The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 23, 1911, Image 6

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    Murray Department
Our Responsibilities
to the Public!
I , , of the na,kn of (as Journal k,u, of a social . or an iUm of inUrct in this vicinity and iill mad tame to tail office it appear uier this tending
We raf all itan of irtertxt. Editor Journal
Capital 510,000
OUR PLAN Is to assist our custo
mers, wether borrowers or depositors.
OUR DESIRE Is, with your help, to
have the best, strongest and most cour
teous bank in the country.
OUR AIM-Is to excel by honest, fair
and prompt service.
OUR WISH-Istoenccurege theyourg,
ar.d cnliftyou as a custcmer, wether
you are young, old or middle age.
l lurray State B
George Cook was transacting some
business matters in the county seat
Wednesday evening.
John Thomas, who lost the end of
his thumb In some cog wheels a few
days ago, Is getting along nicely.
Charles Carroll departed Tuesday
morning for Plainview, Neb., where
he will spend a few days visiting with
his son, Ernest, and wife.
II. L. Oldham was on the sick list
Wednesday of tU (h week.
Charles Freeze Is moving to the
Davis farm west of Murray.
Chris Miller was a business caller
la the county seat Wednesday even
ing, j
Joseph II niton was a brief caller
In tliii county sat Wednesday even
ing. Miss Myrtle Johnson of Ong, Neb.,
Is vlnhlng at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. S. Smith.
We hid making a reduction of 30
cents per 100 on all flour.
Holmes & Smith.
Mrs. J. W. Merger and Mrs.
Charles Carroll wore Plattsmouth
vlHitors Wednesday evening.
Please remember that we still have
plenty of overshoes for men at f 1.25
and up. Holmes & Smith.
George W. Shields, residing west of
Murray, Is a new addition to the
large army of Journal readers at this
Steve Copenhaver Is shelling corn
this week and Is preparing to move to
the McDanlel farm, which ho pur
chased a short tlmo ago.
Chester Johnson and wife and lit
tle girl of Wayuo, Neb., are visiting
at the homo of George W. Shields,
west of Muray, this week.
i'ce our largo lino of new dress
shoes for spring, all the new styles
in puttjits, buttons, etc.
Holmes & Smith.
Miss Annlo Koike, who is in the
hospital at Omaha, U getting along
nicely and will In all probability be
In condition for the second operation
Friday or Saturday.
Mrs. A.' M. Ilanksou of Bethany,
III., sister of W. 8. Smith, la In Mur
ray this week, a guoHt at the home of
her bi other and wifo. She arrived
bore on Wednesday of last week.
I). C. Rhoden and W. C. Drown
were lining the drag on the main
Ktreet in Murray a few hours Wednes
day Hrternoon, and when they finish
ed there was a decided difference In
the arpcaranooof the street, too, and
we know that traveling would bo
much easier.
Frank Mailer, the genial Mynard
blacksmith, Is moving his family
from mar Mynard to tho farm lately
vacated by Charles Colo and family,
hailng previously rented his black
smith shop to Frank Svoboda of
The Ladles' Aid and the" Suhffhtiie
Hand of the Christian church held a
meeting Wednesday afternoon and
voted to make some decided Im
provements ou the Interior of the
church In the way of somo very much
reeded fixtures, carpets, etc.
The sale of J, L. Young, held
Tuesday, wan a big auecess, every'
thing found roady buyers at good
figures. Mr. Young U preparing to
move to hla now home Bear Coleridge
In the very uear future. We regret
to see Mr. Young move from Murray,
but w Ish him so cows la his new loca
tion. Mutt Slgmau, whs was taken to the
hnspllal lu Omaha a few days ago,
was returned Murray later, not bo-
Ing ab'e to better big condition, there.
Several of tho seheol boys did a very
kind ad for Mr. Slgruan Wednesday
afternoon after school by going to his
woodpile and cutting and placing In
the i-hod sufficient wort to last him
hcveiHl days.
Mrs. Elbert Queen has been very
sick for the past few days.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Contryman
were Omaha passengers Monday.
