The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 20, 1911, Image 7

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    The Avoc
New Items Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for Thl Department of the Semi-Weekly Journa
were up
The baseball team is now reaiiy
lor games. j
Louis Dunkak was a Nebraska)
City visitor Monday.
Henry Koch ami wife
from Rerlin Monday.
Charles llinze had business
Omaha Wednesday.
Andreas Rehmeier is driving
nails for W. I. Smoots.
Dr. Thomas was over from Ne
hawka Tuesday evening.
- Dr. Kruse made a professional
rail near Dunbar Wednesday.
Fred (lollner and son were
over from Palmyra Wednesday.
II. A. Straub and J. II. Busch
autoed to Nebraska City Satur
day. Roy Fahncstock is busy these
days keeping the benzine wagons
ia repair.
C. D. Quinton and fainily were
over from l'latlsmoulh a few days
last week.
Charles Jenkins and family
were at Manley Sunday visiting
L. J. Marquardt and wife were
Weeping Water visitors Sunday
A young son of Charles Hooka
thorn was seriously ill the lirst
of the week.
Miss Foster, county superin
tendent, was here Tuesday visit
ing the schools.
E. R. Straub and Louis Carsten
shipped a carload of cattle to
Omaha last week.
The Christian Sunday school
gave a very enjoyable Easter pro
gram Sunday evening.
Clyde Oraham, who is attend
ing the state university, spent a
few days here this week.
K. C. Zimmerer and wife of
Omaha visited over Sunday with
relatives southeast of town.
Miss Ilertha Smoots, who is at
tending school at Bethany, visited
her parents in Avoca last week.
Henry Wohlers is having an ad
dition built to the residence oc
cupied by George. Sudmann. V;.
I. Smoots and force are doing the
Eli Parker, for many years a
resident of this vicinity, died
Tuesday. Funeral services were
held Thursday.
A dance was given Monday
evening under the auspices of the
Avoca city band. Owing to the
weather the attendance was small.
Those present report an enjoyable
time and good music.
Ladies' Aid society of the Con
gregational church held an Easter
apron bazaar at Mrs. Lewton's
Saturday afternoon. A large num
ber of pretty nnd useful aprons
were on sale and were nearly all
disposed of.
" A number of the friends of
James Dunbar and wife gathered
at their home Saturday evening
and enjoyed a social time. Those
present were: Mr. and Mrs. J.
Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mickle, Mr. and Mrs. R. Nutzman,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hollenberger,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Wollen, Mr. and
Mrs. John Peckham, Mr. and Mrs.
O. E. Copes, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Jacobsen, Mr. and Mrs. Will
Maple, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Quin
ton; Messrs. Fred, Dallas and
Carl Spencer,-Chris True, Claude
Hollenberger, Harry Mickle; Mis
ses Pearl Nutzman, (lenevive
Mickle, Audrey and Goldie. Maple,
Lizzie and Annie True. Bountiful
refreshments were served.
aturday, Apiri
J (Special Corres pomlenl.) J
Frank oCin was in Lincoln Fri
day, Lee Deford having charge of
the pool hall.
Mrs. II. V. McDonald was in
Omaha Thursday.
Mr. Wilken purchased a new
touring car this week. Also Mr.
Fred Slock purchased a Brush.
Mrs. A. K. Lake was a pas
senger to Omaha Thursday even
ing. Roy Meecham of Palmyra was
attending to business mailers in
(own this week.
Al Bauers was in Omaha
Mrs. L. Wright was in Lincoln
Tuesday. .
Miss Edna Albright spent
Easter at her home in Lincoln.
Miss Flo Thorpe of Lincoln
visited with her sister at this
place over Easter.
- Havelock and Murdock crossed
Imts here Saturday. l lie score
stood (5 to i ' in favor of the
Word was received Friday that
Merle McDonald, who has been so
sick in an Omaha hospital, is not
ki well and will not be home as
soon as was expected.
