The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 16, 1911, Image 2

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State Senate Passe Another
Non-Partisan Judiciary BiiL
The senate ha.s pan.-ed another non
partisan judiciary act, introduced by
Senators Ie and McGrew, the bu
preme court having declared uncon
stitutional the one passed two years
go. The features to which the court
objected In the former measure have
boon, eliminated In the present bill
and it la believed that It will stand
th test of the courts. The new bill
also applies only to judicial officers,
supreme, district and county, while
the bill of two years ago applied to
taU and county superintendents as
well. The vote on the measure was
22 to 8, eighteen democrats and four
republicans voting for it, and eight
republicans against It. Undoubtedly
the bill will meet the approval of the
houoo members.
A bill requiring the union label on
11 state printing lias been defeated.
Had It passed there would have been
but little printing done for tho state
outside of Lincoln and Omahb, and
while tho country offices, as a rule,
fiecuro but a small portion of It, yet
there may coino a time when ofifcers
are elected that will be disposed to
reoognlzo them.
Tho house has passed the Taylor
bill regulating tho Omaha stock
yards, and, to the surprise of every
one, thero was but one vote against
It. When tho bill was first reported
out from tho committee It was recom
mended for Indefinite iKtHtponemcnt,
but Its friends put up such a fight In
Its favor that It finally went through
without opposition. The senate had
previously passed tho Ollls bill with
only threo votes against It, bo there
will probably be a conference om
niltteo to Ret together on the two
The Lincoln Bryan club Is making
extensive arrangements for the
celebration of Mr. Ilryan'g birthday
with a dollar dinner at the Audit
orium on March 20. Among the nota
ble from out of the stato who will
be present are lion. (Mi amp Clark,
speaker-to-bo of the next national
duso of representatives; Senator
John W. Kern of Indiana, Senator
Robert L. Owen of Oklahoma and
Governor John Bhafroth of Colorado.
Nebraska men who have been as
fclftned places on 1he program are as
follows: C. M. Sklles, "Progrenslvo
legislation In tho Nebraska State
Senate;" K. II. Quat kenbush. "Prog
ressive legislation In tho Nebraska
House of Representatives;" (1. M.
Hitchcock, "Election of Senators by
Popular Vote;" W. II. Thompson,
"Mr. Bryan's Connection With Ne
branka Politics;" John A. MrGuIre,
"Mr. Ilryan at Home;" A. C. Shal
leiibprger, "Guaranteed Hank De
posits;" Itlcliard L. Metcalfe, "Mr.
Hryan Versus Special Interests." Mr.
Ilryan will be the last speaker on
tho program.
The Iioiiho has taken favorable ac
tion on six measures which have to
lo with the establishment of a more
uniform and thorough system of
hook-keeping at the various state In
stitutions. A full fledged filibuster prevailed
in the house of representatives Fri
day from 10:20 In the morning until
about 2:30 In tho afternoon. The
kouso had under consideration Mr.
Evens' antl-treatliiK bill. A number
t Its supporters were absent and Its
friends who wero present endeavored
to have tho bill laid over until
Vonday. Opponents of tho bill de
manded that it be voted on Im
mediately. Mr. Evans started In to
make a few remarks bo that the vote
would be staved off and held tho floor
or four hours. Thero were numerous
roll calls on various parllmentary
1ropoBltluiR, all of which helped put
In tho time. Finally a veto was
taken and the bill was defeated, 33
for to C2 against. For a while It
looked n though tho filibuster might
last Tor a day or to, and both Its sup
porters and opponents were prepar
ng for a selge,
MITH'K OF AlnilMVI II l oirs
OK John II. WAI.I.INCKU, m;.
"i:asi:i .
Notice Ih IicicIiv u I v o n Unit In iir
UHiir of nn oiilcr ot Hun. Iliii'vev II
Truvln. JiiiIkh of llio illHtrlct cmnt of
llio count v of rum, utiitn of NoliniNkn,
-niHilu on th 7th iImv of Mm-cli, A. li.
