The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 22, 1911, Image 5

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The Great Conservation
, Novel
Copyright. 1910. by Hamlin Garland
tin TUAYS A WANS part also lek.
THE mob besieging CavamtgU lu
Hulsey's saloon had not found
its leader. It hesitated . and
blustered, but did not strike
nnd eventually edged out of the door
ud .disappeared. Hut the silence
which followed Its retreat was more
alarming to the ranger tbnn Its pres
ence. Some slier mischief was In
these niluds. He feared that they
were about to cut the electric light
w ires and so plunge .him into dark
ness, and to prepare for that emergen
cy he called upou the bartender (Hal
wy having vanished) for a lamp or a
The fellow sullenly set about this
task, and Itoss, turning to Gregg, said,
"If you've any iuiluence with this
mob you'd better use It to keep them
out of mischief, for I'm ou this job to
the bitter end, and somebody's goiug
to be hurt."
Gregg, who seemed quite detached
from the action and rather delighted
with it, replied: 'I have no Influence.
They don't enre a hang about me.
They have it lu for you. thut's all."
Edwards remained silent, with his
hat drawn low over hia eyes. It was
evident that he was a axiom to avoid
being seen and quite willing to keep
out of the conflict: but, w ith no hand
cuffs and the back door of the saloon
unguarded, Ross was aware that bis
guard must be incessant and alertly
vigilant. .... ,1
"Such a thing could not happen un
der the English flag," he said to him
cl, and at the moment bis adopted
country, seemed a miserable make
shift. Only the thought of Redfleld
and the chief nerved him for the long
vigil. 'The chief will understand if
It comes up to him,", he said.
Line Wetherford came hurrying in,
looking as though she had Just risen
from her bed. She was clothed In a
long red robe, her grizzled hair was
loose, her feet were bare, and she car
ried a huge old fashioned revolver In
her hind. Her mouth was stern.
Stooping abruptly as she caught
sight of Rms standing la the middle of
the floor unhurt, she exclaimed: "There
you are! Are you all right?"
"As a trivet," he replied.
fine let her gun hand relax. "What
was the shooting?"
"A little bluff on my part"
"Anybody hurt?"
She was much relieved. "I was
afraid they'd got you. I enme as quick
as I could. I was abed. That fool doc
tor threw a chill into me, and I've been
going to roost early according to or
ders. I didn't hear your gun, but Lee
did, and she came to tell me. Don't
let 'em get behind you. If I was any
good I'd stay and help. What you go
ing to do hold your men here all
"1 don't see any other way. Ilalsey
turned the place over to me, but" He
looked about hlra suspiciously.
"Bring 'em Into my place. Lee has
had new locks put on our doors; they'll
help some."
"I don't like to do that, Mrs. Wether
ford." he replied, with greater respect
"TUtHKVOC AllKl ARE TOU AM, bight?"
than he had ever shown her before.
"Thoy may attack me there."
"All the better; I'll be on hand to
help. Hut they're less likely to boll in
on you through a locked door."
"Hut your daughter? It will alarm
"She'll be In the other house, and.
besides, she'd feel easier if you are In
my place. She's nil wrought up by
the attack on you."
Ross turned to his prisoners. "Fol
low Mrs. Wetherford and eyes front!"
"You needn't worry about me," snld
."toe. "I won't run."
"I don't Intend to give you a chance,''
tallied Ross.
Fid wards seemed to have lost In both
emirage and physical stature. He
Hlouched along with shuttling step, bis
bend bent and his face pale. Ross was
now profoundly sorry for him, so ut
terly craven and broken was his lo,k.
As Ross brought his two prisoners
to the Wetherford House was
waiting on the porch of the hotel,
tense with excitement, straining her
ears aud eyes to see what was taking
The night h;-d started with a small
sickle of moon, but this hud dropped
below the range, leaving the stroet
dark save where the lights from the
windows of the all niht eating houses
and saloons lay ut upon the walk.
and while she stood peering out the
sound of rancorous howlini; and shrill
whooping came to her ears with such
suggestion of ferocity that she shiv
ered. A few of the hotel guests had gone
to bed, but the women were up. ex
cited and nervous, starting at every
fresh outburst of whooping, knowing
that thetr sons or husbands were out
in the street "to see the fun" and that
they might meet trouble.
