The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 25, 1911, Image 2

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Den Linch of Lincoln was in
town Tuesday.
P. J. Linch went to Omaha on
No. 18 Tuesday.
C. R. Jordan was in Lincoln on
business Thursday.
Fred Dreamer was in Lincoln
between train Tuesday.
Lafe Mullin and wife drove to
Eagle Saturday evening.
Alfred Stroemcr went to Lin
coln Saturday via Eagle.
C. R. Jordan and F.d Stone wer
tn Omaha on business Tuesday.
Ethel and Lee Hardnock have
been quite sick for several days.
Porn To Mr. and Mrs. Hoy
Cooper, on Monday, May 22, 1911,
a son.
Dr. Muir was a passenger to
Lincoln Friday, returning home
on No. 14.
Tra B. Hull of Lincoln took din
ner with Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer
Mrs. Belle Bennett and son,
Karl, were shopping in Lincoln
Henry Snoke left Saturday
morning for a short stay at Doug
las, Nebraska.
Hen Appleman and J. H. Fore
man were in Lincoln between
trains Tuesday.
The Alvo baseball team went to
Palmyra Saturday and were de
feated by a score of 9 to 1.
Mrs. Sarah Humphrey, who has
been visiting Mrs. D. A. Vincent,
base returned to her home.
The Elmwood High school play
ed the Alvo nine Friday, the latter
winning by a scoreo f 6 to 5.
Mrs. Nettie Powell of Lincoln
spent Friday with her father, H.
B. OuKh. returning homo on
No. 17.
Mrs. Carl Price went to Lincoln
.Tuesday evening to attend the
funeral of her uncle, which was
held Tuesday.
The Brcthcrn love feast was held
Saturday evening. Attendants
came from Omaha, Lincoln ant:
Octavia in largo numbers.
Charles Trumblo of Eagle was
lending the meat market Saturday
while his son. Valentine, was
playing baseball at Palmyra.
H. 8. Ough will sell his house
hold goods at auction on Satur
day, May 27, 1911, and will leave
in the near future for California
As nominations for county ofTI
cers are in order we would pre
sent the name or our presen
efficient county clerk. Mr. D. C
Fred Menchau and Walter
Hardnock shipped a car of hogs
Monday night to the South Omaha
market. Mr. Menchau aecom
panied the, shipment.
Mr. and Mrs. James DeVor
and daughter of Fort Morgan
Colorado, who were here to alien
the funeral of Mrs. De.Vore'
father, II. C. Hardnock, left for
their home Saturday on No. 13.
Friday afternoon the house on
the farm northwest of town which
Elmer Bennett is farming, burned
down. Mrs. Hennett was not at
home and Mr. Hennett being in
the field was unable to save any
of the furniture.
Mrs. Leo Harry and daughter
came down from Lincoln Saturday
to visit Mr. Harry's folks for a
few days before leaving for the
coast to visit her mother, who is
quite sick. Mr. Harry spent Sun
day in town with his folks.
The Sunday World-Herald ol
Omaha published a license issued
to wed under date of May 20, to
Warren J. Linch of Lincoln, aged
25, and Iva Trulliuger of Lincoln,
aged 22. May happiness and
prosperity attend them 1h the wish
of their friends here.
Mrs. Dan Williams went to
Clalonia, Neb., Friday lo visit her
mother, returning home last even
ing. She was accompanied by her
cousin, Master Wilber Thomas
who will make his home with bis
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Harry Virkers came in from
Omaha Saturday evening to visit
his mother, Mrs. Mary Vickers
until Monday, when he returnei
to his employment with Sherwin
& Williams in Omaha. Harry has
been sick for a few weeks, but is
aurain able to work.
Mrs. J. H. Stroemer left on No
13 Saturday to join her brother
J. H. Rogo and family of Elm
wood at Lincoln, from where they
began their Journey to Oermany
They w ill sail from New York May
2S. J. H. Slroemer went to Lin
coin on the freight and accom
panied bis wife as far as Omaha
n'hmnnu: home on no. i Mon-
Henry C. Hardnoek was born in
HaKerstown, Maryland, on No
vember 4, 1810. When about 10
years of affe he moved to Shelby
county, Ohio, with his parents.