1911. for the mi In of tlio reiil PBtnto
I'prHriHftcr ilenci IIimI, tlieio will lie ool.l
t flimth front door of tlm county
court hoiiH In the cltv of I'lntt.sinouth,
n t tie .Inl day of April, lull, nt the
l.our of 11 o'clock a. m., ut pulillo
v.mln to ti e lilhctt Milder for rnh,
ih following ricHcilhcil rcnl ewtnlo di-it-
Iit elirht (to nml nlno . In
I lock tini. ct), n ii, H vIIIiiko of Oilnr
"reck. r"wnty of Curr, utiitn of Nn.
orHfkn. HalJ mle will icninln open ono
1'i.tert tl,U TOi iliiv of Mnrrti. A. V.,
A. It'll nUt inter of tal of John It
Wii ! ! it.fcr, i.'-fi.,-ft
l'.AHL t i:am.ev
AM"i r fur AiJnnrilMrator.
fuitssjti uiiEi
From Wdlncsday'i Dally.
John Cameron Rowland, a former
Plattsmouth citizen, was pu.-hed from
the curb at Fourth and Court avenue.
IX-1 Moines, yesterday morning about
10 o'clock and sustained a crushed
skull, from which he died soon after
on the way to Mercy hospital. The
man who pushed Rowland from the
curb was E. A. Nagle, employed as a
switchman, and he Is In Jail. There
Is some mystery surrounding the af
fair, as witnesses say Rowland had
some currency In his hand when
pushed from the curb.
The deceased resided here for some
years, being in the employ of Ceorge
I'oisall, and also worked for some
time for Newell A. Atwood at Cedar
Creek. He was an ex-soldler, being
a member of Company A, Eighteenth
Iowa Infantry, and enlisted at
Osceola, Iowa. He was about 68
years of age- His Hon, Charles Row
land, of Asceola, was notified of his
father's death. The deceased, we
understand, served In the same com
pany with Mr. I'oisall, and was pretty
well known In Plattsmouth.
Iii an automobile publication are
the following regulations and rules
for the guidance of pedestrians. From
an autoniobllo standpoint they are
worth reading:
Pedestrians must register at the
beginning of each year, and pay
license fee of $5. Numbered lleenBo
tags will then be Issued to them. No
rebate will bo allowed if they do not
live through the entire year.
Pedestrians, beforo license tags
will be Issued to them, must demon
strate before an examining board
their skill in dodging, leaping, crawl
ing and extricating themselves from
Pedestrians not wearing numbered
licenso tags will be held responsible
for all damages done to automobiles
or their occupants by collisions.
Pedestrians crossing boulevards at
night shall wear a white light In
front and red light In the rear.
Pedestrians beforo turning to the
right or left must give threo short
blasts of a hoi u at least three inches
In diameter.
Pedestrians must, when an Inex
perienced automobile driver Is made
nervous by a pedeotrlan, hide behind
a treo until the automobile has
. Pedestrians will not bo permitted
to emit cigarette smoke on tho boule
vard In a manner offensive to pas
sengers in gnsollne automobiles.
Pedestrians becoming entangled In
tho vitals of automobiles, bo as to
causo damage, will bo llablo to the
extent of such damage.
Pedestrians shall not carry In their
pockets any sharp substances llablo
to rut autoniobllo tires.
Notice of Application for Liquor
Notice Is hereby given to all per
sons Interested and to the public, that
the undersigned, Andy Thomsen, has
tiled his petition and application In
the ofllce of the County Clerk of Cass
(Vmnty, Nebraska, as reulred by law,
sUned by a majority of the resident
freeholders of Fight Mile Grove
precinct, setting forth that the ap
plicant Is a man of respectable char
actcr and standing and a resident of
tho Btato of Nebraska and praying
that license bo Issued to said Andy
Thomsen for the sale of malt,
splrltous and vinous liquors for the
period of one year from May 17,
1911, ending May 17, 1912, in a
building on lot 1 r in block 4, In the
village of Cedar Creek, in Eight Mile
Grove precinct, In Cass County, Ne
braska. Andy Thomson,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bough
SlKunturt. of &$ff?4M
Co you want an
If you do, pet one who has
Experience, Ability, Judgement.
