TRADE REVIEW I FOR THE WEEK1 Brighter Oeiloek for Wh:a! Crop n ii 'r I! "2.CES o2I fsr r6SIIf!. VOLUME OF TRADE STILL SLOW Fundamental Condition. Are Favor, able, but Enterprises Await he moval of Uncertainties and Mjrj Faith In the Future. Knw Ymw Mm, fi Dun's Review of Trade sajs; The brighter outlook for the wheat crop In responsible for a better feeling In business, but the vol ume of trade, while necessarily large, is nevertheless slow, halting and with out enthusiasm. Taken in the aggre gate, especially In Iron and steel and dry goods, consumption la below pro ducing capacity and concession. In prices fall to produce activity. Fundamental conditions are favor able, but enterprise continues to wait for the removal of uncertainties and for that leadership which Is born of faith in the future. The export trade Is more vigorous than the domestic, bocause manufacturers, no longer find ing the home market sufficient, are necking outlets abroad. General dull ness prevails In the pig Iron mnrket and advices from Pittsburg Indicate dow business in finished lines and on vmaller scale. Railroad buying continues spasmodic and ono mill has closed down for May, but In the structural division condi tions are more satisfactory. (Curtailment Is the order in cotton goods, while woolens are affected by tariff agitation. The shoe trade is fair, but not up to high wator mark. The mall order houses complain of re duced orders. The retail trade does not hold the Improvement resulting from belter weather. KARL M. BICKEL ACQUITTED Student Found Not Guilty of Causing Death of Miss Frances Peters. Olalhe, Kan., May 6. Upon the or der of Judge J. 0. Rankin, a jury In the district court here found Karl M. linki'l, a young divinity student of Kansas City, not guilty of killing bis sweetheart, Miss Frances Peters. . The defense Introduced' no testi mony. All the important witnesses for the state were absent when the case mas called. Pacific Mail Must Stand Trial. Ban Francisco, May 6. The action against the Pacific Mall company for $200,000 damages for alleged violation of the law forbidding the Importation of laborers under contract will go to trial at once. Judge Dehavon In the United States circuit court overruled the company's demurrer to the action and the opposing attorneys agreed to submit their arguments to the court upon a statement of facts, to be pre pared jointly. Suit Over Hope Diamond. Washington, May 6. Holding that the affidavits of Edward It. McLean nd his wife, In defense of the suit of Oartler, the New York Jeweler, to re over $180,000, the purchase price of the celebrated Hope diamond, are Kiifnclent In law, Justice Ilnrnard de clined to grant the motion of the plaintiff for summary judgment. He declared the McLeans entitled to have a Jury pass on the matter. Hetty's Tenants Now Paying Rent. St. Iritis, May 6. Hetty Green's tenants In the four story building here, who lor six months have been overlooked by the rent man, will be called upon to pay the $1,200 which lias accumulated in that period. Mis. Green's agent In this case Is hur bon, who arrived from Terrell, Tex. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Closing Quotations on the CMosgo Board of Trade. Chicago, May 5.- Closing prices: Wheat-May, 97.jc; July, H8,tj V Corn May, Mc; July, 52c. (tuts May, SITilfSaV: July. ?o. Pork May, $15.70; July. $11 85. Urd May, $712,1; July, $S.02'i Ribs-May, $7.i2; July, $7 85. Chicago Cash Prices No 2 hard wheat, 980'9"V: No. 2 corn, 55(9 6f'jc; No. 2 oats, 32'.c. , Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, May 5 Cattle Receipts, 1,600; strong; beeves, $v0(l(fjp$ 40; western steers. $4.80$ 5.0.0; Blockers and feeders, $I.00(J'5.40; cows mil heifers, $2.40f5 60. lions-Receipts, 18,000; weak; light, $3.B5rd,.05: mix ed, $3.t;aftfi.O0; heavy, $3.50fl5l"i; rough. $r.r,0(ff 5.r,r. ; pigs. $5Ji0-i; bulk, $5 805.93. Sheep Receipts, 5. 