On February 15, 18G2, he was
married to Miss Sarah Margaret
Waltz, who was born September
9, 1841 in Ohio. Their first child, i
a daughter, Denilah E., was born
n Ohio September 29, 1863, and
died October 4, 1803. Then came
Emaretta I., born in Ohio March
3, 1865, and is now Mrs. James
DeVore, living at Fort Morgan,
Colorado. Elizabeth Oneida, born
in Ohio, September 26, 1866. She
became Mrs. George Ryan and
ived for some time at Dundee,
Oregon, where she died December
9, 1906, at the age of 40. She
eft her husband and five chil
dren to mourn her loss. They
reside at present on the home
place in Oregon. An infant sister
was born, who only remained a
short time. Jacob S. was born in
Illinois on January 28, 1869, and
resides at Wood River, Nebraska.
Daniel W, was born in Illinois
March 13, 1870, and resides at
Wood River, Nebraska. William
I. was born in Illinois December
15, 1871, and died . January 6,
1872. Barbara Margaret was
born in Nebraska July 27, 1873,
and is now Mrs. Ingwerson, living
at Minitare, Neb. Walter A. was
born in Nebraska October 11,
1875. Jesse L. was born in Ne
braska July 8, 1878, and Samuel
C. was born in Nebraska April 12,
1881. The last three children re
side on farms near Alvo, Neb.
While living in Ohio Mr. Hard
nock was drafted into the army in
Company K of the Twenty-ninth
Ohio infantry, and was with Sher
man in his famous "march to the
sea." He was mustered out at
the close of the war, after 18
months' service. In 1809 he
moved to Polo, Ogle county, Il
linois, and resided there until
1872, when ho moved to Cass
county, Nebraska, where he spent
the remainder of his life. He
lived north of town for a short
lime, then moved onto the home
stead one and one-quarter miles
west of Alvo, where his wife died
April 13, 1898. On December 14,
1891, his mother died at his home,
his father having died when the
family was yet in Ohio. On
October 5, 1900, he was married
to Mrs. Elizabet h Coon at Lincoln,
Neb., and moved from his farm to
Alvo, where he died May 14, 1911,
at the home of his neice, Mrs. La
vina Hardnoek-Coon. He had
come to take dinner with Mr. and
Mrs. Eli Coon and had been In
the house about twenty-five min
utes when he suddenly gasped for
breath and in a very few minutes
had passed away. He had not
complained of feeling badly that
day at all. though he had for
about five years been sick part of
the time. He had two severe
sick spells in the last few months
and his son, Jesse, gave up farm
ing and came to town lo stay with
him and take care of him. His
wife is an invalid and was taken
Ibis sprinsr to a hospital in
Toledo, Ohio, where she is al
present. She was unable to at
tend her husband's funeral.
Mr. Hardnoek's onlv brother
was Jacob (father of Charles and
ficorge Hardnock and Mrs. EH
Coon of this placel. who died June
5. 1901. at Alvo. Nebraska. His
four sisters were Mrs. Catherine
Croft, who has been dead' for
several vears: Mrs. Elizabeth Cil
bert. who died during 1908; Mrs.
Martha Tiams, mother of Samuel
Tiams of Lincoln. Neb., and who
resides at Dlodirell. Oreeon. and
Mrs. Ella D. droves of Nampn.
Idaho. His children were nil
nresent at the funeral, which was
hold at the Hrethren church on
Wednesday. Mnv 17. 1911. In
terment was In the Hrethren
cemetery. Mr. .Met liams of New
Virarlnia. Iowa; Sam Cashner of
University Place, Nebraska; Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Powers of Heaver,
Iowa, and Sam Tiams of Lincoln
attended (be funeral. The
bereaved children have the sym
pathy of many friends.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to thank the kind
friends who assisted at the death
and burial of our beloved father
and uncle.
Mrs. J. DeVore.
Jacob Hardnock.
Daniel Hardnock.
Mrs. Maggie Tnpwerson.
Walter A. Hardnock.
Jesse L. Hardnoek.
Samuel C. Hardnock.
Mr. and Mrs. Eli Coon.
Now Is the lime to gel rid of
your rheumatism. You will find
Chamberlain's Liniment wonder
fully effective. One application
will convince you of its merits.
Try it. For sale bv F. G. Frieko
Si Co.
Avoca will
celebrate the
Fourth of July.
Go to Copes' drug
store for
graduating gifts.
J. W. Waldrip was at Omaha
over Sunday.
Mrs. Henry Fanzen was at
Omaha Monday.
