The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 24, 1911, Image 1

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NO V.l
A Very Harmonious and Interesting Meeting, and a Great Deal of
Important Business Transacted, Including Retaking of the
Census of Plattsmouth
Krum Friday's Daily,
The members of the Com
mercial club met at their rooms
in the Coates' block last evening,
and after President Pollock had
called the house to order, Sec
retary Wescott read the minutes
of the previous meeting, which
occurred in February, the March
meeting having been postponed
on account of illness of some of
the officers.
Communications were then
taken up, and bills were presented
and allowed as follows: A bill
for $2 postage, presented by the
secretary, the first of the kind
presented since the organization
of the club, was allowed; a bill for
printing circulars and cards and
other jobs for a year in the sum
of $20, was allowed; a bill for
rent, amounting to .$10, of which
the Knights and Ladies of Secur
ity had paid $i.50 and the Sewing
club had paid about $18.50, leav
ing $21.50 for the club to pay,
was presented for the quarter
ending April 1. In the discussion
over the bill it was disclosed that
the rent contracted to be paid by
the Knights and Ladies of Secur
ity was $9 per quarter, and that
the society had deducted one-half
the bill on account of the hall not
being in shape to hold meetings
on some occasions. A motion
was made and voted to notify the
soicoly to pay the remaining
$4.50 or vacate the hall, or words
to that effect not quite so diplo
matic. A communication from Senator
Brown reporting on the census
provoked considerable discussion.
Mayor Saltier was present and
was called on for his idea of the
feasibility of retaking Hie census
and the probable result. The
mayor, with others, seemed to
think that the census had not
seen carefully canvassed at the
cases being known of persons who
had not been included in the last
count. Mr. Falter stated that the
party calling al ius residence
would not take his two daughters,
who were absent at school. Mr.
Schneider thought the city had
been carefllly canvassed at the
time and that a different result
would nor be reached. Other
members thought many in the
suburbs had been missed, and it
was moved and voted to retake
the census, and to recommend
this to the council at its next
The secretary reported that the
Smith factory wanted twenty more
girls at the factory to run ma
chines. A communication from the Red
Men, asking the club lo have the
light company turn on the arches
and place the are lights in the
street for Friday night. Mr. C.
C. Parmele staled that he would
take the matter up with the light
company and have the si reel
A communication from George
M. Campen, consulting engineer,
offering to make a thorough In
vestigation of the water system
and plant and place a valuation
Cases Set for the First Three
Days of Said Term, Beginning
Tuesday, May 2.
Judge Travis furnishes the following-
for publication for the
benefit of the parlies interested:
Tuesday, May 2. Herold vs.
Coates; Stale vs. Meeker; iir re
Vallery (habeas corpus); Mc
Donald vs. McDonald.
Wednesday, May 3.;jjSpj, j
vs. M. P. Railway Co.; Pankoninj
vs dorder; Van Ackern vs. Hrun-I
hoeber. j
Thursday, May i Cass County!
vs. City of Platlsmonlh; Clark vs. f
Fleisrhman. i
If a case is settled, dismissed
r continued, then the case fol
on the same for the sum of $150,
was read and discussed. The en
gineer proposed to examine the
stand pipe, water pipes by taking
up sections of the pipe, and the
pumps and place a valuation on
the whole, also to estimate what
the plant could be reproduced for
new, with electricity as the motive
power, all for the sum above
named. After some discussion
for and against, the matter' was
remanded lo the committee to act
upon as best suited their judg
ment. The committee appointed lo
look alter building a new jail was
called on to report, and did so,
stating that the matter had been
taken up with the county attorney
and 1 he county commissioners and
that I here was some vagueness
about the statute, but that the
doubts would be resolved in favor
of counting the vote last cast on
the proposition, ail(j ial a ,na.
jnrily of the voles cast on the
proposition would probably be
held to be suHiicent, but the
officers hesitated, under the ex
isting uncertainty, to move in the
mailer. The matter was referred
lo a committee with power to act.
