N'b' Stat. Hi,torlc. So. Iplattsmoutb Soucn SKMI-WKEKLY EDITION-KIGHT PACKS VOLUME XXX PLATTSMOUTH, NE1JIIASKA. MONDAY AlMtlL H, 1911 XO i mm 1 BROUGHT BEFORE INSANITY Quite a Number From Union Attend the Meeting of Board, and the Unfortunate Victim is Released on Six Months Parole. From Friday's Daily. C. V. Clark, who was before the board some time ago, and on advice of the members look treat ment at a private hospital at Council Bluffs and had a reason ably perfect cure from the drink habit, fell by the wayside last Monday and was found in a beast ly state of intoxication by the roadside. Mr. Clark has been conducting a successful restaur and business at Union and on last Monday attended Frank Val lory's sale, where he was enticed and coaxed by a party in the vicinity of Union to indulge in a few drinks. This is the first time Mr. Clark has indulged since taking treat ment some months ago, and his numerous friends are very in dignant toward the party who in sisted on him taking a drink at the sale. The board at a meet ing the first of the week made an order directing the county at torney to investigate the matter as to who it was that furnished the liquor and urged Mr. Clark to drink it, and a prosecution will no doubt follow, as it should do. There were several witnesses CAPTAIN PALMER WILLS $500 TO liSOMCME The will .of the late Captain Henry E. Palmer, who died April 2, was opened Thursday morn ing at the county clerk's olliee at Omaha, where it was tiled several weeks before his death by Captain Valmer himself. The hulk of the estate, which is estimated at close to 250,000, goes in trust to the grandchildren, of whom there are four: Morse Case Palmer and Jean Tilford Palnver, living in Omaha, the children of (ieorge Henry Palmer, who .died in 1908; and the two children of Mrs. Clara Palmer Kount.e, a daughter living in New York city. His widow. is to receive an .an nual income of $3,000. The money bequests are not- large. Captain Palmer's live sisle-s ure to receive $3,000 each. '1 hey .tie: Mrs. Henrietta Newell, Haraboo, Wis.; Mrs. Helen P. Tolilf, Glen doe, Wyo.; Mrs. Haltie P. Wit doe, Wyo.; Mrs. Haltie P. Wil son, Wishek, N. I.; Mr.. Hetticia Lewis, San Jose, Cal., and Mrs. Helena Bumgardncr, Beatrice, Neb. The Nebraska Masonic home at ' Plattsmouth, Neb., is to receive '$500, and the Palmer chapter, 'Royal Arch Masons, of Wjlber, ; Neb., $250. The immediate income of $30, 000 is lo be given to Mrs. Clara Palmer Kounlze of New York to be devoted lo the use of her two children. An undivided half in terest, estimated by Captain Pal mer at $30,000, of the lot at the corner of Twentieth md I'arnam streets, is given at once to his Omaha grandchildren. All the remaining properly is to be divided equally among the grandchildren in 11130, mid in case of their death anions their heirs. L. C. Anderson Improving. From Ttiurxriny'a Pally Mr. L. C. Anderson, who has been quite seriously ill for two weeks, walked down town this morning for the first time since his recent sickness. His many friends were glad lo see him shout again. While Mr. Ander son is not yet as strong as he was before the attack of some days ago, yet he is improving, and with h few weeks' rest his physician believes he will feel much heller m d become stronger as the days so by. I'ggs for Sale, n. P. R. eggs for sale, 7c per 1.1, $4.00 per 100. Tolous cpgg, ft..0 per dozen, Mrs. Win. Troop. Nehawka, Neb. 3-IG-rfwkiy. E OF DIIEH ESS at the hearing this morning and the evidence disclosed that after getting enough liquor to in toxicate him lie got into his auto and started for Union, and had traveled a part of the distance when his machine had become grounded on a ride in the road, and he was ; found lying by the side of it oblivious to his sur roundings. Mr. Barton passed him there, or rather found him, and got him to his home. The board made an order find ing that Mr. Clark should be re strained at the hospital for treat ment, but suspended the order for six months during good behavior, and at the end of that time should he continue to resist the appetite for intoxicants, the complaint will be dismissed. Mrs. Clark was wild her husband at the hearing. In connection with this matter it should he known that the last, legislature enacted a law making it a serious misdemeanor for a man that is under the influence of liquor to he found driving an auto. This is as it should be, as the automobile causes many ac cidents in the hands of the most sober persons. Stork Visits Joe Thompson. News was received by Mrs. Mary Buttery of this city this morning to the effect that, the stork recently visited the, home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson at Fairmont, leaving them a fine baby girl. The numerous friends of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson in this city will be greatly pleased at this announcement, and it will he per fectly proper for Joe to take a 30-day layoff and hold the young lady during her waking hours. We hope that she may live to be a com fort to her parents. TOO H IRA CANNOT AT TEND