U IKE GUISE OF SENIOR CUSS OF HIGH SCHOOL BOYS HAVE BIO HE After Proceeding Up and Down Main Street in a "Shirt Tail" Parade, They Go to Shopp Home Where Juniors Had Class Party and Made Themselves Ridiculous. The junior class of the High school was entertained at a class party at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shopp last evening. All went nicely and every member of the class enjoy ed the occasion until threatening communications from the senior class were received as to what would be done with the junior class president. About 9 o'clock the seniors paraded the Main street of the "ity with what was termed their "'shirt tail" parade. After promenading the street and put ting on a few wild west stunts I he night-gown aggregation head ed for the junior class party to carry out their promise of a good lime for the president or the class. At the Shopp home, after circulating about the premises for a time, the ghost-like procession essayed to enter the house in finest of the president of the juniors. A scuffle ensued, in which the screen door was badly demolished, and a few stale eggs were presented to the beligerants and their lorms decorated with POSTAL SAVINGS BANK TO BE ESTABLISHED HERE Which Would Indicate That Plattsmouth Is Still on the Map. Plattsmouth is still on the map and our hustling business men and government officials have succeeded in landing another business enterprise which will be worth lots of money to the citizens of this city. Some time ago Postmaster Schneider placed before the post office department at Washington numerous reasons why this city should have a postal ' savings ban, and while tie was not In lormed whether the matter would be" seriously conisdered or not, the press dispalches contained the following this morning. Under date of May 24, direct from Washington, it appears thus: "Fifty additional postal de positaries were designated today by Postmaster fleneral Hitchcock, making the total announced to date 276. The new depositories, all second-class, will begin opera tions on June 25, 1911. Among the western offices are Harlan, Iowa, and Platlsmouth, Ne braska." E i I ... " "71 XPERT advice in Clothes buying is welcome if you're sure it's expert. We claim for . this store: FIRST Merchandise manufactured by experts in the business. SECOND Real service; in other words, ability to put the right thing on you; the suit that has "your fit, your style the one that dresses you in taste. We have a great showing of the new Oxford blue shades, which are the season's latest, made up in two and three button coats, natural shoulders, coats slightly shorter, trousers not so full. We want you to see them. Suits priced from $10 to $35 Strt.nn yellow and the aroma of their person perceptably increased. The sheriff, who chanced to be passing, was attracted to the premises by the loud talk and bad language which emanated from a lineup of young men across the street. Sheriff Quinton went among the trespassers and quick ly informed them where they would find themselves unless they immediately dispersed. Mr. Shopp says his house is al ways open to Plattsmouth young people who will conduct them selves properly, but that ' he objects to the language used In the street near his home after the assembly of the 'paraders. He does not think the bad language was used by members of the senior class, but some of the loafers about town, who took ad vantage of the occasion and the shades of night and joined the seniors with the purpose of mak ing a disturbance. Violations of law under the guise of sport ought to be dealt with severely, as sport ceases to be funny wtien other people's rights are invaded. Mr. Schneider was interviewed on the subject, but stated that he knew nothing beyond the state ment contained in the dispatches. When asked if the new arrange ment would employ additional labor at the office, Mr. Schneider stated that he had made a re quisition for an additional clerk in the office some time ago, and this request would now probably be granted. WARNING TO RAILROAD MEN. E. S. Bacon, 11 Bast St., Bath, Me., sends out this warning to railroaders: "A conductor on the railroad, my work caused a chronic Inflammation of the kid neys, and I was miserable and all played out. A friend advised Foley Kidney .Pills and from the day I commenced taking them, I began to regain my strength. The inflammation cleared and I am far better than I have been for twen ty years. The weakness and dizzy spells are a thing of the past and I highly recommend Foley Kidney Pills." Tor saleb y F. 0. Fricke & Co. For Sale. One Davis C-inch bore by 10 inch stroke gasoline engine. Has only been used a short time. In quire at this office for further particulars. A good bargain. 