The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 27, 1911, Image 1

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XO 17
Many Interesting Matters Discussed, Including the Water Fran
chise, the Banquet and Things of Interest to the City of
From Friday's Dally.
A very interesting and lengthy ses
sion of the Commercial club was held
at its hall in the Coates' block last
evening, in which many Important
matters were called up and discussed.
The banquet commit;ee reported that
it had made good progress, a toast
master had been secured and the
menu for the banquet decided upon;
the gentlemen to respond to toasts
had been secured and it 13 very prob
able that Judge Ben Baker of Omaha
will be secured as one of the speak
ers'for the evening, and he will be re
quested to speak on the subject of
the commission form of government,
as he recently addressed the Omaha
people on the same subject. It was j
also stated that the banqueters would i
not be limited only to the member
ship of the club and business men of
riattsmouth, but the citizens" gen
erally in the vicinity are invited to
get tickets for the spread. Henry
Goos and B. A. McElwaln have charge
of the sale of tickets admitting the"
holders to the banquet, which w ill be
given on Thursday evening, March 9,
at 8 o'clock. No citizen can afford to
miss this banquet, and as Messrs.
Coos and McElwaln make the round3
do not ask them to call the second
time, as they both have business of
their own to attend to and have not
the time to visit you more than once.
There were many communications
which had come to the desk of the
secretary, among the most Important
of which was one from the American
Kmbassy association, which was ac
companied by a 6mall book describing
the objects of the association, which
was to advance the Jnteretits. of the
United States in foreign countries,
and to urge upon congress the im
portance of this government owning
its buildings in foreign countries, in
which to quarter its embassadors,
consuls and foreign ministers, ns
under present conditions no suitable
buildings could be obtained, and the
United States foreign representation
was very much more poorly quartered
than those of any other country. The
association desired the Commercial
club to pass a resolution Indorsing
their work, which was done, and the
secretary of the club Instructed to
draft such a resolution and send a
copy to the headquarters of the as
sociation. A communication Inviting the club
to send two delegates to the state
meeting of Commercial cluba to meet
April 26 and 27 at Kearney, Ne
braska, was read and It was moved by
Mr. Falter that the invitation be ac
cepted and that the Plattsmouth club
pay its membership fee of $10 to be
come a member of the state federa
tion of commercial organizations,
which was voted.
Mr. Windham, chairman of the
committee on legislation, reported
that he had been over to Lincoln and
gone over the bills Introduced, touch
ing cities of Plattsmouth's class, but
found nothing which would give this
city a commission form of govern
ment, and before he left Lincoln he
drafted an amendment to a bill al
ready Introduced In the house, and
left the amendment In the hands of
Representative Metzger, who said he
would surely have the amendment in
troduced, but Mr. Windham had not
heard from Lincoln since.
At this point in the proceedings the
report of the banquet committee was
called for. Mr. Schneider stated that
Judge Travis had consented to act as
toastmaster and that all other
arrangements had been made to hold
the affair in two weeks from this
Thursday evening.
Mayor Sattler was present and re
quested the club to name a com
mittee of five members to meet
Jointly with a like committee already
appointed by the mayor, to devise
some method whereby the question
pertaining to the water franchise,
which expires next yrnr, should be
satisfactorily adjusted for tf.e best In
terests of the taxpayers and water
consumers of the city.
The committee already appointed
by Mayor Satikr was the starring
water committee, composed of L'oun
cilmen Neuman, Dovey and Shea, to
which had been added the names of
Councllmen Dwyer and Weber.
A motion was made by Mr
Schneider that such committee be
appointed, which was voted. Mr
Falter tben got the floor and stated
that the president of the club, Mr
rollock, should be a member of the
committee from the club, and on ae
count of bis long experience as man
ager of the water plant, this knowl
edge would be of very great value to
the investigators of the subject, and
moved that Mr. Pollock be one of the
five appointed from the dub. Mr.
