The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 20, 1911, Image 2

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Tts Wall Street Journal's 4j
peal Considered by Pas
tor Russell.
rjttsburg. Ta.,
Feb. 13. - Pastor
It ii.ssell of Brook
lyn Tabernacle
gave two Interest
ing discourses here
today to lurge and
appreciative audi
dences. We report
one of theiie from
the text, "Righteousness ICxaltetb a
Nation; Put Sin Is a Kepronch to any
reople" (Proverbs xlv, 3). Tbe speak
er snld:
Many besides myself surely were as
tonLsbed to read tbo following extract
from the Wall Street Journal, nnder
the caption, "Wbat America Needs":
"Wbnt America need more than rail
way extension and western Irrigation,
and o bigger wheat crop, and a mer
chant marine, and a new nary, Is a
revival of piety, the kind father and
mother used to have piety that count
ed It good business to stop for dally
family prayers before breakfast, rlnht
In tbe middle of harvest; that quit Held
work a half hour earlier Thursday
night, so ns to get the chores done and
go to prayer -meeting. That's what we
need now to clean the country of filth,
of graft, and of greed, petty and big,
of worship of Duo bouses and big
lands, and high office and grand social
This reached the eye of Bishop Can
dler, whose comment Is so appropriate
that I cannot do better than quote it
"This editor Is right In calling us
back to more earnest forms of life thun
all these things Involved. lie wants
religion lu iho home; he cnlls for lives
ft prayer; be Insists that wo need the
most earnest typo of religion to save
the country from moral wreck. And
he Is right Cut can wo get that sort
of religion under the spur of the mo
tive to which he nppeals? Hardly.
"Wo cannot get a revival of religion
by arrUiir; a revival of religion. No
whero lu God's Word are men admon
ished to seek religion or to seek a re
vival of religion. They arc always
urged to seek God. All the revivals
of religion which have blessed the
world In tho history of tho past have
come when men have undertaken to
neck God. None have ever come oth
erwise. We cannot deify eveu a revival
of religion. God must bo the supreme
object of our love and desire.
"Man Called Preachers Have Explained
- Away the Word of God."
"Herein Is our trouble we have lost
God. Men culled preachers have ex
plained away the Word of God, mak
ing It no longer a euro word of proph
ecy, but nn nntlquo for tho critics to
annlyzo and discuss. Tho moral law
has been lowered. Tho ten command
tnents have been rckoned as a piece
of Mosaic plagiarism uppl cnblo to the
moral needs of undent nomads In tho
wilderness, but have no more than a
qualified bearing on the life of today.
The Sermon on tho Mount has been
treated ns 'An Iridescent dream.'
"Tho Lordship of Jesus Christ lias
been denied, while treacherous com
pliments have been poured out upon
his nnmc, as that of a great teacher
und a noble martyr. Ills teachings
liavo been defied or set nsldo wherever
they Btood lu tho way of a ram
pant worldllness or an Insurgent ra
tionalism. Tho outcoino of It nil Is
that multiplied thousands hare lost
"ill knowledge of God In their souls.
To all Intents and purposes God Is
dead to them. They take no account
of Ills will In any of their plans and
doings, but llvo as If thero wero no
God. They are atheists without tnk
Ing the trouble to declaro formally the
atheism which they have Inwardly ac
"Tho peoplo must now bo colled to
seek God. Ho Is a real, living Person,
and lie will bo found of thoso who sin
terely seek lllui. Hut lie must bo
sought as the supremo need of tho
lives of men. He must bo sought for
Ills own snko. Ilo will not bo found
of men who seek 1 1 1 in simply to remo
ly a bad commercial situation, or to
cure social and political Ills. Ho will
not consent to bo used ns a sort of
celestial and omniscient chief -of police
to help us suppress grafting and steal'
Ing and licentiousness.
