The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 20, 1911, Image 8

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    Children Cry for Fletcher's
M VI Or-
The Kind You Have Always liought, ami which has been
In use for over JM) years, lias borno the fdxnutiirt; of
and has
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-us-good" nr but
Kxpcrlincnts that trifle with n::l rndaiifjer tho health of
Infants und Children Y, p riewo against Kxperluieut.
Castorla is 11 harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and 8ovthln Syrups. It id Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor Other Karcotie
Kiilistanee. Its fjo Is Its guarantee. It destroys AVorm
11 ml allays reverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tlx! J'ood, regulates tho
Stomach and Dowels, giving heaitliy and natural bleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
(Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have
Use For Over 30 Years
it ,iW .i. ,Htk , t, A-w-i.r','.,.r fA.-,-.- ''r iiinm i
from Tiiisiliiy'it I tally.
Miss Hello, Leypohll .r l,a 1'la! Ii
is in Mm cily, the guest of Miss
, Gladys Marshall.
Dirk Criswisser made a visit lo
I hi! metropolis this morning via
the M. 1'., returning mi I'.urling
lon train No. 2 i.
Mr. . ShnuliT of near Murray
Was a Plallsmoulli isilor yoslor
lay, having driven in lo look after
Some business mailers.
Mrs. A. Wcleneanip anil son,
Elmer, departed for Omaha (his
afternoon, where I hey will visit
friends for a few days.
Mr. ami Mrs. K. II. SpanghT
were Omaha passengers
omriiing I rain today, win
looked afler mailers of business
for a lime.
Mrs. II. .lamia and Mrs. .1.
Hftueck of 'I'oiihy, Neliraska. who
have boon visiting Fd Doiiat and
family and Thomas Jumla for a
fdmrl lime, departed for their
homes thin morning.
l'liillip Si'haelVer. from near
Cedar Creek, was in I he city o
day looking after some husiness
matters, and while here called at
the Journal olllee to renew his
Mrs. Perry Marsh wen! lo Oma
ha this afternoon to see her lil
tlo daughter, Nellie, who was
operated on at St. Joseph's hos
pital last Thursday.- The little
girl is doing as well as could he
expected and is recovering from
the, effects of the operalion.
Miss Jessie I'nx relumed from
Lincoln Saturday night, having
completed her work as clerk in
tho legislature. She was accom
panied hy her cousin, Mr. J. It.
1'arkhill of San Francisco, Cal.,
who spent Sunday with relatives
in this city, depart ing for his
home Sunday afternoon.
Atorney C. ',. TelTt of W eeping
Water was in the city today on
husiness with the district court
as well as making final settlement
in the Wilson Faslorday estate.
Mr. Thomas Murlcy, the ad
ministrator of the estate, was in
tho cily also, he having motored
over from Weeping Water last
oven ing.
Trom WelnodHy'i pull.
Mr. Copenliaver of I'nion was a
witness in the Crubtree-porler
litigation tried in the district
court today.
Dr. !. F. Hrendel and Alfred
Dean of Murray were witnesses
in the district court case today
before Judge Travis.
Mr. D. 0. Dwyer left for Oma
ha on the morning train today,
where he met with tho other trus
tees of the School for the Deaf.
Dr. Gilmore of Murray and Hort
Jamison of that vicinity motored
to Platlsmouth last evening and
attended lo business matters for
a time.
Mr. Hen Dill of near Murray-
was a Platlsmouth visitor today,
having been ubpoenied as a wit
been made under h!s por-
Honal supervision since Its Infancy.
Always Bouglil
Mr. Jacoh Fnrnoff and sislcr,
Miss Lena, were in the city today
attending to some husiness mat
ters for a few hours between
I rains.
Mr. Dave I'iltman of Murray
was in the cily today attending
the district court, and witnessed
the litigation pending before
Judge Travis. .
Mr. M. (1. Churchill of Murray
motored lo I'lallsmoulh this
morning and brought in the
names of two more entries for
the tiddlers' conies!.
