The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 15, 1911, Image 2

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Tta Difference Between
in tiie m,
(the One Only a Provisional Gift,
i the Other an Inherent
I. . Quality.
- iS
Lynchburg, Vlr-
glula.May 11-Pas-
tor Russell, of
Brooklyn Taberna
cle, N. Y., preached
twice bere toduy to
attentive audi
ences. We report
one of the dis
counts, which was
f i7hft$WtiiTCn preached from the
words or tuo Apos
tle. "Cbrht brought life and Immor
tality to light through (he tioapel."
The speaker said:
All around us we boo what the Scrip
tures dcslgnato a reign of sin and
death. The various forum of life lu
tature the trass, the flowers, the low
er animals and man exist for a brief
summer time of life, then wither and
flle. This does uol strike us us
trance, except In conjunction with
bumunlty, and that becnuso of man's
greater Intelligence his appreciation
f the value of life, his growth In
knowledge and his nblllty to uso life's
Opportunities with bis increased wis
The disposition to Khun death Is
not peculiar to man; It Is the law
ot oat inc. '1 ho mnnllost creature, by
Instinct. Ilees from death. The law of
elf preservation Is properly Raid to bo
the tlrst law of nature. The lower ani
mals, like man, have sensation, an at
t.reclatlon of pain; but nil these things
are much moro pronounced lu Immuni
ty t tin a In tho lower nnliuals; and the
lower the form of life tho more alight
are these sensations. We aro not de
fending vivisection, but we quite agree
with scientists that the pain, tho suf
fering of the lower animals, Is as noth
ing lu comparison with that of hu
manity. We even note the fact that
the more re lined a human being, the
more intense his Buffering. Corre
spondingly, refinement and intelligence
bring fear of death and desire for
life everlasting.
All inunklnd seem, instinctively, to
Lope for a futuro life, even though with
the majority the hopo Is accompanied
with dread respecting its conditions
However, ouly the lilble reveals a ra
tlonul basis for faith respecting a fu
ture life a survival of the general
death conditions everywhere prevalent.
The hen then hope for a futuro life, but
none of them furnish a logical basis
for such expectations. Only In the
P.lblo can this be found.
The heathen hope Is represented by
their great philosophers. Socrates and
Plato. Their hope Is. In brief, that. In
tlew of man's great superiority over the
beast, it must bo he will have a future
even though to all appearances death
means the same to the human as to the
brute. Tho Rlble explains that man was
Indeed created In Ills Maker's Image ti ml
likeness and granted tho privilege of
eternal life on condition of obedience,
but that he disobeyed and therefore
teeame subject to death; and that
death, the penalty, effects him exactly
as It docs the brute creation. P.ut the
iMblo does not leavo the subject here.
It tells of (iod's pity and love, and of
Ills provision to rescue mankind from
In and from death.
God Meatt Man's Emergency.
Blnce the 1)1 vino sentence Is that
only the perfect may live, Adam and
bis race, as Imperfect sinners, could
not have eternal life after a violation
tf the Divine Law; but to meet this
emergency, IHvtno Love provided a
Redeemer, who died, "the Just for the
tinjust"; "As by nian eamo death, by
Man also comes the resurrection of
the dead; for as all lu Adam die. even
o all In Christ ahull bo mado alive;
very man In his own order" (1 Corln
"thlans i, 'il'SM.
Thus God has manifested Ills char
acter In a way and to a degree which
could never have been known to an
gels or to men hud He not permitted
In to enter the world. Ills Justice
baa been manifested In the Infliction
f the death penalty upou our race for
li thousand years. Dlvtue I-ove has
been maulfested In the arrangement
made by which the Ouly Begotten Son
of Uod. on the heavenly plane, counted
It Joy to leave Ills glory and honor
and be made flesh and die for our sins
Before the Divine Plan shall be fully
consummated, liod's Wisdom and
Power will also atand fully revealed
through Ilia dealing with sin and singers.
Through the merit of Christ's death.
