The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 22, 1911, Image 7

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    U B
Newt Items
Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for Thl Department of the Seml Weekly Journa
Fireworks at Copes' drug store.
June 28th is show day in Avoca.
The farmers are busy cutting
Dr. Brendel was at Omaha
Buy you a hammock at Copes'
drug store.
Chris Witzke is clerking for
Ruhge & Gil I in. -
F. W. Ruhge is having his store
building painted.
H. G. Wulensiek was over from
Syracuse Tuesday.
Baseball Sunday. Cedar Creek
vs. Avoca.- Attend.
Fred Bartel has received his
new Maxwell touring car.
Henry Koch and son were up
from Berlin Wednesday.
L. Brinton and force or men
are at Berlin doing cempnt work
Mrs. James Everett was visit
ing Union relatives this week.
A chorus of thirty voices will
do the singing here on the Fourth
of July.
Mrs. Mead of Talmage is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. Quinton, east
of town.
Manley and Avoca play ball
here on July Fourth, instead of
Elmwood, as advertised.
Reports from the surrounding
towns say that the people are go
ing to celebrate at Avoca.
Carpenters are busy building
the new office for the Avoca Lum
ber company.
Miss Imo Johnson, who has
been seriously ill, is reported as
getting along nicely.
The Avoca Supply company has
been very busy this week getting
about twenty binders set up.
Miss Margurite Francis was
here from Dunbar the first of the
week visiting Mrs. Ora E. Copes.
The mighty Gootsch of Spring
field will be in the box for Cedar
Creek Sunday. This alone will be
worth the price of admission.
The Rebekahs were busy Tues
day night initiating two candi-
diates. An exceptionally large
number were present. Ice cream
and cake were served at the close.
Three auto loads from Avoca
were out Monday afternoon ad
vertising the big Fourth of July
celebration at Avoca. The towns
visited were Weeping Water,
Manley, Louisville, Murray,
Union and Nehawka.
Palmyra, 4; Avoca, 1.
Avoca lost a fast and interest
ing game here Sunday to Palmyra
by a score of i to 1. It was a
pitchers' battle between Gruber
and Welsch of Douglas, who was
in the box for Palmyra. Our boys
had a few costly errors, which
helped in the run-getting for the
visitors. Pitcher Welsch was
about the whole show for the
visitors. Cedar Creek will be here
next Sunday, and the game prom
ises to be a good one. Score of
last Sunday's game:
Avoca ....00000001 01
Palmyra ..0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 04
Earned Runs Avoca, 1. Struck
out By Gruber, 14; by Welsch,
H. Umpire Graham.
Subscribe ror me nany Journal.
Assessment Records.
The more one delves into the
assessment records the more
positive becomes the belief that
the constitutional pTovision that
all taxes shall bo uniform is en
tirely lost sight of. This is not
a matter of intent upon the men
doing the assessing, but is a pro
duct of the system. People in
stinctively object to paying a per
sonal tax, and many of them make
no secret of the fact that they do
not report their holdings in full.
The result is that those who make
a complete disclosure are penaliz
ed for their frankness by being
compelled to pay more than their
share of taxes. Real estate ought
to be assessed by men with an ex
pert knowledge of values. Many
unequalities result from the
present plan. Some pay on as
low as 40 per cent of the value of
their realty, while others pay al
most full value. Farm property
is assessed in Lancaster county
at about 60 per cent of its value,
and men on the borders of Cass.
Seward and Otoe counties, who
own property on both sides of the
line, assert that the assessed
valuation in this county is a third
more than in the others. But
there isn't anything you can do
about it under the present laws.
Lincoln News.
Died In Omaha.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Mrs. Ellis Goolsby was called to
Omaha this morning to attend the
funeral of her mother, Mrs. W. T.
Lyons, who died yesterday. Mrs.
Lyons was 73 years of age and
had been sick but a short time.
Farmers can spare the time to
come and hear the band concert
jevery Thursday night at 8 o'clock
It will cost you nothing but your
time. Bring along the family.
Taken Back to the Pen.
From W'edneBday'g Dally.
Sheriff Quinton accompanied
Jack Crawford back to Lincoln
this morning, where he goes to
serve the rest of his sentence for
grand larceny. Mrs. Quinton and
daughter, Edith, accompanied
Mr. Quinton to Lincoln for the
day. Jack stated, while here, tha
it was not necessary to have sent
anyone with him, as he would
have come to Cass county and re
turned to Lincoln without put
ting the state to the expense of
a guard, had the authorities told
him he was wanted here.
Is particularly recommended for
chronic cases of kidney and blad
der trouble. It tends to regulate
and control the kidneys and blad
der action and is healing,
strengthening and bracing.
J ( Special Correspondence.)
!!! "XJJ1 I I I!! 'J!!
Miss Anna Gohry spent Sun
day at home.
W. O. Gillespie was in Eagle
last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. 11. Swartz were
visiting relatives here Sunday.
