The- Plattsmouth - Journal i 1 Mllsulftml-WKkijit R. A. DATES, Entered at the Postoffice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-class matter. jfl.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE The Fort Crook Military band will play here on the Fourth of July. :o: Everything is very quiet in the city at the present time. It is too hot to do very much hustling. :o: Twenty-four republicans voted with the democrats in the lower house for the wool bill, while one democrat voted against it. :o: A refreshing shower right now wouldn't be out of place. But etill the farmers say that corn is not suffering for the want of moisture. :o: The Hrislow amendment was fought by La Folli'lle, Gronna Tlorah, I'oimb'xlcr and Works, re publicans, and every democrat in Ibe senate save one. :o : Quite a crowd was on the street last evening to hear the band conceit. The next one will be more generally attended by peo ple from the country. :o: . If the Loriiner committee in sists on asking for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, it is feared its delibera tions may "disturb business." ;o: The secretary of the Com mercial rlub is kept pretty busy in replying to inquiries about I'lallsmoulh. Hill Wescott is nble to give the desired Informa tion to all. :o:- Last Sunday, June 18, was sug gested as "Father's day," but not observed, unless some of the kids thought it. a good time to strike Ibe old man for a bigger allow ance. -:o :- The Platte river bridge is in-J leresting a goodly number of peo ple, who think an investment in filock is an excellent proposition. Well, why shouldn't it be? It s on a direct route south and west. -:o:- If you want to attend a real, genuine old-fashioned Fourth of July celebration, where you can hear the declaration of Independ ence read and the "Star Spangled Jtanner" sang, come to 1'latts mouth. :o : Since the special session was called April the senate has been In sesison a total of only eighly Iwo hours, which is about one hour n day. The rest of the time Ihe senators devote to appearing august. :o: Filings for candidates before the primary election will expire Saturday night, July 15. There is plenty of time, but don't forget the date of expiration. The field Is wide open and only requires the filing fee to placo anyone in the race. . -:o: No federal income tax for at least another year. Five more stales must ratify the amendment before it goes. Tho fathers cer tainly fixed the constitution so it would be immune against "sud den gusts of popular and almost everything else." -:o: Nothing is thoroughly bad There is some good in every manifestation of evil. The much maligned, puglislio English sparrow is now looked upon as the hope of the country in case of the threatened invasion of the peventeen-yenr locust. His cap PlittssinM, Kearaski Publisher. aeily for the consumption of that delicacy is said to be unlimited, his digestion phenomenal and his continual presence on the job certain. It is pleasing to learn that the sparrow is possibly other than an unmitigated nuisance. :o: While this question has not as yet been definitely answered, the house investigating committees are bringing out testimony which tends to throw light on the suub jecl at least to the end of show ing that the great trusts of the country have at some time or an other had most of the government prosecutors on their payrolls. :o: From reports all over the country tramps are more num erous than for several years, and in every section of the country the farmers are yelling them-, selves hoarse for harvest hands. One hundred and fifty tramps were in the HurllriKton yards in Lincoln at one time yterday. :o: One man in this city who has a nice lawn and tries to keep it clean, says he is going to pur chase a pair of goats to cat the handbill that, are thrown on his lawn. The goats also have a butter record which he will be willing to demonstrate to anyone who throws any handbills in his yard. :o; The Journal truly agrees with Senator (Jure when he says the democrats must nominate a can didate for president who "de serves to win and who is able to win." Yet, at the same time, there is a vast difference of opinion as to who that man should be. We have several good candidates looming up, and while the senator is of Ihe opinion that Wooilrow Wilson is the man to win, other leaders, as equally in- leresieo in ueinocralie success. have other favorites who they be lieve are just as able to win as Mr. Wilson. :o: It will be a very strange tiling indeed if there is not, an almost universal demand for the lower ing of the tariff on sugar when the information regarding the sugar trust which has been se cured by Ihe investigating com mittee reaches the people. The trust has been convicted of de frauding the government of mil lions. Tho republican parly went into collusion with the Mormon church to get Utah to support it and it has levied a tax of $8 a year on the average family. The tax on diamonds is only 10 per cent, hut. on sugar it is 78.87 per cent. -:o:- Contracts have been entered In to by the Slate Fair association with the Wright company of New- York for two aeroplanes and two aviators to make