The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 06, 1911, Image 1

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C4J So
be patteitioutb Journal.
NO 19
The Legislature Should Not Hesitate One Moment in Appropriat
ing Money to Advertise Resources of This Great State.
Whether the (arts about Nebraska
which must be published ' broadcast
to attract investors and settlers are to
be placed before the people interested
in an intelligent and systematic man
er during the next few years, seems
mow to depend on what the finance
wnimittce of the present legislature
does with house roll No. 189. This is
a bii. by MeKelvIe of Lancaster to
rlace $25,000 in the hands of the
state board . of agriculture, which
board is to create a bureau of pub
licity and immigration and hire a
competent manager.
This movement was started by the
State Association of Commercial
Clubs and has the endorsement of
hixty-flve clubs In Nebraska, including
the largest ones in the state.
Following this the commercial
clubs secured the support of 112 Ne
braska newspaper and the Nebraska
Press association put its approval on
the bill as an organization.
Then the real estate men of the
state followed. The Omaha and Lin
coln Ad clubs, composed of men who
know the good results of systematic
advertising, took the matter up and
have been working to secure some
euch measure which would make Ne
braska the equal of the states sur
rounding it.
This publicity and Immigration
bureau proposition seems to have
friends enough, but in the mass of
legislation pending seems to have
Veen lost sight of for some reason.
The finance committee will be told
what other states are doing. Mis
w)url passed a similar bill two years
ago, and when it was learned the
funds were not available, Governor
Hadley took the matter up with some
big business interests and they con
sidered it so Important that the
banks of St. Louis and Kansas City
ut up the money and the work was
Get 1,(M)0 Immigrants.
Minnesota has an immigration de
partment, and Just a year ago an
Omaha pubkJty and promotion man-lne degired.
ager was hired. As a resut of an ex
penditure of J 12,000 more than 19,
000 people were brought to the state
of Minnesota. This i3 a known fact
from keeping track of the household
goods on the St. Paul transfer, and
Gorernor Eberhart of Minnesota is
now after an appropriation of ?50,
000 per annum.
North Dakota ha3 spent $20,000 in
the past two years and has secured
6,000 settlers as a direct result of
the expenditure.
It is well known thnt Kansas
spends from $15,000 to $20,000 per
annum and is getting results.
Iowa business men are demanding
$100,000 for the saire work and will
raise about half of it by public sub
scription. The finance committee will be told
that west of Nebraska states are
spending from $25,000 per annum
upward, and in California an assess
ment Is made to enable each county
to have $10,000 for advertising and
immigration work.
While the amount asked In Ne
braska seems 6mall in proportion to
what other states are doing, the
promoters and immigration agents
who have been in the game of mak
ing states and cities known, say $25,- '
000 will be sufficient to organize the
bureau, collect better agricultural
and industrial statistics and put out
some needed publications. The rail
roads of Nebraska have offered to
take these facts when compiled by
the new bureau, and give them
tremendous ctreualtlon. The Union
Pacific company now has the names
of 125,000 inquirers about land3 in
the states along its lines and wants
more about Nebraska.
It will be urged by those Interested
that the measure Is no party Issue,
of benefit to no particular, but
one which will bring settlers to the
state and attract the attention of in
vestors promising everything from
farmers with less than $1,000 of per
sonal wealth to men who will build
the Interurban railroads so much to
Will Visit Filoiuls in Iowa.
From Thursday' Pally
Last evening Miss Mildred Fore
man of Salem, Iowa, who has for
soni9 time bom visiting at the home
of A. J. Ingrim at Arvada, Wyoming,
came In on the Burlington evening
train and visited at the home of M. S.
Briggs until the arrival of No. 10, the
midnight train of the Burlington go
ing east, when she continued lier
journey home. Miss Crete Briggs ac
companied Miss Foreman as iar as
Chariton, Iowa, from whence she
went to Indianola, Iowa, where she
will visit with friends for some two
weeks, and upon her return will be
accompanied by her grandmother,
Mrs. Joseph Ozbun, who will make an
extended visit with her daughter,
M"s. M. S. Ilriggs, and family.