Mrs. Will Shewe is entertain
ing her mother and sister from
Ogden, Utah.
Rev. and Mrs. Koiser entertain
ed Fred Bockelman and family at
dinner Sunday.
Mrs. C. L. Miller and two sons
of Idaho are here for an extended
visit with relatives.
Misses Harriet and Elenore
Morris of Ashland are guests of
Dr. Jones and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Shelton and son
of Lincoln visited relatives here
the first of the week.
Miss Olga Neitzel returned
Sunday from Colorado, where she
has been teaching school.
Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Fashner
and baby of Greenwood visited at
the Backemeyer home Sunday
Fairland crossed bats with our
home team last Saturday. Our
boys won by a score of 3 to 1.
Fred Westlakc of Avoca was in
town over Sunday visiting his
brother, Raymond Westlake and
Mrs. Gladys Amgwcrt and small
daughter, Marvel, visited rela
tives at Alvo between trains Wed
Mrs. Anna Shaekley and little
daughter of Avoca came Wednes
day for a visit with relatives and
Mrs. Margeret Wilkens and
children of Riverton, Iowa, are
visiting her brother, Ilarry Davis
and wife.
II. A. Tool and Idd and Louis
Hornbeck returned Tuesday from
Minnesota, where they have been
on a fishing trip.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Moomey and
Saturday Only I
Increase the value and improve
the appearance of your Barns, Roofs,
Fences and Outbuildings with
Commonwealth Bam Red
An easy working, hard drying paint of
clean, bright color and handsome gloss. It
coven well, moderate in price, and ex
ceedingly economical. Will far more than
teturn every dollar paid in Increased telling
or renting value of your property.
e m a
y in gauons, nve gallon pack
J ages, and barrels.
Alwayt Full Measure.
Avoca, Nebraska
William Setzer, Wife and Two Daughters Return to Husband at
Havelock, After Repeated Efforts to Get In Correspondence
IWith Each Other.
The following story comes
from Havelock, which no doubt
will interest many of the Journal
readers, as tho family at one time
was well known in Plattsmouth.
Tho story runs thusly:
After a separation of eighteen
- i vnnra wi mm s urer anu nis
daughters, Helen and Lulu, also famiIy w(re unil(.d ftl navP0,.k
miss Ma nunc, were "Pl'i"K vooloP,,nv nfrnnnn. Mrs. Stitzer
and her two girls, now 11 and 10
The Summer weather is at hand and we will quote a few bar
gain prices in Summer Goods for SATURDAY ONLY. Don'tfail to
attend this, as this is something special.
We have just received our Summer Corsets. They are guaranteed to be
rust-proof, made by the best manufacturers and are of the latest styles.
$1.45, $1.19, 98c and 48
Ladies' Brassieres, hand embroidered, made of the finest material. Special
prices for Saturday only
.19, 98c and 48c
One lot Ladies' Corset Covers, while they last
Saturday 29c
One lot White Petticoats, with lace flounces, well worth $2.50
Saturday 98c
One lot of $1.75 Petticoats at 69c.
in Omaha Wednesday.
Miss EttaSorick came down
from Lincoln Saturday evening to
spend Sunday at home. She was
accompanied by Miss Mabel Bing
ham.. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McDonald
entertained at dinner Sunday,
their guests being Mr. and Mrs.
John Schwin and sons, Joe and
The Children's day program,
which was rendered on Sunday
evening at the Methodist church,
was splendid. The little ones did
fine nnd a large crowd attended.
Mrs. Pankonin of firant, Neb.,
isited several days last week
with her sister, Mrs. Jake fioehry,
sr., and on Wednesday they
visited another sister at Ne
hawka, Neb.
Mrs. Klmer Green of South
Hend came up Tuesday evening to
visit friends and also to attend
the Royal Neighbors picnic, which
was held on Wednesday in
Shewo's grove.
The dance in the M. W. A. hall
Saturday evening was a decided
success. A largo crowd was in
attendance and nearly every sur
rounding town was represented.
Everyone enjoyed themselves to
the fullest extent.
Last Saturday evening Mrs.
Henry Tool and children, Richard
and Mary Isabel), became quite
sick. Dr. Necly of Elmwood was
called and found they had been
poisoned from eating baked beans
which had set over night in a
granite kettle from which a piece
of granite had been chipped off.
At present 1 he patients are doing
U Ladies' Gauze Vest 12jc value, Saturday . 8c
25c 41 " ' 12jc
Muslin Underwear, 75c value, Saturday , 48c
One lot Ladies' Night Gowns, made of the finest muslins, trimmed with em
broidery and lace, well worth $2.00,
Saturday 98c
years of age, came from Long
Beach, California. Eighteen years
ago they lived in Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, and Mrs. Stitzer went to
California to visit her parents.
Mr. Stitzer soon after left Platts
mouth. The letters he wrote to
Mrs. Stitzer were not received by
her and Mr. Stitzer thought he
had been deserted and in time
ceased to write. Mrs. Stitzer also
moved to a different location in
Cuifoinia. By accident Mr.
