 9 o'clock a. m. That all objections thereto, if any, must be filed on or before said day and hour of hearing. Witness my hand and seal of the County Court of said County this 8th day of June, 1911. (SEAL) Allen J. Beeson, County Judge. of of Probate Notice. State of Nebraska, County Cass, ss. IN COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate Abel Bevan, Deceased. To All Persons Interested: You are hereby notified that there has been filed in this court, report of the administratrix of above estate, together with her petition for final settlement of her accounts as set forth in said re port, and for her discharge as such administratrix, in all things except the payment of claims. That a hearing will be had up on said report and petition before this court in the County Court Rooms at Plattsmouth, in said County, on the 27th day of June, 1911, at 10 o'clock A. M. That all objections, if any, must bo filed on or before said day and hour of hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of said County this 51 h day of June, 1911. Allen J. Beeson, County Judge. RIVER TRAFFIC IS RESUMED Steamship Chester Lands Cargo From New Orleans at Kansas City. Kansas City. June 23 The Kansas City Navigation company's steamer Chester arrived here, bringing the first cargo that has come to this city by river from New Orleans In twenty-five years. A delegation of citizens, led by Mayor Brown and accompanied by a band, met the Chester at the wharf, The Chester Is Intended to run on reg ular schedulo between Kansas City and St. I-ouls, carrying passengers and freight. Wheeler Bound Over. Beaflce, Neb., June 23. D. F. Wheeler of Wymore. who was taken to Washington, Kan., several days ngo to answer to a charge of complicity In the Hanover bank robbery last win ter, was given his preliminary hearing and bound over to the district court lu the sum of $4,000. In default of bonds he was sent to the county Jail. lowan Dies In His Auto Near St. Joe. St. Jospli, Mo., June 23. Fred Hels, Jr., of Atlantic, la., while mak lng an automobile trip to Leaven worth, died suddenly In his automobile near here. Mr?. Hels was with him. He was forty-four yours of age. A SHI, A KM DKAIVMiK DIHTIIICT. NOTK'H OK I'KoritNKI) 1SSLK OP HO !V IIS. Notice la hereby Riven that the Ash land Drainage District needs the aum of seventeen tnouxands Ave hundred Mxty-elKlit and 60.100 (17,5ti8.60) dol lHrn, and the Hoard of Directors there of is about to l8ue seventeen thousand live hundred glxty-elKlit and 60.100 $17,568.60) dollars of neKotiuble bonds of said diHtirct, drawing six per cent Interest per annum, payable In ten equal annual iiixtallnients, with Interest coupons attached, said bonds to be sold at not less than par. At any time with in sixty days after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: June 8, 1911, any owner of any tract of real entate In said dlxtrlct, or of any euKe ment therein, may pay to C. Keetle, treasurer of said district, at the Farm cera and Merchants Hank, Ashland, Ne tunHka, the proportionate share of the principal amount of said bonds charge able aKaltiHt said tract, and the amount of bonds IsHued will he reduced In the aKgreicate amount of said advance payment so made, and any tract upon which such advance payment is made wil lnot he charKeahle with payment of any of snid bonds or the Interest thereon; provided, that If a deficit Is canned by an appeal from the rshchs- ineut of benefits and a change thereon, or by rennon of any asseBHinent being uncollectible, or In any other manner whatsoever, then said deficit shall be a chai-Ke upon all the lands aaHessed according to the apportionment of benefits, the same us any other liability of the district. The proportionate share of the prin cipal amount of said bonds chargeable against each tract ofJand In said dis trict has been determined, levied and assessed by the board of directors thereof In dollars and cetns against and upon each tract thereof on the basts of the apportionment of units of benefit and assessment hitherto made at the rate of four and forty-five hundredths dollars (H.4S) per unit; reference boing hereby made, for specific Information us to particular tracts, to the Resolu tion of said Hoard of Directors relat ing thereto on tile In the ottlce of A. B. Fuller. Ashland, Nebraska, secretary of said district. Witness the signature of said Ash land Drainage District, by the Presi dent and Secretary thereof, and the corpornte seal of said district, this 3d day of June. 1911. Ashland Drainage District. (SKAL) Hy Nelson Shelter. President. A. H. Fuller, Secretary. For Sale. I have a half section, 320 acres, in Pandborn county, South Da kota, one quarter fenced, artesian well flowing through it, that I will sell at a reasonable price. Terms to suit the purchaser. Address, A. W. Smith, Plattsmouth, Neb. 6-22-Imw.