" I
W. C. T. II.
Large Number Present and Most
Interesting Meeting Held at
the Methodist Church
Much to the surprise of our
itizens, Miss Adda Rockwell was
larrled Wednesday, February 23,
1911, in Grand Island, to Mr. Joy
iipple, a young man who ha3 been
.uite devoted in his attentions and a
frequent visitor to Weeping Water.
Miss Rockwell, as the Republican
recently announced, departed for her
fcome in Lamar, Neb., but it seems
topped at Grand Island to visit, and
H was there that the notion took fast
bold on them tobecome man and wife
without delay.
The wedding took place at the M.
H. parsonage and only a few wit
nessed the ceremony.
The bride expects to go home soon
nd make her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A. M. Rockwell, a visit and then re
turn to Grand Island to reside. She
toas already become acquainted with
iw many of the people at Grand Island
that she Is very much attached to the
rtty. While we know but little of
he groom, he Is a flno appearing
young man and has a host of friends
in the hope-to-become capital city of
the state. The bride is a Cass county
girl, and the family up to a year ago
resided here, when they purchased
land in Chase county. She Is a re
ined, sensible young lady, educated
for home duties and her every ac
quaintance here is a friend wishing
them a Joyous and prosperous mar
ried life Weeping Water Republican.
(ruiiripu Graves.
We note from the World-Herald of
this morning that Harry Graves of the
Union Ledger is the happy father of
a bouncing baby girl. The stork has
been very kind to Iiarry in depositing
at his home a daughter Instead of a
son. Attorney C. L. Graves, by the
advent of the little lady, becomes
grandpa, and It Is our guess, when
the news was first received, he ran to
the rain barrel and yelled down Into
It with all his might, "Grandpa!
Grandpa!" to hear how it would
sound. May the little lady live long
and always be happy.
Born and Reared in TKi3County
Where He Has Hosts of
Sorrowing Friends.
From Thursday's Pally
After an illness of two weeks with
pneumonia, Henry Stull died at his
home, three miles north of this city,
at near the hour of 2 o'clock this
The deceased was born July 12,
1870, on the farm where he died,
having lived all of his life within
Cass county. His illness was due to
a cold contracted in watching by the
bedside of his ascd mother, Mrs. Fred
Stull, who is now past 76 years of
age, and recently has been-seriously
About eighteen years ago Mr. Stull
was marlred to Miss Slrena Taylor,
and of this marriage six children sur
vive, their names are: Slrenn, Fred
die, Nettie, Henry, Ray and Alva, the
youngest being about C years of age.
Mr. Stull's wife died over five years
ago, and lie was married a second
time about four years ago to Miss
Mattle Hlgley, who survives him.
The deceased 13 survived also by
his aged mother, two brothers, Fred
of Jennings, Louisiana, and J. Law
rence Stull of Plattsmouth, and two
sisters, Agatha Stull of Spokane,
Washington, and Mrs. Amelia Monroe
of Plattsmouth.
The absent brother and sister were
notified by wire early this morning
and arrangements for the funeral and
the day and hour, as well as the place
of burial, will be announced after
hearing from them.
Mr. Stull was an Industrious, hard
working man, straightforward and
honest in all his dealings, and, hav
ing grown to manhood in this vicin
ity, had- a large circle of acquaint
ances in and about Plattsmouth,
where he will be greatly missed.
Moving to tlio Country.
William Otterstein and family, who
bave been residing on Winterateen
Hill for the past several years, were
engaged In moving their household
effects to the John Bergman farm
near Mynard yesterday, at which
place they expect to make their home
for the coming year. Mr. Otterstein
was a pleasant caller at this office
this morning and asked us to con
tinue sending hlra the daily, but to
wnd It In the Mynard bundle, In
order that ho might keep posted on
the dally happenings.
Mr. R. M. Schlaes ha3 been In
vestigating the passage of the bill
preventing the giving of prizes vfith
tickets and the like and finds that the
statement that the bill had passed
and had been signed by the governor
was a little premature. The bill has
not yet passed the senate, and when
it does pass, the probability la that
there will be no emergency clause at
tached. Until such a law is passed
and takes effect the manager of the
Majestic will present each lady buy
ing a ticket for the show on Tuesday
evenings with a silver spoon identical
with those heretofore presented to his
lady visitors.
