The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 10, 1911, Image 2

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A Great Crowd at Royal titol
Ha!!, Lcnjjn.
Pastor Russell's Discourse on
the True Church, Past,
Present and Future.
London, April !).
Au'aln I'HNliir Itu
gts " sell Inid a most lu
' li-lllL'oiit nml at-
ti'iitlve audience.
iiiuoiiCHt vi h o in
were many minis
ter of it II denomi
nation. UN text
wan, "Tin Chunk
tif the Httiin n.
whose name ait
written in hrarcn" (Hebrew xll, -j:ii.
He u recti Hint (lie aubject In' iip
pronelicd prayerfully mill honestly
that nil who nee that I here wiih hut
one t'liu re h In the lct:lnnlnjf, omnbllsli
ed by the Itcdcciocr, nee hIho Hint
there will he hill the one Church In
the end, the Church Triumphant In
glory, "the lirlde, the Lamb's Wife."
For the mime reason that there have
been doctrine many anmnKKt tlieol
lowerM of Jesus, there have bee.)
cburehoa iimny as represent Inn those
An last Sunday the question wan.
"What Ix the True Cospel?" and as we
found that true (iuspel more or lean
oatterod In nil Hie various creed, aim
Bone of them the pure and unadulter
ated (iospel. ho lo-nlht we Hliould be
prepared to find that the one true
Church of Christ for the past eighteen
centuries has been muttered here and
there amongst various denomination,
and that not one of these denomina
tions U the true Church. Not oue of
tuetu can claim to contain all th
"wheat" and none of the "tares." Not
ne of them can claim to contnlii ull
of the saints and no hypocrites. The
time was when Hie various divisions
f the Chrlsllau Church severally laid
claim to being the one and only
Ctourcb. Hut that time has passed. i
far as the people are concerned, and
baa passed so Tar as the majority of
tbe clergy are concerned.
"That Thy All May Ba Ona."
I am not here to charge Intentlonnl
Wrongdoing on the part of uny of the
divisions of the Christian Church, said
Castor Itussell. On the contrary, I
aball assume that the frumera of the
Varlotn creeds were sincere, honest
men; and that the original followers
of those creeds were sincere, and that
few todHy may he equally sincere. I
ball assume, however, that the ma
jority of Christians, ministers and
lawmen, renll.e that the sectarian
fwtij are largely composed of mlscon-
Xjilloni of the fildno Word sud rinn
nfl (hat In causes which orljrlnally
AJff Ciiyrvh d!vHc.:,8 uucor.:' 1
eifloly dlUnnpni'ed. If we ran now
moRnlae oue true (Jospel we niny nil
reunite, In Imrmony with our Master'
prayer, dint "All may bo one, as Thou,
Father, sud I are one."
I remind you nttiilu of the simplicity
of this OoMM-l which recognizes the
brosd outlines of the Divine Plan ami
allows each Individual to see aa many
of the finer limn of the same as his
spiritual development will permit. Ou
that broad basis of Christian union
the esrly Christians were one and rep
robated any division. St. Paul rehuk--d
those who ssld. "1 am of Paul: 1
am of ApolhH; I am of Peter" (I Corin
thians I, 2t As only Christ died for
os all. He alone must be recognized aa
Our Kavlor As lie Is the Head of the
Church and the only Head. He only
must be recognized. As all ye are
brethren, so the elnss distinction as
between rlcrgy and laity must be abro
gated Hint we all moy be one Church
with one Lord, one Faltb and one Bap
tUm and one tied and Father over all
(lCpheshins Iv, fit.
"Babylon the Great, tha Mother of Har
lot!." How the divided Church, with clash
lug creeds, appears to the Almighty,
He tells us. calling It Habylon-whleh
aiguilles confusion. And who can deny
the appropriateness of the nnme? In
times past Catholics have applied this
uume to the Protestant sects, and the
Protestants In turn have applied It to
tbe Church of Home. Hut when we
roitie to examine the Scriptures on the
subject they seem to Include nll-the
Ctiurch of Home being represented as
the mother Church and the vnrlnus
I'rotcstsnt Churches ns her daughters.