Adam's transgression will bo fully off
et, and the penalty of Adam's sin
will be fully paid to Justice; and Adam
blmself and all of his posterity, who
bare shared his penalty, will be set
free from the sighing and crying, the
tialn and trouble, mental, moral and
physical, lu Mental to (he execution of
the death sentence against sinners.
Thus, through the death of Jesus, Dl
vine provision has been made for
future eternal life for niaukltnl-for
o many as will appreciate the prlv
liege and conform themselves to the
Divine laws and avail themselves of
the privileges which will be granted.
Ths World's Salvation Walts.
now natural It Is for us to be Ira
measuring our knowledge and experi
ence, leave us little appreciation of the
span of Eternity, from the Divine
standpoint We are inclined to say.
If God designs to do uuythlng for
man's aid, why does he not do It Im
mediately? We cry out. O Lord, haste!
baste! I'.ehold Adam's children, men
tally, morally, physlcully. lu a deplora
ble condition, unable to help them
selves, dependent upon Thy mercy.
Thy salvation! Like sheep we are
laid In the grave; like tbe brute beast
we seem to perish; we have only a
promise of a salvation from death
through the Retlocmer, and a resur
rection from the condition of death.
Put Cod will not be hastened, lie
bag wlsfl us well as gracious pur
pose. HO tins a acunue ume ror every
feature of Ills great work, Ilo has al
lowed four thousand years to pnsa be
fore He even sent His Son to begin
the work of redeeming mankind, by
tho payment of a ransom-price. He
has allowed nearly two thousand years
since to elapse without recovering
mankind from sin and denth condi
tions. It Is for faith to trust; and yet
It is but natural that we should In
quire, why this delay? For what docs
God wait so long? Tbe reply Is twofold
(1) Cod leaves time for the blrtb of
a sulllclent number of Adam's children
to people or OH tho earth, purposing
ly possessed by the Heavenly Father
alone. We read. "The Father alone
bath Immortality, dwelling In the
light which no man can approach.
Whom no man hatb seen nor can see."
The Only Begotten of the Father, the
l.tnj. when mode flesh, revealed tbe
Father to mankind (John 1, 1S. The
faithfulness of the Logos as the' Man
Christ Jesus was rewarded by the Fa
ther wlih glory, honor and Immortal-Ity-the
divine nature.
And this great privilege has been
given to an elect "little flock," the
Bride class, to become associated with
Jesus In the Bufferings of this present
time and In the glory to follow. The
Invitation to Church f""
the example Of JSsus their Redeemer,
to walk In Ills steps, to sacrifice earth
ly Interests and with Him become par
takers of the divine nature glory, hon
or and immortality (II Peter 1. 4). Our
Lord Jesus corroborates the same
thought, saying. "As the Father hath
Inherent life (Immortality in tbe high
est senso of the word deathlessness),
so hath He given unto the Son that
no should have Inherent life." and
that He might give it unto whomso
ever He would the Bride class, the
overcomers. "more than conquerors."
Everlasting Lift For Humanity.
As we have seen, the Almighty alone,
possessed Inherent Immortality until
He gave it as a reward to Ills glorious
that the powers of procreation and the, g(JIli ,.Tll0 rgiinlng of the creation
pattest! The few years of our Uvea,
begetting of children shall not continue
In the future as In the present. lie
declines to us that those who attain
to that world to como "will neither
marry nor be given In marriage," but
In this respect will "bo like unto the
angels," who have no children, who
do not propagate their kind
(2i Incidentally, In connection with
man's fall ami recovery. God purposes
a ino't wonderful manifestation of ills
Wisdom, Love and Tower In the bring
ing Into existence of a new raco of
ngs. riot only higher than human
nature, but higiier also man iingonc
natures. God purposes a New Cren
lion whose members will be limited
In number and all lie made partakers
of the dhlne nature "far above an
eels, nrlnclnalllics and powers." This
New Creation, tho most wonderful ex
empllfliatlon of Divine power ever
manifested or ever to bo manifested,
he has arranged shall be developed
during this. Gospel Ago and In con
Junction with the reign of sin and
death. It Is to bo developed rrom
amongst Blnners, and Is. In rank and
time of development, to take prece
dence over tho salvation of humanity
from sin. sl kness. Borrow and denth,
to nerfeetlnn and I'nradlse restored.
world wide.