000; shade higher; natives, IJOOfJ 4.65; westerns, $125 Jf 4 C5; yeat lings, $4.40(05.40; lambs, $ 1.250; 6.35. South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha. May 5 Cattle Ro celpts, 542; steady; beef steers. $3 23 j5.90; cows and heifers, f 3.25 tj ft 13 ; tiults, $1.25115.10: calves. $4 7508 23. Hogs Receipts, 7.500: 6r lower; long strings ranged from B.66tT5.tif, toort butchers around $5 00; bust bacon aiilinuls made a $5 75 lop: rnush henvy sold at fVRO. Bfcvtp- Re ceipts, 1,559; strong; wethers. $$78fl 4 15; ewes, $J.40fH.OO; laicas, U5ff 6 20; yearlings, $.1 8.1 iff f 38. WOMEN CITY CHIEFS ANGRY HunneweU Officii Aik Aid of Gov I ernor to Ous.t Councilmen. Topeka, May ti. Governor Stubbs and the attorney general may take a j hand in the affairs or ll'innewell, the only city In Kansas that has a woman rrir'S c ! slial, have appea 1 tr the gi.veiaor to Ip" 1 ,h t th dry couu ; because they are not acting properly, and alHo ask for help in suppressing the liquor traffic In the town. Mrs. Kl'a Wilson, the mayor, did not join lit the request. Mrs. Wilson f!1 1 Ifd a meeting of the council in a vacant store room. The mayor, the city clerk and the marshal attended. While the three officials were waiting , for the rest of the council, a note ar I rived from the five councilmen asking for the city's hookb. The five men wero holding a meeting in a hotel. The council allowed various city bills and transacted other business. The women would like to know if this proceeding Is legal and if those councllmen should not be ousted for Improper action In office. Also It Is claimed those Ave men did not show proper respect to the mayor. The letter also complains that the railroad agent, who Is a member of the council, did not give information to the city mirshal about shipments of liquor to Ifunneweil, and It Is com plained that liquor arrives every day and the marshal Is handicapped In en forcing the law on account of this. The women ask for help and advice from the governor and attorney gen eral. MOTHER SEEKS -DEATHF THREE Tries to Take Life ol Herself and Her Two Children. Omnha, May 6. Unhappy because her husband had gone out to visit a friend while she remained at home ill led Mrs. Kdrer, wife of Wolfgnng Edror, a brewery employee, to seek death for herself and two children. Mrs. Kdrer was found unconscious In her bedroom. Reside her on the bed were the two children, Frances, seven years old, and George, a babe of fourteen months. The house was filled with gns. Issuing from a battery of open burners In the kltctien range. At tempt to kill herself with a revolver had failed because of a defect In the weapon. The mother and both children may recover. GENNARO FACES ACCUSER Alleged Assassin of Cuoccolo Con fronts Abbatemaggio In Court. Vlterbo, Italy, May 6. Marlaro de Qennaro, who, it Is alleged, was tho first to attack Oennaro Cuoccolo, stab bing him with a dagger, was given tho chance to confront his accuser, Abbatemaggio. As the accuser and accused stood before the Judges' bench, Abbatemag gio recited what he affirmed was the part played by De Oennaro In the tragedy at Torre del Greco, on the evening of June 5, I9t)6. He said, In substance: "Do Gennnro was armed with a dag ger and also carried In a pocket a kitchen knife. This knife was later placed In the right hand of the dead man to give the Impression to those who might, discover the body that Cuoccolo had been slain in a duel. When the assassins, accompanied by the lllisiisnectlnir Cnni'inln renrherl the spot selected for the murder, De I Gennaro suddenly drew his dagger and stubbed the victim. Cuoccolo at tempted to defend himself with a pocketkulfe and wounded Corrndo Sor tino on the hand, but ho was soon overpowered. Nlcolo Morra also stabbed him and Antonio Ccrrato struck him over tin? bend with his cine. When Cuoccolo ceased to breath Do Gennnro placed the kitchen knife in his hand, while others took a ring from his finger and from a pocket a latch key to his apartments. De Oennaro (hen went to the Inn of Mlml a Mare to report the success of their mission to Enrico Alfano, while others proceeded to the Cuoccolo home and murdered Marie Cuoccolo. De Oennaro denied every Incident of thelory related and emphatically pro tested his Innocence of the crime. Lending of Money for War Decried. Baltimore, May 6. The committee on resolutions of the third National Peace congress passed a resolution embodying the suggestion of a "finan cial neutrality" as a preventive of war between nations, made by James Speyer. the New York banker, and urging the adoption of an International agreement between all tho leading na tions of the world to condemn tho practice of lending money for warfare. Scott's Bluff Becomes a City. Scott's Bluff. Neb.. May 6. The vll lage of Scott's Bluff ceased to exist and the city of Scott's Bluff became a fact, with Mayor