Falter ptit the "question, which was
voted unanimously. President Pol
lock stated that the question was a
very Important one and one which
would require some research and in
vestigation before the matter could
be placed before the public in an In
telligible manner, and that he would
take some time in selecting the other
four members from the Commercial
club and would announce their names
John Halt, jr., moved, that the
newspapers of the city be voted their
membership fee in the club as a
donation, in view of the great service
performed for the club, by the papers
of the city. The motion prevailed. '
Mr. Chopkska was present and was
called on for a few remarks and re
sponded gracefully, stating that
within a short time the wheels would
be turning at the new factory; that
the cupola had arrived and would
shortly be in place, and Inside of a
few days the plant would be running.
He also stated that the outlook for
business was good and he was pleased
with prospects of future business.
Mr. Falter then got the floor and
stated that there was a business con
cern In the city which would operate
a limestone quarry near the bridge,
and that he thought if proper steps
were taken and the Commercial club
would encourage the project, that
the Burlington railroad company
could be Induced to place a side
track to the quarry. It was decided
to have the executive committee of
the club take the matter up and
ascertain If the project would meet
with favorable action on the part of
the railway company. If the project
is worked out there would be employ
ment for about 100 men for years to
come. The stone Is said to be of the
best quality.
The question of repairing the east
exit of the subway so that vehicles
can pass through was taken up and
left in the hands of Mayor Sattler to
jog the memory of the streets, alleys
and bridge committee concerning It.
There were many other matters of
minor importance discussed. There
was a good attendance and the best
of feeling prevailed, and the results
of the session will no doubt be of
benefit to the city.
Administrator Sells Farm.
Monday afternoon at the Bank of
Union, in this village, Frank P. Shel
don, administrator of the estate of
Leroy Applegate. sold at public auc
tion one of the 160-acre farms about
two miles southwest of town. The
farm sold is the southeast quarter of
section 28, and the purchaser was
Robert Willis, whose bid was $10.
400, cr $65 per acre. Other bids
were made, but Mr. Willis was the
last and highest bidder. This leaves
yet 400 acres belonging to the widow
and children, and it will not be sold
unless the heirs conclude to disposo
of some of it at private sale Union
A Contrivance Complct
Every Particular, an Ornament
to Church, and The Pride of
the Musical Director.
From Friday's Pally.
The writer has had the privilege of
a "private view" of the music cabinet U,y u joining in the singing of the
The Ladies' Aid Society and the
Social Workers Enjoy Com
bined Meeting at the
Methodist Church.
Krom Friday's Dally.
The Ladies' Aid Society and the
Social Workers of the M. E. church
held their first combined social meet
ing In the new rooms just completed
In the basement of the church yester
day afternoon. A splendid program,
composed of music, Instrumental and
vocal, Interspersed with readings,
had been arranged for the occasion,
after which refreshments were
served, consisting of sandwiches,
scalloped potatoes, pickles, coffee and
cake. Fach person In attendance was
presided with a mlnature hatchet,
indicative of the season.
The meeting was presided over by
Mrs. John Kuhney, president of the
LndUs' Aid society, during the pre
liminary and first part cf the pro-
graiu. The proceedings were opened
To K'gulaU the Press.
Representative Gait of Clay county
broke out again the other day In the
legislature with his effort to regulate
the press of the state. He has a bill
now which prohibits a newspaper
from publishing any advertising with
reference to a political candidate
which Is at all uncomplimentary to
that candidate, unless full particulars
as where it came from are printed
along with thea dvertlscment. He
wants also to regulate the malls and
proposes that all campaign material
handled through Uncle Sam's post
offices must show the source from
which the material canio.
and lockers which the persistent el
fort and energy of Director It. S. Aus
tin have secured for St. Luke's choir.
The music cabinet, Prof. Austin's spe
cial pride, is very complete and con
tains seventy-six compartments. Each
compartment will hold fifty pieces of
music, or two complete numbers of
twenty-five copies each. The com
partments are numbered and the
music Indexed to correspond with
those numbers. This enables Prof.
Austin to lay his hand on any selec
tion wanted without delay. The
cabinet is a handsome piece of fur
niture, being finished in dark oak
framing and oak-green paneing.
