DO YOU LIKE 10 BE (We are speaking now strictly to the men.) Our QUALITY CLOTH ICS hug your neck and stay there. They do not stand out away from your neck and collar as ordinary suits do, but they are shaped and made to fit close and snug about your neck, giving that tailor made effect that is the mark of all good clothes. If you have been getting a poor fit in the neck or otherwise "getting it in the neck" so to speak, come here and try our QUALITY CLOTHES. They fit and stav fit. eing concerning the Jews who criticized Jesus' teachings of the resurrect lull, and toM'il the Mivior hose wife a certain woman ould he in the next world, when he had been the wife of seven rot tiers in succession. Rev. Aus- in elaborated on this branch of his theme, leaving with his audit ors the statement that the spirit ual life would be so far in ad- ance of the physical there would e no thought of the environment which surrounded men on earth. Two persons were received into the church. The league service was conducted by Mrs. Edna Wes oott, the topic of the meeting be ing that of missions. The evening congregation was arger than usual and the service very interesting. llev. Austin poke on the theme of the "Com forting Christ," the text being, "It Is I, lie Not Afraid." An Kaster anthem was sung both morning and evening. Mrs. K. H. Weseotl sang a solo and the Glee club sang "Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me." C. E. ISCD1TS SONS THE HOME OF SATISFACTION ERSTER SHU VERY RPPR0PR1ATELY OBSERVED IN PLAHSMOUTH GIB ii The Presbyterian, Methodist and St. Luke's Church Have Pro grams Especially Prepared for the Event and the Weather Propitious for the Occasion. Easter dawned beautiful and bright, and the weather continued lovely throughout the entire day. Everyone seemed happy in the thought that the day was very propropitious for the donning of that Easter bat or new Easter iginal poem eulogistic of the de parted knight. The above refers to the serv ices at 11 a. m. Interesting and appropriate services were held in the early morn at 8 o'clock am at 7:30 in the evening. suit. rl lie churches that naci , One of the striking features o special programs for the oc- ti,P decorations was the curtain casion were largely attended. Be- ,nam, uf green foliage, the ma i :., e .. Ki ... . low we gie u synopsis ui iiii,,TO 0i which hail been verv was done at several of the ' kindly donated bv Mr. L. A. Moore churches: i At St. Paul's Church. ! Easter Sunday brought out a very large congregation to the the curtain being constructed by the committee of ladies in charg of the decorations, after which it was placed by Mr. Moore. It wa UN EXCITING RUNAWAY NOT YET CHRONICLED ht. Pauls Jwangeucai cnurcn. ; a most handsome apiece of decora The church was tastily decorated tjon an(j surely something out of Vith ferns and carnations. The ' he ordinary, fhoir rendered two beautiful Ger- i Another feature was that each man hymns under the leadership pew was decked with three while of Mr. Wesch. j carnations and three ferns tied Mr. Stegcr delivered a very im- J wilh whi, ni.bons. This morn pressive sermon appropriate for in(f t,e committee in charge dis the day. After the services the trihuted the llowers among Ihe Lord's Supper was held, there be-' sick and the shul-in of the ing nearly 100 communicants The Easter offering was. very large, it amounting to $103.50. church, as has been customary. At St. Luke's Church. Easier services were fittingly observed at St. Luke's ' church yesterday, the church being At the Methodist Church. The glad Easter celebrutioii be gan witli the Sunday school at the M. E. church yesterday morning, the lesson period was preceded by a program consisting of peril a - hpnii) ifnllv rtec.ornleil with smilax. I ''"'is, exercises, uucis anil a ferns and Easter lilies .in front ! cbrus . r ih.i anil Ilia nllnp Choll". , ttH' ui'out tt.V, by the Sunday school f.nd each pew was decorated with 1,u' ciiumii ' ill I'll I' II I I'll I III! while carnations. The Sir Knights Templar were present, in a body i Oreetong and occupied seats in the auditorium reserved for tnein. was tastefully words, "Faster were suspended from the archway. A mammoth ger anium slood in front of the I ' 1 11 1 1 1 i . The special nulsic consisted of.I""P'i. no,," l11iims ",n ,IU'1 the "Te Ileum Laudamus," jn SP,,','1 about the platform which the solo parts were lakon ' whorr-vor there was a vacant bv Miss Edna Peterson and Mr. II. ' place, and twenty or more Easter S. Austin. And an Easter anthem, ' Mies nodded their beautiful faces "As It Began to Dawn," in which '"ward Ihe happy children in the Hiss firelchen Donnelly sang the .1 Miililorium. The allendaifce at m,o part. The music was well U"' Sunday school was large, remt-icd, each singer doing bis or . t being 228 present. The junior (leparimeni, iook posses sion of its room in the basement the first time yesterday. morning service was large- tribtue to the visiting Sir Knights ly atlended, the membership glad- Canon Hurgess made a touching ly greeting their pastor alter a reference to Ihe chair made recess of five weeks. Ilev. Austin vacant by Ihe death of the late preached a powerful discourse on Mr. 1'. S. While, and read an or- I "The Life Heyond." Ihe context tier part very creditably. The sermon by Ilev. Burgess ua iiwniwi'lllv wnll limi'il In Die' 1'" occasion, and in paying a line; Th -Sun Bonnets- Li!a:aaM'.iwffl minium The season is near when you will want a nice Sun Lonnet. We have some thing stcinl in .this line. They have a patent process stiffening which you can not Kt in other makes. You will not le satisfied with the ordinary make if ou see ours. At the Presbyterian Church. A large congregation greeted Rev. L. W. Cade at the Presby terian church at the opening of the morning service yesterday. The choir rendered two Easter anthems and Mrs! Edna Eaton a solo, aeoempanied by Miss Yerna Colo, with pipe organ, and Mrs. Will Troop with violin. The violin in the skillful hands of Mrs. Troop added much to the pecial music. Ilev. Hade delivered a short Easter discourse, which was full of hope and comfort to the believ ers. Among other things Rev. Ciade said: "Easier festival is the largest observed of all the Chris tian festivals on the calendar. It brings into view the resurrection of our Savior and through Him the resurrection of the dead. Church ritualism and church formalism cannot, destroy the powr of its value. The Cireek church, the church of Rome and all Protestant denominations join in hailing the Redeemer's triumph from the tomb. Jesus and the resurrection has been Ihe glad theme of preachers and worship pers, poets and philosophers, for nineteen hundred years. Easter can never be forgotten for it cele brates Christ's glorious resurrec tion and complete triumph over all the powers of death and hell. Tt marks find's approval of the sacrifice and alonemenl made on Cajvary's cross. When we think of Easier there comes the echo to heaven and earth of Christ's triumphant words, uttered in Ihe darkest of earth's shadows, 'It is finished.' " .Ulor a clear and convincing presentation of the proofs of Christ's resurrection. Rev. fiade said: "Over the arched gateway to one of our great cemeteries in the easl is inscribed the words Tnlil Ihe daybreak and th shadows flee away.' How fitting are I nose wonts to us who (Mm in and lay our beloved dead from sight, and go our way to rejoice in a glorious resurrection. The risen Christ keeps us. He lead us through life's dusty way when it is dim nnd dark; He carries us across earth's deepest chasms He holds our hand that our foot steps slip not, and He rests us to leep the sleep that men, call ealh nnd keeps us 'until Ihe daybreak and Ihe shadows flee away.' In the resurrection of Christ is the hope of our resur rection and reunion with our friends. Our nnd her, our father, our brothers and sisters went out from us on that long-distant af ternoon. They went into the shadows, and in the hope of Easter morning, I ask you, was it death or dawn? When you visit that loved spot, where the grass grows refreshingly green in the springtime, across which sweeps the summer zephyrs, and where you delight to plant sweet flowers, when you visit that spot, I fancy there comes to you the blessed thought: lien I go Homo I hope to see A little face look up nt me, Unchanged from what il used to be; When I go homo,' "Easter gives this greeting lighl." At the close of the sermon two young men were received into the church, alter winch the sacra ment of the Lord's Supper was observed. The Assessor of Rock Bluffs