The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 20, 1911, Image 6

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Missouri Pacific Railway Co.
Would End Manley Elevator
Case. ,
The Missouri Pacific Railway com
pany has Med in federal court a mo
tion to dismiss the case of the Mis
souri Pacific company versus Hudson
J. Wlnnett, the Nebraska state rail
way commission and the Manley Co
operative Grain association, wherein
the railway company had prayed for
an Injunction against, the railway
commission. The company bad been
ordered ly the state railway commis
sion to construct and operate a
switch to accommodate the Manley
Co-Operatlve Grain association ele
vator at Manley, Neb. The railway
company applied for an Injunction to
prevent the enforcement of the Judg
ment requiring the building of the
track and the switch. The Missouri
Pacific now represents that the con
troversy Involved has been settled be
tween the company and the grain as
sociation, with the approval of the
t-tate railway commission, and the
plaintiff therefore asks that the case
e dismissed without prejudice at the
cost of the complainant. Rome time
prior to March 12, 1907, the Manley
Co-Operative Grain association ap
Iillcd for a site upon the Missouri
Pacific right-of-way upon which to
build an elevator for the private use
and benefit of Iho grain company, ac
cording to tho allegation of tho plain
tiff. The grain association offered no
compensation for tho Blto. Tho rail
way company refused It. The grain
company then constructed Its
elevator on adjacent ground p.nd ap
plied to the Missouri Pacific Railway
company for the construction of a
switch to lead to the elevator and
conned with the main lino of the
rallrond through the town. The
switch would cost in the neighbor
hood of $500, no part of which the
elevator company doKlred to pay.
The railway company refused to con
struct the switch. The grain com
pany instituted procodlngs In the dis
trict court of Cass county to recover
the penalty of $500 under the law
compelling railroad companies In Ne
braska to afford facilities without
favortlsm or discrimination. Judg
ment was secured against the Mis
souri Pacific company. It was then
that the company made application
for the Injunction, which application
they now ask to have dismissed.
From Sulurdav' 1'aily
VVe woiiflet K the bill calling for
an appropriation ot $25,000 Isn't
likely to slumber In the committee
room too long. Kvery day adds to
the number of bills Introduced In this
t-esslon of the legUalture. and the ap
propriations aBked for are running to
so high a figure, that when paring
time comes, the publicity bill may get
Bwampcd or sidetracked. Friends of
the measure should get It out of the
committee and on to the floor of the
house. It will not do to take chances
on so ImportaHt a measure. All ad
Joining states are considering ap
propriations for advertising their re
ftourccH, and Nebraska cannot afford
to he behind In this Important work.
More publicity insures more popula
tion for Nebraska. Advertising our
resources has been sadly neglected
There are even people In the state
who know but little of the wonderful
natural advantages of our various
localities, says the Fremont Herald.
Failure to advertise Nebraska and
the advantages offered In Its soil and
the valuable resources underlying it,
together with opportunities every
where for manufacturing Industries,
means that people who read of
similar advantages offered by other
states may be attracted there Instead
of to us. Nothing but the truth is
necessary to bring our state before
the world properly, but the trutn
must be blazoned and Bpread and It
takes money and time to do that
effectively. Nebraska Is the best
place in tho world for men and
women to make a living; its entire
atmosphere, both from the stand
point of health and society, with Its
(iiliicntlnn al facilities, and the In
stitutions and Influences that form
the foundation of good citizenship,
all conspire to attract people, but if
we keep our light under the prover
bial bushel much longer, we shall
perhaps awaken to find the tide of
settlement going elsewhere, bocause
of the lack of appreciation in start
ing the boosting of our manifold ad
vantages before the other surround-
Insr states get busy. Pass the bill
without delay.
Mrs. J. II. Kuhns and son, Stanley,
were Omaha passengers on the morn
ing train today, whare they spent the
Misses Ella and Julia Carlson de
parted for Omaha on the morning
train today, where they spent the day
with friends.
Misses llermia and Cecelia Kalasck
spent the day with Omaha friends,
departing for the metropolis on the
early train this morning.
Mrs. C. Peterson was a passenger
to the metropolis this morning,
where she spent the day looking
after matters of business.
Mrs. A. Hammer of Pacific Junc
tion, who has been visiting O. Fields
and family for a few days, returned
to her home this morning.
Mrs. James Holly and children de
parted for Wilbur, Nebraska, on the
morning train today, where they will j
visit relatives for a few days.