The lockers, of which there la a
series of twelve, are sufficiently com
modious to accommodate the vest
ments of twenty-four, and, while the
vestments are in use, will hold the
wraps and hats of the singers. Like
the1 music cabinet, the lockers are
dustproof, insuring the same pre
servation for the vestments that is
afforded the music. Cabinet and lock
ers are finished in uniformity, dark
oak framing and oak-green paneling,
an artistic combination that must be
seen to be appreciated. These hand
some pieces of furniture were de
signed by Prof. Austin and have been
put together and finished by him,
with the aid of some of the gentle
men of the choir. The money neces
sary for their construction was raised
by the choir with their production of
"A Clergyman's Courtship," given
under the direction of Prof. Austin.
In the matter of care for vest
ments and music, St. Luke's choir is
now equipped in a manner second to
none, and while Prof. Austin is
pleased with the results attained, he
Is more pleased with the enthusiasm
shown by the Individual members of
the choir In the hoir organization, as
evidenced by the regular attendance
at all rehearsals and services. St
Luke's choir has a large collection of
music, which Is constantly being
added to, of a class that is seldom at
tempted outside the larger cities.
One of the leading musicians and
choir directors of Omaha said: "St.
Luke's choir of Plattsmouth Is sing
ing a more difficult grade of music
than we are, and singing it well." It
takes patience, tact, preseverance and
ability to teach such music, and, for
the results achieved by St. Luke's
choir, Director Austin deserves great
hymn, "Blest Be the Tie That minis,"
which was followed by an invocation
on the part of the pastor, Rev. W. L.
Austin, after which the president
called on Rev. Austin for a short talk,
which was given, and during which
Rev, Austin took occasion to sum up
the results of the combined labors of
the two societies.
He spoke words of warmest com
mendation for the harmonious way In
which. the work had been accom
plished, and gave a detailed state
ment of the money expended, the
amount in the aggregate exceeding
$300. The bills for material and
labor and the expense of wiring the
rooms for electricity, placing about a
dozjn drop lights in the rooms, had
all been settled ror. 'liic v. m. u. v..
had donated the paint and oil and
labor to rmt them on, the floor and
woe "J work.
At the closo of the report" Mrs.
Kuhney turned the gavel over to Mrs.
J. M. Leyda, president of the Social
Workers, who announced the persons
taking part on the program as their
numbers were reached.
Instrumental solos were rendered
by Miss Virgle McDaniel and Mr.
Waldemar Soenniehsen. Readings
were given by Misses Maud Kuhney
and Marie Robertson. Treoa were
sung by Mesdames Hayes, Wescott
and Johnson and Mesdames Wescott,
Hayes and Miss Farrls York.
There was a large attendance and
a most enjoyible afternoon was spent
by all who were so fortunate as to be
From Friday's rn!1y.
A complaint was filed before
Justice of tho Peace M. Archer this
morning charging Kdward Ryuott,
the druggist, with tho unlawful sale
of intoxicating liquor. Tho document
Is quite explicit in dates and nanus
of persons who, it is alleged, pur
chased the liquor, and Is set forth in
four counts. The first count charges
the unlawful sule of whisky on the
12th day of February to ouo James
Butler; tho second count charges
such sales having been made on tho
11th day of February, 1911, to
Samuel Hillings; the third count
names both Samuel Billings and
James Butler a3 having acquired
from the accused whisky on the loth
day of February, and the fourth
count alleges, in substance, that
Ward Barr purchased whisky on the
12th day of February, 1911, from Mr.
Rynott. A wararnt was issued and
placed in the hands of Constable J. It
Benson, who served the sanio upon
the defendant.
Mr. Rynott Immediately appeared
before Judge Archer and entered Into
a recognizance In the sum of $200 for
his appearance before Judge Archer
next Monday morning, and took a
continuance until that time.
