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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1911)
a eumm e ndih m 27 nisier rniarRMiom DY RAYWALTM4 (7 If s 3S1P ine justify tti course be had In mind? As to her attitude, he felt doubtful. Perhaps she did not agree with the South American that murder was sometimes necessary in the service of one's country. Moreover, while Alcatrante was un doubtedly serving the Interest of his country, Oriue had no real certainty that he himself was in a similar posi tion 11 a had norf reason to infer .w'.n- r. wr nf Importance to h whispered Impulsively. "I am going the United States government, dui I." he said. "I have been waiting all toy life Just for you." "But even now you don't know who I am. I may be a a political adven turessor a woman detective or- " "You may be," he said, "but you are the woman I love. Your name your business, if you have one those thlusa ion"t matter. I know you, and I love you." She leaned closer to him. "Dear." mMiar art ST The joyous momenta rushed by. She had crept eloae to him again, and with her head on his shoulder, was saying: "There la much for us to tell each other." "There seems to be only one thing to say now." He kissed her tenderly. "Oh, but there la much more." "Where shall we begin T" asked Orme. "Well, to be matter-of-fact, do you live In Chicago?" "No. dear. I live In New York." "I didn't even know that," ahe whis pered. "And about me. Our family home has been In one of the suburbs here since I was a small girl. For sev eral years I was sent east to school, and after that I went abroad with some friends. And since then " "It can't be so very long," he whis pered, "though you speak as though It were decades." "It Is six years. Since then my father and I have spent our winters In the east, coming back home for the summers. Just think how much you are learning about me!" Orme lifted her hand to his lips. Suddenly the room filled with a light which to their expanded pupils seemed bright as the sun. The door had been opened and an electric light In the re- , ceptlon hall shone In. Framed In the doorway was the outline of a man. Orme shouted Joyfully" and jumped to his feet "Why what ?" the man began. Orme helped the girl up. and to gether they went to the outer light, For a moment they could do nothing our lives."' Then Orme and the girl made theli way to the elevator. , CHAPTER XV. From the Devil to the Deep Sea. "How shall we go?" asked Orme, u they descended to the street level By train. There Is no other - con venient way, since my car Is at home." She looked at him doubtfully, and add ed, "but they will be watching th railroad stations." He nodded. "A motor would b safer If we can get one." He gav her hand a secret pressure while the elevator boy was opening the door foi them, and as she passed before him she flashed upon him a look so filled with love and trust that the sudden thrill of his happiness almost stifled him. At the La Salle street entrance Orms had a fleeting glimpse of the watching Alcatrante. The South American, aftei one astonished stare, darted away in the dusk. He would follow them, ol course, but Orme decided to saj nothing about him to the girl. "I must telephone," she said sudden ly, stopping as If to turn back to the building. "Father will be very anxl ous." "The booths In the building must bs closed." he said. "We'd better try s drug store." after all he could only go by Inference The affairs of some private corporation In the United States might have a seri ous bearing on problems in South America and the far east He decided to sound the girl for information that would be more definite. Rut first the ouestloa as to their next move mui,t be answered. "Do you know where we can get a motor?" he said. "No" she prolonged the word doubt fully. "We may have to take a motor cab." "It would b safer than the railroad r the electrlo line." Then he asked with great seriousness: "Girl, dear, I don't know much about the meaning and value of these papers in my pock et and I don't care to know any more than you choose to tell me. But let me know just this much: Are they as Im portant to you as they are to our ene mies? Have you really been justified In the risks you have run?' "You have seen how far Alcatrante aud the Japanese have been willing to