two flights each day of the fair, September to 8. Last year, Hoxey, with on machine, was secured for tho flights, ami when he went into one or the barns on Tuesday morning it deprived numbers of our people from witnessing this modern attraction. The manage mnt does not intend to have such an nccident to one machine dis appoint their patrons, so have gone to added expense to secure two complete outfits that people who come to one of the best fairs on earth will not he disappointed this year. :o: A Je5.000.000 bread trust which will operate, to start with, in twenty-one largo cities, has been formed in New York under the' name of the General Baking com pany. The alleged object of the new octopus is to "educate the public to a higher standard of quality in bread." Inquiry at the office of Attorney General Wick ersham elicited the information that absolutely nothing was known there of the formation of "any bread trust." The reply was not unusual, as the attorney gen eral's oflice is generally the last place in Washington to go to for information which might be con strued to admit the existence of any trust. :o: The silver wedding was the most popular feature of the Taft administration. :o: Everybody and their families are coming to Plattsmouth this year on the Fourth of July. :o: It is too hot to do anything rash. So don't make any rash promises that you can't fulfill. :o: Wheat has advanced a few cents, it is stated, on account of the poor crop in the two Da kolas. :o: The law against Ihe sale of ex plosives in Nebraska is very rigid, and it will be well for dealers to be on the safe side. :o:- Senator Lorimer has been swatted so generally this year that he must have a heart full of sympathy for the common house fly. A fashion note says that girls are wearing their waists so high now that it is risky for a boy to hag his sweetheart he might choke her to death. :o:- If congress is going to get Uncle Sam's garden hoed before the snow flies, they've got to do something besides smelling around the pig-pen for bad odors. :o: Cherries are very plentiful in this section of Nebraska, and are selling at 91.25 per bushel. The berry crop is also immense. But where are we to get our peaches? :o: Scientists claim to have dis covered suns llfty thousand times as large as ours. Please do not let any of them gel in any of their work nt present, as our own lit tle old sun is getting in its work sufllcienlly right now, thank you. :o: The general counsel for the sugar trust expresses regret that e supreme court did not. speak w illi more clearness and ccrtninly concerning trust distinctions. We fail to see wherein the most ex plicit language would have re lieved the sugar trust from the odium of crookedness. :o: It will be well for our dealers in fireworks to look up the law passed two years ago by the legislature, before they rush headlong into the sale of some things that are prohibited. Some of them are liable to get them selves into serious trouble. "A word to the wise," etc. :ot The people for miles around IMattsmouth will he here on the Fourth of July. . The managers claim they will have a fine pro gram, and if the Red Men keep up their reputation for doing things as they should be done they will have to hustle some. The dav is not very far off. :o: The steamboat Chester arrived in Kansas City yesterday after noon and it was met by a large delegation of business men, ac companied by a brass band. Every town from St. Louis up turned out to cheer the boat on its on ward course. Evidently the poo pie on the lower Missouri are be' ing very much interested in river Ira file. When will Omaha take on a little of the enthusiasm pos sessed by Kansas City in this matter? :o: Some senators are threaten ing, if Canadian reciprocity is adopted, to revise the whole tariff. Well, why not? That was just exactly what the country ex pected in the special session of 1909. Instead, congress gave it a sham revision, and the people would not stand such ' monkey business. :o: The supreme judges appoint ed by Governor Sheldon will have to go some if they are nominated at the primary. There are now eight republican candidates in the field and others yet to come. The people have not forgotten the manner in which these three judges were appointed, when Governor Shallenberger should have had the say-so. :o: . LA FOLLETTE AND TARIFF. Senator La Follette, it is an nounced, is soon to declare him self a progressive candidate for the republican nomination for president. A year ago there were millions of progressive voters who would have thrown up their hats and shouted their satisfaction with this announcement. We doubt if there are nearly so many now. La Follette was looked on then as a genuine and feariess pro gressive; as a man who was "ght iniT consistently and without wavering against the evil of spe cial privilege. Today spec!?.l privilege is at tacked, in congress, in one of its most odious aspects. Democratic progressives are making an honest effort to reform some of the more glaring evils and in equalities in the existing tariff. To this end they are supporting not only the reciprocity treaty, as a step in the right direction, but they