The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 30, 1911, Image 7

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    The Avoca
Items Gathered Each Week by
, y
Omar Nutzman returned last week
Jroni Lincoln.
Ullss Opal Lewton h visiting her
liferents in A oca.
Orlando Tefft spent Tuesday at
Weeping Water.
Carl Maseman is clerking for B. C.
Marquardt & Co.
Miss Judith Straub was visiting her
parents last week.
Dr. Jake Brendel was over from I
Murray Wednesday .
Emil Straub was an Omaha pas
senger last week.
Henry Kuhnhenn Is spending a few
days at Kansas City.
Bert Phllpot was down from
Weeping Water Tuesday .
Nicholas Troop was ou the sick
Mrit the first of the week.
Fred Kuhnhenn arrived home Mon
day evening from Seward.
II. 0. Wellenseik was over from
Syracuse Monday evening.
A young son of Charles Heckathorn
is reported on the sick list.
Miss Stella Opp Is spending the
week with her parents in Avoca.
large assortment of post cards
just received at Copes' drug store.
See Eldridge as "Samantha Allen"
t Avoca next Wednesday night.
John Busch visited his brother, C.
H. Busch, at Nebraska City last Tues
)ay. F. C. Ruhge and Harry Marquardt
attended a danr at Talmage Monday
Don't fail to hear Eldridge Wed
xsday night. Twenty-five cents pays
tin bill.
Joseph Zim merer, L. Brinton and
Charles Schroeder autoed to Ne
liawka Monday.
Mesdames O. E. Copes and W. A.
liollenberger were Weeping Water
visitors Tuesday.
The Misses Hanger were here from
Lincoln Sunday visiting at the home
f Samuel Johnson.
Miss Emma .Marquardt, who Is
teaching at Mlnden, Is visiting her
parents here this week.
George Sudmann was taken to
Omaha Tuesday, where he will be
operated on for appendicitis.
The Avoca ball team has been or
We are Now
mmmeir Dress
ever shown in Plattsmouth, and at prices that cannot be duplicated N
0 in larger cities. And another thing we have a large assortment to Q
k select from and we are most always able to show you what you
A ask to see. That is something you cannot say for most of the small N
8 town stores. O
- h
S Blue Bell Batiste, per yard IOC
N Mistcltoe Batiste, per yard
v Egyptian Pongee, per yard !8C U
A Pongerian Foulard, per yard I8c 8
v Khartoum Tissue, per yard 25c o
N J H. B. C. Zeph ra Gingham, per yard 25c 8
Victoria Voile, p r yard
Plain Japtha Silk, per yard
Figured Japtha Silk, per yard
Bulgare Si.k Stripe Voile, per yard
Jacquard Crepe tie Pois, per yard
Bonaire Silk Stripe Voile, per yard
Jaj tha Foulard, 36-inchcs wide, per yard
a Snariai d. . . -
SpaC'al RePr for This Department of the Semi-Weekly Journa
ganized for the coming season and
will scon be open for games.
The band boys lll give a concert
toon. When the date is announced
let everyone attend and help the bovs
John H. Busch, our hustling lum
ber dealer, was transacting hnui,,c
at the county seat the first of the!
Samuel Johnson and wife and
Lizzie True autoed to Lincoln last
Friday morning, returning In the
evening with Imo Johnson and Wilma
and Mabel Hanger as passengers.
Gilbert A. Eldridge, in his char
acter sketches, takes his audience by
storm. His program showed the
greatest versatility and, as an im
personater, he must stand among the
xery highest. Gilbert Eldridge was
in joyed universally and appreciated
to the utmost. Good impersonators
are rare, and wp iir m.f i I
lightly. We hope we may have the
very great pleasure of hearing Mr.
Eldridge next season.Wiuona Lake
Independent. At Avoca Wednesday
night attend.
The friends and neighbors of
Robert Mickle and wife gave them a
very pleasant surprise last Saturday
evening, March 25, the date being
their sixteenth wedding anniversary.