The charge ot harlotry which the Lord
makes against mother and duughtera
must be acknowledged, although with
some this harlotry has been more open
and pronounced than with others,
Using the Jewish marriage ceremony
as the basis or the tlnure. nil Chris
tians, as members of the true Church,
are declared lo be "espoused to one
husband, which Is Christ" ill Corln
thlans xl. 2i. Coder the Jewish custom
tbe espousal bronchi the woman un
der the same obligation of chastity as
though the marriage hud taken place
Thus the Chun It, by her vow to her
Lord. Is obligated to the full, although
the marriage with the Heuveiilv Itrlde
groom will nut take place until Ills
Second Advent nml the change of the
espoused from earthly to heavenly con
(lltluiis. for "tlesh and blood onnnot In
herlf the Kingdom of Hod" (Novell!
tl"ll six. 7; John xlv, :i; I Cor. xv. ftrtt.
Sisrltnal harlotry Is the condition In
wbicd the espoused of the Lord be-
conies Mutilated with hijU joii.ed to the tlic Church of Koine he- i
value ii l!i i i.i It il wiih or united to the j
civil fcovcriiliiciit A It'illie; iiihI when
the I.'oIiiiiii jn;.ie W ent to pieces I Lt
Papal Chtii' h entered Into io ciiaul re
lat i in.-, ! i ; j i with uirl uis (l,isioi:s of
the civil government; niM some of
these pal -amours she slill lias. sliile
others have left her. Frame Is gone.
Portugal ul so. Hud Spain Is
moody; Aiistio-llungary Is her chief
reliance at the present time. She is
well Heated In America, hut not Joined
to the American (Jovenmieiit. She l
well entertained and ghcu every lib
erty In tierniany and by many in
Crcnt P.ritaln. but these countries ale
not her paramours.
"Liko Mother, Like Oaiiijhters."
The Greek Church Is Joined to the
Russian Government ; the Church of
Lnghmd to the I'.rltlsli Government
The Lutheran Church Is married io
several Lumpen n governments. Cull
ers of our Protestant Churches, having
no opportunity for ulllllatlon wiih
earthly government, have become unit
ed to worldly systems, worldly organ
izations of their own, In which, as n
rule, wealth, mammon, Kits nt the head
of the table. "Like mother, like daugh
ters" Is an old Haying. Instead of
charging this m hole matter upon oth
ers, let us each recognize mid take to
heart our own share, for which we
nre responsible.
As the doctrinal errors which caused
our divisions gradually developed dur
ing a long period of darkness, so our
development along the lines of spirit
ual harlotry were gradual. It Is not
for us lo quarrel with the facts, w hich
are undeniable, but to sincerely re
pent of the wrong condition and re
nounce It. Coming back to the one
faith, we should come buck also to the
one Lord. So doing He will graciously
receive us and I henceforth His name
alone will be quite suflicleiit. We will
no longer need to style ourselves Ito
nuiu Christians. Kugllsb Christians,
Lutheran Christians. Calvlnlstle Chris
tians but all such names will be ab
horred ns reminders of tbe unfaithful
ness which we now deplore. As the
mime Christian was autllcleut for the
early Church It Is sulllclcnt today for
all heartily glad to abandon errors of
the past and to come together as the
one "Church of the Living Hod."
As for the one baptlum, let us concede
what tbe Scriptures claim and declare,
namely, that tbe water Immersion Is
merely a symbol or picture of tbe
burial of the individual's Kill and Inter
ests In death-like unto and In fellow
ship with our Lord's self renounce
ment, even unto death. Thus all of tbe
consecrated, of whatever denomina
tion, can be recognized us members of
the one true Chunk If they are dead
with Christ to the world, Ita hopes and
alms-burled with Him by baptism Into
Ilia death, which death to the tlesb (ac
cepted by tbe Faihen constitutes us
members of the one Rody of Christ,
the true Church. If thus baptized Into
Ills dentb. we shall share also In Ilia
resurrectlou, saya tbe Apostle (Homuns
Tl. 4. 6).
