The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 27, 1911, Image 2

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faster Russell 0.1 God's Times and
Fall Wver, Mass.,
Feb. SO. - I'ustor
Ilussell preached
twice Iuto today.
IIo hud lino audi
ences and excellent
I A I I attention. Wequote
f rS, ! one of his Instriie-
is - f 11
tlvediseoursei from
the text. '7 pray
not for the world,
lut for thane uhom Thou hast gixn me"
(John xv II, 0). He Bald:
When, yenrs ago, 1 believed that on
eternity of ' torture u waited nil who do
not accept (Sod's "call" of the present
time, I had great (lilHeulty with this
text. I asked, Is It possible that our
Redeemer was selectively unjust In his
Tleulliiirs with our race? Can It he
true that thu Heavenly Father merely
calLs and draws a predestinated few
to himself and to everlasting bliss?
Can It ho true, an our catechisms re
cite, that God and Jesus "passed by"
the great mass of mankind without
drawing them, without calling them,
without giving them tho hearing ear,
without opening tho eyes of their un
derstanding? Can It be that all these
blind and deaf, unsought, undrawn,
uncalled and unprayed for by liie
Savior are going down to eternal tor
ment? My heart answered, No! I'.ut
iny brain was confused by the errors,
the misinterpretations of the Iiihlo,
which I had received.
John Wesley's "Fre Grace."
Trained In the Dfictiine of Election
and I'redcHtlnatlon I, like hosts of oth
ers, felt somehow that lirolhcr Wes
ley's teaching of Free (Jrnco was more
noble, more God like, than I '.rot her
Calvin's teaching respecting Election
and Predestination.
Nevertheless, when I reasoned on
tho subject 1 Bald, Can I think of the
omniscient Cod prewiring n great place
of Riilllclent size to hold the entire hu
man family and outlined with every
devilish appliance for their torture,
and yet being Ignorant of the condi
tions under which they would be born?
Can I think that he did not know that
we would be born In sin and slinpen
in Iniquity? Can I think that he did
not know of tho present reign of Sa
tan, Kin and Icm1Ii and that It would
laHt for hIx thousand years and Inju
riously nlTect our entire race?
Itrother Wesley's theory of God's
Love and good Intent ions of his en
deavor to Have everybody seenw In
consistent when contrasted with his
teaching that only a Kaliilly few reach
eternal bliss and that the thousands
of millions must spend eternity In tor
ture. Thus I was onco confused, as
millions nre still confused today,. In
respect to the Divine Character as ex-
emplllled In tho Divine pint) of the
ages. Ro far as I can nee, I'.rother
Culvln had a wlf;o am! powerful Cod
such as I could admire nnd reverence,
If he had only been kind and loving
Instead of diabolical. And Itrothor
Wesley had n kind and loving Cod
such as I could admire nud worship,
If lie had only had the wisdom and
power of Calvln'g theory.
fo long ns wo have audi confusion
In our minds faith nnd hopo nnd love
and trust shake upon the foundations
of our reason. We recognize that we
know nothing of the futuro of our
nelves; that wo nro wholly dependent
upon Divine Ucvolallon. Hut we can
not expect that our Creator would
Rive us n Itevelatlon which to annctl
fled minds would appear Satanic In
Rtend of Dhino. Wo must remember
that our Creator invites us to reason,
aaylng, "Come, let us reason together;
though your sins bo ns aenrlet, they
shall bo white as snow." Surely n
right understanding of the Divine Itev
elatlon. the Itlhle, should be a reason
able one to n snnctllled mind.
Hearken to the Word of the Lord:
Their fear toward me Is not of me,
but Is taught by the precepts of men!
(Isaiah xxix, 1.1.
Hearken again: "As tho heavens are
higher than the earth, so are my meth
ods higher than your methods and my
plans higher than your plans" (Isaiah
Iv, 01. And no wo Mud, my dear
Mends - God's Word Is true. His
Character Is glorious. Only tho mist
nnd Binokn of the "dark nges" hnve
confused things for us nnd mystllled
mutters nnd darkened tho eyes of our
Predestination of the Bible.
Now as the bIx thousand yenrs hnve
passed nnd wo hnvo entered upon the
tsnutmtic seventh Thousand wo are
beginning to realize that It marks
New Dispensation that tho night Is
passed; that the dawu Is upon us. The
wonderful Inventions of our day along
earthly Hues aro In full harmony with
the dear light now shining upon God's
Word, making Its dark places bright
and Its rough places smooth nud enn
bllng us to removo tho Btumhllna
tdones from tho "pathway of tho Just
which Bhlncth moro and moro unto the
perfect day."
