Murray Department PREPARED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE TEOPLE OF MURRAY AND VICINITY ESPECIALLY I OR THE JOURNAL READEBS. uvi If any of tlie readers of the Journal k iu w of a social ercitf or an item of intercut in this vicinity and will mail anie to this office it will afijitar under this kendiny ty'e vant ull itam of interest. Editor Jou m' Murray State Bank Capital and Surplus $1 5000.00 Wc Solicit Your Banking Business was an Omaha No "Lazy Moon" for the malt1 5 MURRAY, NEBRASKA TJ Louis Puis was in Plattsmouth Monday. Fresh new lino of candles at Hunt's wtore today. Dr. Newell, the dcntlest, In Murray every Tuesday. Frank (lolwtiiian, painter and I-ajjor hanger. PlattmmouUi. iarden seeds of all kinds at the A. I!at store. A. L. Maker was a Plallsniouth visitor Tuesday evening. Mrs. J. V. F.dmunds was in Ne braska City last. Saturday. Your neighbor bought some of our Khoe bargains this week. Did you? At A. Hast's. Jesse II. McVey went to Platts mouth this week, where he will visit for n time. See the bargains that we are offer ing you In groceries this week. A. Hast. Mrs. (i. M. Mulford and daugh ter, Ogla, ami Miss F.dilli Laltue were shopping in Nebraska Oily Wednesday. There will he a new married couple at I he entertainment Saturday evening, April 22. You will miss half your life if you fail to nee, the "spoony" couple. Misses Zetta Drown and Vernn Hatt of Plattsinoulh were in Mur ray last Sunday visiting willi friends. They look supper at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. James Drown. Frank J. Davis shipped a car of cuttle to South Omaha Tuesday evening. Charles I Mi i 1 pot. shipped a car of hogs to South Omaha Wednes day evening. Come to Murray to trade, and bo Hiire while here ' to call at Hast's Htore for real bargains. William Hamilton and Albert Young are repairing the dwelling house of J. W. Walker. John Philpot shipped a car of cattle from Murray to South Omaha Wednesday evening. Get garden seeds at A. Hast's store. We have a nice new stock of bulk and lmrkage goods open for sale here. Dr. A. K. Walker and Dr. (717 more were in Union Wednesday attending the meeting of the Cass County Medical association. (1. M. Min ford shipped a car of cattle to South Omaha Tuesday evening. Han went up Wednes day morning to be on the market with them. We are informed that Karl Colo ilid the traveling public a mighty good turn this week. He was com piled to make the trip from his farm to his father's one day this week, his father living near Mynard, a distance of several miles. He hitched onto the drag and made the trip. He made a wonderful change in the condition of the roads and changed the travel of all parties Ruing north. Mrs. . Lallue visitor Tuesday. Dr. and Mi s. (i. H. Oilmore wi re in Plallsimiuth Monday. Mrs. Charles Carroll was shop ping in Omaha last Friday. Don't forget the entertainment at the hall next Saturday evening. Alex Katon's little girl, Thclma, has been quite sick with pneu monia. fleorge Parks is doing the work of remodelling the Presbyterian "parsonage. Mrs. W. S. Smith attended the funeral of Mrs. Adda Kccnan in Omaha last Friday. Mrs. Charles Carroll and Mrs. A. L. Raker were in Omaha Wed nesday of this week. The Ittle child of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Reike has been suffering for the past few days with pneu monia. You miss a good limn if you fail to attend the entertainment at the hall Saturday evening, April 22. . William A. Drown is making some repairs on his residence this week, among which is a new floor in the entire house. Dr. W. K. Lougridge and a party of friends motored from Lincoln Sunday to lake dinner with his mother and Mr. and Mrs. James Loughridgc. Tom Nix met with quite a pain ful accident last Friday while as sisting in corn shelling. He got his hand caught in cog chains of the machine and it was quite bad ly mashed. Mr. and Mrs. George Allwiue of Rapid City, S. )., and Miss Anna Keenan and Randolph Keenan of Omaha were in Murray Sunday and Monday of this week visiting at Hie home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holme's. Mr. Holmes went to Plallsnioulh in the aluo Sunday to meet them. quartet. Lee Allison is reported on' the sick list. Get a supply of fresh cakes and candies at Hast's store. Miss Margie Walker was shop ping iu Plattsinoulh last Satur day. Lost Mrs. Snagg's goose. Must be returned by April 22. Needed in the play. Mrs. Jesse pell, who has been quite sick for the past few weeks, is much better this week. M. (I. Churchill was looking after some business matters in Plattsmouth Wednesday morning. The costumes used in the play Saturday evening, April 22, are furnished by Theodore Leiben of Omaha. . 