7fmm The Kind You Have ALCOHOL 3 FEK CENT. . AVcgelaUefreparsllonlirAs simiLilfrKjilcrixxfanJRtiiiia ting Uie Siomachs aniBowclsof Promotes DigcstionfMu! ress and fcson(alnj Bctor Opiiuu .Morphine norMwmL, . . yftf. Xtoxt yt utrSm ItJa lltmSrfJ- wilrijrrmi tkmr Ancrfrrl Remedy forCfmflra ""Q K Hon. Sour Stoniach.DlarrtKx-a Worms J'om'ulsioiis.reverisli was and Loss of Sleep. FacSu-.Kle SitJ.iature of NEW YOKK. 'fcu Exact Copy of Wrapper, If.' ' 1 .HM-H-I"H-W-WHI-K UNION. -I- 4 I.CtlRfT. 4 H-H-I H-M-H-M W-I Grandma Applegalft departed the latter part of last week for Villisca, Iowa, to make a visit ith relatives. Clair Master and Kxa Fruns went down to Auburn last Satur day to upend a few days visiting with Duke Frans and family. Karl Pickett of Hartinglon came down last Friday to spend a short time, visiting with relatives and friends, returning to his home Monday morning. Ross Hudson of Magnet came down last week to spend a few days visiting on his old "stamping ground," returning to his home Monday morning. Mrs. Clara Mavis departed on the forenoon train Tuesday for St.. Joseph, Missouri, where she cx poets to spend Home lime with her sister, Mrs. Sherman, and oilier relatives and friends. . The case of Amanda A. Rey nolds vs. Louis F. Kohrell, in which Mrs. Reynolds recovered judgment for $100 and costs In Justice Fowler's court, has been appealed to the district court by the. defendant. t A deal was made last week whereby Mall. McQtiinn became Owner of the Mrs. Tabitha Thaok or residence near I ho school house. Matt will probably move In town in the near future and take, things easy for a while. Mrs. Flla DuKois, who has been Very sick for some lime in Omaha, rame down on the forenoon train Monday to spend a few days en joying a much needed rest and to Visit her brother, Will, and other relatives and numerous friends. "Hank" Austin of Wymore, n former resident of this village, arrived last Friday to make a visit willi his brothers, C.abo and ftenn, and other relatives and friends in Ibis vicinity. Ho de clined to enter the whistling con tost Saturday, but we all remem ber him as the oxxport in that line whoso merry tunes greeted us the first thing every morning. A Burglar' Awful Deed may not paralyze a home so com pletely as a mother's long illness. Ilul Dr. King New Life Pills are a splendid remedy for women. "They gave mo wonderful benefit in constipation and female trouble," wrote Mrs. M. C. Dunlap, of Leadhill, Tonn. If ailing, try them. 25c at F. G. Frieko & Co. LOUISVILLE. 4 Courier. 4 Attorney Ilarr has boon on the sick list this week. ino Mono work on I lie new opera house is progressing nicely Horn To Mr, and Mrs. J. O. Meisinger, Monday, May 1, a boy. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Aniick went to Murray Thursday to attend the funeral of thoir niece, Mrs. Nor man S'ocum.' Farmers ore busy, planting corn. The ground is in excellent condition and present indication point toward a bumper crop. 1 11 i For Infants and Children. Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years 1 1 mm TMI f UTAUK MKHIir, NIW OM OITT. We are glad to report that, Mrs. John Croup has recovered from a two weeks' attack of neuralgia and is able to be out again. A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ami Hoover Saturday, May (5. Mrs. J. I). Ferguson of Lincoln came down to superintend the erection of a largo and handsome monument on her lot in the Gor man Lutheran cemetery. Louisville, friends have received word from Mrs. (Soorge. Delezcne, who is in Kansas City taking treatment for cancer, to the effect that she is getting along nicely and has hopes of complete re covery. Misses Mildred llalscr and Jen- mo nation or riaiisninuin came up to attend the entertainment at the Oak Grove school house Fri day evening, given by Hie teacher, Miss Nora llalten and her pupils. J. l Wood enjoys a joks as well as anybody when it is at some one else's expense, lie accosted Frank Nichols the other days, and, inquiring about the family, said: "How is Mrs. Nichols and all tin; little pennies?" Hut when Frank replied by asking him, "How is Mrs. Wooil and all the little splinters?" ho had nothing more to say. Saved From Death. "After our child hail suffered from severe bronchial trouble for a year," wrote (5. T. Richardson, of Richardson's Mills, Alu., "we feared it had consumption. It had n bad cought all the time. Wo tried many remedies without avail, and doctor's medicine scorn ed as useless. Finally wo tried Dr. King's Now Discovery, and are pleased to say that one bottle olTocted a complete cure, and our child is again strong and healthy." For coughs, colds, hoarseness, lagrippe, asthma, croup and sore lungs, its the most infallible remedy that's made. Price rOo and 1.00. Trial bot tle free. Guaranteed bv F. C. Frieko A Co. H"HHM-!-M-M-M-MHH- 1 EAGLE. .j. J Deacon. 