About forty were present to help
celebrate the event. After spending
a very pleasant evening at games,
old-fashioned quadrilles and various
amusements, the ladies produced the
contents of the baskets, which were
so mysteriously smuggled in, and
cakes, sandwiches, pickles, coffee and
Jiome-made randy were served.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jacob
sen, Mr. and Mrs. Will Maple, Mr. and
Mrs. M. Wollen, Mr. and Mrs. James
Dunbar, Mr. and Mrs. R. Nutzman,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. liollenberger,
Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Copes; Misses
Myrtle Wolfe, Lizzie and Annie True,
Pearl Nutzman, Audrey and Goldie
Maple, Crandell; Messrs. Louis
Ruhge, Fred Westlake, Fred, Dallas
and Carl Spencer, Earl and Glen
Crandell and Mr. True.
Showing the Most Beautiful Line of
and Trimmings
If )ou need paint or wall paper let
us supply you. We guarantee prices,
quality considered. Ora E. Copes,
the Druggist.
The jieople of Avoca were shocked
and saddened to learn of the death of
Findley Lindsay, which occurred at
his home hi Hicksville. Ohio, on
March 17. A sister died March 15,
and a double funeral was held Sun
day, March 19. Mr. Lindsay worked
at the carpenter trade here for some
time and was well and favorably
Mrs. Oliver Harmon entertained
those who assisted in the play, "The
Old Maids' Return," at her home near
Avoca Thursday evening, March 23.
Mrs. Harmon's reputation as a hos
tess is well known and It goes with
out saying that those present were
well entertained. Delightful and
dainty refreshments were served and
everyone departed with the feeling
that they would like to come again.
The promoters of our lecture
course course have secured Gilbert
Eldridge, costumed character
sketches and Impersonation who
will appear at Avoca Wednesday
ntght, April 5. The management
have decided to make a low price for
this entertainment, In order that
everyone may attend. Twenty-five
cents to everyone. The proceeds to
apply on next year's course. Tell
your friends and go.
Pastille for Rent.
The northwest quatrer or section
35, township 13, range 12, ana the
northwest quarter section 34, town
ship 13 and range 12, known as the
Reed land, near the Dovey section In
Eight Mile Grove precinct. Will rent
for a term of three years at $300 per
year. This is the best of pasture and
some of the land can be farmed.
Write or telephone,
W. D. Wheeler, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Horse Shoeing.
John Durman desires to Inform
those who need his services that he
has opened a shop at the Ora Dawson
place for shoeing horses. Satisfaction
our stock of Wall Paper and Wall
Decorations. Wall Paper pat
terns were never prettier, or the
prices cheaper. You will miss it
if you buy before looking our line
over. We assure you we would
esteem it a favor to have you call
and get our prices.
Ora E, Cope,
Avoca, - - - Nebraska
The value of bloodhound evidence
has received something of Jolt in the
recent attempts to track the criminals
who dynamited the court house and
to uncover the two murderers of Mr.
Cohn, who fell before an assassin's
bullet last Saturday night. In both
cases the hounds failed completely.
In the trail of the murderers, they
went seemingly to the two men who
sat In a shed at LaPlatte that, In a
lawless community, the men might
have been roughly dealt with before
the establishment of their perfect
There have been Instances where
men have been run down by blood
hounds as the perpetrators of crimes,
and who have either been lynched or
sent to prison as being the authors
of these crimes, when the evidence
has been no more conclusive than It
has been in the recent use of the
bloodhounds here.
In a track across fields or through
woods, hounds, once having scented a
trail, may be relied on safely to fol
low It. But In a city where many peo
ple cross the footsteps of ot her peo
ple, the reliabllitay of the blood
hounds may be seriously questioned.
Omaha World-Herald.
Among the cases filed recently in
the district court are the following:
Emory F. Marshall vs. Mrs. Jessie
F. Wilson, Connecticut Klver Sav
ings bank, and Benjamin A. Gibson
and his unknown heirs, in which the
prayer Is to quiet the title to the
southwest quarter of Bectlon 31, in
township 1 1, rangel 1, In Cass county,
In plaintiff, on the ground that ho
has been in absolute and undisputed
possession of the land thus described
for a period longer than ten years.