1 Miss Nettie Marsh, who under went an operation for appendicitis a few days ago in Omaha, is get ting along nicely. Theodore Amick sold and de livered i,70fl bushels of corn to the Jones drain company in Mur ray the past few days. Have you seen Miss Drown? Which Miss Drown? Why, the Miss Drown at Jerikin's hall Saturday night, April 22. Will Seyboll and Miss Dessie. Drendel were in Plattsmouth Sun-' day afternoon, taking advantage of the pleasant day fur auloing. The entertainment and ice! cream social given by (be Ladies' Aid society and the Sunshine band j last Saturday evening, was a very J successful affair, the young ladies ! 4 1. :.. jit.) ....j ii. . . I icimiik iii 7 i . i ri nil ine .Mil socieiy I 2.50. Mr. and Mrs. James Hatched and J. W. Merger took dinner and spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Ray last Sunday. They report a pleasant lime and one of the finest dinners they have enioveil in ii Inner linn. Arnold Holmes writes from the United States navy yards that he' On Saturday night. April 22, at has been released from the bos- Jenkins' hall, the people of Murray pilal, where he has been receiving wl" lve a hon,' talent play and treatment for the past few weeks, musical farce. The musbal part of owing to a slight attack of sick- ! tne Program Is under the direction of ness. He is still in the training Mrs- E(1na F;a,0,, f Plattsmouth. station and will not be placed on Pauline Oldham Is the coach for the board a man-of-war until some acting. lime in May. J. W. Merger is in receipt of a Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman re-, letter from Mont Robb at Lincoln turned home from their southern j slating that in a telephone mes t rip last week and report a most ' sage from the Steiner home he pleasant time. Mrs. Pitman re-1 was informed that the smallpox mained in Kansas City with her quarantine would be lifted from mother while some made the trip them the last of the present week, to Texas. Mr. Pitman was well This means that Mrs. Merger will pleased with that part of the be able to return home the fore country; so well pleased, iu fact,' part of'nexl week. Up to the that he says he intends to move present time the remainder of the there some time in the near family have escaped the disease, future. Sam says it is the great- and there is comparatively no est country in the world. ' danger at this time. T DC DC d i x yxt " ,n ( j crx g for )g)D Q)g)lf EEK! We have been so busv for the past week re arranging our Summer goods to prepare an advertisement numerating the many items in Spring and Summer goods that we are placing on sale at greatly reduced prices, hut commencing on AND ALL NEXT WEEK, WE WILL HAVE ON DISPLAY A LARGE LINE OF Men's and Ladies Undcrwcr, Boy's and Men's Dress Shirts, Men's and Boy's Work Shirts, Overalls and Hats and Caps! in which wc arc going to make a special low price at a discount off 20, 33 and 50 per cent, ij from the former price of Holmes & Smith. Don't fail to make it a point to drop in whether you buy or not, and see the bargains we are now offering. Don't Fail to Bring in Your Produce! WE PAY THE TOP PRICES! Murray, Nebraska IHIDTFj Succcssorto Holmes & Smith. mm m From 1200 to 1800 pouuds; 4 to 10 years old. They must be fat and well broke to work. We want only good, fat, thick made chunks for the eastern market. Will buy smooth mouthed horses if they are tat and ready to go to market, Lead in your good fat hcrses and take the money home with you. WILL BE AT SAGE & PARMELE'S BARN Plattsmouth, Nebraska, Saturday, April 1 11 WILL BE THERE RAIN OR SHINE J.R.WEAVEK II Charles Chriswisser was look ing after some business matters iu lMattsinoulh Wednesday. Mrs. J. V. Edmunds and Mrs. Alvin Long and children were Ne braska City visitors last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Holmes and sou, Ralph; Mrs. V. S. Smith and Miss Pauline Oldham were