boo. 5outn niton SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION EIGHT PAGES VOLUME XXX PLATTSMOUTII, NEBRASKA. MONDAY JUNE 26,1911 NO 50 Platte tb be on s mi C I ACTIVE III 1HE REVIVAL Must Hustle Themselves and Not Navigation to Get Results, According to the Omaha Jive, the war department has com municated to the Commercial club of that city its attitude in the establishment of the ofllce of chief engineer for the upper reach of the Missouri river. Rob ert Shaw Oliver, assistant to the secretary of war, writes that the department cannot see fit, with the last appropriations for Mis souri river work, to establish an independent office for an engineer in charge in Omaha. When it was announced that Major Shulz, who has charge of the improvement work on the en tire river, would devote most of his time to the improvement of the stream between Kansas City and St. Louis, it was decided that the Omaha district would suffer from lack of supervisory atten tion. As the river had been divided into two reaches, one from St. Louis to Kansas City and one from Kansas City to Sioux City, the river improvement committee of the Commercial club decided that Omaha was the logical point for the ofllce of the engineer in charge of the upper reach. The question was taken up with Sen ators Hitchcock and Brown and through them with the war de partment. Despite this setback, however, the river improvement cgrnmittee of the club, which John L. Mc Cague is chairman, plans to pro FORMER PIONEER RESIDENT Of CASS COUNTY DIES William Kropp, Former Pioneer Resident of This County, Dies at Home in Otoe County. From Friday' Dally. The following account of the death of Wiliiain Kropp, who was an early resident of Mt. Pleasant precinct, Cass county, is taken from the Nebraska City News: William Kropp, who has ween a resident of Ihis county for almost half a century, died last night at 10 o'clock, at his homei n Wyom ing precinct, after an illness of many weeks. For some time it has been known that he could not recover, but "while there is life there is hope" and nothing that medical skill could do was left undone, but finally exhausted nature surrendered, and Otoe county lost one of Iter most suc cessful farmers. William Kropp was a native of the Kingdom of Hanover, Ger many, and was born April 25, 1833. In September, 1853, he came to this country with li is parents, loratnig first in Lake county, Illinois. He was married in 1858 to Miss Dorotha Stoll, and that year they came to Nebraska, locating first in Cass county, and then came to Wyoming precinct, where he has since made his home. He was a very successful .farmer and realizing that Ne braska was to become one of the leading agricultural states cf the union, he invested his surplus money in farm land, so at the time of his death he was pos sessed of more than 3,000 acres of land. Nine children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Krupp, of whom there are now living George V, John H., William F. and Louis, all of whom are now prosperous farm ers in this county. Mr. Kopp was a man who at tended strictly to his own affairs, . and had a large circle off riends. He was a member of the German Methodist church. The lime of the funeral has not been announced, but interment will be in the Wyoming cemetery. Mrs. Will Stewart and daugh ters, Mildred and Goralio, of Wymore, Neb., are visiting at the home nf Mr. and Mrs. W. II, Newell and Mr. arid Mrs. J. M. Roberts. OF RIVER IVUIOII Depend on the Missouri River Says Commissioner Guild. mote popular interest in the .situation before the next session of congress. Meetings will be held and every effort be made to interest the national represent atives in the necessity for the im provement of the river between Omaha and Kansas City. Despite the fact that the war department has failed to lend its approval to the cable and brush system of bank protection, the confidence of the committee in this scheme is immutable. Its adoption again will be urged. This is a plan which Omaha engineers have ap proved. It consists of anchoring brushes to the bank by cables, and in this way sand bars are formed and banks are extended. Referring to the Missouri River Navigation congress, on which for two years Omaha de pended for the advancement of its interests in river work, Commis sioner J. M. Guild of the Com mercial club says: "Omaha has been leaning on a reed if it expects to get practical results from that organization. The time has come for it to take steps in its own behalf." The members of the river im provement committee, in addition to Mr. McCague, are: J. L. Pax ton, vice chairman; II. T. Clarke, G. W. Craig, R. B. Howell, Stock ton Heth, W. S. Jardine, W. S. King, C. S. Montgomery, W. T. Page, C. II. Pickens, F. D. Wead, J. R. Webster and II. W. Yates, jr. Dry In Northwest. Dr. Ransom and Fred Jess re turned from a trip to Rapid City a day or two ago, where they had been looking after some real estate investments of Dr. Ransom. They found that that portion of South Dakota so far as its agri cultural interests are concerned, will be quite dull this season. Aft er leaving the sandhills of Ne braska and northward to Rapid City, vrgitation is all but dead. The corn is small and badly rolled through the