The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 13, 1911, Image 7

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    The Avoca Department
News ltem Githered Each Week by
Mrs. Henry Franzen was al
Omaha Wednesday.
Charles Hinze made a business
irip to Omaha Tuesday.
Charles Benedict was over from
Nebraska City Tuesday.
New Suits were ordered this
week for the band boys.
Roseoe Harshman was operated
11 Sunday by Dr. Kruse.
H. G. Wellensiet was over from
Syracuse Tuesday evening.
Andreas Rehmoier arrived from
Omaha the first of the week.
Alfred Doroherding was up
from Berlin Tuesday evening.
Miss Rosa Peters, the nurse,
returned Wednesday to Eagle.
Len Brinton and family have
moved to the Watson property.
II. G. Wellensiek was over from
Syracuse the first of the week.
Miss Witzke has been working
t the telephone office this week.
Gus Mohr and Joseph Zimmor-
were Lincoln visitors Monday.
Mrs. Ernest Sailing, from west
f town, is under the doctor's
George and Nicholas Trook
were visiting Union relative Sun
day. Herman Men.e returned Tues
A Medicine That Does Not Cost
Anything Unless It Cures.
The active medicinal ingredi
ents of Rexall Orderlies, which
are odorless, tasteless ami color
less, is an entirely new discovery.
Combined with other extremely
valuable ingredients, it forms a
perfect bowel regulator, intestinal
invigorator and strengthened
Rexall Orderlies are eaten like
andy and are notable for their
sgreeablenoss to the palate and
gentleness of action. They do
sot cause griping or any dis
agreeable effect or inconvenience.
Unlike other preparations for a
like purpose, they do not create
a habit, but instead they over
tome the cause of habit acquired
through the use of ordinary
fixatives, . .cathartics,, and harsh
physic, and permanently remove
the cause of constipation or ir
regular bowel action.
We will refund your money
without argument if they do not
4o as we say they will. Two
sizes, 25c and 10c. Sold only at
ur store The. Rexall Store. F.
. Fricke & Co., Union Block.
Anton Rys returned from the
. hospital last, evening, where he
ad been to visit his mother for
a few hours, and reported that
she js gaining slowly and that she
will iiot be out of the hospital, for
a week or more.
Hare you tried a sack of that
Wahoo Mills flour Ask the man
about Jt the next time you need
lour. You win find it to be the best
a the market.
ffiR mm
which we are confident will meet the requirements of all the ladies in this city
and Cass county, who are looking for something entirely new in the line of
Spring Millinery.
Call now and let us show you one of the grandest lines ever seen in this city.
a Special Reporter for This Department of the Seml-Weekly Journa
day evening from a trip to Ger
many. A lli-year'?old son of Orrin
Grope is reported sick with pneu
monia.. Louis Dunkad is looking after
his real estate interests in
Mrs. Henry Wulf spent lasl
week with her daughters near
It. 0. Hutchins, the assesor for
Avoca precinct, is making the
rounds' once more.
Samuel Johnson, 0. F. Mohr
and G. D. Masenian autoeil to
Lincoln last Thursday.
Mrs. F. W. Ruhge and daugh
ters, Louise and Minine, were
Weeping Water visitors Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Grope are
happy parents of a baby boy,
born April 10. Dr. Kruse in at
tendance. Johnnie Ruhge, vvho has been
seriously ill with pneumonia, is
reported as being very much im
proved. Miss Marquerite Francis of
Dunbar spent a few days this
week visiting her friend, Miss
Julia Nulzman.
Duncan & DeVere Vaudeville
A Brand New Girl.
Mr. and Mrs. William llenrich
sen are the proud parents of a
brand new baby girl, which ar
rived at. their home this morn
ing. Mother and little one are. re
ported as getting along very nice
ly, while William is wearing the
smile that won't come olT and is
the happiest man in this man's
town. We trust that the little
lady may live to be a comfort to
her worthy parents.
Last nighl brought to a close
the series of Lenten sermons
which Father Shine of St. John's
church has been delivering every
Sunday and Wednesday evening
during the last six weeks. In
these bctures Father Shine has
taken for his subject the twelve
rulicles of the apostle's creed,
and in his convincing manner ex
plained and expounded the truths
cc.!lained in Ihem. His dis
courses have been a source of en
lightenment on the Catholic faith
l( those attending them, and it Is
a source of regret to a large
number, not alone the juembers
of hi? own church, that thpy are
cow brought to a close.
