The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 06, 1911, Image 2

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light Ilav3 Lived a Thousanri
Brooklyn, March
5. I'nstor Russell
preached tills uft
ci'iiciiiii in Brook
lyn's laryost Au
ditorium nml in
the evening held
A tjllestluu Meet-
Ins. I It services
wero crowded nml
V.',M-. - .1,,,,,. liitMi-nt it-oo.
manifest. , The text f tli lifter-
iKK.n service mis. thenceforth
for 'j 1 1 1; dvim; one shall r.i:
ftpealicr said:
Our text Is n part fif the Iiivlno
lrophocy of tin? blessings which will
come to Israel mid In Hit; whole world
during Messiah's clot'luus rclK'i f
thousand years-lii'uiiinliu; with tin;
flows of this Gospel Era. Kiicci'cilliiK
Verses ti'll I Iim I III I lint glorious Epoch
liit'illordlsm will lie u limit; "f tho
jinvt. "Tlii'y shall build house nml them; they shall plant vine
yards uinl cut tlio fruit of Ihcin; they
tdinll imt Imllil uinl iinoiher Inlinlilt;
tlit'.v shall not plimt nml-nnollier cat."
Additionally we rend, "They shall not
labor in vn In nor brim; forth for trou
lilt.'." Further we rend tlu'ii tlio
"Wolf ii id the lamb shall feed togeth
er nml the lion hIi;i1I cut fodder like
tho Imlloi I;."
No Ep'rituol Ghrep, Oxen, Wolves, Etc.
No end of confusion linn lccn cre
ate! by the Intent of wull-mcnnlni;
people to lippl.V these prophecies lis
Hit) rewind of the Church In licnvcn.
Nothing In the Scriptures warrants lis
In thlnklm t In; t there will lo spirit
unl, lienvenly sheep mid oxen, wolves
and lions, vines mid houses, plantlm?
and liiilldinir. Those who reject tho I
clear I'.llile tenclilnu respecting n Mes- i
simile rel::n of rhhtoonsiiess ennnot I
understand Hiu Bible nt nil. Not u
single passage of the Old Testament
tells of heavenly hopes or protnlNes.
Only n few of tliein tcnell lienvenly
things nt nil. nnd then Indirectly.
Ah, for Instnnce, In the types of the
Old Testament the garments of tho
High I'rleht, glorious mid Iiimi nt if til.
symbolize, o helleve, the heiiventy
Krnndeur, honors nnd glories of Mes
siah during the period of Ills reign.
Similarly (Jed's promise to Abraham
declnres Hint Ills Seed, His posterity,
shall lit) ns the stars of heaven nnd
lis the minds of the seashore. Noth
ing III this statement Would necessa
rily tench a lienvenly state or condi
tion. Only by the nld of the New Tes
tiuiicnt ii nd the Holy Scriptures' Illu
mination can we Neo that two Seeds
of Alirnlinni nro tllHtlnctly referred to,
the stars Indirectly Implying the Hlr
Itunl Seed, w hile tlio minds of tho sea
shore refer to Abraham's Natural
Seed. Ah It Is written, "I linve con
stituted Thee a father of many na
tions" like unto (!od.
So the Spiritual Seed of Abraham It
now being developed. With Its com
pletion this Ago will end, nnd tho Nat
ural Seed of Abraham will return to
spec I n I favor and become, the leading
nation of tho world under tho guld
ance nnd direction of tho ttplrltual nnd
Invisible, yet All rowerful, Kingdom
f Messiah,
Tlio blessliiK through natiirnl la
rued will Kradtially extend to every
nntion. In that the door will bo open
t by which all nations may como
Into nnd become n part of Abraham'))
Heed, nnd thus Into harmony with
Messiah's Kingdom. Whosoever re
fuses this Kreat privlleKO nnd blessing
of Messiah's Kingdom will bo destroy
ed from nniongst the people In the Sec
ond Death.
; Hundred-Year Old Children.
: L '
Centenarians of the present time nro h" , ",
. ,,, 1 nill clearly unders nm ng the terms
few, ii ml they by no menus nro Ilka r, . . . .
.... , ,. . i!or I'lvlne gritce. Ilut ono hundred
chlldreu. rsnally they nro wrinkled nnd , ,;. . . , .
haggard. Wo nro to remember, how
ever, the Itlltlo record that several of
the earlier members of Adam's race
lived nlno hundred yenrs, or rather,
they were inoro than nlno hundred
years In coming fully under tho sen
tence ngnlnst sinners "Uy ono mnn's
disobedience sin entered Into tho
world, uinl death as a result of Bin;
nnd thus death passed upon nil men,
becnuso nil nro sinners (Uomnns v, 12).