"It Is qulto truo that If oil tho peo
plo turned to God they would bo turu
d away from every evil thing. Cut
they will never turn to God until they
feel that the worst disaster In life Is
that ono should fall to know our Ileav
enly Futher. They must bo ninJo to
feel tho sorrowfulness of tho orphan
ago of tho soul until, like the prodigal
of the parable, they begin to say each
within himself, 'I will nrlso and go to
my Fa I her
"Wo bnvo had already too great
disposition to try to uso God for all
sorts of social ameliorations, moral re
forms, nnd political renovations. It Is
time now wo sought III in for Himself
alone. It Is time wo began to cry with
tho rsnlmlHt, 'Whom have I In heavq
but Tlieo. and thero Is nmio upon
I )
earth thot T desire beside Thee Then
indeed we shall And Him, when our
hearts pant for Illin. us the hurt pant
eth after the water-brooks."
Difficulties In the Way, 8ays Paator
The words of the Wail Street Jour
nal respecting the need of the old lime
religion are along proper Hues. The
Lishop sci's clearly what 1 also have
so frequently pointed out. namely,
that the so-called New Theology, High
er Criticism and Evolution theory have
so undermined faitb (hat It would be
folly to look for a return of the pious
earnestness of the past, which was
built upon a living faith, even though
It was not the pure faith "once deliv
ered unto the saints" (Jude 3).
We do not admit that none today
are pious; that none are what St. Paul
styled "sanctified In Christ Jesus"
(I Corinthians 1, 2). We claim that
there are as honest, as upright, as
loyal children of God today as ever
lived In the world. But they are few.
The vast majority, under the false
teaching mentioned by the Bishop,
have utterly lost the "faitb once de
livered to the saints." The great ma
jority of professed Christians are drift
ing. Long ago they gave up the creeds
of the "dark uges," and, believing that
the Bible taught the same things as
the creeds, it also Is being abandoned
as too absurd for present-day intelli
gence. Higher Criticism (another namo
for Infidelity and opposition to the Bi
ble). Evolution, Christian Silence,
Theosophy and Atheism hnve swallow
ed up tho majority of tho Intellectuals
of the Churches, and the mediocre
masses are rapidly following them Into
tho outer darkness of unbelief and
It Is Impossible for an honest man
who has lost his faith In God, and lu
tho Bible as the Word of God. to tako
a real heart-Interest In prayer-meetings,
In Bible study and In attempted
holy living. He finds nothing substan
tial for his faith to rest upon. lie
scorns to be n hypocrite, nence the
old time religious 11 fo Is not to bo gen
erally expected.
Modern Revivals Unsatisfactory.
Modern revival methods (slangy talk,
clownish actions and a pretense that
rising to one's feet In a public assem
bly means Christian reformation and
spirit-begetting) Is too foolish for think
ing people of tho class represented by
tho Editor of tho Wall Street Journal.
It Is not for us to say that absolutely
nothing is accomplished, and that all
fall away who, under excitement.
stand up to bo prayed for, or to Indi
cate that they prefer to spend eternity
In bliss rather than In torture. We
do, however, mean to say that such
persons are bewildered, If no worse.
and n yenr after, we fear, are as bad
or worse than tho year beforo. This Is
because they are not really converted
-because they have no real foundation
for faith given them, nnd hnvo no
faith to put upon such a foundation.
They aro not even what St. Paul styles
"Babes In Christ" (I Corinthians III. D,
for only tho spirit-begotten belong to
that class.
What Is Really Needed.
The revival really needed should not
bo looked for nor exoected nmoinrst
worldly people. They have nothing of
Christianity to revive. It should begin
with Christians who hnve not vet lost
all their faith In God and In tho Bible.
These should beconio awakened to tho
fact that spirituality and faith aro nt
n low ebb. Their prayers should as
cend to God, nnd their Bibles should be
studied ns never before. They should
make uso of present-day helps In their
iwiio study and become fervent nnd
revivified of spirit through a better un
derstanding of the Scriptures. They
must seo that tho Blblo wns not prop
erly represented In the creeds of the
past; that It Is in direct opposition to
ninny of the doctrines -of the pnst
wmcn have Justly beconio renulslvo to
Intelligent minds.