Frank Spencer arrived home
Sunday from Lewellen.
L. W, Fahnestock returned
Monday from a trip to Mexico.
Mrs. W. A. Hollenberger was a
Lincoln visitor several days last
E. Nutzman and William Ruge
left Monday for a trip to Wallace,
Mrs. Simon Rehmeier is enter
taining a brother, who resides In
Iowa, this week.
Miss Bertha Smoots, who is at
tending school at Bethany, spent
Sunday with her parents here
Roy Braczeale left Wednesday
for Syracuse, where he has secur
ed a position in a barber shop.
The baseball management are
contemplating placing a few seats
outside the fence for the benefit
of those who haven't the price of
admission, as they wish every
one to be comfortable.
Avoca, 4; Manley, 6.
The Manley Manley baseball
team wa9 here Saturday and de
feated the home team in a close
game by a score of 5 to 4. The
game was full of errors on both
sides. The score:
Manley ...10100012 05
Avoca ....2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
Batteries: Kcckler and O'Brien;
Gruber and Lsrsea. Umpire:
The Patterson Building Bought
by Modern Woodmen and the
City of Plattamouth.
In the report of the council
proceedings, published in Tues
day's issue of the Evening Jour
nal, an error occurs. The state
ment published was that the city
contemplated purchasing the east
half of the Patterson block on the
corner of Sixth and Pearl streets
for a city hall and other purposes,
and the M. W. A. the west half,
It should have been vice versa.
The Woodmen have bought the
corner frame and the city the
brick livery barn, which will be
renovated for city purposes, while
The corner frame will be greatly
improved by raising it up and
converting the entire upper part
into a lodge room. The improve
ment of both these buildings will
be a great help to the appearance
of the corner. The improve
ments contemplated by both the
city and Woodmen simply demon
strales that people have more
confidence in the future of Platts-
mouth than at any time for years
Let the good work go on.
Take Picnic Supper.
A jolly party of young people
enjoyed a picnic supper near the
stand pipe last evening. At 5
o'clock the crowd left the hot and
dusty city and sought the cool
shade and carpet of green grass
which abounds in that vicinity
Games were played for amuse
ment, a huge bonfire was built
and the weinies were toasted to a
nrown, and a ttno picnic supper
prepared by the wip"r lassies.
Alter the supper was disposed of
toasted marshmallows wero in
order and served hot from the
stick. Those participating in the
outing were: Misses Anderson,
Freiday, Jessie Robertson and
Helen Travis, and Messrs. Fritz
Frickie, Earl Travis, Will Rob
ertson and Cal Taylor.
Buys Plattsmouth Residence.
Mrs. Doty, a former resident of
Pacific Junction, yesterday pur-
cnasea or Mr. J. r. r.ischeui a
residence properly and three
acres of ground in the neighbor
hood of the brick yard. Mrs.
Doty will probably reside on her
property, taking possession at
Is there anything in all this
world that is of morel mportance
lo you than good digestion? Food
must bo eaten to sustain life and
must bo digested and converted
into blood. AVhen Ihe digestion
fails the whole body suffers.
Chamberlain's Tablets are a ra
tional and reliable cure for In
digestion. They increase the flow
of bile, purify tbo blood, strength
en the stomach, and tone up the
wholo digestive apparatus to a
natural and healthy action. For
sale bv F. G. Frirke Co.
Passenger Going West, Freight
Coming East, Come Within
Few Feet of Colliding.
The passengers on No. 23 yes-
lerdav had a narrow escape from
a severe shaking up, and came
so near a smash-up as to make
the hair stand on the head of one
passenger, who poked his head
out of the window to see why the
air was turned on so suddenly.
It appears that No. 23 had
orders to pass the east bound
freight at Bellevue, but this order
was arterwara annunea, ana ine
train was going at its usual pace
toward Omaha on the curve be
tween Gibson and Bellevue when
a heavily laden east bound
freight, the crew of which had
become balled up on its orders,
came thundering to meet No. 23
on the same track.
As soon as the engineers spied
the other's train the air was
thrown on and the best efforts of
the crews of the two trains were
exerted in stopping the trains.
The engines were within a few
feet of each other when they came
to a halt. No one was injured, but
some were as white as they will
ever be
Deputy Food Commissioner W. R.
Jackson After Those Who
Sell Stale Eggs.