Now we cau aeo w hy Jesus did not
Tirny for tho world. It was becauso
the world was not In any danger of a
fiery hell. More than that, It was be
raiiso God's tlmo for dealing with the
world had not yet come. Tho world,
however, Is to bo dealt with by the
rent Redeemer. After He ahull have
ST 1
1 .
act up nis Kingdom In power and
great glory; after He Khali have bound
fcaun fc. a thousand years that he
might declve the people no more, fie
glorious Savior, Messiah, will cause u
general enlightenment of mankind wd
a full oportuuity for all. rich and
poor, grent and small, to rise up fm n j
dust and ashes and the grave to the:
full perfection of human nature. j
I lit Mill or UlUlleoUsiiess Wl.l arise
with healing In his beams, blessing
mankind, healing their diseases, men
tal, moral and physical, and causing
the knowledge of tho Lord to (ill the
vhole earth. No longer will any heed
to say to his neighbor or his broth
er, "Know thou the Lord, for all
shall know Him, from thu least to the
greatest" And only the wilfully wh k
ed and disobedient will be cut off
from life lu the Second Death not
torture; but, as St. I'aul declares,
"They shall be punished with everlast
ing destruction."
We see, then, that our Lord's reason
for not praying for tho world was that
Ho knew tho Father's Plan that tho
world was not to be dealt with during
this Age, but during the lie vt. the
Kingdom Ago. The Muster prayed for
Ills own, for the class which He has
been selecting during tho past nine
teen hundred years. These are vari
ously called "the elect," tho "dis
ciples," "ills followers," "members
of Ills Hod.v," n "Hoyiil Priesthood."
the "P.ride," "the Lamb's Wife," the
"little Hock," to whom It Is the Fa
ther's good pleasure to give the King
dom. Elect to Blest Non-elect.
Feeing, then, that there Is a differ
ence between God's provision for the
world, to be dispensed In the next Age,
nnd his provision for tho Church to be
given now, we usk. What Is' the dif
ference between these? Tho answer
Is that tho world's salvation Is to be to
human nature and an earthly Paradlso
world-wide; while the elect class Is a
apodal ono called of God, chosen In
Christ und faithful In ndversity nnd,
by the Lord's grace, Is to have a heav
enly nature, liko unto that of tho an
gels, but superior. Theirs Is a "heav
enly calling," n "high calling." They
are to be liko their Lord and Redeem
er and Head nnd Iirldegroonv Jesus,
In His glorified state, "far alsive nn
gels and principalities and powers, nnd
every name that Is named."
Is this nn arbitrary election? Does
God arbitrarily draw nnd call one
abovo another? Yes. Ho thus select
ed the Jewish nation to be Ills pecu
liar nation not, however, to the detri
ment or Injury of other nations. He
thus called Isaac Instead of Jshmacl,
nnd Jacob Instead of Esau to bo the
progenitors of His chosen nation Is
rael, whom Ho foreknew ns n people
nnd predestinated to a certain servico
ltut this selection worked no Injury to
either Ishmael or Esau. Similarly
during tills Gospel Age God chooses
fmm the world a certain class nnd
grants them- t he heating enr nnd the
seeing eye, nnd Ho passes by others
nnd gives them not this special favor
This, however, is not to be to the (lis
udvnntago of tho others nun -elect,
uuchoHcn, uncalled.
According to His Purpose.
St. Paul speaks of the Church ns
"called according to Ills purpose." lie
even tells us what the purpose Is,
namely, that In Ages to come lie
i might show forth the exceeding riches
of Ills graco'ln Ills loving kindness
toward us In Christ Jesus (Epheslans
II, 7). Toward this specially called
iass God will to all eternity manifest
spedal favor. I'.ut wo nro not to sup
pose that there Is no reason for this
selection nnd favor. There Is n reason.
It Is las nuso of cerlaln Intrinsic quail
ties or characteristics possessed by
this class which God Is now selecting.
lhey will nil bo "bii hits." They will
nil love tho Lord moro than they love
houses or lands, parents or children,
self or nny creature. They will nil
possess the fruits and graces of the
Holy Spirit.
