The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 23, 1911, Image 8
11CU FARM DEVELOPMENT III The Board of Army Engineers appointed to apportion the Reclamation Fund to the variom projects, has set aside $2, 00!), 000 from the special fund, and $2, 185,000 from the regular fand for ute in the North 1'latve Valley project in Wy oming and Nebraska, and $2,(MK),0 J0 from the regular fund to complete the Sho shone project in the Rig Horn Rasin, Wyoming, making a total of rr.ore than $6,000,000 that will be spent by the Government upon these two piojocts, in king desirable homes in Wyoming for our citizens. CAREY ACT PROJECTS SEVERAL MiLLICN DOLLARS will be spent by private companies in Wy oming, and many of the projects will be pushed rapidly to completion. Just think what the expenditure of SEVERAL MILLION DOLLARS for ir rigation is going to mean to the State of Wyoming. It means work at good wages for many people, many new opportunities to get valuable farm homes, more new growing towns and business locations. YOU SHOULD KEEP POSTED ABOUT WYOMING! Send your name and address for our mailing list. D. CLEM DEAVER, Ganeral Agent, Landseeker'a Information Bureau, 1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. Sip aiii EFFECTS BURLINGTON EMPLOYES IN NEBRASKA According to a special from Wash ington, printed elsewhere In this Is sue of the Journal, the constlutlon allty of tho law of Iowa, passed In 1898, enabling an employe of the operating departments of a railroad to sue a railroad for Injuries, not withstanding the fact that he had re ceived Injury benefits from a relief department has been upheld by the aupreme court of the United States. The rights of a largo number of trainmen, lturllngton employes In Ne braska, are affected by the decision ot the United States supreme court In tho MeOuIre ease from Iowa, In which It Is declared that a railroad company cannot set up In bar to recover by an employe for personal Injuries the fact that ho has received benefits for such Injury from tho railroad relief association. It has been claimed by the Burlington In suits In court that an acceptance of relief by a member la a release and satisfaction of all claims against the railroad company. The terms of membership signed by ach member of the relief organiza tion require the relinquishment of the right to sue tho company In caso of acceptance of the relief money, or In caso of suit the rlf?ht to the relief In surance Is denied him. The decision of tho United States supreme court which sustained tho ruling of the supreme court of Iowa 1s that such a contract entered Into by a railroad employe Is void and that the employe has a right to doublo ro covery. Tho court claims that It Is a violation of the fourteenth amend ment to tho constitution, which de clares that no stato shall deprive any person of life, liberty or property without duo process of law. It Btates as a second violation that no state shall deny to any person tho equal protection of tho law. This decision not only Involved the validity of the Btatute of Iowa, pro blbltlng the right of a corporation to make such a contract, but affects the Nebraska statute as well. The statute of Nebraska has not been tested, but a prominent attorney, commenting on the decision, said that It was not nearly so strong as the Iowa statute. Writ of Habeas Corpus. Hon. C. U. Mltzger of thjs county has Introduced a bill In the legisl ature, thesubstance of which la to give persona confined In any state Institu tion by reason of habitual drunken ness or for the drug habit, the right to uhc the writ of habeas corpus, but provides that no court shall release any person bo confined If It shall ap pear that he Is still under control of the county board of Insanity commissioners. DO IK AROUND FUNERAL OF MRS. IRY KC CARTIIY HELD TODAY From TiiPHlay" Paily The funeral service over the re mains of Mrs. Mary McCarthy occur red this morning shortly after 10 o'clock at St. John's Catholic church, and notwithstanding the exceedlng'v chilly weather, a large number of friends and neighbors of the deceased filled the church auditorium. Father M. A. Shine conducted the funeral cervlco and spoke words of comfort to the bereaved and taught a lesson of filial regard, pressing upon the young the duty of Bhowing the greatest respect to fond and lov ing parents. The special music consisted of solos by Misses Opal Fitzgerald and