The plaintiff Is represented In court
by Attorney C. K. Tefft of Weeping
Another case In which a similar
prayer Is made for different descrip
tion of land Is entitled Adolphus F.
Linton vs. John Painter and other de
fendants, asking the court to quiet
title In plaintiff to the east half of the
southeast quarter of section 27, town
ship 10, In range 12, in this county.
Another case, presumably of the
same nafiire, entitled Amelia Monroe
vs. Agatha Stull, et al., was filed
L. (3. Larson.
General contractor for all kinds of
work pertaining to building. See
him and get estimates for your work.
Ready for business all the time. You
will save money by dealing with him.
w ' i
The Best Flour in the
Market. Sold by all
Leading Dealers
fa a rn
Much Sickness Due to Bowel
A doctor's first question when
consulted by a patient Is, "Are your
bowels regular?" He knows that 9S
per cent of Illness is attended with
Inactive bowels and torpid liver, and
that this condition must be removed
gently and thoroughly before health
can be restored.
Rexall Orderlies are a positive,
pleasant and safe remedy for con
stipation and bowel disorders In gen
eral. We are so certain of thetr
great curative value that we promise
to return the purchaser's money In
every case when they fail to produce
entire satisfaction.
Rexall Orderlies are eaten like
candy, they act quietly, and have
a soothing, strengthening, healing In
fluence ou the entire intestinal tract.
They do not purge, gripe, cause
nausea, flatulence, excessive loose
ness, diarrhoea or other annoying
effect. They are especially good for
children, weak persons or old folks.
Two sizes, 2.1c and 10c. Sold only
at our store The Itexall Store. F.
O. Frlcke & Co., I'nion Block.
Public Sale
Having decided to quit farming
and go west, I will sell at Public Auc
tion to the highest bidder on the
Woolsey farm, five and one-half miles
northeast of Union, six and one-half
miles southeast of Murray, and two
and one-half miles southeast of the
Lewiston church, commencing at 10
o'clock, on
The following described property:
IIoi-kch and Cattle.
Consisting of one team of geldings,
4 and 5 years old, weight 3,000
.pounds; one bay brood mare, 13
years old, weight 1.250: one colt
coming yearling; one bay mare com
ing 9 years old, weight 1,250; one
good family horse, 6 years old, weight
1,200; one horse coming 9 years old,
weight 1,1 CO.
Eighteen head of cattle, consisting
of 6 good milch cows, two fresh now,
rest will be soon; 6 heifers and 3
bulls. 40 head of brood sows and
stock hogs.
Farm Mnclihiei-y, Kte.
'Consisting' of one Milwaukee
binder and truck, one Boy riding
cultivator, one Western Belle riding
lister, one combined walking lister,
one Iron shank New Departure, one
3-section harrow, one set of black
smith tools, one wagon, hay rack, set
of work harness, corn elevator, one
9x14 building -on trucks, one buggy,
cable stacker complete with poles,
one horse dipper, Avery tuinp plow,
some prairie hay, and many other
articles too numerous to mention.
One Tlu-cHliing Outfit Complete.
With C.arr-Scott 13-horse power
engine, J. I. Case separator, 32-Inch
cylinder, 52-inch rear, with water
tanks, self-feeder, blower and loader.
This outfit In good shape, having been
In the shed Blnce last used. Also good
bir.. saw outfit.
Lunch Served on I lie Ground.
TerniM of Kale,
All sums of Ten Hollars and under,
cash. Over Ten Dollars a credit of
eight months' time will be given, pur
chaser giving bankable note bearing
8 per cent Interest from date. No
property to be removed from prem
ises until settled for.
Robert Wilkinson, Auctioneer.
Glen Boedeker, Clerk.
Not Ice to Patrons.
As all our former patrons are
aware we have sold our stock of
goods, and would like to have our
books closed and settled at the earl
iest possible time, and therefore re
quHt all parties knowing themselves
Indebted to us to call and settle. We
have extended you the credit and
done so willingly, and at the same
time appreciated your patronage, and
trust that you will appreciate our
courtesies sufficiently to call and
settle at your earliest possible time.
Holmes & Smith.