FIDDLERS' CONTEST Ira Hakes has given it out cold IhaUie will not go to Plattsmouth to attend the fiddlers' carnival, because he says the prizes are not sulllciently large to enable a man to no in style and besides he is confident the people up there do not appreciate the true fiddler, as they have become accustomed to the kind that is dished up from the Weeping Water bottoms and there is no harmony in any of their music. He wants to appear only where real music is ap preciated, like it is here. Ne braska City News. We feel awful had to think Ira cannot be here, but we guess there may he enough here without him. Already (here are about, iweiily-lie 'entries, and among them are several who would make Ira look seven ways for Sunday when it comes to playing "Old Zip Coon." Why, bless your soul, Ira couldn't touch Ihein with a ten foot pole. Ha js considerable of a josher. and in fact more profi cient in joshing than fiddling, and probably knows he wouldn't be good enough to win a prize if he was here. WEEPING ITER BOY WINS OUT IN CONTEST Donald H I, son of Mr. and Mrs. II. I). Heed of Weeping Water, in a prohibition oritorical coulest held at Crete last Mon day exening, won first place and a prize oT $15; Miss Rucker of Crete got .second place and a prize of $10. ''he judges on delivery were Professors Brown, Bennett and Jillsor of Doaue college, and on composition and thought was Rev. John Andrews of Weeping Water. Prof. House of peni and Superintendent t. F. Spencer of Thed ford. Try the journal's want ro column Forty-six Years Ago Today. A reader sends in the follow ing: Forty-six years ago today Lincoln fell by the hand of Booth, his assassiun. The calendar days . f the week were the same then as now, General Lee and General Grant met at Appomattox on Sunday, April 9, 1865, and ar rapged Lee's mrrender. Lincoln was assassinated on Good Friday, April 14, and died the next morn ing. Saturday, April 15, 1805. WILL NOT SERVE AS STEWARD OF PENITENTIARY from Saturday's Dally. The Journal is informed by telephone Ibis morning that its friend, Mont Robb, will not serve as steward of the penitentiary, to which positiou.be was appointed by Governor Aldrich a few days atfer be took his seat. We un derstand that the gentleman who was appointed warden after the legislature adjourned for fear the senate would not confirm the ap pointment if it had been made, during the session, and the gov ernor could not agree on the ap pointment of Mr. Robb, the man who could not. have possibly been confirmed for warden, objecting to his appointment. The governor insisted upon Mr. Robb's having the place, but the latter did not feel like accepting the position under these circumstances, as it would be liable not to be very con genial for either the warden or himself. Mr. Robb gave up his position with the grain company at My nard and made every preparation to occupy the place, not dream ing that any opposition would ap pear at the last moment, and from one who had the audacity to defy the governor's wishes. Mont Robb is an excellent citizen, and while he may feel somewhat dis appointed, taking everything Into consideration, he is fortunate in not associating himself with a warden who could not have been confirmed by the senate, accord ing to law. Mr. Robb wilt remain for tho present with his family on the farm south of Union, where we know he will be much happier than superintending the dishing out of grub to prisoners in the penitentiary. RETURN FROM MEETING OF THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY From Friday' Dally. The delegation from this city to the Topeka branch of the Women's . Foreign Misisonary society of the M. E. church, which convened at the First Methodist church of Omaha yesterday af ternoon and evening, returned on No. 10 last night. The session was an interesting one, talks be ing, given by Miss Simpson, a Ne braska girl, who is a returned misisonary from China, and by Bishop Neulson. Miss Simpson talked on the work in China and the bishop spoke of the work in general. Both inspired a feeling of enthusiasm within the minds of the delegates. Mr. C. C. Wes colt attended the evening session and acted as escort for the Platts mouth delegation on the home ward I rip. The delegates from Plaltsmouth were: Mrs. C. C. Wescolt, Mrs. R. B. Haves and Mrs. K. C. Hill. Population Increased. Two more young ladies arrived in this village the first, of the week and two of our citizens are rejoicing over the title of "papa" for the first lime. Aha K. Stiles and wife are the parents of a nice little daughter that regis tered at their home Sunday morning, April 0. and Vernon T. Arn and wife welcomed a It-pound daughter lo their family circle Tuesday morning, April II. The Ledger extends congratulations hi the happy parents of those two bright liltle daughters, but we can sympathize with the papa's when they have lo do a midnight walk to conquer a case of rolic.