Miss Helen Cllne. Miss Fitzgerald sang "Face to Faco" and "Nearer My Cod to Thee." Miss Cllne sang "Hold, Thou, My Hand" and "Comfort Me." Tho boIos were beautifully rendered and made a marked Impression on the listeners. Tho floral tributes were numerous and very beautiful, silently attesting the deep affection of the donors for the memory of the deceased. The pallbearers were: C. R. Mc Kntce, Frank McEfroy, O. Schueldlco, Con (illllsple, Charles McGulre, Wil liam Morcly. Interment was made In tho Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Notice to Farmers. County Treasurer F. E. Bchlater bas received a communication from T. V. Powderly, chief of the division of commerce and labor at Washing ton, Btatlng that "If there la a scarcity of such labor (farm labor ers) In your locality that you supply this office with a list of those whom you think may need such help, upon receipt of such list blank applica tions will be mailed them In order that they may set forth their wants and give this division an opportunity of supplying them. This Is one of the purposes for which this division was established by congress." All farmers needing a hand, or two or throe, will kindly Inform Mr. Schlater, who will seo that your name Is forwarded to the department, so that It can supply the farmer with a blank application. Mi-m. Novak Quito Sick. Mrs. John Rotter received a mes sage from llavclock yesterday notify Ing bcr ot the serious Illness ot her mother, Mrs. James Novak. Mrs Novak formerly resided la tho city, but about fourteen years ago with her husband removed to llavclock The lady has many friends In Tlatts mouth, who are sorry to learn of her serious Illness. ll The only surgical bnuu In the I y Wert her all fiuinn ii dont by o 1 1 pert. Laieit tock of tru.sei in the West. THE W. O. CLEVELAND DRUQ CO. OMAHA, NMKABKA Saved From Awful Peril. "I never felt so near my grave," writes Lewis ChaniDerlln, of Man chester, Ohio, R. R. No. 3, "as when frightful cough and lung trouble pulled tne down to 115 pounds In spite of many remedies and the best doctors. And thot I am alive today Is due Bolely to Dr. King's New Dis covery, which completely cured me. Now I weigh 160 pounds and can work hard. It also cured my four children of croup." Infallible for Coughs and Colds, Its the most cer tain remedy for LaGrlppe, Asthma, desperate lung trouble and all bron chial affections, C0c and $1.00. A trial bottle free. Guaranteed by F. G. Frlcke & Co. AFOHMER NE6RA SKAN WRITES OUAIIFORI SMI A Few Items of Interest From a Legislative Standpoint. The legislature Is now on the lasi half of the session. Iiills may be In troduced for sevt n n ore days, but after that there will be no further "first readings," and the tln.e of the ".'iiate and house will be devoted en irtly to passing on pending measures. Thus far there have been ten bill." that have passed both houses and gone to the governor for his approval. Thirty-four senate files have besn sent to"tlfe house, but none have been returned, the bills that have gone to the goernor having originated in the house. The senate has Indefinitely postponed seventeen of Its own bills Senator Reagan of Omaha has In troduced a bill which has for Its object the suspension of the 8 o'clock closing law by a vote of the people In towns having over 5,000 popula tion. In the house Representative Gait of Clay county has Introduced a bill for a proposed constitutional amendment for state-wide prohibi tion. It Is hardly probable that either measure will pass, whilo It Is quite possible that both may be Indefinitely postponed. Governor Aldiich would be pretty apt to veto the former, even If It should pass. Legal executions will continue In Nebraska, the house having de feated a bill by an overwhelming ma jority to abolish capital punishment. Almost an entire day was devoted to a' discussion of the measure, how ever. ' Representative Quaekenbush's tax fenit bill has hud hard sledding. It was first reported for Indefinite post ponement. Later there was a res surectlon and It again saw the light of day, but there Is a great deal of opposition to the measure. Should the bill become a law, however, there would bo more cash listed for taxa tion In one year as a result of Its provisions than In ten years under tho system now In vogue. The Joint committee of the house and senate appointed to Investigate tho alleged Omaha election frauds, returned to