At last Lee discerned her mother re
turning from Halsey's, followed by
three men. Withdrawing from the lit
tie porch whereon she had been stand
ing, she re-entered the house to meet
her mother In the hall. "Where Is Mr.
Cavauagh?" she asked.
"Out in the dining room. You see.
Mike ITalsey is uo kind of use. He
vamoosed and left Ross down there
alone with his two prisoners and the
lights likely to be turned out on him.
so I offered the enffy as a calaboose.
They are sure in for a long and tedi
ous night."
Lee was alarmed at tier mother's ap
pearance. "You must go to bed. You
look ghastly."
"1 reckon I d better lay down for a
little while, but I can't sleep. Ross
may need me. There Isn't n man to
help him but me. ami that loafer Bal
lard Is full of gall. He's got it in for
Ross and will make trouble If he can."
"What can we do?"
VShoot!" replied Llze, with dry brev
ity. "I wouldn't mind a chance to
plug some of the sweet citizens of
this town. I owe them one or two."
With this sentence in her ears Lee
Virginia went to her bwl. but uot to
slumber. Her utter iuability either to
control her mother's action or to Influ
ence that of the mob added to her
The singing, shouting, trampling of
the crowd went on, and once a group
of men halted Just outside her win
dow, and she beard Nelll Ballard
noisily, drunkenly arguing as to the
most effective method of taking the
"Come on. boys!" Bukfltnllard, his
voice filled with reckless determina
tion. "Let's run him."
As they passed the girt sprang up
and went to- her mother's room to
warn her of the threatened attack.
Llze was already awake and calmly
loading a second revolver by the light
of tfie electric bulb. A Jarring blow-
was heard. "Hear that? They're
breaking lu'" wu id Llze. She started
to leave the room.
Lee stopped her. "Where are you
"To help Ross. Here!" She thrust,
the handle of a smaller weapon Into
Leo's hand. "Ed Wetherford "a girl
ought to be able to take cure of her
self. Come on!"
With a most unherole horror be
numbing her limbs, Lee followed her
mother through the hall. The sound
of shouts and the trampling of feet
could be heard, and she came out Into
the restauraut just in time to photo
graph upon her brain a scene whose
significance was at once apparent. On
a chair between his two prisoners and
confronting Ballard nt the head of 11
crowd of frenzied villains stood the
ranger, a gleaming weapon In his
hand, a look of resolution on his face.
What he had said or what he In
tended to do she did not learn, for her
mother rushed nt the Invaders with
the mad bravery of a she beur. "(Jet
out of here!" she snarled, thrusting
her revolver Into the very mouth of
the leader.
They all fell back In astonishment
and fear.
Ross leaped to her side. "Leave
them to me!" he said. "I'll C'ear the
"Not on your life! This Is my bouse
I have the rllit to smash the fools."
And she bent them over the heads with
her pistol barrel.
Recognizing that she was minded to
kill, they retreated over the threshold,
and Ross, drawing the door close be
hind them, turned to find Lee Virginia
confronting Edwards, who had at
tempted to escape Into the kitchen
The girl's face was white, but the eye
of her revolver stared straight nnd true
Into her prisoner's face.
With a bound Ross seized him ami
flung him against the wnll. "Get back
there!" he shouted. "You must take
your medicine with your boss."
The old fellow hurriedly replaced his
ragged hat nnd. folding his arms, sank
back into his chair with bowed head,
while Llze turned upon Joe Gregg.
"What did you go Into this kind of
deal for? You knew what the game
laws was, didn't you? Your old dad
Is all for state regulation, and here
you are breaking a stute law. Why
don't you stand up for the code like a
Joe. who had been boasting of the
smiles he had drawn from Lee, did not
relish this tongue lashing from her
mother; but. assuming a careless nlr.
he said. "I'm all out of smokes; get me
a box, that's n good old soul."
Llze regarded him with the expres
slon of one nonplused. "You Impu
dent little cub!" she exclaimed. "What
you need Is a hooting!"
The ranger addressed himself to Lee
"I want to thank you for a very op
port tine intervention. I didn't know
you could handle a gun so neatly."
She flushed with pleasure. "Oh. yes
I can shoot. My fMther taueht me
when I w as only six years old."