Mr. Tidd produced and read, on
molion of a member of the club,
two ordinances, one governing
pool halls and the other occupa
tion taxes. Holh ordinances were
recommended to the council for
ils favorable consideration by a
vole of th membership. During
Ihe discussion of ln occupation
ordinance, which lasted some
time, (he Heal rice 'met hod of
handling transient venders of
goods was favorably commented
on. This plan places Ihe matter
in the hands of the health depart
ment of the city, and will require
each peddlar lo undergo an ex
nminalion at the bands of the eily
physician for Ihe purpose of de
termining whether an infectious
or contagious disease lurks in his
system, and for the examination
each person examined is required
lo pay a fee of $10. The plan met
wilh ihe hearty approval of the
health committee, and Ihe entire
membership was in favor of pro
tecting Ihe community from con
tagious diseases in this manner.
Some of (he holelkeepers in (he
city say this may be pretty hard'
on their busines, but what is for
Ihe best interests of the com
munity will be cheerfully submit
ted to by them.
Superintendent Abbott. was
present and responded to a re
quest for remarks, in a pleasant
vein. Mr. Abbott advocated the
mayor's plan of having the city
cleaned up mi Arbor day. He had
I een alrcadx doing something for
his own premises, and if he could
induce his neighbor, Secretary
Wescolt, to desist from chasing
Ihe filthy dollars for a short lime
and remove some of the rubbish
on his premises the hill would be
in line shape, or words to thai
effect. Mr. Abbott's address was
cheerfully npplauded.
At a very lale hour the meeting
adjourned, having disposed of a
large mass of business.
lowing will take the place or Ihe
case so disposed of.
House Party at Nebraska City.
Misses Harbara and Mia Oer
ing, Dora Fricke and Verna Leon
ard went down lo Nebraska City
yesterday to join Mrs. Edith Don
elan, who has been in that city
f"r the past few days, to attend a
house party to be given at the
home ol Mrs. Donelan's sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Casper Thgeson.
They will remain for several days,
and we are informed that a re
ception was to have been given
last evening in honor of Ihe visit
ing ladies, which no doubt was a
most enjoyable affair.
Mr. D. n. Porter and wire and
son, Clyde, of near Murray, were
in the city yesterday attending Ihe
suit pending in the district court.
The Ladies of the St Mary's Guild
of St. Luke's Church Enjoy
a Pleasant Afternoon.
From Thursday's Dally
The ladies of the St. Mary's
Guild of St. Luke's church held a
most delightful kensingston at
the charming home of Mrs. Kva
Reese yesterday afternoon. When
ever invited to the Reese home
the ladies always expect a royal
time and their expectations were
fully realized in the entertain
ment of yesterday. They bad
come prepared to have a most en
joyable lime, especially made so,
when Mrs. Ree was so ably as
sisted in enter Lading her guests
by a fine committee f ladies, con
sisting of Mesdames F. (i. F.gen
berger, J. C. Petersen, Walter
Scott, Robert Windham, jr., A. L.
Tidd; Mi sses Anna Kgenberger
and Alice Falon.
These kensinglons are held
once a monl b at, Ihe home of some
one of the members, and which
are in charge of a committee of
ladies which has been selected by
the president of the society. A
few of the hurrying minutes yes
terday Were very industriously
siient in working on dainty
needlework, interspersed wilh
social conversation, after which
they listened to a musical pro
gram, which the ladies of the
commit tee had previously ar
ranged, and which was so allur
ing that the ladies laid aside their
fancy work.
Mrs. II. S. Austin rendered a
vocal solo in a very charming
manner, and Miss Grclchen Don
nelly contributed a beautiful vocal
solo, a very appropriate one, in
that she sang of the April show
ers and the like. Waldemar
Soennichsen furnished a piano
solo, and, as usual, made a hit
with Ihe company, as there is no
one who bears Waldemar play
once too often. Miss Harbara
Clement gave a very pretty num
ber in Ihe shape of a vocal solo.
