The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 03, 1911, Image 2

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    Children Cry for
The Kind You Have Always Bought, niil which lias boon
in use for over .'iO years, has borne the signature of
J - nnd has boon iii.nlc under h' per-
jr fjXStf-f-tf1- honal Hiiporvlslon hlnoo its infancy.
V-JuaSvy, &CCSUV. Allow no one tu deceive on In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd;ood" are but
Kxpcrlmcnts that trifle with anil endanger the health of
Infants and Children r,x rlcii"0 against llxperinient.
What is CASTORiA
Castoria Is ft harmless Hiibstittito for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Kyriips. It Li l'leasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Other Narcotic;
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worm
and allays 1'everishiiess. It cures Diarrlnea and AVlnd
Colic. It relieved Teething Troubles, euros Constipation .
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Jtowels, ghing healthy and natural Bleep.
The Children's I'anaeea Tho Mother's J'rleJid.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have
In Use For Over 30 Years
mm wibii Ji iiwi o iiwii i I ii 1 uiiuwmiiiaiijBmMMWHiKii Mfrmxr
I 1 II 1 1 - - I- 1
People Who Attend Games are
Else Harm Only Day
For several weeks the legislature j
4m been wrestling with the Sunday
beball question, and at Inst the bill
permitting Hint amusement on Sunday
Tb&R passed both house and senate.
Now the law has been adopted, the
governor says lie will veto It, because
that part of the state from which he
emanates is opposed to it. Thus the
governor becomes sectional In his ad
ministration. We do not wish to ap
pear depraved nor Bleeped In sin, but
"for the life of us" we cannot see
. w herein playing baseball on a Sunday
afternoon, as It is played In most
cities, Is demoralizing or detrimental
to the men who play or who watch
the game. Am a rule ministers are
the ones who find greatest objection
to the game, and we would not find
fault with them. Sunday Is their
busy day, and they could for the most
part, handle more business on that
lajr; In other words, they want the
men to go to church, Instead of to
the ball field. We are with the min
Young Men!
' II'
f 1
fturtrtij Urmia CClntliri
and tans. Look at the
and then come and let us put you into some of them.
Suits Priced from $10 to $35.
The Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats
Always Bought
Not Doing Himself or Anyone
of Recreation for Some.
isters In wanting to see more men go
to church; they ought to go, out of
respect to the greatest Institution In
the world, out of respect to them
selves and their families. Tiut for
the man who goes to church on Sun
day morning, and wants to go to the
ball game In the afternoon, we have
a fairly good opinion.
Baseball Is the finest, cleanest sport
the world has ever known; It has the
largest following of any pastime, and
among the many that love It most are
those who cannot go to the game on
any other day than Sunday. The
man who has sat at a desk all week,!
or stood behind a counter or over a
lathe for six days of the week, work
ing long hours perhaps, might find
many worse ways of spending Sunday
afternoon than at the ball park. It is
undoubtedly true that a baseball
game Is noisy and there Is much loud
talk, but It Is, at the very least, a
wholesome noise, and rarely harms
the man who Is most exuberant In his
YOU who are first in
the field when it comes to
clot Ins, should see the new
Spring styles that we are showing.
Our two most popular models
this season are the Apollo (3 button
coat) and the Master (2 button
coat.) The most noticealle differ
ence between these garments and
what we sold last season, is the close
fitting effect; less padding in the
shoulders, smaller and shorter
sleeves, higher cut vests and semi
loose fitting trousers.
Patterns mostly
blues, grays
our windows
new model in
vocal demonstration. Rut every man
ought to go to church on Sunday
morning, whether he attends the ball
game in the afternoon or not.
Mr. C. L. Anderson Better.
The many firends of Mr. C. L.
Anderson will be pleased to learn that
he Is much Improved today and was
able to leave his bed this morning.
fter suffering so severely as did
Mr. Anderson Thursday evening, It Is
u-rtainly encouraging to note his im
proved condition so soon.
he Attendance Quite Large
and the Audience Very
From Saturday's Dally.
At the revival service last evening
Prof. Sutherland sang, accompanied
by Mr. Holmes with the piano, "His
Cye Is on the Sparrow and I Know
lie Watcheth Me." The solo touched
a responsive chord in the hearts of
the audience, as well as Farmer
Iiewls, who patted the blind pianist
on the shoulder and said, ' you re
getting better all of the time, boys.
You are Improving right along," or
words to that effect.
