The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 27, 1911, Image 5

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Y ,
Qutwsrdly, at leant, Judge Brew
aier's officii at 83 Hroadway in no '
Vy differed from the offices of ten j
thousand oher lawyers who strive to
Vke'outa difficult living In the 'iuott i
Aforcrowded of alt the professions. I
They consisted 'Of a modest suite of;
jtwins on the Blxth floor. There was a
mall outer Office with a railed-off
jnrlosure, behind which sat a half
4oen stenographer . busy .copying
Igal docunents; as many men clerks
Were writing at desks, and the walls
'were fitted with shelves filled with
Vtonderous lnw books. In one corner
wss a room with glass door marked
"Mr. Brewstir. Private."
Assuredly ro casual visitor could
gss from the appearance of the
place that this was the headquarters
of on of the most brilliant legal
minds la th? country, yet In this very
office had been prepared some of the
most sensational victories ever re
corded in the law courts.
Visitors to Judge Brewster's office
were not many. A man of such re
nown was naturally expensive. Few
could afford to retain his services,
and in fact he was seldom called upon
ncept to act In the Interest of
wealthy corporations. In these cases,
of course, his fees were enormous. He
had very few private clients; In fact,
he declined much private practice
that was offered to him. He had
been the legal adviser of Howard
Jeffries, Sr., for many years. The
two men had known each other to
ther younger days and practically
had won success together the one
In the banking business, the other
in the service of the law. An Im
portant trust company, of which Mr.
Jeffries was president, was constantly
involved In all kinds of litigation of
He felt In Singularly Good Spirits.
which Judge Brewster had exclusive
i-harge. 'A the lawyer, found this
highly remunerative, It was' only nat
ural that "he ' had no desire to lose
Mr. Jeffries as a client. '
.'Secluded In his private office, the
Judge was busy at his desk, finishing
a letter. He folded It up, addressed
an envelope, then lit a cigar and
looked at the time. It1 was three
o'clock.' The day's work was about
over and he smiled with satisfaction
as he thought of the automobile ride
in the park he would enjoy before
dressing and going to his club for din
ner. He felt In singularly good spir
its that afternoon. He had Just won
in th- court a
which meant not only a handsome ad
dltlon to his bank account, but a
signal triumph over his legal oppo
nents. Certainly, fortune smiled on
him. He had no other Immediate
cases on hand . to worry about. He J
eould look forward to a few weeks of j
absolute rest. He struck a bell on his
dsk and a clerk entered. Handing
him the note he had Just written, he
"Hve this sent at once by mes-,
aent'T." I
"Vry well, Judge," answered the
-lrk. . ' ;
")ty the by," frowned the lawyer,
"ban' that woman been in to-day?" ' I
'Tn-she sat In the outer office all
monitng', trying to see you: We said
you wire out of town, but she did not
belHve It. She sat there till she got
tired.' She hid no Idea that you went ,
ut by another stairway." I
"Humph," growled the lawyer; "a
' 1c thing to be besieged in this man ,
ner ! If she annoys me much longer,
1 shall send for the police."
At. that moment another clerk en
tered the room.
"What Is it, Mr. Jones?" demanded
gauanuy ana poimea to a cnair.
"Good morning, my dear Mrs
fries; how do you do?"
Is Mr. Jeffries here?'; asked Alicia,
hurriedly. ' 1
"Not yet," he replied, smiling.
'This is an unexpected pleasure. ' I
think it is the first time you" have
graced my office with your presence."
"How quiet It Is here!" she ex
laimed, looking around nervously.
"It is hard to believe this Is the very
center of the city." Taking the seat
offered to her, she went on:
"Oh. judge, w are dreadfully .wor
ried." ' "You mean about the Underwood
Alicia nodded. '
"Yes, Mr. Jeffries Is terribly upset.
As if the coming trial and all the rest
of the scandal were not enough. But
now we have to face something even
worse, something that affects me even
more than my husband. Really, I'm
frantic about It."