Miss Elizabeth Keer, who is teach
ing near Oreopolls, came down from
h,er school last evening and will
spend Sunday with her mother.
Miss Etta Nichols of near Murray
was an Omaha visitor yesterday,
where she spent the day with friends,
returning last evening on No. 2.
Mr. and 'Mrs. O. Fields departed
for Jackson, Nebraska, on the morn
ing train today, where they will visit
Mr. Fields' sister for a few days.
Mr. J. It. Sanders of Walt Hill, Ne
braska, who has been In the city for
two days looking after his business
and real estate Intoresls, departed for
his home this morning.
Mr. O. E. Codington of Auburn
was an over night visitor In the city,
having been called to Plattsuiouth
en business. Mr. Codington depart
ed for his home via Omaha this morn
Mr. If. R. Mitchell of Weeping
Water was an over night visitor at
the home of his sister, Mrs Ella
Foglcsong, departing for the cast on
No. 6 this morning. Mrs. Foglcsong
accompanied her brother.
Mrs. W. A. Rouse of Gretna, ac
companied by her sister, Mrs. I). J.
Mover, and son, Charles, of the same
village, departed for their homes this
morning, having been called to this
city to attend the funeral of little
Guy Hlner.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Janda de
parted for Ord this morning, where
they will visit relatives for a time.
Mr. August Steppct transacted
business In Omaha this forenoon, de
parting for the city on tho early
Mrs. F. H. Wliltaker and daugh
ter, Katie, spent the day In the
metropolis, going on the morning
Miss Blanche Robertson came
down on No. 2 last evening to spend
the week-end with her parents and
sisters. '
Mrs. M. Archer, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Corey, at
Omaha for a few days, returned last
Theodore Starkjohn went to
Omaha on the morning train today,
where he was railed on business for
a few hours.
Mrs. Harris of Omaha arrived last
evening: on No. 32 to visit her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Frlckle
for a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker were
Omaha passengers on the morning
train today, where they will spend
Sunday with relatives.
The Woman's Auxiliary of St.
Luke's parish will meet at the home
of Miss Barbara Goring on Thurs
day. February 23, at 2:30.
Miss Helen Dovey of the South
Omaha schools arrived last evening
to spend Sunday with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. II. N. Dovey.
Mr. J. S. Hall, the Sixth Btreet
merchant, was called to Omaha on the
morning train today, where business
matters demanded his attention.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stoker and son
spent the day In the metropolis view
Ing the scenery and attending to
some business matters ot Importance
Mr. Fred H. Ramge, who has bee
with the Northwestern at Boone
Iowa, resigned his position with th
company and returned to Platts
mouth last evening. Mr. Ramgo will
look after his farming Interests for
the present.
Miss Ethel Ballance came from her
school at South Omaha last evening to
spend Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Ballance. She was
accompanied by Miss Fern MeBrlde,
who will visit relatives and friends In
Plattsmouth for a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. A, F. Seybert arrived
from Cullom ou the morning train to
day and will visit relatives in the city
for a few days. ,
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Ledgway and
daughters, Flora and Jesise, were
Omaha visitors today, departing tor
the city ou No. 15.
Mrs. Joe Hunter and babe ot
Omaha arrived today to be guests of
Mrs. Hunter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Taul Dajeck, for a few days.
Mrs. C. P. Richards spent the day
this morning, where she looked after
business matters for a time.
Miss Cora Loury of Omaha arrived
this morning to be the guests of Miss
Delia Gillis for a lime.
C. Etenner transacted business in
the metropolis this morning, wnere
he went on the early train.
Jay Slever departed for Lincoln
on the morning train today, where
he went to visit friends over Sunday.
Miss Marie Kunz of Elmwood
arrived In Plattsmouth last evening
nd visited friends in the county seat
Mr. Frank Dunbar was a passenger
Ashland this morning, where he
went to visit his mother, Mrs. II. K.
Mrs. S. E. Kerr, who has been
spending several weeks at Kansas
City, Mo., visiting her son, Merrltt,
and family, returned home this morn
Miss Clara Dookmeyer of the
Louisville schools and Miss Lillian
Pookmeyer of Omaha arrived this
morning to spend Sunday with their
Mr. Charles Hula and Mr. A. T.
Fltt transacted business In Omaha
this afternoon for a few hours, hav-
ng boarded the fast mall for that
Assistant Postmaster George K,
Staats departed this afternoon for
DeWltt, Nebraska, where he went to
lslt his sister, Mrs. H. Stout, who
aB been quite sick for some time.
