The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 23, 1911, Image 4

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    The - Plattsrnouth - Journal
gm Published Sernl-W:eklj it Plattsnoatb, Nebraska r. i
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Postoflice at Plattsrnouth, Nebraska, as second-class
Canada naturally resents the re
ports that reciprocity Is a step toward
annexation. Canada hasn't even
been "aBked."
Champ Clark says: "I like to praise
a republican when I can And one who
deserves It, but it does not keep me
buBy all the time."
It Is singularly apropos that the
decorations of Pennsylvania's capltol
should be naked. Justice is usually
represented as clothed.
The earth is a tender and kind
mother to the farmer; yet, at one
season, he barrows her bosom and at
another plucks her ears.
It might be said, in passing, If the
congress which will Boon convene has
its way there will be a tremendous
difference in the cost of living.
One von week sod the time set
for the lcglri'ature to adjourn will be
up, according to Governor Aldrich's
say-so. What will the poor fellows
do then?
It Is said that President Taft has
begun collecting mileage from clubB
which invite him to speak. If he per
sists In that Washington will see a
great deal more of him than It has In
the past two years.
A man in New York, who attempt
ed to hug a beautiful young woman,
Miss Lemon, has sued her for striking
him In the eye. Why should a fellow
deal a lemon unless he wants a
President Taft sent a message to
the tramp's convention In Milwaukee,
famous for its thirst allaying prod
ucts, advising the men where they
-could get work. Even a president
will occasionally make a faux pas.
:o: .
Borne senators speak of the pro
posed amendment to tho constitution
Jfor their direct election by the peo
ple as revolutionary. Who was the
constitution made by, any way, and
what Is the sovereign power of the
It Is reported that Dr. Tanner Is
to fast 80 days to demonstrate an
effective way to smash the meat
trust. There are a lot of people In
theso continental confines who have
had cumulative expertenco In this re
spect of late that would make the
doctor's proponed experiment look
Hy the almost unanimous support
of the democrats, the Canadian
reciprocity agreement was ratified In
the house of representatives. A ma
jority of the republicans voted
against tho measuro while all but five
democrats supported It. The minority
In congress thus gave to the country
a splendid exhibition of patriotism
and high minded statesmanship and
the republicans showod a division of
sentiment in which a majority of tho
party members were revealed as wed
ded to their idols of spoctal privilege.
A former resident of Plattsrnouth
who removod to the west part of tho
state three or four years since, was
here visiting relatives, and during his
stay visited the various enterprises
in town, including the gasoline en
glne machine shop, and ho remarked
that he believed Plattsrnouth had Im
proved more slneo ho went away than
it bad In any ten years previously.
The most of theso Improvements
havo been acco jpllshcd In tho pant
year. A united effort of all the peo
ple or the city can do great many
things for tho upbuilding of the town.
The vast amount of presidential
timber In the democratic party 13 an
almost sure Indication of party suc
cess In 1912. And the significance
of it all Is the quality of the timber.
A list Is sufficient to Indicate this
Governor Wilson of New Jersey; Gov
ernor Harmon of Ohio; Governor
Foss of Massachusetts; Governor
Marshall of Indiana, to say nothing
of Champ Clark of Missouri, the next
speaker of the house; Joseph W.
Folk and others. Any one of these
would make a president to be proud
The time of the city election Is
drawing near, and already the signs
of Its approach can be seen. For the
benefit of the city at large the Jour
nal hopes that no such dirty work
will be resorted to In the coming
election as was resorted to two years
ago. In the past two years Platts
rnouth has made great progress for
the betterment of her condition, and
It has been done by a united effort
of all who have the best Interests of
tho city at heart. The people of
Plattsrnouth cannot afford to take up
the battles of any private Individuals,
and fight their grievances out over
the shoulders of the taxpayers.
Plattsrnouth has prospered during the
past year beyond the expectations of
many of our most enterprising
citizens, and we should endeavor to
do bettor In the next year. People
should not expect to bring their pant
grievances Into the campaign and
expect the people to assist them Jn
their warfare. And we do not belUvo
they can be urged to thus take sides.
The Journal for one expects to shun
personalities of all kinds and will not
In the least Indulge In them unless
driven to do so. And the people In
general should look at the matter
the same as we do and fight the bat
tles upon other and more gentle Is
sues. Let those who have grievances
light It out among themselves and
not attempt to bring others Into the
fight who have no Interest in their
affairs. "See Plattsrnouth Succeed,"
and cast such feudal disturbances to
the four winds of the heavens.