"What's happened now?" asked the
lawyer, calmly.
"That woman Is going on the stage,
that's all!" she snapped.
"H'm," said the lawyer, calmly. !
"Just think!" she irled. "the name,
'Mrs. Howard Jeffries my name
paraded before the public! At a time
when everything should be done to
keep It out of the pnpers this woman
Is going to flaunt herself on the
She fanned herself - tndiguantly,
while the lawyer rapped his desk absent-mindedly
with a paper cutter.
Alicia went on:
"You know I have never met the
woman. What Is she like? I under
stand she's been bothering you to
take the case of that worthless hus
band of hers. Do you know she had
the Impertinence to come to our house
and ask Mr. Jeffries to help them? I
asked my husband to describe her,
but all I could get from him was that
she was Impertinent and Impossible."
She hesitated a moment, then she
added: "Is she as pretty an her pic
tures In the paper? You've seen her,
of course?"
Judge Brewster frowned.
"Yes," he replied. "She comes here
every day regularly. She literally
compels me to see her and refuses to
go till I've told her I haven't changed
my decision about taking her case."
"What Insolence!" exclaimed Alicia.
"I should think that you would have
her put out of the office."
The lawyer was silent and toyed
somewhat nervously-with, the paper
cutter, as If not quite decided as to
what response to make. He coughed
and fussed with the papers on the
"Why don't you hav her put out of
the office?" she repeated.
' " The judge looked up. There was
an expression in his face that mlKht
have been Interpreted as one of an
noyance, as if he rather resented this
Intrusion Into bis ' business affairs,
but Mrs. Jeffries, Sr., was too Im
portant a client to quurrel with, so
he merely said:
"Frankly, Mrs. Jeffries, If it were
not for the fact that Mr. Jeffries has
exacted from me a promise not to
take up this case, I should be tempted
to consider the matter. In the first
place, you know I always liked How
ard. I saw a good deal of him before
your marriage to Mr. Jeffries. He
was always a wild, unmanageable
boy, weak In character, but he had
mnnv tnvnhln trnlta f am verv anrrv.
very complicated case , tQ gee Wm ,n ft terrb)e
I position. It was hard for me to real
I lze It and I should never have be
lieved him guilty had he not con
I fessed to the crime."
"Yes," she assented. "It Is an aw
J ful thing and a terrible blow to his
father. Of course, he has had noth
ing to do with Howard for months.
As yoil know, he turned him out of
. doors long ago, but the disgrace Is
' none the less overwhelming."
The lawyer looked out of the win
dow and drummed his fingers on the
ami of his chair. Suddenly wheeling
round, and facing his' client, he said:
"You know this girl he married Is
no ot-dlnarf wnnin."1 . '
"Oh!"4 she exclaimed," sarcastically.
"She has succeeded In arousing your
sympathy". '
The Judge bowed coldly.
"No," he replied. "I would hardly
ssy that. But she has aroused my
curiosity. 'She Is a very peculiar girl,
' evidently a creature of Impulse an
, determination. I certainly feel sorry
1 for her. Her position Is a very pain
. ful one. She has been married only
a few months, and now her husband
has to face the most awful accusation
the law er.
"A lady to see you, Judge," said the
clerk, handing him a card.
Th lawyer glanced at the bit of
lias'eboard, and said Immediately:
"Oh, yes, show her In."
The two clerks left the room and
Judg Brewster, after a glance In the
mirror to re-adjust his cravat, turned
to greet his Tlsltof. The door opened
and Alicia entered. She was fault
lessly gowned, as usual, but her man
ner was flurried and agitated. Evi
dently something had happened to up
net her, and she had come to make
her husband's lawyer the confidant of
her troubles. Th Judge advanced
I thst can be brought against a man.