V. Alexander at the helm and eight aldermeu. The first tug of war was over the appointment of city attorney, C. C. McElroy being confirmed. Mmt Suppress Lawlessness. Washington. May 6 On receipt of me news or the rioting In Cordova, Secretary Fisher of the Interior do- pamneni telegraphed to Governor Llark of Aliiska, who Is now in Chap- mi, utnn., directing prompt suppres sion Ot Uwl.'BMll'SS. PRESIDENT DIAZ MAY RESIGN SOON Announcemenr Within ShorlTIme Regarded as Certainty. "SLIGHT ILLNESS" IS SUDDEN. Report That Inturrectos Are Ready to Assault Monterey and Saltillo. Many Foreigners Are Leaving Coun try by Way of Vera Cruz. Mexico City, May 6. The resigna tion of porfirio Diaz as president or Mexico within a short time Is regard ed here as a certainty. Should the an nouncement he made today it would cause no surprise. There appears little doubt that President Diaz, recog nizing the seriousness of the situa tion and responding to the popular de mand, will retire when order is re stored. Statements were Issued by the foreign office saying the reception to the Chilean minister today and the banquet to him had been postponed. The reason for this was given as "the slight illness of the president." Since the statement was Issued Gen eral Diaz Is known to have been out riding in his automobile. Hat in Peace Negotiations. El Paso, May 6. It was learned that tho government peace envoy did not transmit to the Mexican government General Madcro's suggestion concern ing the resignation of President Diaz. Judge Carbajul is said to have advised the rebel commissioners that he had no Instructions from the government to receive or discuss the resignation of the president. Efforts were being made to resume the conferences of the peace commis sioners to determine whether a basis of agreement could be effected despite the ultimatum. Senor Oscar Braniff, one of the go betweens In the negotiations told press representatives that it was he who hnd conveyed to Madero assur ances of President Diaz's intention to resign. He declared that President Diaz, In a conversation with him, had said he felt obligated to the majority of Mexican voters, who had elected him, but the moment he felt convinced that the majority of the Mexican peo ple no longer wanted him as president lie would resign. Senor Braniff asserted that he had personally ventured the opinion to Ma doro that President Diaz would resign Immediately after peace was restored. Ready to Renew War. The commissioners are confident of arranging the other conditions of poace within forty-eight hours If the Diaz question is once settled. On the interpretation of the Mex ican president's reply depends the fate of Mexico, rebel leaders declared. Should an unfavorable reply be re ceived they are prepared to break off peace negotiations and continue the argument with arms. They have no alternative, they say, for telegrams have been pouring Into the headquar ters of General Madero from revolu tionary chieftains In all parts of Mex ico warning him that If he consents to any arrangement which will continue General Diaz in power they will re nounce his leadership and continue the rebellion Independently. Reports also have been received at the Madero camp of the mobilization of large bodies of rebel troops, pre pared to march on the City of Mexico ,f nP(;PHary National Holiday in Mexico. Mexico City, May 6. For the first time in many years two Important features were omitted from the cele bration of the anniversary of the cap ture of Puebla by Ignaclo Zarogoza. There was no military parade and General Diaz did not make tho cus tomary distribution of gold coins to the veterans who help to repulse the French on May 5, 18tI2. Tho president did not appear at any public functions. Sunday calm marked the anniver sary of the hattle, which had been heralded as the date set for an attack on the capital by revolutionists and the forced resignation of President Diaz. There was no disorder in any quarter. Uneasiness Among Foreigners. Considerable uneasiness among for eigner is noticeable. A new cause of apprehension on the part of these is the reparted Impending assault by the rebels on Monterey and Saltillo, cap ital of the state of Coahulla, on the Mexican Northern railway, which would mean the cutting off of all com munication to the north, with the pos sibility that railway traffic to the south might also