Deputy Food Commissioner W
R. Jackson has issued warning In
the form of a bulletin that he will
prosecute any person who sells
bad eggs and to this he adds that
dealers who desire lo avoid the
penalty must candle all eggs pur
chased. The penalty is a fine of
,from $50 to $500. The bulletin is
the beginning of a campaign
which Food Commissioner Jack
son intends to wage against bad
eggs and people who sell them
or offer them for sale. He as
serts that it is unlawful for the
farmer, merchant or other dealer
to sell or offer for sale bad eggs
II is bulletin is headed "Bad Eggs
Warning." It is as follows:
Section 9824, part sixth, defines
food as adulterated, "if it consis
in whole or in part of a filthy, de
composed or putrid animal or
vegetable substance.
It is unlawful for the farmer
merchant, or other dealer to sell
or offer for sale bad eggs.
It is unlawful for the merchan
to sell bad eggs to his patrons or
to egg dealers.
The sale of eggs "case count"
concedes the sale of rotten eggs,
and is a violation of the law.
Warning is hereby given that
any person found selling bad eggs
will be prosecuted by this depart
The state inspectors of the food
commission are instructed to en
force the provision of the law.
Section 9848. "Any person
violating any provision of this
act shall, upon conviction thereof,
be fined in a sum of not less than
$50 nor more than $500 at the
discretion of the court, and shall
pay the costs of prosecution and
stand committed to the county
jail until said fine and costs are
paid." (as amended 1911.)
To avoid penalties under the
above law, dealers are required to
candle all eggs purchased.
M. E. Smith Qirls Serenade.
The young ladies of the M. E.
Smith factory aimed themselves
with all sorts of musical in
struments, including a bass horn
and snare drums, harps and pans,
and when the shades of night had
fallen stole steallhly to the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mullis, nee
Miss Lushinsky, and when every
thing was still and kidlels in the
neighborhood were sleeping,
broke forth in the most distress
ing musical sounds every heard in
those parts since the Lewis and
Clark expedition. The dogs in the
vicinity added their musical yelps
to the horn and drum and songs
of the maidens until sleep in the
vicinity was a thing not lo be had
for gold. The sheriff could not bo
found, as his wife said ho had a
hurry call to the west side of
town, where he was lo keep order
at a party. Constable Denson re
fused to go, because ho was not
called first, so the poor neigh
bors had to sit up and take note of
the serenade. The concert finally
died down and peace and quiet
reigned again.
Forest Rose Flour. The next
time you need a sack of flour try
a sack. You will find it the best
on the market.
j ipt'ciai lion rsjuiMJt'iu .) v
Miss I.eala McDonald spent
Sunday at home.
Miss Etta Sonick spent Sunday
with her parents.
Mrs. Ma Thimgan visited at
the hotel Sunday.
Dave Tbimpan was an Omaha
passengt r inesaay.
Mrs. Samuel Keiser was in
Omaha last Friday.
John Evans of Lincoln was seen
on our streets Saturday.
Harry Vickers of Omaha visited
in our town Sunday evening.
Miss Clara Brauckle was shop
ping in Omaha last Saturday.
Mrs. William Gehrts and
daughter, Ida, were in Omaha
About a dozen of our people
enjoyed an outing at the fisheries
last Wednesday.
William Gehrts and Jimmie
Crane were business visitors in
Omaha last Thursday.
Miss Eva Sorick came up from
South Bend to attend the com
mencement exercises.
Mrs. Mary Williams of Elm-
wood visited with her father,
August Kuehn, Tuesday after
noon. The rain which visited our
vicinity was much welcomed by
the farmers, as it was badly
Mrs. Grace Mooncy and Miss
Lulu Mooney visited at the Jerry
McIIugh home in South Bend Sat
urday. Emil Miller and wife were at
Wahoo from Saturday till Monday
attending the commencement ex
Mrs. Stevens of Indiana arrived
Friday evening for an extended
visit with her daughter, Mrs.
Frank Gillespie.
Miss Mary Miller left Sunday
morning for Hastings, Neb.,
where she will make an extended
visit with relatives.
Mrs. Fred Shewe and daughter,
Mamie, returned last Friday from
a visit of two months with rela
tives in California.
Mrs. Minerva Gorder and little
Helen came up from Weeping
Water Monday to attend the com
mencement exercises.
