The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 25, 1911, Image 5

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Era IF1 ira La
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Xc'"::: -h jcz
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Republican. 4
4IIII !! I I I
Herman Fischer ami sister,
Henrietta, left Sunday night for
Oklahoma. Henrietta will remain
there this summer and Herman
will soon leae for a trip west to
ithe coast.
Dr. A. C. Welch has invested in
-in automobile. He patronized
-our home man, Bert Philpot, and
secured a handsome Maxwell of
1he latest model. The car that
comes back.
Arthur ' Waldron, wife and
daughter, and Norman Waldron,
-of Wolcottville, Ind., arrived
Thursday and made a short visit
aLthe D. T. Dudley home. They
-were on their way to Denver.
Mrs. Cora Johnson Gentry of
tiering was a visitor in town from
Saturday until Monday. Miss
Johnson resided here about twenty-jive
years ago arid is remem
bered by many of our citizens.
The family lived on the farm now
owned by E. E. Day.
Mrs. D. Drum received a tele
gram Sunday noon from Cham
berlain, S. D .from her son, 0.
V.'. Drum,.'(stating ihat his wife
"was seriously ill, the result of
4,he bursting of a blood vessel.
Mr?. Drum and Mrs. A. D. Cropp
left for Chamberlain Monday
Wiltiam'Sifzman received word
by 'phone Tuesday from his
brother, F. S. Sitzman of Platts
mouth, announcing the glad news
of the arrival of a son at his
borne that day. The first heir in
a family of six children, and
Uncle Will feels like a colt, as
Hiere is no boy on this end of the
Miss Clara Johnson has been
very sick, but is much improved
now. Last week, while cranking
Bert Jameson's automobile, w hich
she was driving, something scem
ed to give way internally and she
soon was in great pain. She was
it to the Jameson farm and
medical attendance was summon
ed. For a few days by constant
attendance, fever was reduced and
now she is resting quite com
fortable. It will probably be a
long time before she will be in
first class condition, and much
longer before she attempts to
again crank an automobile.
J Beacon. 4
i Carr is another farmer who
as joined the ranks of auto
mobile owners, having purchased
a fine new 40 horse flower Velie.
O. K. Bahr went to Elmwood
Sunday to visit his wife, who is
staying with Mrs. William Sharp,
recuperaling from an operation
which she underwent recently.
Ed Betts sold three Velie auto
mobiles last week, one to Ed Carr,
one to S. C. Boyles of Alvo and
ne to Elmer Boyles of Elmwood.
All purchased large machines.
Will Osenkop brought quite a
curiosity to town Saturday, in the
shape of an animal which is a
Mranger in this part of the coun
try. Most of those who looked at
it pronounced it an armidillo.
Will found it in his straw stack.
E. R. Arison, who some time
ago was discharged from the stale
hospital at Lincoln, was taken
back to that place Saturday. For
several weeks he has been grow
ing worse and Friday his actions
I f came such Ihat Marshall Stout
T'laced him in the village jail un
tif the proper authorities could
1 e notified.
Miss Mamie McAllister had an
xperience last week which she
fioes not, care to have repeated. A
bullet from a 22-raliber rifle came
crashing through the glass of the
fcidow close to where she was
will soon be ready to cut, and you will need to
sharpen your old sickle. This grinder if furnished
with a carboundum cone fore grinding sickles.
Carboundum is 26 times faster than ordinary
grinding. The machine is also equipped with a disc
harrow and plow coulter attachment, and in addi
tion to these it has a stone for grinding all ordinary
tools and a wheel for polishing. These machines
can be seen at
standing. She looked out of the
window but could see no one and
it is a mystery yet where the bul
let came from. It happened early
in the morning, about 7 o'clock.
Someone must have been doing
some very careless shooting.
Last Friday evening August
Lau was quite badly injured in a
runaway. Mr. Lau was getting
ready to go home and had untied
his horse nnd was almost in the
buggy when the horse started and
ran about two blocks before he
could be stopped. In the mixup
Mr. Lau was hurt, but did not
realize how badly, as he was able
to be around on the street after
the accident. An examination by
a physician revealed that three
ribs were broken and Mr. Lau has
suffered a great deal from this.