Telegraph or write
Dunbar, Neb.
Dates made at this office or the
Murray State Hank.
Good Service Reasonable Rales
Attempted to Sell Horee and
Buggy When Suspicion Was
Mr. C. M. Seybeit, city marshal of
Louisville, was In the city today to
lemove Fred Wren, the party ac
cused of stealing $195 In gold from
Mrr.. Anna Dean, back to Judge Lee
Mayfield s court to give bond for his
appearance at the next term of court.
Mr. Seybert says there is plenty do
ing in criminal circles in that vicinity.
I-ast night a man drove into town
with a horse and buggy, accompanied
by a woman. The stranger offered to
s'-II the rig at the livery barn and
made the price eo very reasonable
that suspicion was at once aroused.
The stranger claimed to have come
from Fremont, and the officers at
once began to telephone to that point.
The man was not known there, but
the chief of police there had received
a description of the same man from
Omaha, where he was wanted for
stealing the horse and buggy, as well
os the woman who was with him, who
chanced to be the wife of another
The man and woman were arrested
and placed In the city prison, and
the Douglas county sheriff notified.
The horse thief asked to have the
woman released, and as she had
nothing to do with the theft, she was
released and returned to Omaha this
morning. Sheriff Brailcy was to come
for his prisoner this morning. The
buggy was easily Identified, as It had
threo rubber tires, while the third
wheel was of common Iron tire.
Pasture for Rent.
The northwest quatrer of section
35, township 13, range 12, and the
northwest quarter section 34, town
ship 13 and range 12, known as the
Reed land, near the Dovey section In
Eight Mile Grove precinct. Will rent
for a term of three years at $300 per
year. This Is the best of pasture and
some of the land can be farmed.
Write or telephone,
W. D. Wheeler, Plattsmouth. Neb.
You Run No Risk When You
Use ThU Remedy.
We promise you that, if your hair
Is falling out, and you have not let it
go too far, you can repair the dam
ago already done by usinjr Itexall
"93" Hair Tonic, with persistency
and regularity, for a reasonable
length of time. It la a scientific,
flensing, antiseptic, germicidal pre
paration, that destroys microbes,
stimulates good circulation around
tho hair roots, promotes hair nourish
ment, removes dandruff and restores
hair health. It Is as pleasant to use
as pure water, and It Is delicately per
fumed. It, Is a real toilet necessity.
We want you to try Itexall "93"
Hair Tonic with our promise that It
will cost you nothing unless you are
perfectly satisfied with Its use. It
comes In two Blzes, price f0c and
$1.00. Hemember, you can obtain
Rexall Remedies In this community
only at our store The Itexall Store.
F. (1. Frlcke & Co., Union Illock.
II. (J. Wellenselk Here.
Attorney II. 0. Wellenselk of Syra
cuse, formerly of Avoca, came In last
evening to look after some matters In
probnto court, and departed this
morning for Nebraska City to look
after some business of a similar
nature. While here Mr. Wellenselk
gave the Journal a call and we were
pleased to meet him. He Is also en
gaged In the banking business at
Syracuse, to which point ho removed
from Avoca, where he was In the
tame business. Herman is one of the
Journal's personal friends and his
business iiceoss Is welcome news
to us.
Will Move on rami.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson, who
have been living In Omaha for the
past year, where Mr. Johnson has
been in the can manufacturing busi
ness, have sold their Interests and re
turned to Plattsmouth Tuesday and
are making arrangements for moving
to the Walker flection down near
Weeping Water. Mr. Johnson went
down to the farm yesterday to make
preparations for the erection of a
new house and Mrs. Johnson will re
main In this city until It Is com
pleted. l ino l'nivii for Sale.
The IGO-aer farm known as the
Goodwin farm, located seven -miles
west of Mynurd. For partclulars call
or address Robt. Propst, Mynnrd, Neb.