he Interrupted. While few believe that an assault on Mexico City would be successful, the possibility of It being besieged is Musing many foreigners to leave. The Ward line steamer which Balled from Vera Cruz carried many refugees, most of them womn. Train Fired on at Puebla. It wss reported at the railway head quarters that the rebels fired on the passenger train which was approach Ing Puebla, No one was killed, but a few persons were wounded. The are in the express enr was broken euon and 4.onn po tnKen. i,ator a freltrht runnlr.g In the opposite direc tion u held ip by a burning bridge The b'Hef I grvVlng that the rebels at Urge will no! be ssUrfUd with any peaee lemis wUeb 0 sot provide for the reatpiatlor et PraalJtat Dtai. Saloonlst Dies In Colfax Hotel. Colfax, la., May 6. Thomas Cullec a saloon keeper of Rock Island. 111., w-is found dead in his room at one of the holeU in this city by the portci, who went to coll him for his train. He came to the hotel the day previous The verdict of tue coroner's inquest was "alcoholic heart " Cullen was u man of fine physique, thirty years ok end leaves a widow and son at Rock Island. The body will be returned t' hls home for burial. DAWESlALKS TO BANKERS Group Six ot Iowa Association In Session at Des Moines. CENTRAL BANK IS FAVORED. Mayor Hanna Institutes War Upon Bakeries of Iowa Capital That Sell Short Weight Bread Des Moines Plasterers on Strike. Ees Moines, May 6. The annual meeting of the Iowa bankers of group 6 was begun last night and the speak ed of the evening was Charles G. Dawes, former comptroller of the cur rency, who discussed the subject of currency reform and presented tho plans of the American bankers': A. J, Earlinx, president of the Mil waukee railroad, is also attending the meeting, and a number of other Chi cago bankers. About 100 of the mem bers of the association are present. It is expected that the group will in some form approve of a central bank, ns it Is knowu that most of the mem bers have so expressed themselves. Petitions were put Into circulation on behalf of tho city to authorize an election to increase th city debt limit so that the waterworks may be bought. The water company has agreed to a committee of three expert engineers to appraise the value of the property and to sell It to the city. Mayor Manna has Instituted war up on De Moines bakeries who sell short weight bread. To aid him In his cam paign, the city council Instructed thu market funster to secure the weights of bread from Des Moines bakeries and make a report to the city council. It Is declared that much short weight bread Is sold here. Disagreement beween the Dps Moines Builders' exchange and the local plasterers' union concerning the new wage scale of the plasterers, which went Into effect May 1, has caused a strike, according to the plas tering contractors. It Is understood that all the union plasterers have walked nut, with the exception of eight men at the new municipal build. Ing and a few men who are working on houses in Highland Park. PERRY MAYOR LOSES CASE Attempt to Close Stores on Sunday Is a Failure. Perry, la., May 6. According to a decision rendered by Judge A. K. Shortley of the superior court, the first reform movement of Mayor C. Dm ant Jones has failed. Mayor Jones, after issuing an order that all meat markets, grocery, cigar, dry goods and clothing stores remain closed on Sunday, caused the arrest of John Dlguau and his clerk, W. K. Nor wood, Sunday morning. At the trial of the case the defendants admitted that they had sold some groceries and fruit, but their attorneys contended that both came under the head of nec essary article!? and therefore that they were not guilty of violating the stat ute, which says that no property shall bo bought or sold except in cases of necessity or charity. Judge Shortley, In his decision, holds that the necessity referred to iu the statute does not mean absolute or Imperative necessity, but that it Is the necessity which pertains to the ordinary comforts of life. Me also holds that tho groceryman with wlhtln the law when he sold fruit or other perishable goods on Sunday, and that on order Issued by the mayor to close the store was without authority and contr.' FREE HEADS FiCrUSE SEN Davenport Man Elected president of Photographers' Association. Sioux City, la.,' May 6. Ottumwa was chosen as the next meeting place before