day. Grass is brown and sear as in the fall, and the heat and dust is terrific. At Rapid City the business men were com plaining that business was dull. At Hill City, some thirty miles away, the mining industry was being carried on quite exfensive Jy, and gold gotten out by placer mining. A $100,000 mining outfit was being worked to its capacity. Taking the country as a whole it did not have the prosperous ap pearance of Nebraska. In District Court. From Friday's Dally. The time of the district court was occupied yesterday with the trial of the injunction suit be tween J. W. Nichols, plaintiff, and C. W. Royer, defendant. After hearing the evidence the court entered findings of fads and a judgment for plaintiff, dividing the costs, directing each .party to pay the costs he has made, and directing that a chattel mortgage be given on the crop, securing the rent, and enjoining the defendant from pasturing stock In the or chard. The decision was accept ed by both parties as a settle ment of their difference. Finds Pocketbook. From Friday's Dally. Jack Minion, a brakeman, be longing to one of the Sioux City freight crews, lost his purse con taining quite an amount of money and his bank pass book, on the street last evening. The same was found by Mr. Snow, the Hur Iinglon draughtsman, and return ed to Mr. Minion through the postofllce without delay. One can depend upon getting lost property if the same falls into the hands of an honest person. Jesse McVeigh departed for California Monday evening via the southern route. He will visit Los AngeleH, Long Ileach, San Francisco and many other coast cities before returning. Great Sport at Camp. From Friday's Daily. Parmele, Windham, Soennich sen, Dovey and Arries broke camp at Cedar Creek Wednesday night and came to Plattsmouth on the freight, haing the pleas ure of riding in a boxcar with two Weary Willies. The freight did not stop at this city and the campers all "rolled." They laid in a lot of supplies and return ed to camp yesterday. Carl Sehinidtman and Hob Will expect to join the campers Saturday evening. j NOT II CANDIDATE I FOR SUPREME JUDG Judge Travis Positively Declines and Under No Circumstances Will He Accept Nomination. i i Since the Journal printed an article some time since that the name of Judge H. 1). Travis had been favorably mentioned as a candidate for judge of the su preme court on the democratic! ticket, quite a large number of papers throughout the state have given his candidacy favorable, mention. The judge has informed the Journal several times that under no circumstances could he accept such nomination, and ho would like for those papers who have so kindly mentioned his name in this connection to deny the report that he is a candidate for judge of the supreme court. He does not de sire to be misunderstood on the matter. Judge Travis has been on the district bench for nearly four years, and he has established such a candid and honest reputa tion for impartiality with both at torneys and clients that they are all clamoring for his retention as district judge for another term at least. Enjoy a Pleasant Afternoon. From Friday's Daily. The Ladies' Aid society of St. Paul's German Kvangelical church were very pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. William Hassler yesterday after noon. In spite of it being very warm, there was a very large number of ladies in attendance, the ladies taking in something like $9 or $10. The principal amusement was derived from social conversation and other di versions, all of which made up an afternoon of much enjoyment. At the proper time a dainty lunch eon, consisting of coffee and coffee cake, was served, which was most thoroughly enjoyed by the ladies. At the usual time the ladies departed for their homes, greatly indebted to the hostess for the splendid entertainment afford ed them on this occasion and for her kind hospitality. Entertains Ladies' Aid 8oclety. From Friday's Dally. Tho Ladies' Aid soicety of the M. E. church was entertained in a most enjoyable manner at the home of Mrs. Alice Kennedy yes terday afternoon. Hero a very large number of the ladies had assembled and participated in a fine time. The early hours of the afternoon were devoted to a short business session, after which the ladies had a most delightful social time. Social conversation and needlework, interspersed with other amusements, made the hours go entirely too fast and made the afternoon a very pleas ant one. An elegant luncheon was provided by the hostess at a convenient time and was one which elicited many compliments and to which the ladies did ample justice. Damage of Storm. The little storm last week did same damage in a few places. Lightning struck in a field on the Dave Foltz farm, ran along a wire where some hogs were lying down and killed two of them. It struck two telephone poles out by Will Carpers and riddled them small cyclone touched tho gruon at George Frisbee's and twisti off a few trees, raised and lower again and caught a corn crib an at another place twister a lone tree off. Weeping Water lie publican. All kinds of cool summer drinks nt Dookmeyer & Maurer's. SACRED HEART HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION AT OMAHA Father A. M. Shine of This City Delivers