ALCOHOL 3 fEK niip ANcSelaWeRrparationrcrAj similaiiKicFoodandRfula ling dip Stomadis andJ3owls i IYomolesDitfeslionHwtfu! ncss and RestjContatas ncito Opiuni.Morphine norWaeralJ nu in ahc otic. JtrtifitifMIkS'HUmusX jUx.Smn JMfittUtf- A nerfect Ren dv for CcmSa Hon . Sour Stonuch.Dlarrtura Worms JC onvulsions Jrwnsi ness and Loss or Sleep. facsimile Sijnarwt of NEW YORK. t Guaranteed uiuk-rtne rootTarj t Exact Copy of Wrapper. LOCAL NEWS From Tuesday' Dally. Carl Rawls of Montana is in the City, the guest of "his uncle, C. A. Rawls. Attorney M. (iering was called to Omaha on professional busi ness today. Charles Orlack of Mauley transacted business in Platts mouth today. Engage Cherries of Hob Filch for 75 cents per bushel. 'Phone, 10 O, Murray. Mr. and Mrs. K Jussen of Wis consin nro in I ho cily, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Welter. Mrs. Frank Albin and Mr. A. Nickles visited Die metropolis this morning, going on No. 15. Mr. John Ilennings of near Louisville was a I'lattsmoulh visitor between trains today. I. Pearlman of Onialia arrived on No. this morning and looked after his real estate interests in this city. Livingston Ilichey departed for Lincoln this afternoon, where ho will make his home for the present. Mrs. N. C. Abbott and children returned last evening from Omn ia, where they had visited rela tives for a short time. Miss Mat tie Larson departed last evening for Peru, where she will attend the summer school, Which opens this week. Mr. Will Iliekard, who has been Visiting Mr. S. A. Wiles and other relatives for a few months, (ri last evening for llixville, Ohio. Miss Louise Pnppc arrived last evening from Kingiisher, Okla homa, and will visit Mrs. fleorgo Hild, Mrs. .John Lulz and other relulives for a lime. Mr. lten Iteekman ami Louis ' Reirihuckel of near Mynard were in the cily today looking after business matters ami visiting With their numerous friends. Mrs. ("ieorge Silzman and little grand-daughter, Viola, were passengers to Lincoln on the rooming train today, where they went to visit relatives for a time. Mr. Charles Peacock drove in from the farm this morning and boarded the early train for the Metropolis, where he went to look up some repairs for farm ma chinery. Mrs. J. C. Peterson went to Omaha on the morning (rain to day to meet her daughter, Mrs. May Spies of Sterling. Colorado, who will visit l'laltsinoulh friends ffr a time. Mr. George Mild returned from Omaha on No. 2 last evening, where he had been on business! While in the city he visited Mrs! Oeorge llild at the hospital and found her doing nicely. C. M. Sebeil, the Louisville chief of police, was down a few hours this afternoon, coming For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Thirty Years P ill down with "Roscy" and his auto, whJ5 had been up to Louisville on business. Cam returned on the train. Mr. W. P. Cook boarded the morning train for the metropolis today, where he was called on business. Oscar Larson was a passenger to the metropolis on the morning train today, where he was called on business. John Archer of Omaha return ed to his home this morning; hav ing visited his father, Judge M. Archer, for a short time. Canon Burgess departed for Omaha on the morning train to day, where he will attend the com mencement exercises of Brownell Hall. Mr. A. II. F.llell of Roswell, New Mexico, was in the city looking after his real estate interests. Mr. Kllelt is the owner of the Welen camp block and is having the east half titled for a garage, to be oc cupied by Messrs. Ofe A Andrews, who will handle automobiles, as well as repair ami test machines. It. A. Hates of (lie Journal de parted early (his morning for Alvo, accompanied by Prof. Fddie .Srhulbof and his auto. They will probably remain over night. This is Hob's first visit to the western part of the county for some lime, and the outing will do him a great deal of good, after be ing "cooped up" so long in the office. Kddie is nn experienced driver, all right, and he will go and return in good shape. Our good friend, John II. Busche of Fight Mile drove pre cinct, wus in the cily today trans acting business with the county commissioners, and gave the Journal a pleasant call. Mr. Buscho has been n subscriber to the Daily Journal for the past year, and it hn nlonan.i .:... nun well that he renewed for another car. jonn is one of the best fel lows in the world and his friends are legion. A. L. HulTvr of Mynard was a visitor