Ths New Craation Divino,
We have already mentioned tho glo
rlous exaltation purposed of God for
the New Creation. St Peter tells us
that these will attain tho divino ua
ture; and this attainment will bo
through, or by menus of. the power of
God working In the heart as the result
of faith lu "the exceeding great and
imxloiis nroiiilses" (II Peter I. 4)
These will not be coerced Into obedl
puce theirs will be voluntary siilunls
hlon to the Divine will. The test upon
them will be loyally and faithfulness
to God to the very limit to tho ex
treme of self-denial, and voluntary
humiliation In the service of right
eousness, following In the footsteps of
Indeed. Jesus Is the first and the
Head of this New Creation. None
could attain It except by and through
Ills aid. He is the Captain of their
salvation, lie Is their Forerunner In
this great "race" to which, with lllin.
they have been Invited of God-the re
ward of which, to the faithful "over
comers." will ho "glory, honor and Im
mortality." Seeking For Immortality.
Tho Apostle writes concerning tho
Church, the elect "little flock" of colled.
choseu and faithful ones. He tells us
that by perseverance In well dolus we
are to attain glory, honor and iminor
mlltv: ami that this reward, to the
faithful, will come In tho Urst Kesur
reel Inn. when mortality shall bo clothed
upon with Immortality; when the new
body, glorious and of the divine nature,
will bo grauted to each of tho faithful.
as instead or tuo uesmy nnu imoir
feet bodies of the present trial time,
In other words, our trial Is not to dem
onstrate the perfection or Imperfection
of our flesh, for this Is already known
to God and to us. and to all. "lu my
flesh dwelloth no perfection." The
trial Is to demonstrate tho loyalty of
tho will and of the heart It Is faith
fulness In conquering the will of the
flesh and bringing Into subjection to
the will of God all the powers of the
natural body, so far as possible. It Is
the test of its loyalty to principle, to
righteousness, to God.
St Paul, as oue of these loyal ones,
declared before his death. "I have
fought a good light, 1 have Mulshed my
course, 1 havo kept tbe faith; hence
forth there Is laid up for me a crown
of righteousness, which the Lord, the
righteous Judge, will give me at that
dav. and not to me only, but to all
those also who love His appearing."
This Includes all who are hungering
and thirsting and striving for that
righteousness which Messiah's King
dotu Is to bring to the Church through
the First Itesurrectlon. Righteousness
will eventually he brought to the world
through the establishment of the Mes
slanlc Kingdom, which will put down
all things contrary to tho Divine will,
and uplift every person and principle
loyal to God.
The Immortality for which the Apos
tie declares tbe Church is to seek Is of
a different kind entirely from that
which the world mty expect It Is a
different kind even from that which
the angels possess. It Is the I minor
tality which Is a feature or qunllty of
the divine nature. This Immortality,
tbe Scriptures assure ns. was original-
of God." P.y and by. lit the First Ites
urrectlon, when the elect "overcomers"
shall enter upon this so mo piano of
Immortality, the opportunity to become
of this nature will he closed, so far as
the Scriptures declare.
The Immortality enjoyed by the an
gels, otherwise spoken of In t lie Scrip
tures as everlasting life, is not Inher
ent Immortality, but an eternal main
tenance In life by the Creator, subject
to the condition of obedience and right
In this same senso of the word Adam
was immortal, but his immortality was
dependent upon his obedience. When
he disobeyed, Divine- provision for his
sustenance was wlthdrnwu. He was
expelled from-Eden that tho sentence
of death might take effect, "dying thou
shalt die." Similarly. Satan and otb
ers of the angels, because of disobedi
ence, w 111 be destroyed, hence their Im
mortality was conditional, ns was that
of humanity.
