The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 27, 1911, Image 2

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(Special Correspondent'!1.) 4
William Monroe ami O'ar Mo
l)onalii vent to lhnelock Sunday
in the latter' auto.
Mrs. Lena Mack of Lincoln
visited with her brother, If a 11 1
Showe ami family, last Friday.
Mrs. Paul IlartuiiK and chil
dren, Alice and Paul, jr., arrived
last Wednesday from (ireeley,
Colorado, for a few weeks' visit
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Neitzel. .
Mrs. C. Moomey and daughter,
Miss Helen, were shopping In
Omaha Friday. 1
tir 1 '.II ...! I., ....... I
Crane were sightseeing in Klm
wood and Murray Saturday afternoon.
Fred (iorder, wife and daugh
ters, Iorothy and Helen, of
Weeping Water, visited with Paul
Shewn and family last Sunday.
Misses Georgia and Edith
Moon, who teach in Klmwood,
spent Saturday and Sunday at the
home of Dr. I. I). Jones and
family here.
Mrs. Amy Shank of Lincoln!
came Monday to visit, several days
With her home folks here.
Mrs. George Moomey left, Sat
urday for .1 few days' visit with
friends at Fremont, Neb.
Miss Lorick went to South
Bend on No. 18 Sunday.
Dr. I. D. Jones was In Omaha
Saturday interested in the Urush
autos, one of which he has re
cently purchased.
Mr. K. T. Tool is erecting a
building in his lumber yards
which will be used for cement,
6and, etc.
Miss White of Lincoln, the
music teacher, was in town Sat
urday. George' Colbert, wife, daughter,
Maud, and son, Wiley, of near
Wabash, but formerly of this
place, took dinner with W. 0.
Gillespie and family Sunday.
Frank Coin was in Lincoln
Henry Wesllake was in F.aglo
Harry Gillespie went to Wa
bash to meet a friend (?) on the
morning (rain.
Henry Schlenter, sr., is build
jng an addition to his house here
in town which, when done, will
make them a cosy little home.
F.tnil Kuehn and wife enter
lained I'.d Thimgan and family at
dinner Sunday.
Charles Ilaucrs, from near
Elmwood, was in town Tuesday
and took home a toad of furniture
with him.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Miller and
daughter, Mary, entertained at.
dinneri Sunday, when covers were
laid for tlDeen.
Miss Lela McDonald was home
over Sunday.
Whooping cough is now keep
ing company with mumps and
measles. Kuehn and wife have had
new cement walks built about
their new home recently, which
adds much to the beauty of the
Lula Feme, 1 (i-nionlhs-old
baby of William Monroe and wife,
who had tin' sad int.-fortune to
break her arm a few wi cks ago, is
gelling ab'iig nicely.
William IHnke is now the
owner of a handsome Ford run
about. Which of ?Ju girls will
have the first ride?
About fifty people KKlhered at
the home of Rev. and Mrs. Moeller
on Tuesday evening and welcomed
them to our little city with a
pound social. - The evening was
spent in playing games uud
listening to music. At a season
able hour a lunch was served,
consisting of ice cream, cake and
A Statement of Facts Backed by
a Strong Guarantee.
We guarantee, complete relief
to all sufferers from constipation.
In every case where we fail we
will supply the medicine free.
Roxall Orderlies are a gentle,
effective, dependable and saTe
bowel regulator, strengthener and
Ionic. They re-establish nature's
functions in a quiet, easy way.
They do not cause any incon
venience, griping or nausea. They
are so pleasant to take and work
so easily that they may be taken
bv anyone at any time, They
thoroughly tone up the whole
system lo healthy activity.
Rexall Orderlies are unsurpass
able and ideal for the use, of chil
dren, oh! folks and delicate per
sons. We cannot too highly
recommend I hem to all sufferers
from any form of constipation
and its allendant evils. Two sizes,
10c and 25c. Remember, you can
(ditain Rexall Remedies in this
community only at. our store
The Rexall Store. F. G. Fricke A
Co., Union Iilock.
Ono Conductor llelpetl Hack to Work.
Mr. Wilford Adams la Ms name
and he writes: "I was confined to
my bed with chronic rheumatism and
used two bottles of Foley's Kidney
Remedy with good effect. The thlrJ
bottle put me on my feet and I re
Burned work as conductor on the Lex
ington, Ky., Street Railway. It will
do all you claim In cares of rheu
matism." It clears the blood of uric
arid. For sale by Fricke & Co.