The Church In the Wilderness.
Is It asked, Where has tbe true
Church been during ull the eighteen
centuries sluce the Apostles died? We
ftamT lluit lilt? Scriptures picture her
sii going into the wilderness condition,
out of public view, for twelve hundred
and sixty years of this tlnje. As pride,
pomp, Arrogance and error came Into
prominence, meekness, gentleness, love,
simplicity, gradually retired. Through
tbe long period of the "dark ages" no
history of the true Church was wrltteu.
Just as no aucb history or record of ber
can be wrltteu today.
Sluce none of tbe vurlous denomina
tions Is tbe true Church, therefore
tbe history of none of these gives her
history. Aa ber members are Scrtp-
turally declared to coutalu not many
wise, uot many learned, therefore
scattered amongst all the various
creeds and churches, and some outside
of them all. the espoused, chaste "vir
gin" of the l-ord is uot a prominent
feature lu Church affairs and Is whol
ly unknown to the world. Indeed,
these, while lu the world, are not of
It and usually are dlsesteetncd. As tbe
Master said, Marvel uot If the world
hate you. Ye know that It hated Ma
before It hated you. It ye were of tbe
world, the world would love lta own
tl John III, i:t; John xv. IS, lib.
If, then, the spirit begotten ones, con
stituting the Lord's betrothed Vlrglu
Church, are few, and If that few be
scattered amongst the four hundred
millions nominally styled Christendom,
It follows that they are greatly lu the
minority and could have comparatively
little itilluence today even If they were
ever so determined and energetic. The
masses and classes rule. Wealth, learn
lug, earthly interests and earthly pow
er are better pleased with present con
ditions than with those which Hod's
Word promises will bo established
when Messiah shnll take to Himself
His great power and begin His reign
of righteousness.
Habylon, as the Scriptures declare. Is
great. Influential, powerful mother
and daughters. She will never consent
to a recognition of the saintly few In
her midst, whom she considers foolish
In claiming to be "the elect" and true
Church. To apply the Apostle's words,
She esteems the saintly class "fools
all the day long," "the filth and off
scouring" of the earth To her they
are the Impractlcables. To her they
are Insurrectionists, always crying out
for tbe simplicities of the Gospel, the
rights and liberties of the Individual
In person and conscience, for holiness
unto the Lord, not merely In name, but
In deed and In Truth. For this true
Church class, so small a minority In
Habylon, to wait for the conversion
of the worldly masses of the various
systems to see "eye to eve" with them
In tils matter and to reform all these
v;irions systems would be to confess
foi-jr .ii.l '.: Lie it-J .i u:.iv.!.s.i;i
"Corre Out of Her. My People"
In slicli a liuHter e in-t-d tile wMihen
w ! i li i oii.i s tioni nl.ou- ai d die I liiii
a ii. I coin i.e to follow it. Tiie's
prayer imi-t be our guiil-.' iv-ipe. ting
Mi-t will concerning ns us who have
by f;il'liainl conseiT.nioti and begetting
of the Holy Spirit been adopted luiu
the Oiu' True Church "irlwxv icmi mr
wiitlrn in In mi n." He prayed for us
and not for the nominal mass, who are
really nri: of the world and tlioroug'i
ly deeelvlng themselves In supposing
that Jhey have either p:rt or lot or la
lierliuiice with the Church. Thank
God that we how see that this does not
mean that all except the saintly will
be eternally tormented, hut merely that
none except t(io saintly, "copies of
oil's dear Sou." can be members of
the glorious little Hock." wbh-h God
predestinated lie wou'd gather from ev
ery nation, people, kindred and tongue..