ScKInIi legislation.
Few people are aware of the fact
that some of the legislation that gets
upon the statute books was put there
out of personal spite. Ono law that
may be found there seeks to make
newspaper subscriptions uncollecta
hie if the paper Is sent after the time
for which it was ordered, no matter
whether the patrons receive It or
not. Such a law would not likely
stand the test of the courts, because
It violates a fundamental principle
of equity. It was fathered by a man
who had had trouble with one of the
editors In his homo town over an
overdue subscription account.
A few days ago the ladies of the
W. C. T. U. of Louisville gave a re
ception for their president and sec
retary, who are soon to leave the
vicinity. Mrs. Miles, the president,
goes to Fullerton, Neb., and the sec
retary, Mrs. Sumstrlm, to the western
part of the state. The farewell was
held at the home of Mrs. Alloway,
who was assisted In entertaining by
her daughter, Myrtle. A very In
teresting program, consisting of In
strumental and vocal solos and
speeches by different members of the
organization. It was Red Letter day
and the program was turned over to
Miss Shryoek, the Red Letter day
president. Luncheon was served and
a general social hour enjoyed. Dur
ing the course of the reception a set
of silver fruit knives was presented
to Mrs. Miles and a silver fruit spoon
to Mrs. Sumstrlm.
Visiting at tlio ltosoiK'i'aiiH Home.
Mrs. E. T. Hughes and daughter,
Gretna, of Patte Center, Neb., are
visiting their sister and auntie, Mrs.
W. E. Rosencrans, for a few days. It
will be remembered that some time
ago Aunt Cora, after having visited
at tho Rosencrans home for a day
was chaperoned to the depot by Rosey
to take the train for Omaha. Fifteen
minutes later she found that Omaha
had either left for parts unknown or
something else had happened, as the
brakeman hollered, 'Taclfic Junc
tion." After a few hours of peace
and loncBomeness In the city she was
able to catch another train to her
From Friday's tlnlly.
The first County Institute of the
present year was held In this city yes
terday at the M. E. church. Several
of the officers of other unions failed
to bo present on account of change of
the date from last week, but some of
them sent in their papers, which were
read by Mrs. L. A. Moore, among
which was an excellent paper by Mrs.
Sunstrum of Louisville and ono by
Mrs. Dr. Butler of Weeping Water.
Rev. Cade gave the morning Invoca
tion and a short but eloquent talk,
which was highly appreciated by tho
unions, as he complimented them by
saying that it did not interfere with
the usefulness In church work, but
added enthusiasm for reformatory
measures. Mrs. Kerr pave a very
pretty speech of welcome to the
visitors, which was responded to by
the county president, Mr3. Miles. Mrs.
Stribling of Louisville read a paper on
the L. T. L. and the necessity of com
mencing the education of the child at
the cradle and on to the adult if we
would secure good Christian tem
perance citizenship for the future,
which was hearily endorsed by all.
Mrs. Klrkpatrtck of Nchawka then
took tlio floor and rehearsed what
had been already done and laid out
the work for the coming convention
In the fall. We must not forget the
delightful service of our, musical
friend, W. A. Howard, who led tho
singing of temperance songs and sang
several solos and one duet with Mrs.
L. A. Moore, who presided at the
After the dosing of the morning
ecssIoii, with the benediction by the
pastor, the ladies, all carrying baskets
of good tilings, invited the entire
audience to their headquarters at the
home of Mrs. Jennie Schlldkneeht,
fc a delicious luncheon was
served, with hot tea and coffee, aud
during the Intermission before tho
afternoon session the ladles enjoyed
a good visit with each other.
-The most interesting topic of tho
afternoon was given by Miss Annie
Heisel, well known and popular
teacher In the city schools, on the
methods used in teaching the little
ones scientific temperance, having re
lation to health and morals and
plyslology In the higher grades for
the purpose. Mrs. Klrkpatrick read
a very witty paper called a handful
of leaves, taking off the sterner sex
in relation to her department of suf
frage. Mrs. Vandercook followed
In a more serious tone on her depart
ment of medical temperance and Its
effects on inheritance. Miss Margaret
Thomas gave a very Impressive read
lng about a railroad tragedy in con
sequence of the Intoxicated engineer,
and as each alternated with some
good old fashioned singing of Mr.