Plattsmouth Is better known
throughout the country right now
than ever before In Its history. This
fuct is due to the great efforts put
forth by tho Commercial club. When
ever a man says a Commercial club
dot-H no good to a town, Just tell him
he does not know what he Is talking
about. Tho Plattsrnouth Commercial
lub has done wonders for our city,
and with tho united effort of all the
business men con do much more In
tho future. In fact, every man, no
matter how small his business, should
be a member of this organization
Plattsrnouth Journal.
What Is true in regard to Platts
rnouth Is also true In regard to Ne
braska City. Our Commercial club
has worked wonders for this city, but
the officers have never been given
credit for the good accomplished.
When a mistake was made there were
many ready to criticize, but few were
tho praises given for the good done.
What we need and need badly Is a
more concerted action of all our busi
ness men and property owners. We
should work more In harmony. There
Is too much of a disposition to tear
down; to hamper the efforts of thoso
who aro trying to build up; those who
aro anxious to seo the town advance,
and should a mletako bo made then
tho officers aud thoso In charge aro
severely censured. Thoso who aro
working for tho betterment of the
town aro compelled to bear all the
burdens and complaints, while they
receive no encouragement for tho
good they do.
If a mistake Is made then all are
ctii.tured; If a successful move Is
mndo then It 'vas only what was ex
pected of those in charge. Life at
best Is short and why should we not
drop a few roses In the pathway of
those who are working and striving
for the betterment of the town? Why
not drop all factional feeling and
work for the progress of the city?
Are you willing to throw aside your
hammer and become a booster?
Nebraska City News. .
:o: .
If anything be needed to alienate
the vote of the southern senator! on
the direct senatorial election bill It
has been furnished by Senator Root
of New York, who, In a speech on the
measure Friday, said that If such an
amendment to the constitution ' be
passed "the government must retain
the power to make these elections
free and unhampered. Without this
privilege," he continued, "the gov
ernment of the United States sur
renders . the power of Its own
This, properly understood, would
mean the revival of an effort to pass
such a measure as the infamous
Force bill, which stirred the country
some years ago and which received
deserved defeat, some of the repub
lican senators, if we recollect rightly,
voting against it. It would mean
direct government interference In
state elections and arouse the pas
nlons of the people almost as greatly
as would another civil war. Indeed,
Senator Root's remarks Indicated
that It would be the direct purpose of
i Mich a bill to give over state elections
to the federal authorities. It was
distinctly a sectional address, bring
ing in the race question in such a
manner as to cause decided protest
from the democratic side.
How the Integrity of the federal
government Is to be endangered by
popular election of senators is hard
to conceive. Under the present sys
tem, copied with modifications from
the house of lords, the danger for
fraudylent elections are much
greater than they would be under
direct elections. In fact, there have
been many cases of corrupt returns
by state legislatures of late years,
these noticeably not coming from the
south. The case of Lorlmer, returned
through rank bribery, which has ex
cited national Indignation, is still be
fore the senate for determination.
Under the present system the bosses
and the machines control. The
various legislative deadlocks demon
strate this. The popular will Is not
consulted. But popular elections
with the whole power of the national
government possible to be used to
control and direct the nominations
would be Infinitely more dangerous.
It would be a centralization of power
in direct conflict with the theory of
cur government and threatening to
Its very existence.
Two more business failures In Lin
coln Inst weeka department store
and cigar manufactory.
"Go back to the farm," Is the cry
of tho reformer. Go back yourself
and Bee how you like It.
The county option question seems
to be very dead in the legislature,
especially in the senate. The tem
perance people attribute this state of
affairs to the meddling of Poulson,
the boss of the Anti-Saloon league.
Tho democrats In the legislature
want to bo very careful In tinkering
with the primary election law, or
they may make It a great deal worse
than It Is. If It can't be bettered,
leave It alone. It is bad enough now.
Postmaster General HItchock de
clares that the postal savings bank
has passed the experimental stage.
The 999 and 99-100 per cent of the
postofflccs of the United States that
have not yet had a try at It want to
Too many bills bave already been
Introduced in the legislature, and
they have yet time to Introduce
several hundred more. Just wait till
a sifting committee gets a hold on
that bunch of bills and about two
thlrds of them will never bo heard
of again.
I Taft declares that Canadian recl
i procity must come through the
present congress or an extra session
ill have to come. Taft sees hope
through the next congress. The
democrats are almost unanimously
for reciprocity.
The banks of Plattsmouth will be
closed on the following holidays:
February 22, May 30. July 4, Labor
day (first Monday In September),
Thanksgiving day, Christmas and
New Year's day. Paste this in your
hat as a gentle reminder.