Lincoln Friday. Senator Albert, chairman of the senate end of the committee, was called to Iowa because of the serious Illness of his mother, however, so that It Is- hardly probable a report will be submitted before the latter part of the week. The sennto committee on public lands and buildings made, what will probably be Its last Junket the past week, the members having gone to Nebraska City and Peru to Investi gate the state institutions located at those places. It is hard to forecast Just what will bo tho outcome on the Initiative and referendum bill, although there Is no doubt but what It will go through In some form. Senator Sklles' bill, sen ate file No. 1, passed the senate last week by a vote ot 26 to 0, seven members being absent at the time the vote was taken. The measure Is now In the house, but a hard fight Is being made on sections of It and It may be returned to the senate In quite a different form from what It was when It went to the house. Representative S. C. Iiassett of Buffalo county, who voted against capital removal, Is having a hard time of It. Kearney, the county seat of his county, Is a prospective can didate for the future capital, and since he voted against what la re garded as the Interests of his own community, the people out there have been flooding him with protesting petitions. On the other hand, the house has expressed its approval of the member from Buffalo through a vote of confidence In his Integrity. any changes that might now be made would probably have the effect of again tieing it up for an Indefinite period. There are three apportionment bills pending In the senate, Senator lloagland having Introduced the first one and the others being by Sen ators Albert and Placek. The indica tions are there will be a bard fight over this question before It Is dis posed of. H9N1N6 DUCKS Ifl the m am iSSOORI RIVER Three of I'lattsmouth's most ambitious young nlmrods, possibly after seeing a flock of handsome ducks or geese pass over their heads toward the waters or the muddy Mis souri, hied themselves away for their trusty shotguns last Friday after noon, and In the course of a few momenfs were lying In wait along the cold and gloomy banks of the old river for the arrival of the feathered beauties. The party was composed of Evans Noble, Carl Reese and Willie Stohlman, and here they remained until night came on, never thinking but what their way home was per fectly dear to them, but In passing to the main channel of the river they were compelled to cross a stream of back water with but one place to cross. In their wanderings they had lost sight of this spot and when the darkness came on they were unable to find It. Becoming tired and worn out they gave up to the Inevitable and launched themselves for the night, luckily possessing a few matches, kindled a Are and there they remained until about 6 o'clock Satur day morning, arriving home In time for an early breakfast. However, their good mothers, possibly after worrying about them all night, were not compelled to pick and prepare any of their game for breakfast. They returned with their guns and very cold feet and nothing more. We are Informed that a certain young lady not a thousand miles from Flatts mouth was very much disappointed over the unfortunate detention of the young men. Children Cry for Fletcher's : h V--..W Ti ; 1 I A V;-- bM r-3 FI - W. Tho Kind You Have Always ISou-rlit, ami which lias T'ccn in ilso for over SO years, has borna tho slrjnaturo of and has been mailo under l:'s per- r j m P"iA pur,i iirtAuii Piiiu ti- j 4Cc-W Allow no ono to deceive you in t:s?s. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" avo but ILvperlinents that trif!o 'vtitu and endanger tlio health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORSA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It JU Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor Other Karcotic substance. Its nge Is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Eeverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatidency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Dowels, git Ing healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GE?3USN CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought In Use Fop Over 30 Years THC CCNTftun COMPANY. V7 MURRAY TnrtT, NCW YORK CITY. In a letter to Charles Cook, resld Ing south of Plattsniouth, our excel lent young