the Principal Address. The following account ot the graduating exercises of the Sacred Heart High school is taken from the World-Herald of Thursday: Graduating exercises for the class of It) 11, held last evening at Lyceum hall, Twenty-second and Locust streets, terminated the season's activities for Sacred ellart High school. The graduates were Marie Rose Spellman, Jennie Mae Grogan, Mary Catherine Maher and Helen M a r ie D wy e r . Eac h o f t h e g r ad u -ales participated in the program, Misses Grogan, ' Spellman, Cun ningham and Dwyer reading essays and Miss Maher giving a vocal solo. Taking for his subject the class mollo, "Heaven is My Camp, God is My Light," the Rev. Father Shino of Plattsmouth delivered a most helpful and inspiring com mencement address to tho young graduates, touching on the need of divine as well as human faith in the journey along life's high way. , In opening Father Shine humorously alluded to the fact that most of the numbers on tho program contained some allusion to light and that a speaker named Shine brought it to a close. The themes of the graduates were: "Fireside Lights," "Lightning Flashes of Great Genius," "Torehbearers of the Night," and "Reflex Lights," and tho vocal number was "The Lord is My Light," while the closing chorus was "O, Light Eternal." Musical numbers were furnish ed by Misses Marie Dennison, Orvilla Squires, Rose Gentleman, Coletla Connor, Lucile Craven, Margaret Seidenspinner, Clara McKenna and Mary McGrath. In the absence of tho Rev. P. J. Judge, the conferring of honors was by Father John Gleeson, who alluded in opening to the sorrow felt by Father Judge that illness kept him from being present. In behalf of the pastor and those present, Father Gleeson warmly thanked the Rev. Shine for his eloquent address. Lyceum hall was packed to the doors for the exercises, among the clergy present being the Rev. Father Harrington of St. Cecilia's, the Rev. Fathers Kelly and Hurke of Creighlon university, and the Rev. Father Roach of St. James' orphanage. The first prize in church his tory, a gold medal given by I). C. Sullivan, went to Helen Dwyer; second, by the Rev. L A. Judge, to Susie Moriarfy. In Irish history tho pribes were given by tho Rev. P. J. Judge, the gold medal going to Henrietta Wadsworth ami sec ond prize to Julia Fitzgerald. Bad City Water. Serious complaint has been made in the past week or two of the bad condition of tho city water, and one of our leading physicians says it not only is not fit for drinking purposes, but that it is almost entirely useless for any purpose. It is dangerous for the health of the community to use such water. Something should be done right away to remedy this matter or someone may be hauled up before the health department and made to tell why the Plattsmouth Water company will premit such a state, of affairs to exist that endanger the health of all who depend upon city water for home and office purposes. Crop Prospects Fine in Iowa. From Friday's Dsllr. Mrs. Philip Tritsch returned today from near Thurman, Iowa, where Mr. Trielsch owns a 100 acro farm, on which the crops are looking fine. Mrs. Tritsch brought back samples of wheat and oats which, she had secured in the field, and the growth of straw and grain was remarkably fine. The corn on Hie farm is also looking the best and Mrs. Tritsch was very much pleased at, the outlook for a bumper crop on their Iowa land. For a goou oc smoke, tell tue man to give you a "Gut Hell." Finds for Plaintiff. From Friday's Daily, County Judge lSeeson handed down a decision in the ease of J. N. Jordan, J. M. Roberts and W. II. Newell vs. C. Lawrence Stull, this morning. The suit was one t r damages to crops and was insight for $ lO'J.i.n. Judge Bee son erl to the premises at the request of defendant's counsel, Mr. A. L. Tidd, yesterday morn ing, being accompanied by Mr. Tidd, Mr. W. A. Robertson for the plaintiffs, and Mr. D. 0. Dwyer, who took the party out in his auto. After duly considering the matter the court found the dam age to be $25, for which he enter ed a judgment against the defendant. THE SAVING OF THE GROWING CORN CROP Some Suggestions That Might Prove Beneficial to Cass County Farmers. From Frlduy's Dally. Sam Jordan, corn expert in the employ of the Missouri state board of agriculture, known in every Misosuri corn county as a farmers' institute lecturer, has issued this statement to corn growers: "Hoys, don't give up the ship. A serious drouth threatens us. All that can be done is frequent, persistent, shallow, level cultiva tion. Once a week, if possible, make a dust mulch. These things done may mean a crop with very littlo rain. Neglect it and with little rain it means a sure failure. "Missouri corn growers can put across a crop by borrowing dry farming methods. You must act, keep the cultivators going in the dust. "After a shower a crust forms on the ground. In this crust are thousands of little cracks thai are like little chimneys to let the water out of the soil into the air. From a soil with reasonable moisture about 120 tons of water per acre evaporates in one week of dry, hot, windy weather. Shal low, frequent cultivation stops this. "Get busy, keep busy, save the corn. Sit and wait. for the rain and you will lose." Here