She is plucky In spite of It all, and Is
moving hesven and earth In Howard's
defense. She believes herself to be In
some measure responsible for his mis-
' fortune. Apart from that, the rase
Interests me from a purely profession
al point of view. There are several
strange features connected with the
esse. Sometimes, In spite of Howard's
confession, I don't believe he com
mitted that crime."
Alicia changed color and, shifting
itaalty on her chslr, scrutinised the
lawyer's face. What was behind that
calm, Inscrutable mssk? What theory
had he formed? One newspaper had
suggested suicide, sne mignt nerseit
come forward and declare that Rob
ert Underwood had threatened to
tke his own life, but how could she
f-ice the scandal which such a course
wouM involve? She would have to
admit visiting Undorv ootl's rooms at
midn'glit alone. That surely would
ruin her in the eyes not only of her
husband, but of the whole wor'd. If
'his sacrifice of her good name were
necessary to save nn innocent man's
life, perhaps she might summon up
enough courage to make it. But, after
all, she was by no means sure her
self that Underwood had committed
suicide. Howard had confessed, so
why shonld she Jeopardize her good
name uselessly "
"No," repeated' the ' Judge, shaking
his head, "there's something strange
in the whole affair. I don't believe
Howard had any hand in It."
"But he confessed!" exclaimed
Alicia. ",J'-' ' 1
The Judge shook his head. "K
"'That' nothing," he said.' "There
have been; many of untdie
confessions. A famous affair of the
kind was the Boom case In' Vermont.
Two brothers confessed having k'Ufd
their brotber-In-law and described
how they destroyed the body. ' yet
some time afterward the murdered
man turned up alive and well. - The
object of the confession, of course,
was to turn the verdict from murder
to manslaughter, the circumstantial
evidence against them having been
so strong. In the days of witchcraft
the unfortunate women accused of
being witches were often urged by
relatives to confess as being the only
way of escupo open to them. Ann
Foster, at Salem, In 1692, confessed
that she was a witch. She said the
dvil appeared to her In the shape of
a bird, and that she attended a meet
ing of witches at Salem village. She
was not insane, but the horror of
the accusation brought Ruiii8t her
had been too much for a weak mind.
Howard's confession may possibly be
due to some such influence."
"I hope for his poor father'; sake,"
said Alicia, "that vou may be right
and that be may be proved innocent,
but everything is overwhelmingly
against him. I think you are the only
one iu New York to express such a
"Don't forget his wife," remarked
the Judge, dryly.
"No," she replied. "I really feel
sorry for the girl myself. Will you
give her some money If I "
The lawyer shook his head.
"She won t take it. I tried It. She
wants me to defend her husband I
tried to bribe her to go to some other
lawyer, but It wouldn't work."
"Well, something ought to be done
to stop her annoying us!" exclaimed
Alicia, indignantly. "Mr. Jeffries suf
fers terribly. I can hear hlmpaclng
up and down the library till three or
four In the morning. Poor man, he
suffers so keenly and he won't let any
one sympathize with him. He won't
let me mention his son's name. I feel
wo ought to do something. Try and
persuade him to let me see this girl
and you are his friend as well as his
legal adviser."
Judge Brewster bowed.
"Your husband Is a very old friend,
Mrs. Jeffries. I can't disregard his
U;hes entirely "
There was a knock at th door of
the private office.
"Come In," called the judge. 1
The door opened and the head
clerk entered, ushering In Howard
Jeffries, Sr. The banker, still aristo
cratic and dignified, but looking tired
and careworn, advanced into the room
and shook hands with the judge,' who
greeted him with a cordial smile.
There was no response on the bank
er's face. Querulously he demanded:
"Brewster, what's that woman doing
out there again? It's not the first
time I've met her In this office."
Alicia looked up eagerly. "Is she
out there now?" she cried.
"What right has she to come here?
What's her object?" went on the
banker irritatedly.
The lawyer shrugged bis shoulders.
"The same old thing." he replied.