1 Special Correspondence.) J
. vrvw v ! i n
Mrs. Will Sloll, accompanied
by Miss F.dna Sloll, were Nebraska
Cily business visitors on Monday.
Miss Sadie Wunderlich, who
has been gone since January, re
turned home on Sunday to stay
with home folks.
George Hansen and family
drove to Hallsinoulh Monday to
participate in a big dinner pre
pared by Mrs. Anna Hunter.
Tim., little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Hansen is suffering
with a badly poisoned hand. Dr.
Gilinore did not deem it necessary
lo have it lanced yet. II was
caused from falling on broken
glass a week ago. ..
Mrs. Lena Karnes, accompanied
by her daughter, Mrs. Tyler Shep
ardsoii and children, of Canada,
are making an extended visit here
with friends and relatives.
Miss Avis llillman of Weeping
Water visited at Joe Shrader's
Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Georgia Massey visited at
Murray Thursday and Friday.
Mrs. F.dilli Thiele was on the
sick list a few days last week.
Jean Filch was among Ihoso of
Ibis vicinity who witnessed the
play at Murray Saturday evening.
W, II. Scluimaker, wife and son
motored to Nebraska City Tues
day. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Thiele euler
lained at dinner Sunday the fol
lowing: Mr. and Mrs. Nick Davis
and (laughters, Misses Marie and
Leona; Robert Alford, William
McCullough; Messrs. and Mes
dames W. II. ami F. C. Schu
maker. Mr. and Mrs. George Swilzer
drove out lo visit their son,
Chaliner, Monday evening.
Miss Isadore Sheldon is still
confined lo her bed.
You Risk Nothing by Trying This
We want everyone troubled
wilh indiuesliiin and dyspepsia to
come to our store and obtain a
box of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets.
They contain Dismuth-Subnit-rate
and Pepsin prepared by a
process which develops their
greatest power to overcome di
gestive disturbance.
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are
very pleasant to take. They soothe
the irritable, weak stomach,
strengthen and invigorate the di
gestive organs, relieve nausea and
indigestion, promote nutrition
and bring about a feeling of com
fort. If you give Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets a reasonable trial we will
return our money if you are not
satisfied with (he result. Three
sizes, 25 cents, 50 cents and
11. On. Remember you can obtain
Rexall Remedies only at The
Rexall Store. F. G. Fricke & Co.,
I'liion Block.
-Sun Bonnets-
The season is near wLen
you will want a nice Sun
Bonnet. We have some
thing special in this line.
They have a patent process
stiffening which you can
not get io other makes.
You will not be satisBed
with the ordinary make if
you see ours.
In County Court.
Hon. William Delles Dernier of
Klmwood was in the city this
morning and attended a session
of the county court, where the
final settlement of Hie slate of
Willis J. llorlon was given a
hearing. In Ibis estate there was
a life insurance policy over which
I here was some litigation, but the
liliganls llnally came together
' and sellled Ihe mailer before Hie
attorney fees and court costs had
made much of an inroad on Ihe
Died In Kansas City.
George Wall r Lal'lalte re
ceived a message this morning in
forming him of Ihe death of W.
It. Wood, superintendent of
bridges for the M. I'. Railway
company. Mr. Wood was fre
quently in this city while con
st rucling the new bridge over the
Platte, and went from here to
Louisville, where he has been put
ling in another bridge. About two
weeks ago lie was attacked wilh
Ijphoid pneumonia, from which
lie died yesterday morning at
10:30. He leaves surviving a wife
i;nd two children, Ihe younger be
ing 5 months old. Mr. Wood was
about 35 years of age and well
icspected by all who had any
buisness relations will) him. Mr.
Wall departed for Kansas City to
night lo attend the funeral.
Boys Have Serious "Scrap."
One week ago Kugene Hark
liiirsl ami James l'orlis, two boys,
got into an altercation out near
I lie Port is home. The report we
get as to particulars was as fol
lows: The Tiark hurst boy wished
to avoid meeting the l'orlis lad
and cut across the pasture, the
latter headed him otT, and with a
club was going to attack him.