When onco they cot tho nroner foen
on God's Word, ono pnssago Illuminat
ing another, their faith In God and In
tho Bible will beconio a living one, a
moving one. nnd. w th this milrlt f.iiih
and works will conio-Chrlstlnn real,
fervency of spirit In the servlco of the
ioru. YUtb theso in turn will rnm.
activities In helping ono another, nc-
in hips m mm lv worshln. In nihi
classes, In proyer nnd testimony meet
ings, .etc. i lien, as tho Master said,
they will let their light shlno nnd thn
worldly will see aud bo Influenced by
theso living epistles, known and rend
of nil (II Corluthlnus ill, 2).
Most Important Points.
It Is useless for any to attempt to
bellero, or to attempt to tench others
that God Is great, nnd Just, and lov
lug, whllo at the same tlnio teaching
that lie prepared, before the founda
tion of tho world, an lmnienso torturo
chamber In which thousands of mil
lions would bo forced to spend eter
nity. How our forefathers could bo
llevo this nnd yet believe somehow or
other that God Is Love we do not un
derstand. It was their faith In God's
Ixve, and not their faith lu eternal
torment, which constituted tho power
of God working In them for good nnd
which offset the errors of their creeds
to u largo degree. But no one of to
day who Is nt nil nwnko con any long
er think of worshipping a God inferior
to himself. A God unjust nnd unlov
ing, or unkind niul powerless, can no
longer be worshipped lu spirit nnd In
What the world needs, and what
first of all tho Church needs, Is to get
doctrlnally straight In respect to the
Almighty's character, nnd In respect to
Ills purposes for His human crea
tures. As soon ns that condition of
mind shall bare been renched there
will be no need to prHy or ask for re
vivals of rellglon-they will follow lr
resist Ibly.
But what do wo see opposing any
such desirable denouement? Wo sc
two hundred thousand Protestant min
isters aud Sunday-School superintend
ents working against such desirable
.results. We see about two-thirds of
them advocating Higher Crltlclsm-ln-Odellty
and one-third of them striving
to bold tbe !eople In Ignorance respect
ing the teachings of the Bible concern
ing man's future seeking, by infer
ence at least, to uphold the ntroclous
doctrines of devils foisted upon God's
people by the great Adversary during
the "dark ages." It is a sad picture.
Has It uo silver lining?
The Cloud's Silver Lining.
There are still a saintly few In the
world who are not bowing their knee
to Baal, not worshiping the golden
calf of mammon, not wundering, not
seeking to prove that they are de
scendants of monkeys, not seeking to
figure God out of creation and to say
that nnture is God. In this time,
when others are going lntorouter dark
less, theso children of God, feeding
upon His Word, are being blessed and
refreshed In spirit as never before. To
them God's Word Is shining more
brightly as the days go by; the rough
places are becoming smooth and the
dark places clear. To them tte glory
of the Divine character is being re
vealed. The secret of the Lord Is with
them. He Is showing them His Cove
nant and making them to understand
many of the deep things of Ills Word,
which the natural eye has not seen,
nor the natural ear heard, neither have
theso things entered into the heart of
tho natural man-things which be hatn
In reservation for them that love Him.
These are now seeing that the King
dom for which He taught us to pray is
not a myth; these are seeing that it
did not come nt Pentecost, nor when
Papacy wns established, nor with tho
establishment of nny of the sects of
Christendom. Consequently they aro
now praying from the heart, "Thy
Kingdom conic," nnd waiting for the
glorious Messiah, promised , to begin
Ills great work of blessing natural Is
rael nnd through Israel all the families
of the earth (Acts xv, 14 17; Acts III.
Theso see that tho Kingdom of God's
dear Son Is to be one of "power and
great glory"; that before It. In a tlmo
of trouble, every other religion nnd in
fluence will crumble to dust; that Satan
shall be bound, nnd for a thousand
years tho most blessed Influences favor
ablo to righteousness will bo brought
to bear upon mankind.
Church and World Standards.