The subject for the evening pre
sented by the evangelist was, "The
Uplifted Christ," the words being
about as follows: "If I be lifted up
from the earth I shall draw all men
unto me." The speaker referred to
the seven wonders of the world 'men
tioned by the phylosopherB, but great
er than these was the uplifted Christ.
He stated that Mount Etna had been
considered a wojider because of being
the highest mountain In the world,
but a higher one was the Mount of
Calvary. The Pacific ocean had been
called the greatest ocean in the
world, but It could not be compared
with the ocean of God's love. He
spoke of the wonders of science, that
man was approaching closer to tho
Deity each succeeding generation, the
wonderful X-ray niaohlne, which al
lowed one to look through men's
bodies and distinguish the minutest
part of the interior thereof. This the
speaker said was approaching divin
ity, and there was Just one more step
and that was to read. men's thoughts,
this would be divine. The speaker
said there were many men who did
not accept the gospel because they
claimed they did not believe the bible.
One had said that the first statement
In the bible kept him from believing
the story. Another said he could not
accept the Jonah and whale story,
and another discredited the bible be
cause there was not a connected story
of where Cane got his wife.
Uev. Ix'wls had met one of the lat
ter kind while holding a meeting at
another Nebraska town; In this In
stance the unbeliever led the j
evangelist Into a crowded room and
said he would believe there was some
truth In the narrative if Hev. Lewis
would tell where Cane got his wife.
Farmer Lewis soon had him going
west by informing him that Cane got
his wife from his father-in-law, of
Uev. Lewis then said all of these
matters were not Important; that
there was sufficient material outside
the allegories in the bible which were
no doubt meant to teach great truths
bo that the wayfaring man, though a
fool, need not be mistaken In the
reading of the bible. He then re
ferred to the fact that the church was
the means of lifting Christ up so that
the world might be drawn to him, and
If the Individual members of the
church would live the Christ life that
was suffllcent to draw men to Him.
Sunday afternoon at 2:30 there
will be a men's meeting at the church,
at while Prof. Holmes will play. Prof.
Sutherland will Blng and Farmer
Lewis will give them one "Hot From
the Griddle."
Mr. John Bukacek and daughter
visited the metropolis this morning,
where Mr. Bukacek was called on
business of Importance.
Mrs. Harry Northcutt and children
arrived from their home at Omaha
last evening and will visit relatives In
the city for a short time.
Herman Grcedor,
Graduate Veterinary Surgeon '
(Formerly with U. S. Department
Llcensedby NebraskaState
Calls Answered Promptly
Telephone 378 White,- Plattsmouth
n mm
In tiie World's Largest and Fin
est f.uJilcrs
Is the True Gospel and
What Must Our Creeds
Sacrifice In Order to
Christian Union?
London. April 2.
Pastor Rut-sell ad
dressed th? bug 5
Convention Ht
Royal Albert Hull
tonight. Few
preachers nre so
well known In
Great Britain ns
lie. Many of the
lending newspa
pers, hom nere
and In America, publish bis weekly
discourses. He took for bin text, "1
am uot ashiimed of the Gospel of
Christ" ((tomans . l ;. lie mild:
Let us'upproai u our subject rever
ently! With reverence, beeiiuse mnny
of our (Meeds are while with cen
turies. They were the creed of our
father nnd mothers. They must not
be handled ruthlesHly. unkindly. But
we must npproiicu the subject with
couriige because it is a Christian duty.
For long centuries (Sod's people have
been divided Into sects and parties,
separated by crecdal fences. At one
time they gloried In their differences
and destroyed one unother In their
zeal fur what they believed to be the
Now we see more clearly that
none of our creeds nre without flaw
Now we are willing yen. glad, to
take the Truth wherever we ttnd It
and to acknowledge the error, though
It be our own. The oneness of the
Church requires that we should have
this courage! The Interests of the
world demand It! We bare come here
realizing that the time for covering
errors, of which we nrp nshamed. I
past; that the tlmp for reverencing
God and flls Word has come. Who
ever thus approaches the subject can
not fall of a blessing from God. In
harmony with the Master's prayer.
"Sanctify them through Thv Truth:
Thy Word Is Truth" (John vll. 17.
Art W Not All Christian
Our topic must be. What Is the Gos
pel of which St. 1'uiil was not nshara
ed "the faith once delivered unto the
snlnts" "one Lord, one Faith, one
Baptism" (Jude 3: Epheslans Iv. Si.