K irked by a Mad Horse.
Samuel Birch, of Beetown, Wis.,
had a most narrow escape from losing
his leg, as no doctor could heal the
frightful sore that developed, but at
last Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured it
completely. It's the greatest healer
nt ulcers, burns, bolls, eczema, scalds,
cuts, corns, cold-sores, bruises and
piles on earth. Try it. 25c, at Ger
Ing & Co.
l Jf' -Ml"
ocmpany appeared at the town
hall three nights this week Their
performances were good.
Mrs. E. F. Et bridge returned to
Cook Wednesday from Avoca,
where she has been visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Theron Malcolm.
Mrs. L. J. Marquqardt was call
I ed to I'tiea. Nebraska Monday by
the death of her grandmother,
' w ho has been ailing for some
George Durham, Frank Belts,
J. P. Rassmussen, Ward Pittnian
and Roy Fahnestoek went to Oma
ha Sunday to attend the ball
Everyone who went to hear
Gilbert Eldredge at the town hall
on April nth was well repaid for
going. Mr. Sldredge is one of
the best impersonators ever seen
in Avoca. From his first to his
last number on the program the
audience was in an uproar of
laughter, so well did be give each
and every selection. In each
character he was in costume
which added much to the selec
tions. Mr. Eldredge will always
find a warm welcome in Avoca.
Here Are Facts We Want You
to Prove at Our Risk.
Marvelous as it may seem, Itex
all U.j Hair Ionic has grown
hair on heads that were once
bald. Of course, in none of these
eases were the hair roots dead
nor had the scalp taken on
glazed, shiny appearance.
Rexall "1)3" Hair Tonic act
scientifically. destroying the
germs which are usually re
sponsible for baldness. It pone
trales to the roots of the hair
stimulating and nourishing them
It is a most pleasant toilet neces
sity, is delicately perfumed, and
will not gum or permanent ly stain
the hair.
We. want you to get a bottle of
Rexall "93" Hair Tonic and use it
as directed. If it does not. relieve
scalp irritation, remove dandruff
prevent the hair from falling out
and promote, an increased growth
of hair, and in every way give en
lire satisfaction, simply come
back and tell us, and without
question or formality we will
hand back to you every penny you
paid us for it. Two sizes, 50c and
$1.00. Sold only at our store
The Rexall Store. F. G. Fricke &
C, Union Block.
Fruit All Right Yet.
W. I). Messor smith, better
known as "Posy," tells us that
the prospects for fruit this year
wore never belter, that is ac
cording to present indications
Of course there is still plenty of
time for cold weather. He has
over 100 poach trees and they
are doiner fine at this time. Also
apples and other fruit.
The cosy home of Mrs. Andrew
Kroehler on Washington avenue
was the scene of a more than de
lightful soeial affair on yesterday
afternoon, when she entertained
the members of the Jolly Fight
Card club in a verv charming
manner. The principal amuse
ment was derived from the
fascinating card game of high
five, there being seven games
played, whilo socibility reigned
supreme. The card games were
nlered into with the usual in
terest and enthusiasm and two
prizes were awarded. Dainty
score cards, shaped and decorated
appropriate to the Easter time.
assisted in keeping the number of
points won by each one, and fol
lowing the card games and after
the points had been counted, it
was found that Mrs. N. W. Chris-
inger had captured the first prize
and Mrs. C. R. Burdick the
After the prizes had been
awarded the lime was very
pleasantly spent in various other
diversions, and then the ladies
were invited to partake or a
dainty luncheon, which bad been
prepared as the hostess only
knows how lo prepare, and to
which the guests could not fail to
do ample just ice.
For the occasion the Kroehler
home had been handsomely deeo-
rated in a color scheme of green
und white. The guests are very
much indebted to the hostess for
the splendid entertainment af
forded them on this occasion and
report that the hour of departure
came all too soon.
The members of the club pres
ent were; Mesdames N. W. Chris-
inger, John Lutz, 11. Ofo, Jesse
Warga, Will Mason, A. Kanka, A.