Of this faithful Church the ,o;d de
clares. "My sheep know My Voice and
they follow Me." We hear His Voice
assuring us that It Is His will that we
who U'limg to His chush'. espoused
virgin Hass should all be one-should
no longer he separated Into s-ts and
parties by creednl fences. The Lord
declares that He cave Main Ion time
for repentance and she repented not.
He declares that lli-t sentence at'nlnsi
the Hahvlonlnn system has already
cone forth-I hat. from the IHvine
itandpolnt. already "Habylon Is fallen!
Is fallen!" from IMvlne favor. What
would be the wish of our Heloved. to
whom we are betrothed? What Is Ills
message to us? It Is written, "Come
out of her. my people, that ye be not
partakers of her sins and that ye re
ceive not of her plagues"-her trou
bles iltevelatlon xvlil. A.
Since the nominal systems are not
In that consecrated condition of heart,
hungering and thirsting for the Truth
and for righteousness and dead to self
will, therefore If Is hopeless to think
of their surrender of their Interests,
theories, etc. The very most they
could think of doing would be to fnl
rrateto agree not to war with each
other. Fnr better would It be to have
some theological battles and air their
Inconsistencies before the wiser public
of today. Hut whatever Babylon may
do, mother and daughters, the course
of the saintly few, the real Church,
which Is shortly to come from the
"wilderness" leaning upon the arm of
her Heloved Bridegroom. Is clearly set
forth. The saintly should unite In
heart on the principles and doctrines
of Ood's Word, and should stand free
In the lllierty wherewith Christ ha
made them free from all human
Istndnge and sectarianism.
Why should the Ixrd permit the for
mation of these great wards and divi
sions In mystic Babylon? He tins per
niltied only such things as He la able
to make work out blessings for His
very elect. Ills "little flock." who soon
shall be Joint-heirs with Christ In His
Kingdom. Babylon's strong sectarian
walls, styled "orthodoxy." and the
great brazen gates of wordllness will
afford the saintly few the very test
they need to demonstrate themselves
"overcomers"-"more than conquerors."
for such overcomers only will consti
tute the members of tbe Bride class
All the promises are made Jo the
"overcomers'" aud there must needs be
permit!.0! "jl'tl? ??!!? fvr their toting
Union oi the Orte ti-ue Church.
In o word, but trjlil's prayer will be
realized by . the "overcomers." They
tttll be on? with Himself and with ilic
Father; there will be "one Iird. oue
Fulth, one Baptism, oue God. the
Father." But as for the nominal ays
terns their future will be destruction
aa systems, though many of God's dear
people in them, falling to overcome,
will be "saved so as by flre" In a greut
time of trouble with which this Age
will terminate and the New Age will
be ushered In (I Corinthians 111. iri.
You have my plea. Christian breth
ren, for the fulfillment of the Master's
prayer In the union of "the Chunk
which la the nmlu of frt." "the
Church of the First-Horn, whose names
are written In heaven." This union
will not necessitate auy reorganization
as a new sect or new Church. It Is
the true Church, tbe only one which
God has ever recognized Babylon
without It. would not be In any sense
of the word recognized of God. and.
as soon ns the "overcomers" shall have
escad from Babylon. Babylon will
come In remembrance before Hod that
He may give to her the cup of the
wine of Ills wrath, and suddenly, lu
one hour, her fall will occur (Itevehi
Hon xvl. 1I; xvlll. IOi. To the true
Church the Lord all along Intimated
that their oneness Is as members of
Christ, and not In earthly organla
Hons. We do not rend. Gather togeth
er unto Calvin. Luther. Wesley. Paul.