C. Itengen, up near Mynard, has
been sick for the past few days.
Miss Etta Nickels was In Platts
mouth Monday afternoon and even
ing. Virgil Perry, who has been so 111
with pneuomnia, is getting along
nicely. .
Mrs. A. L. Raker and Miss Ida
Roedeker were In Plattsmouth Mon
day evening. ,
A. L. Raker and Lee Nickels at
tended the mask ball In Plattsmouth
last Saturday evening.
Mrs. Jessie McVey, who has been
quite 111 for the past few weeks, is
much better at this time.
Mrs. C. L. Creamer, who has been
very sick for the past few days, Is
much better at this time.
Jake Smith Is moving this week
from the Jesse McVey farm to the
Charles Cbrlswlsser farm.
We are well supplied with rubber
coats, rubber boots and overshoes for
spring. Holmes & Smith.
Dr. and Mrs. Gllmore were in
Omaha Monday, returning home via
Plattsmouth In the evening.
W. Q. Roedeker, Colonel Jenkins
and Will Seybolt were attending the
auto show In Omaha Wednesday.
Nicholas Frledrlch has been num
bered with the sick for the past few
days, suffering with a severe throat
The llttlo child of Mr. and Mrs.
Moss McCarroll, near Union, has
been unite sick with pneumonia for
the pist few days.
Mrs. C. A. Rawla of riattsmouth
was a Sunday visitor In Murray, be
ing a guest at the borne of her sister,
Mrs. W. S. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Oldham were
In Plattsmouth Tuesday, spending the
day at the home of their brother and
sister, George Oldham and Mrs. Dora
Moore, returning home on the mid
night train.
G. M. Mlnford and wife went to
Lincoln last Saturday, where they re
mained over Sunday, visiting at the
homo of Mr. Mlnford's parents, re
turning home Monday evening.
Mrs. Gregg and sons, Harvey and
Roy, were moving from the farm to
Murray on Wednesday of this week,
where they will make their home for
the summer, residing over the tele
phono office.
T, J. Rrendel and wife are making
all preparations for their removal to
their new home near Avoca, where
they will farm the coming Boason.
They expect to move and get Bettled
In their new home the latter part of
this week.
Greeey, the little son of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Real, was taken to Omaha
last Friday by Dr. IJrendel, where he
A Social Gathering.
A farewell dinner was given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Marks
Saturday, February 18, 1911, in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Marks, who
will soon leave to make their future
home at Memphis, Nebraska.
Each woman took a well filled
basket and it is needless to say that
the dinner was enjoyed by all. The
afternoon was spent In social con
versation, vocal and instrumental
music. The time wore away all too
quickly and the guests took their de
parture, having fully enjoyed the day,
but with the deepest regret that we
are so soon to lose such an excellent
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
D. A. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Dyron Read, Mr.
and Mrs. C. D. Song, Mr. and Mrs. W.
1). Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Will Oliver,
Mr. and Mrs. T. Harrows, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert Wheeler, Mrs. N. Dlntner,
Mr. Den neckman, Mr. and Mrs. O.
D. Marks; Misses Lillian Wheeler,
Elizabeth Oliver, Catherine Bintner,
Cenevleve Marks, Jessie Barrows,
Edith Read, Rcah and Blanche
Marks; Messrs. Joe Creamer, Walter
Read, Will Oliver, Percle Wheeler,
Leo Bintner, Will Read, Dewey Read,
Herbert Marks, Russel Read, Charley
Harrows and Ralph Read.
Farewell Party.
A farewell party war given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dill Satur
day, February 18, when their
relatives gathered In to spend the
evening, bringing with them the
most delicious things that could be
mentioned to eat. The games for the
men consisted of high five and check
ers. The women spent their time In
talking of old remembrances.' The
young folks spent theirs In playing
games and singing. At a late hour
lunch was served. After wishing Mr
and Mrs. Ray Dill many more such
events and prosperity at their new
home, which they will leave for soon,
all departed for their homes.