John Lloyd and Mr. Henry C.
Long of near Muray were in the
cily today, having been called as
witnesses in the suit pending in
ine iiisiiHt court.
Mrs. S. A. Wiles. Mrs. J. K.
on the W iles and Miss Fli.abelli Spaug
re Ihcyiler were Omaha travelers on I he
morning train today, where they
visited friends for the day.
Fred Oneuhaiiseii and August
Weseh transacted business in Mm
metropolis this morning, going
on the early train and spending
the day taking in the nlaces of
W. II. Ileil, one of the substan
tial far rs of Might Mile (irove
precinct, was in the city today on
business. Mr. Ileil, we are sorry
to learn, is suffering from rheu
matism. Mr. J. H. Nichols, real estate
dealer, formerly in the ineicanlilo
busines at I'nion, . came down
from the metropolis on the tlrst
nam mis anornooii ami inter
viewed customers for a time,
M. Young drove up from
Murray this morning to look afler
1 1 ...... . . r i ,
"iniir iii, mots oi iiusiuess. ne
was accompanied by his daughter,
Miss lsabelle, one of the finest,
young ladies in Cass county, who
did some shopping with our mer
Mrs. II. T. Ilallen ami daughter,
Miss Jennie, returned from
Oconto, Nebraska, last evening,
where I hey had visited friends for
a few days. Mr. Halleu visited
with an old-time friend whom he
had nol seen for manv vears ami
reports a very pleasant visit.
Dead Bodies as Express.
Dead bodies shipped over tin
nurlinglon will, after May 1,
I ravel as passengers. The new
regulation requires that the
rough box containing the hotly,
the shipping undertaker having
complied with (lie rules of th
health department governing the
shipment of dead bodies, shall b
presented to the baggage depart
ineiil ami shall be weighed and
t real ed as excess baggage. The
new rule provides that a corpse
will be cheeked as baggage, pro
viding a llrst-class full-fare
ticket is presented at the same
time. An escort is required to go
on the train. An additional dol
lar will be charged for the handl
ing of the body.
The rule under which corpses
arc shipped provides that n corpse
will be carried in the baggag
car, providing two full faro ticket
are presented, one ticket to be
used by the escort and the second
ticket answering for transporta
v-Mr v-M-H- -H-H-v -M-H-2-nehawka.
J News.
H-H H"K -I-H-H- -H-H-i
A. I'. Chriswis.oer and family of
Dunbar attended the funeral of
Grandma Tucker Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Waldo are
rejoicing over the arrival at their
home Tuesday of a line baby boy
of regulation weight.
Mrs. George Lloyd was a pas
senger to Lincoln Tuesday, where
she went to see her daughter, who
is taking treatment in a hospital
(or rheumal ism.
Mrs. Alfred had the misfortune
to slip and fall the Mist of the
week, with the result that she in
jured her arm so severely it was
necessary to call a doctor.
Mrs. Willsie left for her home
in Parker, South Dakota, Wed
nesday, after -spending three
weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Julian Pollard, and friends in
Nebraska City.
Heiinclt Chriswisser and wife,
who were over here several days
last week visiting their son,
Charles, returned to their home in
Plattsmoutli on the evening train
Mrs. F. p. Sheldon returned
Tuesday morning from Knoxville,
Illinois, where she was called on
account of the illness of her
daughter, Isadorc. The young
lady was suffering from ptomaine
poisoning and for a lime her con
dition was iuite serious. Mow
ever, when her mother left she
was able o sit up and it was
thought she would recover rapid
ly. George Mark, who suffered an
accident to his leg several weeks
ago and was incapacitated from
work for some lime, received a
check the other day from tho
Woodman Acident Society of Lin
coln for $i.r, being the full
amount of his claim against that
company. George has carried a
policy in this company for years
and this is lli second lime he, has
been unfortunate and ho says the
puny is prompt, and satis
factory in I oh ir set I lenient.