- Union Ledger. Roy lienson visited his aunt, Mrs. J. H. lienson, at Council Bluffs today, his mother and sister having been in the Illuffs for the pas wo days. IP TERTA1NS G. E.'S The Home of the Hostess Scene of a Merry Gathering. From Friday's Pally. As per the kind invitation of Miss Louise Gorder, which she had extended to Hie members and friends of the Christian Kudeavor society of the Presbyterian church to hold their regular social meet ing at her home, a large, number (seventy-three) assembled at her hospitable home on North Third street last evening and enjoyed a most delightful lime socially and an evening which will long be re membered by those participating. When Miss Gorder entertains she never does things by halves, and after having invited the mem bers of the C. E. society and their friends to come to her home, she at once proceeded to plan some sort of entertainment for her guests and arranged for a short musical program. This program w-as opened with a reading by Miss Anderson, who is a finished reader, and her selections of last evening were most highly ap precialed by the large number in attendance. Miss Molly Godwin then con tributed a beautiful piano solo, which was a fine number and bril liantly executed. After this piano solo Miss Marie Robertson gave a reading, which was somewhat original, in that a number of the names of those present were brought into use. Miss Robertson is a pupil of Miss Pauline Oldham of Murray, and her reading show ed much care in study and train ing on the part of both pupil, and instructor and was most thor oughly enjoyed. The program was concluded by a very pretty vocal' solo by Mr. John Gorder, who was accom panied on the piano by Mrs. Gor der. His solo was well executed and made a hit, with the audience; so much so that he was most heartily encored, but much to the disappoinflnent of those present, he was unable to furnish another solo, owing to the fact that he had failed lo bring any more of his music. Misses Anderson, Godwin and Robertson responded to the hearty encores and Iheir second numbers were likewise most thoroughly enjoyed. After the program various games, social conversation and the like were Indulged in, which created considerable merriment, and which were entered into with much enthusiasm. The thoughtful hostess not only provided for a piu'lion of the entertainment for her guests, but she also had prepared an ex quisite luncheon, consisting of sandwiches, pickles, cake and coffee, and this was served at the proper time and was one which elicited many compliments and which the guests found very ap petizing and pleasant. At the usual hour the F.n deavorers and friends departed for Iheir homes, greatly indebted to Miss Gorder for her kind hos pitality in offering her home, for the refreshments served ami for the splendid entertainment af forded them on this occasion. LADIES AID S0GIE1Y MEET AT HOI OF MRS. HALL From Thursday 'a Daily Another very pleasant meeting was that of I he Ladies' Aid society of I he M. K. church, w hich was held at the home of Mrs. J. M. Hall yesterday afternoon. This meeting was very largely at (end ed and a fine lime was had. The usual business session took up the greater portion of I he early hours of the afternoon, and aside from the regular routine business transacted the ladies arranged for I he floral bazaar, which will be held the first part of May, and of which further and more ex tended announcements will be given in these columns. Follow ing the business session the time was most enjoyahly spent, the hours being whiled away in social (onversalion and oilier amuse ments. During the course of the afternoon a delightful luncheon was served, which was not the least appreciated of the many MISS GOB Ell things Ihe hostess had provided for (he entertainment of her gu'sts an. I which materially aided in the social good lime. TWO SUITS COMMENCED IN THE COUNTY COURT From Saturday's Dally. James N. Jordan commenced a suit in the county court yesterday making J. Lawrence Slull defend ant, Ihe suit being one for dam ages and ajnonnts to $102.50. The let it ion alleges that during (DiO he, the plaintiff, occupied and farmed Ihe northeast quarter of sM'lion 3, in township 12, range 13, and Ihe defendant owned and occupied the adjacent land. Plaint ilT had twenty-seven acres of winter wheat, doing fine, and three stacks of hay on his land. He alleges that defendant kepi a large amount of stock, which he allowed to overrun plaint ill's land, destroying his bay and eat ing and greatly damaging his wheat. Plaintiff corralled some of the animals belonging to de fendant, and tied them with a 1.50 rope, which defendant cut when he took his stock from plaint i(T'n barn. The wheat was damaged, says plaintiff, lo the amount of .