Dr. I. D. Jones and family, acT
ocmpanied by Mr. James Crane,
arrived Saturday morning from
California, where they have spent
I be w inter.
John Anigwert and family spent.
Easter with home folks near Alvo.
Miss Leata McDonald spent
Easter with her parents here.
Mrs. Einil Kuehn and Mrs. Paul
Shewe and children were in Elm
wood Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Koenig of
Plymouth, Neb., spent several
days last week at the home of the
latter's parents, Rev. and Mrs.
Miss Etta Loriek, who is at
tending business college in Lin
coln, spent Easter with her par
ents. Miss Lula Mooney has the
Mr. James Brittian of Lincoln
visited at the hotel Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Amgwert
went to Council Bluffs Tuesday
noon, returning Wednesday evening.
Notice of Application for Liquor
Notice is hereby given to all
persons interested and lo the
public, that the undersigned,
F. Mohr, has filed his petition and
application with the village clerk
of the village of Avoca, County of
Cass, and Stale of Nebraska, as
required by law, signed by the re
quired number of resident free
holders of the said village, setting
forth that the applicant is a man
of respectable character - and
standing and a resident of the
Stale of Nebraska, and praying
that a license may be issued lo
the said Cms F. Mohr for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors for the municipal year
ending May 2, 1912, at his place
of business, situated on the west
two thirds of lot five 51, in
block thirteen (13), in said vil
lage of Avoca, Nebraska.
0u9 F. Mohr, Applicant.
April 13, 1911.
Stallion for Sule.
Shire and Belgium grade horse.
(Rlack): weight'O. Ten years
old. Inquire of W. F. Moore, Murray,
Mrs. Asnes Wallers and two
grandsons, Earl and David Ileins
who have been making their homt
with Mrs. Wallers' daughter, Mrs
Charles Leighly, during the win
rleiiiit'tcd in company with
Mrs. Priest, another daughter, f
Newmarket. Mrs. Walter's home
ill l il liiiBTMll
pocinl Sole Days at f anger's!
It is our intention to inaugurate a line of Special Sale Days, at which time
we are going to offer the people of Plattsmouth and vicinity some genuine bar
gains. We are going to carry only new and up-to-date goods, and in order to
keep our stock in this condition, we are willing to offer such bargains as will
clean our stock up in season. For the last three days in this week, we are going
to offer you
Two Lots of Ladies' Shirt Waists!
These are slightly soiled, but are 51.25 and 51.50 values, but will be offerc.d
at this sale at 48c and Wc.
Also one lot that sold lor 75c and 51.00, which are placed on sale for 39c.
Mercerized Petticoats!
Here v.e have about ten dozen Ladies' Black and Colored Mercerized Petti
coats, in values from SI. 00 up to 52.00, which will be divided into two lots and
sold during this three day's sale for 59c and 98c. These are great values.
About 50 pure Silk Taffeta Underskirts, in green, light blue, champaign,
pink and brown. From $5.00 to 56.50 values, during this sale will go for $2.98.
These are genuine bargains.
About two dozen Black Silk Toilet a Petticoats, artistically made by the
best manufacturers, good values at from 55.00 to 57.00, but will be placed is this
salefot $3.49.
New Perfection il StoveS
These Stoves will be seen in acti al operation and a lady demonstrator will
serve coffee and discuits. We want every person interested in Oil Stoves to call
see this demonstration. Don't forget the date Saturday, April 22nd.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
We also wish to call your attention to our line of Silk Dresses and Suits,
Tailored Coats and Jackets, such as seldom found short of the big cities. Also
our beautiful Millinery Line, which is the largest we have ever carried. All we
ask is for you to call ami see the line of goods we are carrying.
ran it
W. O. Hoyles returned home
Myron Foreman went lo Omaha
Wednesday noon.
Carlton Oullion went, to Lincoln
Tuesday on No. 13.