Quackenbush's tax ferret bill is
creating considerable stir. This bill
gives the assessor authority to go Into
the bank and examine the records.
Of course there Is serious objection
to thus Interfering with private mat
ters. Another feature of the bill Is
that It permits the tax ferret to go
after property for a period of five
years from the time It should have
been listed.
It is said that John 0. Yelser will
present the legislature with a claim
for payment for his services as rep
resentatl' e of Governor Aldrlch be
fore the legislative committee In
Omaha. Yelser at first thought he
ought to have about $3,500, but is
said to have scaled the amount down
to 11,500. After all the fuss and
rurror created on the plea of
great election frauds, here Is what
J. D.' Lee, a member of the senate
committee, asys about the whole
business: "The testimony taken there
certainly failed to substantiate the
governor's charges In any such
measure 88 the special message would
have seemed to demand. The only
Irregularity that struck" me as being
of much consequence was in connec
tion with the votes by affidavit.
Some of these affidavits were not re
turned. The first conjecture would
be that these affidavits were not re
turned In many cases because of
Irregularities. I failed to see where
any serious blame attached to City
Clerk Butler. I can well see the dif
ficulties that one would encounter
when hundreds of people, of every
nationality, swarm In on the last day
to vote. A great many such voters do
not know what to do and when they
ask assistance In voting It Is pretty
hard to tell what will happen or who
Is to blame."
The location of the next national
conventions Is beginning to be dis
cussed In Washington. On the demo
cratic side thus far but four cities
have been Berlously discussed Chi
cago, Louisville, Baltimore and New
York. Of Chicago the democrats
seem to feel shy because of certain
political Influences centering there
which might be employed to pack the
convention. There Is more talk
about Louisville than any other city,
possibly because the present demo
cartlc delegation In congress is
largely southern. Also there Is
Champ Clark, by whom all the blue
grass statesmen swear. The largely
increased democratic representation
from northern states In the next con
gress, however, may alter this trend
of opinion in favor of the town of
mint Juleps. Baltimore, the scene
of the late democratic love feast, Is
getting Into the bidding early, but
It Is handclapped by lack of hotel
facilities. New York la much In
favor. The democratic party has not
held a national convention there since
the civil war, and many democrats be
lieve that the time has come to turn
to the east for support.
President Taft is Balling In
troubled waters. To Bquare himself
with his party he must stand to the
theory of protection. But to main
tain the confidence of the people he
must go In for tariff reform. He
declared at Winona last summer that
the Payne-Aldrlch bill was the best
tariff measure ever enacted by the
republican party. With the object
lesson of popular disapproval at the
November elections he strives to save
himself for renomlnatlon by an ad
mission of the protective fallacy with
his Canadian reciprocity treaty. For
this the Interests damn him and the
progressives and Insurgents praise
Meanwhile the tariff commission
idea is evolved by him as a measure
to allay the popular distrust and to
secure the return of the republicans
to power on the ground that "it Is
the best medium for dealing with the
affairs of the nation."
The president will have a hard
time to free himself from his dif
ficulties. He cannot successfully
carry water on both shoulders. He
will have to definitely align himself
with the Insurgents or the old guard.
The latter are doomed to defeat.
They have already been defeated.
The former can only succeed with the
help of the democrats and to have
that they must persist In their ad
herence to democratic principle
which takes them out of the ranks
of the regulars in their party and
makes them practically democratic.
Whichever horn of the dilemma the
president chooses to seize will be
found uncomfortable.
It was expected that Governor
Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey
would make an effort to clean up the
rotten election system of his state.
This expectation will not be disap
pointed. The beginning of his pro
gram for various reforms occurred in
the legislature of the nursery of
trusts the other day when bills were
Introduced which, If they become
laws, will completely reform the en
tire system of registry and elections
and make New Jersey's election laws
as progressive as those of Wisconsin
or Oregon. The bills provide for
civil service examinations and ap
pointments for election officers, with
representation permitted to minority
parties. This would give the social
ists an opportunity to compete for
appointment on election boards. Pro
vision is also made for direct
primaries for the election of dele
gates to national conventions, with a
proviso giving voters the right to ex
press their choice of candidates for
president and vice president on the
primary ballot. ,
Direct primaries for all nomina
tions to elective state and municipal
offles, including governor and con
gress, are provided for, and can
didates for legislative nominations
cannot have their names placed on
the ballot unless they Bign a pledge
agreeing to vote for the candidate for
United States senator who receives
the largest primary vote.