"She wants me to take her case."
The banker frowned.
"Didn't you tell her It was Impos
"That makes no difference,"
laughed the Judge. "She comes Just
the same. I've sent her a ay a dozen
times. What am I to do If she In
sists on coming? We can't have ber
arrested. She doesn't break the furni
ture or beat the office boy. She sim
ply sits and waits." 41 "
"Have you told her that I object to
ber coming here?" demanded the
banker, haughtily. r
"I have," "replied the Judge, calml,
"but she has' overruled your objec
tion." With a covert smile he add
ed, "You know wo can't use force."
Mr. Jeffries shrugged his ahouldera
Impatiently. " ' '
"You can certainly use moral force,"
he tald.
"What do you mean by moral
force T" demanded the lawyer.
Mr. Jeffrie threw up his bands as
If utterly disgusted with the whole
business. Almost angrily he an
swered: "Moral force la moral force. 1
mean persuasion, of course. Good
Qod, why can't people understand
these things as 1 do?"
The judge said nothing, but turned
to examine some papers on his desk.
He hardly liked the Inference that be
could not see things as plainly as
other people, but what was the use
of getting irritated? He couldn't af
ford to quarrel with one of his best
Alicia looked at her husband am
lously. Laying her band on his arm
she said soothingly: ' ' '
"Perhaps If I were to see her "
Mr. Jeffries turned angrily.
"How can you think of such a
thing? I csn't permit my wife to
come in cunmci uu wuumii ui
that character." ,
Judge Brewster, who was listening '
in spite of the fact that he was seem-,
ingly engrossed In his papers, pursed
his lips. !
"Oh. come," he said with a forced '
laugh, "she's not as bad as all that!"
"I'm sure she Isu't," said Alicia, em
phatically. "She must be amenable
to reason."
The banker's wife was not altogeth
er bad.' Kxcesslve vanity and ambi
tion had steeled ber heart and stifled
Impulses that were naturally good,
but otherwise she was not wholly de
void of feeling. She was really sorry
for this poor little woman who was j
ngnimg so oraveiy 10 save ner Hus
band. No doubt she had Inveigled
Howard into marrying her, but she
Alicia had & right to sit in' Judg
ment' on her -for that. ' If the girl
bad bea assbitlous to marry above
her, la what way was she ore guilty
thaf she herself had been In' marry
ing a ssaif she did not lovs. simply for
his wealth and social' position?' Be
side, Alicia was' herself sorely
troubled. Her conscience told her
that's word front her might set the
whole matter right. ' She might be
able to prove that 1'nderwood com
mitted suicide. She knew she "was
a coward and worse than a coward
because she dare not speak that
word. The more she saw ber hus
band's ' anger the less courage she
had to do it. In any case, she argued
to herself,' Howard had confessed. ' If
he shot Underwood there was no sui
cide, so why should she incriminate
herself needlessly? But.there was no
reason why she should not show some
sympathy for the poor girl who, after
all, was only doing what any good
wife should do. Aloud Bhe repeated:
"I'll see the girl and talk to her.
She must listen to reason."
"Reason!" exploded the banker,
angrily. "How can you expect reason
from a woman who hounds us, dogs
our footsteps, tries to compel us to
take lu r up?"
Judg1 Brewster, who had apparent
y naid no attention to the banker's
That All Wool Bluo Serso Suit
of Ours at $10 is Atlraciing Attention!
Here are some of the attractive features: 1st
It's a "TRUE BLUE," will not fade; absolutely guaran
teed. 2nd It's strictly all-wool; chemically tested,
2rd It's stylishly cut; dip front, broad shoulders, peg
trousers with belt loops and
wide hem. 4th -It's thor
oughly well-made, double
stitched, good linings, hair
cloth front, non-puckering
edge, sewed with silk. .
