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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1911)
The Avoca E)ep'artmeinit Newt Items Gathered Each Week by Louis Carsten shipped a car of cat tle to Omaha Tuesday. "The Virginia Warblers" March 7. Last number of the lecture course. Teter Jorgensen had two cars of cattle on the Omaha market Tuesday. L. F. Dunkak and John Ruhge left Tuesday for a trip to southern Colo rado. G. W. Braezeale, George Mohr and William Gollner were at Omaha Mon day. A number from here attended a district meeting of the Odd Fellows at Elmwood last Friday. : Ward and Hattle Pittman were "here from Omaha this week visiting their parents, T. S. Pittman and wife. The family of Dr. Kruse arrived the first of the week. They have gone to housekeeping in the Bogard prop erty in West Avoca. . The entertainment given by the Avoca school last Friday night was well attended and an enjoyable time was had by all present. SURPRISED BY FRIENDS Mrs. L. W. Lorenz planned a neat surprise for her sister last evening, it being the anniversary of her sister, Miss Anna Melsinger'a, birthday, as well as of the father of our country. To make the surprise all the more complete and to throw Miss Meislnger off her guard, It was proposed by Mrs. Lorenz that the Majestic theater be visited, and immediate preparations were begun to attend the moving picture show, but just before the time came to leave the residence, be hold, a company of fifteen or twenty of Miss Melslnger's frlend3 appeared at the Lorenz residence on North Eighth and Day streets and knocked for admission. The surprise, of Miss Meislnger could not have been greater, but she managed to hide her disappointment at not being able to go to the Majestic, and soon had her young friends feeling perfectly at home. The company was entertained at progressive pitch, the selection of the partners as planned by Mrs. Lorenz was very unique. Eacb. guest was provided with a Washintgon hatchet bearing a number, and to secure a partner for the game each young man was required to find a young lady with a hatchet numbered to cor respond with the number he held. At the conclusion of the game the first prize was awarded to Miss Anna Libershall and the second prize to Mr. II. J. Meislnger. A four-course lunch was Berved, after which other games appropriate to the season and occasion, interspersed with with music. The occasion was a very en joyable one and the happy company dispersed at a very late hour, wishing Miss Meislnger many as pleasant re turns of the day. E VERY time & Marx Suits or I - f IWf ' know its one of cur I rules. t0 carry as few clothes as I fePil flpHLjraliP possible from one season to an- I o t h e i that's what ails the I m fiwM mm wlSfll pnccs now- I WmmWlX SMlli Sale prices $10, $14, $18 and I tWIlfS JWWNP?24' r Suits and Overcoats B teMMlm h from $15 to $35. 33 ISWiB P-cent to 50 per cent off from I M liiliwSirti the regular price. All clothes I .arkedinplainEgures. 0r Cabinet, are fl.lln, rapidly I new c.othe. for Spr.n,. The I gfM Pv'!-" A1 tyle and pattern for the coming j ff W'iyZM .ea.on are .tunning. We'll be (lad I . fM Wl'l W$5Mpf-- to show you any day you ear to J I! ' j 't0P '" '0k- I I gr? 54 lheZIIomc of Hart, Shaffncr & Marx g & -rgg" . c B M r" Manhattan Shirts Stctmn Hats H CopyrlUt Hart &.bffnei 4 Mill U I ManhaUan Shirt. 'fAr&Af-rtff . Spring Style. In B I , , QClSlZ YUflWMfc SteUon Hat. arrived, fi for Spring are here. j m i m f , (Ji M riu. H&jliteAn&srtzr Lar showing-, ft a Special Reporter for Thi. Department of the Semi-Weekly Journa Rein-kalis' Fntertain. At the close of the regular lodge session Tuesday evening the Re bekahs gave a short program and played games of various sorts. In hunting for nuts of various sorts hid den around the room, W. A. Hollen berger won first prize and Mrs. Oliver Harmon won the consolation prize. Elsie Opp won the prize in the pea nut race. Had there been a prize in blind man's buff Mr. Tefft would surely have been entitled to It. Wedding Hells. Married Wednesday evening, Feb ruary 22, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr., and Mrs. Louis Ruhge, Hattie Ruhge and Louis Ehlers. A large number of relatives were present to witness the ceremonyi which joined these popular young people. They are both known to all in the vicinity, having been born and reared near Avoca. The bride is a handsome and accomplished young aldy and will make a good helpmate nkh awka (Special Correspondence.) Mr. and Mrs. Gust Hansen were passengers Monday evening for Plattsmouth, going to Omaha on Tuesday rnorning. William McCullough, who for the past year has been employed on the railroad in Cole county, Colorado, Is visiting at W. II. Sehomaker and sons. About forty of Miss Edna Stoll's friends and relatives rushed In Satur day evening about 8 o'clock and re minded her of her eighteenth birth day. The evening was spent in games and social conversation, after which a two-course luncheon was served and the young folks departed wishing Miss Stoll many more happy returns. Mrs. F. C. Sehomaker returned Thursday from a week's visit with home folks at Syracuse. . Mr. George Mark Is on the sick list and went to consult a physician Mon day concerning his condition. F. C. Sehomaker