go," she replied, gravely. "I am sure that they would not hesitate to kill us, If It seemed necessary to them In their effort to get possession of the papers. Now, my dear, they are even much more important to my father." "In his business interests?" "Much more than that" They were walking along the glim mering canyon of La Salle street, which was now almost deserted in the dusk. A motor car sviept slowly around the corner ahead and came toward them. It had but one occu pant, a chauffeur, apparently. He wore a dust-coat, a cap, and goggles which seemed to be too large for him. Regardless of Alcatrante, who was following them, Orme hailed the chau feur. "Will you take a fare?" he called. The man stopped his car and, after I a moment of what Orme interpreted as to tell you everything who I am, and about the papers " "Walt!" He held his hand before her mouth. "Don't tell me now. Do as you planned to do. Be simply 'Girl to me for a while longer." She moved closer to him. Their er rand, the danger, were tor the time forgotten, and the motor hummed along with a burden of happiness. "You haven't looked at the papers yet." said Orme, after a time. They were ' turning east toward Lincoln park. "Do I need to?" "Perhaps not I took them from the envelope which you saw at Artma's. But here they are. I did not look at them, of course." He drew the parchments from with in his coat and placed them In her hand. While she examined them, he looked ! straight ahead, that he might not see. He could hear them crackle as she un folded them could hear her sigh of content. And then something occurred that disquieted him to a degree which seemed unwarranted. The chauffeur suddenly turned around and glanced swiftly through his goggles at the girl and the papers. The action was, per haps, natural; but there was an as sured expectancy in the way he turned Orme did not like it Moreover, Accordingly they made their way to indecision, nodded slowly. the nearest and the airl went to the I "How much by the hour?" booth. The door was shut for a lonj Orme. time. 1 The chauffeur held up the ten While he was waiting, Orme glanced ' gers of his two hands, through the brilliant window. In th Orme looked at the girl. He hadn't light of an electrlo lamp across tha that much money with him. asked fin- street he discerned faintly a motion less figure; without hesitation h crossed the pavement, recognizing Al catrante more clearly as he left thf dazzle of the store. The minister did not budge, face, as Orme approached, was If I only had time to cash a check," he said. "All right," she whispered. "I have ptenV" ...... i They got Into the tonneau, ana we HU girl, leaning forward, said: "Take the cold Lake Shore drive and Sheridan road to and expressionless. j Evanston." "Senor," exclaimed Orme, "does youi Again the chauffeur nodded, without trade Include murder?" ' turnlni toward them Made Their Way to the Elevator. but breathe, so good the fresh air of the reception room seemed to them. Then, looking at the man again, Orme saw It was the clerk to whom Alca trante had made his accusation two hours before. "How did you come to be In there?' the clerk demanded. Orme hesitated; then he decided to make no charges. "I got rid of that crazv fellow who was following: me . around," he said, "and I came back, and this young lady and I went in to examine your refrigerator. The door was ajar, and some one pushed It shut and locked it We should have smothered If you had not come." "It was the merest chance," said the clerk. 'My work kept me late. As I was leaving, I happened to glance at the thermometer dial here. It regis tered below freezing. I couldn't under stand that, for there Is no Ice In the refrigerator, so I opened the door to see." "I broke the coll," explained Orme, "In the hope that the night watchman might be Interested in the dial." "Well," said the clerk, drawing a long breath, "you had a close shave. There Isn't any night watchman at least not In this office. It I had bal anced my books on time today, you two would have stayed where you were until tomorrow morning." "I will come In tomorrow to see Mr. Walllngham and explain everything. I will pay for a new thermometer, too, if he will let me." "I don't think he will let you do that," said the clerk. "He will be I grateful that nothing