As she spoke Ross caught the man
Edwards studying them with furtive
glance, but upon leing observed he
resumed his crouching attitude, which
concealed his face beneath the rim of
his weather worn hat. It was evident
that he was afraid of being recognized.
He had the slinking air of the convict.
and his form, so despairing in Its lax
lines, appealed to Lee with even great
er poignancy than his face. "I'm sor
ry," she said to him, "but It was my
duty to help Mr. Cavauagh."
He glanced up with a quick sidewlse
slant. "That's all right, miss. I should
have had sense enough to keep out of
this business." He spoke with dlillcul
ty, nnd his voice was hoarse with
Lize turned to Lee. "The doc said
'no liquor,' but I guess here's where
I draw one. I feel faint."
Ross hurried to her side, while young
Gregg teudered a handsome flask.
"Here's something."
Llze put It away. "Not from you.
Just reach under my desk, Ross; you'll
find some brandy there. That's It,"
she called as he produced a bottle.
Clutching It eagerly, she added. "They
say It's poison, but It's my meat to
night." Little remained of the woman
in Llze. and the old sheep bertier eyed
her with furtive curiosity.
. "I was afraid you'd shoot," Llze ex
plained to Ross, "and I didn't waut
you to muss up your bands on the dirty
loafers. I had the right to kill. They
were trespassers, and I'd 'a' done it
"I don't think they intended to ac
tually assault me." he said, "but It's a
bit discouraging to find the town so
Indifferent over both the breaking of
the laws and the doings of a drunken
mob. I'm afraid the most of them are
a long way from law abiding people
Joe. who did not like the position in
which he stood as respecting Lee. here
made an offer of aid. "I don't suppose
iiiy )fd is any good now, but if you'll
let tite do It I'll go out and round up
Judge Hlgley. I think I know where
he la."
To this Lize objected. "You can't
do that, Ross; you better hold the fort
here till morning."
Lee was rather sorry, too. for young
Gregg, who bore his buffeting with
the Imperturbable face of the heroes ot
his class. He had gone into this en
terprise with much the same spirit In
which he had stolen gates and mis
placed signs during his brief college
career, nnd he was now disposed (In
the presence of a pretty girl) to carry
It out with undiminished Impudence.
"It only means a fine, auyway." he as
sured himself.
Cavauagh did not trust Gregg,
either, nnd as this was the first time
Lhe had lieen called upon to arrest men
for killing game out of season he could
not afford to fail of nny precaution.
Tired nnd sleepy as he was he must
renin lit ou guard. "But you and your
daughter must go to bed at once." he
Llze under the spur of her dram,
tnlked on with bitter boldness, berat
ing the town and Its people. Gregg
listened to her with expressionless Ms
age, bis eyes dreamily fixed on Lee's
face, but bis companion, the old herd
er, seemed to palpitate with shame
and fear. And Ross had the feeling nt
the moment that In this ragged, un
kempt old hobo was the skeletou of
one of the old time heroes. He was
wasted with drink and worn by wind
and rnin, but he was very far from
being commonplace.
(To Be Continued.)
Depart for Concordia, Kansas.
From Tuesday' Dally. . .
Mrs. William McCauley, Mrs. T.
II. Pollock and Mrs.. T. M. Patter
son departed this morning-for
Concordia, ansa, where Mrs.
McCauley's grand-daughter, Miss
Poris Patterson, graduated from
the Catholic Ladies' seminary. It
is probable that Miss Doris will
return with her grandmother and
Mesdames Patterson and Pollock.
There is one medicine that
every family should bo provided
with and especially during the
summer months; viz, Chamber
Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy. It is almost cer
tain to bo needed. It costs but a
quarter. Can you afTord to bo
without it? For sale by F. 0.
Frlcke & Co.
Mr. H. A. Schneider nnd son,
Carl, were Omaha passengers this
afternoon to witnrfs st ho baseball
game between Omaha and Denver.
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m'h.k cCcmNG C
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Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
l'liittsmouth, Net)., June 13, 1911.
Hoard of Ki uali.u t Ion met as per
notice published In all of the news
papers of Cass county. Present: 1j. U.
Swltxer, M. I.. Frledrtch, C. It. Jordan,
H. M. Soennlchsen and I. C. Morgan,
Clerk, remaining In session from day to
riav up to noon on Saturday, June 17,
The following- protests came on for
hem-Inn and were disposed of an
A Corrected
AxHensed. by Hon i d.