The redemption to bo accomplished
by the Redeemer during Ills reign ns
Messiah is to reinstate all tbe willing
and obedient In hutnnn perfection and
Divine fuvor. as these were enjoyed
by Adam before his transgression. All
tho wilfully wicked, all not desirous of
returning to fellowship with God
through the Redeemer, will be destroy
ed In the Second Death. The test will
bo so thorough, so crucial, that God
declares that there shall bo no more
crying, uo more dying; which Implies
that there will he no more sin thnt
the lessons connected with human and
angelic transgression will be so thor
oughly learned that tbnso found worthy
of eternal lire will have their charac
ters eternally fixed In respect to right
eousness nnd sin, as God's character
Is fixed and unchangonble.
Last Sad Tribute to Thlj Noble
Lady Will Occur Tomorrow
Afternoon at 2 O'clock.
Margaret Johanna O Rourk was
born February 1802, and died
May l, 1JM, t,ged i years, 3
months and :0 days.
Mrs. Margaret-Walling was a
nutie of i'altimore, Maryland,
and removed with her parents to
Michigan when quite small. After
residing lb -re for a lime her
father, Mr. Maurice O'Rourk, re
moved with his family to filen
wood, low;1., where they resided
for some cers, and in 187'J re
moved to Pi utsmouth, when Mrs.
Walling was a young lady of 17.
She was popular with her as
sociates, viming Ihe love and re
spect of nil with whom she be
came a ' piiiiiiled. As deputy
register if deeds under Mr. G. C
1 armcle, .in. made the acquaint
ance ot n aiiv persons throughout
the eountv, her duties in that
office licnur performed with tin
utmost Ode'ile. the records never
being more accurately kept, than
when nniY' liei charge
Mrs Walling had always taken
a lively inlerct in every enter
i rise c.ilnii.ilcd to belter social
conditions in 'his city. The pub
lie libraiv is a special object of
her car.', m d (-'he was one of tin
ladies to assist in organizing the
Young' Head Room as
sociation, and was treasurer o
this association to the time o
Per death.
She was . manred to I nomas
Walling September 24, 18, am
has been a resident of Plalts
mouth for thirty-one years. Mrs.
Walling is survived by her hus
band and four children, namely:
Robert. Maurice, Thomas John,
(leorge Leonard and Mary Mar
garet,. Also one sister, Mrs. Kate
Melhigh, residing at Falls Cily,
Nebraska, and two brothers, J. J.
O'Rourk of (lulherie, Oklahoma,
who arrived today, and Daniel
O'Rourk of Louisiana.
I'lmiJiiutmi...! mi , 11 : ..twini.1 :l.i,:iTX',:rl;-l,T
, a a m
You can get any style or size you wai t in MEN'S
Long Sleeves ankle length
three quarter length
" knee length
Regulars, stouts and slims, from boys size to 3 00 pound
men. The most satisfactory underwear made. What's the
use of monkeying with any other kind. Buy Munsing and
be satisfied. Prices $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.50.
"Remember that Mr. King, gen
erally known by the name of
"flood Roads" King, will lecture at
the Parmele theater in Plaits-
mouth on Saturday, May 20. F.very
farmer in Cass county should hear
this lerlure.
Life and Immortality.
The Scriptures, us we Imvo already
Intlninteil. use t he word immortuUly In
more restricted sense tlinu Is com
moti In our general hsiiko. mey up
ply the word to the Puttier and to the
Son. nnd to the It rule, tho Lnnibs
Wife. Tho blessing of everlasting life
provided for ungels mid for men found
obedient to tho Divine will Is Scrip
turnlly called, not immurtalHy, but
everlasting II fo.
Thus the Scriptures explain the two
fold work of Christ: (1) The work for
the world, In providing for nil the will
ing and obedient of mankind, ever-
Instlng life; ('Ji the work for the
Church. In making possible for tho will
ing nud obedient of the liriilo class,
glory, honor nud Immortnllty, the di
vine nature. The Scriptural expres
sion Is that "Christ brought llfo nnd
Immortality to light through tho Gos
pel" ill Timothy I, 10). Everlasting
life was Intimated in the remote past,
but uot speclllcally stated. Tho dec
laration that "the Seed of the woman"
should "brulso tho Serpent's head" Im
plied a recovery from sin and death,
a victory over the Adversary, a release
of mankind from the death penalty.