The llarkhurst boy pulled his
knife and cut him in the left arm,
a long gash, lo the, bone, and
stuck him twice in the back,
penetrating lo the ribs. The
l'orlis boy haj his injuries
dressed by Dr. Welch. Later an
artery that, was severed, started
lo bleed and the loss of blood was
considerable before he could fret
medical attendance. County At
torney Taylor was called over to
investigate and called the boys lo
account. The Harkhurst boy, 11
years old, accompanied by his two
brothers, all told the same story
of the meet ing; lunv he was afraid
of young l'orlis, who is 15 years
old and large, when he was at
tacked with a club, proceeded to
defend himself, and he did so ef
fectively. Mr. and Mrs. l'orlis
concluded not lo prosecute and
the case was dropped. Weeping
j Water Republican.
Mr. O. W. Fischer and son of
Klmwood were in the cily today
looking after business mailers.
Foley Kidney Pills contain In con
centrated form Ingredients of estab
lished therapeutic value for the re
lief and euro of all kidney and blad
der ailments. Foley Kidney Pills are
antiseptic, tonic and restorative. Re
fuse substitutes. For sale by Fricke
&. Co.
Constipation brings many ailments
In Its train and Is the primary cause
of much sickness. Keep your Dowels
regular, madam, and you will escape
many of the ailments to which wom
en are subject. Constipation Is a
very simple thing, but like many
simple things, It may lead to serious
consequences. Nature often needs a
little assistance and when Chamber
lain's Tablets are given at the first
Indication, much distress and suffer
ing may be avoided. Sold by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Frank Libershall, the handsome
deputy county clerk, departed for
Ihe metropolis this morning,
where he was called on business.
John Ahl has recovered from an
attack of pneumonia, after several
weeks' illness.
Miss lterlha Richey and Donald
Dickson of Plat Ismouth spent
Faster in town, I lie guests of C.
A. Richey ami family.
Fred Diers of Madison, ex
president of Ihe Nebraska Retail
ers' association, visited his
brother, W. F. Diers, in town this
John Gorder and family came
up in their auto from their farm
near Platlsmouth and spent Sun
day wilh Mr. and Mrs. George
James Robertson, wife and
daughter, Marie, and son, Will,
were Louisville visitors last, Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson
were looking after their property
interests, while Will was looking
after some legal matters con
nected with his extensive law
Mrs. Frank Gadway received
the sad intelligence of the death
of her mother, Mrs. Thayer, at
Greeley, Nebraska, last Monday.
Grandma Thayer was well known
in Louisville, having visited here
frequently, and her many friends
join Ihe Courier in extending
swmpathy lo the family.
We are glad to nole so many of
our citizens are laking an active
inleresl in cleaning up Ihe town.
Old rubbish vliyh has accumulat
ed during Ihe long winter months
is a sure breeder of disease and it
is well for all of us lo calch the
cleaning fever and thus prevent
sickness, as well -as making our
(own more beautiful.
Miss lilanche Rathburn of this
place and Mr. Dennis Gardner of
Mullin, Neb., were married last.
Friday at Mullin. The bride is
Ihe daughter of Mrs. C. F. Rath
burn and has lived in Ibis vicinity
since childhood and is very pop
ular among her friends. The
groom is a prosperous young
ranchman, nnd the happy couple
will go al once lo housekeeping
on their ranch.
The Mirror Language.
Look in your mirror in the
morning, as soon os you get up,
and examine your complexion,
whether it is healthy, white and
rosy, or yellowish, ashy and un
healthy. Then look at your
tongue. If you find it coated,
your digestion is not in order and
you are constipated. If it is too
red, you are feverish. Theso
symptoms call for a thorough
cleaning out of the whole system;
the blood must be freed from
waste matter, making it thick, un
healthy and incapable to distrib
ute nourishment throughout tlio
body. You should useTriner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine,
which will drive all impurities
from your system and strengthen
it at the same time. We wish to
recommend this remedy in con
stipation, headache, backache,
rheumatism, neuralgia, colic and
cramps, in loss of appetite and
sleeplessness. At drug stores.
Jos. Triner, manufacturing chem
ist, 1333-1339 So. Ashland ave..
Chicago, III.
Frederlch Down Town.
Commissioner M. L. Friederich,
who has been quarantined with
diphtheria for the past twenty
one days, was released from
quarantine last evening and was
on the street this moving. Mr.