worse happened." "Yes, I believe he will," replied Orme. He glanced at the clock. It was I quarter after seven. Going back Intc the chamber which had been the sceni of both their danger and their happl ness, he got his coat and the girl's hat The parchment papers crackled in hit pocket as he put the coat on. The girl meantime, adjusted her hat "Say," said the clerk, holding th outer door open for them to pasi through, "was that fellow's story about your holding notes of ours was thert anything in It?" "Absolutely untrue," replied Orme. "He must have bad you confused with somebody else." "lie must have." Orme held out bis hnud. "Manv thanks in vnu for savin "Not at all. Why do you ask, Mr Orme?" "Because only a lucky Intervention has saved you from the murder of t young lady and myself." "You are exaggerating, my dear sir. Alcatrante laughed. "Is it your custom to lock people Into air-tight chambers?" i "Air-tight?" Alcatrante was clearly disconcerted. "I did not suppose thai It was air-tight Also, I did not dream that the young lady was there. Bui this game Is a serious game, Mr. Orme. You do not appear to understand. When one Is working for his country, many strange things are Justified." "Even murder?" "Even murder sometimes." Orme had an Inspiration. "Thank you for the truth, senor," be said. "I, too, am working for my country. If you continue to follow us, I shall as sume that you have murder In your uiuu, nuu i Buna act accoraineiv." Alcatrante smiled coolly. "This is fair warning," continued Orme. He glanced to the drug store and saw the girl coming out of the tele phone booth. Hastening across the street, he met her at the door. "If father had had any idea of such complications when we came west," she said, "there would have been plen ty of men near by to help us. As it is, we shall have to act alone. It If not a matter for dotectlves or for the police. I I almost wish It were," she faltered. Orme wondered again whether this father could have realized what dan gers the girl was encountering. But, as If divining his sudden anger against the man who could let his daughter run such risks, she added: "He doesn't know, of course, the details of our ad ventures. I have permitted him to think that It Is simply a matter of searching." "And now he Is reassured?" "Yes. Oh, you have no Idea yet how Important it Is." "You were a long time In the booth," lie said. A mysterious smue nitterea across her face. "I thought of another person I wished to talk to. That person was hard to get" "Long distance?" "It proved necessary to use long dis tance." Then she caught a glimpse of the fig ure across the street "There's Mr. Al catrante," she exclaimed. "Yes, I have Just had a talk with him." Her face showed concern. "Don't let him worry you, dear," he added. "He will try to balk us. We must expect that But I think I can take care of him." "I believe it." she said, softly. Ho wondered whether she could guess how relentlessly he wns plan--!-S tc deal with Alcatrante. Would "Does Our Chauffeur Remind Yeu of Any One?" there was something alarmingly famil iar in the manner of the movement - Somewhere Orme bad seen a man move his body like that But before his suspicions could take form, the chauffeur had turned again. The girl handed the papers back to Orme.' "These are the right papers." she said. "Oh, my dear, If you only knew how much they mean." . . . m a. S tvt for .nmrU. that he was " Held mem ior a moment in mi UU1W . ' . . rrl . . l ,V.. t tnntnr In WhlCIl 10 UHHU. 1 ucu, nun iriuuiuig lucm w searcn tor the hidden papers. "We'd better give him further directions," j said the girl. But the chauffeur turned north at the corner and put on more speed. "He's taking the right direction." she laughed. "Perhaps his Idea Is to follow Sheridan road till we tell him te turn." 1 don't quite like It." said Orme, thoughtfully. "He's a bit too sure of what he's doing." The girl hesitated. "It is funny." the exclaimed. "And he's going faster, too." She leaned forward and called up to the chauffeur: "Stop at this corner." He did not seem to hear. She re peated the order In a louder voice, but the only answer was another burst of speed. Then Orme reached up and touched the chauffeur's shoulders. "Stop the cart" he cried. The chauffeur did not obey. He did not even turn his