4 We are informed that Ed Wright, who was operated on at the Methodist hospital at Omaha, Is getting along fine. Miss Lena Trumblo came home Wednesday from Edgar, whore she has boon staying wilh her sister, Mrs. Purbaugh. Miss Jennie Orr, who has been making her home in Chicago, ar rived Tuesday evening for u visit with her sister, Mrs. William llobson. A week ago Monday afternoon C. J, Cacks, formerly of this place, and (leorge Kirnor of Davey, kill ed six wolves, one old and live young one. Four of them were killed In three shots. Sam Westlake is another farm er who Intended to enjoy life and with that end in view has pur chased a fine 30 horse-power Buick five-passenger touring car. We cxpoct Jess thinks a two-pas pongcr car would hnve done as well. Johnnie Vickers and Miss AW ft ,V In Louise Rockeiibach, two well known young people of this com munity, were married at Lincoln last Thursday. Mr. Yickers is a young farmer living three mrles north of F.agle. The bride is the second daughter of Mr. and Mis. fiottelejh Rockeiibach. The llea con joins their many friends In wishing them a happv married life. A very jolly crowd of young folks gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fd Carr last Friday evening. The event was a surprise on their daughter, Miss Muriel. The large barn loft was in readi ness for them and the evening was spent in games of all kinds. At 1 1 :30 the guests wore called to the house, where refreshments awaited them. Ice cream and cake were served. After some in strumental and vocal music, in which all participated, the young folks departed for their homes. It Startled the World when the astounding claims were first made for Ruckleri's Arnica Salvo, but forty years of wonder ful cures have proved thorn true, and everywhere it is now known as the best salve on earth for Hums, Iloils, Scalds, Soros, Cuts, liruises, Sprains, Swellings, Eczema, Chapped .Hands, Fever Soros and Piles. Only 25c at F. G. Frieko & Co. ! ELIYIWOOD. Leader-Folio. .J !!!!" ! Miss Dora Kauferiberger of Platlsmouth visited Marie Kunz from Friday till Sunday. Dan McNoely was able to be out again Monday. Dr. Liston favor ed him with an auto ride. Elinwood will celebrate the glorious Fourth. Prepare to come. Steps are now being taken to put on a good program. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walker of Lincoln spent Sunday at the bed side of I ho former's mother, (Irandma Weichel, who Is very poorly. Mrs. Wanohe Hargor and little daughter of Chicago came in this week for an extended visit at the home of Crandpa ami Grandma CI a pp. Fd Wright has discarded the, cane he has boon using and can now gel, around very nicely with out the use of same. We are pleased to nolo the marked Im provement. Mrs. Lawlon of Wabash was in town Monday having surgical work done at the olllee of Dr. Lis ton. Mrs. Lawton had the mis fortune to break a needle olT in her baud some time ago, and had suffered much pain as a result. The offensive piece was removed at this lime. Little Rosa Hickert, while playing Monday, fell and broke one of the bones in her right arm just below the elbow and dis located the other at the elbow joint. Drs. Neely and Monger wore summoned to reduce the fracture and the little lady is getting along as well as could be expected. Do Ghosts Haunt Swamps No, never. It's foolish to fear a fancied evil, when there are real and deadly perils to guard against in swamps and marshes, bayous and lowlands. These are the, malaria germs that cause ague, chills and fever, weakness, aches in the bones and muscles and may induce deadly typhoid. Hut Electric Hitters destroys and oasis out those vicious germs from the blood. "Three bolllos drove all the malaria from my system," wrote Win. Fretwell, of Lucama, N. C, "and I've had fine health ever since." Use this safe, sure remedy only. 50c at F, O. Frieko & Co. H44MH,,4,M-I-H"M,H,,f 4 WEEPING WATER. 4 Republican. 4 ill "nTT l l ill l l i l i t Mrs. Oonrge Sawyer of Scotts HlutT has been visiting relatives hero for a week or ten days, and goes to Ashland this week for a visit. The many friends of Prof. E. L. Rouse were pleased to meet and greet him while hero at the eighth grade graduation last Saturday, lie made a good talk to the pupils. Miss Mablo Wakoman has been oloclod to teach the fourth grade in our schools next year. She is a Wesleyan student and her home is at Olho, Iowa, , She takes the place of Miss Marquardt. Mrs. Sarah Oiborson celebrated her 88th birthday last Monday. It is a good long time to live, and she is a good old lady living it and her work is not ended. Troy L. Davis has purchased the brick store occupied by D M. Johnson,' . hardware ' dealer. This item would be new if we had published it when we first heard of the deal. Mrs. Orion lialdvvin. who has been very sick for the past few months, was taken to her parents' home near I'niversity Place last Monday, in an automobile. Her father, Mr. McKimon, came over and accompanied her. Mrs. Bald win longed for the oh) homo and insisted on making the trip, and stood the journey first rale. Paul Marquette, veteran postal clerk, and who has run