friend, V. C. Hesser, re quests that wee hango the address of his paper from Pasadena to La Manda, California. In this letter he states that everything In California Is lovely and that he Is following the good advice of T. It. and endeavoring to do his share In the way of increas ing California's population, as Mrs Hesser presented him with twin babies, two ot tho handsomest girls along the cost, on the 1Mb ot Jan nary. (While Mr. Hesser does not wrlto tho latter sentence, we tako the liberty of telling It to our readers, as we know from his letter that he thinks so). He reports everybody In that section feeling flue, his father, W. J. Hesser, having visited at his home the day he wrote the letter. Tho old gentleman's health is good, and, like all others from old Cass county, ho Is well pleased vlth California. Won't Xeed a Crutch. When Editor J. P. Sossman, of Cornelius, N. C, bruised his leg bad ly, It started nn ugly sore. Many salves and ointments proved worth less. Then Bucklcn's Arnica Salve healed It thoroughly. Nothing Is so prompt and sure for Ulcers, Bolls, Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Corns, Sores, Pimples, Eczema or Piles. 25c at F. O. Frlcke & Co's. A Joint committee of the senate and house Is at work drafting new road laws. County officials who have enter tained aspirations for Increased salaries through favorable changes In the present laws are apt to bo dis appointed. Already measures to In crease the pay of county attorneys and county assessors have been de feated In the house, and bills affect Ing the Balarles of other officers are apt to meet the samo fate. The slierlns ot the state had a measure In to suspend the1 anti-pass law bo far as they are concerned, but one vote was all that could bo mustered In Its favor. Bills have been introduced in the houso and senato providing for changes In tho bank guarantee law passed by the last legislature. The law was only recently sustained by the United States supreme court, and GRQVER ELL1DGE INJURED NEAR SCHUYLER PH C rover Ellidge, who has been with Olson's bridge gang near Schuyler for some time, met with an accident yes terday, while at work, which was so serious that he was taken to an Oma ha hospital this morning. None of the details of the accident, nor how It occurred, were given In the mes sage to his mother, Mrs. James Illghley, last evening. Mrs. Hlghley and her son, Hay- ward Ellidge, departed for Omaha this morning to meet Grover at the hospital. Mrs. Hlgley was not inform ed what hospital her son would be taken to, but she expected to be at the Btatlon when the train arrives from Schuyler and will go with her son from the station. HERE TO BET HIS SALES M OUT OF TROUBLE From Monday's Dally. Mr. George Karr of Parsons, Kan sas, one of the stockholders of the shirt company for which Mr. R. A. Our old friend, Thomas Urwin, has had another bad spell and is reported as being very low. Mr. Urwln has .been a long but patient sufferer, his first stroke of paralysis having oc curred about twelve years ago, and much of the time since he ha3 been unable to wait on himself. In addition to a number of other improvements to be made the coming Magerill was soliciting orders when he ran against Chief Rainy and was season at the National stone quarries Informed he would have to nav an ' a mammoth new crusher and another occupation tax and later thrown In for being drunk, was In the city this ' morning In consultation with the, city attorney. Mr. Karr stated that he was here to get his salesman out of the muddle, as the company I wanted him to get busy on the road. J large stationery engine will be put In at once. Preparations are being made to almost double the force of work men formerly employed. All this means more trade for the Louisville merchants. Henderson and Charley Ward If he could not sell shirts in Platts- arrived Tuesday with their household mouth, then he could go elsewhere ' Boods, stock and farm Implements apd find a market for their output. from Oklahoma. Henderson will Mr. Karr did not talk in a bcllgerant : farm the old -M. P. Williams farm, or threatening tone at all, but seemed willing to get the matter settled up the best way possible. After conferring with City At torney Ramsey, Mr. Karr decided to pay an occupation tax for the two i days Mr. Magerell solicited sales In the city, at the rate of $10 per day, and paid the costs of the arrest, .95, and the