Lot 9 and W. H "f
10, llloek :i,
1' la t t m o u t li
City $
Lot 6, Hloik G6,
1, t00. HO (1,300.00
P la t t 8 m o u t li
City 1,:50.00
Lot f., Block 5B,
1' Ih t t H m o u t h
Lots, 4. 6 and 6,
H 1 o c k 45.
P la 1 1 8 in o u t li
Lot 10. Illock 5S,
P la t t 8 111 o u t h
Lot 10, Block 49.
I'lattfl mouth
Lot 7, Hlock 37,
P lu t t m m o u t h
Lot K. H LoU H,
9 and 10, llloek
4Ti, PlattHinoutli
1.350.00 No Change
800.00 No Change
825.00 No Change
500.00 No Change
1,400.00 $1,000.00
1.500.00 No Change
Lots 13 and 14,
Btork 81,
P la 1 1 8 111 o u t li
Lots 1 to 3, Block
5, Thompson's
Add., PlutU
moutli Clt V
Lots 9 to 12,
Hlock 7,
Thompson's Add
P la I t a in o u t h
Lot 1, Block ,
1,800.00 $1,650.00
1,000.00 No Change
1,100.00 $ 900.00
Thompson h Add
1" la t t 8 111 o utli
City 1,000.00 f
Lots 10 to 13,
Block 1, St ad Io
nian's Addition.
P In t t R in o u t li
Lots 0 and 7,
Block 1, Stadle
iniin's Addition,
P la 1 1 8 ill o u t il
Lots 1 to 4,
Block 1. Stndle
mini's Addition,
P In t t a in o u t h
Lot 0, Block 3,
) Ionian's Add.,
I' la t t 8 111 0 utli
Lois 4 to 6,
Block 1, 1 lone
la n'H Addition,
P la 1 1 8 111 o utli
900.00 No Change
'50.00 No Change
M0.00 No Change
500.00 No Change
1,175.00 No Change
Lois 1 to 3,
Block 26, Vouiik
Vt Hayes , Add.,
P lu t t j) 111 o u t h
Lots 3 and 4,
Block 13, Young
Af Hayes Add.,
P la t t in O utli
Lois 7 and 8, Blk.
10, South Park,
P la t t 111 o utli
Sections 26-35 and
36, T. 10, It. 13...
W. V4. N. W.
Hec. 6-11, S.
H. W. . Sec.
Personal property
Pla 1 1 a 111 o utb
Water Co; .....
J. K. MoUanlel,
saloon license..
J. M. Itoberta, note
W. H. ' Newell,
mortgage note. .
1,025.00 No Change
2,000.00 No Change
700.00 No Change
23,685.00 No Change
1,195.00 No Change
32,600.00 No Change
l,000.6o No Change
2,000.00 Entirely
cut out
2,200.00 No Change
Total deductions
as niude by the
Board of '
Kguallzatlon . .. $3,400 00
Hoard adjourned subject to the call
of the County Clerk
D. C Morgan,
County Clerk.
Pluttsmouth, Neb., June 19, 1911.
Hoard met pursuant to adjournment.
Present: L. I. Hwltzer, M. L. Krled
lich and C. 11. Jordan, County Com
inlssloners ,and I) U. Morgan, County
Minutes of previous session read and
approved, when the following business
whs transacted lu rvgulur form:
Itesignallon of N. tilshwlller, Justice
of the peuee Tipton Precinct, received
ami request granted.
County Judge this day Instructed to
call for bids for the following work
out of the Inheritance Tin:
One concrete culvert to he built sen
tlon line between sectlolns 13 and 14,
town 11, range 13 east, one mile east
and one-quarter mile north of Murray.
Lass County, Nebraska.
Also for a llll to be made on section
line between sections 21 and n, town
10 north, range 13 east, one and one
loiir miles west and ono-hnlf mile north
of t nlon, Cass County, Nebraska.