In cases of rehumatisiii relief
from pain makes sleep and rest
possible. This may he obtained
by applying Chamberlain's Lini
ment, for sale bv I'. G. Frioko
& Co.
Ilepublican. J
Daisy Johnson has been
lo leach in the Da pi I ion
primary grade, at ii."
per mouth.
N. C. llalines, the K. it II. Hour
man, has invested in a new auto
mobile, the "Overland." He drives
it like a veteran.
Mrs. L. K. Calkin and children
departed last Friday for Cash
mere, Washington. Mr. Calkin
was detained longer than expect
ed and loaded a car Ibis week for
Messrs. Martin Mogeiisen and
John Jorgensen departed last
week for I'.ngeue, Oregon, wiiere
Mr. Mogensen's brother, Mons,
I ( sides. The hoys may conclude
lo reside there.
The Congregational parsonage
be improved by I he placing of
I nth thtures, etc. A. K. Jameson
will supply the material and in
stall the fixtures. This will be a
much needed improvement and
appreciaieii ny I'asior ..mlress
and family.
An evangelist at Louisvill
ouilucliug meetings, points out
i.) doors lo hell am 15 bars to
eaven. If there are so manv en
trances, there should be as manv
vits. .Not such a bad place In
ase in nre, as a loriner .vow
York shirt waist faclorv or Chi-
'ngo theater.
The school board has eleclei
touchers in all grades. Miss Graei
King of Dodge Cily, la., was elect
ed principal, and Miss Fdna II ig
gins of University Place, assist
ant principal. The balance of the
touchers wore re-elected. They
are: Lora McDonald, Mildred
Hart, Clara Marquardt. F.lla
Young, F.dith Johnson and Inez
"Our baby cries for Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy," writes Mrs. T. It.
Keiiilrick, Rasaca, da. "It la the
best cough remedy on the market for
coughs, colds and croup." For sale
by F. 0. Fricke & Co.
! Deacon. J
A new grandstand was built al
the baseball park this week.
The new uniforms for the F.agle
ball team arrived Tuesday. They
The band boys are fast getting
llo-ir lip's in shape for the coming
manner's playing.
George Heitter. jr.. is the proud
owner of a fine new automobile.
There js just room for she and
Frank Hoeswel ter's engine went
ti.-ough the bridge, south of Aug
l rl Spahnle's the other day. There
was nobody in.fTired.
Miss F.dith Peterson was able
.it be out Monday, afler being con
lined to her home for a week with
a severe attack of tonsilitis.
C. S. Trumble is improving his
home property this week by build
ing an addition to the house,
fencing the entire properly and
bi.'i'iuig a chicken house.
Mr. and Mrs. Art llemaley are
the proud and happy parents of
an eight-pound baby girl, born
Monday, April 10th, 1911. All
corn ci neil are doing nicely.
I lie boys had some fun Mon
day by fastening a tin can to a
l'ij', (ail and Mien starting (he
piicr animal to running up the
main street. It's too bad that the
di g i. unable to reverse the game.
Constipation brings many ailments
In Its train and Is the primary cause
of much slrkness. Keep your towels
regular, madam, and you will escape
many of the ailments to' which wom
en are subject. Constipation Is a
very simple thinjr. but like many
simple things, it may lead to serious
consequences. Nature often needs a
little assistance and when Chambor
lajn's Tablets are given nt the first
indication, much distress and suffer
ing may be avoided. Sold by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
! Leader-F-cho.
I I X I- !-:!- I-H-H 'M-H
Dan McNeely was able to be out
some tlit forepart of I he week.
John and F.lla Smilh spent
Sunday with relatives at Mauley.
Vomer Perry and family drove
out from Mynard Sunday in their
William Osborn and Kdgar
Perry left Monday for Montana to
visit ami look at the country.
Mrs. F. Avers oT Albany, N. V.,
is hero on a visit with her daugh
ter. Mrs. William Osborn.
We are pleased lo bear thai Fd
Wrighl, who was taken to the
Methodist hospital in Omaha a
short time ago. is getting belter.