Gradually, and especially since the
(lots, when a great clinugo took place
In our cosmogony, human longevity
las docrenscd. wlillo mentnl, moral
nnd physical allmetils linvo Increased.
Several of Adani'ii children did 'not
have their first born child until nfter
they were a century old. In continua
tion of this, nnd correspondingly lu
contradiction of tlio Kvolutlon theory,
we find that (ho Ancients wero strong
er than we, mentally ns veil ns phys
lcully; for they Intermarried brothers
with slaters and cousins without in
jury, whereas today the mental weak
ness of the race Is sin h thnt ono out
of every one hundred nnd fifty adulU
Is lu nn Insane asylum, nnd the mnr
rlnge of brothers and alsters Is pro-
I tilblted. and even the mnrrlnpe of e
j vnd cousins Is disapproved and tic la
rtfpohMiiii; Tor ImreasiiiB wenU-iuiiu
We see, then, that our text, desi rib
Ini; Messiah's Kingdom, inertly vx
pining that Itestitutiou blc-slii-s w ill
reiover imiiikind from the cti'ects of
the full, ho that It shall then bu as It
was in Adam's day that full human
r!j.'htness. maturity, will be reached In
a century and that a man ilyini,' then
would be dying In childhood as com
pared with the remainder of the race
The further truarmitee Is that imno
will die even nt u linieii.d years of
ape, except wilful Klnners who, refus
ing to submit themselves to the regu
lations of Messiah's Kingdom, will
then be cut off from life as unworthy
of liny further favor at the hands of
the Ki'cat Itcdceiiier Messiah nil of
whose dealings will represent IMvlne
Justice, Wisdom, Love mid Power.
Man'i Years ae a Tree's.
The Scrlp'ures tell us that under
Messiah's Klnploiu the days of a man
ulinll be as the days of a tree. And
It Is believed that some trees live to
be lit least n thousand years old. 'J his
Is tJod's provision for every mm-every
member of the human I.iuiily
aftcr He shall have iicc-omp!!:!ic.l the
work of this (Jospel Ago, the selection
of the Spiritual Seed of Abraham, typi
fied by the priests nnd I.ctltcs. "The
Church of the First-born, whose names
are written In heaven."
Messiah's Kingdom Is to dominate
the' earth for a thousand years, wl-.h r
view to blessing Adam nnd all of hi
posterity w bh a view to upliftiivi
them from sin nnd degradation am;
death. The uplifting Inlliieuces wli
begin lit once, following the j:re;it Unit
of trouble with which tl's Kiaglou.
will bo Inaugurated. The Judgment
of the Lord will bo abroad In tin
earth and the Inhabitants of the w, r!i
will learn righteousness. None uhal'
longer need ay to Ids neighbor or hi;
brother, "Know thou the Lord; for nil
shall know Illm, from the least unto
the greatest of them," for "the knowl
edge of tho Lord shall (111 the whole
earth" (.ler. ml, Isaiah xl. Oi.
Whoever, then, by obedience to the
laws of the Kingdom will avail himself
of the blessed privileges of Itolltu
tlon (Arts III, l'.i'JU, will not only bo
helped upward out of mental, moral nn 1
physical Imperfect Ion, nlep by step tit
ward perfection, but, o long as he
progresses, he may live clear down
to the end of that blessed thousand
years. If wo had never seen trees; if
our own experiences had been w ith veg
etal ion hiii h as perishes within n year,
we might have dlllhulty in believing
some one who would tell us of having
neon trees centuries old. Such a state
ment would Keen) ns unreasonable to
us ns to tell us tint humanity could
live for a thousand years or forever.
Have we not Indeed seen children
old and wrinkled looking, yet only in
their lectis? Ami have we not seen
others cheerful, fresh nnd compara
tively young looking at sixty nnd sev
enty? All Unrighteouiness Is Sin.
