The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 20, 1911, Image 2

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The Bill Hat Been Signed by the Governor But Will Not Go Into
Effect Until Early in July, Which Gives All n Opportunity
to Ponder Over Consequences Attached.
There are getting to be so
many automobiles in the country
'Ibat many of those who own a
machine arul those who are en
titled to their rights on the com
mon highways are anxious to
Inow the law in reference to their
government in the future ami
have asked the Journal to publish
the law.
According to the provisions of
the McArdle bill, which passed
both houscse at the recent ses
sion of the legislature and was
approved by Governor Aldrirh,
and which will become a law early
in July, automobile drivers on city
streets will be compelled to come
to a full stop when approaching
tdrect cars, where people are get
ting on or off the cars. The new
law further provides that the
motor vehicles shall remain at a
full slop until the street cars have
Under the McArdle act license
fees will go to the various road
funds of the various counties in
stead of to the slale, as at pres
ent. Another feature is that
nothing in the act. shall he con
strued as interfering with the
right of cities or villages to regu
late motor vehicles by enactments
of their own.
The bill digested seel ion by
M'Clion is as follows:
Section 1. Defines motor
vehicles as those propelled by any
power other than muscular and
excepting road rollers, traction
engines and those run on rails or
tracks. Defines public, highways
as all roads," alleys or slrccls
where Ihe passage of vehicles is
Section 2. Every owner of
Mich motor vehicles shall file with
the secretary of slate a descrip
tion of his vehicle or vehicles and
shall pay an annual lax of $1 for
motorcycles and $2 for oilier
motor vehicles. All police palrols
and fire automobiles or. other
motor vehicles owned or operated
by cities, villages or the slale are
exempted from this fee. Kach
machine js In be assigned a num
ber. Change of ownership is lo
he tiled, wilh if I fee accompanying.
one hour before sunrise that will
be plainly visible 100 feet distant.
Section G. No intoxicated per
son or persons under 16 years of
age, shall be permitted to operate
motor vehicles. Owner who per
mits same shall he guilly of a
misdemeanor and punishable as
herein provided. '
Section 7. In the country, that
is outside of cities or villages,
motor vehicle shall not he oper
ated at a greater speed than
twenty-live miles per hour or than
is reasonable and proper having a
regard for the traffic and the life
and limb of the people. At inter
sections, bridges or when meeting
other vehicles or teams to be re
duced to eight, miles per hour. In
cities and villages speed not
greater than twelve miles per
hour on the open highways and
six miles per hour at sired inter
sections, bridges -or w hen meeting
oilier vehicles or teams. To come
to a full stop when approaching
places where passengers are load
ing from street cars and to re
main so u ii I i 1 sired car starts.
Police patrols, ambulances, fire
automobiles and physicians' auto
mobiles exempted from the pro
visions of this section.
Section 8. Drivers of auto
mobiles are to stop when meeting
teams which appear restless or
when persons indicate that such
is the case. To slop as long as
necessary and to give such aid as
is necessary. When bolh are go
ing the same way teams and
motor vehicles are to share Ihe
road, especially where it is nar
row or rough and Ihe motor
vehicle not lo resume the center
of the road until at least thirty
feet ahead of Ihe team.
Seel ion !), All motor vehicles
lo be provided with suitable
brakes, bells, horns or signals and
shall between one hour after sun
set and one hour before sunrise
have two while lights on Ihe front
of Ihe machine and a red light at
I he rear end.
Seel ion 10. The penalties: For
the first violation of any of the
provisions of the law, a fine of
nol more than r0, for subsequent
violations not less than $50 nor
The Home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Wiles Being the Scene of
the Happy Gathering.
The pleasant country home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Wiles, five
miles south of this city, was Ihe
scene of a more than enjoyable
affair Master Sunday, in that it
was a reunion of the Wiles
family, most ot the company be
ing related, with the exception of
a few, who were very intimate
friends of the Wiles family..
The large company drove to the
Wiles home during the morning
hours ami spent the entire day at
their home in such a delightful
manner ami one which will long
be remembered. The few re
maining hours of the .morning
were spent in social conversation,
games and other amusements, and
at Ihe noon hour the large com
pany was . invited lo the dining
room oj the Wiles home, where a
dinner such as is served only in
a Nebraska farmhouse, was
spread, everything the lady's
larder would afl"ord being most
temptingly served, and lo which
all did ample justice.