are proposing a farmers' free list bill, and a 50 per cent cut in the woolen tariff, and expect to prepare, before the sesison is very much older, similar bills making substantial reductions in the cotton, steel and sugar schedules. What help are they getting from La Follette? Exactly none. A year ago La Follette, with other insurgent senators and rep resentatives, was angrily de nouncing the monstrous wrongs hidden in the Payne-AIdrich tariff. He was condemning that tariff as a breaking of platform pledges. He and other insurgents were joining with the democrats to pledge the country a revision downward. Yet now, when the lime is ripe, when the opportunity is at hand, the democrats are getting little help or encouragement from their insurgent allies. La Follette him self stands with Gallinger and Smoot and the special interests that aro fighting reciprocity. He has had not a word of encourage ment for the democratic tariff re duction bills. The democratic woolen bill is so conservative that Mr. Bryan has heatedly denounced it as an act of infamy and sur render. Yet it seems twice too radical for La Follette, if it bo true, as reported, that lie will pro pose a9 an amendment a 25 per cent reduction. If this is where Robert Marion La Follette is to stand, what claim will he have to progressive sup port in next year's campaign? How can ho oven contest with Taft for his party's nomination, charging that Taft is not a pro gressive, if he is to allow Taft to make a more progressive tariff record than ho makes himself? The World-Herald cannot but entertain the hope that Senator La Follette will yet take his stand on the people's side of tho tariff question, and that he will finally lend his help to the democrats who are trying to save the people hundreds of millions of dollars annually which tariff robbery now compels them to pay over to the lumber, woolen, cotton, steel and sugar corporations. If he does not if from beginning to end of the session he stands with Gal ligner and Srnoot to defeat the democratic tariff reform program what a sorry travesty his "pro gressive" candidacy will become. World-Herald. Burlington Men Appreciated. From Thursday' Daily. . There was another blowout at the water main last night, which was repaired by Jimmie Hickson and his helpers. Through an oversight the good work of the four Burlington men who came to the rescue both nights was over looked. Their good work with their air machine was what saved the pipe line. The pipe was laid in concrete last night, so that Jimmie says if it blows out a hundred years hence he will re turn and fix it and it "shan't cost the company a cent." Shoots Himself In Foot. A special from Tecumseh. un der dale of June 22, says: "While engaged in shooting rats with a shotgun this afternoon Dr. C. D. Barnes, a physician of this city, suffered a serious accident. The gun was accidentally discharged and the charge struck him in the foot and lacerated the member to such an extent that amputation may be necessary." Dr. Barnes was born and reared in this city, and is wn known to many of tho older residents of Plattsmouth. Married in Omaha. Mr. Lauren Mickle and Miss Mable Doty went to Omaha last week and were married Wednes day, June 14. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Doty, old residents of the county, living northeast of town about five miles. The groom has been a resident of the county since his birth, is a very fine young man, and both have many friends. They will reside on the E. B. Taylor farm south of town. Weeping Water Republican. Errror Corrected. From Friday's Dally. An error crept into the item in last night's Journal referring to Mr. Ed Streight of Lincoln, wherein we stated he was visiting his brother, II. J. Streight. Mr. H. J. Streight never had a broth er Ed that he knows of. What we should have said was that Mr. Streight of Lincoln was a guest of his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Streight, of this city. Catch Fish Near Union. From Friday's Dally. W. J. Streight, A. L. Tidd, A. J. Beeson and Sheriff Quinton went to Union today on invitation of C. L. Graves, editor of the Union Ledger, and took with them their fishing licenses and tackle. When they return the Journal readers may look out for some whaling big fish stories. Operated on for Appendicitis. Frank Vetesnik was operated on at Hot Springs, South Dakota, a short time ago for appendicitis. Anton Vetesnik, John Libershal and Joe Holly departed yesterday afternoon for Hot Sorincs. where they will visit Frank Vetesnik for a few days. Announcement. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of the office of BherifT, subject to the de cision of the voters at the coming primary. I ask them to place me In nomination on the democratic ticket D. C. Rhoden. ( AM, FOIl IIIDS. Bids will be received up to Noon on rrlnni .liilv 111V. a n ibh a . i . Ofrll'P of the rnnnfw T...ln-A -i l - ' J VI (.BUS I C ounty In his oillre at IMattHmouth, .hmmhnku, ior me rnjiRtructlon of one concrete culvert to he located one mile east and one-quarter mile north of Murray; alxo for one nil to be made on iiectlon line one and one-half mile nectlon line one-half mile north of Union. 