For Kale.
R. C. and S. C. R. I. Red Cockerels,
$1.00 each. EggB, per setting, 75
cents; $4.00 per 100. Inquire of
Mrs. C. E. Schwab, Murray, Neb.
Phone 311 Murray.
For Kale.
White Plymouth Rock rockrels, $1
each. Eggs per setting, 75c; $4 00
per hundred. Mrs. J. II. Cook,
R. F. D. No. 1, Plattsmouth.
Phone 5C, Murray Exchange.
Klalllon for Sale.
Slilre and Belgium grade horse.
(Bla-k); weight 1,550. Ten years
old. Inquire of W. F. Moore, Murray,
Miss Helen Spies returned from
Omaha this morning, where she went
yesterday to visit friends.
Miss Edna Stoll visited with home
folks Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Spohn of Superior visit
ed with her mother, Sirs. Andrew
Sturm, last week, returning home
Monday morning.
The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Oust Hansen Is some better and hopes
are entertained for her speedy re
covery. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Carster of
Avoca spent Sunday with the latter's
sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Schoniaker.
Miss Mary Hansen spent Saturday
and Sunday at her home.
W. H. Schunaker shipped ft oar
load of fat cattle to South Omaha on
H. Stoll and family spent Sunday
with their son, Albert and family.
Grandma Sturm and Mrs. Ssohn.
accompanied by Ralph and Victor
Sturm, went to Berlin Saturday to
visit Fred Paaps and Mrs. Howard
A large number of this vicinity at
tended the dance at Murray Saturday
and reported an excellent time.
Miss Georgia Massey was a Mur
ray visitor Friday and Saturday.
Miss Lottie Wunderlich returned to
her school duties at I'nion Sunday.
Miss Irma Stoll is on the sick list.
MMr. and Mrs. Um Swltzer were
guests for dinner at II. Pollard's Sun
day. Miss Etta Schwartz returned to
Weeping Water Sunday evening,
where she is attending school.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hansen were
called to Ed Ganaemon's Monday on
Some of the farmers have their
oats sowed, while others are waiting
for warmer weuther.
The wedding bells which were ring
ing some time past ceased Wednes
day when Mr. Tom Klvett and Miss
Murl Mark were united In the holy
bonds of matrimony. Their many
friends wish them much happiness,
combined with succes sand prosperity.
A ('old, La. Grippe, Then riicmnoiila.
Is too often the fatal sequence.
Foley's Honey and Tar expels th
cold, checks the la grippe, and pre
vents pneumonia. It Is a prompt and
reliable cough medicine that contains
no narcotics. It Is as safe for your
children as yourself. For sale by
Frlcke & Co.
The case of Charles Woodard
against the Missouri Pacific, wherein
the plaintiff prayed for $1,000 dam
ages for overflow caused by defend
ant's grade across his farm Itetweeu
Nehawka and Weeping Water, and In
which the court entered Judgment for
$525, has been appealed to the dis
trict court by the defendant. The
appeal bond was fixed at $1,100 and
was signed by a surety company.
In the case of Mrs. Taylor against
the estate of Robert Kendall, de
ceased, In which a claim of $5,000
was presented, the court found for
the claimant, but In a less amount
than she prayed. The claim will be
allowed for between $11,000 and
$4,000. The case Is a peculiar one.
Judge DccHon this morning made
an order committing the 5 -year-old
son of W. T. Starkle to the feeble
minded institute at Beatrice ou tho
petition of tli e parent.
Neutralize and remove the poisons
that cause backache, rheumatism,
nervousness and all kidney and blad
der Irregularities. They build up and
restore the natural action of these
vital organs. For sale by Frlcke &
Impure blood runs you down
makes you nn easy victim for organic
diseases. Burdock Blood Bitter
purities the blood cures the cause
builds you up.
only nrf ical bout In tha
Wait wlier all fitting ii don
by to eipert. Ltrreit stock
of Irtmaa in tht Wast.
Herman Greeder,
Graduate Veterinary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S. Department
LicensedbyNabraska State
Calls Answered Promptly
relephone 378 White, Pluttsmouth