At the present tinio Ood "winks"
nt much of tho wrongdoing that
there Is In the world. Ho does not
Interfere with It. lint of course ev
ery transgression cnrrles with It nat
urally more or less of a depraving In
fluence on the transgressor's mind nnd
body. The conscience is the most ten
der nnd the most Important element of
our human nature. Whoever violates
It, whoever Injures it, much or Utile,
will proportionately bo disadvantaged
lu the future and will have nil the
more dllllculty In rising up gradually
out of his degradation and weaknesses,
even with ull Hit) helps that will then
be available. Thus will be fulfilled tho
Scriptural declaration, "Whatsoever tt
man bowoUi, that nlso ulinll he reap."
With ull mankind redeemed there
will bo nothing whatever of tho past
chargeable against any on the books
of IMvlne Justice Tlio great "High
Priest," by Ids belter saerlllces, will
linvo mnde full satisfaction to the do
mantis of Justice, but tho weaknesses,
mentnl, moral nnd physical, resulting
from more or less wilful nnd dellher
nto sin, must still bo reckoned on, and
thus every Idle word nnd every Idle
thought, every Idle nnd vicious nctlou
of tho present time, by making Its
mnrk upon the characters of men, Is
providing for corresponding dllllcul
ties on their part In that glorious day
of their opportunity.
Tho Hiiggestlon of our text Is that
tho Brent Messiah will not temporize,
for tho entire period of Ills reign,
with those who do not show a proper
nppreolntlon of opportunities when
fully brought In contact with them
I years Is quite a considerable period of
probation nnd surely every rensonable
mtnd will concede that so long a de
lay In meeting out tho full penalty
of sin, Second Denth. manifests the
extreme limit of reasonable mercy.
Tha Church's Triumph Shorter.
Tho Church, whoso trial Is lu prog
ress during this Gospel Age, receives
Individually a much shorter period of
probation than our text declares will
bo granted to mankind lu tho future.
God's saintly people nro expected to
develop character and to approve
themselves to God ns "overeoiners"
within a very brief space of life. And
not only so. but they nro required to
"wnlk by faith nnd not by sight."
They merely have God's, Word ns re
spects Ills Justlco nnd I.ovo nnd gra
cious plans, while, In the next Ago,
the world will have the actuality In
utend of the prorulse-tho world will
walk by sight. "Tho glory of the
I-ord ulinll bo rtvealetl nnd nil flesh
shall see It together' (Isnhih xl, C).
itio world during Messiah's reign
will bo privileged to walk In n high
way of holiness, from which all the
stumbling stones will liiivt been gath
ered out. Hut the overeotuers of th
' Chun-h class are required t walk In
the narrow way, steep, narrow, rug-
Bed, and beset w ith snares of the Ad
versary, l or we are not ignorant
of his snares" (II Corinthians 11, 11).
We are not to forget, however, that
these differences tetween the Church
! uml I he world tire fully offset by the
di'Terences of rewind. The overcoti ers
of the Chun h are to Ik rewarded with
glory, honor, linnim lailty. "iho divine
nature," mid be joint heirs lu the
Kingdom ns members of the great
Messiah. The world Is to have no
. Kiich change of nature from human to
spirit, but is to hate the earthly na
ture restored or perfected !u 'Ijini, If
obedient, and to enjoy too earthly I'dt n.
) Truly God's w ays are e (iial. True
nnd rlj. hteous art; Thy ways. Lord God
Almighty! (llevehition xt, :t, 4
Humsnity't Final Test.
The ('hurt h's test takes pl.ieo l:t the
present life. And In each member
thereof the matter of worthiness or
un worthiness of eternal life on tho
spirit plane for all time Is detcrailned
nt death. Not so with huuaelty In
j't'iieral. As we have Just seen, some
may Ihe for only u bundled years and
then be cut off in the Second l'ath, be
cause found unworthy of further op
portunity. Others, y nvailing tber.i
sehes of the privileges and n n.'eil ig
obedience to the laws of the Kingd-un,
may live to the very close (,f il;t. thou
sand years, and ie found unwotihy of
eternal life. S i'l v.'.'.-r may m fully
appreciate I'lvlne 'A i-dont. Justice.
Lov e and r.iw-r a:i.l ".) iv ie s .
Obedient thereto t!:U Ood wii! hs
pleased to grant tN'.a e;.i!ul life.
Thdr days, their livi-s. will , far
more than the days f a tree.
The wi r'.d of mankiad, nt t! . ccn-c!u-lon
i f Messiah's rein f righteous
ness, will have attained t! e per
fivtloii originally enjoyed by
Adam. I.Ike Li at they w 1.1 bu In Frien.
w hich then wiil be worM-v ide. Tho-.'
porfes t human Meg wi:l he iss;i;;icj
to Hand a test-;. dcmoiistr-.te. t.