suit against Magerell for violating the occupation ordin ance was dismissed. Evangelistic Meetings. The Methodist people of Platts- mouth are planning to begin a series of evangelistic meetings ono week from next Sunday, being March 5, and will be conducted by "Farmer Lewis," one of the leading evangel ists of this country. Rev. Lewis will be assisted by Mr. Loya Sutherland, a noted soloist and choir leader. Preparatory prayer meetings are being held each evening of this week at the church. Ships Car of Stock. From Monrinv'a Daily. John Warca ot liocK uiuns brought In 35 head of fine fat pork era today and Bhlpped them to the South Omaha market. There were four head of cattle, which he put in with the hogs. The market being above $6.25 per 100 weight. Mr Warga brought his shipment In In wagons, his neighbors kindly assist Ing with teams and wagons. Special Notice. There w ill be a special meeting of the Cass County Farmers' Protective Association at Louisville on Saturday, March 4th, at 1 : 30 p. m. All persona Interested In the association are re quested to be present. J. G. Melslnger, Secretary. d and w. but we did not learn what Charley expects to do. The boys left Cass county a number of years ago for the land of promise, but, like most others who have left old Nebraska for some thing better, they are glad to get back. Took All His Money. Often all a man earns goes to doc tors or for medicines, to cure a Stom ach, Liver or Kidney trouble that Dr. King's New Life Pills would quickly cure at slight cost. Best for Dyspep sia, Indigestion, Biliousness, Consti pation, Jaundice, Malaria and Debil ity. 25c at F. G. Frlcke & Co's. TiOlTISVILLE Courier. Chris Roth of Monroe, Wisconsin, visited at the home of his brother-in-law, John Schoeman, over Sunday. Little Misses Fern and Violet Grassman came up from Plattsmbuth and spent Sunday with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wheeler, returnlngg home Monday morning on the Schuyler train. There need be no further anxiety on the part of the stockholders or patrons of the Platte river wagon bridge, as the river is practically free from ice, the river having broken up so gradually that no gorges were formed. Alex Brown of Council Bluffs has purchased the Marshall pool hall on lower Main street. Mr. Brown U an ex-rallway mall clerk, la a jovial fel low and made friends with all callers at his place of business, lie has an advertisement in tlhs Issue of the Courier. In County Court. State of Nebraska, Cass County, ss. In the matter of the estate of John E. Leesley, deceased. Notice to creditors of said estate is hereby' given that all claims against said estate must be presented and filed within six months from the 4th day of March 1911, and that hear ings will be had before me at Platts niouth, Nebraska, March 4th, 1911, and September 6th, 1911, at 9 o'clock a. m., of each day. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, this 1st day of Febru ary, 1911. (Seal) Allen J. Beeson, County Judge. Mrsh Asch drove up from her home, ten miles south of this city, this morning to look after some busi ness matters, and while here gave the Journal a business call. Mrs. Asch says it is pretty cold driving, and re ports the roads very rough since the freeze. Mr. Theodore Miller and wife of Ord, who have been visiting II. Steln heur and family for a few days, de parted for their home this morning. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, Tin Kind You Have Aiwa); Boiglil Bears the Signature Fred Olenhausen of near Cedar Creek arrived on No. 4 this morning, having been called hereon business. niiEW WAY OF SMOKING MEAT T Ev anolvtnir two coats of WRIGHT'S CONDENSED SMOKEJ directly t the meat with a brush after tho meat has Bono tirnni'h thn aalt. It u-111 bo tliornuclily emoked. will have a delirious flavor and win keep solid and sweet and free from insects through the cntlro summer, Wright's Condensed Smoko Is a liquid nmoke and contains nothing except what Is obtained by burning hickory wood. It is put up in aqtinre qunrt bottles only, each with a motal cap. NEVER SOLD IN 11ULK. A bottle will smoke a barrel of meat ("80 lbs.). For unle bv all drtiKBlKts at 76c. Every bottle guaranteed. Ak dnurdst for FREE HOOK, "Tim New Way." lie aure to got the genuine WRIGHT'S CONDENSED SMOKE. Made only by oy THE E. H. WRICHT CO., Ltd., Kansas City, Mo. Oil AAU UUAlLAJkiiOJi UK F. G. FRICKE & CO. i