5-16-tfw. Shirt GEORGE IS FROM MISS OURI ANDJWDTO BE SHOWN Mr. King, In His Address Satur day, Agreed With Mr. Ray on Several Things. Muring .Mr. King's lecture on good roads last Saturday he asked if anyone had any questions to ask in regard to his position on I the good roads problem. Here is where Ci. S. Hay of Hock lMulYs precinct wished to knaw what they did in Missouri when they had to secure 150 signers to get a permit to drag the other man's side of the road. Mr. King said he did not believe any such a state of affairs had ever existed, and that he would have to see the papers, or, in other words, be shown. It happened that Mr. Hay was from the "show me" state, as well as Mr. King. Ray promptly call ed on one of the county commis sioners and proceeded to find the papers. Mr. King iuterferred with this movement and accepted their word for it, and invited Mr. Hay to accept a front seat. Mr. King further stated that In his community that a man who did not drag his allowance of the road was not very well liked, and also that, he knew of one case that was taken to the courts and the road officials were compelled to have the road dragged. Our good old road veteran, Uncle Ben Beekman, residing south of Plattsmouth, was also present and appreciated the leclure very much, but he would not agree with Mr. King in that the drag was all that was needed to make good roads. He says the farmer has to be on the ground first with some oilier tools and machinery in advance of the drag. Both men believe that the drag is needed, but there is the proper time when it should be used. Foley's Kidney Remedy Acted Quickly. M. N. George, Irondale, Ala., was bothered with kidney trouble for many years. "I was persuaded to try Foley Kidney Remedy, and before taking it three days I could feel its beneficial effects. The pain left my back, my kidney ac tion cleared up, and I am so much better I do not hesitate to recommend Foley Kidney Rem edy." Sold by F.'G. Fricke & Co. ii Many a Plattsmouth Reader Will Feel Grateful for This Information. When your back gives out; Becomes lame, weak or aching; .When urinary troubels set in, Your kidneys are "in a bad way." I loan's Kidney Pills are for sick kidneys. Local evidence proves their merit. J. S. Hall, South Sixlh street, Platlsmouth, Neb., says: "In 189(5 I strained my back and soon after that I began to suffer from kidney trouble. I had severe pains across the small of my back and on this account it was dillicult for me to stoop or arise from a chair. I tried several rem edies, but lo no avail, and llnally, when I had the good fortune to hear of I loan's Kidney Pills, I procured a box at Hynott & Co.'s Urug Store. Within forty-eight hours after I took the first dose. I felt better. Since then I have always kept a supply of Doan's Kidney Pills in the house." (Statement given June 6, 1900.) Two and a Half Years Later. On December 30, 1908, Mr. Hall said: "I cheerfully verify my former endorsement of I loan's Kidney Pills. I know that this remedy Is a reliable one for kid ney complaint." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United Stales. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. In the Wake of Measles. The little son oT Mrs. O. B. Pal mer, Little Hock, Ark., had the measles. The result was a severe cough which grew worse and he could not sleep. She says: "One bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound completely cured him and he has never been bothered since." Croup, whooping cough, measles cough all yield to Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. The genuine is in the yellow package always. Refuse substitutes. For salt; by F. (i. Fricke & Co. Miss Yesla Iioughiss left for Peru lat cening, when; Ihe clos ing exercises of the normal open this. week. iii i r Card of Thanks. We desire to express our most sincere appreciation and thanks to the neighbors and friends who so kindly rendered aid and sym pathy during our recent great sorrow, and especially do w wish to thank the members of the M. W. A. and the Ladies' A id so ciety of the Christian churches of both Murray and Plattsmouth for their beautiful floral tributes. Mr. C. M. Reed and Children. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wiley and Family. JUNIOR GLASS PAOTY HELD WPP HOI Members of Class Attend in Their Oldest Clothes, Prepared to Have a Jolly Time. The pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Shopp on West Rock street was made the scene of a most enjoyable class party last evening, given by the members of the junior class. In arranging for the entertainment the committee concluded to make it a hard times party, and the members of the class were lo come dressed in their oldest clothes. As per arrangement the juniors came appropriately dressed for the occasion and prepared to have their usual jolly good time, and they sine did have it. Prizes were offered for the best dressed boy and girl, and when the vole had been taken and Ihe final count made, it was found that Miss Ruth Chapman, who was dressed as an old maid, and Henry HcMaken, as a Jewish merchant, were the prize winners, and were awarded handsome Plaltsmouth High school pennants. A most excellent musical pro gram was then given, which firt her augmented the pleasures of the evening. Miss Bye con tributed a vocal solo, she being accompanied on the piano by Miss Mollie dodwin; Miss Johnston furnished two readings, the sec ond one being given in the Ger man dialect. Then there wero in strumental selections given by Everett , Ward and Miss Anna Heinrich; a vocal solo by Miss Mildred Johnson and an instru mental duet by Misses Dorothy Brilt and Ruth Chapman. Fol lowing the program, the hurrying moments, were pleasantly whiled away hi much", merriment ' and frolic. 