The bearing will bo in the nature
of a preliminary examination, and if
the court finds tho evidence suf
ficient to warrant the belief that
thero is probablo causo- to believe
thnt chapter CO of tho Compiled
Statutes of Nebraska has been
violated, It will become his duty to
take, a bond for tho defendant's ap-
i it - i i . it ji..
i pearance ai uie nexi icnu ui wie uis-
trlct court, where the matter will bo
tried out.
At a Conference of the Local
Unions at Lincoln, February
13, This Was Decided.
The bollormakers strike on the
Burlington system ended at 3 p. m.
yesterday. At that hour President J.
W. Jones of the Burlington district
of tho union, issued a statement end
ing the strike and permitting the men
to go back to work.
Last night Mr. Jones said:
"Through tho efforts of a dlsinter
tstered party tho strike has been
ended. We held a conference of local
unions at Lincoln on February 13,
and at that time I was given power
to c all off the strike if 1 thought It
advisable. After this conference with
a disinterested party I have taken ac
tion ending tho strike. Messages
were sent to other shops today. A
little later on I can say moro about
the settlement of this strike."
It wa3 said at Havelock that until
further Information was given out it
would not bo known whether strikers
still out would be allowed to go back
to work for the Burlington.
Burlington officials Bald that the
first notice that tho strike had been
ended came from business men of
Havelock, but they understood mes
sages had been sent to outlying shops.
They declared no conference had been
held recently with the strikers and
that no recent effort had been mad
to get tho men back to work. About
a week ago a dozen strikers hnd
asked for employment at the Have
lock shops. Six of these men have
been employed. The following state
ment was made for the railroad:
"Tho compnny has not been ag
gressive In this matter. As rapidly as
good men can bo given places they
will bo employed, regardless of the
strlko. That has been the policy from
the beginning and It w ill probably
hold good to the end."
The ntiili'.' b as -been In progress
four nionlhs or more. Tho dispute
originated over the piece work scale,
nnd tho demand of the union for a
now schedule.
i. F. H.
From Thursday's Imlly
Mr. F. R. Guthman received a
message from Mrs. Guthman, who
has been at Bennett for two weeks
at the bedside of ber niece, Mrs.
William Lempke, Informing him of
the death of that lady at her home
Tuesday evening, February 21, after
an Illness of two weeks with pneu
monia and la grippe. Mrs. Lempke
was a niece of Mrs. Guthman and Mrs.
Joseph Fetzer of this city and has
often visited In riattsmouth and was
quite well known to many of our peo
ple, who will be sincerely sorry to
learn of her death. Besides a father
and brothers and sister, the deceased
leaves a husband and three small
children to mourn her death. The
funeral will take place Saturday
morning at 10 o'clock from St.
Thrcsa cathedral at Lincoln.
SikmIuI Notice.
There will be a special meeting of
the Cass County Farmers' Protective
Association at Louisville on Saturday,
March 4th, at 1 : 30 p. m. All persons
Interested In the association are re
quested to be present.
J. O. Melslnger, Secretary.
d and w.
From Thursday's Dally
The following appeared In the
Omaha News of last evening as a
special from St. Joseph, Missouri,
under date of February 22:
"William Speck of Plattsmouth,
Neb., ventured a coy flirtation with
an unknown pretty girl here Monday
night, but did not figure that she
might have been the champ lady
pugilist of the mid-west.
"Speck admitted to the police, after
It was all over, that he had been In
discreet. His arrest by an officer
was more In tho nature of a rescue,
because -the girl was sending such
sturdy uppercuts and left hooks to
his jaw and nose that he felt dazed
and looked silly.
"The girl wouldn't appear to
prosecute him In police court yester
day, but he pleaded guilty and was
fined $10, anyway."
The facts may not be generally
known, but as Albert Watklns has
dug them up In the course or his
historical studies, It appears that Lin
coln owes her name to a gentleman
from Omaha, says the Lincoln News.
The bill as it was originally drawn
providing for the location of tho
capital at Lincoln referred to Lincoln
as the Capital City, which would have
been rather fierce as a name. In
those days the fiercest rivalry reigned
between the delegation from Omaha
and that from Nebraska City, the two
largest in the territorial legislature,
and the Omahans fought desperately
the efTort of the Otoe county people
to take the capital away from them.