Mrs. Clay Conner, who was
operated upon at a Lincoln hos
pital Thursday of last week, is re
ported sonie better at this -wril-
! nig.
Charles Wall, wife and baby,
of, St. Paul, Minn., are here on a
visit with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. M. W. Wall.. Charley is
still working for the National
liiscuit company.
.leu I en a n I -i ,o lone I I.. ,1. I'owoii.i
cousin of Captain C. S. Aldrich.
willi his wife and two children,
arrived Sunday evening for a few-
days visil al I lie Alilrich Homo.
Mr. Powell was captain of a regi
ment from Cedar county, Iowa, at
the time Captain Aldrich was in
command of a company from
Marshalllown, lown, both serving
in (.una during the panish
American war.
Carl Hauer of near Alvo and
Miss Mabel A. Young of Hrock
were married W eilnosilav, April r.
at Auburn. The bride is a daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Young
of Hrock, and a niece of Mrs. J. C.
Dreamer residing near bore. The
happy young couple will be al
homo to their friends on a farm
one mile east of Alvo. The groom
has many friends here who will
join with the Loador-Fcho in
wishing him and his estimable
bride a long and prosperous wed
ded life.
When a medicine nuisl be given
to young children it should be
plonmni to take. Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is made from loaf
sutar. and the roots used in its
preparation give it a flavor
similar lo maple syrup, making it
1 leasunl lo lake. It has no su
perior for colds, croup and
whooping cough. For sale by F.
G. Fricke A Co.
W-H !M"M -I-H-M H-IW
union. -l
Alex Napier and K. Falon
left Sunday for the west, expect
ing to laud in the stale of Wash
James Pluck, who was employ
ed for some time in the Dales
livery barn, left last Saturday
morning for Seattle, Wash.
Matt McQuinn departed Mon
day for Laurel to v isit- his son
Tom and family, and attend to
some business matters.
Miss Rebecca Haines of Platts-
tnouth, who taught in our schools
a few years ago, came down
V. i
n' . . . .. ;. -J v
v''h, rl '.ji
Foster and wife and other friends
in and near this village.
Mrs. H. F. Cowles of Hardy,
Nebraska, is visiting with her
sister, Mrs. Fd Young. Mrs.
Cow les is no si ganger lo our peo
ple here, lor several years ago she
was a resident of I nion
Joy It. Applegale, who has been
on the road with a theatrical com
pany, came in Monday night from
Sioux Cily for a week's vacation
with his relatives and friends in
and near Ibis v illage.
Will Reynolds went to Omaha
on the early train yesterday
morning to accept, a position as
I b I 1 1 1 1 k O I'll I t 1 1 1 f,tt lo.,,... 1.....
. - ' -r I 1 1 1 1 ' i i K 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,
Will has been working fail h fully
to lit himself for I he business
world, and we predict great suc
cess for him.
A deed was made last week
whereby W. C. Complon became
proprietor of the Curliss barber
shop, having leased the same
from L. 0. Curliss, who -accepted
a position as deputy for Ihe
Woodmen of the World. Mr. Cur
liss and family will make their
home hero.
Charles Garrison wont lo Oma
ha last Saturday morning lo meet
his wife and Miss Oela AuMin,
who had boon taking treatment at
the mineral spring near Hurling-
lon Junction, Missouri. On Tues-
day Mrs. Garrison's condition be
came such that, she had to return
lo the spring on the evening
'A. L. Decker, a regular ship
per from I'nion, Neb., was on the'
market one day Ibis week with a'
carload of hogs. Mr. Decker lives
in Omaha territory, but has found
thai Kansas Cily has Ihe best'
market and during the past tenj
days has had live coarloads of j
hogs on the Kansas Cily market."
The above is taken from Ihe Kan-
sas City Slock Journal, audi
shows that, our good friend is, away from home as
well as at Home for Ins Husiness
I hereby announce by self a3 a
candidate for the nomination for the
office of sheriff of Cass county, Ne
braska, subject to the decision of the
voters at the coming primary elec -
tion. I ask the voters to place me
in nomination on the democratic
ticket. G. P. Barton, Union, Neb.