Those present were; Misses Addle,
Ethel, Grace and Fern Dill, Grace
Esther and Fern Feight, Nellie
Tucker, Llvlna and Estella Dill, Alice
Dill; Messrs. Georgle Jenkins, Lester
Dill. Vilas Tucker, Kenzley Jenkins,
Green Plggott, Will Cook, William
and Ralph Feight, Mrs. Ren Dill, Mrs
Jennie Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Feight,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tucker, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Dill, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Mrs. R. C Bailey Passes Away
While on Operating Table
at St, Catherine Hospital.
From Wednesday's Dally.
' The Journal yesterday received the
sad Intelligence of the passing away
of Mrs. R. C. Bailey at St. Catherine
hospital in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs.
Bailey reside west of Murray, and
for the past three or four months
she has been suffering from an ail
ment which seemed to baffle her at
tending physician. Gradually she
had been declining, when It was
thought best to take the suffering
lady to Omaha for an operation,
where the unfortunate woman passed
quietly and very suddenly away while
on the operating table, In the
presence of her husband, Dr. Gllmore
and the operating surgeon. Mrs
Railey died yesterday about the hour
of 11:30. Her life had really been
despaired of for several weeks.
The deceased Is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Seagraves, living south
of Plattsmouth, and was born In the
town of Newcastle, Durham county,
England, and would have been 34
years of age on March 7, 1911. Mrs.
Railey is survived by four children
one girl and three boys the oldest
a boy of 13 years. The family have
resided In the neighborhood of their
present residence for eight years,
where the deceased was highly re
spected by all her neighbors, all of
whom extend their .heartfelt sym
pathies to the bereaved husband and
The remains were taken to the late
home of the deceased, five miles west
of Murray, where the funeral will
occur Friday morning at 10 o'clock,
and will be under the auspices of
the Royal Neighbors, of which order
the deceased was a member. Inter
ment will be made In the Horning
cemetery, south.of Plattsmouth, when
all that was mortal of a loving wife
and mother will be laid at rest in the
silent tomb.
The policy of this company has always been that of a public servant,
and as such it has aimed to treat you fairly and squarely, by giving you
prcmpt and satisfactory service and charging reasonable rates.
I'latUmouth having close business and social relation with the near-,
by farming community as well as neighboring towns, requires adequate
telephone development and quick and accurate service. -
To give such service, this company is constantly altering Its equip
ment and reconstructing its plants to conform to all the latest improve
ments in telephone work.
The high grade of telephone service that you receive is due to a third
of a century's untiring effort by a company financially strong, centralized
and experienced, enabling it to give the best telephone service in the
Nebraska Tclophono
M. E. Drantner, Local Manager
Bell Service is the World's Standard of Telephone
To all Parties Interested:
Take notice that the Board of
Directors of Ashland Drainage Dis
trict will meet at Knights of Pythias
hall, In the City of Ashland, Saunders
County, Nebraska, on the 4th day of
March, 1911, at the hour of 10 a m.
to hear all parties interested In the
apportionment of benefits to tne
various tract3 of land in said district,
by reason of the drainage improve
ment therein ordered, at which time
and place all such parties may appear
In person or by counsel, or may file
written objections thereto, and at
which time said Board of Directors
will proceed to hear and consider all
objections made.
Ashland, Nebraska, February 18th,
Ashland Drainage District,
By Nelson Shelter, President.
(Seal.) A. D. Fuller, Secretary.
Blanche Miller and Will W.
Ranard, both of this city, were mar
ried at Omaha at high noon Wednes
day In the parsonage of the Methodist
Evangelical church by Rev. Tur-
quist, the pastor. The newly wed
ded couple will visit in southern Ne
braska and in Iowa about three
weeks before returning to Randolph.
The birde Is a daughter of Judge
E. S. Miller and wife of this city, and
has been a successful teacher in the
schools of Cedar and Pierce counties.
She Is a modest, unassuming lady,
but very capable. The groom is a
young man who has met with success
In farming, both for himself and with
his father on the Boughn ranch. For
the coming year he and his wife will
settle down on a farm near Randolph,
and together will follow life's path
way. That this pathway may lead
always In pleasant places Is the wish
of their friends Randolph Times.