Don't think that piles can't be
cured. Thousands of obstinate cases
have been cured oy Donn's Ointment,
fifl cents at any drug store.
O .3 . C !
s C.5
Applied Into th nostril
Is quickly absorbed.
It cleanses, soothes, heals aud protects the
diseased membrane resulting from Catarrh
ami drives away a Odd iu the Head quickly.
Restores the Sense of Tasto und Sn.ell.
It is sasy to use. Contains no injurious
dru. No mercury, no cocduo, no 1'ior
Jihino. The boiueiedd remedy, (
Price, olJ cenU at DruKta or by lunil.
LY BROTHERS, oti IVari en St., New Tori-
Mr. John E. Schutz and Miss
Sophrona Pelton United in
At the pleasant home of the groom,
on West Rock street, last evening at
8 o'clock occurred the marriage of
Mr. John E. Schutz and Miss
Sophronla Pelton, the accomplished
stepdaughter of Mr. A. L. Todd. The
ceremony was solemnized by Rev.
ItatclifT, pastor of the Christian
church, who used the beautiful ring
form of ceremony and occurred In the
presence of the Immediate relatives
of the contracting parties only.
The bride wore a lovely white em
broidered swiss gown and carried a
bouquet of narelssas and was attend
ed by Miss Isabelle M. Todd, also
gowned In white and wearing carna
tions. The groom was attired In a
blue sack suit and was attended by
Emll J. Melslnger as best man. After
the ceremony light refreshments were
served and the evening passed
pleasantly with mirthful conversa
tion. Both the bride and groom are well
and favorably known in this city and
have many friends who will rejoice to
hear the announcement of their mar
riage. Mr. Schutz Is employed at the
new engine factory and had already
rented and fitted up a nice home on
West Rock street, which the happy
couple will at once occupy.
Mr. and Mrs. Schutz have the well
wishes of a large circle of friends
and the Journal joins with them in
wishing the happy young couple the
best there Is In life.
A Statement of Facts Backed by
a Strong Gaurantee.
We guarantee complete relief to
all sufferers from constipation. In
every case where we fall we will sup
ply the medicine free.
Rexall Orderlies are a gentle, ef
fective, dependable and safe bowel
regulator, strengthener and tonic.
They re-establish nature's functions
in a quiet, easy way. They do not
causo any inconvenience, griping or
nausea. They are sop leasant to
take and work so easily that they
may be taken by any one at any time.
They thoroughly tone up the whole
system to healthy activity.
Itexall Orderlies are unsurpassable
and ideal for the use of children, old
folks and delicate persons. We can
not too highly recommend them to
all sufferers from any form of con
stlpntlon and Us attendant evils. Two
slat, 10c and 2!ic. Remember, you
can obtain Rexall Remedies In this
community only at our store Tho
Rexall Store. F. O. Frlcke & Co.,
Union Mock.
A Cold, La fJrlppe, Then Pneumonia.
Is too oftn the fatal sequence.
Foley's Honey and Tar expels thw
cold, checks tho la grippe, and pre
vents pneumonia. It Is a prompt and
Tellable cough medicine that contains
no narcotics. It Is as safe for your
children as yourself. For sale by
Frlcke & Co.
A black nmley heifer strayed to my
place and has been there for a week
or so. Owner can have same by pay
ing for tho care and this notice.
R. L. Tropost.
Stallion for Sale.
Shire and Belgium grade horse
(Rlack); weight l,r50. Ten years
old. Inquire of W. F. Moore, Murray,
The Features of Early Day Re
vivals Brought Forcibly to
A religious revival with fatures
like those of early days Is on at the
Methodist church. Last night the
large auditorium of the church was
filled with attentive listeners, the
greater part of whom were men. One
of the middle sections were reserved
for members of the M. W. A., who
met in their lodge rooms and, pursu
ant to an Invitation sent to all the
lodges of the city, ihey decided to ac
cept and proceeded to the church
In a body. Evangelist Lewis ex
pressed appreciation at their presence
and gave thera a hearty welcome, as
he did to all, especially the men who
came out last night.