Miss Clement has a very sweet
voice, and her singing was very
much appreciated by those pres
ent. A piano duet was given by
Misses Dorothy llrilt and Rulh
Chapman, which was brilliantly
executed; everybody always enjoys
hearing these young ladies play
together. Another pleasing
feature of this very entertaining
program was (he readings con
tributed by Miss Anderson, which
were most thoroughly enjoyed.
Her manner and style of reciting
well showed her to be a finished
reader. A piano solo was given
by Miss Frei.lay, which also
greatly assisted in making the
program a very entertaining one.
Following this program dainty,
as well as delicious, refresh
ments, consisting of sherbert and
cake, were served, . which was
likewise thoroughly enjoyed. For
Ihe occasion Ihe rooms of the
Reese home had been handsomely
decorated wilh asparagus, ferns,
tulips and carnations.
There was a very large attend
ance and Ihe ladies realized over
$. It was a lale hour of the af
ternoon when all look (heir de
parture, having enjoyed I hem
serves to the fullest extent, and
voting Mrs. Reese and (lie ladies
of the commit lee splendid enter
tainers and the occasion one of
the most delightful they have at
tended for some time.
In Judge Archer's Court.
From Tliurgduy'a Dally
A case was filed in Judge
Archer's court this morning, the
plaintiff being 0. W. Homan, who
complained of one George Uarr,
that he unlawfully detained cer
tain real estate, more particularly
described as lot .1, in block 171,
belonging to the plaintiff, Mr.
Harr having occupied the
premises as a tenant of Mr. Ho
man, but neglected to remove
from the same now that his lease
had expired. Mr. Uarr was notified
some three days ago that Mr.
Homan desired possession, but. it
is a pretty busy lime to move, and
so the tenant remained. There
will be a hearing on the mailer
next Mondav.
l'dfin for Sale,
n. P. n. eRR for Rale, 7Gc per 16,
$4.00 per 100. Toloiiso orkb, $1.50
per dozen. Mrs. Wm. Troop.
Nehawko, Neb.
Sent to School for Blind.
Olee Wilson, a member of the
public schools, whose eyesight
has been very bad, was this morn
ing sent to the school for the
blind at Nebraska City. Superin
tendent Abbott discovered that
the boy could not do the work
here, owing to his deficient eye
sight, mid secured his admittance
ro that institution.
Spills the Laundry and Then
Takes the Wagon Up the
Street on Its Side.
from Thursday's Daily
1 Last evening while Ihe boy was
delivering laundry on .North
Flevenlh, between Main and Vine
Streets, the bay sleed attached to
Ihe Pierson wagon performed a
few Ji mils which was amusing to
Ihe bystanders, and resulted in
but a slight loss to the proprietor
of Ihe laundry.
, A package of laundry was being
delivered to the Hob Gibson home,
and while the driver was in the
yard the fractious nag endeavored
to climb the bank in pursuit of the
blue grass growing there. The
incline is rather abrupt and when
the wagon was drawn almost, to
the top over it went, throwing one
thill over Ihe horse's back and Ihe
other under his belly, and ap
parently creating some discom
fort, for the beast began to run
toward Main street, kicking at
every jump. The laundry wagon
was dragged at, the animal's heels
and laundry strewn along the
i The runaway horse tired before
it got half a block, as Ihe wagon
did not. glide over the ground, be
ing drdagged on its side, and at
command of "Whoa, Charley,"
yelled by a resident of the vicinity,
Ihe horse came to a dead stop ami
began lo eat grass. The tugs
.'ml thill. straps wer soon un
loosed and Ihe wagon righted. The
only damage was a broken cross
piece between the thills on which
the singletree is attached. Tin's
was readily repaired with some
wire and Cio delivery of laundry
Repairing the Cass County Bastile
in Order to Keep It
Harry Johnson (ml a force of
men have been employed for a
few days in repairing Ihe exterior
of the walls on the upper story of
the county jail. A coat of con
crete has been placed upon the
brick, which will no doubt prevent
the rain from penetrating tho
walls and rendering the rooms
above and Ihe cells below unin
habitable. Last spring the rain,
driven by the wind, soaked tho
walls and the paper in the living
rooms fell off, and Ihe iron grat
ings in Hie cells rusted, present
ing lo I lie prisoner with aesthetic
taste a very distressing appear
ance. The repairs were aboslulely
necessary, as there will of neces
sity have to be a place to keep the
violators of the law until the new
jail is built and ready for use,
which may require some time.