head. Orme and the girl looked at each other. "I don't understand," she said. "I'm afraid I am beginning to," Orme replied. "He will not stop until we are where he wishes us to be." "We can't get out" ihe exclaimed. "No. And If I pull him out of the! seat the car will be ditched." He puzzled vainly to hit on a method of action, and meantime the moments sped. They passed the university grounds quickly. Orme retained an Impression of occasional massive buildings at the right Including the dome of an ob servatory, and at the left the lighted windows of dwellings. He saw, too, the tower of a light house, a dark foundation supporting a changing light above; and then the road turned sharply to the left and, after a few hundred yards, curved again to the north. Suddenly the chauffeur slowed down. On either side were groves of trees. Ahead were the lights of an approach ing motor. Orme was still at a loss, and the girl was awaiting some decision from him. When the chauffeur at last turned and spoke three short words Orme realized too late the situation be and the girl were In. "We stop now," said the chauffeur. And the girl, with a horrified gasp, exclaimed: "Makul" Yes, It was the Japanese. Calmly he put on the brakes and brought the car to a standstill by the roadside; then, removing his goggles, turned to Orme and the girl and smiled an Inscrutable smile. There was an ugly bruise on his forehead, where Orme had struck him with the wrench. But quick though Maku was, he was not quick enough to see a motion which Orme had made Immediately after the moment of recognition a mo tion which had even escaped the notice of the girl. Perhaps it accounted for the coolness with which Orme met his enemy's eyes. . QlilEI AND PLEAS ANT lifEIHG Miss Ida Egenberger and Mr. Emil Baumgart United in the Holy Bonds of Matri mony. "He doesn't waste many woras, whispered the girl to Orme. While the car was turning Orme noted that Alcatrante had stopped hnrt nnd was watching them. It was not hunting for a follow. Perhaps his plans were so complete ly balked that he was giving up alto gether. No, that would not be like Al catrante. Orme now realized that In all likelihood the minister had fore seen some suchcircumstance and had made plans accordingly. He was more and more inclined to believe that Alcatrante had but half expected to keep him long Imprisoned In Walllngham's office. Then what had been the purpose underlying the trick? Probably the Intention was to make Orme prlsonor for as long a peri od as possible and, In any event, to gain time enough to communicate with poritnl and the Japanese and whatever o'ther persons might be helping In the struggle to regain the papers. The probabilities were that Alcatrante had been using the last two hours to get In tcuch with his friends. And now those friends would be In formed promptly that Orme and the girl were setting out by motor. This analysis apparently accounted for Al catrante's nonchalance. Orme and the girl seemed to be escaping, but In truth. If they approached their destina tion at all, they must run Into the am buscade of other enemies. Then the nearer the goal, the greater the dan ger. As the motor slid smoothly north ward on La Salle street, Orme looked back. Alcatrante had made no move. The last glimpse that Orme had of him showed that slight but sinister figure alone on the sidewalk of the deserted business street. They trossed the Clark street bridge. "Keep on out North Clark street until you can oross over to Lincoln park," said Orme to the chauffeur. The only Indication that the order had been heard was a bending forward of the bowed figure on the front seat: Orme explained to the girl. "It will be better not to take the Lake Shore drive. They may be watchlna the Pere Marquette." "You are right," she said. "As a pre caution, we'd better not pass the ho tel." "How surprised I was to find you waiting for me there last evening," mused Orme "and how glad I" "I never called on a man before," she laughed. "I had made up my mind only a lit tle while before." he continued, "to stay In Chicago till I found you." "I'm afraid that would not have been easy." She returned the pressure of his hand, which had found hers. "If It hadn't been for those papers, we might nover have met." "We were bound to moat vw To be continued. his