. Now tell us, where on earth
can you buy a better suit for
$10. If you are not prejudiced
and will consider it strictly
on its merits, this suit and
many others in our $10, $12,
$15 and $18 lines will win
out. It's true that our spe
cialty is high-grade suits from
$20 to $35, but we have, not
forgotten the man who wants
to pay $10 to $20 by any
means. Come in and look.
That's fair.
remarks, now turned around. Hesi
tatingly he said:
"I think you do her an Injustice,
Jeffries. She comes every day In the
bope that your feelings toward your
ton have changed. She wishes to
five color to the belief that his fa
:her's lawyers are championing hia
:ause. She was honest enough to tell
lie so. You know her movements are
ilosely watched by the newspapers
nd she takes good care to let the
reporters think that she comes here
;o discuss with me the details of her
husband's defense."
The banker shifted Impatiently on
his chair. Contemptuously he said:
"The newspapers which I read don't
lve her the slightest attention. If
they did I should refuse to read
.them." With growing Irritation be
went on:
"It's no use talking about her any
more. 1 What are we going to do
about this latest scandal? This wo in
to is going on the stage to be ex
hibited all over the country and she
proposes to use the family name."
"There U nothing to prevent her,"
said the lawyer, dryly.
The banker jumped to his feet and
exclaimed angrily:
"There must be! Good God, Brew
ster, surely you can obtain an Injunc
tion restraining ber from using the
family name! You must do some
thing. What do ou adviser'
"I advise patience," replied the
jdge, calmly. - '
But Mr. Jeffries- had no patience.
He ws a man who was not accus
tomed to have his wishes thwarted,
lie did not .understand why there
should be the slightest difficulty la
carrying out his Instructions.
"Any one can advise patience!" he
exclaimed, hotly, "but that's not do
ing anything." Banging the desk
angrily with his fist, he exclaimed:
"I want something done!"
Judge Brewster looked up at his
client with surprise. The Judge never
lost bis. temper. Even In the most
acrimonious wrangles In the court
room he was always the suave, pol
ished gentleman. There was a shade
of reproach In his tone as be replied:
"Come, come, don't lose your tem
per! I'll do what I can, but there Is
nothing to be done In the way you
suggest. The most I can do Is to re
main loal to you, although to be
quite candid I confess It goes against
the grain to keep iny bands off this
case. - As' I told your wife,' there are
certain features about It which Inter
est me keenly. 1 feel that you are
wrong to" ' t
"No, Brewster!" Interrupted Mr.
Jeffries, explosively. "I'm right! ' I'm
right! You know It, but you won't
admit It."
The lawyer shrugged his shoulders
and turned, to his desk again. Lacon
ically, he said: .
"Well, I won't argue the matter
with you. You refuse to be advlssi
by me and"
The banker looked up Impact:.,.
"What ts your advice?"
The lawyer, without looking up
from his papers, said quietly:
"You know what my feelings In the
matter are."
"And you know what mine are!"
exclaimed the banket1, hotly. "I re
fuse to be engulfed in this wave of
hysterical sympathy with criminals.
I will not he stamped with the same
ball mark as the man who takes the
life of his fellow being though the
man be my own son. I will not set
the seal of approval on crime by de
fending It."
The lawyer bowed and said calmly:
"Then, sir, you must expect ex
actly what Is happening. This girl,
whatever she may be, Is devoted o
your son. She Is his wire. She'll go
to any eitremo to help blm even to
sellinc her name for money to pay
UoscoH's Sons
lor nis detense." ' f
rrw V. .. t. . u . .. V I - 1. .1 itw
"It's a matter of principle with me.
Her devotion Is not the question."
With a mocking laugh he went on:
"Sentimentality doesn't appeal to me.
The whole thing Is distasterui and
hideous to me. My Instructions to you
are to prevent her using the family
name on the stage, to buy her off on
her own terms, to get rid of ber at
any price." ,. ,
"Except the price she asks," Inter
posed the lawyer, dryly. Shaking bis
head, he went on:
"You'll find that a wife's devotion Is
a very strong motive power. Jeffries.