Precinct Has a Joy Ride Not Antipicated. As the assesor of Rock Mutt's precinct was making his rounds listing the personal belongings and chattels of the citizens of his precinct last week in his single buggy and behind his trusty gray- nag, he unexpectedly took a joy ride which he had not counted on. As the assessor was descend ing one of the gentle slopes which abound in the eastern part of the precinct, the bit in the mouth of bis foaming charger gave way and left nothing with which the officer could check its speed. The buggy and the assessor crowded down upon the mare, and the faster she went the more fright ened she became, and at the 11 r farm house passed she turned in and nearly ran over the lady of the house. Nothing seemed to check the frightened animal, and on she sped until she came in col lision wilh the pig pen, into which the gray, wilh the buggy and driver still intact, plunged, and where she was stopped. There was, no particular dam age done, unless to the feelings of the joy rider himself, as nothing as broken but the bridle bit. House leamiiiinig mm iiasiit scratched yet!! Bom Ami A SCOURING SOAP AMETALPOUSU-ACIASS CLEANER TRY GOLD DUST 7 for the woodwork and floors and you will have the hist. 5 and 25c Packages House cleaning time is now at hand and every woman is interested in something that will make it less a drudgery. BON Ar.1l Cleans, all surfaces. Polishes alt metals. Wears out neither. If you have never used Bon Ami for clean ing your windows, for polishing brass, nickel plating or any other metals, you have never used the best and you do not know what a time and labor saver it is. Try It Only 10c Each! CROSSED THE RIVER FIFTY- FOUR YEARS AGO TODAY An Interesting Bit of History Related by Judge J. W. Johnson. Judge J. W. Johnson, in con ersalion with the writer this morning, slated that lllty-lour years ago today lie crossed ine Missouri river; landing at the fool of Main street. lie bad just finished the journey on foot across the slate of Iowa, and he, with two companions, named Rus sell Vanl'leet and Joseph II. Cox, within the next three days after landing. on this side of the river, went a few miles out west of town and located on u quarter of government land each. Judge Johnson remembers the i i i -i i it.. year very distinctly, n neing ine year of the panic of 1K57, when banks everywhere were going to the wall, and there was not much in sight to eat except grass. Mr VanFleet returned to Pennsyl vania when his title was secured, while Mr. Cox afterward removed to Council Hluffs, where he died. The quarter entered by Mr. Van Fleet was transferred - to Mr. llagoos, who still owns the quar ter, there having been but one transfer in fifty-four years. CORNER SIXTH AND MAIN STREETS GREAT IMPROVEMENTS AT MAJESTIC THEATER SUPPOSED TO BE A REVOLUTIONARY WAR RELIC Home Talent In the window of J. C. York's barber shop this morning could be seen n knapsack and powder horn of ancient make. The knap sack is of leather and on the fast ening was a bronz disk tin which is Ihe image of an American eagle holding lliree arrows in one of its talons and an olive branch in the other. In the pocket was a brass bell and an ornament containing the same design. The relic was brought In Mr. York's shop by a Mr. Ilaker, who told its history in part, statin'-' that il had been snatched from Ihe body of a dead Indian by h man named Hales during, an engagement, of the Revolutionary war, and by Hales carried into a fort. Manager Schlaes Will Have a Most Beautiful and Enticing Place of Amusement. Manager R. M. Schlaes of the Majestic is contemplating making quite a lot of improvements at his popular theater. The front wj" he repainted, Mr. Frank (lohel- man doing the job. In addition to this, Mr. Schlaes has let to Mr. M. M. Heal the con tract for painting the lobby and frescoing the ceiling and papering the side walls, as well as the auditorium, which will be re painted, ropaporod and the ceil ing frescoed. Mr. Schlaes will not stop with this, but will procure rubber carpet for Ihe aisles and the lobby and the front will bo lighted with a large arc light in the center of Ihe lobby or two smaller incandescents in each window. No expense will be spared to make an artistic and inviting room, where the public can go and enjoy its evenings. The work on these improvements will be commenced right away and pushed as rapidly as possible. There is nothing loo good for the patrons of Ihe Majestic, is the way of Mr. Schlaes' thinking. PLAY fill MUSICAL FARCE ZUCKWEILER LUTZ Announcement. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination of the. office of flhoriff, subject to the de rHon of the voters at the coming primary. I ak them to plaro me In nomination on the domorrntlc tlrkft. D. C. Rhoden. Notice of Application for Liquor License. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested and to Ihe public, that the undersigned, (lus F. Mohr, has tiled his petition and application with I lu? village clerk of the village of Avoca, County of Cass, and Stale of Nebraska, as required by law, signed by the required number of resident free-holder of the said village, setting forth that the applicant is a man of re- snectable character and standing t . Mil and a resident, 01 ine Mate 01 ie- braska, and praying that a license may be issued to the said (ins F. Mohr for Ihe sale of mall, spirit nous and vinous liquors for the municipal year ending May 2, l'.lll', at his place of business, situated on Ihe west two-thirds of i l n. in block 1.1, in said village of Avoca, Nebraska. (ins I''. Mohr, Applicant. April 13, Itlll. JOHN HIRER IMPROVING HIS NEW RESIOENCE John Ilihur.Vho purchased tin (ins Stull nlacc in West I'latls- mouth a few weeks ago, is making some decided changes and vast improvements on the residence and outbuildings. We understand that Mr. lliliur intends lo com pletely remodel the place, making almost a modern home. T. J. Isner and Ami) Walters are doing the work, Mr. lliliur has placed about $1,500 in the improving fund, and when completed will have one of the finest residences in Ihe city. APRIL 22, 1911 Jenkins' Hall Murray, Neb. Rock-a-Ilye Neidlinger Ladles' Quartet. Sweot and Ixm . . Raraby Mixed Quartet. Absent Metcalf Iadles' Trio. Dear Starry Eyes Arranged by Westmta Malo Quartet. The QuMtin' Ilee . ,C. A. March, V. Martin Tom ' CHARACTERS. Mrs. Shallow (hostess...) Mrs. Holme Heyzeklah Shallow (her hua- . band) VV. C. Rrowa Rev. Mr. tovegood (In love with Prudence) Guy Stoke Prudence Plump (who likes the minister) Maltle Minnie Hannah Wasp (a gossip age doubtful) Fay Oldham Mrs. Snagga (who owiih a goose) Mrs. Loughrldge Widow Horner (In her brand new dress) Mrs. Kennedy Ann Maria Shallow ("my dar ter") Marglo Walker Ilass Solo Selected Mr. S. G. Latta. . Mr. J. T,. Russell, the retail liquor dealer, was an Omaha pas senger on business this morning Will Visit Nebraska. Mrs. J. S. Wendell is in receipt of a letter from Fred Harger, who used to make his home with them, in which he states he is enjoying Ihe lies), of health ami getting along just line, lie also inquires about a number of bis former ac quaintances and slates that he is intending to make a visit to Ne braska during Ihe summer months and will probably visit, I'lallsmoulh. Fred formerly re sided in this city, being employed with Ihe Hurlinglon, and was very popular among Ihe young people of the city. The large circle ot friends will be pleased lo learn that Fred is doing so well. He is now located al Vancouver, H. C. I'AKT II.. Thirty Minutes for Refreshments. A Farce, CHARACTERS. John Downley (a bachelor) .... Ciuy Stokee Clurence Fitta (his colored serv ant) William Brown John Foxton (a young married gentleman) Glen Hocdecker Major Pepper, U. S. A Albert Young Mrs. Foxton. Margie Walker Mrs. Arabella Pepper (a maiden lady) Fay Oldham Paula (waiting maid at High land Station) . ..Pauline Oldham Curtain at 8:15. Prices, 25 and 35 cents. Mr. I. l'earlman of Omaha was in the city today looking after bis properly Interests. Miss Vesta Douglass departed for Peru, Nebraska, this morning Sick Man Removed to His Home. Mr. J. F Foyer, a traveling auditor of the Hurlinglon, who came here from Omaha lo in ventory the slock of Ihe local storehouse about ten days ago, and who has been very ill al his rooms in the Riley hotel, was taken lo his home at Omaha to day. Mrs. Foyer, who has been at her husband's beside for some days, accompanied him lo their home. Ike lVarlman, jr., of Omaha was visiting a few hours yoster- to visit Ihe normal for two weeks.1 day with IMattsnioulh friends.