Indeed, this Is God's particular pre
destination. St. Paul tells us that He
foreknew that Ho would provide His
only-begotten Son to bo tho Savior of
mankind und the Head over the
Church, and Ho foreknew that He
would hnve n Church, n Uoynl Priest
hood under tho great High Priest, as
members of Ills P.ody. God foreknew
also the kind of a Mossngo Ho would
send forth and that It would bo at
tractive only to a certain class pos
sessed of n love for righteousness.
These only would hear His call. These
only would have tho eyes of their un
derstanding specially opened, because
theso nlono would accept of Ills assur
ances and mako n full consecration to
Ills service. Such He would beget of
Ills Holy Spirit, and audi, In due time,
would bo born of tho Spirit In tho res
urrectlou und enter Into tho fellowship
nnd companionship und kingly Joys of
their Master.
It Is of this special class that the
Apostlo declares, "Whom God did
foreknow, theso Ho also did predesti
nate to bo conformed to the likeness
(Image) of Ills Son" (Romans 111, 2'J).
That Is to say, God's predestination
was not only thnt lie would have a
Church, but, additionally, that tho
terms or conditions of fellowship In
that Church Bhould be that each one
would liocomo Christ like. Surely this
Is a good predestination, with which
no one could find fault. Whether we
shall gain a pine with (ho "elect" on
tho heavenly plane, or n placo with
mo non-elect world In restitution to
enrthly nature, we cannot do other
wise than recognize the Justice of God
In bo deciding, that none but tho saint
ly copies of their Iord, could be mem
bers of the elect Church and Joint
heirs with lllm In His Kingdom.
"True and righteous aro Thy ways,
Lord God Almighty!" "Who ehall uot
cotno and worship before Thee, when
Thy righteous acts are made innnl
fst?" Truly It is written of this
treat King of glory, Head and Mem
bers, Bridegroom and Erlde, "TJnto
Him every knee shall bow and every
tongue coufesa to the glory of God."
"Ask of Me and I Will Give."
Although our Lord did not pray for
the world, lie will yet pray for them,
and His prayer will be uuswercd. The:
promise reads. "Ask of Me and I will I
give Thee the heathen for an Inher
itance and the uttermost parts of the
earth for a possession" (Psalm II. 8l.
Jesus did uot make this request on
the night of His crucifixion because It
was not the Father's time to uuswer
that prayer. Appropriately He wailed,
and while gathering the "elect" from
every nation, people, kindred and
toiiL-ue, the K'riptures declare that Ha
Is seated at the Father's right hand of
glory expeitlng or waiting for tho
time to come when the Kingdom under
the whole heavens shall be delivered
to Him by the Father. This will be
done ut the end of this Gospel Age,
when the saintly P.ody of Christ sh.ill
have been completed. Then "He shall
take unto himself Ills great power und
A great time of trouble pill fol
low. Tho plowshare of sorrow will
make ready the hearts of mankind for
tho great blessings which Messhih will
then lio ready to bestow, because that
will be the due tlmo. Ft. Paul tells
us that Messiah's reign will be n vic
torious one: "He must reign until He
shall have put all enemies under His
feet (in full subjection); the last ene
my that shall bo destroyed Is death."
Then, after a thousand years, after
having accomplished tho purpose of
tho Father In the uplifting of all the
willing and obedient of mankind to
earthly perfection tho great Prophet,
Priest, Mediator and King of Glory
will at the end of the thousand years'
reign deliver up tho Kingdom even to
God tho Father, that God may be all
In all (I Corinthians xv, 28).
Whllo Satan will be bound at the
beginning of Messiah's reign and every
form of unrighteousness will bo rooted
out, nevertheless the raising of man
kind up out of Bin and degradation to
perfection will be n gradual work. As
tho regenerating Influences operate In
mankind, they will become more nnd
more alive, less nnd less dead until nt
the end of tho Messianic reign Adamlc
death will be no more; It shall have
been fully destroyed by the raising of
mankind completely out of It; the last
enemy that shall bo destroyed Is death
Atlantic death.
The Second Death will never be de
stroyed, but will be everlasting. It Is
not nn enemy to God nnd Ills right
eousness, but a valuable servant to de
Btroy everything wilfully nnd Intelli
gently out of accord with the Divine
Government righteousness.
I Pray For Them.