I rove their r.bolute loyally l,i ; J
nn..l Lis rlghtcviis law. r.s Adini was
tried, tested, pr-wn l'i Fdea. A
Adam was p-cml-i-d cti-rr. il life if his
test proved him leva! to his Maker.
his restored r.i e w!:i have N-fore then
the offer of ct. life If they s!:;-!!
manifest their oN-diem e sr.'isf.o. loi i.y.
Satan Loosed Fro-n Prison.
We nre m i iuform-d of tie par
ticulars of the te-t thnt will t!'"ti W
applied to mankind. We mercy lave
the figurative tK ..ration that Sat in,
sin nml everything width Satan r-;-resents
will be loose, J for a little sea
son nt the close of Messiah's reign
(Kevelation xx. 7 I'll. Th. wori 1. full
of perfected humanity, "as the sand
of the seashore." wiil nil be subjected
to the test. Dot how many, or what
proportion of the whole, will prove
loyal, nml what proportion d'sloyul,
we lire not Informed.
All thnt we know on the subject,
ami nil that Is necessary for us to
know, Is that the trial v.::i be
thorough nnd Just and that iiM found
faithful will have eternal life. 'and all
found unfaithful will be counted us.
followers of Satan nnd, with him, will
bo destroyed In the Second Death.
The test which God will apply will
be so searching, so thorough, that nl
though 1,1s creatures will still be free
moral ngents, he is nblo to guarantee
that thenceforth "there shall bo uo
more sighing, no more crying, no more
dying, because nil tho former things
of sin nnd death shnll have passed
u way."
Th R:ward, Life The Punishment,
Not it word Is said nbout tho hun
dred year old sinner child-being sent
to eternal torment, just ns there Is not
n word said In the Itlltlo to tho effect
that Adam or his children wero con
demned to eternal torments. Tho sen
tence upon Adam, which his rnco
shares by heredity, was n death sen
tence. This Just but awful penalty
has wrought havoc with our race
sickness, sorrow, pain, dying, deuth.
God's mercy has provided tho re
demption of Adam nnd his rnco
through Ills Son, who died, the Just
for tho unjust. Tlio death of Jesus
is tho prleo which will eventuully se
curo the relenso of Adam nnd nil of
Ids posterity from tho denth seiiteiico
nnd bIvo to them resurrection privi
leges provided through Messiah's King
dom reign.
Hut every ono who hns been eullght
enisl, nnd brought to n clear knowl
edge of God nnd to tho opportunities
provided for his salvation from sin
nnd death, Is inoro responsible for the
mnniier lu which ho accepts or refuses
"tho Rift of God, eternal life through
Jesus Christ our Lord." As the wil
ful, Intelligent sinner In tho Church
now Is sentouocd to the Second Denth
(Hebrews vl, 0; x, 28 31), so, our text
tells us, It will bo with the musses
of mankind during tho Messianic reign.
If they wilfully reject reconciliation
to God, they will die tho Second Denth.
God hns provided n redemption nnd
recovery from tho first death, but as
sures us that tho Second Den Mi will
bo nn eternal ono.
Instant d nth from electric shock will
bo tho method of executing the penal
ty of wilful sinners during the next
Age, and not hanging nor decapita
tion. Thus It was that In olden times
two of Aaron's sons, having vlolnted
their relationship with God nnd hnv
Ing disobeyed Illn, wero smitten to
death. Fire from tho Lord siuoto them
nn electric flush. We mny bo euro
that lorturo will not be needlessly In
flicted on such. They will hmo every
thing, but will not bo tortured. Stripes
or punishments, chastisements, nre
sometimes used of the Lord, but al
ways In n reformatory manner "He
chnstcneth every son whom He re
celvelh." Ho chastens none others
tionn for whom chnstlslng would ac
complish no blessing. Such will be
andtten down In the Second Denth.
STiM cinne, a mucn Heavier ana is recommena
"V wed for use where you have any great
shaft extra strong and
knife and clipper head
The rorint rain that was general
tli:ou..hont the state made the high
ways muddy and thty froze up In that
toiniition, leaving them cry rough,
and almost Impassable. Warmer
weather since that date has softened
the surface, and the bumps may be
easily srr.cothel down and the ruts
f;'d up. Conditions now are highly
favcra'. le to the use of the road drag.