It will move lrresistrniy forward la
spite of all th barriers you and I can
erect to stay Its progress. That may
sound like a platitude, but it's a fact
. Alicia, who had been listening with
varied emotions to the conversation,
now Interrupted timidly: ' 1
"Perhaps Judge Brewster Is right,
dear. After all, the girl is worxing
to save your son. Public opinion may
tbink it unnatural"
(Continued Next Issue.)
Representatives From the Platts
mouth Commerlcal Club De
part This Morning.
The Slate Federal ion (if Com
mercial cluli.H holds a convention,
linliiitf for two days, the meeting
place heiiiK at Kearney. This is
one of the most important, con
ventions of Hie year and will exert,
an inllnence for Rood in the cities
which ure fortunate enough to
possess a Commercial cluh live
enough to get into (tie slate
federation. There will be a groat
banquet in Kearney tomorrow
night for the. delegates.
The delegates of the IMatta
inoulh cluh, departing for the
convention this -morning, were:
President of the JMattsmouth
President Bert Pollock, Secretary
K. H. 'Wescott, and directors
George Falter and Rae Patterson.
Is the Case With
Plattsmouth People.
Too many Plattsmouth citizens
are handicapped with bad backs..
The unceasing pain causes con
stant misery, making work a,
burden and stooping or lilting arx
impossibility. The back acho at
night, preventing refreshing rest
and in the ruornjng is stiff and
lame. Plasters ami liniments may
give relief, but cannot reach th
cause. To eliminate the pains,
and aches you must cure the kicj
Ikau's Kidney Pills are for Btclc
kidneys thousands testify Iq.
their merit. Can you doubt.
Plattsmouth evidence?
Frank S. Biinkman, F.leventlv
street, Plattsmouth, Neb., saya:
"I can vouch for Doan's Kidney
Pills, knowing them to be a Rood
kidney remedy. My back at time
becomes so lame that the sinv
plest movement was painful and t
had frequent headaches and diziy
spells that caused nie no end ot
annoyance. Morning on arising,
could hardly drag myself abouU
In spile of the many remedies I
tried, I found no relief until final
ly I began using Doan's Kidney.
Pills, procured at, Kynolt & Co.'s
Drug Store. They effected a
prompt and permanent cure."
For sale by nil dealers. Price
50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, New York, sole agent9 fot
the United Slates.
Remember the name Doan's
and lake no other.
MMnlgltt In lh Oxarkn
and yet sleepless Hiram Scranton, of
Clay City, 111., coughed and coughed
He was in the mountains on the ad
vice of five doctors, who said he had
consumption, but found no help In the
climate, and started home. Hearing
of Dr. King's New Discovery, he be
gan to use It. "I believe It saved my
life," he writes, "for It made a new
man of me, so that I can now do good
work again." For all lung diseases,
coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma,
croup, whooping rough, hay fever,
hemorrhages, hoamencas or qulncy,
It'a the best known remedy. Price
r.Oc and $1.00. Tlral bottle free.
Guaranteed by Ccrlng & Co.
Mr. William Heil of Eight Mile
firove was a business visitor In
the county seat today.
Ball Game Saturday.
The Plattsmouth High School:
Athletic club will cross bats witb.
the Olenwood High school batt
team Saturday afternoon at the
Chicago avenue ball park, tbe
game to be called at 4 p. m.
sharp. Friday the students will
begin the sale of tickets, the ad
mission being 25 cents. , Don't
miss the game. You will en
courage the High school team by
procuring seats early.
Kn'tkci IIm for me T'a?:y .Journal.
lit "4 IV. 0' " "-
Herman Grcodor,
Graduate Veterinary Surgeon
(Formerly with (J. S. Department
Licensed by Nebraska Stata
Calls Answered Promptly
Telephone 378 White, Dattsmouth