departed Monday evening for Omaha on special busi ness. Willie Wuff of Avoca made his usual trip Sunday. Mrs. Cappy Chrlsflnger, who has been nursing her mother, Mrs. Shrader, for the-past week, went home Saturday, leaving her some better. Jessie Todd Is staying with her aunt, Miss Todd, at Union. The wedding bells are ringing In this vicinity. "Can you guessT' George Hansen joined the Odd Fellows at Elmwood Friday evening. The former being a new member of the order. Troy Shrader is recovering from a "dandy cold," from which he was suffering for the past two weeks. II. P. Sturm and family spent Sun day at II. Stolls. Frank Massey is reported much better and able to be out again. we sell one of these Overcoats at the prices now 4y iend fvvl glad for her prosperous and upright hus band. The bride was gowned la a beautiful white satin gown and the groom wore the conventional black. They will commence housekeeping on the Ehler'a farm west of town, now occupied by Charles Conrad. Royal Neighbors Give a Spread. . The R. N. A. have been engaged in a contest to see who would secure the most new member, the losing 6ide to furnish a supper. Last Saturday evening the losing side, captained by Mrs. W. A. Hollenberger, gave a fine spread at the I. O. O. F. hall. The menu was as follows: Sandwiches, coffee, pickles, fruit, gelatine with whipped cream and assorted cake. Games were played and a very pleasant social time indulged In until a late hour. Will Gillen and James Dunbar finished up the cream and it was feared that they would need the services of the Royal Neighbors to sit up with them. About 6lxty-flve were present. TO E THEIR FUTURE E IN SOUTH DAKOTA James Buranek, who for the past twenty-three years has been an em ployee of the Burlington at this place, working in the brass foundry, has disposed of his residence In this city and yesterday loaded his house hold furniture Into a car for ship ment to Ledgway, South Dakota, where Mr. Buranek will engage in farming. Mr. Buranek and wife and daughters departed this morning on No. 13 for their new home. James will follow his parents in a few days and will aid in the farming enterprise. Mr. and Mrs. Buranek have made many friends while residing In Platts mouth who will regret to have them remove from the city. Mr. Joseph Wooster closed a deal yesterday whereby he becomes the owner of Mr. Buranek'a residence. Majestic Drawing Large Crowds. Manager R. M. Schlaes of the Majestic has been enjoying a fine patronage this week, as usual. The pictures shown have been of a high class and the vaudeville stunts of the Putnams have been greeted wltH Tcry large audiences each evening. The house was crowded to its fullest capacity last night for more than two hours. Mr. Schlaes Is fortunate In securing good talent for his vaude ville shows, and the public shows its appreciation of this by turning out in large numbers to see and hear. The Putnams left for Tekamah this morning. Remember the Name Foley's Honey and Tar for all coughs and colds, for croup, bronchitis, hoarseness and for racking la grippe coughs. No opiates. Refuse substi tutes. F. G. Fricke & Co. Hart, Schaffner rulinp;, we make a good of somebody. We're to make that much out of HEROIC DEED OF A njtnap boy Fred Dawson Saves a Young Man From Drowning at the Y. M. C A. Plunge in Lincoln. Lincoln News of last evening con tains the following: "The first accident of a serious nature that has ever occurred at the Y. M. C. A. plunge took place yester day afternoon, being the result of a practical joke and the weakened con dition of the victim, who had recently undergone , an operation ; for ap pendicitis. John Wllhelm, a student from Havelock, came near drowning after having been pushed into the plunge by a friend. It was fifty-five minutes after tie. was rescued from the plunge before his eyes opened. When he first struck the water he be gan to swim, then threw up his hands and sank. A number of boys were swimming in the pool at the time. They began calling for "Dawson," too frightened to go to Wilhelm's aid. F. G. Dawson, who was a considerable distance away at the time, ran to Wilhelm's assistance, jumping Into the pool and towing him ashore. "Wllhelm had been practicing basket ball and later had taken a shower bath. Then he went to the plunge room and was standing near the edge of the pool when a friend pushed him in. "After Mr. Dawson had towed him to the shore A. M. Eafon assisted Mr. Dawson to carry Wllhelm to the physical director's office. Wllhelm was unconscious. George Pinneo, the physical director, and Dawson worked over Wllhelm for about half an hour In an effort to revive him. At the end of this time he was still unconscious. They sent for Dr. Fred Elche. It was forty-five minutes from the time,. Wll helm was taken from the water until his eyes first opened. "It was though by the doctor that Wllhelm was In a weak condition from JuBt recovering from an opera tion and that this, on top of playing basket ball all afternoon, weakened his vitality. The sudden shock of the cold water was too much for him and he succumbed to what is known as 'cramps.' ( "It is a familiar trick at the Y. M. C. A. plunge for boys In a spirit of fun to push their friends overboard. The ,plunge water Is very cold and mnnv nf th hnvn ttnm nnrlo vlMlma "rii-- ,..,,-....