The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 23, 1911, Image 2

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is of the old style and works hard, whv not et an easy operat
ing process Meyer's Ratchet Pump. A bij advantage in bever
age by having a Ratchet Handle. Make your deep well'purap
work easy with a Meyer's Ratchet Head Pump. Also all styles
of Plain Head Pi:mps.
Ask to see the cylender thit has g'ass seat, making it im
possible for sand or any particles to hold bottom valve open.
mvm ems
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Mrs. A. I). Kennedy of Murray,
Nebraska, sixnt Wednesday visiting
hr friend, Mrs. C. D. Keltner.
Ex-Govtrnor Sheldon came in Sun
day night from his Mississippi home
for a short visit to his family.
W. H. Porter, who has been suf
fering the pant two weeks with
rheumatism, Is Improving and will
oon be out.
Pete JaBen, a former resident of
this plare, was down from Illalr, Ne
braska, over Sunday visiting his niece
and nephew, Anna and Jlmmle Peter
son. L. C. Todd and two little daughters
were passengers to Lincoln Saturday
evening, where Mrs. Todd has been
undergoing a selge of the grip at her
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Fulton were
Saturday evening passengers to Man
ley, where they visited over Sunday
with Mrs. Fulton's brother, Frank
Allen, and family.
Mrs. Frank Anderson of Union, a
daughter ; of Mr. and Mrs. B. F.
Hoback, who has been dangerously
111 since giving birth to a son last
Saturday, is reported a little better.
Otto Carroll went down to Kansa
City Saturday night, returning Mon
day, to sec Sam Humphrey, who is
taking treatment at a hospital there.
He reports Mr. Humphrey as cheer
ful and optimistic over the result of
his treatment.
J. M. I'almer left on the 4 o'clock
train Tuesday for Tuscola, Michigan,
In response to a telegram Informing
him that his father had died that
morning at 10 o'clock. The elder Mr.
Palmer had been quite sick several
weeks ago, but had apparently re
covered his usual health and the first
Intimation of anything serious was
the telegram as above stated, with
out any particulars. Mr. Palmer lost
his mother about three years ago, and
together with three brothers and
three sisters, mourn the death of his
father. He was aged about 75 years.
Poultry Wanted
Hens 10c
Springs 7c and 8c
Duckg ' " gc j where she has been visiting relatives
Geese . . .' 7c
H. S. Dergh spent Sunday In Lin
coln. - Rtiacoe Bird Is visiting in Mankato,
Kaum. . '
Byron Foreman was quite sick
J. H. Stroemer went to Omaha on
No. 14 Tuesday.
Max Jamison spent the week end
at G. P. Foreman's.
J. R. White of Lincoln was In town
Saturday on business.
Mrs. C. M. Jordan went to Lincoln
Wednesday "on No. 13.
Arthur Klyraer was a passenger on
No. 13 for Lincoln Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Roseman were
capital city visitors Wednesday
John Stroemer came in Tuesday on
No. 18 from Barneston, Nebraska,
Daniel Skinner and daughter, Miss
Mabel, were in Omaha Tuesday and
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cashner visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Fred Laldig went down to Omaha
Monday on business. He returned on
No. 13 Wednesday.
raui fronucn or uncoin came
down Saturday on No. 18 to visit
relatives a few days.
John Skinner returned Monday
from his four months' visit with his
mother at Fremont, Nebraska.
Thomas Stout was a passenger on
No. 18 for Omaha Monday, returning
home Wednesday on No. 13.
Mrs. J. A. Shaffer was a passenger
on No. 17 for Lincoln Friday, return
ing home Saturday on No. 18.
Ray Llnck of Omaha came in on
No. 13 Wednesday and spent the day
with his undo, George Foreman.
Mrs. Perry Cook returned Wednes
day on No. 13 from Blair, Nebraska,
While Not Making a Big Noise of What It is Doing The Company
is Moving Along at a Fair Gait Under Circumstances,
We also buy cream.
pecial learamice Sale 8
rc?n a
Beginning on Monday, February 13th, and the balance of the month up to
March 1st, I will sell from my stock of Furniture, etc., at a discount of 15 per
cent below the regular price.
The following listed Furniture will be sold at extra low prices, the cost price
will not be considered, and the prices given in the list are bargain prices, which
you cannot overlook, if you are in need of any Furniture at all.