At last - reports he was getting
along as well as could be expected.
w i j i i i i i i n i
4 Ledger. 4
i 111 t 1 4 I nil 1 i r
Mrs. Clara Davis returned
Wednesday evening from St. Jos
eph, where she had been visiting
her sister and other relatives.
Abe L. Becker made a trip to
the South Omaha stock yards
Monday evening, taking two car
loads of porkers to market.
Will L. Taylor got out bright
and early Tuesday morning be
cause business required him to
go to Omaha on the first train.
Mrs. Mont Robb went to Lin
coln on the forenoon train last
Saturday to visit her husband,
who is employed at the state pen
itentiary. George T. Hastings of Spear-
fish. S. I., arrived Tuesday night
to make a visit with his father, J.
N. Hastings, and other relatives
and friends in Union and vicinity.
Mr. Hastings has many friends
here who are always glad to give
him a hand-shake of welcome.
James Rainey returned Satur
day morning from a trip to Ar
kansas, where he has been look
ing at the country with a view of
investing, but from his report we
are inclined to think that Jim
will not be in much haste to put
his cash into Arkansas land.
E. T. Russell of Kansas City
dropped into town last Saturday
to make a visit with his old-time
friend, Fred Young. Mr. Russell
and Mr. Young were boys to
gether and this was the first time
they had seen eeach other for
fifteen years, and both enjoyed
the meeting very much.
Wes Clark's sale of hts restau
rant proved to be no sale, as the
party who intended to take the
business failed to "come to time."i
consequently, Mr. Clark will go
,.8.,m .nn L
as he has for several years. Wes
is not greatly disappointed at this
turn of affairs, but says he don't
like to trade, nnd then not trade
after he lias made his plans for
other business.
fj' News. 4
Wild gooseberries are going to
make a full crop this year pre
pare to pucker.
George Harsliman and wife arc
rejoicing over the arrival nt their
house last week of a line baby
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Conrad are
feeling very satisfied over the ar
rival at their place, recently, of a
biiby girl.
Uncle Henry Behrns came w ith
in three or four biles (mosquito)
of fracturing the game laws one
day last week.
Ex-Governor Sheldon's house-
,::.,; :
hold goods were shipped to Way
side, Mississippi, Tuesday. We
understand the family will leave
for their home in the south some
time next week.
Winter wheal never looked bet
ter at this time of year than it
does now. It is a rich dark green
and as there is lots of moisture
in the ground there is promise of
a bumper crop.
Mrs. A. L. Carper and children
took the early morning train
Wednesday for Arapahoe, Neb
where she expects to visit her
brother and sister for the next
two weeks. A. L. accompanied
them to Lincoln, where he spent
the day, returning home on the 4
o'clock train.
Mrs. F. A. Burdick and daugh
ter, Naomi, went up to Omaha on
the evening train Monday to visit
Mrs. Burdick's daughter, Pearl
who was operated on for ap
pendicitis last Thursday at one of
the hospitals up there. She is re
ported as getting along very well
since the operation.
The school term out in the
Switzer district closed last Friday
with a picnic. There were about
forty present and a very enjoy
able time was had. Miss Tips
word was the teacher and the fol
lowing were graduated from the
eighth grade:' Myrtle Rough,
Merritt Pollard .and Arthur
Rev. D. B. Lake, who preached
at the Methodist church at Union
last year, and is well known over
the state where be has been a
resident and has held pastorates
for thirty years, died at Auburn
last Thursday of paralysis. He
was a man of strong individuality,
a forceful preacher and univer
sally loved and respected by all
who knew him. Peace to his
Saved From Death
"After our child had suffered
from severe bronchial trouble for
a year," wrote O. T. Richardson,
of Rielmnlson's Mills, Ala., "we
feared it had consumption. It had
a bad cougbt all the time. We
tried many remedies without
avail, and doctor's medicine seem
ed as useless. Finally we tried
Dr. King's New Discovery, and
are pleased to say that one bottle
effected a complete cure, and our
child is again strong nnd
healthy." For coughs, colds,
hoarseness, lagrippe, asthma,
croup and sore lungs, its the most
infallible remedy that's made.
Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bot
tle free. Ouarantecd by F. O.
Fricke & Co.
Putting In an Alarm.
. Fro w'd n""" "V.