Mrs. Kli Coon was a Lincoln
visilor etinesday.
Mrs. Charles Hardnock went to
Lincoln Wednesday.
II. S. Ough visited in Lincoln
Sunday and Monday.
Chester Ough spent a few days
in Lincoln last week.
C. II. Jordan was in Lincoln
Saturday on business.
Luther Karlo was a passenger
for Lincoln Wednesday.
Hp. Moore of Murdock was in
town Tuesday on business.
Miss Oppha Mulliu was in Mur
dock between trains Saturday.
Miss Teresa Donnelly went to
Lincoln to visit relatives Wed
nesday. Charles Appleman returned
Tuesday from his recent visit, lo
Allanl ie, Iowa.
Mrs. Dan Williams returned
Saturday from a visit with her
folks at Clatonia.
Harry Apploinnn came down
from Lincoln Tuesday to altend
lo his farm duties.
W. O. Ilovles came down from
Lincoln Monday lo'look afler his
farm interests here.
P. W. Nickel went to Omaha
Wednesday lo visit his daughter, i
who is in a hospital there.
Hoy Campbell and family went
lo Lincoln Saturday to visit his
uncle, Harry Appleman and
Miss Marie St roomer relurned
to Lincoln Tuesday morning after
spending her Kasler vacation at
(Hen Keeper visited Veil Linch
during the Kasler vacation. They
returned ' lo I'niversity Place
Tuesday. ...
A. J. Foreman and family drove
10 Waverly Saturday to altend lo
the graves of their children nt
that place.
Dale Hoyles and sislcr, Miss
Flora Hoyles, came down on No.
11 last Thursday to spend their
Kasler vacation at home. They
returned lo Lincoln Tuesday
evening on No. 7.
Harry Parsell and Hud drove
went to Lincoln Saturday.
Mrs. Minine Jordan and Miss
Stella Shreesly woiv shopping in
Lincoln last Thusday.
Miss Ksther Leflor of Lincoln
was in town Saturday.
Miss Pearl Keefer returned
from Lincoln Tuesday on No. 11.
Mrs. He lie Hennelt went to
Lincoln Tuesday on No. 13.
I,. H. Appleman and Ceorge
Foreman, sr., relurned Wednes
day from a trip to Henkleman,
Nebraska, where they were on
Messrs. Elliott and Ounzales
shipped two carloads of rattle to
the Son Ih Omaha market Monday.
Ed Casey was a passenger for
Omaha Tuesday.
Henry Clapp of Klinwood was in
lown Tuesday.
Mr and Mrs. Carl Price of
Kagle moved into the 0. K. Jordan
store building last week. Mr.
Price will operate n cream station
and will buy eggs ami poultry,
paying cash.
Miss .Mel lift House spent the
latter part of last week at home.
She entertained Miss Sjlvia Hop
kins of Omaha Saturday and Sun
day. Mrs. Carl Johnson and chil
dren visited her brother, Leo
Harry and family, in Lincoln
Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Copple
spent Sunday with relatives at
Mrs. Charles Hucknell and
daughter, Miss Grace, were visit
ing relatives in Lincoln the tlrst
of the week.
The Misses Lola and Monti Heid
went to Omaha Sunday.
Art Klyver was in Lincoln
Miss Strain of Bethany visited
her aunt, Mrs. l (1. Vincent,
Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Klyver were
in Lincoln Friday.
Rev. Buckner, presiding elder,
held meeting Saturday and Sun
day morning.
Napoleon's Words.
Napoleon, when asked about Ihe,
cause of his success, said: "Oct
your principles right, then it is a
mere matter of detail." This is
true in every undertaking in our
life, especially when sickness
visils our home. Look for the
cause of il and, in most instances,
you will find il in your digestive
system. Then you know that the
most reliable remedy, in such
cases, is Triner's American Klixir
of Hitler Wine. Use it at once
and your bad It w ill be won.