During tho "dark ages" tho fact that
the Church is a specially culled, cho
sen, faithful class (and only "a little
flock"), wns seen nnd prenched to somo
extent. But this lofty Church stand
ard wns di 111 cult of application to the
world, and tho world's hope, under a
different stnndard, was not seen. It
clarifies our minds greatly when we
recognize that the elect few are Intend
ed by God to be the world's Instructors
and helpers by nnd by, when the world
will bo granted an opportuiiltyof res
cue from sin nnd death not to heaven
ly conditions, but to earthly Restitu
tion of nil that was lost by Adam's
transgression and Redeemed by tho
Great Sacrifice of Calvary (Johu ill. 1C;
Isaiah xxxV).
After learning that the hell to which
tho world goes lu death Is tho grave,
nnd that It is nn unconscious condi
tion, n "sleep," tho next lesson Is the
resurrection of tho dend-"Many that
sleep In tho dust of the earth shall
awake, somo to shame nnd
lasting contempt" (Daniel xll, 2). Man
kind fall nsloep with experiences only
with unrighteousness nnd very indis
tinct glimpses 'of holiness nnd saint
ship. When awakened they will roc
ognlzo the glory, honor nnd Immortal
ity of the saintly Brido of Christ nnd
bo recipients of her lor Ing care nnd
blessing, In proportion ns they respond
to tho blessed privileges of that time.
As the Restitution work will progress,
nnd they obedleutly rise from their
degradation, their shnme nnd contempt
will gradually disappear, nnd eventual
ly perfection of human nature mny be
attained In nn earth also attaining per
fection, as tho Garden, of tbo Lord. -
Error Losing Its Power.
Intelligent people no longer believe
the God-dishonoring doctrine of eter
nal torture, nor even tho doctrine of
purgatorial suffering. Having lost
these, they are doubting every reli
gious teaching. What they need to see
la tho Bible's presentations. They
should seo the "high cnlllng" now ex
tended to the faithful, saintly few nnd
should sit down and count the cost
beforo undertaking so great a contract
as to becomo members of that Royal
If they do not accept this, the only
call now extended, they should have
In mind that there is n general Lnw of
Retribution operating expressed In tho
terms, "Whatsoever a man soweth,
that shall ho also reap." They should
understand clearly that every thought
and word and act of theirs will have
to do with their future conduct nnd
affect them more or less favorably In
tbo resurrection, when Messiah's King
dom will provide to every man a full,
gracious opportunity of Restitution to
bumnu perfection in a world-wide
To the Kingdom of Messiah belongs
tho promise, "Righteousness exnlteth
a ration." His will bo a reign of
righteousness, and, by Divine direction,
will have control of tho whole world
for the uplifting of nil mankind Re
deemed by tho precious blood of Cal
vary. At present, In every kingdom
under heaven we see exemplified the
latter part of our text, "Sin Is a dis
grace to any people" to tho whole
world. Let us accept the direction of
God's Word nnd net our faces toward
righteousness with greater teal than
ever to attain Divine favor, either by
tho "high calling'" of this present tlmo
or by tho blessed Restitution tlme
soon to be ushered In (Acts ill, 19-23).
The undersigned will sell at Public
Auction at bis home on the old Jen
kins farm In Eight Mile Grove, three
and one-half miles west and two
miles north of Murray; three and one
half miles west and two miles south
of Mynard, on
The following property, to-wlt:
17 head of good horses.
Eight head of hoga. .
Eight milk cows.
One team mares, black and sorrel,
8 years old, weight 3,000.'
One sorrel mare, with foal, 7 years
old, weight 1,400.
One bay mare, with foal, 8 years
old, weight 1,350.
One bay gelding 4 years old,
weight 1,650.
One bay mare, 6 years old, weight
One dapple gray gelding, 7 years
old, weight 1,200.
Ono driving team, bay and sorrel,
11 and 12 years old, weight 2,000.
One gray mare, 3 years old, weight
One black gelding, 3 years old,
weight 1,250.
One gray gelding, coming 2 years
One roan gelding, coming 2 years
One black mare, coming 2 years
One black colt, coming yearling.
Two coach colts, coming yearlings.
Eight head of cows, some fresh,
some soon will be.
Two 2-year-old bulls.
Seven head of shoats, and one full
blooded Poland-China sow, bred.
Two dozen chickens.
Farm Machinery.
One McCormlck binder, G foot.
One Champion mower.
One McCormlck hay rake.