$50, the bay destroyed was reasonably worth $18 and the rope cul by defendant was worth $4.50, a total of $102.50, for which judgment is prayed. Another suit filed in Judge Beeson's court yesterday was (hat of Ihe Bank of Invnle against John Barter, a suit on a promis sory nole for the sum of $70, wilh interest from March 12, 1910. WILL TILLMAN BURNS OUT AT OGALLALA Mrs. Will Tillman and daugh ter, Lena, who have been spend ing a week wilh relatives in Plaltsmouth, came down Tuesday and are visiting In Union and vicinity. The Tillman family have been residing in Ogallala since they moved from here, and Mr. Tillman owned a farm near that place, but I hey resided in town and conducted a restaurant. Mrs. Tillman relates thai last Friday night a fire broke out in their town and destroyed their restaurant building and all Ihe contents excepting their piano, ond it was so damaged (hat it is almost worthless. Three other business houses burned at the same time. They had some in surance, but no way near enough to cover their loss. Mr. Tillman remained in Ogallala to adjust some business affairs, and they have not, definitely decided upon plans for Ihe future, but may coticlcude lo locate in Union again. Union Ledger. LADIES INDUSTRAL MEETS WITH MRS. GEORGE BELONG From Saturday's Daily. The Ladies' Indus! rial of the Christian church were entertain ed at tin cosy home of Mrs. George lielong yesterday after noon in a very charming manner. The Ladies' Industrial is an or ganization of lilt; young ladies of this church and hold a meeting every week at the home of Ihe members. There was a large number of I he ladies w ho look ad vantage of Ihe pleasant wealher and were present. There was no business session held, so Ihe ladies part icipated in a social lime. Some brought their fancy work and plied Ihe busy needle. At Ihe usual lime delicious re freshments were served, lo which nil did ample jus! ice. Another pleasing feature of Ihe afternoon's entertainment was several piano selections rendered by Miss Kill a Crahill, which could riot help hul be appreciated, as Miss Crahill is a most excellent pianist. When Ihe hour for departure came Ihe ladies dispersed, having had a most, enjoyable time, and vnling Mrs. Iii'loug a splendid entertainer. Mr. E. C. Hill departed for Chicago this afternoon lo spend Foster with his mother. LIST OF SUCCESSFUL ONES WHO PASSEO EXAMINATION List of the Cass County Pupils Who Passed the March Examination. '1 he following is Ihe complete list of those pupil who passed the March examination in Cass county: Plattsmouth Lyle Mollis, Ruby Kdgerlon, Verdon. Vroinau. Norine ' Schnlhof, Florence Schuelz, Murray Delia Adams, Dwyer Todd. Alvo August Hieke, Belle Foreman, Joseph Wolfe, Ralph Wolfe, Jesse Wolfe, Fern Dim milt, Glenn Diniinilt. Nebawka Arthur Wolph. Law son Sheldon, F.sther Murdoch, Lester Murdoch. Manley Mary Bouike. Eagle Thomas Allen. Kim wood Grace Bogenrief, Marjorie Sharp, Mary Waters, Belle Sutherland. Greenwood F.llle Olson, Isa Nichols, Margeruile Jones. South Bend Robert Lung, Mary Talbot. Murdock Roberlae .Stack, James Mills, Claire Story. Avoca Luella Opp, Hubert Larsen, F.Iva Kokjer, Nicholas Trunk. Union Fannie McCarroll, Zoia Finns, Lemuel Barritt, Lyda Clark, Alva Sikes, John Everett. Louisville Orphic Polk. Wabash Anna Rauth. Another examination for the pupils who failed in not to exceed four branches will be conducted at Ihe coiinly superintendent's office April 20 and 21. Principal Elected. From I'l Uluy'R Dally, The school hoard had a special meeting last evening and elected Mr. C. O. Larson oT this city as principal of the High school. Mr. Larson is a graduate of Bellevuo College and has taught very suc cessfully during Ihe present year as principal of the Avoca schools. The Plaltsnioulh school board are very fortunate in securing his services. PASSES AWAY AFTER SDF. FERINGJPORJINE YEARS Thomas Urwln of Louisville Re leased After Suffering Many Years With Paralysis. After nine long years of sufier ing Thomas I'rwin has entered upon his well earned rest. Nine years is a long lime to suffer un complainingly from Ihe pangs of the disease, ye it has been nine years since our old friend was slrieken with paralysis, since which lime he has been routined lo his home. When death came (o him on Tuesday, April (1, at 4 o'clock, as Ihe day was drawing (o a close, il was as a welcome messenger. Thomas I'rwin was an early sell Icr in Ibis part of Nebraska, was Ihe father of an exlra large family and while he saw his share of sorrow before his own sickness he was one of Ihe inosl jovial and happy ilispnsioiifd men we have ever known. The funeral occurred from the M. F. church at 2 o'njek Friday. lie leaves an aged wife and a number of children inosl all grown, besides relatives and a host of friends, who unite in one common prayer thai his rest may be in peace. Louisville Courier, What's the Use? That is Ihi' expression that came from one of our readers this week when he first went into his potato patch to plant potatoes. In dropping the his first hill he found a full-sized potato bug awaiting his arrival and mak ing all preparations for the new crop, even before they are plant ed. Tins was our friend, Jake Mason, and we believe be was about right when he said, "What's Ihe use?" He planted the potatoes anyway and will take his chances in healing the huir at the harvesting point. Charles Peterson of Havelock arrived in Ihe cily today for an over-Sunday visit wilh home folks. Charley is in the employ of Ihe Burlington at Havelock.