Friederich was not seri(f,;-Iy sick,
but had the disease to the extent
of mang it, very disagreeable,
and alltugh a mild form it would
have been conimnnicale(f 'to
others, hence the precaution of
remaining in quarantine. '
Subscribe ror me Tai:y Journal.
The Sound Sleep of tJootl Health.
Cannot be over-estimated and an
ailment that prevents It is a nienao
to health. J. L. Southers, Eau
: Claire, Wis., says: "I have beeu ua
able to sleep soundly nights, becaus
of pains across my back and sore
ness of my kidneys. My appetite waa
very poor and my general conditloa
was much run down. I have been
taking Foley Kidney Pills but 1
1 short time and now sleep as sound
as a rock, my general condition It
greatly Improved, and I know that
Foley Kidney Pills have cured m."
For sale by Fricke & Co.
:i Bargain No. 1
Si! l.rc Ladies Hose, plain Mack, "?
J ; Saturday only ft
Bargain No. 6
2 One case of Mens Hose, brown 7p
1 nnd black. Saturday only ... I U
Bargain No. 2
Boy's and Girl's Fine Ribbed Hose
worth from 15c to 20c; Sat
urday only
Bargain No. 7
fill diven Men a Mrciri7(d Silk
tt Finish hose, n splendid 20c 10 0
seller. Saturday onlv ,fcu
Bargain No. 8
Saturday afternoon for two hours
only, from 2:00 to 4:00 o clock
T we will sell the best calico in
$4 blues, greys nnd reds, at per
Bargain No. 9
Saturday afternoon, from 4:00 to
5:00 o'clock, we will sell our
! lumt IOp nnd 1 9 !r itrmlixi of
bleached muslin, at
Bargain No. 10
One lot of 12,'ic buck towels,
large sizes, each
Turkish towels, worth 20c, for. . .
Bargain No. 1 1
linen dresses, well worth l flU
vu IV
$3.50, Saturday only.
Bargain No. 3
One case of Children's high grade
fine ribbed hose, worth 25c,
Saturday only
Bargain No. 4
25 dozen Men's Dress Shirts, cuffs
attached, 75c value, Satur
day only
For Saturday, April 29, Only
OWING to not having room for such large stock I find it necessary to cut down lines, and in order
to do so have made a remarkable cut in prices. If you are in need of suit for yourself or your
boys it will pay you to inspect our goods, and our low prices will surprise you.
Our Millinery Department has received many compliments from the people of Plattsmouth
and vicinity, which goes to show that our line is up-to-date and stylish. We will offer some at
tractive bargains in this department Saturday. Give us the chance and we are sure to please you.
Bargain No. 18
Men's Hand-sewed Lace Shoes,
sizes 6 to 10. Regular price
$2.25, Saturday only
Only one pair to customer.
Bargain No. 19
Boy's School Schoes. Cracker
jack seller for $2.00. Only..,
Bargain No. 20
Men's Summer Underwear. Bal
briggan, all sizes. Regular
50c sellers
v? a n m
u (yiuiig.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska.
Bargain No. 21
30 dozen Men's Undershirts. No drawers
to match. Colors, grey, blue, pink,
black and white. Former prices 50c
to $1.00. Saturday only 25e- Just
think of it.
Bargain No. 22
John B. Stetson Hats- You know what
they are. What you have paid for
them before. Our price Saturday
only $298.
Bargain No. 5
10 dozen Men's and Boys' pure silk
bow ties and four-in-hands,
washable tics, Saturday only
Bargain No. 1 2
Ladies' calico and percale house
uressess and wrappers, Sat
urday only
Bargain No. 13
SPECIAL Only 5 Ladies' Tailor-
made suits, Saturday only
Sizes 34-3G-38.
of each kind.
Qntin linnj) mi1 rvnlir rnk
UUlill 1111. VI U1IV1 vuij viv
Bargain No. 14
25 per cent discount on nil new and
up-to-date Ladies' Tailor Made Suits. ?
Bargain No. 15
One lot of white lawn Ladies' Waists, em-
broidored fronts. Slightly soiled.
Broken sizes. Regular price $1 to $2.
Saturday only 25c and 49c it
Bargain No. 16 1
10 dozen Mercerized, Satin and Heather
bloom petticoats. Regular value $1
to $2. Saturday, only one to a cus
tomer 49c and 69c
mm wmm t
Harpnm run. i
w mm mw m mm
10 dozen Ladies' White Handker
chiefs. Each Saturday only..