pocket with as little noise as pos sible, he caught the girl's eye and, with a significant glance toward the chauf feur, said in a distinct voice: "I will slip them under the seat cushion. They will be safer there." Did the chauffeur lean farther back, as if to hear better? or was the slight movement a false record of Ormo's Imagination? Orme decided to be on the safe side, so he slipped under the cushion of the extra seat another mining prospectus which be had in his pocket, placing It In such a way that the end of the pa per protruded. Then he put his lips close to the girl's ear and whispered: "Don't be alarmed, but tell me, does eur chauffeur remind you of anvone?" She studied the stolid back In front of them. The ill fitting dust-coat masked the outline of the figure; the cap was so low on the head that the ears were covered. "No," she said, at last, "I think not." With that, Orme sought to reassure himself. They were In Lincoln park now. Over this same route Orme and the girl had ridden less than twenty-four hours before. To him the period seemed like a year. Then he had boon plunging into mysteries unknown with the ideal of his dreams; now he was moving among secrets partly under stood, with the woman of his life lov ing her and knowing that she loved him. One short day had brought all this to pass. He had heard It said that Love and Time are enemies. The false ness of the saying was clear to him in the light of his own experience. Love and Time are not enemies; they are strangers to each other. On they went northward. To Orme the streets through which they passed were now vaguely familiar, yet he could hardly believe his eyes when they swung around on to the lake front at Evanston, along the broad rib bon of Sheridan road. But there wns the dark mysterious surface of Lake Michigan at their right. Beyond the broad beach, be could see the line of breakwaters, and at their left the electrlo lights threw their beams Into the blackness of little parks and shrubby lawns. The car swept to the left past the university campus. "Do you remomber?" asked the girl, In a low voice, pressing his arm. Then, "Don'tl" she whispered. "Some one will see!" for he bud drawn her fuce to his. They came to the corner of Chicago nveniin and Sheridan rond, whore they had li lilted tJbi client before In tluJr RETORT OF THE CONDITION or TUB Ba.nk of Cass County, of I'lattsniouth, Nebraska. Charter No. 642. Incorporated In Hie urate of N'ehraska, at the close of hushies February 17, lull. From Wednesday's .Dally. At the pleasant home ot the bride's mother, Mrs. J. V. Egen berger, on South Sixth street, this afternoon at 3 o'clock occurred the marriage of Miss Ida Egenberger tad Mr. Emil Baumgart. The ceremaaj was performed by Canon Burgess, rector of St. Luke's church. The wedldng was a quiet one, the guests Including only the Immediate relatives of the contracting parttea. The ring form of the ceremony was observed, the wedding march was played by the bride's sister. Miss Florence Egenberger. The bride was gowned In a traveling suit with hat to match, while the groom wor the conventional black, and the happy couple were unattended. The rooms were tastefully deco rated with roses and carnations throughout, and potted plants located here and there, which presented a. beautiful appearance. A bounteous dinner was served at 4 o'clock, the table groaning with palatable viands and delectable dishes; cake and fruits In abundance were served. The happy young peo ple departed on the north bound Mis souri Pacific train for a ten days trip. This popular young couple have hosts of friends In this vicinity and throughout the country, who will be more than pleased at the announce ment of those nuptials. The bride Is the charming daughter of Mrs. J. V. Egenberger and possesses a legion ot friends In the city. She Is a native of Plattsmouth, having grown up here, attending the public school, at which she graduated with honors three years ago, and has taught since In the schools of the county, giving very excellent satisfaction where she could be prevailed upon to take a school. The groom Is a prosperous young farmer and a son ot Mr. Fred Daun gart and wife of this county, and has a large circle ot acquantancea and friends throughout the county. In whose estimation he stands very high. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Baumgart will reside on a farm four and a half miles west of this city, where they will be at home to their numerous friends. The Journal Joins with their large circle of friends In wishing Mr. and Mrs. Baumgart much happiness In. their Journey through life. KEHOUKCES Loans and discount HI2.7KI flo Overdraft mruiwl and unsecured.. 2,'S3i SI HoiiiIm. securities, JiidtfineutM. claims, el; 1,01)0 00 Hanking1 house furniture and tlx- tuivn p.300 00 ltealitatntlii-rthan liatiklnirliiiuite 4.:C fw Current fXix-iiM-s and laxcK paid.... (147 40 Cash Ileum. 132 41 I hie from nal'l, staut and private liankH M.I43 43 i lieekH and Ileum of pxelianim Ill !M Currency 7.trJ4 00 (iolil coin U.DIIMIO .Hllver.nlckeU and cents 2,07 04 Total ....f40"J,t 21 MA Itll.l'I'lKS ('null ill stock puld In ..I fiO.OOO 00 Surplus fiinil ;m.iH0 oo Cmllvliled pmtlU H.44U HI Inillvlilual (iHMwItssiiliJccl loelieek. I'J.ii 70 '1 line i-erllllcateHof (leisnlt 101.44.) 70 Cashier' dorks outstanding i,HM IH Due. toother national, sum and pri vate hanks 11.377 XI Notes and hills rc-dlscounlcd 2.i.oo0 00 Total fltOlNO : Stat or Nkiiiuhka, I I County or Cash rss I. T. M. Patterson cuslderof the aluvn iiuiued hank do herehy swear thai the alHivn slaleineiit I" corn-el and a true copy of the reisrt innde to Ilia btute llunklnif llourd. T. M. Pattkiiho.n. ... ,. ICIIAI4.C. I'AIIXKM, IHlTK-tor, mum. i iCdKMUKimuK, tnci4jr. Huhscrlls-d and sworn to iM-foro me this 21st day of b'eiii uary, lull. Zktta lln wis, Notary I'll Idle. Heal My commission expire AUr. I.ih. IVI5 II FORMER PIONEER CITIZEN VISITS HERE From Tuesday's Dally Mr. A. M. Story of Blsbee, Arizona, and wife, who have hen visiting Mr. Story's brotlier-ln-lart, L. II. Oldham, and family, for a few days at Murray, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Oldham to Plattsmouth today and dined with Mrs. Dora Moore. Mr. Story was one of the pioneer settlers of Rock Bluff, going there with hla parents In 1808; he was also a member of the Second Nebraska regiment during the civil war. Mr. Story has been a resident of Arizona for some years, but oc caslonally gets bark to visit his old- time friends. CUPID IS FOILED BY THE IM OF SPECIE The Omaha Evening News of Tues day contained the following: "Luckless but loving swains, two in number, who Bought marrlatv licenses In the office of the count i Judge Saturday came down to eartnu with a d. s. thud that shattered the!. roseate vlttion of vine clad cottage c and all that sort of thing when the were called upon to pay the 2 llcens s fee that the unsentimental state re quires. "Neither swain had sufficient specie to induce Clerk Greer to pars with the little baby blue slip which 1 bo essential a thing if a man woult take the leap In Douglas county. "The wife-to-be of one went to Y front for him and from her purr- made up the deficiency of his otn excehquer. The other was less fo tunate and he, with his brtde-thaN was-to-have-been and the maybe-wll!-yet, left the court house llcenseless. "Ross Collins of Bcllevue, aged 21 years, ana iwisb uerm auus Kaufman of Plattsmouth, Just turn 19 years, answered satisfactorily att questions regarding their legal com petency to wed. The license wr i made out" 'Two dollars, please ' said Mr. Greer. Well, It was Just, awful. Mr. Collins Bald he was nndt -the Impression the fee was 1 an i that was all he had with him. Mr. Greer called In County Judge LesV to bear him out In the statement $2 and rot a cent less was the prlie "A sadder but wiser couple, tht left the county building. This norr the Collins-Kaufman license still K unclaimed." Blair Porter came up from Union this morning to look after some business matters, and was a caller at Journal headquarters. Mr. Porter recently sold his farm two miles south of Union, In Otoe county, and will soon move to tho one ho bought one mile west of Union. Considers Proportion to Move. Don DcBpln, a former Plattsmour boy, now owner of the Lincoln br't team, has been offered $14,000 bor ,o remove the team to Oklaho i. City. Don Is to retain ownership f ' the team and conduct its affairs J' r.' the same as before, and only chanr?. the location of the team's home. Mr. John Gorder drove in from t' farm today and looked after buslnt matters in tho city for a time.