the close of the convention of the Iowa Photographers' association here. The officers elected were: P. A. Free of Davenport, president; II Flint of Waterloo, first vice president; R. K. Stelnhaus of Cherokee, second vice president; P. A. Newborn of Iowa City, treasurer; II. E. Unk of Center vllle, secretary. Real Fight on Free List Monday. Washington, May 6. Recognizing that the real fight over the free list bill will come Monday, leaders of both parties In the house Issued peremp tory orders to absent member to re turn at once to Washington. They Always Have. "Io you think that your speeches will echo down tho corridors of time?" "I don't know nlxxit that." replied the energetic statesman, "but I'm sure some of my comic nneedoie will con tinue to do so." Wnshlnii'on St sr. MAY CUT RATES OMNTEREST Law lo Mi Double Taxallcn Sa d to Have This Etfsct. BOARD OF PARDONS TO BE BUSY Has Large Amount of Work Aheaa. Application of Mrs. Hutchinson and Son First to Be Taken Up Hugo Thompson Also Seeks Freedom. Lincoln, May 6. The law seeking to obviate the double taxation of mort gages and mortgaged lands has al ready had considerable effect upon dealers in that class of securities, In that it has caused, it is said, a reduc tion in the interest rates formerly charged. Under the old (system mortgaged land was taxed for its real value and the tax assessed against the owner The mortgage was also taxed at its face value at the residence of the holder. In cases where the securities were held in this state a consequent double taxing resulted. The new law provides that the mortgage shall be taxed to the holder for such excess value as it has above the face of the mortgage. Under the terms of the new law tho owner of the land may by stipulating in the mortgage contract pay both of the taxes, and this, it is generally thought by brokers and those handling securities, wijl be accepted by mort gagors over the state, leaving the mortgagees free from taxation in this regard. This tax, It is asserted, is primarily the reason why mortgagees should loan their money at a lower rate than under the present system. Board of Pardons to Be Busy. The board of pardons, which will come Into official existence on July 7. already has a path outlined for it which assures Its members of anything but periods of ennui for the first few days after it becomes a part of the state government. The application for par don, which was only a few days ago made by Mrs. Nannia Hutchinson and her son, who were convicted In Nuck olls county tor the murder of a farmer named Kit Feasal, will be laid over until that time by Governor Aldrlch, and will be the first case to be taken up by the new board. The woman is serving a sentence of ten years and her offspring, who, according to the evidence, assisted in the commission of the deed, Is serving a twelve-year term of Imprisonment. 'It Is said that a brother of the dead man proposes to resist the application. Hugh Thompson of Richardson has likewise indicated that he desires to i (gain his freedom. He was sent up lor highway robbery in February, 1909, for an offense which was committed the previous Christmas. Thompson at the time snatched a man's pocketbook. Besides tho $2 which he obtained, he received three years in the state peni tentiary. Thompson, who lived at Au burn at the time of his conviction, was only twenty-six years old, and his friends asrert that he was not crim inally inclined. More Prisoners Received. Prisoners received at thff state peni tentiary for commitment during the month of April mark a decided in crease In numbers over any previous month. Twenty-seven came in during April, exclushe of three alleged bank robbers, who were brought here from Hamilton county for safekeeping. At the end of the month there were 443 convicts at the Institution. Eleven were discharged during the month and two were paroled The present roll shows ?27 white male prisoners, 3 white femnlea, 102 colored males, 2 colored females, 7 Indians, 1 Japanese and 1 Korean. Edward Tob'n Dead. Edward Tobln. father of L. I). Tobin, managing editor of th Daily Star, died at the lamlly residence In this city of cardlnc asthma, Induced by a weakened heart action. Mr. Toben came to this city in 1886 and had lived here continuously since that time. He leaves seven c hildren, besides a widow. OHIO LEGISLATORS PLEADNOT GUILTY Five Solons and