The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 25, 1911, Image 4

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    hi .-on, Harry, ha given up the I BCOGCCOCrtSCS
The- Plattsmouth - Journal
newspaper business to umpire for
the Mink league. Charley is al
ways equal ! Ho' eio i t'ciicj , and
will (ill Die bill as of old.
:o :
Jiocfor (ionic, an insurrec
tionist, is to be minister of
Bobcrnacion in the Jiiaz cabinet.
You may not. know what this is,
but the mass of the Mexican peo
ple don't either.
King George will wear three
different robes at the eornation.
i -3 Published Semi-Week1 at Plattsmoiill), Nebraska CTTD
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Fntered t the IWtoffirc; at 1'lattnrnouth, Nebraska, a econd-claHs
Winler when
oUh t bracer.
I. Ii;is taken iin-
Who paid Hi'
couldii'l come back?
f (iili'd luiiiU nre now becoming
li great fiid in several seel ions of
' 'I III' Ills! republican rlllll to
boom Tllfl.'s lelililllilllllioll Inn
Jinn organird in New Jersey.
. :o:-
"I'llinliliK Herlllll" has turned
Up again, ami ill Lincoln, loo.
Well, what do you think of that?
If Hie lleil Men desire to lake
charge of Hie Fourth of July crle-
lirnlion, leml them a h I i i haml
(ii make it a success,
. ;o :
' 'llie man who Is conslanlly
finding fault with his neighbor in
usually ho rrookeil himself that
he han lo screw his hat on
. ;0;
Evidently (mini! crank in Lin
coln are having a hard linn) re
covering from the cITeots of I he
recent election. The best svny for
urh cal He to do is move nut
"God bless 1 1 county nevvs
paprrH," hiijh cx-Spcaker Cannon,
who evidently is unaware what
norjie, of ,he Nebraska weekly
Tic w papers have, been Haying
nhoul, Mm.
:o :
Now the department of Justice
makes (he chaise I hut the lumher
trust ha been ho rude a to
violate Ihe law tij an "unreason
able" extent.
Siil unlay wan indeed a red let
r dav for PlaltMiioulh.
A man in Chester, Illinois, who
file n gallon of ice cream in
eighteen miuule may think he
established a new record, hut
there were no High school girl
entered in Hie contest.
J'lirce ilemneral have already
annouiiced for United Stales .sen
ator next year-Stialleiilierner,
Reed and Thompson.
Mie heef trust has got, a set
back in Hie courts, which mean
more lawyer' bill to he charged
up lo the ju ice of meat.
:o :
The whole anti-trust law now
turn on the word "unreason
able," of which there are 00,000,
000 different deductions.
. ;o:
Such a suspicion person a
Governor Woodrow Wilson is. lie
even doiibl if "joker" 11ml their
way into law accidentally.
peroral ion lay one week from
tomorrow, ami no arrangements
yet made for commemorating the
event. Why so slow' about it?
There I plenty of time yet to
arrange for a Fourth of July ecle
brallon If it is fully determined
to have one. Six weeks yet till the
The sugar trust expects to be
able ti) prove to the government
that it ha violated (he fedora
laws only lo a "reasonable" cx
It ha become an evident fact
that the time of one-man power in
the democratic rank of these
United States i a thing of the
k , ;o; ,
In view of the loophole in the
oil trust decision, we fear some
of our bootblacks will get to
gelher ami agree lo do no more
5-eent shines.
:o :
If anv of our friend think of
iiijing one afterward and giving
it to us for Christmas, we hope
they will reconsider in favor of a
good bath robe.
Dr. Pearson has given away
!, 000,000, all hi fortune but.
1(1100,000, and if he sign the
subscript ion taper that, nre
James Schoolcraft Sherman is
licjng "mentioned" in Washing
ton as a presidential candidate.
Aside from the fact that he could
not carry a siimlo county in a
single state, and the further fact
that if he was elected be wouldn't
do, the boom seems to be nil right.