Howard, In which could be heard
every word beside the music.
The afternoon passed all too quick
ly and it was supper time, but not be
fore they had listened to a very able
address by Rev. Austin, telling them
what they should do before and after
they had gained the right to vote.
The evening program was kindly
donated by home talent, with which
Plattsmouth is so bountifully sup
plied, and the members of the union
are greatly Indebted for the musical
part contributed by Mr. and Mrs. E.
H. Wescott, Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Aus
tin, Mrs. Mae Morgan, Mrs. Arthur
Troop for her violin solo and several
others whoso names we failed to get
We owe obligations to Jessie and
Marie Robertson, Mildred Cummins
Vest Douglass and Miss Maude
Kuhney for their readings. The
members of the unions thank you ono
and all for so kindly giving us so
much pleasure. Rev. Ratcllffe offered
the Invocation and Rev. Austin pro
nounred the benediction at the after
noon session.
(ih'8 to Chicago. (
Councilman D. O. Dwyer departed ,
this afternoon for Omaha, where he
boarded the Northwestern for Chi
cago to look after some important
business matters of a legal nature.
Saturday night Mr. Dwyer will at
tend a banquet at tho La Salle hotel,
given to the alumni of the Northern
Indiana normal college, of which Mr.
Dwyer Is a graduate. Mr. Dwyer at
tended a similar function ten years
ago, when there were 500 sat
down to the table, and he expects a
much bigger attendance at the
present affair.
Is Cut Down in His Young Man
hood by Pneumonia.
From Frlilny'B Pnlly.
Oscar llalstroin, the 19-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ualstrom,
residing on South Sixth street, died
this afternoon about 1:30. Tho young
man had only been sick a few days,
first beginning to compalin on last
Saturday. It was supposed at first
that ho had a hard cold, but soon a
physician was sumoned, who pro
nounced the disease pneumonia. His
condition was not considered danger
ous until yesterday, since which time
It grew steadily worso until tho end
rame at the time above stated today.
He was a member of tho Y. M. B.
C. of the M. E. church and was at
Sunday school ono week ago last Sun
day, and when taken sick last Sunday
had started to Sunday school, but be
fore reaching the church felt so badly
that ho returned to his home.
Many Are of the Opinion That
the Prospects Are Very
Bright for Both.
In spite of sundry pessimistic
forecasts with reference to crop and
fruit prospects, those who are in close
touch with the situation throughout
this section are feeling very sanglne.
In speaking of the present eonditlou,
the Trade Review of Lincoln says:
During tho last week thero has
been widespread rainfall throughout .
the entire territory west of tho Mis
souri river, a rainfall that In tho Da
kotas became a heavy fall of snow.
So far as Nebraska and Kansas are
concerned the mid-winter storm was
most welcome. For months there has
been a deficiency In the rainfall and
tho protection of the great winter
wheat crop demanded moisture.
While for tho crops to come nothing
could bo more propitious for tlio pitt
ing In of crops In tho spring that the
present rainfall that has put tho
ground In fine condition.
Winter wheat Is going through now
tho ti mo of seeding. Between this
and the middle of March nothing but
excessive heavy freezing can Injure
It. The more common danger of
drought and high March winds has
been wiped out by the heavy rainfall.
If tho March winds come they will
find the ground so saturated that tho
roots of the crop will be protected
and the moisture Is sufficient to start
the early spring growth even If rain
fall does not follow for some weeks
to conic.
It Is worth noting also that the
Oscnr had been an enipolyee of tho
Burlington for some, working In the J largeness of the corn crop of the Year
local shops. Ho was a clever young
man, possessing a bright mind, apt In
lenmlng and remarkably Intelligent.
Ills disposition was kind and
penerous and ho had acquired a large
Ircle of young friends who will deep
ly mourn his untlnie death.
Oscar Is survived by his father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. John Ualstrom,
one brother, Elmer Ualstrom, and
one sister, Alpha. The funeral will
occur Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the Methodist church.
From FrMnv'H Pally.
The socialistic meeting at 1 oates
hall last night was well Attended by
an enthusiastic audience. The orator
of the evening, ex-Mayor John C.