Apollos or Peter, but. "Outlier together
my snlnts unto Uc aalth the Lord, those
who have made a Covenant with Me
by sacrifice. ITiey shall be Mine,
milt h the Lord. In thill day when I
come to make up My Jewels" (Psalm
I. ft; Malachl III. IT).
When all of the sanctltled shall have
been delivered, the clock of tbe Till
verse will strike the hour which closes
the present Dispensation and opens
the New; and "the salt of the earth"
having lieen removed from Babylon,
corruption will swiftly ensue, liee
out of Habylon! Deliver everv man
his soul! Let tis use the light o 'res
ent Truth" to the extent that each eu
Joys It. It will guide us lu respect to
all the affairs of life -Into closer fel
lowship wih God and the Savior and
the brethren; and Into separnteuess of
mind and heart and servh-e from Bab
ylon Let Babylon proceed with the
pood works In whl h she takes pride
The work of the saints, the lord de
clares. Is to "b'ltd one another up In
the most holy faith " that eventually It
may be said. "The marriage of the
Lamb has come, for Ills Wl'e bath
made herself readv."
, hi -.Tit' '
11 1'i
I'laltHiuouth, Kcti., April . 1911.
HiihkI met pursuant to niljiiinniiieiit.
Present: I.. II. Switer, M. 1.. Krledricli
ami (.'. l. .Iiiiilao, Count v ('ninniisHloii
ci m; I . C. Mon;un, County Clerk.
Minutes of previous session rend and
approved, when the following tiiiHincHM i
whs transacted In regular form:
Itoad petition oC S. 1'. Murker, et. ah, j
pet it Ion I iik for a road us follows: j
('oinmencliiK at S. W. corner of Sec- I
tlon 1, Township 11, KaiiKe 1-, enst of1
tith 1'. M., ruiiniiiK thenee north one
nilln, to be 40 feet In width. The south !
Iinlf of this road lo tin located on half!
section line and the north half Is to lie I
located on the east side of the half sec- '
tinn line and termlnutlnK at road No.'
92. The land owners on the north half
of this road HKiee to rIvp their rlirht ,
of way, also to do the grading and fill- j
Intr In to the hrldes and to Inilld all the :
culverts that will he reoulred In thfsj
mile of roud without nuking a cent of j
tin county or the district. County!
Clerk reported that all the require
ments Hcciinllnir to law had lieen. Htul !
as -eiiilred liy law, this day presented 1
the Bliove petition to the Hoard of i
County Commissioners for their con- i
Hlileriitlon toiiclilnir on the petition,
hearing of remonstrances, etc. The
sliove matter continued until the next
reirular session of the Board.
In the matter of the allowance of
the claims of Samuel Long at the meet
ing of Mnrch 7th. 1911. upon the writ
ten opinion of the County Attorney.
Moved liv Frledrlch that we reconsider
the action of the Hoard on that date
and that the claim he not allowed.
Motion carried.
Hoard of County Commissioners this
day gave the Incorporated Village of
Alvo the Itond district No. 28.
Countv Treasurer this day Instructed
to refund tr George Oelilerklng til
cents tax paid under protest, account
donhle assessed on tax receipt No St!7
Hond of lir. O. K. I.lstnn. Countv
i ii ysicoi n uiHtrici Mi. 6, approved and
contract entered Into. I
Hond of It. ,. Neuell. Justice of the1
Peace of I lhertv Precinct, approved
Countv Clerk filed his renort of fees'
earned for first quarter 1811 i
Keglster of Heeds nied I. Is report of,
fees collected for first quarter 1911
Clerk of Mstrlct Court flled his re-
port of fees collected for first quarter I
J 9 1 1,
Petition of George Prater and others'
reilllest IhiT the niinfilnlmnl r.- i 1
Lewis Justice of the I'eare for Louis
ville Precinct, received and appoint
ment made.
Hond of E. O. Levis, Justice of the
Peace for Louisville Precinct, ap
proved. Petition of R. U Newell ahil other
requesting the appoint ment of George.
P. Harton constable In I.lhertv Pre
cinct, received and appointment made.
County Treasurer this day instructed
to refund the following taxes, having
been previous nald under protest:
A. F. A. M. lodge. Ktinwond. Veh .
year 190s S.0ft. 19011 $5.77 and vear 1910
15.72; I. (). O. V. lodge. Klmwood. vear
1910, IIS. 83. Hoard refused to refund
. 4-. iuKt-n i. ii .vrnin isitn and
1907. account no receipts showing pay
ment. In the matter of the petition of
Phllln Ktoehr and forty-five others,
praying that a liquor license he grant
ed Andres .Thomsen for the sale of
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors for
the period of onp vear at Cedar Creek.