between Auburn and Omaha the past sven teen years, died last week, the funeral being held Friday. Mr. Marquette died from cancer. His home was in Auburn. He was one of the best postal clerks in the service and had friends' all along the lino. Mrs. r". Ratnour-"has been very poorly the past few' week 9 and Sunday Dr. Welch called In Dr. Rainey of Lincoln to assist in an operation to give Mrs. Ratnour some relief. The patient slept, well Sunday night and has been feeling much bettor since. Mrs. F. W. Race, her daug hter, came in from Kansas City Sunday morning. I NEHAWKA. I , News. 4 MM MW"M-MM!M-! Henry Cruder has resumed operations with his sidewalk force on the crossings. William Hicks has nurehascd the Henry Lindsay house north of the jewelry store and will move into it in a few days. Miss THrdie Johnson, who has just closed a successful term of school in the Murdoch district, left for her home in Nebraska City Tuesday. Will Rogers and family oi Pereival, Iowa, have moved into the brick tenement house of Isaac Pollard and will work for Mr. Pollard on the farm. Ho takes the place of Mr. Clodveller, who has returned )o Lincoln. Otto Carroll "teased" Charley Adams into throwing him a few bonders the other day, and now Ot oil her uses his left hand alto gether in eating or else oats out of n trough the right, hand being swelled up like a poisoned pup. George Poisal and his gang of graders that have been working on the road between here and Union are finishing up this end of their contract. They have rais ed quite' a till in front of the old Sheldon place north of the bridge and when it has settled and boon worked a few times it is going to make a fine road. F. A. Mtmliek and daughter, Pearl, were passengers to Omaha Tuesday evening, whore fhoy went to consult a doctor in regard to Miss Pearl's health. Dr. P. ron del of Murray, who had diagnosed her trouble as appendicitis, went up on the early train Wednesday, and we have heard since that she was operated on Thursday morn ing. Last Friday morning the doctor was called out to the west quarry to see one of the workmen and found the fellow partly demented and suffering terribly. His condi tion was such that it was thought best to get him to a hospital and that afternoon he was brought to town ami sent to Omaha on the evening train. One of his follow workmen accompanied him. Young Mexican Goes to Omaha. From Tuesday'! pally County Commissioner . M. L. Freidrieh went to Omaha this afternoon to accompany Yernava the young Mexican who is sick at I he jail with lung fever to St. Jos eph's hospital, where he will be earou lor nv cnarity. l lie in - crease oi me population or trie jail last night by four men ac cused of robbery, so crowds the jail that it is not possible to prop erly care for a sick person. Mr. James Pollock conversed with the men this morning, but with' him the stranger was very careful not to disclose his identity. He even refused to give his name to Mr. Pollock. The patient's condition is not improved any from the lime he has been in Plattsmouth. Ills fever is high, but he has a clear head. Tiny Shetland Pony Colt. Tho Thurinan Times reports what is probably the smallest liv ing specimen of the equine family in this part of the country, can be soon at the Chambersville Slock Farm near liartlott, Iowa, in the shape of a tiny Shetland pony colt, which at its birth a few days ago weighed but 8 pounds. Al thought the little animal is not much in sire, Mr. I.. Chambers, proprietor of the farm, reports that it is as lively as any colt on the place, and bids fair to thrive as well as thft best of them. Have Your Tickets MJF Via DENVER trance, on your way. TOO K7C1 Via DflDTI ADh J Going to Seattle direct through Billings, iarUnlLanU f andBillings, Shasta Route through Calif and CCATTI C (stone Park. Pardiner entrance on the way. Returning B,,H OCA I ILC J through Salt Lake, Srenic Colorado and Denver. $50.00 7 ) This is the general excursion rate basis to California, - Portland and Seattle, on certain dates in Jane and July. ) $15.00 higher via Shasta Route. This is the general excursion rate basis to California, ' certain dates in May, and daily June to September. .Also . ) to Portland. Seattle, on certain datpn in Mnv. and Hailv S60.00 June to September. $15.00 higher via Shasta Route. PROPORTIONAL RATES FROM YOUR HOME! The Burlington folder map will help Your nearest agent can ticket you "Burlington." R. W. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent. . L. W. WAKELY, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Ne i:iiiiiiijjnn DEATH OF JUDGE STEPHEN B. POUND AT LINCOLN A Pioneer Jurist Well Known to the Early Settlers of Cass County. From Monday's Pally. Announcement of the death of Judge Stephen H. Stroud came as a shock to the residents of Lin coln yesterday. Judge Pound was one of the oldest residents of the city and a man who had been in public life since his location in Lincoln in 1808. He had reached the age of 78 years, but was still active in profosisonal life. He had been at his office the day before, lie was taken ill with heart trouble and died at 1:30 Sunday morning. Angina pectoris was the cause of death. While Judge Pound had not been in good health for more than two weeks bis condition was not regarded as serious. He had been going to the office, taking care of busi ness affairs and meeting hl9 friends as usual. Many of his close friends had no intimation even that ho was ailing. Judge Pound loaves a wife, a son. Dr. Roseoe Pound of Harvard law college, and two daughters, Misses Louise and Olivia. In 1809 Judge Pound was elect ed judge of the probate court of Lancaster county, and soon after was eletced district judge. In the fall of 1875 he was again elected district judge of the Second judicial district, composed of the counties of Lancaster, Cass, Otoe and Nemaha, filling the office for three successive terms. He re tired from the district bench after the third term and again engaged in the practice of law. The old-timers in Cass county remember Judge Pound, and all revere his memory with that kindness which he truly deserves. Ho became quite a familiar figure in Platlsmouth, and everyone who was familiar with his many kind acts have nothing but, praise for the many noble deeds he perform ed in the early days of this city. Peace to his ashes. The funeral will occur from the residence in Lincoln tomorrow (Tuesday) at o'clock p. m. Has Narrow Escape. Robert Trook, one of our popu lar young men, had a very narrow escape Monday afternoon from being ground up in a corn shol ler, and he considers that luck was on his side for that one time at least. He was engaged in shel- ;i;n in I ho south part of town, and had got upon the shel ler to oil some of the pai ls of the machine when his jacket became caught in the cogs, and only The quick action of his assistants saved Hob from meeting a hor rible death. When tho engine at tached to the sheller was stop ped, ho was caught in such a manner that it was almost! impos sible for him to get loose, and had the sheller run half a minute longer he would have been drag god into the machine. Ho escaped with a badly bruised back, which is very painful, but ho says that he does not mind that when he stops to consider the close call he had. Union Ledger, Foley Kidney Pills take hold of your system and help you to rid yourself of your dragging back ache, dull headache, nervousness, impaired eyesight, and of all tho ills resulting from the impaired action of your kidneys and blad der. Remember it is Foley Kid neys Pills that do this. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Bera lor & vaj tomma. Read "BURLINGTON" Go via Sc nic Colorado, Sslt Lake: return Shasta Route via Portland, Seattle. Yellowstone Park, Gai diner er- or via Denver California. Yellow- you plan your tour, or let us help you. Accident at Murphy's Quarry. Lafe Pettit met with a mis fortune last Friday while at work at Murphy's quarry which will lay him up for some time. He was employed feeding the crusher when the stone became clogged in the chute and in prying it loose got caught under the stone and his right leg was broken in two places. He was brought to town and a physician reduced the frac ture and placed the injured limb in a plaster paris cast. Louis ville Courier. FUNERAL OF IS MAO- A Large Number of Relatives ancf Friends Attend the Last Sad Rites. From Monday's Daily. The funeral of Mrs. Magdalena Starkjohn occurred at the German St. Paul's church at 2 o'clock yes terday afternoon. One of the largest processions which has been seen in Platlsmouth for many years turned out to follow the hoarse to tho cemetery. The church was crowded to its utmost and many stood on the lawn without, having come to pay a tribute of respect to one of Cass county's iniost highly respected women. Tho service was conducted by Rev. Steger, pastor of St. Paul's church, who spoke of the long and useful life of tho deceased and her many beautiful traits of character. Tho music consisted of hymns which were favorites of the deceased and were sung by the choir. The floral tributes were beautiful and profuse, silonf tokens of the purity of the life of tho deceased and the high regard in which she was hold by the donors. Interment was made In Oak Hill cemetery. Tho pallbearers were: Jacob Trilsch, M. L. Freiderich, Conrad Meisinger, William Weber, Leon ard Horn and John Rauer, sr. Mrs. Charles Winn and 1 it I Its daughter, Myrtle, arrived from thoir home at Council RlufTs this afternoon to be a guest of Mrs. Winn's mother, Mrs. Ferree, for a time. DR. Herman Grecdor, Graduate Veterinary Surgeon (Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska Staid Board Calls Answered Promptly Telephone 878 White, Plattsmouth Do you want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, get one who hat Experience, Ability, Judgement Telegraph or write . ROBERT YIKIIISOII, Dunbar, Neb. Dates made at this office or the Murray State Bank. Co4 StTffk in Reisobli tarts