Plans and speeltlcMllons on III" In the
o lice of the County Clerk. Bids to be
I) 1911 """" "" '''ll"y, July ,4Ul' A
The following claims were allowed
on the General fund:
?attss Separator -
v ' if
The United States Separator employs a feeding device to
deliver the whole milk beyound the cream zone preventing
any remixing of cream and skimmilkand any conflict of cur
rents. No other device of any other Separator will do this
work so well, as the records show. This device is patented,
and can be used on no other Separator.
The United States uses non-aligned channels for the cur
rents of milk through the separator bowl. This is covered by
strong patents. No discs or other construction can equal its
perfection in separation. It won the world's record for skim
ming, in 50 consecutive runs continuing 30 days, with the
milk of ten different breeds of cows.
99 99-100 of the creameries use cream gathared from
United States Separators and are eager for more. Cream
from the United States is smooth and perfect for butter mak
ing. The United States skims cleaner, runs easier, washes
easier and lasts longer than any other separator. Ask the
man who runs one Ask for catalogue at once.
sruu r
y. K, Parmcle, livery to com
missioners $
niniiami i.-ncmical Co., disinfect
ant 60.00
C. It. Jordan, salary and ex
pense 49.00
M. L. Filedrlch, salary and ex
pense 30, 5u
L. D. Hwltzer, salary and ex
pense 43.75
11 1 ... 1 . ...
11. 11. nullify, wuou lu CO u II
W. M. Welch Mfg. Co., supplies
to County Superintendent
IE. II. Krans, merchandise to poor
Peter I'laus, mattress to County
Farm ,
Klopp & llartlett Co., supplies..
Frank B. Shopp, labor at court
house ,
Adam Kurtz, burial of pauper..
4. CO
37 00
7. 85
Dr. (. l'j. Llston, visiting sus
pected smallpox case 13.60
Klopp & llartlett Co., suuppllea 61.30
Kd Mason, Juror certlllcate 16.10
Chits. It. .strong, assigned to C.
I). Qiilnton, juror certlllcate.. 23.80
Plattsinoutli Journal, printing.. 13.90
Jacob Melslnger. Juror certlllcate 16.10
Kd Dorr, assigned to J. K. Mc-
Oanlel, Juror certlllcate 84.40
it-... 11. .11.. 1 - . . .1 . .. . . . n
i 111. uuiiy, jurur ceriiucaie , , , .
Allen J. Jteeson, fee bills In
County Judge Court
Allen J. Keeson, Stale ys. Fred
Ma Ires, itt al
Harry A. Parker, blate vs, Fred
Malres, et al
J. V. Mcintosh, State vs. Fred
Mailres, et al
Harry 10. Metsker, State vs. Fred
Malres, et ul
Wllllum Starkey, State vs. Fred
Malres, et al
C. M. .Heyhort, State vs. Fred
Malres. et al
John Shogren, State vs. Fred
Malres, et al
L. F. Madden, State vs Fred
Malres, et al
Ir. K. U. Iewis, State vs. Fred
Malres, et al
Harry K. Metcalf, State vs. Fred
Malres, et al
Jesse lmvlB, assigned to John
Cory, Juror certilli'iite
F. K. Schlater, postage, etc....
The following claims were allowed
on the Itoad fund:
C. It. Jordan, one duv. In.
herltalce Tax
L. I. Hwltzer, 0110 day, In
herltnlee Tax
M. L. Filedrlch, one day, in
heritance Tax
Wayne Hw lUer, road work, Itoad
llstrh-t No. 13
W. C. Norvnl, road work, Itoad
IHstilct No. 14
Hudolph llergmann, lload work,
lioad Iilstrict No. 8
C. li. lleeliner, road work, Itoad
j'isirici inu. 12
J. N. Teegarden. Citv T
r 1 li a ... . . '
No. 21 Ann mi
City of I'lattlsmouth, lload fund
mum lMBirici no
Hen Keckman, road
District No. Ill . .
17 1 nan an
work, itoad
Fred I'litterson, road work) in
heritance, Tax
Louie Bills, automohlle II vel-v In
commissioners, inheritance
rx 10 00
l'he following claim was allowed on
the Commissioners lloud Fund:
City of riattsmiiuth, proportion
of Bond fund, Itoad. JHstrlct
N.- " ir.on.oo
1 ho following claims were allowed
on the itrldge fund:
Orlando Tent, concrete wall.