He spoke from the words uttered
by Paul regarding his great work as
an apostle of the true God, which
were, . "Having obtained help of
God." The point of his remarks were
addressed to the church, or rather to
all Christian people who desired to
see the Kingdom of God increase In
Plattsmouth, and were . on the
thought of having power with God.
He said he was digging down for a
good foundation for thl3 revival and
that was the foundation of prayer
and true Christian living. He said
th church must wear out a little shoe
leather and uko their tongues that
men everywhere should be Invited
and urged to come and hear .he
gospel truth. He spoke but thirty
At tho close of his remarks Prof.
Sutherland sang most appropriately
the song, "Let Him Have His Way
With Thee." He preceeded his solo
with a few remarks, 6aying he hoped
the people would follow the injunc
tions of the sermons and the songs.
That one evening seven years ago he
was singing at a meeting in Ashland,
Ohio, and as he sang he noticed a
man down in the audience who
seemed to be taking in what was said,
for the tear3 were rolling down his
cheeks. Ho said that man was
Farmer Lewis and he was soundly
converted in that meeting. Now, he
eald, we are out here preaching and
singing to you and we hope to do you
At the conclusion of the song
Evangelist Lewis arose and said he
would like to know If that audience
believed It was best for God to have
Hl3 way In every life, and with one
accord the audience rose to its feet.
Without benediction or further cere
mony, he said, "Let us now steal
away thoughtfully to our homes."
The piano playing by Prof. Holmes,
who Is a good "apostle of cheerful
ness," continues to delight the audi
ences. He rendered a selection last
night before the sermon and will do
so again tonight.
The people of Plattsmouth who are
interested In these meetings are be
ginning to realize that In Evangelists
Lewis and Sutherland and Prof.
Holmes they have a trio of unusual
talent and are entering heartily into
the work. The meetings will con
tinue each evening this week, begin
ning at 7:30 o'clock. Those in the
chorus please come to the east en
trance. Additional electric globes
have been added to the auditorium,
which make it much lighter. Ushers
will meet you at the door and give
you a comfortable seat If you come
In time.
V .uriilng to Itallroad Men.
Look out for severe and even
dangerous kidney and bladder
trouble resulting from years of rall
roadinfl. George E. Cell, G39 Third
St., Fort Wayne, Ind., was many
years a conductor on the Nickel
Plate. lie says: "Twenty years of
railroading left my kidneys In ter
rible condition. There was a con
tinual pain across my back and hips
and my kidneys gave me much dis
tress, and the action of my bladder
was frequent and most painful. I got
a supply of Foley Kidney Pills and
the first bottle made a wonderful Im
provement and four bottles cured me
completely. Since being cured I
have recommended Foley Kidney
Pills to many of my railroad friends."
For sale by Frlcke & Co.
For Sale or Trade.
One Decker Brothers square piano,
second-hand, but thoroughly repaired,
tuned and in good condition; one rid
ing lister, ono good rubber-tired
buggy, one riding sulky plow and rid
ing cultivator. O. P. Munroo,
Opposite tho Postofilce.
L. (3. Ijirson.
General contractor for all kinds of
work pertaining to building. See
him and get estimates for your work.
Ready for business all the time. You
will Eave money by dealing with him.
I it 1. 1 i: sk. .
Notice Is hereby snt-n to all ier.-H
interested and to toe public, that t
mule: sij-'in il J. K. Mel iiui' I I. as lilid i t
petition and apii'icntlori in the mTi,,.
of the city clt-ik, of the city of rijut.t
mouth, county of ('hps. and mutt; uf
Nehrai-ka, an required hy law, sin,.,;
hy the required number of resident
free-holders of thf naid city, netting
forth that the applicant is a man of
rcHiieetable character and xtandinK and
a resident of the utate of Nebraska ar,l
praying that a license may be Issued
to the .said J. 10. Mclianiel "for the al
of malt, spirituous and vinous Ihiuorn
for the period of one year from the
date of the henrlnif of said appllcatio
in a huildintf situated on lot nix m, li,
block thlrt v-t hree, In ti e Fourth ward
of the said city of I'lattsmouth, N,..!