Mr. J. A. Chopieska was called to
maha on the morning train today
to look after some business matters
onnected with the new foundry.
hleh will be set going next week.
Mrs. John Brady and daughter,
Miss Leona, spent the afternoon in
maha, going on the fast mall.
Court Reporter Earl Travis visited
his Omaha friends this afternoon.
olng to that city on the fast mall.
Henry Lobeck of Omaha, who has
been visiting the Grebe home for a
hort time, returned to his home this
Harry Graves, editor of the Union
edgcr, was In the city this morning
nd dropped In at the Journal office
for a friendly chat.
Misses Pauline Oldham and Mattle
Minnear of Murray were visitors In
the city today and were pleasant
allcrs at this office.
Mr. Frank Gobelman was a pas
senger to Omaha on the afternoon
train today, where he was called on
usiness for a few hours.
Councilman George Dovey was
ailed to Omaha this afternoon on
usiness with the jobbers, and left on
the fast mail for that city.
Mrs. J. W. Goodwin and babe were
passengers to the metropolis on the
afternoon train today, where they
lslted friends for a short time.
Miss Margaret McSweeny, who Is
caching at Mynard, boarded the Bur
lington train here today for Omaha
to spend Sunday with her parents. .
Mrs. Tabltha Thacker of Union
arrived on the early Missouri Pacific
rain this morning and looked after
business matters In the county seat
for a few hours.
Miss Mary Petersen, who has been
teaching school near Alvo, has re-
reslgned and returned to her home In
this city and Is assisting in the office
of H. C. McMaken.
Miss Alice Owens 'of LaPlatte was
In the city for a few hours between
trains today and visited with friends
and did some shopping.
Mr. Henry Horn, Jr., and bride
came down on No. 4 this morning
from their home at Cedar Creek, and
transacted business with Flattsmouth
merchants between trains.
Mr. C. W. Ellis of McClelland,
Iowa, who has been a guest of his
cousin, John Kuhney, and family, for
a short tlmo, departed for his home
this afternoon after a very pleasant
visit in the city.
George P. Melslnger and son of
Cedar Creek were visitors In this city
today and wore pleasant callers at
this office, Mr. Melslnger renewing
his subscription to the Old Reliable
for another year.
Cross-Continent .Trip Occupies Only
Seventy-Eight Hours.
New York. Feb. 20. A record In fast
lonif distance travel was made by the
arrival here of Charles O. Gates, son
of Jchn W. Gates, the New York flnan
cler, who completed a dash of nearly
3,000 miles across the continent to o
tain expert treatment for a case ot
blood poisoning. The physician who
met him said there was no immediate
danger and that Mr. Gates might be
blmself again in a few weeks.
A chain of fast trains carried Mr.
Gates over 2.9S9 miles of track in 78
hours. This is an average of thirty
seven miles an hour, counting stops.
The fastest time ever made from Chi
cago to New York 13 that or Mr. Gates
train in 16 hours and 49 minutes.
Representative from Roosevelt's
District Candidate fcr Senator.
New York, Feb. 20. Martin W. Lit
tleton, newly elected Democratic rep
resentative from Theodore Roose
velt's home district, announced his
candidacy for the United States sen
ate, to succeed Chauncey M. Depew.
and supplemented his formal state
nient with a verbal declaration that lit
will take his cause before the people.
Flglil Asalnst War Cbixs Fol
lowed by Memorial Services,
Photo bjr American Press Association
He will speak In Brooklyn tomorrow
eight, in Manhattan Wednesday night
and, perhaps, thereafter upstate. JU
. .. i. . -. Li. .. i : i .
through a letter to Lieutenant Govern
or Conway.
The addition of one more name tc
the list of candidates aheady in thi
field caused no great excltemem
among the leaders here, though II
stirred Borne curiosity among them at
to Littleton's motives In coming for
ward Ht this time; why he shoulo
write to Lieutenant Governor Conway
and what counsels had aided him It
reaching a decision.
Littleton himself was explicit on ah
these points. He said he came for
ward now because ho had become con
vlnced neither Sheehan nor Sheparo
can be elected.
Only One-Quarter of Cargo Has Beer
Received by Red Cross.
Washington, Feb. 20 Only one
quarter of the cargo of supplies to bt
sent to China on the army transport
Buford, for the relief of the famint
sufferers, has been received, and tht
Red Cross has Issued an urgent ap
peal for provisions and money to com
pleto the cargo.