The speaker showed that the Komiin
Catholic Church. In order to unite with
others, would need to cut out of tier
creed every 1 1 Ing not found In the Bible
prayers to saints, homage to pictures
and linages, the sMcrltice of the mass,
holy candles, holy watpr. Purgatory,
the Infallibility of the Pope and the
general theorv Hint the clergy alone
are the Church and brethren of Christ,
and the luliy are merely the children
of the Church. lie a -knowledged that
so great a concession could scarcely be
expected at once; that the study of the
Bible must prepare Cut holies to accept
it as thu only standard of tho "faith
once delivered to the saints."
The Protestant Episcopal creed next
had attention. Little that was objec
tionable was found. One point alone
could cause any hesitancy, he was sure
-Apostolic Succession, lie urged that
do Scripture could be found sustaining
this theory in clear terms. On the con
trary, he gave numerous citations In
proof that the twelve Apostles only
possessed plenary Inspiration aud were
directly under Divine control-St. Paul
taking the pluce of Judas. These are
the twelve foundation stones of the
New Jerusalem, and the foundations
of the holy temple ti'i'iitloued by St
Peter-the twelve authorized by the
I Master to bind or to loose from dot-
trlnes uud practices (Matt, xvlll. IS
Election Forordintion Prdtina-
The Westminster Confession, the
foundation of the majority of Pro
testant creeds, distinctly emphasizes
the teachings of Brother John Calvin.
We win all agree that the words tlrvt
aud elation, prt'detlinatrtt and ore
ordained art Scriptural terms and
that a truth must underlie and per
vade them. But It will give none of
us any pnln to repudiate entirely the
peculiar dctinltlous attached to thesr
words by Brother Calvin. Surely we
nre nil prepared to deny that a God
of Justice. Wisdom. Uve and Power
l.ireoo. allied and predestinated from
before Hie foundation of the world
thnt everytiody but the "elect" should
go io eternal torment! If we cannot
all agree as to what these terms mean,
we can unite In denying Hip atrocious
doctrines of the past which have so
greatly dishonored our Creator and
ourselves and which have driven so
uiany honest minds away from God
and from Ills Book.
BaptNis and Disciple. Pastor Mus
sel! declared, have something further
to surrender. Surely they may keep
water lniiiieron. Surely ihey may
claim that, more fully than sprink
ling. It represents the underlying
thought expressed In the symbol. The
uureasonalilp and uuscrlptiiral thing
which they must renounce In favor
of union l thnt water Immersion Is
text of r"iSfrip in the Chmrh of
ChiM. They must admit thnt Cor
nelius, at least, was accepted of the
Ijnrd and begotten of the Spirit before
his baptism to water (Acts x, 47.
The Pastor could not think that the
Baptist and Disciple brethren would
have much difficulty iu rejecting
water Immersion as a test of Chris
tian fellowship, if owe they saw the
matter in Its true ll-tit. thus: The
Disciples, fn hold ng that immersion
in water Is for the remixxion of Bin.
are claiming. In fact, that all not thus
Immersed ure lost doomed to eternal
torment, according to their theory.
Baptists should see the absurdity of
claiming that only the water Immersed
are members of the Church of Christ,
for thus, according to their theory,
they doom to eternal torture, as un
saved, all of their Christian brethren
who have uot been Immersed. Surely
Baptists and Disciples, therefore, may
be expected to promptly and heartily
repudiate these test features of their
The Methodist Creed was next ex
amined, it was commended for the
prominence It gives to the Love of
God and His forbearance with the mis
representations of those who honestly
seek to be Ills children. The Bpeuker
asked the Methodist brethren to fore
go the worshiping of their Church and
to give the more homage to the Lord,
lie admitted the masterfulness of their
organization, but reminded them that
their Fplseopacy is not modeled after
anything shown in the New Testament.
It does not even pretend to be an au
thority along the lines of Apostolic
Succession. They must admit that the
establishment of its Bishopric was. at
I least, semi fraudulent a supposed
emergency, born of the error thnt an
Episcopal ordination was necessary to
an authority to preach.
Hall and Purgatory Must Go.
Unitedly we must all acknowledge
that we grossly misunderstood the
teaching of our Bible when we believ
ed and taught that our Almighty Cre
ator prepared u great hell, manned
with fire-proof demons, with the fore
knowledge that all of our race would
go thither except as a certain few
would be specially rescued by the
Savior, after Ills coming, when He was
not sent for over four thousand years
after the fall. Looking back to the
"Dark Ages," we behold with horror
the terrible effects of this blasphemous
doctrine upon good men of that time,
who thought they were copying the
Divine spirit and methods when they
burned one another at the stake,
As we huve learned that Purgatory
Is not taught In the Bible, so also we
have learned thnt this hell of our fore
fathers Is unscrlptural that the Bible
hell Is the grave, the tomb, the state
of death. This Just penalty for sin is
what the Bible everywhere tenches.