Cass Countv, Nebraska. The Hoard
then proceeded to vote upon the matter
and did vote that a license be granted
Andres Thomsen to sell malt, splrlt
uoimanri vinous liquors for a period of
one year, commencing May 17, 1911
and running to May 17. 1912. In the
Village of Cedar Creek. Cass Countv.
Nebraska. Frledrlch and Jordan voting
In the affirmative and Swltxer voting
In the negative. The Clerk was In
structed to Issue a license to Andrea
Thomsen upon the payment of lnrtO.Otl.
Ttnnd of Andres Thomsen, saloon nt
Cedar Creek, approved.
Petition of I,. H. t'pton and oto. rs
asking that a wagon bridge tie con
structed over the Weeping Water
Creek on section line between sect tons
53 and 2. In township 10. rnnge 1.1, In
Liberty Precinct, received and placed
on tile.
The following claims Were allowed
on the General fond:
L H. Swltrer. salnrv f 41 AO
M t.. Frledrlch, salary 4S.20
C. It. Jordan, snlarv 41 85
J. V. Flsel.elil. Inspecting holler ' .
and labor
S. F. (iiinrdet, merchandise to
Mrs Horn Flelschman, rare of
blind man
Mnrv K. Foster, sulary and ex
penses. March
Q. K. Parmele, llverv to Com
missioners nd countv
Plattsmonth Water Co..' water to
IS. 00
a 00
court house 4ft ItO
1'ntt Son. merchandise to poor 15 00
Nebraska Muhtlng Co., gns to
court Ionise and .tall IS
I). C. Morgan, salnrv and ex-
pense 21 37
Falter Thlerolf. merchandise
to poor farm 175
John Hnoer, merchandise to
county find tnimr
Warira & Cecil, vnpplles tii
!9 SB
S .90
S 75
M Archer, Slate
J. W. Snenee, Constable, James
M. rcher. State vs. FivrelVong! '.
t' ' t owls. Stutn va riat-la
Sevl'ert S t e vs tlr'vls...
l ew , st.ite vs. (llrard ..
tevbert Slate vs iltrnrd..
Lewis. State vs. Ittlev..,,
Sevlu'i-t State vs t?llev.!,
'land. State vs John Doe! .
.laekson, reonlrs to clmlr
4 49
5 ?o
4 41
.1 ?0
4 41
Kopia, nierehandlse - to
4 00
John M. .llronsek. merchandise
t" count v farm 27 .13
It. H. Fians Sun. merchandise
in noor
J. t lloteomb Manufacturing (;o.'.
2. SO
217 00
Klonn Hartlett Co.. supplies to
J. W, Sage, appraiser on lllld
si a
Sharpen Farm Tools
Wiih a Farm Special Gunck!
M rib v J J
There is no grinding you cannot do with this
grinder and do it easily and right. There is no
chance of going wrong; no chance of taking tern
per out of tools. Carl oundum is what the trrin.i.
V.'fVTT intr wheels are made
AT p.ftfj faster than a grindstone and six times faster than
emery, i nis iuacnine can oe seen at
road 3.U0
John Fight, appraiser on Hild
road 3.00
The l'lattsmont h Journal, print
ing to county IS. 16
K. II. Worthnian, assisting Ir.
LiviiiKston post mortcn Sitz
man 25.00
George lihoden, appraiser on
llild road 3.00
II. A. Schneider, postal supplies 37. M
James .Illck, sr., basket to coun
ty farm 2.75
Dr. I. F. Breniicl, Insane David
K. Askew 8.00
D. . Dwyer, Insane David K.
Askew 3.00
James Itobertson, Insane David
I-:. Askew (.65
C. I . gulnton, Insane David K.
Askew 29.04
George Askew, Insane David K.