As a last resort, when the bill was on
third reading, Patrick of Douglas
moved to amend by substituting the
name "Lincoln" for Capital City. He
did this In the hope that as several of
the Otoe county members wero known
by their Bneerlng cognomen of cop
perheads and Lincoln-haters, they
would rather vote against the bill
than permit the capital of the state' to
bear the "black republican's" name.
He guessed wrong; the hate of Ne
braska City against Omaha was the
strongest and the amendment was
adopted and tho bill passed.
This week Cass county lost some
more of her good citizens who have
rented or purchased farms In other
localities. Tuesday night Jesse
Dysart and Sant Glfford finished load
ing their cars and departed for tho
farms which they purchased near
West Pains, in the southern part of
Missouri. The two men went with
the cars their families to follow a
few days later. Wednesday morning
William Pickering and Will Nlday
commenced loading their car for
shipment to Coleridge, Neb., near
which place they will till the soli on
good farms.
Cass county has been losing some
splendid citizens the past few weeks,
but of course others have come In to
take their places, so that we do not
lose In population, but those who
have lived here In the past and are
now going away have many friends
who regret their departure and wish
them success In their new locations.
They have "made good" hero, but
think they see better prospects else
where, and we trust they may not be
disappointed, yet we will welcome
them back to this neighborhood any
time they see fit to return Union
Will Kitzell of Alvo, in company
with Glen Vallery, was a caller at the
Journal office this morning for tho
purpose of renewing his faith In the
Old Reliable another year. Mr.
Kitzell has been visiting relatives
south of town for several days, and
wo were pleased to meet him. He
jives a nillo south of Alvo and Is a
prosperous tiller of the soil nnd a fine
young man.
From TliurHiluy's Imlly
A most enjoyablo meeting was the
one held at the pretty homo of the
Gerlngs yesterday afternoon by the
Woman's Auxiliary of St. Luke's
church, thero being a large number
of ladles In attendance.
Various amusements, such as
social conversation, plying the busy
needle and games, were participated
In by the ladles for a time, which
were thoroughly enjoyed, after which
they listened to a very pleasing pro
gram, consisting of very Interesting
papers given by Mesdames George
Ik)dge, J. II. Thrasher, A. L. TIdd.
Will Clement, MIshcr Dora Frlcke and
Alice Eaton. These papers were on
the subject of Porto Rica and their
government and the work that Is be
ing done there by tho Episcopal
church, and greatly assisted In mak
Inj tho afternoon's entertainment
such a splendid one.
At the proper time a dainty lunch
eon was provided, to which all did
ample justice, and at tho close of tho
beautiful winter's day the ladies dis
persed, Indebted to the hostesses for
the delightful afternoon.
P.iiiihmI With Hot Metal.
August Sltzrnan, a Burlington em
ploye at the brass foundry, had the
misfortune this morning, while work
lng at tho foundry, to get a quantity
of moulten brass in his shoe, the ro
suit being a badly burned foot. The
Injured man was hurried to the office
of the Drs. Livingston, where the
foot was dressed. August will be off
duty for some days, as the Injury Is
quite painful and will require some
tlmo to heal.
Mr. Adam MelBlnger and wife of
Cedar Creek came down on No. 4 this
morning and looked after business
matters In the city for a few hours.
May Change Their Views.
Poor old dry Lincoln, the pious
town of the state is going to bo
quieter than ever, after the legisla
ture has adjourned, because the
postal employes up there have de
manded that the postofflce be
closed on Suday. It will not bo
long before the preachers will form a
combine and want Sunday as a day
of rest. Lincoln Is certainly getting
to l)e quite a pious old town. It
might bo remarked that many of her
property holders aro beginning to
realize tho fact that the Journal and
the News have got them Into a pretty
mess by their pious preachings and
they are demanding a change of
sentiment. Just wait and watch and
then those pious sheets will change
their views Nebraska City News.
Mrs. W. A. Schutz spent the day
In Omaha, departing for the metropo
lis on the morning train.