Sergeant-at-- Arms Arraigned (or Bribery. Columbus, O., May 6. State Sens tws George K. Cretone, I. K. Huffman and L. R. Audrews, Representatives A. C. Lowry and George B. Nye and Sen- tte Sergeant at Arms Rodney J. Diegel, under Indictment for soliciting bribes, were arraigned before Common Pleas Judgo !:. B Kinkead In the criminal court room and pleadod not guilty. Prosecuting Attorney Turner said that many unsigned communications have supplemented and strengthened the datn in his possession relating to the alleged corruption In the general assembly. The accused legislator, with the ex ceptlon of Nye and Iowry, who were arraigned later, were brought In along with seven criminals, one a murderer und others accused of petty thefts and burglary Folbwimr the pleas of not guilty, the prosecutor set the trials for week titer next. PORFIRIO DIAZ. Whose Resignation Madsro Has Demanded As First Peace Move. COLORADO FAILS TO NAME SENATOR Speer Refuses to Withdraw and Legislature Adjourns. Denver, May 8. The Joint assembly of the Colorado legislature, balloting to elect a successor to the late United States Senator Charles J. Hughes, Jr., was formally dissolved, leaving un broken the deadlock which has exist ed since Jen. 12. As a result, Colo rado, with practically a complete Dem ocratic state administration and with. . an overwhelming Democratic majority In the legislature, will be represented in the United States senate for the next two years by a solitary Republic an, Simon Guggenheim. A personal fight waged against May or Robert V. Speer of Denver, the leading candidate, whose final strength, of thirty-three votes In the balloting was exactly one-half of the Democratic majority in the legislature, is held re sponsible for the failure to elect a senator. Tho closing hours of the joint assembly were marked by the refusal of State Senator Thomas J. McCue, Mayor Speer's campaign man ager, to accept the nomination for the senatorship at the hands of anti Speer men. Just before the announcement of the final ballot it appeared that Mo- Cue's election would be brought about. State Senator Irby, Mayor Speer's pri vate secretary, rushed from the cham ber for a conference with his chief and the report thrilled the assembly that he had gone te bring word .of Speer'a withdrawal and pave the war to McCue'a election. His return shat tered tie hopes of those who still thought an election might be brought about. He said Speer would stick to the bitter end. A moment later Lieu tenant Governor Fitzgerald dropped his gavel with the words, "I am ring ing down the curtain on the greatest farce comedy in the political history of Colorado." STANDING OF THE TEAMS National League. W.IJM PhU'phia .15 5 7501 American League. W.L,Pct. jetroit , Boston . New Yor Chicago, rhila... Wash'u Clevelan .-t. Louii raeue. Denver vimaha , i Des M s .19 2 951) Pittsburg 12 6 ti .10 . 9 9 . 9 9 52H 9 r.'ii 9 500 9 500 New York Chicago . 12 .11 6 6fi7' 9 a')i 8 40? Cincinnati Boston . . , St. I-ouls.. Urooklyn. , 7 . 7 14 330 810 414 8 13 381 4 16 2imI . 4 112G7 . 5 14 201 West Sioux City. 12 3 800 Wichita ..8 16H7 St. Joseph. Hi. ' Lincoln ... 7 6 538 7 6 53)1 8 8 500 4 iu i.'i 2 14 125 & V . .' YESTERDAV3 RESULTS American League. At Chicago: R.H.E. Detroit 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 15 10 1 Chicago 2 00020000 04 10 4 Llvely-Stanage; White Sullivan. At St. Louis: R.H.E. Cleve'and .0 0 001100000 46 10 1 St. Louis. .001 0 0 1 00000 0 2 8 1 Ylngling Land; Powell Clarke. National League. At Chicago: R.H.E. Bt. Ionia 00 1 1 000 1 0 36 13 4 Chicago 1 00 1 0 1 0 0 025 6 3 Sallee Rresnahan; Richie-Archer. At Cincinnati: R.I LB. Pittsburg 1 03000 00 04 5 2 Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 6 8 14 0 Caninlta Gibson; Suggs Clarke. Western League. At St.. Joseph: R.H.E. Omnha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 4 3 St. Joseph 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 4 4 Rhodes Gondlng; Kaufman Gossett. At Wichita: R.H.E. Wichita 40000200 6 6 1 Lincoln 1 0 002 00 003 4 2 Jarnlgsn Shaw; Applegato Stratton. At Denver: R H.B. Denver 0 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 06 11 3 Topeka 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 27 15 2 Ehman-McMurray; Kugate-Frambes. At Sioux City: R H E. Sioux City 0 4 1 03 0 0 2 10 9 3 Des Mnlnes 0 10300000 4 7 4 Miller-Miller; McKee-Lynch.