,,.AV"t" I'reclnct $ mo r.O
. C. Norval, hrldgo work 14.85
I nlon Liimher Co., bridge ma-
material 81 95
Nebraska Construction Co,
bridge lumber 45 70
Nebraska Construction Co,
bridge work 1.BBR.08
July Id ,"Jl1Joul',K',) t0 ""'"' Monday,
D. C Morgnn,
County Clerk.
Different People.
Home people cannot bear the
si'Kht of human distress, while
others are always reudy to help.
They always know something
should bo done in such cases, and
are welcome in all quarters. To
such humane persons we wish to
give tho advice, that, in all casos
of sudden indisposition, nausea,
vomiting, pains caused by gases,
vertigo and fainting spells, they
should use Triner's American
Klixir of Hitter Wine. This
preparation is a ready stimulant.
II will warm up the body, quicken
the circulation of the blood, allay
pains and cramps, strengthen the
stomach and check the disagrco
able symptoms of a disturbed di
gestion. It should also be used
ia attacks of nervousness, sudden
pains in the Intestines, in colds,
chilliness, headaches, constipa
tion, backache, miemia and in all
cases where a good laxative tonic
is indicated. At drug stores.
Jos. Triner, 13.13? 1 3.19 So. Ash
land Ave., Chicago, III.
J. II. fianible of Omaha arrived
in the city last evening on No. 2,
having come down to look after
important business matters.
Which Is' a Great Detriment to
Property Owners and the Ap
pearance of the 'Street.
Vino street, between Fourth,
and Fifth streets, so far as shade
trees are concerned, has been set
back fifty years, and the residents
on the south side of the street can
feel the glaring rays of the sua
during the long summer after
noons. Mr. I). Hawksworlh has
saved I wo fine old forest trees at
the southeast corner of his resi
dence property, but with tho row
of trees removed on' the east of
these, they havo an appearance of
being out of place, and their, root
surface is so much curtailed that
there is doubt whether they will
long survive. Removing the dirt
and bringing the street to grachi
has improved the surface of th
street, but without tho trees it
has a most barren look. On$
citizen thought the street "looked,
like while another ad
ded the word should have a
1 no damage couh
be soeedilv
remedied, so far as the south side.
nf I lie si reef ia cimeirno.l na tha
nronerfv owners cmilil sunn Iiava
400! shade should they see fit to go to
I the expense of planting large
'"trees, as is frequently dune in
60 0Bjsome of the cities of this state.
4.00 Kilt the north side will not be so
2 50l quickly remedied, as the cut Is so
deep that it will require years for
lrMs nf ranid ormwlh to runr.h An
nit it 11 j til c 1 1 HI in t I In ntn.U Ikn
II I I. I l 1 1 J PtlllH M III, l? PlltllllT 1119
'pedestrians should the walk
imiui 111. 11. prcsi'ill level.
:.. ..1 :i 1 1
Improves Court House Lawn.
From Wednesday1! Daily.
For the first time in the pres
ent decade lhe court house jan
itor, Mr. Hans Seivers, who, by
the way, has been at the helm but
a short time, is trimminK the
lawn up so I hat it is a pleasure to
gaze upon it. The grass, which
had for years been allowed to
over-run the borders of the con
crete walks, has been cut away
and given a tidy appearance, such,
as is done in other modern cities,
Mr. Rievers has demonstrated on,
many occasions that he is the
right man for the place, and em-,
ploys the whole of his lime- foe
the county. The manner in which
the work is kept up entitles Mr.
Seivers to much commendation.
Secures Thirtieth Binder.
From Wednesday'! Dally.
Kd flansemcre, residing seven
teen miles out, on the Weeping
Water road, 'phoned to Al F.gen
berger this morning that he had
broken his binder and was in the
midst of his wheat harvest, anJ
reqiNisled Al to go to the Gorder
& Son's implement house and
gel a binder and bring it out, as
Kd himself did not have time
spate to conic for the machine
Al hitched one of the teams to
new binder, tied his top buggy
behind and departed for the
Hansf inere farm at 10 o'clock this
morning. Mr. (iansemere gets the
thirtieth binder sold by fiorder &
Son (his season.
K. II. Scbiilhof, Phil Thlerolf
and K. II. Wescott departed for
the rural districts this morning
by auto, taking with them a lot 0!
band concert dodgers, which they,
distributed in the precincts.