Ail who nro seeking to walk In the
footsteps of Jesus; nil who have taken
up their cross to follow HI in, may well
rejotco In that feature of Ills prayer
which says. I pray for those whom
Thou hast given Me thnt they may nil
bo one, as Thou, Father, and. 1 lire
one, thnt the world may believe that
Thou hast sent Mo (John xvll, 2". 21 1.
Tho oneness of God's people Is not
represented In tho various sed3 and
parties of the present tlnin. It Is rep
resented In tho fad that nil tho conse
crated followers of tho Redeemer are
Individually united to lllm ns the
Head nnd united to each other ns
members of His P.ody. "The Lord
knoweth them that nre Ills." Hy and
by, by tho power of tho First Resur
rection, nil these shall be perfected on
tho spirit plane and constitute tne
Kingdom for which we pray, "Thy
Kingdom come; Thy will bo done on
earth as It Is In heaven." As a re
sult of that Kingdom's coming the
world will nil be brought to the point
of is'llevlng In Jesus nnd will nil hnve
tho opportunity of oblalnlrg through
lllm tho gift of God. eternal life.
Our Lord's solicitude wns not merely
for tho Apostles nnd earliest members
of the Church whom tho Father gave
Him in the special sense, ns His per
sonal companions nnd helpers In the
founding of tho Church; he prayed on,
anylng, Neither prny I for theso nlono,
but for nil those nlso who shnll bo
llevo on Me through their Word. The
Master's words outlined to us tho Dl
vlno Program. And Jesus himself be
pan to dednre the Gospel und brought
life nnd Immortality to light. He
commissioned His twelve Apostles, St.
Paul taking tho place of Judas, to
Bpeak In Ills Nnme nnd ns Ills special
mouthpieces. Whatever they would
declare to be binding on earth would
bo binding In tho sight of God In
llenvn. Whatever they would looao
and declare to bo non-csseiithil ou
earth, wo may know would bo so by
Divine decree (Matthew xvl, 10).
In a word, Jesus, tho Apostles nnd
the Prophets nlono nre to be consid
ered the special guides and standard
bearers for tho Church. We are to
bellevo on Him through their word and
not through tho word of counsels or
synods or presbyteries. Each Individ
ual of tho Church tins his personal re
sponsibility. This Is In hnrmony with
our Lord's declaration, "My sheep
know My Voice and they follow Me; n
stranger will they net follow, but will
(lee from n stranger." It behooves us
today to hearken bock to tho words of
Jesus ns He personally uttered them
nnd ns He srsnnl!y sent them to us
through Ills chosen twelve.
Soon the Master's prayer for Ills dis
ciples will have fulfillment. They will
be one with Him beyond tho veil,
sharers of His glory nnd Kingdom.
Then will come the tlmo when tho
world will believe. The knowledgo of
the Lord w ill fill tho earth and nil the
blinding nnd stumbling Influences of
the present will be at nn end. The
Savior will not need to prny for the
world then, but Instead will exercise
His power on their behalf, overthrow
ing evil nnd uplifting every good prin
ciple nnd nil who love righteousness
and destroying those who would cor
rupt the enrth.
... J-lV -
The state conservation congress
closed its second annual meeting in
Lincoln Friday night, In an at
mosphere of success and enthusiasm.
Five hundred people attended the
evening meeting, at which a declara
tion of principles was adopted, and at
which W. J. Bryan spoke, the ad
dress being his first in Nebraska
since last November.
The credo of the congress consists
In an affirmance of the principles of
the national conservation congress; a
demand for the creation of a national
department of health; a suggestion
that grazing lands be Included In the
grazing domain; recommendations
for the development of Industries in
this state which use raw amterial; for
the advertising of opportunities for
Investment here; for the conservation
and development of all reso urces. A
strong good roads legislation planli
was adopted. The people are directed
to turn t heir attention to the pos
sibilities of the sand hills country.
The serious decline of soil fertility
due to soil erasion and constant crop
ping Is touched upon, and the rota
tion of crops Is given as a partial
remedy. Tree planting is urged, the
possibilities of fruit production are
exploited, the value of the sted in
dustry Is touched upon and the rela
tion of the live stock Industry to
agriculture is rehearsed. In conclu
sion a strong plank demands the fur
thering of agricultural education.
Officers of the congress are much
pleased at the attendance, many dele
gates paying their fare from the west
ern part of the stato to take part In
this meeting to boost the reputation
of Nebraska.