The afternoon was devoted lo
the reviewing of Ihe good tiroes
all had spent together, and finally
the farewells were said. It may
be said lo the credit of the host
and hostess (hat the entertain
ment olTered on Ibis occasion was
all Dial, a most hospitable, mind
and expert culinary ability could
Those in attendance were; Mr.
and Mrs. John l'.ockman and
family of Eight Mile drove, Mr.
and Mrs. Riley Wiles of Union,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wiles and
family of Wabash, Mr. and Mrs.
W. II. Wiles of Wabash, Mr.
Everett Wiles of Cedar Creek, Mr.
Hen, John, jr., and Miss Hessie
Wiles of l'lattsmouth. Mr. and
Mrs. (J. A. Hainey and family of
I'lallsmoiith, Mr. and Mrs. E. It.
Dillehay ami family of Murray
and Miss Pearl Smith of Union.
Mr. J. Asche of Murray came
up and look a picture of Ihe en
fire company, so that each might
have something which will assist
them in remembering this happy
Saves you Irom ft'iO.00 to
$30(1.00 and more in gasoline
every year you run a Chopie
Gasoline Engine.
This is what you can do with a
Chopie, and get more power on
one-half and less Ihe gasoline, as
compared with other makes.
The wise, money-making man
now-a-days always profits by the
experience of others.
-Son Bonnets-
OThe season is near when
you will want a nice- Sun
Uonnet. We have some
thing special in this line.
They have a patent process
stiffening which you can
not get in other makes.
You will not be satisfied
with the ordinary make if
you see ours.
How to Tell if Your
Seclion l'ees to to to coun-! more llian iflOOand not more
ty treasurers in county where ap- than sixty days in the county jail
plicant for the license rcides. ' or both at the discretion of the
Fees are ,lo be credited to Ihe court. If violations result in
county road fund, Counly treas
urers lo gle receipts, which are
to lie gent Jo the secretary of stale
ilh all applications for license.
Section I. Manufacturers to
register one vehicle of each cla
which they produce, ami di-play
its dumber as a compliance with
Ihe law. Three general classes,
those propelled by gasoline, sleam
and electricity.
Section 5. Number to be dis
played on car in separate Arabic,
numerals at least four inches
high, with Ihe letters N I'.H not
less than three inches high, same
to Tie while letters and figures mi
Mack background. To be so
lighted one hour after sunset and
death or severe injury to any per
son", olTenders shall upon convic
tion be lined not less than $200
nor more than 500 or sentenced
to Ihe penitentiary for not less
than one year nor more than ten
Section II. Nothing in Ihe act
shall lie construed as interfering
wilh the local regulation of motor
vehicles by cities or villages.
Section 12. Nothing in Ihe act
shall apply lo motor vehicles
operated in Ihe state by residents
of other stales for a period not lo
exceed thirty days, providing said
vehicles have been duly registered
in the stale w lie re said owners
The Change Is Made In Order to
Accommodate the Large .
Audience Expected.
Owing to the reports thai are
coining in that large delegations
will attend ihe fiddlers' contest
tomorrow night from the south
part of Cass county, Ihe north
part of Otoe counly and the west
part of Mills county, Iowa, it
deemed advisable
the management
place of holding Ihe event' from
Coales' hall to the I'armelee
theater, in order to accommodate
will be
Remember, then, that the fid
dlers' contest will be held at the
I'armele theater tomorrow (Fri
day) night, ami (hat the admis
sion price is only 25 cents.
A Reliable Medicine Not a Nun otic.
Mia. F. Marti, St. Joe. Mich., says:
"Our little boy contracted a severe
bronchial trouble and as the doctor's
medicine did not euro him, I gave
him Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound, In which I have great faith.
It cured the cough as well as the
choking and gagging e pell a, and he
got well in a short time. Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound has many
times saved us much trouble and we
i are never without It In the house."
on Ihe part of For sale by Frlcke & Co.
to change the
In the District Court of Cms County.