0b8 County. Nebrnxka. Work to be done out of Inheritance Tax fund. Maim and aneclfloatlona on file In the office of the county Clerk In IMattHmouth, NebraRka. County CommlBftloner reserve the l ight to reject any or all blda. Allen J. Heenon, t.i .. ... , . County Judwe. riattumouth, Neb., June 19th, 1911. Do you want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement. Telegraph or writ,) ROBERT WIKINSON, Dunbar, Neb. Dates made at this oTi :j or tha Murray State Dank. Good Scrvic ai 1imV) Rate TAFT UUDSALDRICH PLAN President Says Currency Reform Transcend All Other Question. New York, June 23. "There ia no legislation 1 care not what It is tar iff, railroad, corporation, or of a gen eral political character that at all equals in importance the putting of our banking and currency system on the sound basis proposed by the na tional commission plan." So declared President Taft to a big gathering of bankers and men of prominence in the financial and busi ress world at a banquet of the New York State Bankers' association, which Is in session at Manhattan Beach. Hia addret.s was mainly devoted to a car ful and coherent elucidation of the Aldrlch national reserve association plan, which he warmly commended as providing for "the establishment of the 7,000 national banks of this coun try on a representative republican basis." He declared It "a careful and well drawn plan, devised by a non-partisan commission," to avoid the concentra tion of controlling Influence either In Wall street or In Washington, and ex pressed his belief that the plan tn tta general features ought to commend Itself to "the whole business commu nity of the country," the farmers and wige earners as well as the banking, railroad, commercial and manufactur ing Interests. MORTENSEN-FURSE IN SUPREME COURT Arguments In Quo Warranto (or Office of Railway Commissioner, Lincoln, June 23. Arguments In the quo warranto suit of Peter Mor tonsen against W. J. Furse, Involving possession of the office of railway com missioner, were heard by the supreme court. The case devolves on the ques tion whether the vacancy caused by the death of Commissioner Cowgill last October occurred tn time for It to be filled legally at the November elec tion, and whether Mortensen had a right to have his name upon the bal lot as a candidate for the position. He was nominated by petition and was the only candidate whose name ap peared on the ballot. The suit was filed last January, after the legislature recognized Furse as the Incumbent, by refusing to de clare Mortensen elected to the po sition. Furse holds the office by ap pointment by Governor Shallenberger. He Insists that Cowglll's death took place less than thirty days before the election and appointment by the gov ernor was the only legal way of filling the vacancy. PROBE MORMON SUGAR DEAL Cutler Tells of Relation of Church to the Trust. Washington, June 23. Inquiry into the relationship between the Mormon church and the American Sugar Refin ing company, which began before the house committee of inquiry Into the sugar trust, disclosed that Henry O. Havemeyer's first dealings In the beet sugar Industry were with the Utah Sugar company, In which the Church of Jesus Christ and the Latter Day Saints were interested. Thomas R. Cutler of Suit Lake, vice president and general manager of the Utah-Idaho Sugar Refining company and form er bishop of the Mormon church, ap peared before the committee as a wit ness, lie declared that of the approx imately $9,500,000 paid up stock of tha Utah-Idaho company the American Sugar Refining company controls $4, 650,000, or 455,000 shares; Joseph F. Smith, president of the Mormon church, as trustee for the church, 49, 815 shares, and the estate of Henry a Havemoyer 23,174 shares, while tha balance Is owned by 1.493 Individual stockholders Shoots Himself Instead of the Rats. Tecumseh. Neb., June 23. While en gaged In shooting rats with a shot gun, Dr. C. D. Barnes, a physician of this city, suffered a serious accident. The gun was accidentally discharged and the charge struck him In the foot and lacerated the member to such an extent that amputation may be neces sary. Byrnes Leave Hospital. Columbus, Neb., June 23. John C. Byrnes has so far recovered from his recent opeiatlon as to be able to sit up. He refirned home. CONDENSED NEWS One hundred and fifty thousand per son saw the "rainbow" parade of the Foresters, the uniformed branch of the Modern Woodmen, now In session at Buffalo. More than five thousand men were In line. Representative Lee O'Nell Browne of Ottawa assaulted E. O. Phillips, tho legislative correspondent of the Chi cago Tribune, in the speaker's room at Springfield. Mr. Phillips was uncou hcioua for fort-? minutes. The National Children's Home so ciety, In convention at Detroit, elected a board of dirtctors, among the mem bers being Judge Ben l.lndsey of Colo rado, Rev. E. P. Qulvey of Nebraska and F. A. HUr of Iowa. Congress will be asked for $10,000 for the proper entertainment by tho United States of Admiral Togo, the famous Jap:'pne naval officer, who will visit this country Immediately after the coronation festivities at London.