Mrs. O. Fickler, residing about
three miles south of this city, was a
visitor In town today and called at
this office and renewed her subscrip
tion to this paper for another year.
VERY time
& Marx Suits or
I d to make that
i im$m iummmmmM Y0u k.wii.
inm pip. wii mjwm
I Manhattan Shirts
for Spring art hare.
23 c
is of the old style and works hard, why not get an easy operat
ing process Meyer's Ratchet Pump. A big advantage in bever
age by having a Hatchet Handle. Make your deep well pump
work easy with a Meyer's Ratchet Head Pump. Also all styles
of Plain Head Pi mps.
Ask to sec the cylender that has g1ass seat, making it im
possible for sand or any particles to hold bottom valve open.
f 7T fV g?r.:.7l:J53U
To all Parties Interested:
Take notice that the Board of
Directors of Ashland Drainage Dis
trict will meet at Knights of Pythias
hall, in the City of Ashland, Saunders
County, Nebraska, on the 4th day of
March, 1911, at the hour of 10 a m.
j to hear all parties Interested In the
apportionment of benefits to the
various tracts of land in said district,
by reason of the drainage Improve
ment therein ordered, at which time
and place all such parties may appear
In person or by counsel, or may file
written objections thereto, and at
which time said Board of Directors
will proceed to hear and consider all
objections made.
Ashland, Nebraska, February 18th,
Ashland Drainage District,
. By Nelson Shelter, President.
(Seal.) A. B. Fuller, Secretary.
Direct From IVdieniia.
From Saturday's Dally.
Anton Prosek arrived from Chi
cago this morning, having landed In
that city a few days ego, direct from
Bohemia. He comes from the same
province of which Mr. Frank Janda
Is a native. Mr. Prosek does not speak
any English, but Is a thrifty appear
ingg gentleman and will no doubt
I make a good American.
Herman tader,
Graduate Veterinary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S. Department
- Agriculture)
L'urHcty K(t,ka$iae
Calls Arswered Promptly
Telephone 378 White, Plattsmouth
we sell one of these Hart, Schaffner
Overcoats at the prices now ruling, we make a good
3tdkz f3hiu&
U Li
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
From Friday's Dally.
Among tho marriage licenses Is
sued In Omaha yesterday we note tha:
one was granted to D. Bert Crawford
of Coleridge, Neb., and Miss Emma
Graves of Murray. We suppose by
the young couple getting their license
In Omaha that the wedding occurred
In that city. The bride Is the young
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Graves of Murray and is a very
beautiful young lady, possessing all
the qualities to make home bright
and cheerful. Mr. Crawford former
ly resided In the vicinity of Murray
and is a young man very popular and
highly respected by all who know
hlm. The young people, as we under
stand It, will make their home on a
farm near Coleridge. The Journal
joins their many friends in wishing
them an abundance of happiness and
Ordinance Xo. 48(1.
An ordinance vacating Emerson
street, between lots forty-six (46)
and forty-seven (47), In South Park
Addition to the City of Plattsmouth,
State of Nebraska.
Be It ordained by tho Mayor and
Council of the City of r!attsmouth,
State of Nebraska:
SECTION I. That all that part of
Emerson street, between lots forty
six (46) and forty-seven (47), la
South Park Addition to the City of
Plattsmouth, State of Nebraska, bo
and the same Is hereby vacated a
such street.
: SECTION II. This ordinance shall
take effect and he In force from and
after Its passage, approval and pub
lication Q3 by law required.
Passed and approved this 13th day
of February, A. D. 1911.
John P. Sattler, Mayor.
B. 0. "Wurl, City Clerk.
Subscribe for me Pany journal.
much out of
one of cur
clothes as
ssible from one season to an
ther that's what ails the
Sale prices $10, $14, SIS and
(rr Quite oni-1 OvPTvnnio
1 vl UUllO U11U w v. v-vu W vj
worth from $15 to $35. 33
cent to 50 per cent off from
regularprice. All clothes
marked in plain figures.
Our Cabinets are filling rapidly
with new clothe for Spring. The
styles and patterns for the coming
season are stunning. We'll be glad
to show you any day you care to
stop In and look.
Ihe'JIome of lhtrt, Shuffncr tt Marx
Manhattan Shirts
Stdnon Ihits
Spring Stylet In
Stetson Hate arrived.
Large Showing.