Stitzer about two months ago
heard of the address of his wife)
and wrote her again. The letter
was answered and their cor
respondence resulted in uniting
the family.
Mr. and Mrs. Stitzer lived in
this city for a number of years,
and were married here. "Billy"
Stitzer, as he was known nere,
was a good, honest, hardworking
citizen, and about Die time he left
here was in the employ of Henry
Bocck and our present mayor,
John P. Saltier, who were at thiit.
time in the furniture business.
Those who best remember I he
circumstances of their departure
from Plattsmouth reiterate the
above facts, and are pleased lo
know of I heir reunion, and with
them godspeed the balance, of
their days. They will make their
home in Havelock, where Mr.
Stitzer has been employed fur
some time.
Kohlcr, Cioodlaml, Kas.; Mrs. J. s.
Forkler, Oram! Island; Miss Elliel
Prey, Mrs. Lulu Mai I hews, Oma
ha; Dr. and Mrs. W. II. Linn,
Shears Sheep by Auto.
It is generally supposed that an
automobile is intended lo bo used
exclusively to rido in, but Leo Mc
Coy of Silver City does not think
so, as ho has put his to a differ
ent use. Leo is an expert Bhcep
shearer, but in this age of prog
ress tho old way of running the
clippers by hand is too slow for
him. So ho Jacks tho hind end of
his car off the ground, takes off
a wheel and puts a pully in place
of it, runs a belt from the pully
to a power clipper, starts the
"snort wagon" and can clip the
wool off a sheep before it can
"baa" twice. Lee has sheared his
own sheep and those of John II.
Speer in this manner. Silver
City (Iowa) Times.
I hereby announce myRoir as a
candidate for tho nomination of the
office of sheriff, aubject to tho de
cision of the voters at tho coming
primary. I ank them to place me In
nomination on the democratic ticket.
D. C Rhoden.
Bride of Cousin of Mrs. William
Balrd, Wife of Superintendent
of the Burlington Shops.
The following is an account of
the marriage of Miss Leta Linn of
Lincoln, a cousin of Mrs. William
Baird of this city, appearing in
the Lincoln Slate Journal of the
21st inst.:
The marriage of Miss Lei a
Linn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
II. Linn, to James (I. McKinney of
Ilendley, Neb., took place at 8
o'clock last evening at the bride's
home, 251(1 Vine street, Rev. J.
W. Hillon of the East Side Chris
tian church officiating. Preced-
intr the ceremony, Miss Esther
Prey of Omaha sang "Because"
and a bridal song arranged to the
music of Mendelssohn's Spring
Song." The bridal party entered
to the "Lohengrin" march. The
bride and groom were preceded
by a ring-bearer, Carl Linn, who
carried the ring in a lily, and the
flower girl, Lelta Everts. The
bride was dressed in while satin,
cut en train and trimmed in
pearls. Her long veil was fasten
ed beneath lilics-of-thc-valley.
She carried a bouquet of while
roses. Miss Oraee Trowbridge,
who played the wedding march,
played also softly during the
cerenionv and as a benedict ion
Miuu Urnv uumr "Tim life ft tin H I
The decorations of tho marriage
room were in green nnd white.
Pink was used in the dining room.
Miss Mabel Sears and Mrs. Ray
I'lelclier were at the table. They
were assisted by Cecil Ogg and
Bess llowen. Miss Edna Williams
served punch in the gift room,
where Miss Minnie May of Nema
ha was in charge of the room.
Mrs. William Baird of Platls
motilli and Mrs. W. II. Linn of
Auburn were at the door. The
attractive decorations had been
arranged under I he supervision of
Mrs. W. II. Linn and Mrs. Ered
The following were Hie guests
from out-of-town: Mrs. Fred
Find Country Booming.
Ed Schulliof, Philip Thieroir
and E. II. Wescolt visited I he
towns of the counly in the east
end yesterday morning and dis
tributed advertisements for I. lies
band concert lonight. Murray,
Union, Nehawka, Weeping Water
and Louisville were included in
the circuit, and Hie intervening
country. . The parly found the
farmers very busy with I heir
wheat harvest, but many of llieui
will be in to the concert, as lliey
can run down and back in their
automobiles with slight loss of
time. The roads are in irooil
shape, but nowhere did these
gentlemen observe as fine ap
proaches lo any of tho town
visiled as we have leading into
Plattsmouth. The road has been
dragged leading into Murray. Ne
hawka and Union, but Plat I s
niouth is the only town In tho
county having a double rn ap
proach lending into the city.
Middle Aged and Elderly People
Use Foley Kidney Pills for quirk
and permanent results In all cases
of kidney and bladder troubles,
ami for painful and annoying ir
regularities. For sale by V. (V
Fricke & Co.
The Best Flour in i')o
Market. Sold by all
Leading Dealers