Hut It was not spcvlflc. Tho promise
of Cod to Abraham, that In his Seed
all the families of the enrth should be
blessed, contained an Intimation of a
Divine provision for the restoration of
humanity from death and the present
fallen condition, a restitution to eter
nal life conditions. Hut there was
nothing specific In It The Trophets
also gave Intimations of coining bless
ings through a great Metwlah, but fail
ed to say that eternal life wonld be
tbe graud result
Th Glory to Come.
Not until the Savior appeared and
made Ills consecration onto death, oo
behalf of the raco. was It proper for
even II Im to give such assurances.
But after Ills eonseeratlon, during the
three ami a half years of Ills mlnia
try. He declared Ills mission to be tht
seeking and recovery of that which
was lost, and the giving to III foot
step follower of a share with nirnself.
not ouly In the sufferings of Ibis pres
ent time, but In the glory to come.
Now Is the time In which, by holiness,
faithfulness, loyalty to (lod and to the
Truth, and the laying down of life for
the brethren, we may make our "call
ing and election sure" to the highest
Imaginable reward glory, honor and
Immortality, the divine nature.
"Ol for that glorious dawning wt watch
and watt ami pray,
Till o'r th hflKlit the morning light shall
drlv tht gloom away;
And when tha hvavenly glorf ahr) flood
th earth and sky,
Wa ll blrna tha Lord for all his works nd
pral him br and by."
He Is a Young Man and Unable to
Speak or Understand the
English Language.
From Saturday's Daily.
Chief of Poliee Rainey last
evening came upon a youtiK man
about Hi or 17 years old lyinjr in
the M. P. railway yards, apparent
ly very sick and unable to speak
Kntilish. It is supposed the young
fellow is a Mexican, lie gave his
name as Philip (leusan.
The city physician, Dr. Martin,
was summoned, and from his
symptoms, which the ollleer fear
ed was smallpox, diagnosed the
ease as that of lung fever. The
youth was given a bed at the bum
shanty last night, but this morn
ing Ihe matter was laid before
County Conunisisoner l-'redrich,
and the young man was taken to
the jail, where he will be com
fortable nnd where his medicine
. a . lit.
ran lie given nun reguiany ny
those already on the ground.
An interpreter is being sought
who can speak to the stranger
nnd give him directions for taking
his medicine, but such a person
seems dillleult to find, and under
Ihe circumstances the boy rannot
receive (he treatment his case
would seem to demand.
And He Has a Finger Seriously
Injured in Con
sequence. From Saturcliiy'a Dally.
Yesterday while Mr. Z. S. Vos-
burg was fishing near the big
bridge, and after he had succeed
ed in landing 2 nice ones, he met,
with an accident which required
Ihe services of a surgeon to re
lieve liiin. The accident occurred
while Mr. Vosberg was baiting his
hook for anollicr trial at angling,
when in some way be allowed the
hook lo slip and the sharp point '
imbeded the hook in the second!
finger of his right hand in such a
manner that Mr. Voslnirg could
not. remove it.
lie got out his knife and al first
thought he would cut it out him
self, bill the more he examined
Ihe manner in which the brad on
the hook was clinging to the quick
of the linger nail, the more he
was convinced that his pocket
knife, was not the proper instru
ment to perform the operation.
He accordingly cut the line which
attached the hook to the pole and
came lo town and called on a
doctor, who removed the hook in
a few moments.
Mr. Vosburg slated that Ihe
doctor laughed when he saw the
predicament Mr. Vosburg was in,
and, in fact, he had to laugh him
self when he thought of a man of
his age doing a trick like that.
The injury was dressed, but the
finger will be out of commission
for a few days.
Has Narrow Escape.