The application of this method of re
pairing roads can be r-ffet tively made
at this time. The crowning of the
highways with a drag will greatly im
prove their endition for the rainy
st asrn, width will come soon. It
will round th.eni up ?o the water wi!J
run off quickly. Thus the work of
spiing haulirg will be. greatly re
dared. IU?idc3, the farmers are Just
now at ease. Of all periods of the
year it is the one of bast activity for
them. They could very profitably co
operate to work the roads right now.
In every road district there should
be an organization of farmers for that
purpose. The highways should bo
divided into sections and the up-keep
of a section he apportioned to a cer
tain farmer.
There is a great dial of talk about
jgnod roads; a great deal of specula
tion and deflate; a great many public
meetings held and a great many re
grets that our road laws are no better
than our roads; hut here and now is
nn opportunity for practical results.
"What Is everybody's business Is no
body's business." If a few progres
sive farmers in every rural com
munity would organize themselves
Younpf Men's
v-.i: : ' H:
t via -' o3 - j
frurirtij H5rau5 (Elctljra
Sen Our Show Windows
for New Styles
Horse Clipping
Stewart's No. 1 Ball-Bearing Clip
rer is very strong and compact, all gears
enclosed, preventing any damage by be
stuck or from co'lecting dirt. It is the
only ball-beating machine made.
PRICE $7.50
Stewart's 1902 Horse Clipping Ma-
nt of clipping to do. lias 6
durable. Both machines usesarje
PRICE $10.75.
j and their neighbors they could work
miracles on our public highways. The
material Is already on the road, a
j $10 drag and a little horse power and
j human spunk will do the rest.
On the evening of February 23 the
.Mi-ses Anna and Theresa Iiauth, who
reside near Weeping Water, while
exercising their vocal chords and
making the most angelic music come
from the depths of the piano were
suddenly interrupted by a bunch of
jolly friends. The girls, after re
covering from their fright, made
things lively for their unexpected
guests, and so tho evening passed.
All sorts of games were played and
jolly jests were hurled at one another
In a lively fashion. Refreshments
were served, of which all partook
most willingly, and the guests depart
ed for their homes at a late hour of
the night.
Those present were: Addie, Susan
and Valentine Moekenhaupt, Clar
ence Erhart, Lena, Uertha, Anna,
Frances and Johnnie Stander,
Charles, Carrie and Johnnie IJilz,
Walter, . Joseph, Harry and Agnes
O'firien, Mahel, Crover and Fred
I.orenson, Rudolf. Bergman, Fred
Hueter, Celia and Andrew Ftander,
Charles and Leonard Sehafer, Floyd
and Vena Rockwell, Russell Keedy,
Ed and Lillic Stelnkamp, Humphrey
Murphy, Jim, Mary, Johnnie and Ed
Ilecney, Henry Peterson, Mrs. John
Rauth and son, Aaron; Mrs. Rose
Kelly and daughters, Laura and
Xy'OU gentlemen who like to as-
sert your identity by we a r i n g
clothes a little different this Spring
than those the average man wears,
will find here clothes that are styled
tailored with you especially in mind
clothes which succeed in individualiz
ingwhich add gracefulness to the
proportions, refinement to the lines of
the body in a degree never before at
tained. Society Brand clothes besides
being the standard of fashion for
young men and possessing the high
est type of tailoring are also the most
useful. Twenty-six practical features;
convenient and time saving.
Any of you early buyers come in when
in town. Glad to show you the new
Suits from $10 to $35
Spring Overcoats $10 to $25
The Home of
Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats
Annie; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O'Brien
and Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge Schafer.
Small Fire This Morning.
The fire alarm sounded fierce anl
loud this morning and when the de
partment lined up for the rare it was
found to be at the residence of Al
Renner In the southeast part of the
city. No material damage was done,
a hole in the roof being the extent ot
the burning. The origin of the fir
is supposed to have been a defective
In Justice Court.
The case of Butler & Billings
against H. R. Gering & Co. was
called for trial at 4 o'clock this after
noon; as neither side had requested
a jury the matter was tried by the
court. As the trial was called after
the Journal goes to press the outcome
cannot bo conjectured.
Miss Mattie Larson came up from
Nehawka last evening for a short visit
with her parents.
Honnan Gresdsr,!
Gradu3!e Veterinary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S. Department
Lkcrsci'ty KcfcraskaSfafe
Calls Answered Prcmpl'y
Telephone 378 White, rlattsmouth
In Manhattan Shirts ami
John II. Stetson Hats