We now know that the Hebrew word
eheol of the Old Testameut, and the
Greek word hudes of the New Testa
uient refer to the prate, the state of
death, the tomb: and that they are so
translated more times than they are
rendered hell. We now know Hint In
old Euifllsh literature the word hell
was so used as signifying a pit, a cov
ered place, u grave. The Pastor an
uounced that free pamphlets, discuss
" Inir llie word hfll and the l)H ruble of
TI . . I Ink Miin and T aviiPllvl afn
The Ulch Mnn and Lazarus, etc..
would be distributed by the ushers.
Th Divine Plan of tho Age.
With our hearts und heads agreed to
discard those features of our creeds
not found In the Bible and. as far as
possible, to harmonize what we do
find therein, what is the result? Is it
the Gospel of which St. Paul was not
ashamed? The speaker submitted that
It Is, and believes that all Christians
could heartily unite aud fellowship
upon Its broad basis.
John Calvin and our forefathers
were right In declaring that the Scrip
tures teach the "election" of a "little
flock"; but they were wrong in claim
ing that the great mass of Immunity,
the non-elect, are "passed by," routed
for eternal torture. On the contrary
tbey all go to the Bible hell, the grave.
They are all unconscious there. The
Divine promise guarantees the resur
rection of the dead, both the Just and
the unjust, by One Who gave Ills life
for their redemption "Who died, the
Just for the unjust" (I Peter 111. 18)
In a word, merely the "called of
God" are being dealt with lu the pres
eut time, although the remaiuder of
mankind are having a "witness" and
aro learning lessons which will be
valuable to them when their trial time
shall come. We have not In the past
sufficiently noted the difference be
tween the Churvh and the world. The
Church Is Invited to walk the "narrow
way" in the footprints of the Redeem
er, bearing the cross with him. 'itie
faithful are promised a share with
Him In nis heavenly glory, honor and
But nothing is said about torment
ing the world. The entire race of
Adam has been tinder condemnation
for six thonsnnd years. The coming
of Jesus and Ills death were not In
fended to Increase man's condemna
tion, but. by providing for their resur
rection, to set them free from Adnmlc
condemnationto give to each nnd to nil
a full, fair opportunity to demonstrate
their lore of sin or love of righteous
ness, when the latter shall be fully as
rasy as the former during Messiah's
glorious rt?li.'n of righteousness the
thousand years. The reward for well
doing will then be human perfection
In a slnles Paradise restored.
Realizing Wpjley't Ideal.
Brother John Wesley lived In a time
when practically all Christians had ac
cepted Brother Calvin's theory thnt
God bad foreordained the great mass
of humanity to eternal misery. Brother
Wesley's heart was lender and sym
pathetic. He could not believe that
his gracious Creator nnd loving Re
deemer emiid possibly have been
guilty of originating such a dlnlKillcal
Plnn. Wesley's henrt and tongue re-
. -iled. F t others pre:n h foreurdlna
iu:n to ( rmer.t fur tion-elett lafants,
.3 well us the gn y hair d. In a tiery
i.cll He could not do so He must
rrcaih a Cod of Love who would not
otidemn UN creatures to torture
A least uot without some opportunity.
Itut lundicnpped by the error respect
ing lull poor Brother Wesley was In
:id dilemma. He knew not how' any
rould get to the awful place without
Divine foreknowledge. And he knew
not how to harmonize such Divine
reknowlcdge with Divine Love.
Why should such cuv.turcs as Divine'
grace could not save from eternal tor
ture be created at all?
Noble Christ Ian Brother, he preached
to the best of his liht. Now with th
lea ret-light upon God's Word, we can
see that Brother Wesley and Brother
Calvin both contended for Bible truth
which they knew not bow to harmon
ize. Now we see that this Gospel Ag
Is the time In whi h God is calling and
drawing nnd sealing with His Spirit
and with the Truth His "very elect,"
the Bride of Christ, the members of
the Body of Christ, f lie Royal Priest
hood. Now we can see also (hat tho
Free Grace, fiil' h Brother Wesley
realized must be a part of the Dlviue-
Program, belongs to the coming Age.
77ir all J ho blintl eyes shall be opened.