Adolplius F. Linton, trustee;
" Adolphus F. IJnton, Phoebe Re
becca R. E. Linton, Charles S. Lin
ton and Fryda S. Messing,
John If. Painter, trustee, and the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees and
next of kin of drier C. Orr, do
(lectased, and the unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees and next of kin
of James K. Brown, deceased,
To John IL Painter, trustee, and trie
unknown heirs, devisees, legatee
and next of kin of drier C. Orr, de
ceased, and the unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees and next of kin of
James K. llrown, deceased:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 27th day of
.March, 1911, the above named plain
tiffs filed their petition In the District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
against you and each of you, the
object and prayer of which Is to quiet
title In said plaintiffs as against said
defendants and each of them, to the
following described real estate, to
wlt: The Kast half (K.) of the
Southeast quarter (S. E. U) of Sec
tion twenty-seven (27), Township ten
(10), Range twelve (12), In Cass
County, Nebraska, B9 surveyed, plat
ted and recorded, and to further en
Join you and each of you from hav
ing or claiming any right, title or In
terest therein, and for costs of suit.
You and each of you are required
to answer said petition on or before
the 22d day of May, 1911, or the
prayer of said petition and the facts
therein stated will be taken as true,
and Judgment rendered acocrdlngly
against you and each of you.
Adolphus F. Linton.
Adolphus F. Linton, Trustee.
Phoebe Rebecca E. E. Linton.
Charle 8. Linton.
Fryda S. Mossing.
NOW LISTEN 1 You are paying
17 cents for your gasoline. Say
you pay $150.00 or more for a six
horse fiower gasoline engine,
other makes, and run it for 300
days, which is not very long. The
price of a 0 horse power Chopie
is $275.00. The Chopie will save
you $175.00 to $210.00 in gaso
line every 300 days you run it.
Now, you pay $150.00 for that
cheap engine, mid the saving of
$210.00, which Ihe Chopie will
save you, which makes your cheap
engine cost you $300.00 at the end
of 300 days.
NOW LISTEN I Say you are in
the dairy business, and you have
tw o cows I hat give the same
grade of milk, but one gives twice
as much milk as the other. Now
tell me which is the money-maker
for you or money in your pocket.
Plain to be seen.
The Chopie engines are all con
structed of Ihe best material
obtainable and built by the best
workmanship lo be secured. The
chilled cylinder, found only in the
Chopie, vsill outwear three or four
ordinary cylinders, because other
cylinders are soft iron and will
not wear as long or stand up to
the test )o which I hey are pul. '
Now, this is the proposition I
have lo make you :
You take a 2!i, , 0 or 10 horse
power Chopie engine, run it twen
ty days free trial, and if it does
not come up to Ihese statements
send il back and it will not cost.
you a cent. Yv hat. could be n
fairer guaranlce?
Furthermore, I agree to replace
free of charge all defects in ma
terial or workmanship for Ihe
period of one year. Also guar
anlce them to develop the actual
horse power at which they are
rated, and on. one-half gallon
gasoline to the horse power used.
I invite you lo visit the factory
and see for yourself where all the
parts are made.
The Chopie (iasoline Engine
Plaltsmoulh. Neb.
Even if you have a luvuriant
head of hair you may want to
know whether it is in a healthy
condition or not. 1)8 per cent of
the people need a hair tonic.
Pull a hair out of your head; if
the bulb at the end of the root is
white and shrunken, it proves
that Ihe hair is diseased, and re
quires prompt treatment, if its
loss would be avoided. If Ihe
bulb is fiink and full, the hair is
We want every one whose hair
requires treatment to try Rexall
"D3" Hair Tonic. We promise
that it shall not cost anything if
it does not give satisfactory re
sults. It. is designed lo overcome
dandruir, relieve scalp irritation,
to stimulate (he hair roots, tight
en the hair already in the head,
grow hair and cure baldness.
It is because of what Rexall
"93" Hair Tonic has done and our
sincere faith in its goodness that
we want you to try it at our risk.
Two sizes, 50e. and $1.00.
only at, our store The
Store. F. (I. Ericke & Co.,
Dr. Frlcke in Hospital.
Mrs. R. W. Harris or Omaha
came down on No. 2 last evening
ami brought the unwelcome news
that her brother, Dr. Albert
Ericke, is in the Methodist hos
pital sufToring from ear trouble.
The doctor's near relatives and
friends here are considerably
worried about his condition. Some
time ago ho received a fall from
a street car and came home for "a
few days until he had recovered
from the effects of the shakeup,
but it appears that he has never
since been back to his normal
state of health. The Journal
sincerely hopes that with skillful
nursing Dr. Ericke may speedily
be restored to health.
Torturing eczema spreads its
burning area every day. Doan's
Ointment, quickly - stops its
spreading, instantly relieves the
itching, cures it. permanently. At
any drug store.
