Children Cry for Fictcher's The. Kind You Have Always I Jnvlit, and which ha horn In use for over ."JO yours, has borne, tho signature ;? mid has boon inudo under l;!s per sonal supervision ftlnoo its Infancy. Allow no or.o to deceive, you 1: t!.!s. AH Counterfeits, Imitations iml "Just-as-good" nre but Kvporlments that trifle villi n::l endanger the health of Infants and Children F.xKrion'.'0 against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Casiorlu Is a harmless substitute for Cuittor OH, Pave gorie, Drops and Soothln Syrups. It is 1'lensuiit. It contains iioitiior Opium, Morphine, nor Other .Narcotic; Mihstunce. Its uge. Is Us guarantee. It destroys Woniin mid allays Fevorlshness. It euros Dlarrlia a and AVind Colic. It relieves Teething Trouhles, cures Constipation end J'lut ulciicv. It assimilates tlie Food, regulates tlic Stoma li ami liowols, glIng healthy and natural tslcci. Tho Children's J'unaceii Tho Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Hie Kind You Have Always Boughf In Use For Over 30 Years THC CENTAUR COMPANY, T MUMRAT STRCCT, NCW YORK CITY. LOCAL NEWS Prom Friday's Dally. Mr. Phil Mocker of Light Mile Grove precinct had bubsiness in tho oily Ihis morning "rid drove in to allend to it. ' Mr. ft. E. I.ohnos departed for Omaha on tin; morning train to day, where he was called on busi ness of importance. Attorney Charles I,. Heaves of Union was a Plallsnioulh isitor this morning on important busi ness nt I he court house. Mr. Frank Wheeler of Louis ville came in this morning on No. 4 bud looked after business mat ters in this city for a few hours. Chillies Peacock of Kin lit Mile (hove precinct was in the city last evening, having driven in from the farm on a business errand. Dr. H. V. Hrondcl of Murray wns colled to Plallsmouth this Horning to sit with the insanity ionrd in a hearing at the sheriff's t ftice. Miss Piiuline Oldliain of Mur ray arrived on Hie early train Hon. V. II. Puis ami little son drove in from the farm yesterday to look after some business mat ters, and, of course, reported at Journal headquarters. Hilly is g'ad the legislature has adjourn ed and glad to be buck home in lime to see the May flowers in bloom. Mr. ("leorge Marlon of Union, who announces himself a can didate for sheriff on the demo cratic ticket, was called lo this city this morning us a witness in the inebriate hearing before the insanity board, wherein Wes Clark of Union was complained against fur violating his parole. Dr. II. I.. Newell of Union came In the county scat this morning in response lo a summons from Hie insanity board, which held a session this morning to consider u complaint against Wes Clark of Union, who hail been paroled from the inebriate asylum, but had violated his agreement to keep sober. Mrs. Charles llickers of St. Paul, Minnesota, who has been visiting his brother, Mr. Nicholas llickers, for a week, departed for ! l is home this afternoon, expect- .iil.tfki I til., in.iiitiiip I'liffiuri I 1 1 i n nun iiM'iuiiff, w ln i e I hoy looked after soon items of business for a time. Miss Cleo Applegale was a pas senger to I'nion this morning, where .sbe will spend Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Ida Applegale. Mr. W. r.. Hull, one of the prosperous farmers of I he icinity of Murray, was in the city last evening on a business mission. Mr. C. It. Frans was a pas senger lo Union on the morning M. P. train today, where be look ed after some items of business. Mr. 11. C. Mailey, the Apple drove blacksmith, transacted business in the city today and 'visited with her friends for a time. Mr. W. (!. Meisinger of near Cedar Creek drove in from the farm yesterday afternoon and transacted business with the mer chants. Mr. Henry I.ahoda and wife and daughter were passengers to Omaha on tho morning train to day, where they spent (he day with friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. I.ohnes, from near Cedar Creek, were trad ing ami visiting with Plat (smooth people today, driving in from their home this morning. Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Cole drove in from I hi' farm this morning and hoarded the morning train for Omaha, where they looked after business matters for n lime Mr. Henry Kaufman and wife and babe arrived from Ilavelock Ihis afternoon and will visit over Sunday with Mr. Kaufman's father, Mr. William Kaufman. Miss Jessie Todd came up from Union last evening for a few days' visit with friends in Ihis city, she being a guest of Mrs. Oeorge Thomas. I.ynn Minor departed for St. Joseph, Missouri, last, evening on business for the company. From Mo., where he will visit, for a few days with his uncle, Hon. Dave Mall. The coach shop and tin shop resumed the six-day week this morning. This will effect about iOO men. The length of lime the order will be in force is not known. Mr. J. S. Pill man, Mr. T. W. Swan and Mr. C. Swan of Union were looking after important business matters in this oily to day, ami while in the city regis tered at the Perkins house. I.. F. Kohroll, from south of Union, just, in the edge of Otoe county was in Plallsmouth yes terday evening, transacting some business mailers and visiting with his numerous friends. Mr. J. I.. Smith and his daugh-ler-in-law, Mrs. Herman Smith, of near Nehawka, who have boon visiting relatives for a few days in Ihis city, were Omaha pas sengers on the morning train today. : VERY SERIOUS ACCIDENT OCCURS NEAR ELD Miss Sophia Weisheit Severely Injured in Runaway of Team of Mules. While on her way lo the coun try with Herman Uuelchcns and family and her sister, Ida, Miss Sophia Woishejl proved the vic tim of a bad runaway accident. They were approaching the eal crossing when the afternoon pas senger was just pulling out of tow n. At I his juncture the mules they were driving wheeled about and upset the vehicle, the oc cupants being thrown with con siderable force to the ground. All escaped injury, with the exception of Miss Weisheit, who received a severe concussion of the brain. She was taken to the nearest home, that of Mr. and Mrs. S. Murray, whore she remained totally unconscious for some time. A doctor was hurriedly summoml and all medical aid could suggest was applied to the sufferer. Rational spells occur red Tuesday morning, and at this writing (Tuesday afternoon), the patient is in a sub-conscious con dition. The case is regarded by the doctor in charge as one of a cry critical nature. It. is to be sincerely hoped that Miss Weisheit will soon recover. She is being cared for by her sister, Ida. Leader F'cho. Spring iVSISSinery i Miss Mwrs wishes to an nounce that her new Chicago trimmer has just arrived. Yon will find an elegant line of medium priced hats. Large Medium Small Please call and see us. HATS Miss liers this morning and spent the dav in i 'n lo return in a short lime, after her class' bringing with him his family, and will make Cass county his future this city looking in oratory. Mr. John Musche and wife and, son, Clarence, of near Cedar Creek, drove in from the farm' this morning ami did the week end trading. ! Mr. ami Mrs. William Mice and daughter, Miss F.sther, from near Murray, were in the city n few hours yesterday evening, trading with the Plutlsinoutli merchants. The F. S. White store Is being given a new coal of paint, the front being painted by C. F. Mur dick. The colors ore red and Kreen, which makes a ery pretty front. Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Shorn of noar Murray, departed for Omaha on the morning train today, where they went to attend the funeral of j Mr. Shera's sister, Mrs. James Keenan, which occurs today. Dick Cln isw isser, who had his JiHsuul organ operated on I lie llrsl of the week, returned from the hospital Ihis afternoon. Dick stood the operation line and is re covering nicely and his friends rejoice that his troubles are uxor. Mr. Waller Vallery and daugh- j mi- 1 1 ier, imiss i.eoia Miitery, ucconi- panied by Mrs. Frank Vallery were Omaha passengers on the morning train today, where they looked after business matters for a time. J. I,. Smith, Irom near Ne hawka, came up last evening lo rpend Jhe evening and today with friends and relatives in the city. He was ucrompuniod by Mrs. Her man Smith, who will isit a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hall. Colonel Jenkins and Dr. O. II. Oilmore cumo up from Murray today in the colonel's auto to look after some business matters. While here the gonial doctor wus a culler at the Journul olllco, where lie always receives the glad hand. home. Mr. llickers will reside with his brotlfer on the farm south of this city. Many of the merchants and business men of the oily would like lo see the sprinkler going when the wind is high and the soil moving in the air, as it has been doing the past. week. The sprinkler operator would like to do the work, and just why lie is not doing it is not apparent. The first thing we know some fellow will be out with his hammer knocking on our slogan. lion. C. H. Mil.ger autoed in from his home near Cedar Creek today, and was a brief caller al '.his olllco. Notwithstanding Chris has been severely crit icized ir some of his acts in the legis lature, be fools that he has dom what he thought was for the best lo bis constituents. That is the i I I. . : ii.. 