Two prominent, ladies of the
city were walking on Third street
last evening when one of them
caught her foot under an unused
guy rod left protruding from the
ground "and came near getting a
hard fall. Had she fallen it ts
very probable that the city would
have been in for a heavy damage
suit. Thn old guy rods are a
menace lo life and limb, and ther
parties responsible for leaving
them should be notified to remove
District Convention.
J. P. Perry of Plattsmouth and
Rev. A. K. Wachtet of Mynard
were in town Monday afternoon
making arrangements for tho dis
trict Sunday school convention,
which is to be held in this village
June 2. We are indeed glad to
know thnt these gentlemen have
selected Union for the conven
lion, and assure lliem thai we
have every convenience for bold
ing such conventions. Union
Judge Travis at Papllllon.
District Judge Travis of Plaits-
mouth held his first session of
court here Tuesday and Wednes
day of Ibis week and made a very
favorable impression. He is an
affable gentleman, well versed in
law, and promises to be popular
with the members of the bar. He
will give considerable attention to
the work here nnd his visits lo
Papilion will be quite frequent
He will be here again May 31.
Papillion Times.
Good Hoads In Missouri.
The people of north Missouri
are evidenliy alive 10 me goon
roads proposition, and so is
southern Iowa. Redding, Iowa,
which is located ten miles north
of Ctiant City, Missouri, our
former home, hail a big good
roads meeting- the other day,
which was attended by hundreds
of farmers and business men, and
the firant City Times, in speak
ing of Ihe gathering, says:
"Shortlv nfler the noon hour
the farmers commenced to nr
rive in great numbers with road
drags. If D. Ward King could
have been present and witnessed
the f2 drags of his invention
hitched nround Ihe square, he
would have been sure that his in
vent ion wan not in vain. The
roads leading to Redding in every
direction had been dragged so
that they were like boulevards."
D. Ward King is Ihe gentleman
who is to address the fanners
and business men in Plaltsmouth
next Saturday on the good roads
question, and everyone who is in
teresled in good roads (and who
is not?) should come out and
hear the most practical man in
road building in Ihe I'nili
Thrown From Vehicle, Leg Broken
and Two Children of Max
Herman Injured.
from Saturday's Dally.
Last evening a Jew named
Stein, who has been slopping with
Max Herman, and is engaged in
gathering junk and also buy tug
poultry through the country, was
returning from the Missouri Pa
cific station, where he had just
unloaded a crate of poultry for
shipment to Omaha when the
team which he was driving became
frightened at a shriek from a
locomotive and became unman
ageable, running away and
throwing Stein and two of the
Herman children from the wagon.
Morris and Ruth Herman were
the children, both of whom re
ceived severe bruises. Steiii re
ceived a broken leg and other
bruises. The three were taken in
a hack to Dr. Livingston's oilier.
where, the broken ankle was set
and the injured man was taken to
Max Herman's for the night. He
will lie taken to tbe hospital to
recover from his injuries.
Men's shirts made to measure
Write for samples of material am'
prices. Practical Shirt Makers
Station B, Lincoln, Neb.
Card of Thanks.
The undersigned wish lo ex
press their sincere appreciation
and thanks to the friends who so
kindly rendered aid ami sym
pathy during our recent great
sorrow, and especially do we
thank Joseph Jelinek and the
choir of singers, and St. James'
lodge for their kindness.
Mrs. Frank Slavicek.
Mrs. Frances Pecnofsky.
Joseph Janda.
Hubert Janda. '
Frank Janda.
Shouldn't Have Been Started.
The Plattsmouth News has
blinked out. The Pribble Hros.
concluded that it was n losing
game. There is only one con
clusion we can draw from the
obituary, and that is, that while
the corpse was active, it made a
very good showing, but since it
is inactive, the survival of Ihe
flitest leads one to turn to the
Journal now, as in the past, for
the news. The Daily News
should not have been resurrect
ed. Weeping Water Republican.
Mrs. P. K. Ruffner returned
from Omaha last evening, where
she has been visiting her sons for
a time.