Mr. Orass of Minneapolis
here placing the burglar alarm
for the First National bank. The
vault is being lined with steel
and the American Bank Protec
tion company's electrical burglar
alarm will be installed. The new
steel door was placed in position
yesterday, leading from the vault
to the director's room, and the
steel floor was being laid in t lie
vault; there will be 10,000 pounds
of sleel lining in the vault. An
alarm will be placed in the vault,
as well as on the outside of the
building, which will be connected
up in such a manner ns to ring
the bells on the outside whenever
anything in the vault is disturbed.
A Burglar's Awful Deed
may not paralyze a home so com
pletely ns a mother's long illness.
But Dr. King New Life Pills are
a splendid remedy for women.
"They gave me wonderful benefit
in constipation and female
I rouble, " w rote Mrs. M. C. Dunlap,
of Leadhill, Tenn. If ailing, try
them. 25c at F. G. Fricke & Co.
Also Rents the Business Room
Just West of the One He
Now Occupies.
Krom Wednesday's Pally.
M. Fanger closed the deal this
morning whereby he becomes the
owner of the business building he
now occupies fur a store room
and also rents the rot i in just west
of him, now owned by C II. Smith.
This gixes Mr. Fanger the two
rooms he formerly occupied. A
rent many changes ami altera
tions will be made in both rooms
within the next few days in order
to convert them- into one large
business emporium. A large
archway will be cut in the walls
between the rooms, as in former
lays, and the west room will be
used exclusively for his cloak and
suit department for both ladies'
and gentlemen's wearing apparel,
while the east portion of the
building will be used for his dry
goods and millinery lines.
Mr. Fanger has already pur
chased bis largo line of Wooltcx
Cloaks, Sluts, etc., for ladies, and
a large line of gents' furnishings'
and clothing, and in order to
handle the line he is compelled to
have more room.
Elsewhere in this issue of the
Journal will be found a large ad
vertisement announcing his "Bin
One-Half Price Alteration Sale on
Millinery." In this space you will
note that he offers every bat In
the house at just one-half price,
in order to close them out before
the carpenters and plasterers gei
busy in making the changes in
the rooms. Besides this, it is a
well known fact that Mr. Fanger
never carries over -anything In
the millinery line, nnd when he
says he is making a one-half
price sale he means it. Here is
your chance to get millinery at a
genuine bargain.
Of course he says he will make
a great many bargains In other
departments of his store. during
this sale, but the millinery line
must be sold and sold now, and it
one-half saving is an inducement
to the buyer it certainly should
move the goods.
It Startled the World
when the astounding claims were
first made' for Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, but forty years of wonder
ful cures have proved them true,
and everywhere it is now known
as the best salve on enrlh for
Burns, Boils, Scalds, Sores, Cuts,
Bruises, Sprains, Swellings,
Eczema, Chapped Hands, Fever
Sores and Piles. Only 25c at F.
0. Frieke & Co.
Cuts First Crop of Alfalfa.
From VWdnoHday'n Pally.
Mr. Charles Cook, the jolly
farmer who tills the soil abutting
the corporation linejui the south
west, began cutting his first crop
of alfalfa today. He broke his
cutler and came in for some repairs.-
Mr. Cook says the alfalfa
this season is finer than ever nnd
he is quite well pleased with Ihei
quality of the hay.
Messrs. R. O. and C. R. Cole
drove in from the farm this morn
ing nnd boarded the morning
train for tho metropolis, where
they looked over the stock of tho
Independent Harvester company.
QUALITY CLOTHES will do this they're just good
enough to do it. We've a big assortment to show you
in all the latest shades and shapes. Prices $20 to $35.
Others not so good $5 to $18.
C. i. Uoscott's Sons
Matthew Goring, Attorney for Mrs. Vandcrholm,
in Big Damage Suit.
From Wednesday's Pally.
Matthew tiering commenced an
important suit in the district
court this morning, in which Mrs.
Julia Yandeiholm, as adminis
trator of the estate of Oscar
Yanderholm, begins suit against
S. M. Sadie, impleaded with the
C. 11. & Q. Railway company, for
The action is one for damages
for the loss of the life of Mr.
Yanderholm, which occurred on
the first day of last January,
about 8:30 o'clock in the morn
ing, as Mr. Yanderholm was mak
ing his way through n wild bliz
zard to the Plattsmouth Water
company's pump bouse north of
the city.