Tiniin, Olga Croskary, C. R. Bur
dick: Misses Pearl Milium and
Paula Goos.
The Ladies' Aid society of the
Christian church held a most on
joyable meeting yesterday after
noon al the preasant home of
Mrs. George Parks. There wore
not so many of the ladies present
owing to the inclemency of the
weather. Though the weather
was of a somewhat threatening
nature outside, good cheer pre
vailed throughout the entire af
ternoon on the inside. The usual
uisincss session was held, and
among other matters of business
transacted it was decided to hold
the bazaar, which Itie ladies in
tend to hold on April 22. in the
vacant room just south of J. F.
Nemlz & Co. ' confectionery
store. As per request, the ladies
had come prepared lo work on
the aprons which arc. to be sold
al I lie bazaar, and consequently,
after the businesss session, Ihe
ladies spent a very pleasant, as
well hs a profitable afternoon in
plying the busy needle, social
conversation and other amuse
ments. The ladies will meet with
Mrs. James Williams on next
Wednesday aflernoon for the
nurtioso of working on these
F,d Schulhof went to Glenwood
for a few hours today lo look
aft it some business mailers.
our stock of Wall Paper and Wall
Decorations. Wall Paper pat
terns were never prettier, or the
prices cheaper. You will miss it
if you buy before looking our line
over. We assure you we would
esteem it a favor to have you call
and get our prices.
Ora L Cope,
Avoca, - - Nebraska
You will use the beautiful Silver Plated Tabic
Spoon we are going to gfive you absolutely free
wi h Melorene, the new food product, which cuts
down living expenses.
We want to prove this to you at our expeme.
Write us a post card today for free samples.
KELLOGG MFG. CO., Dept. 21, Keokuk, Iowa.
The little l-year-ohl child of
A. McCrary this morning got hold
of a can in which kerosine was
kept and drank a quantity of the
liquid before the mother could
interfere or prevent it. The little
one was hastily brought lo Ur.
Livingston's office, where medical
attention was given the little suf
ferer. Might policeman Trout
notified Mr. McCrary, who keeps
the herd of town cows on the bar,
and he hurried to the physician's
office. Mrs. McCrary was very
much concerned, as she did not
know what quantity of oil was in
the can and she feared the child
was badly poisoned. The doctor
reassured her and thought the
child had not drank more than a
couple of swallows, and it is bo
lievod that it will soon be all right
A Itclinble Medicine Not a Narcotic.
Mrs. Y. Marti, St. Joe, Mich., nays:
"Our little boy contracted a severe
bronchial trouble and as the doctor's
medicine did not cure him, I gave
him Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound, In which I have great faith
It cured the cough as well as the
choking and gagging spells, and ho
got well In a short time. Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound has many
times Baved us much trouble and we
are never without It in the houso.
For sale by Fricke & Co.
Go to Omaha.
L. K. Paul, president, of the
Rescue Mission associal ion, who
resides in Kansas City, and Mr
F.nos Davis of Kansas City, who
have been conducting si root meet
ings twice a day for the past two
(lavs at the corner of Fifth am
Main slreels, departed for Oina
ha on (he morning train today
These men have been engaged in
the rescue work in Kansas City
for some time and slopped oil'
here while en route to Omaha
where I hey will work in the slums
for a lime. Mr. Davis slated that
they aimed to reach the men am
women vvho did not attend church
and try to lift them up.
Never Out of Work.
The busiest little things ever made
are Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every
pill Is a sugar-coated globule of
health, that changes weakness into
strength, languor Into energy, brain
fag Into mental power; curing Con
Uttpatlon, Headache, Chills, Dyspep
iat Malaria. Only 25c at Gerlng
& Co.
Two Handsome Windows.
One of the handsomest and
most attractive show windows
along Main street is thai of Wey-
rich & lladrabba's drug store. A
family of rabbits and Faster eggs
form the main feature of this
F.aslertide window.
If anyone is fond of candy they
should take a look iulo the show
windows of F. G. Fricke & Co.,
where a beautiful display of Lig
getl's chocolates are to be seen.
Handsome floral decorations add
Hie finishing touches to this
toothsome exhibit.
uog Tax Is Due.