Chase of Haverhill, Mass., entertained
and Instructed his listeners for an
hour and thirty minutes In a most
pleasing manner.
The speaker of the evening was
preceded by Mr. Charles Martin, who
Introduced Mr. Chase in a twenty
minute speech. Mr. Martin reviewed
the conditions of tho laboring people
of the past and present and touched
up the political .parties which have
shaped the policies of government, In
"Charlie's" own realistic fashion.
Mr. Chase was then Introduced as
a socialist who had been for two suc
cessive terms mayor of the city of
Haverhil, a city of 40,000 population.
Mr. Chase Bpoke on the "Philosophy
of Socialism and Its Possibilities."
The lecturer's manner of delivery
was pleasing and he proved himself
to be a strong reasoner, Indulging In
no abusive language, but appealed
only to the sense of Justice of hla
At the close of the lecture a social
ist local was organized with a mem
bership of twenty-one names append
ed to the list, with a prospect of mak
ing it 100 within a very short time.
The only office chosen so far was
Charles Martin to the office of sec
retary and treasurer. There will bo
another meeting one week from last
night at the council chamber, and
other announcements will be made
later as to the further perfecting of
the organization.
greatly depends on the way It Is
planted and the conditions of tho
ground at the planting season. Tha
work of preparing the corn ground
will not bo delayed at all this coming
spring because of lack of moisture.
The fiiut crop, which has becotno an
important factor In the annual pro
duction of Nebraska, has not ns yet
received any Injury. The coldest
weather that we hav had the present
winter has come at a time when fruit
could stand If without injury.
The Journal regrets to chronicle
the departure of one of Plattsmouth's
old-time and highly respected
citizens, Frank Bojd and family, who
have decided to make a change. Mr.
Boyd has leased his residence prop
erty for a yar'and is loading a car
with his household furniture aud
other personal property.
Mr. Boyd Is moving to Anamosa,
Iowa, where his eon, Roy, has been
employed In a garage for a year. Mr.
Boyd and son have purchased the
garage, wlilcn will be operated by
Roy. Mrs. Boyd will reside in
Anamosa and look after the house
keeping for her son, while Mr. Boyd
will go to Arkansas and look up a
real estate deal which he has been
considering for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd have been resi
dents of Plattsmouth for thirty years
and have a large circle of friends In
this vicinity who will be sorry to have
them go away and will ever wish
them success In their new home.
Witli Kclwaid Itynott Co.
Earl Hassler, who graduated from
the Crelghton School of Pharmacy
last Week, has accepted a position as
prescription clerk In the drug store
of Edward Rynott & Co., starting In
today. Mr. Hassler's many friends
here will be pleased with the an
nouncement that he Is to remain In
the city, and with his ability and
genial disposition will undoubtedly
make a success In his chosen profession.
Mm. .Joel Aiulei ws Very Low.
Mr. William Barclay returned last
evening from Friend, Neb., where he
was called a few days ago by tho
critical Illness of his mother, Mrs.
Joel Andrews. Tho condition of the
patient, on Mr. Barclay's departure
from Friend yesterday, was not much
changed and his mother was still very
low and not expected to recover.
F. E. Doty went to Omaha on the
Ah Much Your Fault as Ours.
Occasionally we. are unable to give
full particulars concerning some. Im
portant occurrence and the oversight
Is not always the fault of the editors.
When a marriage license Is Issued wo
can easily ascertain the fact from tho
county Judge's records, but as to tlmo
and place of solemnizing the marriage
we are quite often left In the dark. If
our friends would take the time and
pains to call us over the 'phono and
Impart tho necessary information we
woud feel deeply grateful and tho
public would gain correct knowledge.
In County Court.
Judgo Doeson was engaged today
tn tho hearing of a petition for the
appointment of an administrator for
the estate of the late Levi C. Pollard
of Nchawka, who died about Ave
years ago. Mrs. Tollard, the peti
tioner, was In court, represented by
Attorney C. E. Tcfft of Weeping
Water. The cstato Is composed of a
large amount of real estate iu this
and other counties In Nebraska, Tho
morning train today, where he was J court fixed the time of hearing claims
called on business. at April 4 and October 4.