The plans have not been drawn
yet, nor the material ordered for
the new structure.
Horse Is Found.
The valuable horse which Sam
Shoemaker had shipped from
Heal rice and w hich w as supposed
to have been stolen from Ihe car,
was found at, Doke, the first sta
tion north of Heatrice, the point
of shipment. The horse was
placed in Ihe car loose, and it is
now supposed that a tramp open
ed the door and stole a ride and
left the door open or ajar and the
motion of (ho train opened it and
the horses prang out. The animal
did not appear to be damaged and
Mr. Shoemaker reloaded it und
shipped it to Plattsmouth.
Prof. F. J. Kolbaba departed for
Omaha this afternoon, where ho
will impart skill in using tho
violin to a large class of tho
Omaha youth for Ihe next three
The Crabtree-Porter Case Finish-
ed Yesterday Afternoon,
but Not Decided.
KroiiiKiiday's Pally.
The case of Crabtree vs. Porter,
pending in Ihe district court yes
terday and the day before, was
submitted lo the court yesterday
afternoon, Ihe arguments of the
attorneys occupying but a short
time. The evidence and argu
ments in the case disclosed that
the controversy between the
parlies arose over a note of
$2,000, signed by the husband of
the plaintiff, Mr. Crabtree, as
principal, and by the father of Ihe
parlies to the suit, Mr. Samuel J.
Fleming, as surely. The plaintiff
and her husband executed a
mortgage on Mrs. Crabtree's in
terest in her father's real estate
after his death to Ihe Hank of
Cass County, which had advanced
the money to Mr. Crabtree. This
security was not considered good
from some cause, probably on ac
count of the married women's act
protecting a married woman from
the effects of contracts not drawn
lo bind her separate property. The
administrator of the estate was
advised to procure a quit-claim
deed of the plaintiff's interest, in
lieu of the mortgage, which was
Mrs. Crablree's contention in
the present, litigation was that
she made the deed as a security
for the debt of $2,000 furnished
her husband and Ibis deed should
be construed as a mortgage, and
she allowed lo redeem from the
mortgage, and thus receive some
pari of Ihe residue of her father's
estate over and above Ihe $2,000,
which had been paid by Ihe eslale
to the bank on her husband's
obligal ion.
Judge Travis look the main
point in the case under udvise
menl, requesting the attorneys lo
furnish him with' briefs on Ihe
theory that there should be an ac
counting, but staled that it was
not lo be taken for granted that
he would order an accounting.
Will Give Banquet Tonight.
From Friday' Dally.
The members of the German
club of the High school are ar
ranging lo have a fine lime this
evening, in Ihe nature of a ban
quet, which will be held at the
home of John Falter on North
Third street. This club is com
posed of Ihe members of Ihe
Junior and Senior classes, who
are taking German as a study,
and Miss Johnston, who is Ihe in
slriiclor of the German classes of
the High school, is the leader of
Ihe club.
This club has been meeting at,
Ihe homes of Ihe members every
other week for I lie past few
monl lis, and this being (be last
time they will meet together as
the German club, it was decided
to make if some elaborate affair
ami an occasion which will Iouk
be remembered, and arrange
ments for this banquet were im
mediately begun. There will be
a program and some toasts will
be given, everything to be said
and done in Hie German dialect;
eseu Ihe menu will not only be
spelled in German, but also writ
ten in the German script. This
will certainly make a most de
lightful evening's entertainment
and the Journal hopes lo have a
more ctxended account of this
very pleasant affair in ils
columns in tomorrow's issue.
To Attend Funeral.
from Saturday's Dally.