in the city Saturday, and wlulo here was n pleasant caller nt Ihis ofllce. Ilff asked us to put his name on our large list and handed us the price of a year's subscription, which was very much appreciated by us. We are very much pleased (0 place Mr. NulTer's name on our list and trust that it will remain there for many yenrs. FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce by self as a candidate for the nomination for the office of sheriff of Cass county, Ne braska, subject to the decision of the voters nt the coming primary elec tion. I ask the voters to place me in nomination on the democratic ticket. G. T. Rnrton, Union, Neb. AjT Use J For Over PflWfl Aliiioiiiireineiit. I hereby announce my sou as a rnndl.Uto for the nomination of the office f sheriff, mihjwt to the de cision of the voters at tho coming primary. I ask them to place me In nomination on the democratic ticket. D. C. Rhoden. REKJRT OF THE CONDITION or the Btxnk of Cass County f riatUrnoiith, Nebraska. Charter No. 642. Incorporated In the Htate of Nrlraka. at tlie I'limr (ii imi.mix'v, ,iune I. lull. lilhnu fitwl ill.. .itu . t v riliafiK. Mvureil and unsecured.. IioimIs. securities, JutiirmciilH. claims, etc Hanking- house furniture and fix lures Krai est ale other than hanking house Current exiientteti and taxes paid... Cash Iteiim Iue from nat'l, state and private hanks Cheeks and Hems of exrhantre Currency (old coin Nllver.nlckeh, and cents 4 .' as 1 .000 oo oo I2.T7H 55 3.0W r, in ru.tiitf 2i M 14 S.H4W "0 10.475 00 2.741 73 Total :i7l.u71 t LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In 50.000 00 f tiruliiH fund 30.1100 00 I'mllvlded profits IXtXt S3 Individual ricpoHlts subject to check. I!I7,0W 57 TlmacerllhVatesof deposit l;t4,7i.'H 54 ('ashler's cheeka outstanding- 10.4.17 80 uus loomer nauonai, tat and pri vate hanks 1,715 00 Total $371,671 CO State or Nirimuxa, I County or Cami Is I. T. M. Pft1ternn cashier of the above named hank do herehy swear that the alttvn staLemi-iit. IN mr. rect and a true copy of the reiiort made to the piate iiaiiKine tioara. t. m. rATTEitsoit. Attest .KHAS.C. Parmii.k, DlrecU)r, l IK. O. Koicnbkih, )lre tor. SuliacrllM-d and kworn to lMfoi ma tt.u iitl. uayoi June, ivii. .rrrA HKowif. Keall My communion expires M sr. 12th. Ittli N'ntari I'uhllp BRINGS SUIT AGIST FORMER SUPERINTEND ENT J. L. Victor H. DeBolt, Former Teacher of Cass County, Pushing Case Against J. L. McBrlen. A Lincoln correspondent says: Alleging that J. L. McTlrien, when he was stale superintendent, wrote to school men in Wayne county that he was a "booze lighter" and a "poker shark," Vic tor II. DeBolt is plaintiff in a libel suit now being tried in the district court here, in which he is suing the former official for $5,000 dam ages. DeBolt charges that while he was employed as a teacher at Murdock, Cass county, he and the former state official became in volved in a controversy over the appointment of a man to 111! a vacancy created when the county superintendent resigned. Tho plaintiff asserts that his election later to the principalship of the Winside schools occasioned the outbreak made by McBrien to the Wayne county school men. He- further charged that Mc Brien, who had notified him to ap pear and show cause why his certificate should not be revoked, told DeBolt, when he asked for a copy of the charges filed against him, that no formal charges had been filed. II, was a matter of spile-work throughout on the part, of Mc Brien, and those who are familiar with the case know this to be a fact. The young man Was giving the very best of satisfaction as a teacher when his certificate was revoked. A Charming Woman is one who is lovely in face, form, mind and lemper. But it's hard for a woman to be charming with out heallh. A weak, sickly woman will be nervous and irritable. Constipation ami kidney poisons show in pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched com plexion. But Electric Billers al ways prove a godsend to women who want heallh, beauty and friends. They regulate Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood; give strong nerves, bright eves, pure breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovely complexion and per fect heallh. Try them. 50c, at V. (1. Fricke & Co. Guild Meets With Mrs. Austin. The ladies of the SI. Mary's Ouild of SI. Luke's church held a very delightful meeting at the pretty home of Mrs. II.' S. Austin yesterday afternoon and there