Then all the deaf ears shall be un
stopped. Then the knowledge of th
Lord shall 611 the whole earth as the
waters cover the great deep. Then
"whosoevt r will may come and tjike of
the water of life freely" (Rev. xxii. 17i.
The Gospel Ago Harvest,
Pastor Russell declares that th
signs of the times, lu conjunction with
the prophecies of the Scriptures, clear
ly Indicate to him that we are living In
the "harvest time" of this Age. which
Is drawing to a close lu the dawnlngr
tlme of the New Dispensation, which
will soon be ushered In. He wished
bis hearers to clearly distinguish be
tween this teaching and the cotntnoti
teaching represented In all of our
creeds. Our hymn books, like our
creeds, tell of the End of this Age as
the end of hope "the wreck of matter
and the crash of worlds." lu a huge
bonllre. The Bibv. on the contrary,
shows that the most WV-ssed days of
the world's experiences are about to b
ushered lu. The election of the Church
completed, the saints, glorified with
the Redeemer on the spirit plane, In
visible to nieu. will take control of
enrth's affairs. God's Kingdom under
the whole heavens will be established.
Satan, the present spirit Prince,
will be dethroned and deceive the na
tions no more for a thousand years.
The reign of Messiah In the glory of
Divine power will constitute the Sua
of Righteousness, Light nnd Troth
and blessing to refresh the poor,
death-stricken world. Healing will be
in the beams of this Sun of Rlghteous-ness-Resfltntiou.
uplifting from sin,
degradation and denth. As the reign
of Sin and Death terminates. to
reign of Righteousness unto life ever
lasting will begin. The wonderful in
ventions nnd blessings of our day aro
but the forerunners of still greater
blessings. Verily "the night is far
spent nnd the day Is nt hiind"-t no
great Day of which Jesus and (he
Apostles and the Prophets continually
spoke. It will be doomsday only fr
all the systems of Iniquity nnd un
righteousness. "Not Aihamed or the Gospel."
Have we not all felt more or les
nshnmed of the unsatisfactory pres
entations of our various creed-? said
Pastor Russell. Is It ut Mine. that,
from self-respect, ns wi-ii as from
respect for the Almlgbtv, we rcpiull
nte them? Have I tint pif?-nted to
you this evening the nihie message
which the angels prodnlinod at Mis
birth of Jesus-'-Behoid. we bring you
good tidings of great toy which shrill
be unto all pvopler (T.nkf It. 10). No
Gospel message reached anvoody be
fore Jesus "brought life and immor
tality to light through His Gospel
This "great salvatlou began to bo
sM)ken by our Lord." as the Apostle
declares (Hebrews II. 3. None l.enrd
It during the first four thousand years,
nnd not more than one-fourth of
humanity hnve henrd It during tho
lust two thousand yenrs. And the
message which has been proclaimed
for centuries past Is certainly not
"good tidings" as a whole, though it
contains preclotis truths.
What I have expressed this cvenln?
Is "good tidings of great Joy" to the
saintly few of the clrt t class note. And
the ler.ser blessing bf rctitntii will
shortly be "good tidings" to all people.
It will fulfil the Divine promise to our
first parents that "the Seed of th
womnn" shall crush out evil. 'Mia!l
bruise the Serpent's hend. It will
also fulfil the promise to Abraham,
bound by God's oath "In thee and In
thy Seed shall all the families of th
earth be blessed." It accounts for
every text appertaining to Election, as
well as to every text teaching Freo
Grace. It shows the Justice of God Ii
permitting the death penalty. It
shows the Love of God In providing
the redemption for nil. by n "Ransom
for all." It ahows the Wisdom of God
In thp ordering of all the vnrloits stop
of the Divine Program. It will fhow
the Power of God In bringing back
the dead to life nnd In uplifting nil
the willing and oln-dlent of earth to
human perfection nnd nn earthly
Paradise. And surely the exceedlmf
riches of God's grace, of His Wbd m.
Love nnd Power nrp nil demonstriHed
fn His wonderful favor toward t!o
snintlv few now being developed ns
the Bride, the Lamb's Wife! (Kph.
itans II. 7i.
Let us. beloved brethren, lay aside
every wek-ht anil hindrance. Let n
ronie quickly Into the "narrow way-
nnd walk In the footsteps of the R"
deciner nnd mi'i! our Vaillnr - n 1
election sit ft'" to n place iv!'h III'H
In His Throne, nnd In Hi L-te.nt work
pf blessing a I'd Ittlt1n-? v