-,... of., a joke have Just come from the gymnasium and are covered with perspiration. The sudden Bhock of the cold water Is severe." The F. G. .Dawson referred to Is Fred of this city, who Is at present as sistant Instructor in the Y. M. C. A Fred Is quite a swimmer, as well as an athlete, and possesses plenty of courage to act In the moment of need, and the above incident is but a sample of his heroism. Fred's Platts mouth chums are all proud of his manhood. When her child Is In danger a woman will risk her life to protect it. No great act of heroism or risk of life Is necessary to protect a child from croup. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and all danger Is avoided. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Kvample for Other Farmers. Mr. R. L. Propst of Mynard, one of the progressive farmers of Mynard, Is entitled to a vote of thanks from the vicinity of that village as the first man on the road this spring with a split log drag, and was engaged this afternoon " dragging the roads ad jacent to his farm. If every farmer whose land abuts on a public high way would follow Mr. Propst's ex ample what a pleasure It would he to ride over the roads thus treated, and It is a great help to one desiring to haul a load over the road. The farms in the neighborhoods where the drag Is used freely are worth more per acre' than In a locality where the road gets no attention. Sedentary habits, lack of outdoor exerclso, Insufficient mastication of food, constipation, a torpid liver, worry and anxiety, are the most com mon causes of stomach troubles. Cor rect your habits and take Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will soon be well again. For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. Hero From I'nlnn. Richard Smith and R. R. Hathaway from near Union were In the city to day placing bills advertising their public salo, to bd held on the 7th of March. It can bo seen from the bills that these gentlemen have some extra fine stock, horses and mules to offer at this Bale', and It will pay to travel many miles, to attend, If In need of Buch stock. Sheriff C. D. Qulnton was called to Council IUuffs on offilcal business this morning, departing on No. 15. Rig Heal Fstate Heal Closed. A deed was filed with Register of Deeds Andy Snyder today covertng one of the biggest real estate trans- ctioni which has transpired in Cast county for a long time. The deed is Igned by George L. Sheldon and life and conveys to Frank P. and "lias P. Sheldon, for a consideration f $75,000 480 acres of fertile Cass county land, situated near Nehawka. THAT COUNTY SCHOOL TAX PROPOSITION BILL Another bill calculated to make the county the unit is that school bill for levying a county school tax of not less than 10 mills, to be distributed among the various districts in the same manner as the state apportion ment of school funds. Under this law the county Is the unit, Instead of the school district, as Is now the case. Under this law, also, taxes that would be collected froni the cltl8 would go Into the county fund, and a share of it distributed in all the other districts of the county on a per capita basis of pupils therein, but In asmuch as the country districts would also he taxed, and that the city would share therein, the exchange might not be unfair, the best of the bargain de pending largely upon the per capita value of property each may contain as measured by their respective school populations. If the value of country property per capita of school population Is greater than that of the city property then the city would get the best of the deal. If the value of city property Is greater per capita of school popula tion, then the country will profit from the change. Tho purpose Is to make the stronger districts help pay for the schools of the weaker ones. You are probably awaro that pneu monia always results from a cold, but you never heard of a cold resulting In pneumonia when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was used. Why take tho risk when this remedy may be had for a trifle? For salo by F. O. Fricke & Co. SUIT BROUGHT BY NEXT FRIEND IN ARCHER'S COURT J. M. Leyda, attorney for the plaintiffs, filed a suit before M Archer, justice of the peace, this morning, entitled, "James Dutler and Samuel nilHngs, a minor, by his next friends, James Dutler, a partnership doing business under the style of Dutler & Hillings, against II. R. Gor ing, for a balance of $12 alleged to be due plaintiff on a contract between plaintiff and defendant to dig, wall with cement and furnish material for a clsten on block 3 of Stadleman's addition to Plattsmouth, tho contrnct price being $27, of which sum $15 was jiald to plaintiffs on the 31st day of January, 1911. If the matter comes to trial It will be a very In teresting suit, as the question of tho application of a minor's wages will be threshed over pretty thoroughly. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Llnemcnt and bound on to the affected parts Is superior to any plaster. When , troubled with lume back or pains In the Bide or chest give It a trial and you are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which It affords Sold by J. G.. Fricke & Co. In Police Court. Chief Ralney filed complaint be fore Judge Arche rthls morning, charging Louis Lahoda and one Hatcher with lighting within the corporate limits of the city. To add to the ihneousness of tho offense it was charged that the fight occurred on February 22, which was Washing ton's birthday. Lahoda wa's located this morning and taken before the court, but "one Hatcher," had do parted for the Iowa side of the river. Lahoda Informed the court that he, on his own part, acted entirely In self defense, and that the missing Hatcher was the guilty man and thrust the fight upon him and he only defended himself from attack. Judge Archer continued the hearing until Hatcher could be brought in and give his version of the affray. How to cure a cold Is a question in which many are Interested JuBt now. Chamberlain's Cough Remody has won Its great reputation and Immense salo by its remarkable cure of colds. It can always bo depended upon. For sale by J. G. Fricke & Co. Philip WcBch of Hillings, Montana, who has been spending tho past few months with relatives and friends at his old home in Germany, arrived in Plattsmouth this morning on his re turn trip, for a few days' visit with his cousin, Adolph Wesch. Mr. Wesch Is a leading contractor of Hillings. CASS COUNTY SHOULD HAVE BOY IN THE CONTEST To the Nebraska boy under 18 years of age, growing the largest yield of com from one acre of Ne braska land, In year 1911, $50; the second. $25; third, $20; fourth, $15; fifth. $10, and to the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth,' tenth and eleventh, $5 each. The entire labor of preparing the ground, planting, cultivating and har vesting of this acre of corn to bo per formed by the contestants who enter contest by recording his name in the office of W. R. Mellor, Secretary, Lincoln, not later than May 20, 1911. Paid acre to be measured, husked and weighed Ju the' presence of two disinterested free-holders, residents of said county In which tho acre of corn Is located. Said committee to forward affidavit as to weight and re- uirement of specifications In this contest to the secretary of the State Hoard of Agriculture, not later than December 1, 1911. The contestant shall file with the secretary a full and detailed account of his method of performing the t'ork, fertilizers s used, If any; i-hother bottom, hill or table laid, and the character or kind of soil nn ihieh the crop was grown; with an accurate account of the cost of pro duction, rent of ground, cost of plow ing, harrowing, discing, planting, cultivation, husking and every feature of expense in labor, seed, fertilizer, etc., based on tho actual time that entered into the production of this acre of corn. On request, prlzo winners must for ward a sample of ten ears of corn grown to W. R. Mollor, Secretary, Lincoln, Neb. Foley Kidney Pills are a reliable remedy for backache, ' rheumatism and urinary Irregularities. They are tonic In action, quick in results and afford a prompt relief from all kidney disorders. F. G. Fricke & Co. VMOX Ledger. Mrs. J. D. Graves of Peru came Tuesday morning to visit Mrs. C. L. Graves who has been quite sick the past few days. Miss Mabel Randall, a trained nurse from Omaha, came down Mon day night to assist In rnrl'ng for Mrs. Frank Anderson. Glen Emmet, the 3-nionths-old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Roddy, died at tlittlr home last Saturday evening about 10 o'clock, after an Illness of two weeks. Tho little child was born Otcobor 21, 1910, and was permitted to Ktay on this earth only long enough to make the hearts of the parents glad and to become a bles sing to them. Our friend, Louis Anderson, wh departed for Portland, Oregon, two weeks ago, evidently had a purpose In going, for word was received Wednesday stating that he and Miss Delia Applegate were married oil Tuesday, and Immediately afterward started on a wedding trip, after which they will make their home near Portland. The contracting par ties are well known young people of this vicinity. Minnie, the 12-year-old daughter of Herman Rleke and wife, residing north of town, was taken to Omaha last Saturday evening to the Presby terian hospital for an operation for appendicitis. The operation was per formed Monday evening, and Bhe passed through It wonderfully, but will he compelled to undergo another one In a few days. Her many frlenda hope she will soon bo able to return home In a much better condition. Last Friday was the seventy seventh birthday of Grandma Grimes, and In honor of the event her daugh ter, Mrs. R. D. Stlno, invited her to spend the day at her home. To this Grandma Grimes readily consented, but upon reaching the Stlne home she found that she was the victim of a well planned surprise, as a largo crowd of relatives had also been in vited to spend the day. She Bur rendered immediately and proceeded to enjoy tho day, and was the recipient of many tokens of esteem and remembrance Mr. A. II. Smith was Called to Omaha on business this afternoon and boarded No. 23 for the big city. Do you want an AUCTIONEER? If you do, fret one who has Experience, Ability, Judgement. Telegraph or write ROBERT W1KINS0H, Dunbar, flcb. D atcs made st this (dice or the Murray State Bank. Good Scrvico Reasonable Rates.