Askew 4.8O
Klopp & Hartlett Co., assessors'
blanks 4 00
J. II. Tarns, salary March 75.00
Mr. 1!. F. Itrendel, inebriate It.
V. Sch later 8 00
C. II. Taylor, Inebriate U. W.
feiiiaier 3.00
James Itobertson, Inebriate R.
W. Selilater 6 25
C. 1 1. (Mintnn, Inebriate R. V.
Schlnter 4 88
John Schlater, Inebriate It. V.
Selilater 3 80
C. M. Seybert, inebriate R. V.
Schlater 3. go
II. M. Soennlehsen, merchandise
to countv farm 56.80
W. R. Jenkins & Co., merchan
dise to poor 12 70
Dr. H. F. Hrendel, inebriate R.
Shrader 18.00
D. O. Dwyer, Inebriate It.
Schroder 3.00
James Itobertson, Inebriate R.
Shrader 6.05
C. D. Qulnton, Inebriate R.
Shrader 9 09
Finest Ahrens, Inebriate U.
Shrader 4 jq
Homer Shrader, Inebriate ' R.
Shrader 4 jq
Hammond & Stephens, supplies
to county superintendent 32 00
C. C. Woodard, care or sick 33 60
Huns Johnson, merchandise to
poor 13 98
R. Manspeaker, salary deputy
sheriff 37 60
Itemlni-'ton Typewriter Co"
supplies j 50
M Archer. State vs. Rd Rvnott.. 6 95
J. It. Denson. State vs. Ed ttynott 5 35
James Hutler. State vs. Ed
Itynott 220
"' M.1,",f.v- S,a"' v"- E1 Itynott 1.10
Sam Hillings. State vs. Ed
I'ynott 2 o
Ji M- Le,'a. State vs. Kd' Rynoti 1 10
H. R. Gerlng, State vs. Ed
I'ynott 1 in
Walter Trnmphour, State vs, Ed
Itynott l1rt
C. D. Oulnton, State vs. Ed
Itynott 1 ln
C. Tl. Taylor, State VS. Ed
H'"0tt ..,.!!.. 1.1
R- Manspeaker, State vs. Ed
R vnoll -. j 0
PlattMiioiith Telephone Co.'rent
and tolls 27 65
James Robertson, salary and ex
pense 228.95
A. n Hnrh, merchandise to noor 28 76
Fred Patterson, salary for March 3200
C. V. Haylor & Co.. roal to
paupers, jail and farm 83 75
II. Tarns, carpenter work at
court bouse 10 50
John C. York, barber work at
farm . . .
John Waterman, lumber to'eoiirt
bouse 13 04
rjT-r TMI1. care of Peter Curtis 10 00
H. M. Soennlehsen, merchandise
to poor 2 96
R. O. Dovey & Son, merchandise
to noor 10 51
Kontlnental Komnonnd Co
Sv. eenlng Compound 4 40
Institute for Feeble Minded, care
of Hamilton and Patrldge 31 7a
Calvin H. Taylor, salary and
expense qjq
C. D. Qulnton. boarding " city
nrlsnners and committments,
January 3fl 50
I. I. Qulnton. hoarding city
nrlsonera and committments.
February ' 9 jj
C. n. Qulnton. boarding' "city
nrisoners and committments,
March 16 "0
C. I. Qulnton. boarding county
prisoners and salnrv .... 5 to
Mans Slevers. salary 'and launrirv 67 50
Platt-moetb Telephone Co. rent
and tolls S()
Olson Photograph Co.. photo' to
countv .a.
leiepnnne no.. rent
and tolls j,.
The foltowlnir claim's" we're" allowed
on the road fund:
A. T. Harmon poll tax return
Road District No. 14 .' 2 50
Fred Patterson surveying, in
heritance tax fund . .' 15 en
George Polsal. Jr., surveying.