Whenever Ihe body weakens and
the ordinary appetite disappears,
when you are troubled with head
aches, constipation,' eructation,
colic and cramps, Triner's Ameri
can Klixir of Hitler Wine should
give you Ihe promptest and last
ing relief. II contains no in
jurious ingredients nor habil
forming drugs, being made of bit
ter herbs and pure wine. Al drug
store. Chemical Labatory of Jos.
Triner. t:i:t3 mil So. Ashland
nve., Chicago, III.
Midnight In tlio Ourks
and yet sleepless Hiram Scrantou, of
Clay City, 111., coughed and coughed.
He was In the mountains on the ad
vice of five doctors, who said ho had
consumption, but found no help la tba
climate, and started home. Hearing
of Dr. King's New Discovery, he be
gan to use It. "I believe It saved uiy
life," he writes, "for It made a new
man of me, so that I can now do good
work again." For all lung diseased,
coughs, colds, la grippe, asthma,
croup, whooping cough, hay fever,
hemorrhages, hoarseness or qulucy.
It's the best known remedy. Price
GOc and $1.00. Thai bottle free.
Guaranteed by tiering & Co.
Work Resumed on Postoffioe.
Yesterday Mr. 0. It. Pellon re
sumed work on the government
building, three carloads of brick
having arrived. The structure is
daily taking on more and inoro
the appearance of n syinetrieal
building. The window frames are
in on the north, east and south
walls, and Ihe side walls are go
ing up rapidly. The carpenters
are going right along with Hie
woodwork and very soon the
structure will be enclosed. The
iron railing around the basement
windows have been put in place
and Ihe window frames and stops
are going in. The huge chimney
for the healing plant, which will
be slenm. is over half completed,
an iron ladder running from the
base lo Ihe lop.
License Notice.
Notice is hereby given that Wil
liam F. Oelschlager has lllcd his
petition as required by the statute
of the stale of Nebraska, with the
Village Clerk of Kagle, Nebraska,
requesting a license lo sell mall,
sipriluons and inous liquors for
I lie municipal year, in the build
ing situated on lots live (5) and
six (0), block nineteen (111), in
Ihe Village of Kagle, Cass County,
William F. Oelschlager.
First publication April 201 Ii, Hid.
One Conductor Helped Mark to Work.
Mr. Wllford Adams Is bis name,
and he writes: "1 was confined to
my bed with chronic rheumatism and
used two bottles of Foley's Kidney
Remedy with good effect. The thlr.1
bottle put nie on my feet and 1 re
sumed work as conductor on the Lex
ington, Ky., Street Railway. It will
do all you claim In canes of rheu
matism." It clears the blood of uric
add. For sale by Frlcke & Co.
Good results always follow tin
of Foley Kidney Pills. They ftive
prompt relief In all rases of kidtx-y
un bladder disorders. Try UihA.
For sale by F'rieke'& Co.
Bazaar April the 22d.
The Ladies'' Aid Sociely of Hie
Christian church will hold i a
ba.aar Saturday, April J'.'il, in ihe
vacant room the, Hot door south
of Nemelz k Co.'s slore. TtuTC
will be aprons of all kinds on sule
and n market will be held in con
nection with the bazaar, whero
home-made bread, pies, cakes
and Ihe like will be sold. Every
body invited lo give Ihe, ladies a
call. Saturday, April ','L'd.
I). ( . Ihvvcr and family auloed
on! lo I he home of .1. II. Vallery
on Kasler Sunday.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bough
Bears the
Safe Paint
to use is
It Is a pure lead, 2inc,
and linseed oil paint of
the greatest durability. Froperly ap
plied it can't go wrong. We can show
you houses, painted with it years ago,
that are still In good condition and that
prove the value of the paint.
t.M IV
immmmmmmmmnmmm SOLD BY wmmmmmmmm
Avoca, Nebraska.