The petition alleges, among
other things, that plaintiff was
appointed administratrix on the
2Mb day of January, mil. That
prior to that lime, on the first day
of January, and for twenty years
past, the defendant company had
invited the Plattsmouth Water
company nnd its employees to
make their ingress and egress to
the pump house over the ensl-
From Tuesday's Dally.
Mr. Peter Halmes returned
from Omaha this morning, where
ho was called yesterday on busi
ness. Mr. Bert Satchel and Mr. Galo
Rhoden of Murray were in tho city
today looking alter business mat
tors for a short time.
mmW , sm,
Mr. J. P. Tritsch left for Oma
ha and Council Bluffs on the
early train today, where he looked
after business matters for a few
Mr. L. Boedeker of Louisville
passed through this city this
morning on No. 4 en route to St.
Louis, where he was called on
Mr. J. F. Wehrbein and W. O.
Schutz were called to Omnha on
the morning train today, where
I hey looked after matters of busi
ness which demanded their per
sonal attention.
Mrs. H. G. Ynnllorn and Mrs.
Thomas Wiles visited Omaha
fireinls today, leaving for the me
tropolis on the morning train.
Mrs. Henry Horn and her sisler,
Mrs. William Becker, went to Im
manuel hospital this morning for
a few hours' visit with Mr. Horn,
who is recovering from the effects
of an opera! ion.
Mrs. Thadeus Adams of Eagle
who has been a guest of her
sister-in-law, Mrs. (). C. Dovey,
for a few days, left for Red Oak,
Iowa, on the morning train loday,
where she will visit relatives for
a short lime.
Mr. Will Hummel, Ihe arcont
modafing assessor of Plattsmouth
precinct, was in the city yesterday
ami rendered his account of the
nssesstnent of bis precinct to
County Assessor II. M. Soennich-
There's always one best kind of everything and it is so
with clothing Our .QUALITY CLOTHES enjoy that distinc
tion with the clothing buyers of this community. Let your
next suit be a QUALITY Suit absolutely guaranteed. You
want clothes that will satisfy you
day you buy them, the next day
every day that you use them.
bound Burlington tracks. That
on the day on which the deceased
was killed S. M. Sadie was a fire
man on the Burlington train ani
his duties being, as well as to
fire the engine, to keep a lookout
for objects upon the company's
tracks and to signal a warning to
pectins in danger and to notify
the engineer of all such objects
in danger.
On the morning in question,
when Mr. Yanderholm met his
death, the west bound train No.
15, which was running some
minutes late, passed through
the Plattsmouth yards over the
line between the station and the
Plattsmouth Water company's
pumping station, and Mr. Yander
holm, who was the pump man at
the station, was passing to the
pumping station, as usual, on the
east bound track, when tho west
bound train came upon him as he
battled with the storm, and,
without warning, ran him down,
instantly killing him.
The plaint ill claims judgment
for $15,000.
sen. Mr. Hummel paid llw Jour
nal office a pleasant visit and re
newed his subscription for the
daily for another year.
Philip Schafer, from near
Louisville, was in tho city today,
driving down tit is morning for the
transaction of some business
matters. . .
Joseph Burton, from Murray,
came up to Plattsmouth this
morning and took the early train,
for Omaha.' '
Do Ghosts Haunt Swamps
No, never. It's foolish to fear
I a fancied evil, when there are real
and deadly perils to guards
against in swamps and marshes,
bayous and lowlands. These ars
the malaria germs that causs
ague, chills and fever, weakness,
aches in the bones and musoles
and may induce deadly typhoid.
But Electric Bitters destroys a ad
casts out these vicious germs
from tho blood. "Three bottles
drove all tho malaria from my
system," wrote Win. Fretwell, of
Lucaina, N. C, "and I've had fine
health ever since." Use this safe,
sure remedy only, 50c at F. O.
Fricke & Co.
Miss Barrows Goes to Kansas.
Miss Jane L. Barrows, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Barrows,
formerly ol this city, last week
graduated from the national
training school of deaconesses In
Kansas City. Miss Barrows Is
spending her summer vacation
with her parents in Lincoln, at
Ihe close of which'she will go to
the First Methodist church of
Winfleld, Kansas, to which she
has been assigned for two years.
Miss Barrows has numerous
friends in this city who will learn
of her success with pleasuro.
L 'J