Just now a subtle ell'oil is no
ticeable to lead Nebraska demo
crats to keep in considerate mem
ory the name of (iovernor Har
mon of Ohio while Woodrow Wil
kou will be talking to them at Mr.
Hryan's home town. It I all
right, one may infer, to listen to
(He Princeton man, but don't for-
(fet Harmon.- Lincoln Star.
presented to him the rest will be
gone in a week.
:o :
The longest single telephone
irriiit in the world ha just been
oinpleted between New York and
Denver, a distance of L',0.10 miles.
As it costs $1 1.25 to converse over
the line for three minutes goes
without saying that there isn't
much danger of gelling the
'busy" call when you ask for con
Half a loaf is belter than no
oaf at all. This is the position
taken by former Senator Bev
eridge of Indiana, in writing for
the Saturday F,vening Post favor
ing Canadian reciprocity. He
took Hie position that it was a
long step in the right direction,
and wo could add more to it as
the opportunity offered.
:o :
If the commission forin'of gov
eminent works like it .does out in
Seattle, Washington, we say it is
not tho proper caper. They have
an election out there now about
every other week, on account of
the recall provision. The special
elections are about to bankrupt
the city. We would advise Omaha
and every other city in Nebraska
to let it alone.
II i our opinion publicly ex
pressed that there is more war in
I he newspaper than there i in
Mexico. Everything goes in onb
to sell the metropolitan journal
The per capita circulation of
money in the United States i
$.H.rS. We lack just 131.55 of
having our per cap. Now i the
lime to subscribe for the Journal.
:o :
The biggest crowd that ha
been in Plattsmouth at any one
time since last Fourth of July
was here Saturday. And nianv of
them came especially to bear D.
Ward Ring talk on how to make
good road.
D. Ward King, the good road
man, ha come and gone and no
doubt many ot the Cass county
farmers are much wiser on tunny
thing that are calculated to as
sist in making the roads much
belter in Cass county.
And now they want Senator
The American Federation of
Labor now boasts, as the labor
representation of congress, fif
teen members in the house of rep
resentatives and several friends
in the United States senate. The
presence of this labor delegation
in congress, the federation de
clares, is the result of five years
of active campaigning in national
The republican leaders are re
ported to be exceedingly grieved
over the special session of con
gress now in progress.' Incident
ally it may be recalled that if
congress had done its duty in tho
special session two years ago, and
had made n real instead of a sham
revision of the tariff, the present
session would never have been
called. Kansas City Star.
We have rented the building next door west of us, and have purchased
the room we are now occupying, and of course many alterations must take
place within the next few days, in order to place them into one large busi
ness emporium. Now here is what we are going to do for Friday and Sat
urday of this week only. We will offer every one of our fine trimmed hats
8 v
No little credit i due Mr, C. C.
Parmolc in getting many promin
ml men of the county here last
Saturday to hear "(lood Hoads
King. lie took it upon himself to
write private letters and everyone
who he wrote to was here. That's Cummins of Iowa to consent to be
the way to do the business when candidate for vice president
we have anthing on in Platts- with Taft next year. Wouldn't that
mouth worthy of the utteudance appear like placing the tail in the
of the people of the county. wrong place No doubt the sen-
;o: "l"' would add strength to the
v.. ..... ..i..... i ticket-in Iowa.
.IM1 iHIH- II M 1 11 1, MM' 111
of Schools Crahlree is being
lioomed by Chicago teachers for Lincoln star: With three of
head of the National Association the four democratic members of
of F.ducation. Wonder how ex-j the Nebraska delegation in eon
Secretary I.udden feel about the (ires balking on hi tree wool
prominence and popularity of proposition, Mr. Hryan is likely to
Prof. Crahlree? Had not I.udden Hud it less easy to marshal the
V . - . .'. I.l i . I .1 .!..... I f .il. .. i.i
I'veu ni iimcih ill ins purpose lo i m o.n tons m oilier suites
have Prof. CraMree removed from Hitchcock, I.ohcek and l.atta
Peru normal he would have been manifest a disposition to stick to
at the head of that institution yet. the laritT for revenue platform a
Crabtreo goes to tho front while regards wool, rather than he for
I udden 1 consigned to the rear, free t rale
The report of the Illinois sen
ate committee in charge of the in
vestigation of the I.orimer elec
Hon to the United. Stales senate
was not what Mr. Lorimer's
friends in Washington had hoped
for. Not only is it adverse, at
tributing the election to '"bribery
and corruption," but it has caused
the state senate lo call on the
I nited States senate to reopen
the investigation.