Those from here who attended
the dance in Alvo on Wednesday
evening of last week were: Mr.
and Mrs. John Amgwert, Misses
Kate Amgwert and Lyda Sorick.
It has been said that our base
ball boys have the name of all
having quick tempers. Better it
be that than the awful habit of
drinking which some of the
neighboring teams have.
Rev. and Mrs. J. Scherbacher
and sons of North Loup, Neb.,
came Monday to visit with the
I latler's parents. Rev. and Mrs.
! Branchle. Rev. Scherbacher will
return in a few days, but his
family will reman two weeks.
The Elmwood High school
baseball team came over and
crossed bats with the local team
last Saturday. At the end of the
game the score stood 9 to 10 In
.favor of the visitors, but it would
not have been that way if they had
had a High school pitcher.
The tenth grade graduating
exercises of the Murdock High
school were held last Monday
night in the M. E. church. Charles
Fordyce of the state university
delivered the commencement ad
dress to a large crowd. The
graduates were: Charlie Buell,
Fred Buell, Helen Moomey, Gail
McDonald and Eleanor Gakemler.
For soreness of the muscles
whether induced by violent ex
ercise or injury, Chamberlain's
Liniment is excellent. This lini
ment is also highly esteemed for
the relief it affords in case of
rheumatism. Sold by F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Safe Paint
to use Is
Sherwin -Witum
It Is a pure lead, tine,
and linseed oil paint of
the greatest durability. Properly ap
plied it can't go wrong. We can show
you houses, painted with It years ago,
that are still In good condition and that
prove the value of the paint
Avoca, Nebraska.
Nine Couple Enjoy Trip on th
River and Winds Up With
A very pleasant steak party was
given last evening on the bank of
the Old Muddy near the Burling
ton bridge. The function was
I given by Miss Clec Applegate,
Miss Hazel Dovey and Miss Bell,
who were assisted in the broiling
by Mr. Bruce Livingston of Oma
ha and other gentlemen.
There were nine couple in all,
and a launch was chartered and
an excursion to Nebraska City and
intermediate points was made, the
trip being a gloriously cool one
on the water after a hot day on
the land. On the return to shore
the steak, which had been fur
nished by the gentlemen of the
party, was by them soon broiled,
and with the other little delicacies
furnished by the ladies, the party
soon found themselves in camp
altitude, surrounding a piping hot
picnic supper. A few vocal
selections were rendered and
some classical readings, inter
spersed with foot-racing and high
vaulting, served to break the
monotony of the camp life. After
the repast was cared for and there
was nothing in sight with which
further the appease Mr. Bruce
Livingston's appetite, from Oma
ha, the joyful company broke
camp, and began their cheerful
march toward the city. At the
juncture of Toad Hollow with the
Missouri river the company
paused for some time to listen to
the frogs sing, and on the con
clusion of the concert the party-
marched in double-quick time to
the viaduct, arriving just in time
to join with the senior, class
parade. As soon as their cautious
.chaperon observed the sheriff
loitering in the shadows of the
buildings she advised a hike up
Sixth street, and succeeded In gel-
ting every member of the party
home without one of them being
"pinched." Last night was a busy
time for the sheriff.
Those at the steak fry were:
Misses Helen Chapman, Florence
Dovey, Ruth Johnson, Ida Weid
man, Francis Weidman, Verna
Cole, Hazel Dovey, Blanche Bell
and Clee Applegate; Messrs.
Grovernor Dovey, Bruce Living
ston of Omaha, George Dovey,
Lynn Miner, Paul Morgan, Nel
son Jean, Fred Mann. John Chap
man and Clarence Staats.
sale now go- 4
Mrs. Norton. 4
ing on.
Little Girl Died at Noon.
At the noon hour today the bell
of the Holy Rosary Catholic
church rang forth the sad tidings
that Beatrice Janda, the little
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ton
Janda, had passed away. She
was aged 7 years, 6 months and 9
days, and was sick but one short
week. Beatrice first fell sick
with measles, which last Friday
resulted in a serious case of pneu
monia. All that skilled medical
aid could do was done, but the
ravages of the disease could not
be stayed, and the little sufferer
grew worse from day to day until
death ended her sufferings at
noon today. Besides her fond
parents she leaves two brothers
and one sister to mourn her un
timely death. The funeral will
occur Friday, but the hour has
not yet been arranged. The sym
pathy of the entire community Is
due Mr. and Mrs. Janda in their
sore grief.
M If