The supply of 111 If dog lags
have arrived and Ihe cily clerk is
now prepared to supply you with
one for the year. You are hereby
notified that in accordance with
Ihe cily ordinance all dog tax
must be paid on or before the
first of May or all dogs running
at large in the city not bearing
the 11111 lag will be killed. This
nolice will give you ample lime
to secure the new lag before the
expiration of the old one.
Den Rainey,
Chief of Police.
Foley Kidney Pills contain In con
centrated form Ingredients of CHtab
ll.shed therapeutic value for the re
lbf ami cure of nil kidney and blad
der ailments. Foley Kidney Pills aro
antiseptic, tonic and reHtorntlve. Re
fuse substitutes. For sale by Frlcne
& Co.
Will Troop boarded No. 15 for
Omaha this morning, where he
was called on business for a few
From Thursday's Iaily
Mr. Dan Rice was an Omaha
passenger this afternoon, where
he went to consult Dr. Gill'ord, the
eye specialist.
Mrs. A. D. Dickson, who has
been visiting Omaha friends for
few days,' returned to Platts-
moulh on .No. 2 I lodav.
Mrs. Washington Smith of
Omaha arrived on the afternoon
train today and will visit Platts
mouth friends for a time.
Mrs. L. W. Nelson relumed last
evening from Omaha, where she
had been for a lime visiting
Will Shoop departed lasl even
ing for St. Joseph, Misouri, whero
be was called on business for a
few days.
George Poller of Lincoln ar
rived in the cily last evening and
ooked after the interests of (ho
Dee for a day.
Mr. II. W. Long of near Mur
ray looked after' business matters
in Plallsinoulh for a few hours
Dr. J. F. ltrendel of Murray
visited Plallsinoulh a short time
today as he was en route from
Omaha to his home.
Mrs. John Sneed and babe re
turned last evening from Lincoln,
where she had visited relatives
for a few days.
Mrs. Adolph Welch, jr., who
has been visiting friends in Oma
ha for a few days, returned lo her
home last evening.
Mrs. Adam Sloehr and daugh
ter, Mildred, were Omaha pas
sengers on the morning train to
day, where they looked after some
items of business during Ihe day.
Mr. G. W. Rhoden of this city
and his brother, D. C. Rhoden of
Murray arrived from Omaha last
evening, where they spent a few
days visiting friends.
Don't use harsh physics. The re
liction weakens the bowels, leads to
chronic constipation. Get Doan's
Regulets. They operate easily, tone
the stomach, cure constipation. -
Miss Alice Furlong of Auburn
slopped n few hours in Platts
mouth today while eu route to
Glenwood to attend Ihe wedding
of Miss Ada Winkler, who is (o bo
married next Tuesday lo Mr.
Quick of Denver.
"My child was burned terribly
about the face, neck and chest. I ap
plied Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil. The
pain ceased and the child sunk into a
restful sleep." Mrs. Nuncy M. Han
son, Hamburg, N. Y.
Mrs. J. K. Douglass and daugh
ter, Vesta, were Omaha travelers
this morning, where they met
Marie Douglass, who is reluming
from Lincoln to spend Ihe Faster
vacation wilh her parents.
Miss F.lsio Heche of Omaha,
who has been a guest of Ihe II. G.
Staplclou home for a short time,
departed for her home Ibis after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. C. Lamlis were
Omaha . passengers on Ihe after
noon train today, where they
looked afler business matters for
a time.
John llauer, jr., Ihe Main hired
hardware merchant, was called to
Omaha on the afternoon train to
day to look afler some business
mat lers.
George Murray arrived home
yesterday evening from Omaha,
where he underwent an operation
for in pi ii re. lie will remain home
i for a few davs' resl .
Mr. D. O. Dwvcr was called to
Nebraska Cily this morning,
where he went to mee with the
board for Ihe institution fur the
blind, of which he is a member.
Mrs. Will T. Adams, who went
to York lasl week lis a delegate to
I he F. D. M isMonury meeting, re
turned today, afler visiting her
son. Max, ami family for a few
days. Mrs. Mame II. Cleaver, grand
chief of honor of the Degree of
Honor, and daughter arrived la t
evenimr from Missouri, where
Mrs. Cleaver was called lo attend
Ihe funeral of her brother. Mrs.
Cleaver came o finish the work
she left when she received !:e
news of her brother's demi-e
1 1 i in m'l