were a large number of the ladies in attendance. The regular busi ness session was held, during which some mailers of import ance were discussed ami attended lf. After this business session nil joined in having a good social lime. Various amusements cal culated lo making the remaining few hours of the afternoon most enjoyable ones, nnd which con soled of plyinpr the busv needle, convcrsalion and the like, were Indulged in. At the proper time delicious refreshment, consist ing of sherbet ami cake, were pro vided, and nt a late hour all de parted, indebted lo the hostess for the splendid good time fhev had had. Mrs. Taylor of LalMalle. accom nnnied bv Miss !l. Tavlor nnd Mrs. J. n. Noin. ,nth of T a. Matte, were in the eilv I. ,!, J'king after business mailers at NONE OF THEM BEAT CASS COUNTY FOR PRODUCTION Twelve Hundred Dollars on Forty Acres in Corn and Wheat Is Pretty Good Results. Mr. Louis Born owns a forty acre farm which adjoins the county farm on the west, which last year was leased to Mr. Slan der. Mr. Born leased the land for a share of the crop on the forty, which is a fractional one, having only thirty-nine acres in the tract. The crop raised last year was ten acres of corn and twenty-nine acres of wheat. Mr. Born s share of the crop was two fifths of the corn and one-third of the wheat, and at the Drices at which he marketed the irrain the land brought the owner last year a little less than $100. A few years ago an entire Quar ter of Cass county land could be leased for the amount at cash rent, payable when the crop should be marketed. We are not surprised that the farmers are buying automobiles, when one forty of the farm will brine in $400 rent. The entire crop on one forty would be worth $1,200, and at $100 an acre land would pay for itself in three years. A Dreadful Wound from a knife, gun. tin can. ruslv nail, fireworks, or of any other nature, demands prompt treat ment with Bucklen's Arnica Salve to prevent blood poison or gan grene. It's the Quickest, surnsi healer for all such wounds as also for Burns. Boils. Sores. Skin Eruptions, Eczema, Chapped uanns, corns or Piles. 25c at F. fi. Fricke & Co. Enjoy Pleasant Afternoon. From Wednesday' Dally. the Ladies' Aid society rf Mm Presbyterian church met in (ho lecture room of the church yes terday afternoon and spent a few hours in a most excellent man ner. There were not so many of tne ladies in attendance, hnf iho usual fine time was had never- tneiess. There was no business session held and the ladies spent most of the afternoon in a social time. Various amnsempnla in terspersed with social conversa tion . and other diversions, were participated in. Some very nice reiresnments in the shape of ice cream and cake were sprvoH which all did ample justice. ' At the usual time the ladies depart ed for their homes, having enjoy ed themselves to the fullest ex tent. The woman of todav uim ha -tr ivs wuo good health, e-noil omnnr rrrrA sense, bright eyes and a lovely I Cnmnlnrinn ihn I'.vrtn.i, i.iii: ill inpinni . uvmg and good digestion, wins I he admirat ion of tho world. If ' your digestion is faulty Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct it. For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co. These need Says the We don't always realize what harm the wear and tear of the weather does to our houses and barns and buggies and wagons that are not protected by good paint. Buildings that have not been painted or on which the paint has worn off, are exposed one day to the wet and the rain, the next day to the hot sun and so on, until the unprotected wood twists and warps and cracks and the rot starts. So a building that should be in good repair at the end of 50 years, if it had been kept properly painted, goes to rack and ruin in J 5 or 20. And think how it looks. Why don't you paint this spring with Sherwin-Williams Paint, Prepared? Made of pure lead, pure zinc, pure linseed oil and the necessary coloring pigments and driers, all mixed and ground by special machinery. Come and see us, we want to talk paint to you. m Fo (So Fri Plattsmouth Received . Higheat Award World's Pur Food Exposition In County Court. State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. In the Matter of the Estate of Henry C. Hardnock, Deceased. To All Persons Interested: You are hereby notified that there is now on file in this court an instrument, purporting to be the last will and testament of the said Henry C. Hardnock, de ceased, together with the petition of Sam B. Iiams, praying therein that said instrument be allowed and probated as the last will and testament of said deceased. That a hearing will be had up on said petition before this court in the County Court Rooms at Plallsmoulh, in said County, on the 15th day of June. 1911. at 10 o'clock a. m. All objections thereto, must be filed on or be fore said day and hour of hear ing. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska, this 22nd day of May, 1911. SEAL. Allen J. Beeson, County Judge. Probate Notice. ?late of Nebraska, County of Lass, ss. IN COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of Abel Bevan, Deceased. To All Persons Interested: . You are hereby notified that there has been filed in this court, report of the administratrix of Above estate, together with her petit ion for final settlement of her accounts as set forth in said re port, and for her discharge as such administratrix, in all things except the payment of claims. That a hearing will be had up on said report and petition before this court in the County Court Rooms at Plattsmoulh, in said County, on the 27th day of June, :1 9 11, at 10 o'clock A. M. That all objections, if any, must paint to keep them in good shape fffl2l! - l Little Paint Man. mm BAKIKGPOYBER The wonder of S:d in2 povvJcrs Calumet. Wonderful in its rsklno- powers its uniformitv. its never f uiiinj result.-, its pur.ty. Wonderful it costs Jess than the high-price trust branlv k... : : uul u ,g wnrtn as mucn. it cosfs a mfl. .u.- me cneap and bi can rim!. - iiiui t hijii K IS Worth more. But Droves iti reai economy i i t' baking. UmCALUM'T, ..Modem Baking Powd. At all Grocers. be filed on or before said day and hour of hearing. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of . said County this 5th day of June, 1911. Allen J. Beeson, County Judge. SHI,AM DKAIVAOF. DISTRICT. NOTU'K OK IMtOPOSKI) ISSUE OF IIOVDS. Notice is hereby Riven that the Ash land Drainage District needs the sum of seventeen thousands five hundred sixty-elBht and 60.100 ($17,568.60) dol lars, and the lioard of Directors there of Is about to issue seventeen thousand five hundred sixty-eijrht and 60.100 $17,568.60) dollars of negotiable bonds of said distirct, drawing six per cent Interest per annum, payable In ten equal annual Installments, with Interest coupons attached, said bonds to be sold at not less than par. At any time with in sixty days after the date of the first publiratlon of this notice, to-wit: June 8, 1911, any owner of any tract of real PHtfttn In SUM Hluti-lnt nr. . ... - - ........ v, vl v4 nil; OBDC' ment therein, may pay to C. Keetle, treasurer of said district, at the Farm cers and Merchants Bank, Ashlaud, Ne braska, the proportionate share of the principal amount of said bonds charge able against said tract, and the amount of bonds Issued will be reduced in the aggregate amount of said advance payment so made, and any tract upon which such advance payment is made wll lnot be chargeable with payment of any of said bonds or the interest thereon: provided, that if a deficit is caused by an appeal from the assess ment of benefits and a change thereon, or by reason of any assessment being uncollectible, or in any other manner whatsoever, then said deficit shall be a charge upon all the lands assessed according to the apportionment of benefits the same as any other liability of the district. The proportionate share of the prin cipal amount of said bonds chargeable against each tract of land In said dis trict has been determined, levied and assessed by the board of directors thereof in dollars and cetns against and upon each tract thereof on the basis of the apportionment of units of benefit and assessment hitherto made at the rate of four and forty-five hundredths dollars ($4 45) per unit; reference being herehy made, for specific Information arH to TiAft inula r t-o A .. n ... tlon of said Board of Directors relat ing thereto on file in the office of A. B iJ'j ''"d- Nebraska, secretary of no mi i mil in. Witness the signature of said Ash lnnd Drnlnage District, by the Presi dent and Secretary thereof, and the corporate seal of said district, this 3d day of June, 1911. oo ,TA8lllanl lrainage District. By Nelson Shelter, President. A. B. Fuller, Secretary. Mr. J. W. Haynie was a pas senger to Pacific Junction on the morning train today, where he looked after business mailers for the day. Nebraska I lie stores.