braska. J. K. Mel). AXIAL,
March IS, 1911. Applicant
Notice Is hereby Klvtn to all portions
Interested and to the public, that th
underpinned l'eler Goos lias filed 1uh
petition and application In the office
of the city clerk, of the city of 1'latts
mouth, county of diss, and state of
Nebraska, as required by Ihw, nitioed
hy the required number of reHlrteat
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth thnt the applicant Is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praylni? that a license may he iHsued
to the paid I'eter tioos for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vinous liquor
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
In a building situated on lot twelve
(12. In block thirty (30). In the First
ward of the said city of I'lattsmonth
Nebraska. l'KTKK GOOS,
March 13, 1911. Applicant.
I till I K i:sn.
Notice Is hereby given to nil persons
interested and to the public, that the
undersigned. Adolph Olese, lias tiled hK
petition and application In the office
of the city clerk, of the city of Platts
niouth, county of Cass, and state of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
hv the required number of resident
free-holders of the sold city, setting
forth that the applicant Is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praying that a license may bo Issued
to the said Adolph Olese for tho sale
of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
In a building situated on the west half
wV4) of lot 6) In block thirty-four
(341, In the Fourth ward of the said
city of riattsmouth, Nebraska.
March 13, 1911. Applicant.
i oit i,k i:sn.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
Interested and to the public, that the
undersigned J. L. KusboII, has filed his
petition and application In the office
of the city clerk, of the city of Platts
mouth, county of Cass, and state of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
hy the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant Is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praying that a license may be Issued
to said J. L. Kususell for the sale ot
of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of satd application
In a building situated on lots eleven
and twelve. (11 and 12. In block
twenty-seven (27) In the First ward of
the said city of Plattsmouth. Nebras
ka. J. L. Kt'SSKLU
March 13, 1911. Applicant.
l lilt I.H KNSK.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
Interested and to the public, that the
undersigned Kd. Kgenberger has tiled h
undersigned Kd. Kgenberger has tiled hi?
petition and application in the office
of the city clerk, of the city of IMatts
mouth, county of Cass, and state of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicunt Is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praying that a license may be issued
to the said Kd. Kgenberger for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hearing of said application
in a building situated on the east half
e'j) of lot twelve (121 In block twenty-eight
(2Si In the First ward of the
said citv of I'laltsmouth, Nebraska.
March 13v 1911. Applicant.
t oit i.n i.nsi:.
Notice Is hereby given to all persons
Interested and to the public, that the
undersigned Kd. Ionat has filed bis
petition and application In the office
of the city clerk, of the city of Platts
moiitli. county of Cass, and state of
Nebraska, as required by law, signed
by the required number of resident
free-holders of the said city, setting
forth that the applicant Is a man of
respectable character and standing and
a resident of the state of Nebraska and
praying that n license may be issued
to the said Kd. Ionat for the sale
of malt, spirituous and vinous liquors
for the period of one year from the
date of the hen ling of said application
In a building situated on the east hair
(e,) of lot twelve (12, In block
twenty-nine (?9. In the First ward of
the said city of Plat tsmout h, Nebraska.
March 13, 1911. Applicant.
P.ex Theater Sold.
Messrs. Peck & Hildebrand yester
day disposed of their moving picture
show by selling the same to Mrs.
Myrtle Campbell of Mason City, Iowa,
who took control of the theater yes
terday. Mrs. Campbell and her two
daughters arrived yesterday and have
moved Into the residence of Mrs. A.
B. Dickson on WMntersteln hill.
A Mother's Safeguard.
Foley's Honey and Tar ror the chil
dren. Is best and safest for all
coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough
and bronchitis. No opiates. For
sale by Frlcke & Co.
lNa iMtvO
. ia
The Best Flour in the
Market. Sold by all
Leading Dealers