Lame Shoulder Is nearly always
due to rheumatism of the muscles,
and quickly yields to the free ap
plication of Chamberlain's Liniment.
For sale by F. 0. Fricke & Co.
on certain dates in April and May and daily from June to September ; still lower
general basis of $.r0.00 on certain dates in June and July. General excursion
basis to Portland, Seattle, $00.00 on
to September; still lower general basis
July; $15.00 higher to include Shasta
privileges . The tour of the Coast is
kinds of excursion rates through Gardiner and Yellowstone gateways; also per
sonally conducted camping tours through Cody.
BIO HORN MOUNTAINS -The resorts of this delightful region near Sher
idan and Thermopolis are attracting a large volume of tourist patronage. Send
fcr special publication.
CNLORAD0 AND ROCKY MOUNTAlNS-Jx& popular summer rates to
Colorado and Utah cities and resorts. S$nd for Etfs Park bookltt.
uch with me, and lefme
rado Hand Book,"
Park," "Pacific
Miss Myers wishes to an
nounce that her new Chicago
trimmer has just arrived.
You will find an elegant
v. line of medium uriced hats.
Please call and see us.
Courier. .J
KI -H II"W-!' H-v
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Slander, Monday April 10, a boy.
Also to Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Stari-
I ,,l'r' Tu('s,1;'. April 1 1, a boy.
Miss Hannah Lowe of ChiiuiM
arrived Tuesday morning and will
make an extended visit with her
uncle and aunt, Itcv. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. George Siiioenum
of Platlsnioulh visited here with
relatives over Sunday. Uncle
George called at Ihe Courier ofliee
and renewed his subscription for
another year.
Chester Merriiiian resigned his
position as watchman at. tho
Hurlingtoii semaphore and h,is
purchased M. L. Williams' dray
and transfer business. F,d Gess
lakes his place at the semaphore.
The Courier is in receipt of ;i
lei lor from M. W. Miles, formerly
of this place, but. now located at
Fullerlon, in which he sends his
best regards to Louisville friends.
He says Fullerlon is a line town
and that he likes his new position.
Fruit growers say that the
! prospects for good apple and
j cherry crops have not been better
I for years. They declare that Mm
! cold spring has retarded the d-
velopmont of the buds and that,
has safeguarded Ihe crop so far.
They point out, however, that.
I Micro is danger till the middle of
i May from heavy freezes. If the
prospects make good there will bo
one of the largest cherry crops in
many years. Last year the crop
was very light and the year pre
vious it was a partial failure.
In our mention last week of Mm
names of touchers elected we unintentionally-
omitted the name
of Miss Daisy Johnson, who was
re-elected for the first primary
room. This is a most important
position, as the starting point has
much to do with the success of
the scholar in the other grades.
Miss Johnson is a most popular
primary teacher and we are sorry
to learn thai she is not to remain
with us. having accepted a posi
tion at Papillion at an increase of
salary, since her re-election by
'lhe local school hoard.
I hereby announce myself a a
candidate for tho nomination of the
office of sheriff, subject to the de
cision of the voters at the coming
primary. I ask them to place me In
nomination on the democratic ticket.
D. C. Rhoden.
IVIi$s Myers
Summor fiaios!
TO CALirORNlA:-Genera basis $60.00
certain dates in May and daily from June
of $50.00 on certain dates in June and
Route. Usual diverse routes and stopover
the world 8 greatest railroad journey.
now a summer tour of this wonderland. All
send you any of our publications, "Colo
"Big Horn Resorts," "Yellowstone
Coast Tours."
R. W. CLEMENT, Ticket Af ant
L. W. WAKELY,UnralPattngr AnL Omaha. Nab.
ness in the Croblree-Porter tion of the body
litigation. -- '
are certainly swell.
Saturday for a visit with R. E