is what President Worst of tho North Dakota Agricultural college says: "If I were to come on to your farm and set 750 teams to work for a week hauling water onto a quarter section at the rale of four tons a day I would then only put on as much water as evaporates in a week when there is a good moisture content in the soil. A thorough harrowing will slop this evaporation and save that amount of water." First Band Concert. From Friday's Dally. The first concert to be given during the summer months by the Durlington band occured last evening at Third and Main streets. Tho band rendered up-to-date music and called forth a large crowd to listen to the selec tions. Prof. Srhulholf Is spend ing considerable time in training the boys, and evidence of this fact was clearly noted last evening by all who understand music. Doth sides of Main street were lined with people from Fourth street almost, to tho Thirlinglon station, and many people were in from the country adjacent to town. The next concert will be given next Thursday night, June 29. Re member the date, and como out and hear some excellent music. Game Warden Here. From Friday's Dally. The fish stories which have been going round lately has ex cited the curiosity of the game warden, and accordingly Warden Williams of Omaha arrived to day in lime t obe present when Neighbor Childers, who has lived on the Platte for years, offered for sale at Kunsmann & Ramge's market thirty pounds of fish. Tho warden took possesison of the fish and 'phoned the chief at Lin coln, who will arrive on No. 2 this evening. It will then bo de termined who the fish belong to. Mr. Childers has a license to hunt and fish in Nebraska, but whether he can sell or not is another question. SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE SUMMER WEATHER People Should Be Just as Careful of Their Health in Summer as in Winter. The coming of the burning luonths of summer is dreaded by the majority of our people. Any physician will tell you, however, that pneumonia, bronchitis and other of the greatest foes of tho human physique, together with infinite and irritating minor af fections of the throat and re spiratory organs, grow out of the strain of adjusting, our delicate human frame to tho vicissitudes of winter. In tropical climates they havo acquired better the art of living in hot weather. They rise early, receive the cool, invigoration of the dawning day, and by the time the sun has reached its meridian they are ready for their restful siesta. Their houses, built tx ad mit air freely, are more favorable to mid-day sleep than our tightly built dwellings whose windows give insufficient access to the air. As the sun dips toward the western horizon, some more work is done. Of course our abnormal and unwholesome system of factory and business office labor makes such an ideal arrangement impracticable for most of us. Hut one hopes that mankind will not forever live in a manner defying his physical environment. SALOONS OPEN IN THE CAPITAL CITY YESTERDAY Poulson's Contemptible Work Didn't Win Anti-Saloon League the Least Bit of Consolation. A special from Lincoln, under dale of June 22, says: Lincoln's newly opened thirst emporiums did a rushing business Ihis aft ernoon. Immense crowds throng ed each bar room, anxious to en counter a schooner after two years and a half of legal abstin ence. Patronage was for the most part orderly and the saloons were closed in strict accordance with the 8 ('clock law. It is expected that all the twenty-five saloons will be running tomorrow. Eigh teen opened up as soon as the de cision of Judge Cornish was an nounced. At noon Judge Cornish overrul ed the, plea of H. F. Guile, who had appealed from the decision of the excise board. The excise men ruled adversely to Guile's blanket remonsl rat ions. Judge Cornish, in his decision, declared .that the initiative and referendum when invoked was the supreme law of the municipality and there .would be no standing on minor technicalities when the will of the people had been fairly recorded. The applicants for liquor license rushed to the office of tho city clerk, got their licenses and huriredly opened their saloons. It is believed that all the legal spar ring is over and there will be no more interference with the exciso policy. Jesse and A. S. Lowther Here. From Friday's Dally. Jesse Lowther and his brother, A. S. Lowther, of Coleridge, Neb., came to Omaha with a shipment of cattle yesterday and took ad vantage of their nearness to Plattsmouth and came down for a visit with their parents, J. W. Lowther and wife. Hoth gentle men dropped in to pay the Jour nal office a friendly call, and Jesse renewed his subscription to the Journal for another year. He says crop prospects are very good and that corn has not suffered for want of moisture, although rain will be very beneficial com ing soon, there being no moisturo stored in ,t subsoil, a drouth will be more keenly felt than it would under other conditions. Jesse Lowther has been in the vicinity of Coleridge for four years and his brother three, and they enjoy getting back to Cass once a year. Mrs. H. I). Travis and daughter, Miss Helen, wero passengers to Weeping Water yesterday after noon, where they will visit friends for a few days.