$2.00 Hat for $1 .00
$3.00 Hat for $1 .50
$4.00 Hat for $2.00
$5.00 Hat for $2.50
$6.00 Hat for $3.00
$7.00 Hat for $3.50
$8.00 Hat for $4.00
$1 6.00 Hat for $5.00
$1 5.00 Hat for $7.50
and so through the entire line. This is the greatest opportunity to buy mil
linery ever offered to the people of Cass county for Friday and Saturday
ONLY. Every hat in the store will be marked in plain figures, and at the
prices we are offering them is below the cost of the material. They must
be sold before we commence the alteration of our store room., ' , .
We have purchased a large line of new Fall goods, and must have
more room, and will in connection with this sale will offer a great many
genuine bargains in other departments of our store. If you are contemplat
ing on buying a new hat for the Summer
It is the duty of both parties lo
bring to the front the best mo
for otlice. And again it would not
be out of order for the ofiloe to
seek the man. and not the man
the otlice. And then asain it
would be in order for some offi
cials to learn that there are men
in Cas county just as competent
as hey are to perform the duties
of the It would be vie for
the voters of the countv tn bezin
to think about this hanir.z-onti"
ofiloe business.
Get ready to come to Platts
mouth to celebrate on the Glori
ous Fourth.
:o :
There is to be more changes in
the president's cabinet. Taft has
began to play politics for the
campaign next year.
Diaz says he will resign June
1, but the Punch and Judy show
in his congress may not accept
the resignation.
Secretary MacVeagh's decision
lo quit coining 12.50 gold pieces
is taken to mean that the demand
for watch charms has almost
Since the word "reasonable"
was written into the anti-trust
or fall Plattsmouth will give the
people a week's amusement in the
shape of "Parker's Great White
City." This is the largest street
carnival in the western country.
President Taft, according to
law the capitalists, as well as the
socialists, will have their Appeal
to Reason.
:o :
men's idea of a club is a collec
tion of fashion plates and cloth
ing store dummies.
Plattsmouth will celebrate.
Please bear this in mind.
Enough money has been
nromised already to insure a
celebration in Plattsmouth on the
Fourth. The Red Men will have
charge of the whole affair.
:o: '
Senator Bailey's idea of
magnanimity is to admit that the
United States supreme court
knows almost as much about the
constitution as he does himself.
Another fire is being built un-j six years to carry a case- through
der Lorimer, the boodling senator; the supreme court, the trust peo-
from Illinois, and from present pie are not doing union thinking
in bed" about it.
:o :
Senator Nelson of Minnesota, is
"trifling with the senate of the
United States." Whether this
charge is true or not, no one can
doubt that the senate majority
has been trifling with the people
of the United States for a very
long time.
Now they are trying to amend
the Sherman law. As it will take
j four years to pass such a law, and
appearances he Is liable to be
smoked out of the United States
senate this time.
John D. Rockefeller mar have! Missouri, Kansas and Ne-,
j.- ; ihi siin.t. 1 brask.i. according to reports, will
ard Oil decision, but it is certain! have half a fruit crop this season. ' it ' farmer cclebra-
he did not tear his hair about it.
He i bald-headed.
O. Mr 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 lli.'iv nf hirri?
It is nearly six woos yet till the
Fourth of July, and there is
plenty of time to arrange for
rip-roaring time In Plattsmouth
Mr. Taft denounces club black
balling at Washington. Some
whie his enough. If these states! "' P'T'e wuo com-'
j ever produce a full crop the world ' ",I0 "ill he pleqso.l.
will never be able to eat it all,
o :
, transacted business in the count?
Some time during the summer .,;it todav.