'MI1- rl'll. Mini Illil.WII- in llll'i course of lime some who are so ready to crili.e him now will be ,.ust us liberal in their com in. ndat ion. From Siitui iliiy'i Imlly Alf Nickels, from I'll seal si of Mur- isitor lo- ray, was a county day. , Mr. and Mrs. J. T. porter, from west of Muray, were Plutlsinoutli I isilors today. William Puis, sr., is visiting with his many Plattsmnulh friends today. Miss F.sther Larson came up from Union last evening for a short isit with her parents. Mr. D. A. Young and wife of near Murray tiroxe up from the farm to do their week-end shop ping. Mr. and Mrs. Otto puis, from west of Murray, are in Ihe city to day isiting al the home of Mrs. Puis' mother, Mrs. John West. Mr. rcier iveu ami wire were Mayor Lig Mrown of Kuuosha wns in the cily this afternoon', having brought Mrs. Anna Marl ley to the Murlington station, where she hoarded the fast mail for Omaha to spend a few days with friends. Spring is sure in sight when the lawn grass gets long enough for the lawn mower. We noticed our good friend, John Ilouland, out with his lawn mower this morning, and lie seemed to linn a prelty good crop lo work on. J. W. Mookmeyer is placing n new coal of paint on his building on Main street, Ihe one formerly occupied by J. K. Mason. Mr. Mookmeyer expects lo repaint and paper the building and place in excellent repair, both inside and out. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes o Murray arrived in Plallsmouth yesterday evening from Omaha where Ihey bad been to attend the funeral of Mrs. James Keenan Mr. Holmes went home and re turned with the auto for Mrs Holmes and son, Ralph. Mr. (ieorge P. Meisinger and daughter enine to the county seat mu I lie liiirlinglon rouie tins morning, arriving on No. 1, where be visited with his numer ous friends for the day ami also transacted some business mai lers. John Smith of Hock MlulTs brought Mrs. (ieorge Sutton to the Murlington station Ihis after noon, where she look the train for her home at Omaha. Mrs. Sut ton bus been acting ns nurse for Mr. Smith's little son. who has had a severe attack of pneumonia, hut is belter now. Dick Criswisser went lo Oma ha on the morning train today and hud Ihe jacket taken off of his nose. He returned lo spend Sun day with his parents. He will go back to the specialist Monday for the lasl time, ufler which he will return to his farm in Otoe county. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF CASS COUNTY Mrs. Mary A. Taylor Files Her Appeal Bond In the Estate of Her Brother. I'mni Saliirilay'n I hI ly Mrs. Mary Taylor has filed her appeal from the order of the probate court, in which she seeks to recover from the estate of her brother, Robert Kendall, the sum of $5,000. The claim was allowed in pari by the court below. The petition of Ryan and Mrs. Ines Sutton against Ihe National Hunk of Ashland, in which plain tiff seeks lo quiet tille to real estate in the vicinity of Ashland, but within Cass county. The case will not lie contested. Judge Travis had a session of court yesterday and also today. Yesterday an order was entered in the case of the state against Peter Evers, which was a peace warrant sent up from Judge Xrcher's court, directing Ihe case to be continued during the good hchav ior of defendant. In Ihe case of Henry llerold vs. . . i.oatcs, which was re versed by Ihe supreme court Feb nary 15lh last, (lie court today irdered a judgment entered on the mandate, and set Ihe case for I rial May 2. Returns to Weeping Water. miss Domingo, who has iieen daying with her sister, Mrs. liny Smith, and attending school, and who suffered from an attack of measles, wus taken to her homo nt Weeping Water yesterday. Miss Domingo could not return lo school for I hirly -days, so she re turned lo her home. Her sister, Mrs. Smith and husband, accom panied Miss Domingo, also her mother, Mrs. Jacob Domingo, ho had been visiting her a few duvs. The pnrty took a carriage lo Murray where Ihey were met by Mr. Domingo. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will visit with Mrs. Smith's parents over Easter. BRIDE AND GROOM VISIT PUnSlDJ RELATIVES Arthur Maxwell and Bride, Form erly Miss Lucy Bradway, Make Short Visit. nee Krom Salurduy'H Ially. Arl bur Maxwell and bridt Miss Lucy Headway, arrived in Ihe city last evening from Omaha, where they were recent Iv married. Mr. Maxwell is an industrious young gentleman and a resident of Kansas City, where thev'will reside, at for visiting Mrs. Mrad- way's parents in this cily for a short lime. Mrs. Maxwell has boon holding a position al Omaha for some time, and there met her husband and the marirage cere mony took place in thai city. Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell expected to v isit Mrs. Maxwell's sister, who resides Ion miles out, but in some way the wires got crossed nnd Ihe message which Mrs. Mradway sent of her coming did not reach her sister in time for her to get in from the farm to meet the visitors last evening, and as their time was limited for visiting here, Ihey did not get to see her sister. A FORMER PLATTSMOUTH RESIDENT DIES IN ST. JOSEPH Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Booth Leave to Attend the Funeral of Nephew. KroniFriduy's Dally. Mr. ami Mrs. E. II. Mood, re ceived a message last evening calling them to St. Joseph, Mis souri, on account of the deuth uf his nephew, Mr. E. M. Murris. a foreman in the mechanical de partment of Ihe Murlington shops there. Mr. and Mrs. Mouth de parted for St. Joseph on No. 0 this morning. Mr. Hurris leaves a wife and children to mourn his loss. The deceased resided in Plattsmoulh some years ago, and was transferred to Alliance. where he worked for the company fur a lime, being later transfer red to St. Joseph and given a fore-manship. Repairing His Home. John McNurlin, living up in the Second ward, bus been making qnile extensive improvements on his residence properly the past few days. The new work consists of paint, paper and plastering, also new hard wood floors, and is otherwise beautifying the place. He has also been making repairs and erecting new additions lo his burn nnd aulo garage. This is what we need to make our city come up to Ihe average of other cities in our class. There is still room for many more to follow Mr. McNurlin's example. Pasture for Kent. The northwest quatrer or sectloa 35, township 13, range 12, and ta northwest quarter section 34, town ship 13 and range 12, known as the Reed land, near the Dovey section la Eight Mile Grove precinct. Will reat for a term of three years at $300 pur year. This Is the best.of pasture and some of the land can . be farmi. Write or telephone, W. D. Wheeler, Plattsmouth. Neb. Councilman Oeorge Dovey Iransacled business in the me tropolis this morning, going on Ihe first train. Saoce FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce by self as a candidate for the nomination for the office of sheriff of Cass county, Ne braska, subject to the decision of the voters at the coming primary elec tion. I ask the voters to place me in nomination on ine aemocrHuc ticket. G. P. Barton, Union, Neb. Family Reunion. I'mni Sni(lay'n Pally. Mrs. Dorothea Thornlmrg of Sioux City, Iowa, and her daugh Ier, Miss Alice, who have been spending some time at Murlington Junction, Missouri, mineral springs, arrived Ihis morning and will visit Mrs. Thorbnrg s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. - August Tart sob. for a few days. Mr. Tartsch will hold a family re union tomorrow, when all or the children, except his son, Henry w ill be al home . CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always BongM Bears the Signature Given by the DANCING TRIO Saturday, April 29th Coales' Hall Music by the M. W. A. Orchestra Don't miss the Thunder ar.l Lightning Waltz Everyone Invited. Spring S ufiimor Elates! on Paid Into Court. In Judge Archer's court this morning O. E. Wescotl's Sons re covered judgment against Oeorge Volk in the sum of $27.l0 for goods sold and delivered to de fendant at his special instance nnd request. Mr. Phil Meeker, for whom the young man is working, was present and gave Judge Archer a check for the amount i,nd Ihe matter wns thus termin al cd. Mr rived Oust I.enhof of Lincoln ar this morninp nnd attended (o some items of business in this city. Mr. I.enhof wns formrely a resident, of Ihis county. SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES TO CALIFORNIA:-C,enerh basis certain dates in April and May and daily from June to September; still lower general basis of $50.00 on certain dates in June and July. General excursion basis to Portland, Seattle, $60.00 on certain dates in May and daily from June to September; still lower general basis of $r0.00 on certain dates in June and July; $15.00 higher to include Shasta Route.' Usual diverse routes and stover privileges. The tour of the Coast is tne woria s greatest rauroan journey. YELLOWSTONE PARK.-V&n now a summer tour of this wonderland. All kinds of excursion rates through Gardiner and Yellowstone gateways: also per sonally conducted camping tours through Cody. BIO HORN MOUNTAINS The resorts of this delightful region near Sher idsn and Thermopohs are attracting a largo volume of tourist patronage. Send for special publication. CNLORADO AND ROCKY MOUNTAINS-ai popular summer rates to Colorado and Utah cities and resorts. Stnd tor Etttt Park bookltt. eth tou ch with me, and lefme send you any of our publications, "Colo. i . t. I . , i.n: If T it 1 1 V .. 1 1 -. r3rark," "Pacific Coast Toura." R. W. CLEMENT, Ticket Agent. L. W. VtAKELY, General Passenger Agent, Omaha. Neb.