Contributions of supplies should be
sent to the Seattle Commercial clut
and money for the purchase of sup
piles to the American Red Cross
Washington, D. C
Advices to the Red Cross declare
the plague has spread to Shantunj
province and Is now within 150 mllet
of the famine district. If the dlseast
reaches central" China, where thou
sands are Btarvlng, it is pointed out
the mortality will be appalling.
French Spoliation Claims Also Go
Down to Defeat Possibility Lowei
Body WIJ1 Rush Bills Through Un
der Suspended Rules.
Washington, Feb. 20. A truce en
tered into last evening brought the
long filibuster in the house against the
omnibus war claims bill temporarily
to an end. The agreement was reached
following an intermission of three
hours, devoted to memorial services
and eulogies to the late Senator Clay
of Georgia and the late Representa
tive Brownlow of Tennessee.
These services seemed to put the
house combatants in a more peaceable
frame of mind.
When the house convenes today an
effort will be made to adopt a rule
Bhutting off further delay. It will be
bitterly fought by a new band of fill
busters, made up of former advocates
of the measure as It came from the
Representative Mann (111 ), who con
ducted the original filibuster, ended
his fight when he succeeded in hav
ing the old French spoliation and the
navy yard overtime claims stricken
out. This was accomplished when the
house voted to substitute a house bill
for the senate bill. The house bill
carries only war claims which have
been adjudicated in the court of claims.
The Democrats who were particular
ly interested In the war claims affect
ing southern persons were opposed to
the spoliation claims. When they vot
ed to strike out the latter, however,
they lost the support of the Repub
lican members who favored the omni
bus bill because It included the French
chims. Realizing that the new house
bill probably had not the slightest
chance of pnsslng the senate, Mann
ceased his filibuster.
It was immediately taken up, how
ever, by Representative Gardner
(Mass.), Rennet and Parsons (N. Y.)
and several New England members.
The New Englanders said unless the
bill contained the spoliation claims it
should not pass. They will offer long
amendments to the house bill today
unless the rule excludes them.
Woman Wearing Latest Paris Creation
the Cause of a Riot.
London, Feb. 20. A harem skirt,
the very latest thing in dress for wom
en, caused a riot here. An aristocratic
looking aud fashionably attired wom
an appeared in Regent street, wearing
a pantaloon skirt and it required a
large section of the metropolitan po
lice to handle the riot that followed.
A crowd of rapidly growing propor
tions followed the woman, jeering her
and making many disrespectful re
marks. She tried to flee, but the
cumbersome skirt nearly caused her
downfall. Finally she hailed a cab
and rapidly drove away.
The harem or trouser skirt is one of
the most startling departures from
the conventional dress ever planned
by Paris dressmakers. It consists of
baggy trousers with a panel of cloth
between them. Some are hidden by
a sort of overdress, although this may
be pulled aside or held up so that the
pantaloons effect can be seen. The
trousers are fastened Just above the
Noted Advocate of Man's Garb De
clare She I Vindicated.
Dr. Mary Walker, who hit worn a
f,rock coat, trousers, silk hut aud other
articles of attire usually sacred to mas
culinity, is rejoicing at the news from
Farls that fashion has decreed trousers
for woman.
"I am vindicated," declares Dr. Wal
ker, who now lives in Oswego. N. Y.
"I knew that the time would come
when my sex would be free from the
thraldom of skirts. It Is about here,
and I expect to live to see the time
when trousers will be the universal
Dr. Walker, however, does not wear
the sort of trousers that the Paris mo-
V (
: "
f $ j
dlstes bnve Indorsed. She wears trou
sers made of broadcloth and other ma
terial exactly as men's nre made. The
Parisian modistes are advocating trou
sers that will have frills and furbelows
a-plenty and will resemble the mas
culine gnrwent only In general con
tour. "I have tried various sorts of cloth
ing," said Dr." Walker In discussing the
news from Paris, "and I have been
convinced that the most sensible and
rational garb Is that worn by men.
All women will ultimately adopt this
style and will discard corsets and oth
er articles that are uncomfortable and
unhealthy. The adoption of trousers
Is a step in the right direction."
Sliirt Man Released.
R. A. Margerrell, the shirt sales
man, who was arrested for peddling
In the city without first obtaining an
occupation license, and afterward
jailed for being drunk and disorder
ly, yesterday filed an affidavit for
continuance ot the hearing for the
violation of the occupation ordinance
to Saturday February 25th.