Wayne Dickson departed for
Omaha this morning, where he
was called on business.
The Sound Sleep or tJood Health.
Cannot be over-eetlniated and any
ailment that prevents It la a menaca
to health. J. L. Southers, Eau
Claire, Wis., says: "I have been un
able to sleep soundly nights, becauw
of pains across my back and sore
ness of my kidneys. My appetite waa
very poor and my general conditloa
was much run down. I have been,
taking Foley Kidney Pills but a
short time and now sleep as sound
a3 a rock, my general condition la
greatly Improved, and I know that
Foley Kidney Pills have cured me."
For sale by Frlcke & Co.
Mr. Myron Lynde of Union
drove up yesterday to visit his
son, who is attending Ihe Hicrh
Aliss Ruth Johnson, who has
been visiting her brother, TA
Johnson and family, at Lincoln
lor a few days, returned last
vt ning, accompanied by her
niece, Miss Josephine Johnson.
Rex Theater Sold.
Mrs. Myrtle Campbell, who has
owned and operated the Rex
theater for some lime, yesterday
closed n deal whereby she parts
with her properly and Mr.
Leighly ami Mr. Stenner become
Ihe owners and will conduct Ihe
show. These gentlemen propose
to keep Ihe busines up lo its al
ready high standard.
the crowd of people who
here on that occasion.
Therefore, while the contest
will take place al the theater, the
free dance will occur immediate
ly after the program, al Coales'
hall. We believe the management
is wise in Ihi change, because
theie will be mono old people who
want lo allend the coolest who
would not feel like climbing two
flights of stairs to do so. The
admisjson price is only 25 cents,
and at this low price we do
believe Coales' hall would hold antiseptic, tonic and restorative. Re-
the crowd that will be in nllend- fuse substitutes. For sale by Frlck
Foley Kidney Pills contain In con
centrated form Ingredients of estab
lished therapeutic value for the re
lief and cure of all kidney and blad-
noti dor ailments. Foley Kidney Pills are
He careful, boys, ami don't lake
up Chopie's proposition on a
gasoline engine, as it will do
more than Chopie claims for il,
and the engine will be yours.
Pribble Hros.
Judge Travis Returned Tuesday,
Judge Travis arrived home
Tuesday evening from Nebraska
City, where he had been since last
Thursday morning trying the
now famous divorce case of
Schulz vs. Scliul., Ihe defendant
.. ..III... ll . m it m
nciiiK a wcuiiiiy oiu man oi a
years and the plaintiff, his wife,
being 5 4 years old. The case was
finished Tuesday afternoon, which
prevented Ihe judge from getting
home to try the case of Dennis
vs. James, which was set for
Tuesday, but Ihe parlies agreei
on the priority of liens themselves.
Ball Saturday Night.
Six of the young men of the
senior class of the Hih school
have made arrangements lo give
a private hope on Saturday night,
April 22d. An enjoyable evening
is anticipated. (lood music has
been procured and every detail
perfected to make the ball a success.
s.ui: MinmiNi: von ciiimujf.x.
Foley's Honey and Tar Compound
Is a safe and effective medicine for
children, as It does not contain
opiates or harmful drugs. The gen
uine Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound ts In a yellow package. For
Mrs. Pepperberg Better.
Mr. Julius Pepperbeig ot Lin
coln arrived in the city this morn
ing to look after business matters
for a time. Mr. Pepperberg stated
that bis wife was still at the hos
pital, but her condition is im
proving ory satisfactorily and
next week he expects to take her
to their home. Their numerous
friends in this city will be pleased
to know that Mrs. Pepperberg is
doing so nicely.
Woman loves a clear, rosy
complexion. Rurdock Mood Hit
ters purifies the blood, clears the
skin, restores ruddy, sound
'OUR "mak
ing good" de-"
pends largely
on thekind of clothes
you wear.
We are "making
good" with the men
of this community
been use we are giv
ing them the very
best m erchandise
that can be bought,
and we are offering
it to them at prices
lower than other
people; and guaran
teeing everything we
The manor young
man who trades at
this store the year
thru will save money
doing so, and the
longer he trades HutScMlTnerfc k.iit Here tnc lOttgCr liZ
will want to, and the better he will like our "value
giving" methods. "
New tans, grays and blues at prices that mean
real economy for the wearer.
The Home of- Hart, Schaftner & Marx Clothes
Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats
ace. & Co
! sale by Frlcke & Co.