One James corn elevator and horse
One Star disc, 16x16.
One John Deere 2-row machine,
nearly new.
One 12-lnch Grandetour gang plow.
One 2-row stalk cutter.
Ono Jumbo force feed seeder and
grass seed attachments.
One three-section harrow.
One Badger cultivator.
One riding lister, combined.
One Avery cultivator.
One Avery Stump cultivator.
One 1-hole corn sheller, new.
One 1-horse corn drill.
One walking lister.
One 16-lnch stirring plow.
One pair horse clippers.
One three and one-quarter-inch
Mandt wagon; 1 three-Inch wagon.
Two Moon Pros, buggies, one new.
Ono set one nnd three-quarter har
ness, brass mounted.
Two sets of lly nets; two saddles.
Three sets of one and one-half inch
working harness.
One set of buggy narness.
Four set of horse blankets.
One hoy rack; 1 bob-sled; 1 sleigh
and bells.
Some blnrksmlth tools.
One Fulton fanning mill.
One lard press and sausage stuffer
About 2,000 feet of walnut, ash and
elm lumber; some fence posts.
Household goods, nnd many other
articles too numerous to mention.
Sale Commencing at 10 A. M. Sharp.
All sums of $10 and under, cash
In hand; over $10, a credit of six to
twelve months will be given, the
purchaser giving good bankable
paper bearing interest at 8 per cent
from date. No property to leave the
premises until settled for.
G. E. BERGER, Owner.
Robt. Wilkinson, Auctioneer.
T M. Patterson, Clerk.
Horses and Mules Wanted.
Frank Anderson, the veteran Dorse
and mule buyer, will make the follow
ing towns as per dates below:
Louisville, Neb., Monday, February
20th; Manley on Tuesday, February
21st; Union, Wednesday, Feruary
22nd; Murray, Thursday, February
23rd; riattsmouth, Friday, February
24, 1911. I buy all kinds of full
aged horses and mules that will go
to market worth from $10.00 up to
as good as grows. I especially want
some good fat mules. Bring In your
stock and lets have a deal.
2-113td3tw. Frank Anderson.
Mrs. Will Stevens of LnPlatte look
ed after her week-end shopping in
riattsmouth between trains todayv
Herman Greeder,
Graduate Veterinary Surgeon
(Formerly with U. S. Department
Licensed by Ksbraska State
Calls Answered Promptly
Telephone 378 Whito, riattsmouth
e it inn
The most reasonable thing a man can do in
weather like this is to buy one of our nin coats. Here
are some prices:
A good quality Black Slicker in Bhort and 4 CAiAf,k4
long lengths V wU IO 0
New Vulcanized Rubber Coats for dress wear. Light Cl
and comfortable O O w
Men's Kattle King Storm Coats -guaranteed 650
Men's Kiki Automobile Rain Coats guaranteed... 1 OaOO
Men's Lightweigh Stylish Gaberdines, $"7 Cf 4 (aa
domestic and imported p mZJ TO ywv
Umbrel,a8..75C j 1 f 1 .5Q 80(1 UP tO $5
B L-3B
Styled a Conundrum Social at
the Presbyterian Church, Given
by the C. E. Society.
From Saturday's Dally.
Another step was taken last night
toward raising funds for the church
calendars of the Presbyterian church,
when the C. E. society gave rather a
novel, affair, It being a conundrum
social, In the parlors of Ihe church
last evening. It had been advertised
as a mysterious affair and those at
tending mU'ht expect to be surprised,
but no ono dreamed what the com
mittee in charge had In store for
them. There was a large attendance
in spite of the very disagreeable
weather and a most enjoyable time
was had.
In addition to the surprise In store
for them, the entertainment for the
evening was much increased In In
terest by a short musical program.
Miss Mildred Cummin3 and Mrs. Wil
liam Balrd, both very popular elocu
tionists, gave readings. As usual,
they kept the audience thoroughly
at attention by their finished style
and manner of reciting. The musical
numbers also added materially to the
success of the entertainment. Miss
Helen Chapman, Miss Mildred John
son and Miss Fern Long contributed
vocal solos, which were rendered In
a very charming manner.