Mr. Margerrell has already filed a
$200 bond and the matter will be
warmly contested unless the shirt
company soes fit to pay up the oc
cupation tax. Margerrell today paid
Into court $5, his fine for being
drunk, and was released by Judge
Mrs. R. W. Dye of Chicago has
been a guest for a short time of her
sister-in-law, Miss Dye, of the city
schools. Miss Dye and her sister-in-
law were Omaha travelers this after
noon, where they will spend Sunday
Murderers Prove Indians.
Reno, Nev., Feb. 20. That the mur
derers of Cambron, Laxague Erra
mouspe and Indlano, Washoe count)
stockmen, were Indians, Is definitely
established, according to the report
tnade by County Physician Morrison
who conducted the Investigation. Tht
pursuing posse numbers twenty, In
eluding two Indian trailers, and they
expect to overtake the Indians in 100
miles, and anticipate a fight.
Snow Covers Missouri.
Kansas City, Feb. 20. More than
ten Inches of snow covers the greatei
part of western Missouri, Kansas and
Oklahoma today. Little snow is molt
Ing. The weather Is colder this morn
ing. The snow came after a rain ot
days. Farmers are overjoyed, because
their ground was badly in need of the
Contraband Quail Seized.
Enid, Okla., Feb. 20. Three hun
dred and ninety crates of contraband
quail were seized by Game Warden
Eggleston here en route to Chicago,
estimated at 9,000 birds. This Is the
biggest capture In Oklahoma In Ore
Mr. Arnold Takes No Stock In Report
That She Is in Idaho.
New York, Feb. 20. Notwithstand
ing the news dispatches telling of the
detention at Sand Point, iaa., oi a gin
answerlnn the description of Dorothy
AmniH hnr father. Francis U. Ar-
Alft.v.u, " - - -
nolrt la as certain as ever that his
ri.iueliter is dead.
"I have received a private teiegrara
similar to the press dispatches from
tdaho." he said, "but take no stock
in that clue. We have received doz
ens of such telegrams since Dorothy
- i . ... . . . i -
Mr. Arnold admlttea mai ne nan a
rnnference WltR LMBinci auuiubj
whitmnn. but declined to discuss the
report that they had any possible clue
his daughter had met aeaia oy emu
inal means.
I recommend no sour ascetic
life. I believe not only in the
thorns on the rosebush, but in
the roses which the thorns de
fend. Asceticism is the child of
sensuality and superstition. She
Is the secret mother of many a
secret sin. God when be made
man's body did not give us a
fiber too much nor a passion too
many. I would steal no violet
from the young maiden's bosom;
rather would I fill her arms with
more fragrant roses. But a life
merely of pleasure or chiefly of
pleasure is always a poor and
worthless life, not worth the liv
ing, always unsatisfactory In Its
course, always miserable in its
end. Theodore Tarker.
Engtiah Salvation Army Captain Be
lieves In Sensational Method.
Sensationalism In the pulpit is not
confined to the United States, as some
persons believe. Iu England, regarded
by many as the home of conservatism,
churchgoers sometimes see things that
would shock eveu the most liberal of
Captain Brodle, an olDcer In the Sal
vation Army, receutly has been preach-
Steamer Arrives on Fire.
Newnort News. Va., Feb. 20. The
steamship S'.oterdljk of the Holland
American line arrived here from Rot
terdam with the cargo in her hold on
nre. Tugs and fire engines were called
and after streams had been playing
upon the burning cargo for hours the
flames were extinguished.
Two Large Factories Closed.
Waltham, Mass., Feb. 20. The Hood
rubber mills in E?.:t Watertown were
shut down until Feb. 27 because of a
lack of orders. The company employs
3,500 operatives. The Boston cotton
mills hero have 1.000 hands idle.
Expelled; Girl Gets Damages.
St Augustine, Fla., Feb. 20. Miss
Helen Hunt, who was expelled from
Stetson university three years ago,
was awarded $15,000 by a Jury at De
land in her suit against President Lin
coln Hulley of the school.
..... i ; ' .
k it
Ing a series of sermons ou "Death."
Ho says that most persons remember
what tbey seo, but speedily forget
What they hear; consequently he
wants to appeal to the eye In order
more deeply to Impress his words on
the congregation.'
So Captain Brodle adopts a garb that
will be remembered. With a head
piece that makes him look like a skel
eton he enters tho pulpit and discourses
on death and what it menus. He snys
that he wants his bearers to thluk
bout death aud the hereafter aud that
If his grewsome costume has that ef
fect It Is justifiable.
day with friend
In the metropolis, going on No. 15
with relatives.