Inheritance tax fond 1 An
Lilwnrd KeUer. road work. Road
District o 3 r3.n
M L. Furlong, road work, Road
District No. 27 Mil
Frank Tnafer. road work," Ro'a.i
District No. J
John H. Husche. road work.
Maple Syrup at 14c Per Quart
Would be the cheapest item on the food pro
duet market. You can make your own syrup
at this price, and many other dainty confec
tions with Melorcne, a new food product.
We are also troing to .give with a few in
troductory orders, sets of silver plated
tablespoons absolutely free.
A&k us toddy for free samples and par
ticulars. KELLOGG MFG. CO., Dept. W. Keokuk, Iowa.
-. s.
of; and is twenty-five timpC
-rwnq e
Road District No. 2 41 :t
Lee Arnett, material, lioad il'ls-
triet No. 2 , .
Henry D. Schwarts, rond work " "
Road District No. 12 j,) ;
Louie Kreeklow. roud wink' '
Itond District No. 8 .' (j 4,-
Hen Heekman, road work itoiiii '
District No. 12 1217-
v . ,-uiion. moor roaa work. Road
District No. 6
John Root, Inner, road work
Road District No. 16 '
Joe Hird. labor. ronf work. Road
District No. 6
Stroemer Lumber Co., mateiial
Itoad District No 0 ; . ,
Stroemer Lumber Co. material'
Poad District Vo. 16
Mike T.ntv rr.i 1 ...!-'' t"' i
11 75
9 4
District No. 1 9fi g.-
Wli'lam T SaeV. road work.-
Road District No. 16
J. . Wbltemnn. road work " '
Pond District No 1? 88 5'
1 i.Miiin.T nno 10.11 co., lum-
; ter. Road District Vn S 41,);
I Yntes Lumber and Coal Co., Lii'm-
I ber. Pond Diulrlct V o
C r!.T . fl0!;,'1, rnHd W01'k- 'Road
nisfrtct No. 11 7H
Alex Miller road work." Road
District No. R 14'fi.fc
X-" Ptt ,001"- nn1 district "
NO. 10 . .r-
Lee Arnett, tools, rtoad District
No. 9
I'No'7nPt' t00'S' n"'I ''strict
t.- ' t. n,:; 49. 2-
Vo 7 M,m,,er, i;ond District
Wrutr' -vV work" Road
n rV' a M'?-. M"ksmith"woric'.
Popd Dlstrlet Vn S
C. T nict,ar,lR roj worV. Po'o
2.) 47.25
S.75. niotrle Mn. 4 . ... ,y
dward Kelser brld wov in,
e e. t nmher ft Coal Co., bridge
t. Toot bd-A'i.',m't;;r
II ann CS C 1. i . . . 1
66 tt
Xn. , oruiire lmi(,r
V-'-an, pan hrl.ynr,y-
' ,ZZ L"nhr dge
smt.. hHrt'i,'.h;;--
hJ!VVfl. '"""'"rurtlon Co'
Jo-n ll'ii.... 1- 'ij . .
1.1 1ft
3?.7S: 15.1
s sn
10 in
Pm.j ji " "nn" lumber
-ard adjourned to meet May
Ti r Moriran
County Clerk.
We are Informed that the eradera
have commenced the excavation workr
for the new residence of J. E. Mc
Daniel on his lots Just west of the
M. E. church on Main street. Aw
immense amount of trradinar was don
on the lots by Mr. McDaniel last sum
mer and they make one of the finet
building sites in the city and we know
that if Mr. McDaniel places a home
on them it will be in keeping with the
lots, and when completed will be on
of the finest in our city. J. E. Mc
Daniel is a man that never does
thinps on the half proposition, so you
can look for another fine home 00
High School Hill before long.
I hereby announce by self as a
candidate for the nomination or the
office of sheriff of Cass county, Ne
braska, subject to the decision of the
voters at the coming primary elec
tion. I ask the voters to place me
in nomination on the democratic
ticket. G. P. Barton, Union, Neb.
An International 100-egg
cubator, in first class condition,
quire at this office.