Head the following list over carefully and note the low prices:
A Quarter-sawed Oak I3ed Koom Suit, regular price $61.00, sale price. . . .$45.00
An Imitation " " " " 42.00, " " .... 35.00
" Dresser, 17.00, " .... 13.00
" ' " " u 16.50, " " .... 12.50
" Mahogany 14 20.00, " "....15.00
A five-piece Parlor Suit, " 45.00, 41 " .... 35.00
A three-piece 44 44 30.OO, 44 44 .... 24.00
A Plush Covered Couch, 19.00, 44 44 .... 14.00
A Vclour 44 44 10.OO, 4 4 4 4 .... 6.00
A Large Rocker . . n.oo, 44 44 .... 7.00
A " " " u 13.50, 44 44 .... 8.50
A " " . 4.25, 44 44 .... 3.25
Arm Chairs 7.50, 4.00
" '4 44 12.00, 44 8.00
A Set of Dining Chairs, 14 10 50 44 44 7 50
44 44 8.00,' 4 4 4 4 6.00
A 12-foot Extension Table, 44 14 15.00, " " 11.00
An 8-foot 4 4 4 4 ' 21.50, '4 44 .... 15.00
A Large Secretary, " 30.00, 44 i4 .... 20.00
AnlronHed, " 26.00, " 44 .... ly.00
" " " 44 44 15.00, 44 44 .... 10.00
" " " 12.00, 44 44 .... 8.50
A Piano, . . 44 300.00, " 200.00
" " 44 44 150.00, 44 44 .... 110.00
Now a few words to those who will be so fortunate as to read the above, I
will say that my sale will be bona-fidc, and that all purchases must be paid for in
cash, a that it the only way that I will sell at the discount figures as above
stated. Remember the dates, and tell your friends about this sale, if they are
not subscribers to the local newspapers.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
wauer mranocK ana ramlly ac
companied Mrs. Hughes to Lincoln
Saturday, where she left for her
home in Kansas.
The ladies of the M. E. church will
give a home talent entertainment at
the city hall Saturday, February 25,
1911, at 8 p. m. Adults, 25c; chil
dren, 15c.
Prof. Willis, county superintendent
of Adams county, Nebraska, visited
Tuesday night with G. P. Foreman,
sr. Prof. Willis taught two years at
Alvo some years ago.
Orvllle Quelhorst left Wednesday
morning for Spence, Boyd county, Ne
braska, taking his car of goods, where
he will make his future home. Mrs.
Quelhorst will join him next week.
Friends of Mrs. C. F. Rosenow met
at Mrs. Knott's Saturday evening and
went en masse to her home to surprise
her, it being her thirty-fifth birthday.
Mrs. Rosenow was completely sur
prised and a fine time was had by all.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Ram Cashner, Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Manners and children, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Manners and daughter, Miss
Dorothy Manners, Mr. J. H. Stoemer,
Mrs. Nervlg Knott and sons, Mrs.
Mary Skinner, Mrs. E. D. Friend and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fore
man and daughter, Hazel, and Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Williams.
If This Medicine Does Not Bene
fit You Pay Nothing.
A physician who made a specialty
of stomach troubles, particularly dys
pepsia, after years of study perfected
the formula from which Rexall Dys
pepsia Tablet sare made.
Our experience with Rexall Dys
pepsia Tablets leads us to believe
them to be the greatest remedy
known for the relief of acute indiges
tion and chronic dyspepsia. Their in
gredients are soothing and healing to
the inflamed membranes of the
stomach. They are rich In pepsin,
one of the greatest digestive aids
known to medicine. The relief they
afford is almost immediate. Their
use with persistency and regularity
for a short time brings about a cessa
tion of the pains caused by stomach
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will In
sure healthy appetite, aid digestion
and promote nutrition. As evidence
of our sincere faith in Rexall Dys
pepsia Tablets, we ask you to try
them at our risk. If they do not
give you entire satisfaction, we will
return you the money you paid us for
them, without question or formality.
They come in threo sizes, prices 25
cents, 50 cents and $1.00. Remem
ber you can obtain them only at
The Rexall Store. F. G. Frlcke &
Co., Union Block.
Speedy llollcf From Kidney Trouble
"1 had an acuto attack of Bright'!
disease with lnnammatlon of the kid
neys and bladder, and dizziness," says
Mrs. Cora Thorp, Jackson, Mich. "A
bottle of Foley's Kidney Remedy
overcome the attack, reduced the in
flammation, took away the pain and
made tho bladder action normal. I
wish everyone could know of this
wouderful remedy."
The Journal Is pleased to learn
that the Olson Photograph Printing
Machine company are meeting with
that deserved success to which it is
entitled. Orders for machines are
coming in daily from all parts of the
country, both for the smaller as well
as the large machines. The smaller
machine is designed for amateur
photographers and Is sold at prices
within the reach of all who desire to
make their own postal cards. The
larger one is especially for regular
photograph galleries, and all who
have purchased and used them say it
is impossible for any well regulated
photograph emporium to get along
without them. Testimonials are com
ing In from every direction, and it is
a pleasure for the Journal to know
what great satisfaction and the gen
eral good results they are giving.
This enterprise is purely a home
enterprise, patented by a home man,
owned and controlled by Plattsmouth
money; and while there has not been
much blowing about what the com
pany is doing, the goods are manu
factured here and bear the Platts
mouth brand upon every machine
sent out, which Is no little advertising
for our city. These machines are
sent to every state In the union, and
the demand for them is so great that
they can scarcely be put up fast
enough to supply the market, all of
which our business men and those
who have a special interest in Platts
mouth should feel proud.