Following the program the mys
tery was revealed. Supper was an
nounced and the guests requested to
take their places at the tables, which
had been prettily decorated. After
the guests had been seated they were
handed typewritten menus by the
waitresses, and this is when the sur
prise came in, as the entire menu
consisted of conundrums and the
guests were roquested to give the
waitresses an order for at least three
of the conundrums and then there
were some genuine surprises, as the
viands ordered were served and all
entered very enthusiastically In the
fun and frolic.
During the course of the evening
Waldemar Soennichsen and others
furnished lots of nice music, which
was most highly appreciated. The
entire little entertainment was a
most unique one, and which helped a
whole lot toward the object for which
it was given.
By applying two coats Of WRIGHT'S CONDENSED SMOKE
directly to tbe meat with a brush after the meat has gono
through tho salt, It will be thoroughly smoked, will liavo a
delicious tinvor end will keep aoiid and sweet and free, from
Insects through tho entire summer,
Wright's Condensed Smoko
v r, v
Jis a linuld mnoke And
by burning hickory wood. It t nut up in square quart bottles only, each with a
niftal cap. NEVKIt SOLD IN 1JULK. A bottle will smoke a barrel of moat
?S0 lbs.). For milo by nil irutfKit at 7fc. Every bottle guaranteed, Ak
drnwlxt for KTIKR HOOK, "Tho Mew Way." Uo sure to get tbo genuine.
WltlUUT'S COMDliNHliD SMOKE, iludo only by
Notice of Order to Show Cause.
To Laura J. Walllnger, widow, and
Roy George Walllnger, Guy Charles
Wallinger, Ilarley Henry Walllnger,
minor children, the sole and only
hairs of John H. Wallinger, and to
all persons Interested In the estate of
John H. Wallinger, deceased:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that the following order to
show cause has been made in the fol
lowing matter:
In the District Court of the County
of Cass, Nebraska. In the matter of
the estate of John H. Walllnger, de
ceased. Order to Show Cause.
Now on this 28th day of January,
A. D., 1911, this cause came on to be
heard by the undersigned, Judge of
the District Court for the County of
Cass, State of Nebraska, upon the
petition of Charles W. Stoehr, ad
ministrator of the estate of John II.
Walllnger, deceased, praying for
license to sell lots Eight (8) and
Nine (9), in Block Three (3), In tho
Village of Cedar Creek, County of
Cass, State of Nebraska, or a suffi
cient amount thereof to paythe debts
allowed and outstanding against tho
estate of said deceased, and the ex
penses of the administration thereof,
it appearing from said petition that
there ds insufficient personal estate
of said deeenesd. In the possession of
said administrator or belonging to
said estate to pay said debts and the
expenses o' administration, Basil S.
Ramsey and William C. Ramsey, at
torneys, appearing for said petitioner.
It Is Therefore Ordered, That all
persons interested In said estate ap
pear before me at the Court House
In the City of Plattsmouth, County of
Cass, State of Nebraska, at the hour
of nine o'clock a. m., on the 7th day
of March, A. D., 1911, to show cause
why a license should not be granted
to said administrator to sell the
above described real estate belonging
to said deceased, or so much thereof
as shall be necessary to pay the debts
of said deceased and the expenses of
administering his said estate.
And It Is Further Ordered, That
all persons interested in said estate
be served with this order by the pub
lication of a copy thereof In The
Plattsmouth Semi-Weekly Journal, a
newspaper published and of general
circulation In said county and state,
four successive weeks, prior to said
day and hour of hearing.
Dated this 28th day of January,
A. D., 1911.
By the Court,
Harvey D. Travis,
. Judge.
Basil S. Ramsey, and
William C. Ramsey, Attorneys.
For Sale.
I have four pedigreed Hereford
bulls, from a year and a half to two
years bid, ready for service. Sired
by my herd bull, AJack, weight 2,500
pounds. C. Bengen.
C. S. Mueller of Elmwod was a
riattsmouth visitor last evening and
registered as a guest of the Riley.
contains nothing except what Is obtained
Ltd., Kansas City, Mo.