Farewell Party.
A most delightful, farewell party
was given at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Campbell on last Saturday
evening In" honor of their son, Pat
rick, who departed Monday for
Arlington, Neb., where he will make
his home for the coming summer.
The evening was spent In numerous
games and music, and at the usual
hour delicious refreshments were
served. Following were those in at
tendance: Wesley Hill and wife,
George Cook and wife, George Wiley
and wife, James Gruber and wife,
Mrs. Mary Carroll, Mrs. Viola Resso,
Misses Cclla Grauf, Delia Grauf,
Violet Carroll, Freda Hill, Messrs
James Campbell, John Campbell, HI
Gruber, Manzy Kllmm, Glen Camp
bell, Gus Grauf, Frank Kllmm
Waldo Resso, Raymond Cook, Oscar
Wood. William LaRue and Patrick
I). C. Rhoden for Sheriff.
D. C. Rhoden Informs the Journal
man this week that he has fully de
cided to enter the race for sheriff and
will make an effort to secure the
nomination on the democratic ticket.
This decision has been made after
due deliberation and consultation
with a vast number of his friends
over the county, all of whom have
urged him to enter the race. Don
Rhoden Is better known in Cass
county than the average citizen, and
all know his many strong qualifica
tions and no comment Is necessary
for his Introduction to the people at
this time. Should he be successful
at the primary he will see you all In
person In the next few months.
For Sale.
R. C. and S. C. R. I. Red Cockerels,
$1.00 each. Eggs, per setting, 75
cents; $4.00 per 100. Inquire of
Mrs. C. E. Schwab, Murray, Neb.
Phone 3H Murray.
Full of Rheumatism.
During this period of the year, full
of rain and darkness, every locality
is full of rheumatism, neuralgia,
headaches, diseases of the throat,
sweling and stiffness of the Joints.
The sufferer follows every advice
given to him, sometimes deriving
some benefit, sometimes doing harm
to himself. If he wishes to accept
our advice, let him use Trlner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine,
strictly according to directions, and
let him be careful regarding his diet
and his habits. He will be relieved
soon. Trlner's American Elixir of
Bitter Wine will drive all waste mat
ter from the body, will regulate the
digestion, make the blood pure and
Increase the strength of the muscles.
As soon as the blood will become per
fectly pure there wil lbe no rehumat
ism. Use it whenever your appetite
will weaken. At drug stores. Jos
Trlner, 1333-1339 So. Ashland Ave.
Chicago, 111.
For Sale.
Hardwood lumber for building on
the Wm. Wiley farm, one mile east
and two miles south of Murray. Any
person wanting said lumber, call on
the undersigned at the farm.
Mrs. G. M. Wiley.
Louis Newman, from near Wabash,
was In the city today looking after
some business matters, and found
time to call at the Journal office and
enroll his name for the Journal for
one year. Mr. Newman Is one of the
many farmers of the west part of the
county who Realize that the Journal
Is the county seat paper to receive.
and our list is growing acocrdingly.
Murray Dancing Club.
The Murray Dancing club will give
another dance In the Jenkins' hall In
Murray on Saturday evening, March
4. The music for this occasion will
be furnished by the Bruce orchestra
of Lincoln. This will be one of the
good times of the season and
cordial Invitation Is extended to you
to attend.
I have for sale three registered
Shorthorn bulls. Also, seed wheat
and oats for sale.
2-9-4tw. W. Q. Todd,
Murray, Neb.
Murray Ileal Estate.
I have a number of choice pieces
of Murray property for sale. See ma
If you wish to purchase.
A. L. Baker.
Valentine Party.
Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman gave
Valentine party to their many
friends Wednesday evening of last
week. At 7 o'clock a delicious four
course luncheon was served, the table
and rooms being beautifully deco
rated with red carnations. Heart-
had a piece of steel taken from his shape vaelntlnes and carnations were
eye. Tee lttle fellow bad seen piay- usea ior piace carus. rrogressive
Ing with a log chain and hammering high five was the game of the even
the links together when a piece of the lng. James Longhrldge won the
steel struck him In the eye. king prize. Those to enjoy Mr. and
The Mlslsonary Society was enter- Mrs. ritman's hospitality were: Mr.
taincd by Mrs. John Edmunds on and Mrs. James Longhrldge, Mr. and
Friday of last week. Owing to the Mrs. James Holmes, Mr. and Mrs.
rain the attendance was not very William Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
large. After the regular exercises Smith, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davis, Mr.
and the business hours the social por- and Mrs. G. II. Gllmore, Misses Isa
tlon of tho mooting started. The holla Young, Fay Oldham, Mattle
hostess served delicious refresh- Malnneav, Margie Walker, raullno
metits. 'Oldham, Mr. Albert Voung.
Flannel Shirts at Half Trice,
" Gents' Flannel Shirts to close them
out at one-half price. In light and
hpavv welirhts: colors, stripes and
checks. Holmes & Smith.
Herman Grcedcr,
Graduate Veterinary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S. Department
L(c( r jetty KehraskaState
Calls Arswcrcd Promptly
relcihoneS78 White, Plattsmouth
We are making a reduction of 30
cents per hundred on all flour.
Holmes & Smith.
Injured Hand Itocoverlng.
A. J. Toman, who had the mis
fortune to have the second finger of
his left hand badly pinched in one of
the lathes in the machine shop at
the Burlington shops Saturday, Is
taking a week's layoff. Mr. Toman
was operating the lathe when the ac
cident happened, having had his at
tention called to some other part of
the machinery when it occurred, and
inadvertently got his finger mixed up
with the lathe. He had the Injured
member dressed at once and the ln
Jury Is healing and he will probably
be able to return to work next week.
H. E. Weldman and wife, who have
been visiting Mrs. George Weldman
and daughter for a few days, depart
ed for Omaha ou the early train to
Notice of Order to Show Cause.
To Laura J. Walllnger, widow, and
Roy George Walllnger, Guy Charles
Walllnger, Harley Henry Walllnger,
minor children, the sole' and only
heirs of John H. Walllnger, and to
all persons interested in the estate of
John H. Walllnger, deceased:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that the following order to
show cause has been made In the fol
lowing matter:
In the District Court of the County
of Cass, Nebraska. In the matter of
the estate of John H. Walllnger, deceased.
Order to Show Cause.
Now on this 28th day of January,
A. D., 1911, this cause came on to be
heard by the undersigned, Judge of
the District Court for the County of
Cass, State of Nebraska, upon the
petition of Charles W. Stoehr, ad
ministrator of the estate of John II.
Walllnger, deceased, praying for -license
to sell lots Eight (8) and
Nine (9),ln Block Three (3), In the
Village of Cedar Creek, County of
Cass, State of Nebraska, or a suffi
cient amount thereof to pay the debts
allowed and outstanding against the
estate of said deceased; and the ex
penses of the administration thereof,
it appearing from Bald petition mat
there da insufficient personal estate
of said deceaesd. In the possession of
said administrator or belonging to
said estate to pay said debts and the
expenses 0' administration, Basil S.
Ramsey and William C. RamBey, at
torneys, appearing for Bald petitioner.
It Is Therefore Ordered, That all
persons Interested In said estate ap-
I pear before me at the Court House
in the City of Plattamoutn, county or
Cass, State of Nebraska, at the hour
of nine o'clock a. m., on the 7th day
of March, A. D., 1911, to show cause
why a license should not be granted
to said administrator to sell the
above described real estate belonging
to said deceased, or so much thereof
as shall be necessary to pay the debts
of said deceased and the expenses of
administering his said estate.
And It Is Further Ordered, That
all persons interested in said estate
be served wiith this order by tha pub
lication of a copy thereof In The
Plattsmouth Semi-Weekly Journal, a
newspaper published and of general
circulation In said county and state,
four successive weeks, prior to said
day and hour of hearing.
Dated this 28th day of January,
A. D., 1911.
By the Court,
Harvey D. Travis,
Basil S. Ramsey, and
William C. Ramsey, Attorneys.
Try the Journal's want ret column.