The Olson company should receive
greater encouragement than they
have heretofore received and they
should have a larger manufacturing
establishment than they have at
present. And we trust the time is
not far distant when, should this
home enterprise need financial aid to
assist In enlarging their plant, that
our people will be prepared to assist
the company in putting up a build
ing of their own.
The Journal" has no authority to
thus speak, but is simply speaking of
the possibilities of the future. The
Olson Photograph Printingg Machine
company is an enterprise worthy of
retention, and our people Bhould be
lieve as we do in the matter of "keep
ing what we have got, and get all we
can" in the way of building up
to mm. NOLTING
Mr. Fred W. Nolting, who resides
five miles west of this city, was made
the victim of a most d2lightful sur
prise last evening, when about seven
ty-fly neighbors and friends came in
on him. The occasion was in the
nature of a farewell, as Mr. Nolting
and his most estimable family will re
move from thl3 community to a farm
two and one-half miles south of this
city on next Tuesday, and the friends
and neighbors are very sorry to
learn of their departure from their
midst, but trust that they will like
their new home. Mr. Nolting was
completely surprised at first, but soon
recovered and entertained the guests
in his usual genial manner. The few
hours were very pleasantly spent at
various diversions, interspersed with
social conversation, and the'occas-
sion will long be remembered by
those who were fortunate enough to
be present. The guests had come
laden with well filled baskets, and
during the evening a fine lunch was
prepared, which was served at the
proper time and to which all did
ample Justice.
Backache, Rheumatism, Sleeplessness
Result from disordered kidneys. Fo
ley Kidney Pills have helped others,
they will help you. Mrs. J. B. Miller,
Syracuse, N. Y., Bays, "For a long
time I suffered with kidney trouble
and rheumatism. I had Bevere back
aches and felt all played out. After
taking two bottles of Foley Kidney
Pills my backache Is gone and where
I used to He awake with rheumatic
pains I now Bleep In comfort. Foley
Kidney Pills did wonderful things for
me." Try them now. F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. John
Mendenhall, on Thursday of last
week, a handsome baby girl.
Mr. and Mrs. II. Dettman went to
Chase county Wednesday morning
to look after land interests.
Miss Alice Jeary came in Saturday
evening from Kansas City for a visit
with her brother, E. J. Jeary, and
License to wed was granted in Lin
coln Wednesday to John A. Gollor of
Palmyra and Minnie M. Ueun of Elm
wood. Henry Roeloftz went to - Omaha
Monday to see his son-in-law, Mr.
Snavely, who Is taking treatment at a
hospital there.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. John Ness,
Wednesday, February 15, a girl.
Mother and child are doing nicely,
and John owes us a smoke.
Word was received this week from
Beaver Crossing or the death of Rev.
White, formerly pastor of the Chris
tian church at this place.
William Langhorst has sold his
dray and express business fb Stephens
Cygcr, possession being given Tues
day morning. Mr. Langhorst will
continue to operate the dray until
such time as Mr. Gyger is able to
handlo the same.
A fine large plate glass door now
adorns' the entrance to the First Na
tional bank.. This new wrinkle will
bo noticed by all passersby, and more
particularly by the older residents,
as tho old doublo-door had not been
changed since the erection of the
bank some twenty or more years ago.
item i
At this time of year it is well
to keep a bottle of cough medi
cine in the house. A slight cold
may develop into pneumonia or
croup. We handle several first
class cough remedies which have
been on the market for years and
have stood the test of time. They
contain no harmful narcotics or
alcohol and are reliable remedies.
Ore E, Cope,
Avoca, - Nebraska
LaGrippe Coughs
Strain and weaken the system and if
not checked may develop Into pneu
tronla. No danger or this when
Foley's Honey and Tar is taken
promptly. It Is a reliable family
medicine for all coughs and colds,
and acts quickly and effectively In
cases of croup. Refuse substitutes
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Ijook for the Bee Hive.
On the package when you buy
Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs
and colds. None genuine without the
Bee Hive. Remember the name,
Foley's Honey and Tar, and reject
any substitute. Sold by F. O. Fricke
& Co.
For Sale.
200 hedge posts. Inquire of D. A.
Young. 2-2-3tw
John Crablll viewed the auto show
this afternoon after looking up a few
business matters in Omaha.
Uivtn,.. cn . 'V
Appllsd Into lh noalriU
la quickly abaorbed.
It clonnso, ioollii'H, ln'iila Bud protivtn ths
dixenu'd MiMiilirniio reuniting froul Catiirrh
ttml driven RWny a Cold iu the Hond quickly,
lii xton's tho Simso of TitMe ud Smell.
It U hkt to uho. Ctmtuiu no injuriu
dni(. No tuprrury, no cocaine, no mOr.
jiliino. The household remedy, (
Trine, 50 eentu t Jrtiyist or Vy umil.
ELY BROTHERS, 66 Wirrtn St., New York.