Personal registration Is required in
advance for all primary and general
elections, and voters must sign their
names In the registry as means of
Identification when they are register
ed. County committee chairman are
to be elected In the party primaries,
and party platforms to bo adopted at
a convention of nolmnees. Party
tickets are to be abolished and a
blanket ballot substituted, on which
all candidates for th same office
are to be grouped under one heading
on the same ballot, and ballots are to
be mailed to voters before election at
public expense. Here surely Is a
drastic change of system, as progres
sive as any In the union.
Horse Shoeing. .
John Durman desires to Inform
those who need his services that he
has opened a shop at the Ora Dawson
place for shoeing horses. Satisfaction
Better Live in a Tent
on your own land than pay rent for
& mansion on your neighbor's land.
Think It over, talk It over with
your wife.
Ilecotvte Independent.
Others have done It, why not you?
Start today. Como and see us and
learn what a very little ready cash
will do for you.
It Is said that a Mr. Whitecraft of
Axtel, Kansas, will be the new statloa
agent here.
Dr. A. C. Welch departed Friday
for Darien, Wisconsin, called there by
the sickness of his father.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Bergman, living west of Manley,
Wednesday. January 8, 1911, a boy!
Also to Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jackman!
on Friday, February 10, 1911, a'
J. H. Ash has moved from the old
Lanham farm on to the Will Suckow
place two miles west and one and one
half miles north. Mr. Ash did more
than most movers do, he moved his
Hon. W. B. Banning has attained
one of the highest honors, or rather
It has been thrust upon him. He haa
been appointed superintendent of the
mercantile hall at the state fair to t
held September 4 to 8, 1911. That is
one good apopintment.
Mrs. M. A. Holback entertained all
her children and grandchildren at
dinner last Sunday, there being twen-tyo-flve
altogether. This Is the first
time they were all at home in four
years. A royal good time was re
ported. A letter received Sunday from D.
E. Askew, at the Andrus hospital in
Lincoln, reports favorably; he has
the best of treatment and hopes to
soon be able to see Weeping Water
and friends again. Dave says he Is
lonesome and asks his friends to
write sometimes.
L. W. Ingwerson was out in Colo
rado last week looking over the San
Luis valley farms. It looked so
good to him that he traded his farm
of 116 acres here, the Lau place, for
a half section in the San Luis valley,
under irrigation.
H. D. Reed, the live real estate
hustler, reports the sale of the Peter
Miller farm of 120 acres to Joseph
Wolpert for $140 an acre. This is a
fine farm and the only wonder Is that
Mr. Miller parted with Jt at that
figure, an advance of about $20 per
acre over the purchase price a few
years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Crabtree and
son, Herbert, of Lincoln spent Sun
day at the Wetenkamp home.
Everett Morgan departed Sunday
evening for Edgar, Neb., where he
will visit at the home of Frank Clem
ents. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Venner, Grover
and Miss etta of Lincoln attended
the funeral of Mrs. Carper Tuesday.
Pete Peterson has been moving his
belongings from Brock this week. He
will farm the Ashworth place the
coming season.
Mrs. William Rhoden, who haa
been here for some time at the bed
side of Mrs. Carper, visited in Elm
wood Wednesday. She will leave for '
her home about Saturday.
Charlie Matson suffered a fracture
of the leg near the ankle last Thurs
day evening, which will keep him on
crutches for some time. The accident
occurred while the boys were wrestl
ing. Art Trnmble took part In one of
the preliminaries at the wrestling
match at Alvo last Saturday evening.
His opponent was Roy Armstrong,
who was about fifteen pounds heavier
than Art. The bout resulted In a
A pleasant surprise was planned
and successfully carried out on Mr.
and Mrs. William Bahr by their
daughter, Myrtle, Saturday, February
11, In honor of their nineteenth an
niversary. The guests spent a very
pleasant evening and departed at a
very late hour, wishing Mr. and Mrs.
Bahr many more happy anniversaries.
Meet Claims Promptly.
The Order of Maccabees, In adjust
ing death losses, is one of the most
enterprising fraternal societies doing
business in this city, and have re
ceived the grateful appreciation of
Mr. A. Schuldice for their prompt
adjustment of the policy carired by
Mrs. Schuldice in this most exxcellent
Insurance order.
. County Attorney C. II. Taylor took
advantage of tho lull In business,
caused by the legal holiday, and visit
ed the automobile show In Omaha
this afternoon.
ft ?
The Best Flour in the
Market. Sold by all
Leading Dealers