Platts mouth visitors Wednesday, driv ing up in the auto. Hen Kill returned home from Plattsmouth and Omaha Wednes day evening, where he had been to consult a specialist in regard to his heart trouble. While Mr. hill's heart is affected, his con dition is in no way alarming, which was indeed good news to Mr. Dill and his many firends. Troy Holmes writes the home folks from New York that he is having a most enjoyable time this spring in the big cities of the east. Mr. Hyarson, the great steel man, for whom Troy is driving the auto, is traveling in all the principal cities of the east, and the auto is being shipped from place to place for their use when iu the cities. A. Hast is making a great many changes in the appearance of his store the past few days, arrang ing new shelving, counters, etc., giving him more room for the handling of his lines, which he expects to greatly increase as the season's goods come in. The shoe sale that he just closed was a success in every particular ex cept financially, which was a failure owing to the great dis counts that were being made. He moved a lot of the goods and this was the point he had in view. 10, 15 and 25-Cent Counter. We have Just finished sorting up our goods and find In our crockery and novelty lines that we are over stocked. To close out these lines we have arranged them on bargain tables, and they are going to be sold at bargainslO, 15 and 25-cent tables. 10c table will contain values up to 25c, and the 25c table up to 50c. Upon these tables you will find such goods as lamps, crockeryware, novelties and many other articles and at genuine bargains. A. Hast. Grandpa Young. Have you noticed the happy smile on the face of our excellent friend, I). A. Young? He is now firandpa Young, having received a message from his daughter, Mrs. S. L. Lawton, stating that a bright-eyed baby boy was born to them on April 15. Mother and little one are doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Lawton are living at Oakton, South Dakota. Bank's Annual 'Meeting. The annual meeting of the stockholders and directors of the Murray Slate bank was held last Friday afternoon at the bank building in Murray. All the di rectors were present and the same officers were elected as follows; C. C. Parmele, president; Fred Nutzman, vice president, and W. O. Doedeker, cashier. The busi ness for the past year has been most successful iu every par ticular; $2,000 was added to the surplus fund, making 5.000. which, with the capital of ?10, 000. makes a pretty strong bank ing house for Murray. Only a few years ago the capital of the Mur ray bank was only $5,000. with a very small surplus, so it is easy to see how it is growing under the able management of Cashier Tloedckcr. Murray can sure boast of one of the strongest and most ably conducted banks of any town much larger than Murray in the state of Nebraska. Goes to Lincoln Hospital. Prom Wednesday's Dally. Alf. Nickels, residing east of Murray, was taken to the hospital in Lincoln yesterday evening, where he goes for the'treatmeni of rheumatism. Mr. Nickels has been a great sufferer from this aflliction for the past few years, sanitarium may be of great bene fit to him. He expects to remain there a couple of weeks. Notice to Patrons. As all our former patrons are aware we have sold our stock of goods, and would like to have our books closed and settled at the earl iest possible time, and therefore re qust all parties knowing themselves indebted to us to call and settle. We have extended you the credit and done so w illingly, and at the same time appreciated your patronage, and trust that you will appreciate our courtesies sufficiently to call and Bettle at your earliest possible time. Holmes & Smith. DC i Subscribe for the Dally Journal. Too Much Booze. Patrick H. Cavanaugh, art itin erant umbrella repairer, was be fore the police court this morning for being in a beastly slate of in toxication after his day's work was done yesterday. The judge gave him the usual dose pre scribed by the ordinance for such depn diat ions.. $5 and costs. Seed PotatocM. Genuine Red .Itlver Karly Ohio oeed potatoes, In small quantities at J 1.50 per bushel. A. Hast. WANTED A good, gentle driving horse, safe for woman to handle. Write W. II. Porter, Union, Neb; Subsorlbe for the Daily Journal.