Mrs. J. Matleson and children
and her sister, Mrs. L. M. Kuhney,
departed for Omaha this after
noon to attend the funeral of
their brother-in-law, Thomas
King, who died yesterday. Mr.
King was married to their sister,
Miss Florence McClain. at Council
Mlull's little more than a year ago.
He has been sick for several
months with ronsunipl ion. The
funeral will occur tomorrow
morning at 8:.'10 from Ihe resi
dence of Mrs. King's brother, C. E.
McClain, and from there the
funeral procesison will go to the
Catholic church, where Ihe public
funeral services will be held.
Judge H. D. Travis, with Court
Reporter Karl Travis, left, for Ne
braska Cijy this morning, where
they will rontinue Ihe Otoe county'
Returns to Quarantine.
r rom Friday Dally.
Superintendent of the Shops
William Haird was called from
the shops this forenoon by his
w ife, whose illness was mentioned
in yesterday's Journal, and Mr.
Haird immediately left for his
home ami returned to quarantine,
Mrs. Haird not being so well this
morning. Robert's condition was
somewhat improved. It is hoped
that Mrs. Haird may not be
seriously ill, but her continual
watching by Ihe bedside of her
little son has doubtless exhausted
her strength.
Walter J. White, Elected Vestry
man In 18G6, Has Been Official
of Church Ever Since.
An item in yesterday's lice call
ing attention to the long term of
service as vestryman of Mr. Henry
W. Yates or Omaha, stirred tho
memories of some of the pioneers
of this city. Mr. Waller J. White
of this city has a record of church
service equal if not long I ban that
of Mr. Yates, who has been a
senior warden for twenty-five
Mr. While was elected vestry
man of this parish on Faster
Monday, 18C.H, and has held the
office of treasurer, junior warden
and senior warden. He was elorl
ed senior warden twenty-five
years ago ami has been re-elected
to the same position every year
since, and was re-elected" last
Monday lo serve for another year.
Mr. White was a delegate lo the
first dioceasan convention in this
stale, which convened in Omaha.
He look part in the deliberation
of Ihe convention which named
the Nebraska diocease.
In addition lo being one of (ho
foremost, church men of the city,
Mr. White is a pioneer, having
come lo Nebraska in June, 1 857,
and had resided here more than
leu years when Hie present
Episcopal house of worship was
erected. This edifice has an in
teresting history, which we hope
to be. able to give at some later
dale. The church was built in
1800 and consecrated in 1 807,
laving I n erected and presented
lo the parish by Mrs. F.dmoiul
Murray Young of New York at a
memorial lo her deceased hus
She Passes Away Early This
Morning of Acute Attack
of Indigestion.
From Friday's Dally.
Mrs. Lee Maylleld, wiTe of tho
editor of the Louisville Courier
Journal, died very suddenly at her
home in Louisville this morning
from an acute attack of indiges
tion. Itesidcs her husband Mrs.
Maylleld leaves four children to
mourn her loss.
Mrs. Maylleld was a daughter
ol Mr. and Mrs. Patrick V. Ash,
residents of this county for a
great many years. The deceased
leaves brothers and sisters also
to mourn her sudden death. The
funeral arrangements had not
been announced when the writer's
informant left Louisville. Mr.
Maj field has the sympathy of a
large circle of friends in this, the
hour of his sad bereavement.
Investigate Stock Market.
From TliiirBdBy'i Dully
Mr. Charles Criswisser and
wile and family have been visiting
Mr. Criswisser's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dennett, Criswisser, for u
few das, intending to return to
their home this morning, but the
children became sick and Ihe trip
home was postponed. Charles
boarded the morning M. P. train
for South Omaha to get a line on
Ihe rat I lo market, he having four
loads which are about ready for
the block.
I hereby announce by self as a
candidate for the nomination for the
office of sheriff of Cass county, Ne
brnska, subject to the decision of the
voters at the corning primary elec
tion. I ask the voters to place me
in nomination on tho democratic
ticket. G. P. Barton, Union, Neb.