'Several games were played and sociability reigned su preme. Just previous o the close of this delightful evening's enter tnininent a hvo-course luncheon was served, the first one being a hard-time luncheon and consisted of crackers, toothpicks and water. This was followed by a second course, during which deliicous ice cream and macaroons were served.' It was a late hour when the juniors dispersed, voling this class parly one of the best Ihey have had for some lime, and very much indebted to Mr. and Mrs. Shopp and daughter, Miss Fdna. for the splendid entertainment afforded them and for offering their home. In County Court. Slate of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. In Ihe Matter of Ihe L'stafc of Henry C. Hanluock, Deceased. To All Persons Interested: You are hereby noliiled that there is now on llle in this court an instrument, purport jug to be the last will and testament of the said Henry C. llardnock, de ceased, together with Ihe petition of Sam B. liains, praying therein that said instrument be allowed and probated as Ihe last will and testament of said deceased. That a hearing will be had up on said petition before this court in the County Court Rooms at Platlsmouth, in said County, on the 15th day of June, 1911, at 10 o'clock a. in. All object ions thereto, must he filed on or be fore said day and hour of hear ing. Witness my hand and the seal of the County Court of Cass County, Nebraska, this 22nd day of May, 1911. SKAL. Allen J. Beeson. County Judge. Do You Have the Right Kind of Help? Foley Kidney Pills furnish you the right kind of help to neutr alize and remove the poisons that cause backache, headache, ner vousness and other kidney and bladder ailments. For sale by F. (i. Fricke it Co. Millinery Discount Sale now going on. Mrs. Norton. Children Cry VvVV t : i i aiv x i i 2 i y i i n t m m m a B m m m m n B m.m & i S MM I fc. II 111 l-ll l If 1 I i - l i v vs I nil 1 i r i rv xii v ft 1111 uf if.. me iuna lou Have Always Dough t, and which has been, in me for over SO years, has borne the signature of nnd has been made under his per CdLxJvzAlfctfjfs sonal supervision since Its Infancy. w-7f. tfKUOA Allow no ono to deeelve you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd "Just-ns-good" are hut Experiments that tririe with nnd endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Cnstorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, git lug healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS (Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For THI eiNTHUII COMPANY. TT Hit Own Enemy. A man persisting in doing what he knows will hurt him is cer tainly his own greatest enemy. There are cases, however, where a man cannot quit a habit, al though he tries hard. He is only able, from time to time, to resist J he temptation for a while. Such habits are drinking, over-eating, drugs, late hours and excuses de stroying both body and mind. We wish to advise, not only such peo ple, but even the healthiest per sons, to devote every year, at Jeast a month to the cleaning-out of their bodies. Use Triner's American Elixir of Hitler Wine. It will remove all Impurities from the bodywill aid digestion and thus purify tho blood in the nnlural way. It will increase your appetite and strengthen your nerves; you should then be nble to resist temptation. flood in disorders of the stomach and the bowels. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 1333-133!) So. Ashland ave., Chicago, III. Royal Arcanums Hold Meeting. 'Hie Plallsmoulh council of Royal Arcanum held a meeting last night, when several matters of interest were discussed and a report by Mr. It. It. Windham, delegate lo the grand council ses sion, received. It showed a large attendance of delegates, much In terest nnd a prosperous condition of the order and a steady growth in numbers and Ilnaneial strength. The membership is 2 58, 23d and its reserve fund $fi,0Hrt,ri 12.2 1, all invested in interest-hearing bonds. Mr. H. Lancaster, I). O. ft., was present, and spoke along Ilie lines of progressive interest and upbuilding of the order. June 22 is Arcanum day its t hirly-fourlh anniversary and several mem bers of f.ass council nre planning on attending Ihe big doings in Omaha on that day. IRIBBON SALE: SATURDAY Owintfto a fortunate buy we are going to of fer on next Saturday, May 27, a fine line of all silk ribbons, the regular price of which Is 20 and 23c per yard. These rihlxms conic in the following colors: Navy blue, Copenhagen, sky and light blue, salmon pink, light pink, wine, white and black. And in 22, 10 and 00 sizes. Look in our front windw :;:;!;:i,.,.':y.:,"nrt.o.'.i,.rc ioc Per Yard E.A.WGRL, Both Pliones-05. 3' for Fletcher's Signature of Over 30 Years KUHr STRUT, NIW TOOK CITY. Up From Nehawka. Mr. and Mrs. Will Partridge, accompanied by their sister, Mrs. Kovitt, from near Nehawka, wer in the city today doing some, shopping and visiting with friends. Mr. Partridge called at tho Journal ofllco for a brief visit and informs us crops in his locality never looked better. Me has 100 acres of wheat that is the finest in many years. For a mild, easy action of the, bowels, a single dose of Doan's Hegulets is enough. Treatment cures habitual constipation. 2$ cents a box. Ask your druggist for them. Charles Ilerger, the Main sheet baker, transacted business with Omaha parties this afternoon. Millinery Discount Sale now going on. Mrs. Norton. CATARRH Ml "HI! HAY FEVER ELY'S CREAM BALM Applied Into tha nostril ) quickly absorbed. CIVKS RILIEF AT ONCK. It clniuiMoH, BoollicH, lii'iil Mid protects ih tliNniiMcd iiiemhruiiH riwiilthiK from Cutarrtt and driven iiwuy a Cold in tint Uoud quicklr, ItdHtorrft tlia riuimos of IWe and HmU. It in ouxy to UNO. Contains no Injurious drugs. No inorctiry, no tontine, no mor, phiup. The boiiHohold romndy. Price, 60 conU at Dru'ints or by mail ELY BROTHERS, 66 Warr.n St., Nsw York, u s 'Ills 5 itiifi Corner Sixth and Main Streets.,